The Gazette. Friday, October 7, 1898. Jcst prior to the call of the ses sion the Oregonian announced the first ballot of the session for Cor bett with a handsome majority. Now it ia different A drop to thirty-six votes shakes the confi dence of its readers very materi ally. What is needed moat in Oregon to unite the "factions" of the republican party and lend the proper influence is a newspaper tinder the control of one who will recognize the popular verdict, and who has not passed into that stage of petty, childish impulses, with which the populace has ceased to have patience. Hobson sunk a $350,000 ship in the channel of Santiago harbor, which was a brave though result less act Now he has succeeded in raising a $3,000,000 ship, which more than offsets the loss of the other. Hobson is undoubtedly a Renins with a practical side. Ex. OUR TROOPS AT SANTIAGO. It was a magnificent achieve. ment With less than 13,000 effectife fighting men the Fifth corps captured in twenty days 28, 000 of the enemy, in a fortified city, well provisioned and wel equipped with all the munitions of war. It conquered for the United States a territory about equal to that of New England, and drove from the safe shelter of a land locked, mine-defended harbor a formidable fleet of the enemy, to fall an easy prey to our vigilant and invincible squadron. In the face of such achievements it seems idle to seek for any lessons bought by sufferings of our own troops. It would seem that the military student should seek in the mismanagement of our adver saries to discover lessons in admin istration. Bat we should expect to find iu the tactics of the victor ious army an objoct-loHson of care ful reconnoisHancp, skillful prep aration for the attack by ener gotio artillery fire, prompt support of the troops occupying the cup. turod position, and an early oppor tunity for the troops exhausted by the charge to rest, reorganized and recuperate. The unexpected happened. The feeding of our troops was not well done, the rooonnoisHauoe was made after the tKmition was captured, and the exhausted troops who luado the charge, instead of being relieved or supported, were com polled to bold on to the captured jHwition, not tnorely an hour or two, but for seventeen weary days, until slow-moving diplomacy should decide whether or not Santiago, already virtually in nur Intuitu, should surrender. llio troops had been ordered to carry three days' rations, but bad not been able to do to, and thie fact was well known to cveryltody; yet it was three days before any food to amount to anything reached tho firing line, and a full ration was eldom, if ever, Issued to tho troops in Cuba. Kven after the uriendtT j-laeed unlimited wharf g at our diponl within two and half milt of the camps, paily acyibld ovn-r excellent roads, ouia on or mors articles writ) always ehoit or missing. From "8otn Lessons of the War from an Officer's Standpoint," by I.ieut. John II. Parker, in tin American Monthly lU-tiew of Uevlews for October. A ON'UOM WtlHli IHagkUr ef li.v.ra riert Leer la Hal M I eoper a a. Ihs Aee-viaie-l ne iHmn.asu, (M 4 -At 7 it'!.-, laet "('I, il lbs parlors i.f ll.x.l ivtkme, MenlA M.r, .l.f,. ,.nM..f of i... iM r. T. I , en I M l'lf, nl I'iiI-xi, Or. j ,w mum ttarri4 lha H- K I 11.11, ill I' Ml.., I, fl i, l Tli ee a t-rr nil ant tmpta nie, Ida renm-us per f .ru.ej l,a f i.f na y a few MM.le ai J ri et,ve, t'la.l- l-alls fere Hal-ta, r.,itLi.. an I W.4 l-sjia. Il be. I I ...a i, bc ,,, a.. I ft.wtm were aiia l I" -Mian I In ! Il lia ll,a (..eft), ai. I I IS ts tf at, la elart. tmm 1 e'elf after lbs a. ' Oieal.a an. I eet.ra elate Mr. aal M s V.p't aa It ienj ibe U faisi J Ml !., I o( HaUca .U'li.g las atawaae uC IUa at.iali la lo laal a lav alk ,4 S I tU Aliaf lhal IUf will atska il..,r i,.Ma iaki; la tal-a, Ml isla I u.i )aalt la tHa4 !. I1a t. to .... a Ua fc a tvir H i..t tl t (, I .. I) I .!..( l 1 1 .i,. t. ,i ,, 1 1 S " ! Ut lif a I ! ). . ttm I ' M.. Il, l ..,!., I. i ', I., I,.., .;.. ik.u I . .mi . I ... , i i i. it 4y 4,,.. t at I, a lm NEWS FROM SALEM. The Senatorial Contest promises Another Hold-Up. The firtt Ballot for United States sen ator, cunt last Wednesday, Oct. 4tb, gave Henry W. Corbett 13 of tbe 30 votea of in tbe senate and 23 of tbe 60 votes in the home, making a total of 36. Yes terday's vote was tbe same, and bad it been different today tbe Gazette would bare been notified. Jarlge Waldo now bolds eeoond place witb 23 votes, while M. C. George comes third with 15. The session is beginning to show tbe same deposition as tbe previous bold- op. Tbe fusion, sta are switching just merely to break tbe monotony. The Corbett forces are reliant, yet showing more or less aozidty. The aoti-Oorbett element are proving themselves wideawake and have the most likelihood of a combination with the fusioDiflts. The fitiHl result is bard to foretell, al though the seose of the majority is that Corbett should be set aside, and some man bronght to the front younger in years and upon whom these factional elements of the republicans can unite. A THINU OF BEAUTY. Fsiryland Eclipsed in the Walla Walla Val ley Fruit Fair. WaiiLA Walla, Oot. 5. (Speoml oor renpondenoe to tbe Eaet OreKoniao.) The Walla Walla Frnit Fair baa been opened to tbe pnblio. The immensity of tbe projucl and the wonderful oomplele nees of it all amazea and bewilders tbe epectator. It is Barely tbe event of tbe year in tbe Northwest. The city ia thronged with visitors, all are surprised and delighted with their reception. They apeak in tbe highest terms of the egrionltural and hortioal tural products of this remarkable section, of the epeoimens of fine handiwork, of the loveliness of tbe booths Bnd tbe beauty of the pavilion. For it takes im mense tnerny and extraordinary effort lo bring such an undeitaking to a suo- oesfnl opening day. President Whitney and bis aides are to be henrtilv oongratulated. A long line of tables show tier npon tier of luscious fruits of the valleya. AppU h, pears, grapea in suoh delicious profusion that the spectator wishes he could make havoc nraoug tbem even for oiih hqiiiII minute, pumpkins big enough to live iu. Sqaiiehes, and all other vege. lahltts, Then thore is an elegant display of grains. Corn that would make the oorn raiaing sections of the east bluab witb envy. Wheat, oats and barley, showing a yield (hut nootlier portion of the world oan surpHHH, Tbe booths are artinlio and resplend writ with the hue and colors of the rain bow All are worthy of special meution. the O. H .V N. booth is a beauty. Tbe 1. .(.Hi of the W. A 0. It. shows the skill of mi artist, iu ita oimstruolion. Then tin) Individual booths are tbarvels of nii i'bauicsl ski I and decoration. To HnIko lo the atrains of Wagner's (auxins bam) ainnng snub delightful sorrouud ings brings a sense of tiuobantuieut over the spectator. liAltriA HI V KN A J OK. Kmiluy,d Hy the t ailed Males lo Ulsbaad the rabaaa. Nw Yohk, Oct. fi. A dispatch from HaiiliHgo ile Cuba says: II Is learned en goo.l authority thai (Jenerhl Caliilo (lore! has aoeeptej position with the Ainerirun a.liiiinitra ti.m here, aa was prmlieled. (ieneral Oaroia Is d reneiva M) a month end all eilnses. I Im will sol a aoomraiasiooer to go through Cuba ami oonduot nsgo llalious with the Cuban army with a view In its disbanding. He will start in few iIh and will lie gone on hie trip three or four warks. He i he aoooro paiiled iy Ins aon Carina (laroia, and by a lew of hia i.nieers. On liia relura be will go to the I'niledHlalea alth Oatiaral WimhI to eonfer with lh aothniilies al Washington . (leiiaral (I arc la's appointment has not boea ninln pudlio bare, but whan II ia il will give another Pause for attack to tbe eilis'ii" parly of (Juliana, who looked oa the avp'ilntfnent of (Inneral Castillo In the light of the I'ollml Hlatee biiruig op palrli.ta with i fflna, rNols TAUUSX (Xlt'MTHV. Whllsiaa (aaaly Raiwa ral Hilllua Da,a. els f Wksat Tata iar. C.irsi, tM. 4 -llaavy rains bava lallaa ItiMiighiinl the I'alnitae ennnlrt am" aailv Tnas laf morning. Ilarveal. log w..rk Is al a stsn l.lill farmers do nn l fears aa Jul that remaining er,..a til l.e Al least three ..tirtl, ..f all the g,a,n baa tee Ihraah I I f ill, Ssi pr.i,t ha l-l. N.arly all Iba faniirra aia hauling gfala to II. wafet,..i,s, Im Um aalee are let re .le I, The ai"e ll.lof wl.eal In Ibte " s m'i.i,h.. Nttal.fiKl .n., an Iicmm ef U,( l atlx.ul Nil. Ct. lh. atrtsga lUIJ twr aetata -. enlal.!f smalhr Itan la.1 )ar. Tbe average this )rr will I .a al.itl 'U bnsb via ll.a g,ia f.,w, ,,, w( at! nj il X I r. (iilfii,.i,t M.ieb .11'.. I,, I w,! ,,ub CI p.qi1a b..hl, a. I fullv lUtr f.MiMI.e aill ' i la lUa mii f lla.fl.ll. si..., n,,., a white winter l,al esa a , l,a evatage )J was la lt,.f , i l.n.I.eia. an. ll.a whaal w g'.s f. n :a ., ;4 ut, I, r ,a,bl. lie Mar I'lasa lMaa.1. MoVfiei til In IU Mai j ia.a La, Lima, as nu laf ei.ilt,l ti-anaa-aaaHit eaj Iba paMie will la li r aUHain. elns-r. ? e ,.! .ii.a e.. as a aill ap af tim l i a .i ,,a k , a,,alar, ral taa ll.eatra ol f .lUt, I. an, eb.a la I "rtiaht .! H...,,.,, at.i il I a(l Ull in is u a f is r'ra i I (,ti,,l f iiulh.l h State News. P. F. Feazelle, while sitting; on the O. R. A N. track, at a point near The Dallee, wai itruck by a train and probably fatally In a red Saturday morning. Be wai probably aaleep. The Presbytery of Eastern Oregon and Wash ington will meet in Goldendale at tbe Preaby- terian church, October 11th at 11 a. m., and con tinue In session until the afternoon of the 12th. Geo. F. McConnell. who waa sent to tbe peni tentiary for embezzling the fundi of the K. of P., while he waa secretary of the grand lodge, and was released from that institution a short time since, visited his family, which resides at Ashland, last week. Jacksonville Times. In Curry county at the recent term of court no Indictments were found on either side In the VaoPelt-Coolldge cases. The killing there having been even on either side, and the eause, leading to it showing about equal provocations the grand jury concluded to keep their hands I off. In Tom Durham renin ti.- m.t ,nh .,t,,m. while at work as brakeman on the North " ' I Pacific railway. He was thrown from the caboose and quite badly Injured. Mr. Durham formerly ran a dray line In Pendleton, and at one time was fireman on the Heppner branch of the O. E. N. road. A serious discrepancy exists between the books of County Treasurer P. Q. Morris and those of County Clerk Montague, of Linn county, for the last biennial period. There is a reported shortage of funds to the sum of be- tween 13,000 and 11,000, but there is no danger of any loss to the county. A BIO CONFLAGRATION. Colorado Springs BnlTers a Serious Devasta tion oy rire. Colobado Bpbinos, Oot. 1. Tbis oity had a visitation of fire tbia afternoon wbioh threatened for hours to destroy tbe entire business district. Tbe wind waa blowing at tbe rate of 45 miles an boar from tbe southwest when the fire started at the Denver k Rio Grande freight depot, at the fool of Coobaris atreet. at 2:3(1 n. m.. and tha .n,n iiK .., ..:,ii. . u .,. ...u.y. strip tonr DIOCKS long from nortn to loath, end two block wide from east to west, has been burned over, bnt at tbis boor tbe conflagration ia believed to be under oontrol. The flames are still leap ing hikh over the burned district, bnt tbe wind has died down, and there is no donbl that the fire engines, which have flome from Denver and Pueblo in re sponse to appeals for aid, will be able to confine the flames to their present limita. The Antlers hotel, one of the largest in the West, three lumber yards and two , , u.uuae oi Business nouBee nave ueen a troyed. In round numbers the loss is estimated al 81.000,000, 'and insurance at half that amount. Tbe Ore started in a pile of rubbieb underneath the platform of the U. k R. Q. freight, depot. Within five minutes il bad oommunioated to freight ears standing near, and it spread so rapidly tbat it waa impossible to move any of tbe oars. Half a oar of powder con signed to Q. 8. Biroes & Sons exploded. Tbe cans were thrown hundreds ot feet. and tbe wonder Is lhal no one was in jured. im -lias... wuue me Dig urea were Darning sev eral small ones broke out throughout tbe oity, destroying several resldenoes and throwing people into oonBternation. Heveral arrests have been made to. night of persons snapeoted of having at- templing to start fresh fires, but there is no question that tbe first fire, at the Denver Rio Grande freight bouse waa entirely aocidenlal, possibly beingoaused by a spark from a loonmotive. HMt EN.MLKK O.N THE YUKON. A I'radletoalaa lb-rites as larldrat of Ham's Hospitality. a jonog men living lo rendition re- lalee to tbe East Oregonian tbe story ot a visit be paid lo Ham Ensley al the let ter's cabin on the Yukon. Mr. Ensley bad slopped for the winter at a point 1H miles above Dawson on tbe weal bank of the Yukon riv-r. Hr h. hnill . .hl ... , ' u.uim, ...hum r.uaii"y, iihimoi ll a Slopping place where travelers dur- Ing tbe winlar eteyed over night going out from or into Dsweon. For $1 Eusley furnished a elove and foel for oookioa meals, and a nl.aa on ll.a .!.! fl,w,. .... , .... . . where Ibe traveler oonld throw down bis lilenkete an J sleep. One day the yonog man from Pendle- loo. Willi fonr nth.e Y.I...... ' eon on trip to tbe Upper river, and slopped tha first night at Eosley's. lie had never known Ham Ensley pereoually, but knew Llm by repnlelion. As Ibe ' l.r,7 atpruaooi ma caoin, tue reaaie- I mjoung man remeitibareil tbat Herd- man la fre.iueotlf eallaJ. bt Uorroar (vmoly people, "Itew Dog." Ileremam tared also tbat Mr. Ensley wee several thousand nilee from boma sod knew be would probably be delighted to meal once more eome one from hie section ot country. Ho he haj his four enmpaoloos eland baek moment, and, going op lo tbe rebia door, be kooekeJ, opeeed and relied ool: "Any one frrm Itew iKig live bare?" Tbe old man waa Inside wbea Ibe I'ao illaloa toaag maa eallsj on I, bnt be did ant remain loei.le. lie eame oatside la etmot leo iMinnils, and greael Ibe I'an dletoo yoengmao'e band and rivleimad "Who wat.te ! a any one from Ilw DiT lie mast la from Kaaiera Ore. tn." Aal, ennmant later, Ibe Tendl'toa toaag man ai'd I'ut'rf wave engaa, in si. h -a, Ing tewe froui bowi. Tbe old u.aa was i muert iiall.btad Iu eaa eome nee from K.aasWn tlragua lhal the etl lirtiing ha rft. In allw the five tonne1 n aa In pat Mm for the i.igbi's aioomiuoiUiiiio, The tonne: ana, m. ever, iu.i.J, ae I Irfl 0a eilvar .lollais lb h.nah deal ladle aad raeelvvl fnitn tha old maa an urgent Invltailoa lo mint bk eel make bie Pat.lo li.eir h. ma abaeevar lhay ratne aloeg the trail Me, a. t,ssss aa laa tail A Mtea ele has eta I. a I the Snl.javl In all reenliiae eeie lhal Ibe euuael ef aoaay hl annaally Ibe larf le alwul te Aeairalia le eai.l t be Ibe largaal l,tha eaJaq. lahoa baing Ibal a lee Ibaa l s3,(HII,. Us) e'.eegne I hare every yaa. ait afiar tbe Aualraliaa e,.louia llefrmaH, ii'iii" anaaal ritf. rrf eMa T.i,lsiti.itl THa rta,lslm It I lathe tuna I ! a ad tnsl pjli t, i,l,.iu wils. . nsta,s la lla'v. lfsi t ') .i M lilirf LHT EST TELE6HBPH. Brief War News, Tele graphic News Notes, Etc., Etc. Los Amgslis, Cal., Oct 8. -The citrus fruit season, which has just closed, has been re markable In many respects. Not only has the output been the greatest in the history of Southern California, but this has been after a aeries of frosts which were supposed to have wiped out at least a third of the crop. It is estl- mated that the product, aggregating 5,000,000 "xet, or as much as Florida produced at the maximum of her output, when cut short, sold the eastern markets at wholesales for PW.127, representing a value onboard the cars t.. -1 1 t - a mi im wu iiu i i i -'"'" i eo.i,.M. wun ireigm aggre- gating 14,526,334. Estimating that 25 per cent of the freight is paid out by the railroads in Call foniia, the industrial value of the crop to the state is placed at 17,627,379. Norfolk, Va.,' Oct. 3.-When Sparks' circus exhibited at Franklin, near here, the Hon tamer added to the program by puttlug his head Into the lion's mouth. The lion shut down, biting the trainer's head oft". The lion's mate ,prang oa the '"e prostrate man and tore it to pieces. Bantuoo os Cuba, Oct. 8. Lieutenant Hob- son has arrived here on a visit. He changed his program and worked for an entire week on the Vlzcaya In recovering her guns. Tomorrow divers will make a final examination of the Vlzcaya'a bottom, in hope that there Is a bare possibility of raising the ship. Lieutenant Hobson will afterward proceed to the wreck of the Almlrante Oquendo and take off her guns, leaving the Cristobal Colon until the last, Washinoton, Oct. 8. The war department has Issued a statement as to quartering troops during the winter. The department says the men wiu b quartered in the middle southern , iu uiuH, wdwb iney ran n?e m oeneni of a mild climate, thus enabling them to con tlnue drills, etc., and keep in the best condition pbyslclally. The secretary of war has directed 4 board ' experienced army officers to visit the u"'oreu' " !OT T.F. JT. J ". . . ""F"! una) ictt i-iiav tv iu3l JUUKIUCUI, which, however, meets with his full approval. Boisi, Idaho, Oct. 3, After being out two hours the jury in the case of Charles Nelson, charged with the murder ot Thomas M. Kerr, returned a verdict of not guilty. Nelson shot Kerr at the tatter's home on June 4th for intl. macy with Mrs. Nelson, Kerr dying nine days uter- The case has been of much interest, as ,T 7" W a"a imyM. ine trial of the vase began on Monday a week ago. 8 Francisco, Oct. 8 -The recent storm which swept the coast and played such hsvoc with the lumber and log rafts, bottled up a fleet of coasting vessels. The big swells sweeping shoreward, banked up the bars in the harbors along tbe coast, and changed the channels with the shoaling. The steamers Coos Bay, Areata, Empire, National City and Alliance were locked up in Coos bay. Madrid, Oct 3. The reported Intention of the United States government to retain the whole of tbe Philippines has create almost a state of stupefaction here, and It is semi officially announced that the Hpanlsh govern ment has resolved to vigorously combat any action which It is claimed, tha terms of the peace protocol preclude. Omaha, Oct. 8. Union Pacific officials are eagerly watching tor an enlargement of the system, which they feel sure will take place ltlilu the next fortnight. The annual meeting of tha Oregon Hhort Line will beheld in Halt LaseClty next week, and It Is freely predicted that It will lie tha last annual meeting of the Independent corporation to be held. Among he Union Paclflo officials who will attend tha Hhort Uue meeting are: Uensral Counsel Win slow 8. Pierce, Director T. JeH'vrson Coolldge (also a director of the Short Line) President Horace O. Burt and Oeneral Manager Edward Dickinson. Whether tha Hhort Line will be operated from Omaha, as formerly, is an un I settled quesllon. It Is said that this matter will I on ' "' mooted points to be settled before I tha atieorotion of tha branch by tha narent Una takes place. WASinxnTOK, Oct. . Henry Rcott, ol tha t'ulon Iron Works of Han Francisco, railed up on Hecretary Long today to learn tbe decision of the deiwrtment concerning tha awards of fontracu for tha four coast defense vessels, ThatecreUry has decided to award these con I tracts In acconlatwa with the lowest bids, MIMlr 0ll, mollU,r u, mOII . Newport News, at hho,oiio; Bath Iron Works, and Union Iron Works, li,nuo, tha ou"""" l" v"tm" t'levsLAHa, O., Ocl. I.-A0 availing paper I sars ons of the uiost gigantic projects for com MtuMon ol e,,,,, Mnt ..m.i 0 ,hl, city. It 1 nothing leas than an atumpt to unite Uiewarshlp bulldlos Interests and armor plats I and gun-making InUrvata ot the world Into one (real STn.ll.ata. Maa of International rapu- tatlo0 ia ananclal and manutartnrlin world are In the deal. The projectors claim ,h"rfa,",0i'",J 01 !... Among r .7 , u T .. JV TT . . be Colonel Myrua T. Ilarrlrk. prrcldanl ef tha Hocletyol Havlnga and tditxirt Wallaea. preal deal of the Ctevelen4 Shipbuilding eomiany ' Oatllng. the famous Invanlor ol guns, has bran In coufrranoa with other ataa In lha drat. Armatroni, Inventor of Ilia l'in whlrh twars hia nana, has also bean hare. Anitrsw t'arnrsla Is one ol lha chief man In the ne"Uattoa Hubert Wallace la now In lha weal atth esraral fur.lsn.ra. Bafnre be returns he will slop el aaa rranrlero, and lha pruprtetnrs of tha I'nlnn Iron Works III be apprnached aa to whether Uiaf will corns Into the dial. (U Oa., IM. Hi. siurin- slrlrksa d in rift alone tha caet Ismmlni la raduall and II la probable lhal hui., of lleaa haa lea loel. Mews arnte.1 tnlajr that M panpla ware drowned at rrrnandln tl t'ait,hl Island, inhabited by about opolnrel pan-la. II Is ratvxi lhal alt but three aerv d loaned. Al nrnnswkk lour aenle bt their Al Jrasitaone maa eas silled, Al atav llS II Is rrfntted lhal lha dleulrrs I rota lha ftnnd era (frat Uvea and rnwnv. Al tarta lha loan Is b-llf damaged, and Ih.ra are manf rits el loas ol tlla Thadamaae hj wind and rale ailemts Inland l(D miles In soma ntae. Tha damae ta shllnf la enorawiue. Oa laland, atone lha bearh ehlrh Is lined itk surasnet eotiaaea, the Il ls a nM,h e.aa Uiioa. Tbe Reef k Rt4era Onlranal TbeoJ.te Hxevall's aame liae bavaf twee store t roroinentlj be'ore the pnblie ibaa II la Ibte tsnatb. II le anilltarf eareer te sn.arvstlv to be fol lows.! 'f aa eaal eaeoeee la (wlitlra, bat abll talerewl le etill alnmj la tbe dutBfi ol Ibe -lU-aih lUJere.- la Ibe tVri..baf Usfaaioe emU of The (hjl. -I, Mr. Jeoob 4. lUla, Ibe aalbitf r Horn le Other Uall Uvea" eaj -ii. dtea nf Ibe Tot," tails eateflalaiaalr at " anj llie Mea.' Mr. lute le aria par. net fnee.l at Ootuael IV.oatt!i, aad la Ibis atik le be release et a le le llei aboal Ibe life of Ibe -lUiagh HlJare" tsbwb bare i bereto -re tsa aa.1e pe.lio. (Ilsifar. Tbe ti., Hewirajiir, t'V,S Penne, 1 f 'i i nlood'S Cure sick headache, bad pasjaw taste in the mouth, coated &3 II tongue, gas in the stomach, 111 S (Ultra, and indigestion. Do no, weazen, out Hare tonic effect. 2S cent,. The only Pill, to take with Hood's Sariaparilla. TO THE PHILIPPINES. Protestant Missionaries Pirpariug for Work in the IUiid.. New York, Oct. 3. The anuual meeting of the Christian and missionary alliance will be held in this city beninning Friday. The Sun day services will be held iu Carnegie hall, and the week day meetings iu the Goshen taber nacle. Amont those who are expected to at tend the conference are hev. Jameu Gray and the Rev. Dr. Campbell, of Boston; Henry Var- ley, of London, the Rev. Dr. John Kobinson, of Scotland, and Sir Bobert Fuller, of the Presby terlan board of foreign missious, Luther B. w ishard, of the same board, the Kev. John I Salmon, of Toronto, Canada, aud several mis sionaries of the alliance, now iu this country. During the short history of the alliance, over 300 missionaries have beeu s ut out to the for eign fields. One of the features of the conference ill be the address by the Rev. D. W. Le I-acheur, the first missionary to go through the heart of China into Thibet, where he established a mission in a monastery of over 3 ij Buddhist priests. He will speak of his experience in missionary work. He will probably be aisigued to the work in the Philippines which the alliance is about to com mence in Manila. The Bev. Mr. Le was the first mission ary to be sent out by the alliance 10 years ago, He was then directed to go to Manila, since there were no Pro:estant chuiches there. He was refused admittance and was ordered from the islands. He thereupon went to China and started the work there. At present he is in Washington making arrangements to go to Ma nila with a number of missionaries. NEW bCGAK MAGNATES. A Ban Francisco Hyndidute Succeeds the tiprc-ckles. Sam Fhancisco, Sept. 30 The Hawaiian Commercial and Bugar company today paused from the control of the Spreckles (Rudolph and C. A.) and Is now In the hands of a syndicate of bankers and brokers, the new board of directors being as follows: Edward I'nllitz, president, E. M. Walsh, Albert Meyer, R. G. Brown and Charles Sutro. Home time ago the Bpreckles began to unload, and the stock was snapped up as fast as possible by the syndicate. This was done quietly and in a short time the new own ers had control. The Hpreckels, it is said, tried to rebny, but the syndicate refused to sell, and negotiations for the complete triuntfur were ar ranged, and the deal was consummated toduy. The purchase price will reach :i,0HO'O00, or t'M a share. W hen, in January, 18U1, the SpreckeU secured control of the stock it was not worth s cent a share, literally, but by manipulation and Improvement of the property the stock went up. today, after four and a alf years' ownersliin, the tiprecklcs cleared up $ i.Ohi.Oio. Tho new company will luaugiirute extensive improve proveineuts, and will operate Hi.- Hawaiian plantations on a larger scale than under the old regime, and expect to hiu .e a handsome profit on the investment. I Puny. l S 3 Children wno wouta prescribe only tonics and bitters for a weak, n puny child ? Its muscles and nerves are so thoroughly ex- fi(ictor4 trist tkrv r tuhlpped into activity. The child needs food j a blood- making:, nerve-strenohenino; . j t. t..'tj'f i ft) auto uiuitic-ouiiuiiig ioou. Scott's Emulsion $ of Cod-Liver Oil is all of this, J I and you still have a tonic in JjJ f the hypophosphites of lime t . . 1 s a and soda to act with the tood. For thin and delicate children there Is no remedy superior to It in the world. It means growth, strength, plumpness and comfort to them. Be sure JJJ you get SCOTT'S Emulsion JJJ toe nd 1 1 oo, all JrugUtl. A itatt a itniA wP rk.nii w.. va rvnuc i.axd sale. t MTSU M ITS' l.iM, orvti s. Tha I'allit nr , IW-I V 'm vnTicr. u iiKHKiiv mvrN riiAr is Lv iMtrsita.ii-f1 ol'M.s frnm tliamm in'.Mli.nir if ll. af.ii!.! umI iirt..-, uti.tft a.iitiurtiv VMtnl In l.i.ii I.f . .'I., !' .. it.M HUiti l(v.nifl hta1itr a. nii.t,lr, lf Ilia ai-l n ruii(rw a ,r,,,-t r',-1 l',.rr , . r will i.rfM-. t, a.n.r at ptil.ilr .i .i he i,th ,U ui . iihrr. tirl. at ii rim k a m al IM. uil.r lhi t,,ll,.l,. lr. I ,i a. I., alt I h. N K Siw ;i, 1p a, K .1 K w M,nntaliils arn ., An? ah-l all -r, , rl l m I n . I , rr.-lr th at' 1i-r1t.p,1 ai s.v.l tn fll rlal.rta lii this nfTtt-r cm ,f ll rfi ll.a av ih,,ri 'Iralnatll .r l'. .m-rl,, i-i.trnt ',f Ml.l Mia. ulh.-l m It II, 'If f'ill,t. Kill- I. .r '.-I I.-1 iii f li. . nr.. rtna.,i, IS) I I.. l.lrr. Kvi rltrr, S'uticfi of Intention. I.nti (ri. it ,it iH'.r. Oaaona. 1 1-, ii t-r I I. i (rp t ts iimrnv i,iiii tir im l.,n,e i., e ,.,ft fi! r ho nie. ritli-e u hi. , lax, tl,,, t to lo.Sa R.l ro., In Slwl I o hl.rii,fi, ait'i lit. I e.. rottl j Im. m-t lwl,e Si. I ll. I' a l ,iiml.lot,r. el lone H,iin. on ftetur.Ur, i l"if leu ,i Utll e SMITH, of ..e. l.,.n.i.. ,. ,,,i,nn So, iv, t.r the r-, , eit lote ea-l 4, "w .1. T I I, Is r w m Me hetara the fntloeliig atlt,teM lo tr.f hi. rto.tlMM.M,. fv.,.pn t,M,n e',,1 rtiltli.tloi ol el ien 1, , r,-a r.,-e,, a. -II. iter. W 1, binf at) ( i,,ia W.e,,u, allot loe. i.raon, uv r. 1 1 N M eWa ,.b-r. AHUIMSTliA Tt 'U S HM.K ut: a I. ii;iiHrr. or la t t Cta.t ..( J a, s.l, oKteV, ail t't H! M p, f 'f t,l V tejeie4 tMt ui IK r'.)tf itmfl un'. 't i.f (K( . ,. l ii'tfilf s' t. i ti. m:m ff ', vV. ikt2. h, it ihe f .sf ji I I m si ea tf,e VtcKeaM twMef ai il p it'lii av h M. I I 1 1 , ' tit ! f.faa)t t ! ! 4sW" 1 I ail I m Hi 4pth t- ft. I tnta.e-1 !. - H mf hm te ft, mc'ilf m (Mirsfct, 14 mu. ta. ha , tt Maa hri ' 4ttita.l t Wtaf fis i:iif , ataiai a (t iw rr H , ft tb f sal w el kew ua -m. ft .n IK. ft K N isaj m S ft V .-f ' H ' 1 ," ' ae i - ftfc Now that the schools are commencing All should know that. P. C. Thompson Co. Have the nicest assortment of WRITING TABLETS In town Tablets at 4c, 5c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, loc, 20c, and 25c each Rubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, 2c and 5c each Don't forget the place. Cash P. C. Thompson Announcemnet To the School Children m. a fun an(i complete line rr- SCHOOL BOOKS, Just received by the Slocum Drug Co. Everything needed for Good Goods.... Fair Prices: : : T. E. -ar Staple and Fancy Groceries- tine lean ana (Jojjees. T. R. HOWARD, Heppner. HOOTS AND SHOES D THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF M. UCHTENTHAI, & They have anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a good article when they guarantee it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street Drugs SCHOOL BOOKS Statiorjery Pair) ts Oils-Glass Medicines Toilet Articles Conser & Warren, ptggist. THE ART OF BREWING. liOlP And now the entire world zhnows this vertect nroduct M the Star Brewery beer.,... i On draught at l all popular saloons STAR BltEWEllY CO., 203 Weshlnatan St., Pertlanal, Or That 14-Ycar Old IAU11I1 OUbL, On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon ' MAHI0 OOODm Nw r,ow Timber Cullurt -Finat Proof. I sn.r. mil. I , in,,, l',r.n.. I , , cv VOTU lt ItKHlHV s.lf M THAT rl.HH 41 "alliif. ol llr,n.r, n . he. tiled r,,.ll. . I Intentto.. in make Duel ornol betoie th. r-iiintv lrk ol Mn at hi. oibre In Mettftter, i.r..n. on frl.).. the lih ,.t nl H.iTmir l- , o.l .,l.,r .i M lor II,. v 'a K W a,.,l N H a M I, e f ! a, ft w ' Me innii. a. lttirae,a W li M, mf lanixiuniir K.ti-rl Morrett. 1 lvti ol He piier. tirrgna. K. W. btatiarr ' Wt I kYl.tef, I (.rtiii r The Iuiis. i..,. . "l-i.'inl', it i.i. votu i u iisKrav mim nut 'nr. .1 ... I. ,!.,, ,, arttirr bee a.wl both. of hi. t,,i",l..n t. ,t . in a,i,,.,r at hie rial, 11 lhal aei t .r., , n l-l .i. I r..l..,i i t.nutt lireon. oa aatttrar ia-tr 1 1, WII.I UH A H K,t a, i V. ( loinit.Hi. MoaaeeUavl Arpllralloit a , ih e,t.lH He oeo.ea Ih. l-.:i..ei,,4 ail,,..... n r, hi. rooinimiota rtt. -u,,o ,. a,. I rtnt,,.ti,,n ..I set I laid, HI I...I I " .rt,, a V K-a.a.r John M. Mil an an. Hli,l.. H, ;,.., .,j ,j LeslMaloa. m r. nve. yoncE vr iSTESTtv.s; I .. nvvu e t Tas h.ti a. , . .... i N OTH Is iirarer i,i iHt im " i .! elill k. I'i.i k. n.. ais Im.bii.,. to mat. ,., ., ,., , h,. , a,n an.l ,..t .. ,., i . ,,, , , , , l..e, taei... I l.,,t, 1 ,1 II-, t'f-n. na filler. h.,s t !,,,, " MliAa A H " ill. dM.niHt n.:i.,nfl tfnt ii. i a h it. .m us. i. , , ''.- iH a , mi, a- i ,,. W at II. ...h. I... ,..., "r:vr ,f" talks . Co. Heppner. Or. STATIONERY, ETC. the commencement term AT HOWARD'S. Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, Tinware and Furnishing Goods. wm .1 CO. Repairing a Speclolty c i G A R S Was Perfected by the Production of.... GOIDD Stuff, a 8unJ, City Hotrl Uai!diDl?. iirvigj, pro) Timber Culture,.Final Proof. Mi.,.. , , IJM ,-,. .,.. h, . , fc AV t. I.rre. ategteiar. SUT1CE OF ISTES.T1QS. Uab Orri,t . utAaaaaa. Oaaao. "I'lemh. "aa. aa tsrtoher ia! u. t. m Vk is! ' " Son. ot ll.,,,. i ' Ja-oee fau. .....v...,.VTo a wML?a ai ti '"..,n. a. w. a a art aw hauler. x or ICR vr tSTESTiox. l"0tl.VatTaal.i.iaa o.,. ., "; a) SMITH, if, ' b. '"-.I.. I a,f.lre, a. rr -V-r.l,;:: t '; aT.T,.u,6orrirs. ,,,., Bem-a aa ai. A,". . rr.S f hB. ..( hi. lot.,.,;.,; VTi.V, IT .hM f"mt NoTfre i Mtaaav ."" f""-' . I. Ia I... "sarar l.Utt, tajAT IHI t " . . it,,,