Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1898)
O. R. & N. DlFlBT TIME SCHEDULES A KBIT! fob From Beppner. fbom 9:30 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, 4:50 a. m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kana&a City, St. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p. m. Ocbam Btsamships 4:00 p. m. From Portland. All Bailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco Bail Oct. 2, 5,8,11, 14, 17. 20, 23, 26, 29. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska 5:00 p.m. September 17 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivbb 4:00p.m. Kx, Sunday Htkamkrs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Willamettb Rivbr 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and VS ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willambtte and 8:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Riviks, Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Fri. Oregon City, Day ton Si Way Land ings. 6:00a.m. Willamittb Rivbb 4:30 p.m. Tues. Thurs. Tues., Thur. aud Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat. lis & Way Land ings. Bnaki Rivbb. Lv. Riparla Lv. Lewiston ally except Riparla to Lewiston daily except Saturday Friday Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. BART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, Goneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. HUE TOD 601)16 EflST ? If bo, be en re and nee that your ticket reads via Tie Nfliiiiisiein Line ....THE.,.. OHIOAOO, BT. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS II THI Great Short Uqc BETWEEN DULUTIT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dliilng and Sleeping Car 1 rains, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME hasgt sn this road a national reputation. All itlasse of uasseiiKers carried on trie vestlhuled trains without eitra charge. Ship your Irelght and travel over this famous line. Ail agents nave tickets. W. n.MSAD, F. C. SWAGE, (ten. Agent. Trav. F. A P. Agt. W Washington St., Portland, Or, CHICAGO Irtee & si. Paul b This Railway Co. Operate ill (raioi on the famooi blook system; its train by eleotrlolly through oul; Usee the elbratid eleolrio berth read ing lamp; ltons cpemlily equipped passenger train vsrr day and uiidit between Ht. I'aul and Hiioago, aud Omaha and Obioago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul A Inn operates atoam-heated vetttilmleil trains, carrying lbs latest private compartment oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room stepr. l'arlor eara. fre reclining cbalr ears, and tbe very beet dioiug obair oar service. I'or lowest rates to any point ta tbe United Plate or Canada, apply to agent or e.lJrna O. J. EDDY, i. W. OAHEY, General Agrnt. Tfsr. Pee. Agent. PorlLnd, Or. Yellew Siena Park Lie TUB ONLY lilhlXtl CAR KOI'TK MOM lUKTl M TO TIIR E4T. 1MK OM.V I'lHri T I.I TO TH K VKU UlWsTtiNE MI I'll A I. fAHK. m. tie. 1 II A. M. IVt riftki&4l SU Arrive. rt I t IvmiA wttt. tl.t'lm amilh I f fcrti.l. -.sal, H.u-fte li .ii. A""". l. m lv U A. M. I'eel, hi' ". Vf a ail iiiiia rt aud eta Portland Tarmne and He. I wwlli. r ll ' .. I amp. ni,wta; 'l.i lilrim.ial sull, I f, M Ht j-.lMts ' 1 pAV t" m Hit"""1!. , kaa i dr end kr klKnil rtf Mltta. J' PATH to et UiMs. Mlleaukee a4 I'M ree lAT MMnrl, flledeitie. .. a ' i4 ! lei Im r jlua. I'nlne dr" M11'"1 I " l'terlJ rltlee tUnage '' tl ru ta io daeUaetlee d Itrtvle. t r,n4ei-4. rY.eJ sad. k , f, ,lMr4nf rt !. !. Seer i itt t en I tihff iitMitiMs, feil ee M lit A. D.CIUHLTON. I f. . Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced ooudnotors and porter. To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and Boston without chanire via Bait Lake. Missouri racincana unieago ana Alton Kys. TWilnvo To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and ucsuaj!", Boston without change via Halt Lake and Chicago, Kock Island & Pacific Ky. To Bt. Joseph, Kansas City and Ht. Louis without chanire via Salt Lake and Burlington Route. Thiiscrlavo To Kansas City and St. Louis with UlUTMliiyS, out change via Salt Lake aud Mis souri Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all Information, inquire of O. R, & N. aud 8. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, S. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. Si Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Haht, Local Agt., Beppner, Or. spokane falls a northern NELSON 4 FORT SOEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Bail Route Without Obange of Cars Between Spokane. Roflslttnd and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Rossland, daily except Sunday: Leave. Arrive. 8I0 A. M Hpokane 8;40 P. M. 1HO A. M Uosnland 8:40 H. H, :10 A.M Nelson 6:45 P, M. Close connections at Nolson with stMmers for Kaslo, and all Kootenai Lake points. Passenxera for Kettle Itiver and Boundary reek oonneot at Haroua with ste dailv. TUROCGD TICKETS -TO THE East and Southeast VIA the AC II 11 THE TIIROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE BLKKPKR8. PULLMAN TOUUIST HLKKPEUH. KIltE KECLININU CHAIU CARS. Portland to Eimtem Citiea Without Change. tjnick Time. 1 nli in ltiol. I'tirHomilly Coiiiiiietnd Kiniirstons, naKK'iKH i IihcHixI tu IJiMllnatiim. L'iw HuIhh. Dni'i't linn to Trans-Miiwliwlppi and lntor natiiiuil Kiixwilion held at Uuiaha, Wobrmika, June lo Novmulwr, Write nnilimiinieil for mfes, timn fahlos and other infiirinaliiiu pertaiuiiitf to Union PaoiAo J. H. IX)THP, or J. C. HAHT Ant, (Inn. Airt.. I.Hft fil Ht., O. It. A N. Co , Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. "Tlic Itcsolalor line" Hie Dulles, Purllaoil i Asluria Navigntioo Ca 9Tzzjk.x&xmm 'DALLES CITY" AUD "REGULATOR" Commencing Monday, May 2nd, the aieamer r ilia Keirniafor IjId will leave l'ortland at IIOKI a, m. and Tbe Dalle at HM a. ro. When yon go to Portland, atop off at ina iMiit' ana tat a trip down the Columbia; yoa will enjoy it, and aava mouey. W.a AI.LAWAT, Ueneral Atfent QncKKHT AND MwT MR KfT UN I TO UTAH, COLORADO, XE II K A SKA, K ASS AS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all VomU EAS1 wul SOUTH. LOOK AT TIN: TIMK. NEW YORK, -I J Jars CHICAGO, aj -ST. LOUIS, 3J -OMAHA. 3 SALT LAKE, 1 1 - Mr! H Free Itwhoini Cbalr Cars rpbdletered T . or 1st Hleepiag Care 1'ullmeo 1'eleoe Hleeplog Car Fur full )rtiulr regarding rates, tinia at trains, eta , rail on or eddreea J. C. HAHT, Ageat O. II A N. CH llei pper, trego O.O.Tsb, W. K.(Vu. Trev. i'eee. Agt. (a Aft. Ii4 Third M., Illen.l, Ore. Hmi KrcinolMCo 44eileteia !r ie. t it Ml. M tanteaf IM Southern Pucific Co M IVit I ttmt a , ,. I. m r i mi 1 1 is I" mmi !, i i iii i mi a isili m...,., r R siM'i wee 9. 4 t. ast., rt..l UNION PA 0110N SHOUT UNERj. Money-saving, money-back baking-powder: Schillings Best. EXPORTS OF UANUFACTUBE8. All Previous Records aarpassed ia tbe Moats. of June. American Economist. The invasion ot foreign markets by tbe manufacturers ot the oountry continues to increase. Tbe figures of the treasury bureau of statistics abow that tbe July export of manafuotare were greater than in any July in the history of tbe oountry, and formed a larger percentage of tbe total exports than in any preced ing year or month in its history. Tbe exports of maonfaotares for tbe month were 825,983,116, and formed 86 47 per cent of tbe total export. No July baa ever shown enob a record ot exports of manufootures, and in no month or year have manntaolares formed so large a percentage of tbe total export. Com pared with a deoade ago the July exports of manufacture have doubled and tbe percentage whioh they form of tbe total exportation ha also nearly doubled. In July, 1888, tbe total exports ot manu factures were bat $11,559,606, or less than half those ot July, 1898; while they formed bat 26.27 per oeot ot tbe total ex ports, against 36.47 per oent in July, 1898. Tbe gain which tbe manufacturing in terest are making in tbe proportion whioh they are obtaining ot tbe total ex port trade ia strongly marked. In July, 1890, they supplied 24.92 per oent of the total export; in July, 1894, 28.16 per oent; in July, 1895, 81.38 percent; in July, 1896, 82.80 per oent; in July, 1897, 33.78 per cent, and in July, 1898, 86.47 per oent, Exports ot maonfaotares in J uly , 1897, were doable those ot a deoade earlier, yet July, 1898, shows an increase of more than 10 per cent over July. 1897, Tbe inorease ia export manufacture extends to nearly all of tbe important industrial intereata of tbe ooantry. Ex ports of agricultural implements in oreaaed nearly 50 per oeot in July, 1898, over July, 1897. Oreat Britain bought from as nearly twice a muoh in this line Id July of tbe present year a in July, 1897; British North America inoreased her porohasee in tbis line 50 per oent; France doubled her purobaaes, as did alto Argentine and tbe other South American countries, while British Au- tralaaia increased 60 per oent. Oar exports ot car and carriages in July, 1898, were more than 33 per oeot greater than in July ot last year, the ex port to Great Britain in this line being 50 per oent greater lhao those of a year ago; while Africa nearly doubled ber purchases ot tbls olass of artioles, and Argentine Inoreased from 82,050 in July, 1897, to 8145,063 in July, 1898, other South American ooaotrie also Increas ing their purchases largely. Exports of oopper in July, 1898, were 83,267 940 in value, a against $2,933,577 in July, 1897. the ohlef increase being to France, Germany, British North America and Mexioo. Oor cotton mannfaolarars mad In July a much betUr record than in tb earlier part ot the calendar year. Their export ot cotton oloth ia July, 18!, amounted to 37.474,071 yards, again! 2H.6H5.165 yarda to July, 1897. To Oreat Britian export of oottou cloth inoreased nearly 20.000 yards, to other Enropeao enootrle 20.000 yard, to British North America 400.000 yard, to Booth Amer ica 220,000 yard, to British East India 110.000 yards, to Africa 470.000 yards The total eiporatlon ot cotton good for the month was $2,203,032 to value, against 11,732.027 to July, 1897. Tb export ot iron and steel ahow remarkable inoreaee, being for the month of July, 1H08, 87,012.977, against 1.918,107 io July of last year. Oreat Britain locreased ber oonaumption of oar swiog machiae nearly 60 pert rent as compered with Jolr of last tear: Mexico nearly doobled her order on tmmw aUlttaf. About im rnf wootaa Us emre daye woe 14 date to rue out bare headed and ber hand ed and ft 1 1 e ana enow bell In tnfctwtnttr. Thev have to be saufflrd ep tike hut houte fluwere before they dare wa lute out In saw vet weather, and mi l he a wnuld ehedilrr at (he thoufht of lollies !nt la (he isse a theli tread reolhrts did The trouble tlee ta the tmrl thai to f homrn enjn peffvrl hrelih end etrenfflh 4 the ! lal womanlf ("iiniia A Wom en who ke well end tig Inreltf ran n4 mjnf bmI (metal health. t( ftrtre' I rttftMi rate all weaanree and diMa of the o Urate and impmianl mm cni d In win-hmd and nmthrr. hit It ! the iiia.1 end ertmua tiniedy ever deviaed att lite fr,ltt ail. nrnts of mnmm II reslntve waenenle t.nrvr, Mretigth end vltOitf It ..ns end ntlil ep IH Kii h have beta shat Urd bv Hms end dtrse II rnrrerla ell lfrtlMtt end drefenta end Mnpe eahsnatina dfaina ll item, t. t"tt inveliJa la twffi hsalth ll te Int.a lril l.rt Ihte ne ,laef dimdere end ! I mI f.rf nn otht II ta Ibe dtervrr of I H V fttre, fiif Ihirtv rm af rta sn'itinf tli,,tla tetW I' H--land hu'fi. ( laMitut, el Rnf ate, H V. Ne eih'f nilHm ran lal He pl ' I ht, II Ml XI, MIW, VM mj .k,ua alt4 tmm"M ml H m Im, ( m4 i ttia.a I i,tuM 4 a, l a I 4,.4 a end A4 m-4 i ml .-lar4 lakle w S-terr r r-. - tk-n I r-4 wit, ,M snl -n , t t, e rmtmi f "in- .-W ta ' r- tnmflkm i e t--4 ml ..- afce stee ewe " M end Uttaka a wti InMtipvtuie) te a t'ttle tllne Ihet If nfirt,d bii. a bg mm In rttr'e hunal -lle car ritpitMn one Inn ' rt''t " t, a rt Usaiivt end It" , a saitd reteeittt tM ai iir TwW sewing machines; Brazil inoreased hers by 75 per oent, and the exports of thia artiole to Afrioa were doable in Ju'y, 1897. Bars and rods of steel other than wire inoreased from 2,726,393 pounds in July, 1897, inoreased 961 pounds in July, 1898; wire inoreased from 8,120,424 pounds in July, 1897, to .16,217,144 pounds in July, 1898; steel plates and sheet inoreaard from 725,514 pounds in July, 1897, to 9,962574 pounds in July 1898 ; locomotive increased from 8167,- 988 in July. 1897. to 635.7(i6 m Jnlv. 1898; out nails from 5,538,212 pounds in July, 1897, to 7,363,262 pounds in July, 1898, and wire nails from 1,961,511 pounds io July, 1897, to 4,390,096 pounds in July, 1898. Tbe following table shows tbe total value of exports of manufactures lo July of each year during tbe past decade, also the percentage which manufactures tormsd of the total exports in eaoh month mentioned: Exports of .$11,559,606 . lH.ftfS.OM far cent, of total exports. 26 27 26.57 24 32 25.76 19.97 '24 01 28 16 31.18 32.80 33.78 36.47 July- im 1889 ., 1890 13,320,018 11 14,675,428 1892 11.4291)15 WJ3 10,104,276 JtS 14.532,48 "wo , 17,308,192 !' 21.553,500 1897 23.fiG9.fiX5 1'J8 ,988,ll6 THK WOBK AT MANILA. General Merrill's Bepnrt of the Captnrs of iv Manila. General Merritt's report ot tbe capture of Manila ha not received halt tbe atten tion that it should. Tbe detailed report is summed up in tbe follow ins closina words : "I desire here to record my apprecia tion of the admirable manner in whioh tb orders for the attaok and tbe plan for occupation of tbe oity were oarried oat by tbe troops exaotly as oontem plated. I aobmit that tor troop to enter under fire a town ooveriog a wide area, to rapidly deploy and guard all prinoipal points in the extensive luburbs, to keep out tbe insurgent toroes pressing for ad mission, to quietly disarm an army of Spaniards more than equal io number to the Amerioan troops, and finally, by all this, to prevent entirely all rapine, pil lag and disorder, and gain entire and oomplete possession ot a oity of 800,000 people filled with natives hoatile to the Enropeao interest and stirred op by tbe knowledge that their own people we' fighting In the outside trencbea, was an aot which only the law abiding, temper ate, reaolut American aoldier, well and skillfully bandied by bis regimental and brigade oommander, could accomplish." That is decidedly different from moat of the report made daring the late war. There ia do mention of elf; all tbe praise is given to the commaod under bim, and still it fa easy to see that those plans were not oarried out notil they were first formulated and o explained to (nbordioate that their part waa but to move tba castle, bishop and pawn a maeter uiiod behind all bad dirroted. Not an excuse baa bad to ta sent from Manila. From tbe time of tbe opening ohoroa on Ibat lit of May morning notil lb final captor of the place, tbe official dispatches nav all been brief; there having been oo promise io advance ot what was to be; only tbs execution has been reported, and that io way to earry tba idea that what bad been ac comptiahed waa not tcoob to do. Ad miral Dewey's work was mighty sur prise to tbs whole world, and when tba first news cam it wa flubbed. With jutt little heralding ib work ot Geo. Merritl wa dona, aod doo jnat at thoroughly as was that of the Beet. Oreat men are Dwy and Merritl, aod their work was poeibl becau tby had great tools lo do their will. Pall Lk Tribooa. Sol b apeed aad Cent fort. Tba bnsloee mil oompelled to travel at Ibla teaaoa ot tbe year, at all at the tourist traveling for pleasare, demands oomfort at well aa rapid Iraoeit. Tb Rio Oraodt Weetera aod ita cooneetino famish both. From lb reoifio North- weet, paeeeotert are landed la Chicago la three day and half, aad ia New lotk ia leas lhaa fir day. farther- mora, tbt paeetwier It flveo hit cbotoe ot three roale tbroagh Colratn, aad fear eet ttiereot. Ttcketa art sold via Hloai City. Oaaba; Kansas Cttf. Kr lxal or Cbioagn. Prom tht tint tb paaeeagnf leaf m Halt Lake Oily nntil be rear he Dearer tier it out ererolang. psaorama of tht beautiea of oalore, bather the lUwktea art amaaaHl via the Teooeeee. Ilageraoaa tr Marshall (eeaea. Tboee who deelr it, er givea, without ritra toet, a dey't atopovet In Halt Lake City, affording aa epporloaity of smu Iba beentUe of lb Mormoo eapllal, aad I so easnrlng a da light rlda Ibrnofh (Morsxto, Jnetly lerrued. heeeq of Its efenery." the Hwitaerland of AmeHe. Via tba Itio (iraada W eetora rate) are alwaya Ib loweet aad " tiwi I allies tbt tiMtl. Throat a tnnrtet nJ cbalr tare, aa welt a ataadard l'ulloiaa, open all tralaa. far deerrlpllv ftamplet ot tha tarn ana MMMttata a-ery, rate, renerva hoot and tM tafneaiaikHt, a-IJree, J, It. Maaartatn.ttea. Att, llraa.le V aetata Railway, III Third HI., rortlaed. Or. A mrm Tkl -e A tranaswliMslawht,feyetii'nnettiaeUa ewre MtMta iMJiwmrM. mm a bvnttni km, .it rot sangvn, fmm end a llnmul Ml mt i a am mwI by cnMtiin aud iunih bva i.rMa) tenJr ( atlrlkr. !! ',! n l er ebnt'ert end le nal I Mate are ay all !'"" ranstnetan' ee eeny rmtvimm4 t . C . t'n a er ttiint Tr a b-a Vty, I . , f ,1 bj i -a m rkaj r y ui Bpokan Fruit Fair. Benevolent Order of Elk pro The pose to outdo itself and every other order in the brilliancy of the festivities on Elks' day at the Spokane fruit fair. It is said tbey have been preparing a parade in the evening whioh will be one of the most remarkablo i.ffiirs ever turned loose in the streets of Sonkane. Elka in Spokane who know about this parade will say no'bing except that Mmi'iger Bolster will think he does not know what a parade is when be sees thie one. Even in the invitations which they send out they eay very little about this part of the Elks' day program. Elas' day is Wednesday, October 13tb. INDEPENDENCE DID NOT PAY. ha Made Oreat Mistake, far Hes Bluff Wae Taken Sertoaely. - "The meanness of some people passes my comprehension," declared tbe strong-minded girl as she dashed into the club meeting. "If I was aa mean and stupid as some people I'd choose a nice shady corner of the country and die there 1" "What's the matter? Won't your fa ther give you money to pay your elec tion bets with, or has Charlie struck In the matter of flowers and theater tickets?" "They haven't done just either of those thing's, but they're aa mean aa dirt, nevertheless. Thia is the way they've acted: "You know how I've always wanted a big camera. Well, papa never would get me one, and Charlie has absolutely refused to take my hints on the sub ject, too. So one night recently I said I was going to save up for one, and I thought that would do the business. But it didn't. Papa merely laughed and said he'd buy me a bank to put my pennies in, and Charlie, the big idiot, begged me to allow him to purchase it the bank, not the camera. And, of course, I couldn't do a thing but smile nnd say pretty things; profess I liked to be independent and that sort of chat ter. I never do know when to hold my tongue. "So, last night Charlie brought the bank to me, and what do you think, girls! It was oae of those hand- painted china affairs which won't open, and it s quite too pretty to break, so you see what a fix I'm in. And papa and Charlie both put in a five-dollar gold piece, too. And then this morning mamma told me that if I hadn't aald so much about wanting V) buy the camera mysalf Charlie was going to buy me a lo ely one. Now, what do you all think of thnt for luck?" Chica go Timea-IIerald. The Kreateet ftmokrra. The llollannVr, who i usually stocky ann piump, ami swenui to hnve no nerve, issee an average or too ounces of to bacco a year, which is rimlil In no other country. The i!clg'n.:iein)ea next with 80 ounces, and tlie Turk conanmie 70. In thia country, which ia fourth, the average Is 60 ounces. St. Louia Globe- Denioerat. harp Scotchman. The Scottish American tell a story of n cobbler who was sentenced by a Scottish magiatraU; to pay a tine of half a crown, or, in defauU, 24 hours' hard labor. If he choae the latter he would be taken to the jail at Terth. "Then I'll go to Perth." be said, "for I bav soma buainosa there." An official con veyed him to Perth, but when the cob bler reached the jail he said he would pay the fine. Tbe governor found bt would bare to take it. "And now,' laid the cobbler, "I want my fart bomt." The governor demurred, but discovered there waa no alternative: the prisoner must bt sent at the pub lic expense to the place ht had beta brought from. The Lendoa Detwatree. Tht London dowager, although of Uw severe In apHarance, la very kind and Interesting. 11 rr name baa been for years on the moat exclusive visiting lists, and ahe could tell yoa more about the people in tbt room than tbt servanla thrmerlrr. Sitting fUo alone and apparently nrglertrxl, she la not an object of pity, nor ha the mere ly the habit of going attout, Fhe ia a tnuch-ncrdi'd member of socli-ty and ah la very happy. Hhe la tba aoclal historian. 8 be gUrs her cam! id am! tau h-valtird opinion on a nrw engage ment and ran Irll juat who tbe young people a artfeatora were. Fhe It so In t errs ting lhat it re eny to overlook hrr oflra litliciilona rlotbra and oterdie play of jewrlry, ami to see beneath hrr fala tang a true and acrompUabed woman. rwMuirr a. fro Plllt. Bend your addree to 11 . E. Darkle k Oik, Cbleega, aed gel a free aatrpl box ot I. King't New Lift Pi 11. A trial will eoovieet yoa tt their Rierita. Tbea plllt are taey ia eelio and art partiea larly ffectlTt la tbt tort of roattipt (ton aad tick beaJacbt. For malaria and liver trouble they bavt hetea proved invaluable. Tbey art guaranteed lo bt pevfeetly fret fmra tvery deleterious eabeianee tad lo be partly vg etahle, Tbey do Oft weakea by their ectkxi, bill r.f nt ti'mmfh and bowel 0 K. J. Mwi.m, csansger. H. W Fall " ' I MCP;tT0 IH w Old euiiskle Gault House, mu ni l in iii. i Natl M I ml tae t'ataa i !- y-sfj . N.Lirka.Mtt ' 14 , t M a as mu4 UU M ATKM MtKM l a v re W wa-ttMl ed aintva I', A NEW FIRM ! E. G Noble & Co., Successors to Noble & Co., Are In this field at the old stand with Harness, Baddies. Whips, Spurs, aad an endless lof of everything in their line. E. Q. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprue the new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well as collect what is one. E,. G. NOBI.E Ss CO. Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam i Bisbee's And by tbe way they have anything you oan call for in tbe line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. 60 WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. New Departures By New To. MORROW COUNTY READERS THE SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE For Thia ia the sixteenth year of in the front ranks of Oregon journalism. Its seventeenth year promises county. Oar purpose is to visit every household in the county u rolling every member who is interested in the county's welfare. Ladles, No More Darning. The MskIc Hand Loom, made of pol ished, rolled steel. Latent invention for mending clothing, underwear, table linens or neei ana toe In hoserv. A child can work It Perfect weaver. Sent post ds Id. 2.1c. Oreat Western Arivertla. lng and Novelty Co., U-5M Washington St.. ta-vo Oakland, Cat HEPPNER TRANSFER CO.'S Belled express is coming. Does deliver work on short order. 10 cents and up wards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with It, or at "Central" tele phone otllce. We Move Anything!. rtC O VtARS IXPIRIINCf. '" DMIOHl, eorvmoHTs to. Anron sending a sketch and enac-lptlne mm toirtlraaoertaio, fr, vhMbr an Invration ia prnlMhlr patentable. -(,Biiniimtlma strlrtlr t.iMiiilli. oiloM kmc) fiv-urinc tut.n-e to We have e Waaainntna bfltaa. Patents taken lliruueh Maaa A be. feeelt epaewl eottoe la tke reoeivw SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. hetlfolly hM etmiiaioa nf !n""B.'",, ei.UKiu.H) lasrt Buoa OH r-Atarrs aeui Iree. Aoorei MUNN A CO.. Mt Breed rer, Hew Yerh. F05T TBBIH SERVICE DfllUk TO THE EAST HIT iv r jm m mill VIA Fast Express Leaves rf1 VFR. ItHlMi. " U. S'JIN Im-rurEK IniM K n-Ad riTY irrivwI.ISOli) T . s. 1 (A . tn. S ml p "iMp m. m p m HI c in. lap. ta. P. SB. II a ea. ui a. aa. " (WAH .m MolMrtt l cm r:no ThrMeh tie tpme e4 I hair Tae rolveado W Wwle tMibsIs IhnmlML The bmi irate hi the Waa. tot trUeailat aed f old gtvla llate ol these ''"mZ... .'9'm a. a. eauoo. JNOtCIa . s. GLNKIUL PABSENOKR DEPARTMENT. Wiaeaeeis) Cteeeet Liete PATilONS of til WUcnoelD Central LioM io palcK tbroo.b Chicago may rrqttir aoraw aaeiet new io tbw war of barlcg their IbJ baggage) takro form or lo .MJ otbr war, ftDj lhy will fio.1 all tbat it) drir la tbla rt- ia tbi t'abrr i.t it. ft i i i. . ( at tu uisu j WDuai I aeeEf r Btatioo, wlo bt rrwotlf 1b 1 ooifortn! witb Isrown tail d r Cap. Tb will b lo waiticjral all Iraioa rr(ri4 to Ma! i. ngart, tol it ia bit! Ibat oar rxtmea ill folly avail tbotnatre of (bia a-l litiooal TatiUo fur lbir oorcfitf U JAa crt)NH. tlx Management the Gazette's existence. It stands to be the banDer year for the State Normal School Weston, Oregon. The most successful year' work of the But Normal School at Weston, Oregon, closed last June with the graduation of twents student. FALL TERM Opens September 5, 1898, Pull course of study, Hcientlflo and Profes sional, Vocal and Instrumental music Heslthful location, good society and pleasant surroundings. Board la families front 12. to I.VO Rooms for those who desire to board them selves fan be had at reasonable rate. Boarding hall 0r young ladles In connection with the school under the careful supervision of a matron, board, fuel and tights at ttMl lo $1 W per week. ralalnguae and Informalloa furnished opoa application. 7t-ttt Colorado Flyer tM p. i !. 1 su a. tils - tout Ki-RiNfia) ArrlveeToirK " fcahaaa ciTT r. WT. Hil lH. tWab. M ) Arrives BT I'll 7 II .. ea. Arrtvaa iv-ftLM in k..i "' irs . . We, a. s. lo sv as. Thfttath Hla-prs fulueada Htaa te m. t-aj. Via aha-h R t. Iraltte write r. a . n'l i aa. u. a tH't;lli',,i, f4ji itar mi.f4uy i-w. (ltM4k4 U mm, mrwvl9' ' vletf M. jesaitw m fT MEM life cured I Mr'U eueli ee IX rm c-xs. J I 'l I Tsmswst wseaeMBilddta J M- .-4 f -I t W-l Mm... m ttZ 1 f k4"' l-r--, I m ai 1 r r--.Mr . ,.,., .T-rVr f r.r;z!jl r"1"- S-s tMrn'mmm f f - I a-t i r i r v. lw,,,MM, ,mm f 9 Z?LZm?,X i"u-1 ' v Fw-'V. mm4 W(. . . . - - Mm , r M to mm....... lWM.. f I l"Z.", -""tit-, f W X t-s W- mmm4.-,.- I r.'Tf' ,4 a ijr.ift , .". "St