Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 11, 1898, Image 2

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The Gazette.
Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1898.
The senatorial fight is at an end.
Henry V. Corbett awoke to the
realization of the disapproval of
his election not only by a majority
of the senate and house, but by the
voters of the state, and in behalf
of harmony for the republican
party tendered his resignation.
Senator McBride, with his forces,
entered the caucus, which, on the
first ballot, gave Hon. Joseph
Simon 31 votes, whereupon Sena
tor Fulton arose and moved that
' the nomination be made upanim
ous. The election is by no means
satisfactory to the majority of those
in opposition to Uorbett, but they,
as reprepresentatives and men,
recognize the fact that they were
outgeneraled and gracefully acqui
esoe in the result. While Joseph
Simon is without doubt a very able
man, in the prime of life, and capa
ble of advancing the interests cf
Oregon and the Pacific coast, the
methods of himself and allies, con
stituting the political "machine" of
Multnomah county, have been such
as to thoroughly discourage and
disgust members from various sec
tions of the state, which is alone
responsible for the laok of har
mony in the ranks of the repub
lican party.
It is tolerably clear, from our
examination of a large number of
Spanish papers, that the colonies
have become so serious a burden
the Spanish people have made up
their minds to lose them all with
out much further display of oppo
sition. Cuba has always been the
one outlying possession for which
the Spaniards felt a strong attach
ment. Having lost Cuba, and
knowing that in any case they are
certain to lose Manila, they look
upon the whole series of beyond
sea island possessions as virtually
surrendered. The Spanish com
missioners at Paris will doubtless
make a great show of haggling
about the Philippines; but it wil
only be for the sake of gaining
enrtaiu other advantages of detail
in the working out of the treaty.
If possible, in compensation for
the Philippines, they will endeavor
to devolve upon Cuba or this
country a patt of the so call ml
Cuban debt, and they will alno
try to make saving stipulations
regarding tho vast proporty hold
ings of the monastio orders iu the
Philippines. Hut thore remains
no considerable Ix-ily of public
sentiment iu Spain that demands
the retention of sovereign rights
nvcr any portion of the Philippine
. ittlands. The inevitable has al
ready been accepted. From "Tho
Progress of tho World," in the
American Monthly lloviow of Ro
views for October.
A Ht iiKCimiF.il asks the Rural
Hpirit: "Why is wheat worth nioro
in Han Francisco than in Portland
or thn Hound cities?" Answer
iug tho same, we would explain
that Han Francisco lias a large
import trade, which brings
to Lor doors all thn tonuagn she
requires for her export trade.
TIu'ho vessels are consequently
able to, ami are forced by natural
laws of trade to take a lower rate
for the voyage to Europe than
they could afTird to accept from
Portland or tho Sou id, when
there is practicidly no iu)xi
trade, voaat'la consequently Ix'ing
obliged to ColUH iu bullibt. Itoing
iu ballaiit, means that they have t
take on Ixmrd a quantity of unu
or rock to enable the chip to I
navigated, and tl.ia sand or rek
they have to pay for it and alno py
to not rid of it so that the eipoime
U much greater lliau if they cout
bring tnnrt caro which would pay
even a mnall rate of freight For
this condition of nlT-.ii- Him f minor,
you rati , m unim., ") the
Ul" i
'abliearr M-r.
Kuim O-tms - Iba liHgriM.l
am of lb flolr, thirl; fix froa
Instead t,f thirty Hire, r.i4 ref.ig-e
tt ttt ( npil-f winch be ! tro
tiitit aheltar. Any x.f-,,n rn -II I
lif ineulliite! fin "iHialtnf
.r'-rt jr. A. M.dtna
tatoa " Janet
ru'.M tvU.im ii y.k i'r
Bat, ati etelo'lit t'll. ltt.tr -"HH
-t i,., a li.t tta I h. litlvieel ll g.nef nmeiil
..lin I..H t" nl. a autl ea.l.it III lh
a. It .a, aoughl ,al t.itil. Titer
rnlt.t eAiell.til 11 thai " ILe 11
I i-t l a'-g t. e it the M"- l
.ll.elr..-l l...l '. If llwlrll.t A
pl.tn.t, h alia It t itle It aralem mt
An . il . Irfwl tt Amfu lM. ll lli
Ha-i'.., ! et.lf t the '. ef.Mtet k.
tKef ,i!ne eM li-i tlu I-lk nMw
Should Be Kept A Conipeasatloa fur War
In a special dispatch to the Chicago Inter
Ocean from New York li the following:
"Charlea Den by, Indiana," la the way hl
name appear now on the hotel register. It haa
been "Charlea Danby, China," for 13 years, for
Mr. Danby haa been the representative of the
United States at Pekin for that period, with only
one leave of absence four yean ago. He wai
asked to tell something of the social, moral and
commercial conditions of the Chinese, and of
their relationship, present and prospective,
with the people of the United States. He said:
Ever since the settlement of the war with
Japan there has been nothing that the Chinese
government would not do for me, because of
the help I gave them In bringing about peace)
I have never profited a picayune personally by
their gratitude, but officially It has been of great
value to me.
I have had many clalmi for damages to mis
sions to lay before the Tsung-li-Yamen, and It
has been only necestary to present the matter
and auk a settlement. In one case, involving
many thousands of dollars, the Tsung-li-Yamen
asked for a bill of particulars. I told theTsung-
U-Yamen that the bill was all right, and asked
them to pay It; and they paid it without an
other question. Other claims they paid prompt
ly when there might have been long delays, and
In many other ways they showed their friend
ship for the United States."
Mr. Denby was asked if he believed the United
States should join the other nations of the world
in the division of China. He answered em
phatically, "No." He s ild there was no doubt
we could do It If we wanted to. "But that," be
continued, "would be an act of direct spolia
I hope we shall keep the Philippines. They
are ours by right of conquest. This war was
started on humanitarian grounds. That's all
very well. But war is not a humanitarian In
stitution. Neither is diplomacy. Diplomacy is
doing the best you can do for your own country.
The United States cannot go around like a
knight-errant redressing the wrongs of the peo
pie of other nations. We cannot undertake to
force liberty and equality on the rulers of the
oppressed. If we did, we should have all Eu
rope on our back very quickly.
We have had a war with Spain. It hat cost
ua some $11)0,000,000. We cannot make Spain
pay us a war Indemnity. That is what the na
tions of Europe would do. We are the conquer
ors. We can name our own terms. What are
we going to get as compensation for our ex
penditure? We are not going to get Cuba unless
It comes to us later, as I think it will, by annex
ation. We are going to take Porto Klco, aud we
ought also to take the Philippines.
"Trade and commorce are the expression of a
nation's ambition. If we are to git our share of
the great trade of the East we must have a foot
ing in the East. If we do not we shall find our
selves obliged to do business, not with the 400,
Oki.oOO people of China, wanting our products
and anxious to buy what they cannot produce,
but with France aud Germany and Russia, each
trying to protect her own commerce with re
strictive tn rill's and trade conditions.
"England has abandoned her policy of 'Hands
off and taken the fortress of Wel-Hal-Wel,
where she can keep an eye on Russia. France
hat established herself In the south, Germany
at Kliio-dliou, Russia at Port Arthur. China Is
helpless. She has had one war which has cost
her much. Kho Is without army or navy, aud
she will do anything to avoid another war. At
I have said, wo could step In If we liked and
take a slice of China. We could seize a port and
the territory adjacent to It and China would
simply look on in amazement. But It would be
a violation our friendship with her and an ln
delunsllile net. We have no right to any part of
China. We have an undeniable right to the
Mr. Denby said he had not had many nppor-
uulllet to judge tho einperot from personal
Once a year," ho said, "tho diplomatic corpt
called on him in a body, and at dean of the
O irpsoflatM years I had to make a speech, to
which ho responded. That was on the Chinese
New Year No relreihrn nits were ottered In
tliu nmimror's presnniMi, and tliore was no con-
rmitlou, When 1 present. d my letters ol ere
liini'e and wliuil I protuntitd my letters of recall
theru wns nothing but tho form il ceremony
with Its it 1 1 Mi' 1 it n t speeches.
"I olwerved that tht emperor was smalt,
hlch Is much aitittiitt hint with his people, fur
the I'.ilncvt admire a big man. 1 taw that he
itemed in p uir henlth, but that his eye was
knell, and Ih tt he scum ' I bright and appreciat
ive, from I'hlnese friends I have heard that he
Is prorc,l vc. tli tt he Itaiithutt to 'eiru what
IsKoliixoii In the world, lit) Is ambitious to
improve lilio.clf and alone limn ho ha I two
t 'iichcn In K 1 1 k M -1 1 . but I believe he has given
up trying to li-am our language.
However, the emperor It not In control In
China now tlitt the Kin press Dowager rules
In I'i'Mii Mr. Denby Im l a retinue of servants
to whom lot paid a month each In illver,
cquil In a little more than . In our our
rency, Out of tblathey led. clothed, and lodged
themselves and their families. Mr. Denny was
asked If Im believed this cheap Uhor would
come lulu coinpelltPin with ourt In manu
facturing, at senator Teller fears.
"China It bound to Im a great manufacturing
country torn day." laid Mr. Dvnliy, "rtliang
bsl Is slros Iv an Important factory to wu, ami
lb cotton which gruwt near Ilia city It mad
Into ( loth tlmrn. China hat Ilia hrH-l lalair
In tin-wot Id Mill, litnn'ltwllft t the ('bluet
III ever I able lo compel with lit In mauu-U.-tuiliiK
W illi our tupttrlor machinery ami
greater skill, thai! be able to hold our own,
and you III find Ihtl If China ihould enter on
our liuliiiirlea the pile t ml inequality of labor
III iImp In Ilia American level. Competitatliit
roiiditluui arc f.oinj In etery Industrial
Mr. 1'enl.f tal l he had ttn.p4 In Japan un
hlswty fcatt, aud had a lung talk with fount
likiinia.aiid he found Ihtl Jtimn ami Amrrle
ai I'liiiii'i) In i) niptllif un all Important vio
(Continued from First Page.)
graphic News Notes,
Etc., Etc.
Brief War News, Tele-BhulcI be greatly increased The magnificent record of our navy in
the Spanish war leaves no doubt of the efficiency of that arm of the
natioual defense. I have always favored liberal appropriations for
building and equipping war vessels. I see very good reasons for favor
ing such action now, and I am glad congress has already shown a will-
London. Oct. 7.-Aceordine to toeclal dls- "' UBU' lu uc lu i-uw.
patch from shanghai fire on Sunday at Han- with the sea power of other nations. The matter of coast defense
STSrtSl 8h0Qld be more attenti0Q' In ho, while we hope to main
tain peaceable relations with the rorld, we should not be at the mercy
of any nation at any time."
Professor Garrison Concludes a Very Satis
factory Term.
The editor cf the Gazette was honored
witb 'the responsibility of determining
the progress made in peomauBbip by tbe
members of Professor Garrison's class,
It Is feared that 1,000 lives were lost
NewYokk, Oct. 6. The Corbett-McCoy fight
has been declared off. At a meeting today of
men interested in the fight W. B. Gray, manager
for McCoy, showed a letter he had received
from Darld Nugent, manager of the Hawthorns
Athletic Club of Buffalo, In which he stated
that owing to tbe many complications that had
arisen the club had decided to call the match
San Fbancisco, Oct. 7. George W. Clark
who Is to be hanged at San Quentlon on Friday
week, for the murder of his brother, has made and feels justified in acknowledging that
acoiiiensiou, in wuicnne Biaiesne aioneisre- ma decisions bave caused bini some
sponsible for his brother's death. Clark was miaoi1n0 DO t ti,on u.i, An,a
.....,.. V,l K.h... ..,! A .1 U. ta " . .woo " "
his brother be Dut out of the wav that the were enuuea to a division ot tue awera
woman would marry him, and he made the However, a decision in favor of some one
confession for the purpose of exonerating her of was positively necessary, and taking into
any complicity. oonaidBration th writino which. In nil
annAarannoai maa in harmnttT with ttta
smallpox and six deaths from that disease J)ro,M80r'8 rBPid le8ib,e practioal
among the American troops during the past business style, bis Oouolueion wai drawn
two days. The dead are: H. M. Powers, First whiob fell to the lot of Miss Mary Lazer,
oamornia; narry wneeier, oecona Oregon u. ,i u: j,i,iji i i;i.-
Saly. George Cootney. Frank Warwick! the last of ber teacher's, and although not 88
three named ot the Thirteenth Minnesota, artistic and uniform in some respeots as
Eight deaths from typhoid have been recorded, others, il displayed the foundation of a
Aruueryman neacn was awed by a sentry on ,,, rnnnin .,, Vtnrina.lilr hand
which, witb sufficient practice, oonld be
developed into a beautiful professional
dler guards returned to London today from Style.
Omdunnan, where they took part In the crush- Seoond in consideration oame Miss
ing defeat Inflicted upon the dervishes by Nettie Shelley. with a freedom whiob
vxtjiivini lajiki zviiajiicuar. rruui t nienuu rait i . . ....
road station, where they left the train, to Wei- m"" "a,c" executive awiuy'
lington barracks, Immense crowds of people Among tue vertioal writers were sev-
lined the streets. The windows were packed eral wbose uniformity and neatness af-
with spectators, nags were displayed on all fordea rjecided ioBuenoe in favor of that
siaes ana me mosi intense entnutiasm pre- ,
vailed. I
Uissesrearl Wells, Ooa Uiluam, Eilsie
Havana, Oct. O.-A dispatch received this avers, ijuiu uaer ana tiena uiassoooK
morning from Manzanillo reports the arrival 1 were responsible for perplexing pnzzle
thereof the steamer Belnade Los Angeles, fly- ln ne deoision for first consideration
m me .tar. uu ..ripe., wii.li voiouei neury .' TOiltl. T. r!Ko,llf-
Ravanrt Idft tlnlfort HtatM irnnna. I tnlnnAl ll "" ooc, vu..i.
will receive possession of the oity tomorrow. 8bipley, Eva Bartholomew, Gartrade
W. H. Howes, captain of the bark Maryland, I Bishop, Iva Blake and Oscar Borg are
formerly the Carlos F. Roses, whose owners, entitled to Denial mention. In fact, the
incn.1.. jdiuw u m miner, tugtniier wuu .evonu
members of the crew, have succumbed to yel
low fever during the last fortnight, died yester
day from the same cause at the hospital here.
Now that the schools are commencing
All should know that.
P. C. Thompson Co.
Have the nicest assortment of
Wednesday night at Tondo.
London, Oct. 6. The First battalion of grena-
entire school shows painstaking instruo
tion, and a realization of tbe importouoe
of good penmanship.
In tbe writing olass of tbe professor
tbe consideration for most improvement
resulted in even honors between Elsie
Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 0. Navigation on the
upper Yukon is closed. The last passengers who
came nut from Dawson nn the river nn the
steamers Columbian and Canadian arrived here wnsooii ana aarvey leagor.
this morning, some with hard luck stories and I While Miss Mary Lazer carries off
a few with gold. The most Interesting news (ne prile amonil the yotiog ladies, Mr,
form. II. 1. maWln .BBnl. ch.,1. anrl .n. E1Z 8U"00 8taDj Wlt h
tends to make the Klondike a model mining The contest throughout the different
district. Mr. Jex says September 13th a small rooms was decided iu the following
army of the half world and gamblers were favors
arrested and fined to the amount of I0.0U0.
Tho money will be spent ln improving the
streets of the city. It Is said that this Is but the
first ol the round ups planned by Ogllvieand
that Dawson will liar excellent roadways as a
Bah Fhami.ihco, Oct 6. Major General Merrt
man today Issued an order stating that "upon
the arrival ot the United Hiatus transport Art-
sonaat Honolulu, 11 I , the district of Hawaii
will b discontinued, the commanding ottlcer
thereof turning over all records, etc., pertaining
to that district to Colonel Thomas H. Barber,
First New York volunteers, commanding Camp I services for tbe benefit of tbe eohnol giv
McKlnlcy. Brigadier Oeueral Charlea King, 0. j0(, B balf-boorV"trnotion at the dose
. win inuii ciiioar. tin me Arir.mm itir aim' i , .. . . . . . . . . . ,
nil. with all ottlcer. and ...11.14 men fit for ' ftem.mn, the result of which has
duly aud left at Honolulu bv transoorta P'"ed most Satiafaotory of Trofeeaor
other than the Tacoma, General King will re- Flo war); who sp'alts very highly of Pro
port to the commanding goneral at Manila." f .MOf Qarrieou'i ability as ku instructor.
i ins oritur maic. uonniiiui sunpiy a garrison
under a regimental commander, and show,
that in. Arl.oiia will hot roine to Kan Fran
Cisco; as waa eipected, but will return from
Honolulu to Manila.
High Sobool Miss Mary Lnzer.
Mitts BigubVs room Miss loess Van
Misi Barker's room Miss Isabella
MIhs Johnson's room Miss Laura
Mine Hoell's ro nn Miss Be.iie Hut
In additlou to the regular writin
Olass Profrianur Oarrmon volunteered hi
Cure all liver ills, bilious
ness, headache, sour stom
ach, Indigestion, constipa
tion. They act easily, with
out pain or gripe. Sold by all drupplsts. 25 cents.
The only inlls to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Ex-Sheriff Murray sets Fire to tbe Jail at
In town
Tablets at 4c, 5c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c each
Rubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, 2c and 5c each :
Don't forget the place. Cash talks
P. C. Thompson Co. Heppner, Or.
Henry 0. Murray, ex-sheriff of Mal
heur county, was burned to death in the
city jail at Vale, Oregon, Thiusdiy
morning, Murray, while no' a drn.ku
man, became intoxicated Wcdneedny
evenitig and was very b.iioterous on tbe
stretts. Marshal Wilson coboludeJ flint
it was dangerous for biro to ba at largd
and locked bim iu tbe cityjiil. At 4
o'olock Thursday tiKiruiag an alatm o!
fiie was sounded, aud it was found that
tbe oity jail was ablaze. Citizens
rashed to the scene, but before they bad
arrived Murray bad perished i i the
flames. It is supposed that when be
awoke and found himself iu jtil that Iki
deliberately set the baHding nn fire. (If
leaves a wife, two children m1 r
brother, County Treasurer Marrny. De
ceased was well known throughout
Eastern Oregon.
To the School Children
n A full and complete line nt
Just received by the
iSlocum Drug Co.
Everything needed for the commencement term
Good Goods....
Fair Prices.i
T. R.
Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
Tinware and Furnishing Goods.
When Malheur oountv was cas off Staple and Fancii Groceries-
rrora jv.iKer oonuty, ainrray p- x' uric j.cud ivrvu kjujvcs.
pointed sheriff, and later was eleo'el to
the snme oflloe by tbe democrats. For
tbe past eight years he bat be.n chtiir-
man ef tbe detnoeratio cnuuty oomuiit-
tee. He has extensive business interests
in Malheur ooonty. lpnb!ion.
T. R. HOWARD, Heppner.
Not a Toll Uoatl.
Our attention h is been col led tn th
fact that so far as tiie reco -ds ot Or i ik
county 'show, ths oilljfi i .f t illn at
what is known as the "ft'iids"' on tbe
ro'id from Mitoh'ill to Antelope i i 1 1 etc
Ni ohtrter or le-iss h u r r bjn g?wt
ed by this o.'inuty anili iiiz any.iue
maitituiu a toll sate at thai t -iti t. Il
Wasco Ciuuty nr.tu'ed or lo sed lh
road befuro'ttiA o-isniz ili.in of t'tis
onunty it . not in fi. o n r.v b o o?" it
0'it:a not nave i.-iifo't rrir wire
than ten yours. 0!!e.'irm ut fill ih
is illegal for another r.nou ; tb- U ro
(tiirfs that tht ntt-M bi titv.ibytht
0'niiry e ittrt and that they In kept oor(.
piotionaly ptistel at th toll g-ttn. It is
tiol dnti id th's ete. If h ownra nl
that portiivi of tru roiil htvj a rijlil to
collect toll th"y s'io il I c.)'a;ly wub the
liw goveruiu ti'l roili. If they have
Do riiiht it ia hijhtini. th.it the p'ople
flod il out Unok O'jtitity J I'J'iiiil.
Thoy have anything In this line that you may dentre and you can depend on it you get a
Old Stand, Main Street R.palrlna So.olaltv
Pair) ts O i 1 s--G lass
Conser & Warren. Druggists,
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
'I l.i'iii.l llirr lr.'ltt( nl lint .rUlnly
'ii'ii'i Anirrl- " In Jn ntff lh rtrl
lloliialy I.I. h ' tl ti Jin. nll,
ipi'ii.t l"s lint r li I. ft II, nl., l t, Aiurili ant
Allt r II, .1 .Ul ll,xt Kill U ,l, i l.i Ih )irla
.1 , u.i i i.l tin. , . r i,iii. I lulus uy li.x
n,'ll,i l.i I, at. 1 1 JsitaiicM ctmri (u.rtl
II,. ii l.,li r. .
"Il'.l. I. il.. , l on. nl lh r. in. Illl.un hi
h iil uit.l.r l.,rin roiitritl in hut.
nt Aiitrli ii rlMf.n Imi i-.nttttttt . Mnir
t, In I I, In. I. ti.tl In. I,) Hi. I liliirM l-xitl.
II. I. Uai'ii Iwl.ira lit A milium t'.tit.'ll l4
lil.l Ilia i lih.aaa i.mrt. iaitii.it M'tM Hi.
.i, wtll i.l n An, rt, .it rllii.n ..r ..-i. H,il
mininpl i uti.M.aii Mtacr lakr. .Mraai,m
ami iiiiiii.il i sua L'trtmilailii atllr.aM
IUKHHAN hotfi.
(irmu liaillluil ha ! Ilvoly this fall
Aaulltar )mnt Ilk. Ibis it .11 ..I.
Ill tin. Vidiulty it Mrmt ihiablfal
lit llirr .11 lb. tftalu will l thrMhaJ,
q.ii'H t.j .i.. Jiatia, tl-l)t aaI Itia
l apallipf.
Wl Hterl.s,i f lUliltDhll, I (irr(.r
inn f ir tit "au'ufrtl u( alimp tbw
lulaf," l, l.t a frlo4, wbaa
a.srj abat ba K'ni'4 .i Jti ailb lb.
tilllilxtf . wax fa ati I iti af
11-ji rl La. il u,. Jim ki'i.ol Ubea
ei.,i;l .Imiaillb Im) lufttta mat
ni a, a . as Jim la a jiscl f l.ll.ia ,
is viiatt.l at IU. i'iib ait J ttail.l
li st !'.. ., i 1 l.'ki O ti ma a. !. J It!
all 1 1 til, an I tit. many fnait.la a tan bim
rtiii. ii j
Oi: U's'.l la-t ana a altbr InaJs
a ti4 na a lan. if !. p aaa4 by J,
1? k'Mil'l.y, n.ar I'.ur Halt, a.
rmi,. I t if t h4sIc. I a tu Ik Ttta
liar.l.f itii.aa.tr ! II. a tUru ainmal bal
!)l I iu.J 1 1 tuirff, Tii vaaof
(!!. iKc.ii gstf , li.iltr taairaa
...I ,. ., . ! iia.ll I' I t I ! "f A f H II If IN il Iwal
., " ' ' ''' ; ' iu I ..! nf a p.'a'i ' !. a
I'ANTiiN, (Hilti, Oct. T.-lwrKt) 0, HaiUin,
lirtilhar nl Mrs. I'rtwlilnit Mt Klnlny, waasliut
tit-ail st 6 ID Hits availing In front ol the Ml.
limit' nl Mrs. Kva B. Allliousa, vlttow ol tb
laMllvork AltliiHiaa. licrs h Is ircaroa.l to
hay trnia Iti mak a call. Five sbois war trad,
tli r as ol which .iiurtt his Unly, Mr. Anna C.
Uvurn ha Una (ilarrtt nutter arrtt on sua.
ftlrlnnol mtirttfir. Mr. Uatirta 1 lti dlrtirr!
wilt olHampla CUaorsa, alia tormrrly was
tiMiaiit ot Haniii In' lit down-low n bualiiaas
tiltN'k, roii tiiftliii a drrasinasliig4iiliinas. Her
dliorc was oltUlnr.1 In liasnlaanda aroread.
In latar aaa Bled In Hi loral court by ber
husliand analurt hann. ahlcb cbart4 that
he.ton hail Mnt her liter to ear urea dlvorr.,
the truraatng her being a suit lor damages
lor all.nttlon ol the wile's sfTerllons Tblaraa
ha been through all lb Intermedial, court
nit was aeetl upon by the state supreme
court, aud eually remantted lor bearing oa tu
merit hera.
Tfc Siarema Carl A4lla Haaatar J
Morrow; a Membfafclp af Ik Rr,
Jme W. M irroa, teoilor from Ibl
ctiooly wa aJutltltl la lb bar by Iba
opr. ro court prat lout lo Ida aeaaioo ef
Iha leglalatora. Tim la an imKittaol
anoouucainanl la Ilia ptl pi Ibia
tint,. Henator Murroer baaalatyt
been a laJr ia I.l rr,Ti rxJ
aoJ aioewxliriatly p-ipnlar oi'lseo. tlnta
at Olimpla, Wash, ia May. IV. and
baa a amall bijr Lie bar.nt ramit4
lo La (Irantl I In?, hi fatb, I1 10.
J. L kl.irroa, deoijml to Lav L
(Iraotla, ao l Ittrmiua a iailarblp alib
Heory Heppner alabliebal abira oa
Iba rar a-bara no atao'li Iba rlaa
bt.lol.la Una rlly. lo kM Iba legiala.
lara ataia. Iba roaal la bonr af
"I'm!." Il'irrti. Tba yooaf (sea aaa
1 1 twa a liberal alurailua aaj gioalof In
inanbiMi I d.l.iprj (irnooanaej boat.
neaaabititf oitiab gin1 rMg8lll la
lb atUnt Ibal ba alrat4 lo tarlnaa
oity 'fflts I laiar I i lb Miitea aa
fototf rl'tk.ah eb piitm ba ba t.M
A Rar. Thing for Too.
A tr.ttitimioii In wlmli yotit'Htit.nt tosalsa
UiUilii(. Lllliout.ea, alfk lit iui;w liu, li.r-
n tl loiiKU.!, tot cr. iilloa ami a UioumiiuI oilier
II tire rnuxod bv c-tiuiiiticin and niiipfmli
li.tT. Coxt-aivU Uaudy C.ttliurllt', tlie uuu-tl.-rf
Ml new livor tlmiilntit and InU'S inul
liiiK' iiro iiy all ilninisu ((iiaraiiuyHl toixra
or uioik'V refutiilod. V. C. II. am a ura
thin, fry a tx' Unlu) ; luc.. 'c.. too.
bauuila aud booklet f rco. bua our II4 ad.
Joha L. Fperry Lark.
John L. 8 parry ba fonoJ aoinatbiLB
good in lb Alaek country. Tba I'orl
laod Uragonlan lay: "la reorol letter
to li reUliva oa lb l i,le, Captaio
J. L. Hperry aayg ba a 111 coma oat from
bit claim on Atlaa Uk, abiot CO niilaa
from Hksgvay, witb llO.OMl. William
H. Qavlor, Captain Hperry' aoo-lo law,
bo live eo lb aaat (id, eooflrtn t bi
atatamaol, and aayi avaral Utter lave
leo rivd from lb raiitaln, tbal
laava do di.ubt in bit miod trial b ba
mad nob atrlka" Mr. Harry w
formerly abariS of thl conoty, aed
l on lima partner of W. 3. Iamtar
la lb ool baia at rurtlaaj. Mo)
fiieo.l q ibia elty will lro of bi good
f irlon witb plaaaar.
lw TitUi'in. n lrnr.
in. 1 iHni.tt? Iris , tiv, mi'i l iiy i.K'ii:t. it
I" t'n' f it l. lil'tl. 'I III- lie. .tilt- I.l till
I ., ,1 Nj.i'M. i.r rinw lmyiiiz "y,.i,j,ui Jwin uie entire world
I 11 y I ntiiiirlir Ht . tlio mtp of two milium I r- it.:,. . 1
.M". u vivrnml it will l;o llmx- million U- A ""'' J'l'IIVLl IIIUUHCl
t . . . ... - . 1 .... jr . l.i 1 :..
nui. .! itnrn. 11 mourn ri.frit iirovt-ii
t tn t ( tfiiri't nrr I lie iiiu.t ilHiichtful Ixmi'
li'v't! uor tor nil hutlv the vi-ur r.nin.l All
iliutiijiate tti-, 2m; Wt- Ixa, cure uuurniittfJ
Js the Star Brewery beer.,
Th It a I.l . Ort-iriiii. Utttilirr . lwei,
hip threw 1 1) emilh nl ranee Iwei.tyniie
(ll)ea.tol Hie MUlanu'tUt iir.illan, drtvuii.
anil mi aiirnrfd l int nl
General Debility
and LOSS of Flesll
Scott! Emulsion fuu bten the
itAntiirrJ nancdr lot rwArlf a
qArtcr ol century, Phyiiciini
rciJilr Admit thAt thef ofctAin rt
lulu from it that thty cinnot gtt
Irom knj other fUh-forming food.
Then Art mevnr other prr pArA
tJom on th mirLct that pretend
ilvl Uut tKV fall Ia rlin II
for a.ghl .a ta.ro. ...al. lh 1 Th H,. QodAjttt Ql
nude Into a delightful erf Am, ikili
fulir bWrvid with the Hrpofho-
rhJtei oi lirrat nd Sod a. which
.i .11. .
r rs tn taiuacic iocuci,
Kf mAkci thll or r-A ration An
idAl one and checks the
wAJtlnf tendener, arid the
f Atlent ttlmoet ImmcdiAte
r commcncri to put on
I rfih od fain ft itrtnjlh
which lurpriiei the n.
hMiraiel. ATta raiH M Vf 0
rea A Na e ea ea warr
I e4 ! rl -H,
haa Imw.i I'lltrtnl
the enrter thertttl w ill lie filed In Hit nrln-e on
the Irlh i!a nt Nm.uitirr, Ikh, al w ti flm s
a.m. lliia'i'l after aahl t'sv, epiitliallitiia Inr
entry U.tr...t w ill Ik m-fti.1 al Hits nnit-c.
MKi.ttl lite day ami )rar alnire tsrltti'ii
JAY f. l it aa.
Otis I'ATt.KM'W, kt'glaier.
Kntltrr VI 1
rcnuc i..s't sale.
I'Kirin rt. La tutu 1,
1U liallra. nr , lw-1 V l-m
puraiia'ir ol Iti.irurtl'iii. lr,tn therom.
tn:aalmifr of Ilia gfiieral latid ofli-e. UIH11! I
auihtiriiy mini In him hr am 'l"t ju'n I ulle.1
.lal.w Keeinte Htalnit a. antH'!t. lt the aif nl
"otiMtrva aiMnoied r.rnary In. ae will
pttitev.1 In ttltrf al pit Mir a.!,, ttn h l"th ilav nl
tttemltrr. Iir.l. al l"n t lot k a in. at Iti la nlllre
the I. .11.. wli, s Iran t,f Imt.i, I.. 11 I he S K
K S Beit .!, I p a, t t g, ji, c-Hilall II S I"
at r.-.
Any and all l.ul rlalnili'g attrerwlr the I
Uire lt ri.vl lamia ae . Iti 1 lo I, I. lit. Ir I
'let mi ii ihia oiln on or U'l.. re Ihi day almte I
lr.igtt.la.1 f.r Iha rotnnti.tu'et'ietil of eaid ea.e, I
Mltl'ta la. Ilirtf nshle III I l..l"lll
Jit r I rt ... tut. rii.a. .
an I lugl.ier, Herelter.
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 VVaghlnaton St.. Portlana, Or
That 14-Ycar Old Stuff,
On Tap Down at The . . .".
Telephone Saloon
a a g aa HAinc OOOOaa
N Stand, City Uotal HoildiD.
IOWTirAl, Prop.
Mid leu, an I te..faal frtaadab'p of
U,iriii a "itity'a eell'a piilao. Ut
lnae.ge i f IL lea I baeieaea aad t a
HM ,i g I b4 ttibt lo Ibafsaa).
tx-reollli bar dt I led ImpreMio .f
b alulity, aa. II la lli.lr v.f l.91 ll ba
b en ieie,l In In t p.f falllna'.
M ea -l. ia Hl.aa I w .
I ,.n I U.l .. t,. . ,W.a .kin Srt
'...', will .ml tl at Ii I ail.af
l , tTr Ii.m at,4 k ll 1 iw. I
I m" ! I tar ! i"l tliniit a. im
I 1 ...w Ir e Ul, Iwa.n le J I
1 i. .'i 1 ..- , l t a, I ttl.la, I-Im a i
i 4 ll.al kt I- ia rneej WfcallL,la
! ..i . I. I f leu ,i (a A I It a
r n -ai ..a rj -
.V ...... -
.Vc.(c of Intention.
LtenOtrit at 1m Inns, nas.tnw.
rrlrii.lr I I, lif.
Norn it t iiKitrnv i.itM niAt mi
ftill. twine iianit! arlll.r haa Ai. wtllte of
hi. 1'ilrnll.in I., lka II. ..I pt.n.1 In .i.t, t.
hl.rUl.n, tu t Utal aai I f..l will l tria l.
tvlttw H, i 111 t 1 itt,itti'aiitt.i , al lone
Ufa"U, nn WatuMley, la lt.i-t ii, mm
W ALT VR A fwltrt. olloita.
ltealMi4 Ati Hr.l..n Ha. I..f lh f'
ami l.'i. aa I , . ll, If I s U
lie t.alttw ll.e fitto.wltig wilit..a It. .ft.t.
hi. ,ttlttHtttt ll.fiii t,.H a'tl roltttaUtttt
f aaH lan.l. tt t,i, gt.(i.n,an, a I'
H.f.l a 1. Kl' I hi, Un, ,am, allot
e. Hl..n,
Jr r. I I l'A.
M (A ktl.tef.
A D it I V Til A To li SA1, E
la l e wt.n.r of H.e e.ii. ..I J.n,1,
S..r ia h'Kiy II..I wi.lee at.-l hi
tttt'ta "I en wt-lf tria.Kh.tii.f5! Iw.wl wit
M ll.a , .Kt.-lt N...II tl lh. at.ta itf--, l..t
4i.,,aw. ttnt ..lit.'s It. a aa.e mt lhaai
a..,.lr t'f wi I .t. I .1.1 . aaittriaf
.1,41 ?fi a l-e h.tft4 t n.taS t w
a.,,1 ,l.r a 1 all " B".t..a lh.Vi.Hral
M.l't t lt rtt I 1,..mI ."t I lt rhflt., t.tn
ap I r. til . I ll I'i' l. IH 'I I lal. raw)
tl.at m. 1 I I.. I .1 'i I. f, .1 .lit
,,.4 a.l l .-I t. ett. a 1,1. h .al a..
tOT ' f . 1 , t I I,. ..! t-. 1 1 I 4
twa it., ... ii--.l -; . 'i t .ilw. '.-I la VI t
t m t ...,.,t. !.- n I..
T .. w , .1 . . a- 1 - t
i.i'IM'1 'f
- a. 1
e. . v
S i I. I I
- '
I . .1
Timber Culture Final Proof.
t'aiTtn mTi t.turtorri. e.
lai.ran l. nr I A lt
N'OTtftt l lltHrBV iilfKN THAT I I.W'
r aalltig. tl IU .i.rr. lit . h.a RknI nntlt-w
if Inlentln.t 10 mate final prt.tf li,.r. 11,.
I'otuity 1 rtk nl M. if row I minty al Ma til) re In
t-.,i.rr. t.r. ..ti. nn rri.iay lite lth .!.
10, miir I-. 011 Hmiter rtiliofw a..tlt-aiou
il . f. the a W V 1, K i, a w u (,
H !. fa p i . ft r. t w
Ma namea aa wunratxw 11, M t.rlr
tat.tra iwnlry Kni.rt M.or.n M J tiln, a.i
f Met puef. umria. K. W. Hti art.
' ! later.
t.AMrf 11 a at T Pai.i otion
fc-tirmtr 1 i
ATnttm tu riimrar i.itrs tiit nt
lttUttait.g.ttame.1 eftle haa r.ie. wnt;.a
4 .le It. truii. t u.ate pf.tl in .,,(.t,rl
.) hie rialta, etui thai aahl pf..f will ha u,a.le
l. f V t a I... I . ...inly 1 us. al H.pi,
lr.tn. na aliii l.r ll.'r .a, , i
MlU.Uat A. miiit'aiin.af 1'ilttfiwn.
4nwwlaal App'I.Hil,. Hc AIM, f,,f h, p.t
fm. A. 1p I K . a m II
He muh Ui l..il..w.ig wlln.ia a In pnne
til. tm tin. i..',. taal lir iw an I nillttalton
t HI I Mi. I S Ita.l l N.rlar P. R.. .hat
ihn wii ..an. Wtii.ia,, Mr Aiiaiwr. , ol
lii.t.m, i ..
r r. 1 i ts
M "A H.(i.b-r
no ti ce7 rV.v tItntu Vs. '
Timber Culture, Final proof.
l ith Ktts. t iati reri, g
hraara 1 1- Ha tlimel H )
a.' u ' ".,,
heg later.
notice or INTENTION.
tA-0rr,g r LAUg.at.g. o,,ao.
I. pi. till. 1 al
.1 ii'toeing ,lf,i Li.iL.f i"l THI
-.1 Me i.,i.,., i. .1-;'"' u",u
rl.ta,. ai.'l E
t .t t w
I " 1 .l artt.t ll. f l t.u. . m
l.la I'.lt.tl.rt, I.. Mhaaa -tal p..m4 t, tif..,t1 til
!.. aM H al a.1.1 ft . at Ka ttn. la
. I u.l'.i l, I ..!,,. I !.. .1 ll.j.baj,.
nf "Wl1" I.l .'.!.. laat, us
f !... ht.w.! t V trA, lh,
" ' 1 e 1.1 t r. I a g
' A w H. tt.w lit. I . ; . . ,. , , M
I ' h r...t, . Ir- . N. .'- . ,.'1
"fa.il m'-I -t. tt.i J ... ...
,-,!- A. tt- Wi t. o a M r .'ta H V.j
it I A . l i . ' "
r t . .
t , ea
Al tint ta .,
u. t.,4. Viw , ',Wh
Ha ti.tr r. (h ,,nl,,, .
- fcgleief.
Notice of intention
l-CrutttTat.ue r.,
Vtl 1. iirfcMr
. " ....
Hf.lr.. I im
f.l.il lal.t
I la ,
11. t
1 lit
'if t.att-.M taMti.. k. a, . ..'
-h. u, ..,. erMll "TLTr'T 1
rAt. n eniTM.
I. ail 1 at . . , .
rv 1 iijs'l.