CTILL THEY COME! ! 3 The Latest Arrivals at JE&i?crwiQL Stewart's The Celebrated "Ideal Brand" of WORK SHIRTS- double all over. A heavy, black DUCK OVERCOAT, blanket lined, for teamsters. New and neat line of OUTINGS, FLEECE GOODS, and CALICOS, CHEVIOTS and DRESS GOODS. Blankets from - An A No. 1 Rubber Overcoat Full line of Winter GLOVES and MITTENS. 50c up $1.85 QUR GOODS and PRICES Are Doing tlae Business. We are not to be undersold. - Come and look through our stock before buying elsewhere. Our MADE-TO-ORDER SUITSl Come from the Highest Class Tailoring Establishment in the United States at prices within' the reach of all. Those Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread in Spite or Treatment but Now They are Healed A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great Sufferer with varicose veins on one of my limbs. My foot and limb became dread fully swollen. When I stood up I could feel the blood rushing down the veins of this limb. One day I accidentally hit my foot against some object and a sore broke out which continued to spread and was exceedingly painful. I concluded I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me so much suffering, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and in a short time my limb was completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, has done for me." Mrs. A. E, Gilson, Hartland, Vermont. I Sarsa- O parilla Isthfc best lu fact the Oue True Blood Purifier, Hood t-Jood'S Plll cure all liver ills. 26 cents. METH. EP1SC. CHDKOH. 8ERTIOKS. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. lUaxees no. 1 and i at 1Z:MI p. m Kpworth Leatrce Devotional meeting at 1 p. m rmse meeting;, i niirtuay, p. m. 'The Hpibit ajd the bride say. ('ome." The i,AHtor may be found at the Dareonairo ad Joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any w o may df-sire to consult hiin on reunions, rm,ih1, oivio, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. KLKSHER, Minister. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m, and 7:0i) p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even lug at 7:00. Choir practice Haturday evening at tne cnurcn. n. i ohki.lt. Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first Wednesday ol each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. I. Matlock t WATCH THIS SPACEl -$5.00- In It If you eatoh on. $5 glvn away for tha bait aoora this waak at tha i Gallery -SCORE TO DATE- Ulnheat possible score 120, M. B. Galloway 9'. Kil Dlirrant Nl4 Herry Hnyder Ki Krank I'lnton W4 K H Kellog H7 Tom Buckley wiU Lea Matlock 101 Red. Whits and Blue llaht. In front. 1 a - -- -- Local Notes. 6e M. Llclitentbal k Co. for hoe. a Fin imported oigtr at "The Maine." A big warehouse la being built at Lex Ingtoo. Choice confectionery and fruits at "Tba Main." Wanted-100 dead ibott at Tba Main bootiog gallery. Caoyootbootf rrovit tTb Main booting gallery. Monty io It. Five dollar! at Tha Mains tbootiog gallery. Wbt la Uop UoldT Vest betr co arlb. ree ad. U where. Tba lower warboe b ao onlimlt. ad toppy of ed ry for tale. 83 lo LlohUolbal A Co. for boe. Eiolaaiv bokr. llaudle tbe beet, tttf Dr. A. C Oreeole, oorner Orand ava naa aod Kat Morrteoo Portland, tf Tba OacUa'a nberrtptloo pric of l 50 la lieliog tircnrrt vry day. p..r a "11" tia go to Brown k Hit art'. Tby are Jaal la and robrao aa elegant eltioa. "Co'a Ju W" I all right but fxw Til- lard baa a brand of l-yr.old grw1 Ibat la bard to beet. d3 If Dr. J. W, Vogel, ifialit fr rfre tioa and defect of tba ;, aiH be br very Ibre month, fvtrviyr finle remedy for tlrlin lth. Ifaoi aa uit. t o barge. T' If Vanebaa' oew tlaa. f4-lf. If yoa need anmetblngfnr ynor to call at U Tboee The Telethon loo. City boiel boildiog. if Joel what yoa bv looked for every, where I if. D-nlo" sleeping ferments for ehillr. at Brwwo k Mewerr. fLt eoeommndetl" d anrUnR I treatment a lb Imperial llttet, Keventb aad Waab, Kts 1'ortlend. Oro. Bnog tonr b le. Pl'a to fU. Matnew, al tha Llbry . Mt Market . Ha bay lgbt oiarl trto. m?-tf. E. Q. Noble & Co. are rustlers after bnsiness. The finest saddles and har ness to be found in Heppner. See tbeir new ad in this issue. - tf. Be not deoeivedl A cough, hoarsrjess or cronp are not to be trilled with. A dose in time of Hhiloh's Cure will save yon much trouble. Sold by Conser & Warren. v Old fashions in dress may be revived, but no old-fashioned medioine oan re place Chamberlaiu's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Conser & Warren. Care that congh with Suiloh's Cure. The best oougb onre. Believes oronp promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses fur 25cts. Sold by Con' ser & Warren. v DyspepBla cared. Kbiloh's Vitalizer immediately relieves sour stomach, com ing up of food distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Con ser & Warren. v Dr. M. B. Mftzler, the dentist, who has renetitly located in oar oity, has his office for tbe present with Dr. MoFaal. ThoBe in need of dental servioee should oall and see htm. tf Ladies, take the best. It yoa are troubled with constipation, sallow akin, aod a tired feeling, take Earl's Clover Tea, it is pleasant to take. Bold by Oonser & Warreu. V F. J. Maodougan is again iu town in the interests of the loo.l telephone sys tem and will spend several days in per feoting the same. The new line is giviog general satisfaction. Earl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasaut laxative. Regulates the bowels, purinea the blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cti. Sold by Conser & WBrren. t Mr. D. Clark reports Canyon City fall of life atid aotivity, owing to the session of the circuit and ootioty oonrt, many strangers and prominent attorney from abroad baiuii iu attendniioe, W. P. Suyder, tbe livery stahle pro prietor, boys ouly tbe best bay and grain. Large corrals aud accommodations for freigbtera. Haok and baggie famished reasonable. Stuck well oared for. tf Tba Morrow County Land k Trnst company bate decided to go into the wheat baying btminess extensively this fall, and it is important that grower in terview them before dioposiug ot tbeir crops. Otto Frederick of tha City bakery kwp a oompleta line ot oanned good, staple groceries, oonfeotionery, vege tables, sweet potatoes, eto Bread, pie and oake baked each dty. Wedding cake a ipeoialty. tf "Dandy" the wonderful dog in bl wonderful leap from tbe dizzr height is owned by Barry L. Holmes, with the Qaaker doctor, and it took month to ostill Id tbe rolod of tbe eanina 000 fldenca in tb fellow wbo beld tba net. Jake Well and Jobn Hprnoer, when laet beard from, were in North Dakota pulling sheep oat of mow bank. Mo- oular exerois has developed an eoor mou appetite with Jake, and be t long' iDg for tb "good bom b bad when b left." Now, that lb warm eann 1 about m . i aB over, irD eaodira ara 10 orner, na Jme Hart will devot hi lima to lb mannfactor ol lh eboioeat delieacietio In lio of cream, taffy, eto. la feat, all kind ot ooofeotiooary ar lo ha fonod Iber. HV-tf "Io Iba morning by tha bright light," lo tbe eveolog at Iba "JUd light,' wbera Jobo Um mo eoatione to dot lo bi patron thn sparkling beverage, which "baawh melaooholly and drlv doll ear away." Drop Id; warmth greet yon three fall and winter ?eo!og. Cnroneneing Heplerolwr 211 oa every Wednesday olghl, Including OrlotKr I!Hb,lh0. II k N.Co.,will el ronrtd trip ticket for lb Portland ledaatrial hi p.. an loo al tbe rat of 13 90. laelnding I wo ainilelin lo the efpnellion pitMentfer returning will leav tb i lowing Monday night. It Dr. Hnnlnrk aa hastily ciramnoe to Waarner tbi week la relieve a child of John ()', I" abii b bad beo a train letered aa overdrM of laadaoam. Dark ne overtook Ihem oa tb-ir way there aad lh drif er of th team mlt'wk a three-font tree for tb ailddl of the r-l, t.irb reenlted In a demolihel pnm. A two rriite.ayrttihrfttritied aa at, and a uifMe flr wa nHtitqted and Ihe Jnoreey reenmed lo tb relief tf lb little 00 e. The Jlker dor. who be ffeald o narb et"ilmBt la 1'of'Unl fr Vera! BxiOlli. rnli)g ebrotiWl tlteer. re leaking Hptr a tieil and givieg fffined enterlalnateate In lh opera bonee eaeh evet g Tba Q laker ba eeUblltbed la Piwtleo I tbeir weelera Naneb dietrihating offli w here W po- t-I Personal. HERE WE ARE w Mr . Cohen is clerking for J. M. Hager. Emery Leezer returned from The Dalles Wednesday morning. Geo. Robinson came In from Mallory's mill with his children this week. Dr. Hunlock, wife and babies were on last night's train for a Portland visit. Dr. J. W. Vogel arrived on this morning'a train and will remain a few days. Dr. McFaul reports a fine baby girl at the home of . Adams at Sand Hollow. Miss Lillian Bisbee and the Misses Farns- worth are in attendance at Portland universt ties. Councilman Roberts is again on earth with both feet, having about recovered from his in jury. Mrs. Wm. Leach, of Lexington, who was re' ported seriously ill last wek is now convaleS' cent. ' Will Spencer represents our representative at the First National Bank during his "hold-up" at Salem. The Misses Hynrl, of Sand Hollow, left on last night's train for a visit of tome length in Portland. Dr. Mc8word was called to lone yesterday owing to a severe attack of pleurisy ol Mrs. Frank Ingleman. Mrs. J. W. Matlock, wife of our deputy sheriff has gone to Colfax with her little granddaughter and will remain several weeks. Mrs. T. B. Williams, of I ong Creek, came to Heppner yesterday in company with her sister, Mrs. Dick Clark, of Canyon City. S. C. Donaldson, of Fossil, an old-time Hepp- nerltecame to town Wednesday renewing old acquaintances and will spend several days here. Mr. W. R. Maxey, Mrs. E. 8. Potter, Mrs. A Hackney and Mrs. 1. D. Combs are registered at the Palace on their return home from a visit to the Portland exposition. Ad Matteson returned yesterday morning from Portland, having left his father at 8t. Vincent's hospital. He reports his father's con" dltlon much improved, and feels that they were fortunate in getting him there. Mrs. Corlles Merrltt and Henry Corlies Mer- ritt are now in Portland. They took last night's train for the metropolis. Chief attractions are grandma and the fair. They took umbrellas, gum shoes and mackintoshes, and promised to remain month. . . Theo. McClellan, ot John Day, arrived in Heppner, direct from Skagway, yesterday morn ing, and after preparation for the welfare of his heep interests will return. Mr.McClellau left hit wif and father-in-law In charge of their business interests there during hit absence. Mr. Dick Clark reached her yesterday with hit wife from Canyon City, who wat a victim of a runaway accident a few weekt sine, which left her with dislocated hip. The pur pose is to give her the benent ol the betl turglcal skill In th metropolis hoping to re duce the dlscolatlon. Mrs. Clark la a lister of Mrs. Robert Gllmore. Mr. John Evans, of Milton, la visiting hit sous, Marlon and Jerr, at their Dome below town. Mr. Kvans was a neighbor adjoining Dr, McRword'a family In Ohio. The doctor recite a very Interesting history of Mr. Evans and hit twin brother, who at exceedingly enterprising and thrllly farmers In Ohio, worked together co-operatively, erecting all buildings lndupll cateand laimlug under th tarn plant. They wr th attraction and envy of th entire community, aud practically demonstrated the probable iuocom of eo-operatloD vs. com petition. WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE! We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES of any house in the city Our Line of ... CLOAKS Ond CAPES is complete, comprising all the latest styles in Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses' Wfp PS from $1.50 to $25.00: Our Stock of Wn CLOTHING Is perfect in satisfaction. In fine Silk and Plush. style and finish and guaranteed to fit and give entire In Shoes We are the only house in town that sells the Celebrated "Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the reputation of which is world-wide and sold by all the leading houses. ; We lead them all. The Kellejr-Goodfellow Shoe is so well and favorably known that we need only to mention that we sell their line of Shoes to insure us a large and increasing Shoe trade. In Dress Goods We are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, Ruffl ings in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods. Underwear Blankets Staple Goods Groceries In Ladies' and Children's We carry a large stock of In Staple Goods we carry Also carry a full stock of Underwear we can sup- Blankets from the Salem everything needed in Groceries, and guarantee to ply your wants, and our Mills, from 50c up. in the house. meet all legitimate compe- prices are right. tition. Call and examine our StocK and get our Prices when in the city. First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon. Successors to E. W. Rhea & Co. llalltlag Party. Ao old-faeulooed quilting party wa givad last nigbl in th millinery parlor of Mia Altba Lecb. A n amber of tb boy aod girl" war Iber, aod, with drxteront flogert, retired tba reoordaof tb "boy aod girlt" ot long ago, Wbll oo IJ ot tb oomfort, bn fln ibed, to look npoo bi4 artlttic, quirt, cool aod volovitiog for tbi ap- proaebfog winter eorj, lb other aid wa a "warm no ruber," aod tb party war oolUd io tbeir ambitioo to initial th arllol. Wboa ambitioo wa tl- fied w bav not learned. Tba "black oat," tbat goo with tb oocaaioo, wa iotrodoMd aod for fa momeol tb palatal apn wa harrowing, aod wbeo it "control" Maled od igoald th fat ot Mia Amy Uaob, igh of re lief, intermingle) with groaaa ot dplr wr dMtddly aodibl. Tboa io at' Uodaur and doomed to Mlogt blMd gut," af Mr. J. I), brown, r Mw Urtb Cat, Matftfl Alkie Kiel Laey, Clara Man, Nlll lla aod Altha Lctflb. and wtt. Mik (JU loway, Jaa. Dart and Leonard Akr. V24v fiZ.::- CsJiNv -nil L niflP1 Quaker 7 Doctors ARE NOW IN HEPPNER FOR TWO WEEKS. GHR0N1G DISEASES ft SFEGlftUTY. Cancers have lost their terror; aro killed in one day without pain aud without knife, 'fapeworms removed often in twenty minutes. pree Coosultation Nightly At the Opera House. Quaker Dotr' Ottl at Palaoa Htl. Howro from 10 U 12. W Dy. Nw HmI Market, limn, O'i Mrnaf atiJ Carl tl. Itrnwo, oeder tb firm nam of lWnier k Hrowo bav oird into e ipartaM. hip od will opaa op io tb aear fator a hntbr bop in lb boll. ling adj'iiatag bowling alley, wbiob will b ad oolil Urg and poially arrogd (hop ran b rwld oa tb it adjolalng lb Orang Front tbi way. Mr. JtB i a tburoagb ttnek ma, wbll Mr. Ilrowo i pri)ticl btrlif lo t fullael , nd lhy prrmta lb poblto a firtt le arvlo. Tby will kandla vrlblog lo tbeir lie. a 1 ill pra ft.th palo 0'.r ! (I" io tUir ff H bl 4'i jttic to thair tnt'imr. from Doatlas. Mr. D. W. Fagald aod wif cam to flrppoar Wdndy oo boaioM. Mr. Fagald i aohool director of that dis trict ood wm seeking loformalioo a to tba amount of it pproprlatio ot tb aohool fund. Tb atindnr la Lot a boot all ont of lh oomber ot twenty ohool ebildrao tber. owing to tb dt- tano lb majority ara ooroplld to go. To Mbool director bimaalf i eompalUd to mploy tb ervtrea ol a privat libera, from lh fart tbat bl OhlMreu r f ry yooog aod tba Jistaor of two mil dtprivM them of going. Mr. rga!d rm tt that MHon, bat o yr go, tirbanglng o Wlllmtl vlly farm fr tb on b now baa, and bl flrat crop yialdint bint , bath) wbick oelorally pot lb geatlemao io a pratty good tram of mmd a regard tb cbn of a luao who will g io od drill" in Et-ro Orgoo. Tht. year h predtri a blpmot of ont I lhao mi million bniii "f whaat from Iin !', and y Ibaf tb wrbon faotliliM al tbat pole I ara ln1iot nd I lloa l ir tb wifar ot h rale, that lb wrhnn lbr ahoabt b lBimelielr 0nihd op and i tdd to Dixl Ibair rlltretnt. loae' I'rocraaa. J. J. Mo(W, deputy ooooty aarveyur wbo ha jii.t flolahad hi work oo o plat of our nolghboring Viwo inform tb Oatntt that th lit 1 1 a berg marching iteadilr ahead, and taking oo metropo litan air. Tb titerpria ot it leading bnalnM mo i deoidndly markI, aod ao effort it being mad to inpply tb waott of it lmjdit oiioo. Wbll tb majority of lh prolan of tb far mr i tieiug hld, tber i a flin( of Ooofldeoo that ncoarga boalee and tbi fall aod winter lively lime or aaanred. A majority of tb ow boild- Ing ondr oootlrootloo daring tb um mr r aboot flnibd, and lb to wo i ootoow givao tb"tklp" by tb ton mercial mea. KtervtMMf r- .r-t f U CU.atW. U mM W0 , ( ( m .i al 4 rtr ef P .. .... '-r: . .. ... t ..rrh,n la tbe !'. .1ur plotel fklr 04 hlppl"' ! ln,t (i, lfM ti luei. tif an4 ., rw niinini'i T-T i iba urnifi rfnite iBr"0e n if ."tt-M Id,.- IU"' f-d R'PVfli'i;! PUr ';5r :4VV v -w--h i . t- n if'yN u-ii...f I'im t'iy aet trv , I", t; ..' 4 Willlaery for loae. Mi Orao Hmltb, wbo rprot Cmpbll k Wiloo, millinery firm of Fodltoa and 'Iba Dalle, will bow a 100 KKWAKUI Will b paid for mformalloo laadtof to lb arret aod eoavtcttoa ot aay pr- eomtileU and atrlitb lio of millinery at I oo tllog llt branded "WIT oo- lon oit Monday, loeaday aoa va- oaeUdon lb left ld. WddIowtbe oedr. Too will do well to oar no beluro pirot)iog yoar 111 mUliorr. 0-01 TbmI II roan. iVoovJ CaatlKkaat Rack a. Tb wall koowo Coootogbaro boi ki, tboroogbbrwd grade ood Delain. will b oo ihlbltioo aod !r al at lleppoer oo or aboot October let. f'rioe lo ull lb time. Io brg of KM I Wst.Ikc.ot, yet tele. Twoty r ol lead, oaar good obool. Will ld lor bora, farming utfll, t. For farther ioformatUia 4- dreee, V. WmcoiU., TJ tt flood lUver, Or. RKC MCKI1 rf k fair. Wede1ay olgbt'c train, Ibruogh lb lflire of ipwlal rate, carrl-d o j"llf crowd at llepfinerilra to tb I'ortlattd ladoatrlal tlbiMI, wbo r give everal day lo tlrogblr enjoy themaelve. Tb general raliti0 of proepertly etilflb oeerahadow tbe erop.ie ba , ptepre4 o lotifla bflotli lee. aad ooragl lb fiiy loeien lleeir to far-1 rU , L,B i. ..u..,Btf to. I! ). nilng II Meliot n. feetor 1kre Itettor I ree.allaltoe from Houjainln franklin. "Vtheoyon or lok, what yon Ilk Im( It to U ohon for o medicin lo lh firet lane; wbat lrto tell yoa I beet, lo be rboeeo lo tb eoood bloow ; wbal reaeoO 'I.e. theory) y la beet I lo be rboeen to th laet pita. Hat If yoa tan l lr. Inrlmalion, IM. Eipert ere an I Dr. lUeeoo to bold aonealla line Lugrlner, II, ey will giv too tb bl yf tne tbat Pan lie taken." Wbo yoa have o balcl I Dr. Inelisa- lion would rrtmmod Chatnbeflaiu' ('ngb lUmxIy twranae It U pleet aitd af to lake. Ir. Kirirce woold r(xiiaend it bene tt oever fall to ffct a pmxly and pcmantil or. Dr IUai would eviraroo1 il bero II lUoeb, tfJO aare, good land, 4 mil of Hppr, all feoxed, plenty of water, hooae ood barn, 1 a-rea of aommer fallow, all rly fr fall rwp. Kay Urm. Call at lb IJetelW omoe. fc'4tl rB BAbt om nr. JIT ( f 1.1 Ww V M W-nf ibleg many Hrt ftnr fr tb month. Tbe aboard tha train w': Mr. W. fj. Minor and dgb!or, Mie le llhs Mre, W. .. 1Uh. Mie lna ll.htn, Miea ).lle Ayer, Meetr (Ml 4 Yf't. f'd Krg, II 't Hia.kmar, ad H' b ''ll'e en M, WV ( "4 kweif J In '" to natural and f e-n -lit i h. For ie by lVer A War ro. r itiTMr rne , reMere.a, f . . .. , v ... tiw a, r it.ii.urfktM.ki m.1 I waol ocm boraea, ood If yo waat piee ol land la Hood Itivar alley foor mile flora lh Iowa of Iloed lUvr, 40 rod from good krbool. For frtbf Ufonuattoo, addr V. WiacaiiX, llooj Wvw.Or. BIIM Aresra OeJv. Tb tbt Hal lo lb wo, Id for Cola, Drokaea, rWM, ller. Halt Fbeaaa, Frrar fitree, Ttter, Cbpp4 Ud. CbUblalM, Uoraa. oaC ail Hk'o boo two, aad poitiiy core rile or ow bay aod pleoly f foo.1 pay retired. Il la fraatea ta giv lb pi-. For perMolM Um leot elUfUia or taaey refoaded. I'rloe U eal per tm . rer il Of loaaoi tma Oo, tL i. tUowoo, aeaf A fvtd bep ranob eomprknog nearly 2110 aore. olrolllng lb lrgel ood tieel wloier reag la Oitll aoaoly O'kxI dwellieg boea aod U'g bare, aleo no replete oalfll for roaning bep, fx) tuna of water oo loQUreal NtTloeaL Haal, 03 tr ariiagioa, ur. rrM4failf lierfe. (ieat: t wa dreadfolly oervo. aad I for relief took yoor Carl Clr Itoot Ta. II leied Bf oerve aadtrgik ed aay wool arvm yeia. I aj lroqtild wi'b aoeieiineiHta, kidney aad bwl IroaM. T'lar Tea o--a lead my ? o lnrbty thai I rapi liy rgaine ,aliti aad i'ata, a A. ial. lU'tfu, CASTORIA Tor lafaaU Aid CMlita. m Yea Han Alt iji tt-t llrar U t r w