Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 11, 1898, Image 3

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The Latest Arrivals at
JSorjni & Stewart9
1 '
The Celebrated "Ideal Brand" of WORK SHIRTS-double all over.
A heavy, black DUCK OVERCOAT, blanket lined, for teamsters.
New and neat line of OUTINGS, FLEECE GOODS, and CALICOS, CHEVIOTS and
Are Doing ttie Business.
Blankets from - .
An A No. 1 Rubber Overcoat
Full line of Winter GLOVES and MITTENS.
50c up
We are not to be undersold. Como and look through our stock before
buying elsewhere. Our
Come from the Highest Class Tailoring Establishment in the United States at
prices within the reach of all.
A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter
Tells all about Her Troubles when
Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores.
" At the age of two months, my baby
began to have sores break out on his right
cheek. We used all the external ap
plications that we could think or hear of,
to no avail. The sores spread all over one
side of his face. We consulted a physi
cian and tried his medicine, and in a week
the sore was gone. But to my surprise in
two weeks more another scrofulous look
ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It
grew worse and worse, and when he was
three months old, I began giving him
Hood's Saraaparilla. I also took Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and before the first bottle
was finished, the sores were well and have
never returned. He is now four years old,
but he has never bad any sign of those
scrofulous sores since he was cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
and smooth, fair skin to this great med
icine." Mrs. 8. S. Weotbn, Farming
ton, Delaware. Get only Hood's.
mm j, are prompt, efficient and
rlOOU S PUIS easy Id effect 28 cents.
Sunday 11 a. m mid 7 p. m. Sundny school
10 a. m. ('la-set No. 1 and i at 12:111 p. m.
Kp worth LenKne Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m.
'The Spirit and the bride say. Come."
The iantor may be found at the rmnumfwfl ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any w'o may dneire to consnlt him on
or any other subject.
J. W. FLEHIIEB, Minister.
Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. K. U Uhilly.
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first
Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs.
T. i. Matlock
In It If you oatch en.
given away for the bast
scora this weak at tha
Slioolinf Gallery i
Ulghest possible score lao.
M. B. Galloway wins pi lie of
with score nl 112
Kdbrlaroll, second with score of .. Ill
This wek Is Ladles content.
First prlta, five pound but ol candy.
Bscond prise, 75 cents.
Red, White and Blue lights la front.
K 1OOe)0 O O O Ot
Or., October 10, Ihm.
Mevliia, J A
Hniwo, Ellen
fltslmmous, Edward
(ir-alioo1, (ico
JniiM, Mat-tla
Ksnnvily, flios
Miirhif. r
Mulllnnis.l. r
Man art, A
Burnhsm, Carrie (3)
Holton, W
Fines, John W
Oarnar, Mud
Oilhilln, 1 hi
t iro. L l
owl. Ellen
Maio.ll. koiley
Potter, Jas A
Kmllh, I) S
ftkinner, M ulisra
When calling (of tbess letters pleaM
adrartiaart. B. P. VsWMM, P.
Local Notes.
Pe H. LlcliteDlhnl Co, for hoe. a
Fine Imported elgars at "The Male."
Choice eonfectiooary aad frolit tl
Tba Melon."
Nomeroot bolldlngs are nadr oio
elraeiioe In oar city.
What is II. .0 linMT h" -n
rib. Wa ad. elnaalmfn
Tba liiwrt wb'0,aa I.. a an ItdllMiit
ed S'Ipo "! f fur ssle. plS m
Ll0MnHil lK for anon, r'lfluelts
b'Mttof. Ileedlne lbs beet. Kjtf
Friday nlghra ueorw al tba opart
bonae ao aoj rtl o.eie.
lr. A. 0. nrwtiln, enroer Oreod
nee and CmI Morrlaoe , I'ori Ian, if
Tba OnM'e's eshnerlplluo t.rtee of
JW) la listing iuWnUfi every day.
"Go's Jok" la all right but Uw Til
la' 4 bee a bran4 at M l ! 1 goods
tbel It nerd W beat. fU1 If.
Dr. J. W. Vagal, spertah! for retre
tin a4 daf ol In ays, will b bare
every three ownlne. fti-lyr
At tba Chrtetieo rboreb Pno.Wy night
II. eungtagattoo eMmrJatniy eu4 lbs
FelnUee isMNly fr eitmHiag laatb.
If Oot a !. M !.'. T'l IW.
Yangbna ' ew (.Ian. CoMf.
If fn Bawl anbit.''f nr
all at IU 'fb-nTbe TtUpl.awa aa
ix, Cil b"el t-iiJi d.
Mrs. Rnyce and two soob, of Hard man,
are iD towo today mubiiig extensive pur
Jnst what yon have looked for every- i
where. Dr. Denton's sleeping garments
for ohildreu at BrowD & Stewart's.
Best aooommodation sdJ oourteoas
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon.
Bring your bides, pelts and furs to
Ben. Mathews, at tbe Liberty Meat
Market. He pays highest market prioe.
Peter B;rj! m rebuilding bis home,
enlarging it materially, and when com
pleted will be one of tbe most imposing
homes of Heppner.
A. M. Qarrj may be aeen again ham
mering iron at bis old stand on wpt
Main street after so absenoe from tbe
city of three years. tf
E. Q. Noble & Co. are rustlers after
business. The finest saddles and har
ness to be found in Heppner. See their
new ad id this issue. tf.
Tom Quaid is ereotiog a Chinese
laundry oo the ooroer at tbe junction of
Water and Gale streets, opposite Oon
greasman Ellis' home.
Stop that oonghl Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 26c bot
tle of Sbilob's Corn may save your life.
Sold by Conser k Wnrreo. x
Dr. J. W. Vogel, owiog to the serous
illDess of his two little daughters with
membrhnous oroup was oompf-llfd to
lake tonight's traiu fur Portland.
Tonight tbe O. B. k N. time sched nle
will be changed, the outgoing pnnseuger
leaving tbe depot at 9 p. m. sharp, and
tbe inooming arrives at 5:10 s. m.
John Hpenoer and Jake Wells are now
"doing" Chicago. On their return we
hope to be able to devote an ed ition to
tbe recitation of their experiences.
Catarrh en red. A clear head and
sweet breath secured with Sbiloh'i
Catarrh Remedy; told on a guarantee.
Nasal injector free. Bold by Conser k 1
Warreo. z
Karl's Clover Root Tea, tor Constipa
tion It's the beet and if after using it
you don't say so, return package and
get your money. Sold by Conser k
Warren. z
W. E. Brook reports bis rbeep doing
flue, sod Ibat witb thoanands of others
tliey are moving to tb foothills, sit
ing Iha rami which csuse their return to
tbe valleys.
A) ere k Spencer's band of 6,00 ewes
and lambs will be brought oot of lbs
mountains Iha last of tbit mouth. Tbit
band is reported to be one of tba finest
lo the oouolrj.
Old fashions in dree mr be revived,
but no old-fat bloned medicine oan re
pine Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Roiundy. For salt by Cousr
Dr. M. Melfler, Iha dentiet, has re.
moved to the new t flloa building jnst
eonatioctrd oo Maio strert, Id Ibis block
od la now rqnipped t r biitioees with
very convenience.
W. I. Snyder, tba livery atable pro
prietor, boys only tbebist bay an.1 grtio.
Large oorrala and ttrsnBimodatixae for
freighters. (lacks and baggies furnished
reasonable. Btiwk wall eared for. tl
For Ctiottipatinn take Karl's Clover
Tea, lbs great Blood Pnnfiir. sure!
headaches, Nervonsiims, F.niuliuiit oo
tba faoe, and makes lbs head as clear as
boll. Hoi J by Cunsr k Warreo. I
Tba Morrow Caanly Land k Trost
company bava decided to go into lbs
beat baying business tiUnsively this
fall, aa4 it M Important that g ronert 10-
larvisw tbern bf r ilip)lrg t( their
Hliilm.'s C'iieuiu(ttton Cure eu'M
her lleis fail. Il IS til lea ling
Corfh f'nre), an-1 tt bums thetriM b
HI. nt it. pleasant iv lata sn l g'a
right ti lb sp O. H -I I by r-onsor k
Warren. I
Ott.i F'sleftcks of the City bslerj
kfpa a 'wplata llna ti( aHiJ gixlt,
'aids gr.tart, Co'ifeU I mary, ga
tables, sel (Kilat'MS, sl II -'!. pise
Sad C.tes b.kej arl d. Welling
takes a Specially. tl
lUv. F. F Ml Clair 4 fs-nilf.
ttsltog of bis an I to sM.dree tad
later, arrived lhi miralsg, and na
We 1ostat atstiing, at Iha M F. ebnrrk.
rVio'h. rj !' will b Undered hire.
biwbieH all as tn-st MtirdiaPy lev. ted.
Commencing September 21st on every
Wednesday night, including October
19th, the O. R.&N. Co.,will sell round-trip
tickets for the Portland Industrial Ex
position at tbe rate of $9.90, including
two admissions to tbe . exposition.
Passengers returning will leave tbe fol
lowing Monday night. tf
Strayed or Stolen The fine, large
cow of Peter Borg's disappeared last
Thursday as completely as though the
earth bad opened up and swallowed her.
She is a light red and white, with short
horns, with tbe brand P. B. on left bip,
in fine condition. Mr. Borg will pay 85
for her return or information leading to
ber discovery.
Bill Penland's herder was in town last
night, and tbe boys "dubbed" bim the
"steam engine." He has a f sonify of
immiiatlog the whistle of a railway
engine which he acquired ai a tourist
round the world, that will not only stop
an overland flyer, but oatchiDg a listner
unawares will oause him to "fly tbe
track" in short order.
The Quaker doctors who haye created
so much exoitement In Portland for
several months, coring chronic diseases,
are makiug Heppner a visit and giving
renned entertainments In the . opera
bouse each evening. Tbe Qiakers have
established in Portland their western
brand) distribution office where 60 peo
pie are employed packing and shipping
the Quaker remedies throughout the
northwest, where there is a wonderful
demand for tbeir goods. Heppner is
very fortunate in securing this visit of
tbe Qiakers. tf
We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES oi any house in the city
Our Line of CLOAKS and CAPES is oomnlete. comnrisincr all thfl latest stvles in
aSBBBBBSBBl f F 1 o -J
Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses'
WlpPS from $1.50 to $25.00-
Our Stock of
Is perfect in
In fine Silk and Plush.
style and finish and guaranteed to fit and give entire
In Shoes
We are the only house in town that sells the Celehrated
''Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the
reputation of which is world-wide and sold by all the
leading hrmspa.
We lead them all. The Kelley-Goodfellow Shoe is so well and favorably known that we need
only to mention that we sell their line of Shoes to insure us a large and increasing Shoe trade.
In Dress Goods
We are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, Ruffl
ings in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods.
Dr. J. E. Adklos, well known to resi
dents of Heppner and adjsoent oonntry,
was married to Mrs. L. K. Stewart at
Portland. Mrs. Stewart Is the mother
of Heppner's popular young merchant,
Mr. Jesse Stewart, of Brown & Stewart,
whom she visited here Inst fall and made
many friends lo this community. Their
borne will be in Brownsville, Marion
omoly, where tbe dootor has a lucrative
Haiday Reboot Conveotloa.
The seni-annritl Morro 0 inoty Sun
day Hobo il Convention convenes at tbs
Christian chnrob Thursday afternoon at
2 p. m. It it desired that all who are
Interested in Hunday sohoolwnrk attend,
as tbe session promises to be a most
Interesting occasion. Free hospitality
ill be tHodeirdall ooteide visiting dele
gates. Especial preparation bas bn
made for a mvsinal programme of a
choroas of sixteen voioes wbtob will eu-
beooe tbe interest of tbs evening eei
Underwear Blankets Staple Goods Groceries
In Ladies' and Children's We carry a large stock of In Staple Goods we carry Also carry a full stock of
Underwear we can sup- Blankets from the Salem everything needed in Groceries, and guarantee to
ply your wants, and our Mills, from 50c up. in the house. meet all legitimate compe-
prices are right. tition.
Call and examine our StocK and get our Prices when in the city.
First National fcBank Building JEZJESLIEmJZl. c& m77"JEMlLmOJ3L9
Heppner, Oregon. Successors to B. W. Khea & Co.
Hues Capslartf.
Saturday morning's Ilpptier Canyon
City stage, leaving here bstnrday, witb
Mr. W. It. Matey, Mrs. E.H. rotter, Mrs.
A. Hackney, Mrs. J. D Combs, Mr. W.
MoUeley and olhera, was capsited no
tba Alleo grade, resulting lo a severe
sprain of Mr. McilaUy's ankle and tbs
slight injury of roe of tbs ladies, whose
Dame we coold not learn, Tba driver
reports that tbe borree got beyond bis
control, and realising that absad was
eertalo destrnctioo, forced then Into ao
embankmaot, overturning tba stage aoj
topping the lean. Io all, tbe result
was elriwdiogly fortunate.
Quaker 7 Doctors
Canci-ru have lout their terror; arc
killed in one day without pain and
without knife, 'tapeworms removed
often in twenty minute.
Free Cor)sultation Nightly ,
At the Opera House.
Quaker DootaiV Office at Pelaee Hatal. Heure fram 10 te 12, Week Day.
1 , r
N ihst lb wria a la atxtnt
frti t rm la ft'der. and
Jltis llrt Will rt.V X M tma tl tb
ttjannfaotar nf th Ht't ?n driartia
H, l s.l etoams. t(fr,'. la fet.ll
ki-l t4 eonfeNfi'y ara In t f'n ad
tbeva, -t
at wKfM I'f ! IM ligbt,"
fa U avatg al IH- -U1 CM,M
txri J l.o lUsnaa faa'laa It 4iU tt
bi jas V spa'alMis" bwaga,
abiot 'ImMk Ua 'holly sn I d'tv
.'1 m.i tsil" trnB iSi tl.tb
Miss F.lsle Ayers visitej ft lends lo
Portland last week.
Leonard Akere Is thinking of taking
op tbe atndy of tby.o aitii the lltb
The 7ib and H'b grad-s bsd a polling
mat. b Kill, tu which fc.litb Jenkins
and Llr Meadows pl.d dawn tbs
Ibis (Taadi) evening prliee will be
warded tba bet lady sad g(itltnB
wriur and the one Ibat has Oiade tbe
ni'l mpruvnnt dnrmg tha writing
,ne, by I'f f . Oarrleoa. lis will also
d-eide wools tbe brat patnao la aaeb
grale la oar ei b'iol.
A aily,enitin f Hwm lUUigar,
fkker, Haell.aud Mr. II rd, lial
irfr an J (isrrl n, west nut tu II ji t.
V iter's t hunt oo Hslarlay. Tbe
aiuooal of gams bat gd m i prairka
Mr. Il ifos Dial, nf ft k 'k. wm
oio'U I m a n,ntr of Ins High eobl
lUlpb Mambtrua and llp llUk
B)ii a'a aing a f Uf at th t
I .fflf s.
r.v . ' Sn tr fit sr! ' 't '
in (. -. f ttl II -
a t J a v h ut. i t" 'l
I i. ,illrfe,l . f . lf im-mr ,
m.Ki' ! r ', 11 !!
Our Malinrk is In Ir-nn Mt llotiaM unyon.
U. C. Welt r1, ol Arlington, Is In lliiner.
Brrt Xswm.nt lniis.niil Hundsv In llpuptwr.
Ctisrlry lii(rshsm, ut lone, spent Sunday In
W (. tirr will tn lo Hit Intvrlor In (Mrth
of blood"! sbrrp.
i. W. II 1 1 loo, nf nartmsn, i rrglstered at
Ue fslsr Miimlay,
Councilman Simons went I' the mvtrupolla
os U.i nlstit s train.
Miss Hriha Tuwnwiul Irtt on last evnln'
irsln lor a tun al Mlm.
C. II Kclthlry and Rintsu Kltl)r wars la
rmm Hard man HUnlir.
Mr Itufh ridds. of llrowiistllla. Is vislUnf
wsldna t bH, and ll'l imivlnn.
rli-orr Mximsa rlurnd Irnm a trip to
fortlsnd and SmiiI this marnlti.
Il.rt ilmons tturnd aiin.Ur Itnw a vl.lt lo
Purl l sad and ftitlaawiu tiij iuwm.
Mr. Isrlnr who hu Ln siouiiliis si in
rVsr nt utmt Um, left Is nihi lor K.im,
Mis Mauuli.g tutcliiiuo rmlM slwut li
ton. Sli 14 ,mli'. in M rniWtta la
f.lllhl ShO'll.
P lwk.r Vausksn lit Ut l"or1lsd on Ual
alf hi s Irala The dwlor will emuUim l.lnsa
lih lMur.
Mrs 'ru Minor and MM lna M r
tqral trow fvrliand anlaf aioralns atlav
bpim tnjor1'1 V.
Mrs W. K Hf.Sstid !' t'l. r. ' )" It.
tba Portland tuduHrlal aihlt'llina and alll
rtra IM toat i.t U.i.
f C Hal. a fmifb '.d ii t lltl'iilns
na) want to Montana ". lima sliwa with
fmnk s sl.aaj. rtMll.a-1 nuitaf mwnlng
I W tjflf d. nf ll.a Hl'i Monnlalfl tasnd
t. .. t ms t n. t" d Ihrmigaicina
nmn lo tnn fntiiand tlinn Mondaf.
Mf l"d Is a 4ift In I ' lan1 itt K. 4
f nkWIi la thsl rlir
f i, Pari .o.t.n. l. tt .il l, i hour .j t
Urn 4.nlntit, tali i l,.i ll in
IJ Mr. t I"' ll . !.'. 1. ttl.
a. t..s't ai.f O .K. U
'. M i . f.t- rf .
Kalra Drains "rnhtli.
They do soma freighting over lo Eas'-
sro Oregon. Tbs 1'rlnevilla Review tails
sIhioI a l ist of 10,'NIO rxnioils. K.gbt
bora did tba work, and It look five
days to make tba trip of li) oiilee from
Tha Dallas to PrinevilU. Tbs freighters
nsastrail wagon, which la bltebad U
blnd tba large wagie by a short tongue
Oo grades and short earves tba trail
wagoo Is detached and tbe wegoea
moved aaparalely. Tba driver rldna tba
"off" or right band wbnal bora) end
galdoe the tstn by means of single
line, railed a "jok" line, wblob la
faatenad to tbe bit of nna of tbe lea tare
only. Il la sarprising bow ao eiparl
driver witb a train. team eao handle
bis b iraa and wag'tna. Us eaq lure ble
ontflt on a pty that lo bi one familiar
wit'i l,a b'ida would am Ipa4il.
illlaery for Ina.
Mia (Iraos Hmllb, who represents
Campbell k Wilaoo, millinery firm of
t'eedletoo and "I be Dalln. will show a
iwirnplfta and etyliab Ilea of millinery at
lone out Monday, Toeaday and Wed
nesday, Too will do wall to nor line
belore (Hirobaainf yoor (all millisarv.
raaalagkaai Barka
Tbe wall koowa Conntniham barks,
thoroughbred gredee and IelalD, will be
oa eihlbitloo and for sale at lleppoar
oo or ebon I Oetatr 1st. I'rioae to suit
lh limae. Io ebargs of
tCWl Wm. Ikon as.
Will be paid for loformaiioo leading
to the arraat and eoovktioo of any par
aoo ateallng eatlle branded "WIl" eoo-
oaeUd on tbe left side. Waddle oo tbe
ooee. Fimt Hroaoa.
run NAI.g.
1br ilm a rMMaltallna
fruui llrn,i..ln ftai.lllii.
"When you ara sink, what yn like
ltl is bi be elmaarj for o toedkine lo the
flrat laeaj what I rttiOe tall yi.o Is
lat, to be rboaao to tbe eeoed nlare ;
what reaaoo (I. a. theory aaya la bawl I
i if r boB la tha Inal plaea. Hat If
yrm ean gl If. nelinaiim. l. Eipert
eaee and lr. lUaeno te bold a eonii Ita
lian b.tnr, they will gve yoo Ibe
bl o,f ia that eaa m taken."
Mbe oj have a hndeold Ir. laetiaa-ti-iO
wonll rrorntna4 ChaiuUrUln's
(ngb llmly Wanna It la aakl
and Sfe to tak. Iw. I'lrlann would
r.eotiitand It baaoMi t ovf fails lo
T ei a a.lr atij pnrraananl tire. r
l.aa.ua W'.-il.l f.r.,innan I It bar use II
i.n r MiC? prlfirl.l, ead
a -la . I I ,.' ,'a 10 lliavthg lb
I. i (mi a i e r(ai,-.t i ai,drlir
,1 S It a, ..,. I , nalnral dl k! l
I U sett, 9J0 aeraa, good laud, 4 milee of
Ifappaar, all feorel, plenty nf water,
bonaa sad barn, H Orras of an m mar
fallow, all ready nr fall rrnp. Km;
urms. Call al tbe (iaaatie nmee.
t A74 If
fut SAI.I tlM WkUT
A g ad aheap reach eomprlaing nearly
2,f anraa, anar(,nnC hS Urgast aad
bawl wietaf raage lo (Iilliasa coenly
flood dwelling bona aad large bare.
also enmplete noiRl for raanlag snaap.
bt) tone of naw bey aad lly nf good
wakr eo the lar. Far ftartieolars
laijnlra at JlstV.nsU Haas .
Kill Arliatton.Of.
kl t AS. g Haltat My.
Hilfslo, H, Y. OaaU i- fr" my
pwrawaal knowledge, gie4 la almarrieg
lU affe i4 year Hbilob't Oore lo ea
of a1ncad Oonaowpllno, I aaa prapar4
li aay it la tba met riaraaMe remedy
thai baa evav beaa bmngfct I my lUa.
t.i,c. It has fiieitly mt otiay ttm
rv Bale.
Twenty oeree of laod, near o good
aebnnl. Will trade for bore, farming
eotflle,el. Foi farther Information 4
draaa, V. W tar sli,,
Ti tf Uood Itiver, Or.
1 want some brae, and If yoo want
plane of land lo Hood Hlvar talUy foor
mllae ftem Ibe kiwo of Hoed lUver,
I'l rode from a good erbool. For fart bar
lnfuiiuatin, a-blraae V. Wmrnii l.
Houd lUver.Or.
Va'tlaas Aran Mta
Tbe ileal Halve to the world for Cote,
Drain, Horns, Cleere, Pelt Kbeam,
rsvwr rbiree, Tetter, Chapped llasda,
CblJUaina, Om-na. mi all Hk'o Erp
Uooe, and pneiuveiy tarae nte or ee
pay reil''L li l g naraoleed to give
fatlaot aniiafaytUi or msnay rwfeodM,
I'rlra U eaata nr bnf. ref ale by
Mloeam lrng C" R. J. HI oenm, me sag at
Tor IkUilt u4 QOiditA.
ni ihi Yci Hsit AJviji
j:-. I t i.vi I' rM h y at1 WT a to S
ati r r i, u4?i U. v '. rs.Uv.l
f aysrai m f mi
nwMt.i aM I 0, 4) Wsvasj
. mm - - I 1 , I t ,, . .
i '
i .
I a I' fV tr k W,