Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 11, 1898, Image 1

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The Gazette will contain
the latest telegraphic news
From the Seat of War.
NO. 691
If you have bargains to
offer, announce it through
the columns of the
Published every Tuesday and Friday
Editor aua.& JMuxagrer.
On Year
Six Months
Three Months
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Fostolnce at Heppner, Oregon,
aa second-class matter.
THIB PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Oake's
Advertising Agenor, 84 and 65 Merchants
Exohangs, Ban Francisco, California, where con
tact tor advertising can be made fur it.
ing agent, 21 Merchants' Kzohangi Build
ing, Ban Franoisoo, Is our authorized agent.
This paper is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 d.
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:0s a. m.
daily except
Leaves Heppner Junoiioa 8:10 a, m. and ar.
rivna at HeoDner 8:011 a m
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction p. m.
and D ma' ilia 8:60 p. m.
Portland Express No. 1, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 9:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
m. and arrive at Portland 12:60 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland U p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8i5 a- m, and at
Umatilla 4:30 a. m.
Vaat Mail No. 1 leaves TJmatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at leppner Junction 12:25 a. m. and at
Portland 7 flt a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C, Hart,
Agent O. H 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
m m wmm .. mw r 1 ill 1 m l
m 3 m 1 bbW m m ; m i .-. I ' -1 M T. ft
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and -which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
f ' - and has been made under his per-
SJ&Jty'ftfl r sonal supervision since its infancy.
J-CUCAZM ji&ovt no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Sears the Signature of
He Details as His Programme for
Work in United States Senate
The Gold Standard Currency Reform-
National Expansion The Nicaragua
Canal-A Larger Standing Army
A Greater Navy-A Trans
pacific Cable.
Spaniards Are Made Objects of Abuses by the
. Native Islanders,
By the Associated Press.
San Juan, Porto Rico, Oct. 6. The
Alicante arrived yesterday morning and
will sail for Spiiio today with 250 sick
Bpatisb soldiers.
Tuesday Opti.ia Arlegui, of the oivil
guard at Bayamo, was severely stabbed
by tome person unknown. It is thought
he will die. He is much disliked by the
Islanders. The officials at Bayamo very
promptly made several arrests, including
a : prominent physician, Dr. St. Hall.
Oaptalu Arlegui and St. Hall have long
been bitter enemies. The pbysipian is
known aa an Atoenoan sympathizer. He
had to leave the island daring the war
and bat i reoently returned. When ar
rested he was on a si ok bed, from whiob
be was removed to the jail. Popular
State News.
The Roseburg and Myrtle Polntstage was held
up on Saturday week about a mile east of the
latter place, by one man, and Driver Baker gave
up between $soo and $1,000 and the robber made
his escape.
Marshal Chllderi arrested a man recently on
suspicion of being the man who killed a man
named Beynold at Athena, Mont., some time
ago and is holding him to hear from the Mon
tana authorities.
Captain E. Poleman, superintendent of the
German hospital at San Francisco, died Thurs
day. He formerly commanded the steamer Or
egon, plying between San Francisco and Port
land, and was well known in Portland.
The movement of sheep from Oregon eastward
has been something remarkable this year. It Is
stated that upward of 200,001 head have been
delivered to rail points in Nevada for shipment
east. Prices have averaged $2.29 to 3 per head
uu the range. .....
In the circuit court at Union, Union county,
the grand Jury returned an indictment against
Wang dee, a Chinese, for murder in the first de
gree, Wang Gee shot and instantly killed Oris:
I The Morning Oregonlan.
"I'm not coins to change mv opinions of publio Questions, iust be-
I- ' ' w a, x m
cause I've been elected senator," said Senator Simon, smilingly, to an
Oregonian reporter who sought an interview with hiai Sunday. "I
opinion acquits him of uy oonneotion Hong Sick and shot and wounded Joo Boo, in
with the stabbing. y Grande, August 1st, as a result of a dispute
Trouble of this character has been for over a Bambiing game.
some time feared at Bayamo. A Spanish M1haei McCnbe, a resident of Woodburn.Or.,
resident reoently asked for American JUm?a't
I 11 II ran ft v nicrhr from rha n IY,nm v - ...
protection. General Brooke replied that paralypis suffered about three months ago. Ha
it was impossible to famish this nntil the wai a retired ordnance sergeant, having been
Spaniards bad evacuated the island, and retlredftftr ao years' continuous service, several
that in the meantime the Spaniard rxust yea" 8(f0' at Vancouver post,
look to the Spanish . authorities for pro- ZZ "Z"!
Carson, Union county, to establish himself In
The Bayamo occurrence inoreases the the newspaper business. He has been selecting
Doited State Officials.
P i-i.iont William McKinl-j
V President ttarret A. Hoburi
Secretary ,)f State ,...W. H. ..
rfcretarjr of Treasury Lyman J, (iar
ieoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Mine
.-e.ire(ry of War liuiwell v. Alger
looretary of Navy John I). Long
I'ostmaster-General Charles Emery Bmith
Altorney-Ueneral John W. (Initio
cVcretary f Aicrioulture James Wilson
State of Oregon,
deoretaryof State
8npt. Hublio Instruction.
Attorney (general
....W. P. Lord
. H. K. Kincaid
Phil. Hetsohan
....(J. M. Irwin
C. M. Idlnman
10. W.N
IThos. H.Tongne
I W. H. Kllis
...W. H. Leeds
H. H. Bean.
Snprerue Judge F. A. Mixire,
a,. woiveruHi
Sixth Jadlclal District.
(Vrenit Judge ..Stephen .Lowell
Pcosaoutin Attorney H J. Uean
Morrow Uooaty OBIcials.
iulnt Henator J. W.Morrow
lipreeenUUva,........o., ..U rrmuuid
IV. par
onlj Jodae
' (Joinmlseioners.,
J. W. IkwkeU.
" lilerk
' Traaaum
' Aw ur
' ttarveyor...
.iehool ttup't...
'' Ooronor
J.H. Howard
.... Vawter Crawford
K. L. Mai lock
M. Linhtentlial
A C. Petn-ye
Julius Kmtlily
Jay W. Hhiulay
Dr. E. R. Huniook
mu nti ornoiu.
Myo Thosv Monran
(! lunMlinen E. J. Klonum, M
l.inhtenthal. J. R. Hlmona. i. i. KoberU, J. W.
kumiu anil tL U. HiMirnr.
T ant L. W. Hrucirs
mhil John Uaer
Ji'stloeof the roe...... W. It Uirhardana
r,n.ulil. u. a. uray
failed MtaMi laa Orheora.
Til ULB. OB.
Ij P Iinaa IWIstw
Oua Fallanun KooTf
r W. IUHlet fWMt
i. O. Bwackhaimar Bwlw
zonxT aocimra.
W. W.Hmltb.
MnUsI Ut'pnr, Or., ihm third Ratarday of
-art. Binoih. All veuraaa are lovttan tn kn.
it w. Km,
D. J- McFaul At. D.
, OArs boars, I lo 10 , en., and 12 lo 1
p. m., at raaldste, and lo to IJ a at.,
and I lo a m . at odloa la the rear ol
Borg't awelry store.
C L Redfleld
OCr la first KaUoaal tUnk Building.
Ellis i Phelps
AlltHWlnaaatlad1 U
nd to.ti.fivu.rv auuiwr.
IK aatf t atl bra.
la a bfnmM
RiftotlM fob-
0ea la Vattat'l lulldlnf. H !. Orra
D L Gllman
Pol r old am and la ki
fcana a4 a4 ymr mntmy mi af ih.m
slaaa swiaiiy at uivruiv
0a la I. V. ' nll4la. Rfwf. (w
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
don't think there is much doubt as to my position with reference to apprehension among the Spaniards at nam ng list of titles of periodicals
the important matters before the country." ? Jaan, where there have been eimilar - -
rr . i 11 i 11. ii. i j i . . . inoiaents aanng me laei lew acys. paper "The Eastern Oregon Tocsln."-Peudleton
He was assured, however, that the publio had a keen interest in There 1(S a rnmor thal old goor.lg , be .p0, eg nT0C,ln-
his views at this time, and that it would be glad to have a freBh recital settled by the islanders, and anonymous Benton county farmers are experimenting
even of an old sto r , since th developments of the past few days had handbills are circulated all to the same wltn hem')' and ulte uccesstuiiy too, as they
given special significance to his utterances. He consented to talk freely teDor- Nevertheless, if there is no inter that meM19 from fee'J'it u uder-
and without eVBBion. . Pro"o,eauBSB oeiween me opan- stood that the Portland Cordage company will
iiHij evaouaiicn aiui toe Amenaan occupa-1 ouur a swiea price tor an me uregon nemp tnat
tion of San Joan, set ions disorders are oan be ,urnlhed next season. Farmers of Lln-
prominence in Oregou in this campaign, because the politics of the not likely to ocoat here. try on a large scale.
state havt been so curiously mixed in that important issue. I have Tue United States postal authorities . i T9,iture to predict that within ao yoars Or
al ways believed, since the subject has been occupying publio attention, w. reur- w ltem' ,0M w'" beoe of th. richest .ni most attract-
Jiest Rational Jank
tlons are similar to those of the British Islands .
soacoast Is washed by the warm Japan current,
Just as the British islands are by the Oulf
that the only 'sound money' system is that of the gold standard. The
!.. ... .. a a aaa aa l "
ingnt in tbis state Having been within the republican party, as well as I The remainder of General Ernest'
between the straight republicans and the adherents of all stripes of brigade, the Sixteenth Pennsylvania and stream, and in each instance the effect is the
nnnfeaaodlir Wfc mnnnw' faitho nrrl IVia olraiohr onlrt-alnnrliirfl rAnnh. Third Wisconsin, DOW at Oeyey, has re- same-the creation of a superabundance of va-
...... . . . . , . : , oeived orders lo Droeead lo Pnnca on Pri mists, clouds and rain, which maintain the
licans naving nnauy won sucn a magninoeni victory, u was dui natural " , ' : . "
that prominence should be given that question throughout the cam
O. W. CONSER Cashier
E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Uasbier
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits $35,0i'O.
A. Mallory,
Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND
i:nllui'f Ion nude on reasonable terms.
Utiles at residence on L'base street.
la the p are to go to get your fine pork
and lamnchiis, steaks and roaat.
riah Every Friday.
Fine euirar-cured hams and bacon. Pure leaf
lard, kfttle-reudered. old style. Highest caab
price ld lor at slot k.
eenj. Matnawa.
Head of His Owe Death
Mr. Fred Qerti will mke floal prof
oo bis ho nestead at The Dillas land
office next month. Mr. uerli a bo a I
three yean ao hail an experience that I everywhere.
ool orien Happens. Ue read ol ms own
death and wai monrned by bis f rieo Is
aa having crossed the dark river. Tie
olroomstanoes of bit reporteJ death wr
aa follows: He bad met with aa ecoi
cVot lo a saw mill sod reoeived injuries
to bis bead whlohotused I iss of mtu ry,
en 1 bo eo.netimea was onible tt to u
olze aoiioaiotaooes. Realising thti
A. Abrahamsick
Merchant Tailor
Pioneer Tailor of Heppner.
His work hrst-class
and natisfactory.
Give him a rail May Street.
Wm. Gordon has re-named
his stand the old Jones
livery stable-
Tlie Coiitrnl.
aled hay fnr eala. rbartve rwannal.la. rU
on blra and bate roar hum !) ta tot,
r,D,f T .ll w J. mw. '"uu,u H" aniwra. -w. wjmoarui, in me
' " ' Dally News, Dallas, Texas.
IUV .III. a & UUVO lUOT Will BUJUIII IVI I n- m t . .
i . .., t a- n i a om lurner, wno came aown irom uornuco
paign that has just ended with my election. But it seems to me our the United BtBtes, arriving between the pia, brought a gold brick valued at too, the
gold-standard faith is coming to have a new significance. Important as 20tb and 2Stb. product of some ore taken from his property in
:i: i: t 4 u u n-t.i. j.j Since the cessation of hostilities the Cornucopia district, known as the "No
it is as s uuiiuv ui uur unuuuni iruiDruuitfUL it uns iouculiv intcu auuuu i ,,, , . ...
o w - - - . , i'w 1, utaim. m r, 1 uruer nau m tons 01 nis ore
importance by reason of the territorial evpansion of the United States urg9 Pr8eD,hKe 01 1,,ol,ll1e" Ma400'1 ,De reduced by the v. c. company, which produced
.Ji iu. ' !. ..1-: regiments has beeo largely doe to lnao- I r) to the too, and this gold brick was the result
uu mo uuiuuiciuBi ic.rinuuo iuuo u1UuBu. tu u. uuuoiuoioiiuu. tivity and laok of interest, with severe of part ol this rnn. The "No Oood" claim has
t 1 I. t . , I . I . II . . . I I'll ' I .... . . -
money, cooa, Daa or inainereni, is important oniy ior tne UBes 10 wnicn noard and Datrol dotv. oermuuy nseu misnamea, as tins bunion is evi-
u V. 1 t t.: iu U..i i t t,i tu. i.,.i .1 ,1 dencethatlt la one ol the best in Union coun
in in ui tuny ira puu uui iuuuoj, uoiug iun urn, uiuur,, suie u anp """""J ' i-v-fm ty., wonderlullv rich 0ld flelds.-Unlon Re.
as to permanent trad" If will not make so much difference as to 01 w" publican.
whthor th hn of rfifikoninff he Nw York or fjondon. when mon B8Ten or e,D, olu mo"rl Rogardlug the murder of William McKlm.o.t
. . . . ....i.. j . , ' pn the City fortifications, were sold by by James Weaver last Wednesday, and the sub-
is xeaucoa 10 common terms 01 iruae mat nave a aeunue meaning lbe gpg)0Bn autburitia aud removed to "i't capture of the murderer, the Harney
I hope to see the time when lortland will ngure perma- Itbe dook for ehipmeut. The Amerioan roum7 I,w". m,ir,,r'
neuuy in tne exchanges 01 me 'worm. 11 1 ao not greauy misread commission onjuciru 10 me removal anu trailing him almost in sight, keeping him on
events beyond the Pacific, Portland has the greatest opportunity of its tbe ,"le WM de0 "rml a- Tua '' muv ,"'t" enowiaii on the mountain.
career to take a high place in commerce. 4 . ... , .
"1 do not feel quite satisbeu with tbe present condition of national bo baa served Hp uu louK and faithfully
finances. The nation is on a gold basis, it is true, bat its position ! has oevor kaown defeat or mrren
might, in my judgment, bo improved. Our finances are nil right for der ,eT- tb 1Im! before the for-
.. 1 , 11 ui . mei dblivery to tia Amerioaa govern-
1 ' a.DO m.nl 'I hA fuAllntr whlnh mnmiiij this
ometbiog was wrong with him, with' ul need ol protecting tbe treasury, as e have seen in the past, lhe re-1 reaolutioo Is fully appreciated b Amer
eying aoytntng toots meoi bideoaej 1 tirement of the treasury notps, I think, would go it long way 10 that di- loans here,
W go W rorlleoil aol OOOSOII llie aa'lOe ration. Poihl that vi.nld Ia r anfliniAt.t nrice.ntinn at nrnt 1
ot pbyeiolaos. None of bi aootalal , ... .-. , . . . ...
w 1 I l.n r Ivn lutJA in laaninn tlia-iaiA t h 1 rvsa titir ii aan afi a It a 1 1 lliiAatann1 wa Ith
anoee law him leave, bat the U1I md of . " ' ,' u.B " u.c-u.-u nm
bim be wee sitting on a rook on the nv -r I disaster. Let as in time of prosperity take steps to ward oil adversity.
bank near Vieoto. A few days after his I "While I do not believe in the jingo policy, I am still averse toour
dlsappaaranoe the body of a mo was withdrawing within our national shell and refusing to take and told
MOna waenea asnore OH t pal Of land nrnnr h,M jn lh affairanf tliAayorU. Of thA tan T arnnlrt rlirvaa
We cannot
cmnplntely covered his trai'ki; while they were
recovering the trail he was discovered In a
shallow hole under L Weaver's house, where
an armed posse of citizens made him surrender
atlp. m. Prldar. He was put In Jail, from
whl.'h there Is in way lor hlin to eetpe.
The forest rangers hare all beeu ordered back
lo their positions In the mountains by the offi
cials at Washington, D. C to serve another
month. One reason given la lo have a trail cut
between Hulk nap Hprlnga, on the McKensle
road, and llaiel Dell, on the military Mute.
This will be an Impossibility later In the year
on account of snow. It Is also claimed that
danger from fires Is also teared. We think the
laistratlna Kerogaliee Velantrrr Meat ranters rau doe much good whan It rains aa
when the sun slilnwa, but the boys oan not bave
e very pleasant outing. We understand tomeol
Ihsraugert will resign. Hldiier Scott and Andf
lllinn wltl leluru to their stations lomnrrow. -
Eugene Guard.
M0 H 1 1 IKK NOW.
Re Meld.
vVambirutoN, dot. lO.-Htroug lutla
eeces are still bnog exerted to seoare
tbe master onl of Volunteer regiment io
tattle lapertatloae.
The Kuaenada "Uiwec Calllnrulan" print
wmm n um uu iu ii lufti comH io us id mo progress oi events, ji nappens mat me war
Aftef Po4io a few days lo P'mI. wilh gpain Lm broagbt ns very material territorial eipansion. I b.
be went lo California and place! biaV.t ,. . .. . .. . ., ... .,
noJ.r lhe e.r.oftb..kiil.ld ,0i,r.J bou,J ,MfPl In the constant strngle with barbarism
Stage Lino
8. f. MIUt, Pre
f'tiMiMl and anna, dinrt rmite ta htt fta
tall.f . ntn i j aiming eiatnrt, hums in
MM Inter. p-Hals.
time Wn It tf.nf iHllv. Snndsf et'
mftr.t at m a aa. Arrite at ( ante 1 llif
In it B'i'ire
an ui at I a m . arrive at Nepa
tm l M SHHtnj tuu no ting wllfc trmitta
Ji.1.... tt! Ik.
u.w u....uw uwiow ! ... ,j ( l' ,.I.J ..ll.. ll.. I m
ooalte elde of the riser. Himi el III w ""'I" l""l7 ul "e""1" 'lue ,u u vuiun,
most intimate eoqaaioteoeee pro loaeoed "ep aloof from the world s great activities it hoot suUonog tbe pen-1 several elates. Tbe preeldenl ai.deeo
theflaJ tbabxlr of Fred Herts. Uartg laity. We mast as a nation take the responsibilities and advantages reter? of war, to Imm the rrieUot
re4 of bis deetb in the Oregooiai. I tb&t Com to OS in tbe urocress of events. It happens that the war wnif'wsmeo and t.lbere ere brought, are u, loiiowing
reiuamg uonuimiy to conaiuer any pen- 1 -aninmoi amenran cams iuwi me 1 niwi
tioo. The admiDl.trali.10 rw.goiiti sev '"" ,Un9u custom bone
IO 1 . . .v.. .v. k.i t .. "' la.il.te.l l.y the b.iru 01
1 w. m. w.,v , u w,iv uiiin i, n ui . ... ...
1 . . . . .1 1 animal iimusirv. snow ior in eiimia Of juir
tbe asylum St Mockl'm. lb a iotrs I wuitu civuisanuu ia cvrr wniu, vr, no nu ruiiguivucu yttvyiv, mum 1 regal are aou vol.luteer snoiilil noi De ui Inllowing nirl ol oaitl Irom ibis re-
trepbtoej hi shall eoi be tot welt Od I Uke part. The ri'Sponiiibilily that comes wilh conquest of Spain s depleted at preeetl. Hinoe rooro Ibao anwio: ri i-aao bead, Urwlo us, Naire
retoreioa to Hwl River be foood lust overrin eolnnii a ia rri-af. and the advantsr'A is alao imnortanL It ia lu0.lJU '"no'"'" ' dlifniJ fn
bl ol4 oalghbors bat bllvd thi re ... .1. .,m.,;.l tr..tM 1 .1 .i.
port ofbie death. U etbia bad lee ' r . . . ..... ... blued army only eboot laMK'O frlioere
broken loto aad all bis Drioal Dmoar oor twitnnal eipansion may not He prohtaMw for soms time, it is Ml B.0, .j.nf froeciipji0giborwgb
aa..as.a aaal I... . .
ly.loolediog o kit nf millwright t "d. y'Qt aflair, abn hbnnld ielll It lu our own way; and oar way, I be- ly (Jobs and I'orlo Ki, aa wall a part " i-.irsing nrt upon the rattle
aod eveo the lop of h e k at ive. h Hev, is to insist on having the entire prong of the Philippines, and the b" rullippiaee, euake it lpoihle to l.l'.K.'JrVra'ia nrlsti! ad valorem"
4i;, Srowns.ille I'A Isde Faas IM, TU'lena
112, making a lUI ol till bead, as eoanra4
lih II .1 head for July nf WT."
In July, lr, lhe Wilson law waste rorre, aod
thehaavr Important rattle Irom Ncilro were
larrasa to
M.Mimht i
lma I n.h
f..t tailev
i -t If
aiix tta
I y ti !
! n
I ( 1 Wi
! l ru
I '"I ''
IM as
ear rial off. tit trip it Oallf irni h-
other tMHiNi-aeidiis conorming which there) is do question.
bl. IVn, bnt be will w besrodg. the j M DO rMJnD ,b m1t thoM CMf)ioU olhef Mli Hpain is !, TTV i
tnor, a be is sow a aoaod tsao s id . .,.... ., ... . . . .. ,0l, tob
K,. B.mnr. la a. .tJ aa -ii , A ,n no pnaiiioi., iron tue eianuptiini oi tinnrr ngut or migm, eumuaiiy tl)BO, u ifoMt4 ,i lt4 (1Bfar.
tnoppoaM nor taking tbe Irgilimale fruits of war, ecially oj socb a I ladioaU that reglmenta illbsvtnbw
I think I ehi'Uld opixnts ihn ratification of a tiesty that should withdraws tiom there from tine to lien
lUver nianlar
In this mat- dl,pBM "D ,n' ""1'"W P'ti.f Lnd.fth IM.ial.y U It Is r1, r rent The
tUO preeeol lore-. niClneM an'rig IbelrMull ka t-en a radnrlioa ol ai par cent In
Cuba aod Puflo IbOo, wLloh ,n eatUe Imported la one ntonU.
' angaire a sprees.
VY. A Richardson
tiaVw el ewwiwHI f fca att.
aalta M Vwrs raal ' www lows, awf
tasaa - a.renlae a4 will mr tww la
aaf waf la hM Una, el rawanwal.iw t il.
0. B. Matt
aevlaa, 18 Cewla
Hf eoMawrv wila train at
Mailnf alotad WW IMS tin with Waw
ew.a.wJ wmr ea4 I lwna I ew p-r4
to le Sr rfm awv. In u. p ,l.ii
Hale Cwttlef,
Saw. VaOawl fa.
Mathews A Gentry
the 1 Cu
HoleCwvtief 2S "
laet I aWw . f
Beats trio IMeneUke-
Mr. . U. Tunrnaa, rf ar., r. I . I ,
baa foeol a rnorw alob w .11 i f,
Ibea baa yet l male la t KUf ke.
Ytt eer be tfTrrd onlold Sf) fnm
oaearjipiloa eeenmpaniad by bo irrb
eg, aed a abavilgieiy rnred by rr.
Klr'e New I)tanvrv f"f (KiBirtla,
Congba aod Olde, be oVIerea that gold
la ot little vale ia comperiaoa t I hi
saervwIotM sera, wool! have it ea If It
.! a bandrad dollar s boill. Aatbme,
bnn-,rl,HM aad all throat aad loos afTee.
tioii are poeilitely tqrwd by lr. K lag's
New IkMnvery for t fq rep line. Trial
llle frea V.. J. Mlwnm- drug ..
tUaular siM Ui ie aa 1 II UaarsalesJ
Hi avrr at pw riirtl.
Are va leiawwe'!
The O. R k S. tV. Mi boh aa lbe
K,ara l Oragna, H etligwe end
l lahn te t ela dialriliw'ed. ( nr fwwdwre
ara txiawaied la) laraaxt Ika a1 lr.aaaw
1 .
ut,l KaetelS frrfttl aa4 tcpiisl
" aa, eas aar,y Ik wntti will be
S a
Kalr Ike flag
- - " ' . . , ,, . .. ,. There bea bawo a fooJ deal of talk
( I . m mi a aa a a aata I Sani Iflskla till M Iff. Hall laak flllahA fatlllk gil laa I
Hivoivf tetnnu 01 n.aiieo mirersigniy over soy fsri 01 tne rnilip. " ' , , ' M.uiy ahiut not baoliogdowo the
w m - U mm ww waraFwsj aa va) aaa wt v w
aa a. a at .a ..a S ft.
.i a. r ran make llim 01 vaaiiy more nee to lbs woild and toour-
arlvra than lli are boa, and should, atid, I believe, will do it.
"It is Dot Dfcfeeary for ma to say that I favor lis building and
cbtiol of tb Nicrgoa canal by lbs rnitml Klats government. Ths
I'aciflO coaat is Aej intert-atinl io that Sbti-rprisei, abd if it should U
eomplefed within a frw years it is eibla this ooast would at first si-
fries over soy spot where tt be oee
wav, There ere tnaoy staffs fmra
which Ibo Atnartean Dig ooas floated.
We rafar to lbe mtetbeel ot merrbaol
sis. We are aooompronhilogl la
favor now an I always of rwelortog tbe
A. ti. UIILVIR ( "",'-
rant rnoM"7nLiNGTON to
s-M ran wiiMi I . an tnM l1p
Hevvlila ( J aimi I a) MMIxs t
t rww In 'w xlwa la. . kuwM trie
..j. w,r Mk.aifrM.TkKs.itrallels.ald
I ea e?.e A'Ur.lii ty fatreieg W latwrawud la, e4 woflld aak Ibal
aad.y esnetWd) at ' fl; is 4aa avefieaa take as ! ed f"f ward
I ti.ju .1 1 . ..a ...i.. ir
, . r. , - - a,ah a.lltawa ir W. II. Ilarlbarl. Ilea.
Rath Ik Heaal aad lease l all I U'Mk-
g It.
RLSM,Oet&. 1 be bill atHiliaiiing lb Aries flto those sBaatliee-t. aad
rieorw a mors direct l-nefit than any other part of ths cation. Hot P J mh m?
:..., , , .,, 1 1 . - 1, May sod a olm.lar bid paaa I the lb Awartrao livf Is every epol wbere II
the AtUntiflseaUiardwilUemUsshortacotasit can gettooornw JU ,wUrd.y, aad bntb do. swell ka.aea w.vl will o,t forg.l lots,
pooaeaaions in the Pacifio and to tbe growing trade at our disposal in ibe slgaeiore of il.e giveroor lo I mm six I our oib4 mfht aaaioe la
A bill pfuvldlng Ibal Mmpl certlS-
ti lad lo AakrrtS Volflritaer fl'
aiea paaeed lb tvn.
th Ja abf and OhiniHiw empires, and tha canal will lx as mocb or I a law, Tb ta e the bill la lb boeae
mors a nxwaaitt to ths commerce of onr K extern states aa to ILn Pad flu I wa neaelmon.
states. It is Dot a sertional ffjU'rpri, but ote In which the whole
United Htales is ibtf esteL
MA cabU to connect tha United Ht with Hawaii has long been
I S ll'I.L .1 .-.!.!.! . ff U l.Ill . I 1
E pew I is j. Dim luf aC"ll.ieiVMB t'l njtauisQ leiaiMia onruPw IDCrea)i.l DO. I late Ala,wt Aeitblaal
. i. 1 r '..ii.i.l i-i. . I '
eMiity ior a soumarinw caoiw v nriun ur iwarnn)us into eoramaoic. 1 . j SM , (tifft,,f frora ledigweii gad
lloO Willi well other and Willi lbs central soal or goveroDenl. 1 j. Ieel! eat eeareel aaytbieg witbiral
Imve ths covernment shoqld Ukt eom action that wonld roenll ia tba' eeffeflof ffal A eiiewe. I wa l
Uil.lino- r,f anrli a eal.U Iroabled wHb ben leebew. I bogaa lak
I I . . I .1.1 Ii,. . 'I.i.... ..I. 1 i:i a . f .1 . It. .1 I ... . I
1 ") ciraiiy ivsi iu umiiwiy rniniJiiaiiuifu t ui iuw ,ultm nialoa
to a I mm) nttsivs brft-r than It has Uen. Ia fact, ths stnU
log army has loog bwo rather smalt for safety. It Las Dot kept "
ith ths itrow'n of thw tymntry. I bats do rlooM that th Sfrny wilIU
'cwtrM.4H,aM4ea.. ' Q B. A ti.(V. ''7 Brreel to m the) Rew d-maols. Of r,t,ra, lb r.a;
faUrtj-n-woavidritera. rVet.l, r)H , (Lu'J.'mJ on hncuwl 'tfA)
log IIm' 1rprile ea I it baa
11 (! aa wim t-ifally. I a aw eat
!'! aeylbleg I wieb, wl'kol di
." Mr. Atas Htu.y, r;lvs,
V bigW.
Ilmd'e 1'ilU are lb IsVoTila fee ity r.
thartis. tCrtila,y teat.a. JV.v
their I l. Tbie le naiblog Is regard
to which both ImpefialUle eel sail
njpellii ought to eg'. Tbe Urns
wa wUa ibe American das' ea Is
very port W weal Hie lime lo some
egale wbea the AnMitaea Sag will d al
os avary wko every sort will b
bright wilh eir aad tnp. Tba
grwaleat mni'attln Sli a as earth
h ml I baa a aieel mrle lo ear re
He am-laiH lo every eoraaf of tba glob.
Tbe grt-l grai el ertlag tasalry la
lb whII ehiq'l be It fall Is It
est sMt Toe pple wbyi ate lav of
tba w.Hld prwd id'e IliM aay allr
e-l4 aw a' vl !! aa In ftt
eboold twivg I m1i knaaa) aaoar
lii'i' ea d A erwiwaa w 4""lra ai.
ing ilqlM f-r srilMwi el Aari
an t.itMag w J bUof S'l t i
ea "t" innji!,