Advertisers If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the GAZETTE. OFFICIAL PAPER Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news From the Seat of Nr. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1898. NO. 690 X to THE HEPPHER GAZETTE Published every Tuesday and Friday BY OORL1ES MEHRITT. Editor e.aa.& Managi. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year Six Months Three Months $1.60 78 BO Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postoffloe at Heppner, OreRon, as second-class matter. THIS PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Dake'e Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Exchangs, Han Francisoo, California, where cou raots for advertisinK can be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, San Franoisoo, is oar authorized agent. This paper is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except Handily arriving at Heppner J auction a. tu. Leaves Heppner Junotion 8:30 a. m. and ar rives at Heuoner 6:QU a m Spokane Express No. I leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 7:50 p. m. and Uraa ilia 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 61) a. m. and Heppner Junction 1:1X1 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. FaBt Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7:20 a.m. For further information inquire of J. C, Hart, Agent O. It 4 N., Heppner, Ore. OFFIOIAi DIEEOTOET. United States Officials. President William McKinley Vice President Uarret A. Hobart Secretary of State W. R. Day Secretary of Treasury Lyman J, Gage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Beoretary of War,. a..... Husaell . Alger Seoretary of Navy John D. Long Potttinaster-Ueneral Charles Emery Smith Attortiey-Ueneral John W. (irigge Secretary f Agrioultnr James Wilson State of Oregoa. i overnor ,T. W . P. Lord i.creUtryof State H. K. Kinoald t reasurer Phil. Metsohan Supt. Puhlio Instruction O. M. Irwin attorney General C. M. Idleman W . Hounds 'naators. IThos. H.Tongue ( w 1 W. It. Ellis finitar W. H. Leeds ( R. H. Bean, Hiiurmna Judges F. A. Moore. fC. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District (i - -nit Judge Stephen . Lowell P.txiecuiwin Attorney.... H. J, Hean Marrow Omuitjr VW(il. lolnt Senator 'leprwwntative, unty Judge ' ComiulMioimr., J. W. Beckett. " lerk ' Hherifl ' Trwumr.r AweMor Mnrvyor. Hohool Sup't... .J. W.Morrow E. L. Fnwland ..A. (i. Bartholomew J. 11. Howard Vawter Crawford K. I,. Matlock M. Lichtanthal A C. Pettcyi ........ Julius Knithly Jay W. Htiiuley Coroner Dr. E. K. Huulock b i ppm i a towm ornoca. Mayor Hine. Morgan Ikiuncilinen..., K. t. Miocum. ,n Linhtentlial, J. K. Hiirmns, J. J, Robert., 1. W kumui Mini tu. li. Huernr. K-onlHr W.A. Hlchrdon rrwuirnt L. W. Hriinta Marshal John Hagr PrrciartOSIaere. Joeticeof the Peso... W. E. Kichanlsno ( onelable. O. b. Uray felted Htatrs Lea Officer. n.i.i.u. am. J.. t T.nnA IWieta? Ous Pattereua Keosinr t ft A.. E. W. nrtttt. Raalrtet J. O. Bwacsheiroer UeeeWer SSBZT OOZXTXXSl. KAWL1NS HWT, NO. Ik O. A. B. Vaeta at Hpinr. Or., tha third KatanUy cf rh month. All feterane are utrilaii t fcna. W. W.Hmith. W Um. Adjutant, tf I otnmuiUr D. J. McFaul, M. D. UEPPSER, OREGON. Office boors, t lo 10 a. tn and 1 It f). m., at rMitet.i-e. end 10 l VI a m , and Ha hp m . at efflre la lite tnt ol butt's )iry tor. C E. Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. 083c la riral Halloaa! Rank building. Ilpnnr, Orefnat, Ellis Phelps ATTORN EY3 AT LAW, All fciwOwae atten4et and tii- uti manaaf. luc nI i ..n uf i In a prmnM IStrtartM fuh- EtrnmrtffffiunmHjiiiii iitHtitiwtiiii i in tiHmiiiiitnimtini MtiiHiiwitMiTBBwir(g5rT ffn I 1 If i ffal lin li It rl ill fe nnlPUVV1 yMiiHLiI Uli U 1 11 OArw In ) st lay's VolMlht. R'fpBaf, Orr. D E Climan arsr.RAL vollkctor. fnl ar I4 km aa4 la His kak-le end yr aunwy mi ol ih Mumb, Mas a I.ty td hard twiw Uone, OMralai . VMI4lt. tt'fff. f AcgelablcPreparationror As similating theToodandBegula ting theStomarivs andBowek of Proinotesl)igcsUon,CiiccrfuI ness and Rest.Contains neither Oprum,Morpuine nor Hineral. Not Narcotic. II INDIAN WAR BtaptafOldJk-SAMVWaZCBEa. Pumpkin $m Alx.Scnna BucktlU SJtt - Anin Srid Jtypemiint JJi (iirbiinaSeia Vorm Seed -fhnfitd Sugar . WMmrm f'Umn ADcrfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish tiess andLoss OF SLEEP, TacSimite Signature of NEW 'YORK. XA -T COPV.Of WRAPPEB, For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A Command of American Troops Totally Annihilated DYING AT PONCE. A Ah ClfflS WAGING The Kind You Have Always Bought. The Extent of the Disaster Startles the War Department Hurried Reinforce ments Going to the Scene in Northern Minnesota. (juniriniinn Associated Press Dispatches. Minneapolis, Oct 6. That a terrible disaster has overtaken the command of General Bacon at Leech lake, there is no longer any donbt. The soope of that disaster is still problematical. The troops were fired upon by Indians in ambush yesterday morning, and a bloody battle ensued. The lighting has continued with brief inter missions ever since, and the end is not in sight. Eeports regarding the losses on both sides conflict, but it is cer- tain-that the soldiers have suffered terribly, and that many Indians have been killed. One report says that Bacon's entire command has been annihilated, and that the fighting is now being carried on by settlers. THK O.NTAUR OOMMNV, NIWVOM OITV. figST ational Jank OF HEPPNER. O. A. RHEA... T. A. HHEA... Prenident .Vio President O. W. CONSER. Cashier E. L. FKEELAND.. Assistant Cashier Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WOULD BOUGHT AND BOLD Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits 15,000. A. Mallory, V. 8. COMMISSIONER Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND PROOF ami LAND rll.INi.H Collections ntsde on reasonable terms. Olln e at residence on C hase street. i-IUIC IT Y MAHKUT THE OLD SHOP! Is the place to so to get your lino pork and lamn chops, steaks and roasts. Flah Er Friday. rtue sugar-cured hums and bacon. Pure leaf lard, ki-tllemudcred, old style. Highest caali prlc paid lor at stock. tJanj. Mathowa. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. 11 id work h rat-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. ay NEW NAME I Win. Gordon has re-named his eland the old Jones livery stable 'JTlio Centrnl, Balod hT I"' Mia. I'tiarf Call on felta end bet Tur turn wail rend for SKK-CANYON Clf' Stage Lino B. r. MILLER, Fro C htpmt and wd dirwt mtit. In Joha f tail.y. atM I lly mining dtstrin, turtle aau trth.f latertof tmlnia. a ! H.rpaaf tllv. tndaf ! r-l al arrtt al lanyaa t ty Ib li kmirs, lW' 1y el I f w .errlreu ll u- BOt In M . winwtim II Ileitis. Minneapolis, Oct. 6. Arthur I. j Pegler, the staff correspondent of the Journal, wired at 8:30 this morning from Walker: A force of men under General Bacon has been annihilated. I do not know whether Inspector Tin ker has more information than I have, but he sent word to the war department last night that the Third infantry detachment had been wiped out. I got in very late from the expe- ditioc on the Flora. We started out to carry supplies and rations to the troops. It was very dark off shore, and we signaled for an hour. Corporal Nettle Koven used the code in use at SaDtiago. Either the troops had been driven inland or there is not a man of them left. No answeriDC signal .! Ib.a for an, of u foar predeMor. of t reoeived RUhoaKh ana it nrnmnu in fa. ih., ; I ' ' " r ' T.VOI IUKIU IU I M . . Ill II we lay on ana on mo wuoie lengirt of the headland. Army There Must Be Bronght North or It Will Perish. (Copyrighted, 1898, by the Associated Press.) Ponom, Porto Rioo, Oct. 3. Sept. 27. It ii Ibe well grounded and noanimoaB opinion of the medioal staff of the Amer ican army in Porto Rioo that the condi tion of tbe volunteer foroea there neces sitates their removal north. Sickness la increasing and has been increasing during the past three weeki at an alarming rata. Today tbe sick report ihowa over 2,700 in hospital! or In quarters, oat of a total oommand of 10, 000 men ; that is, over 25 per oent of tbe troopa are on tbe liok Hat. Tbia, however, does not mean that there la an effective force of 7,500 men. The soldiers discharged from tbe hos pital ai fit for duty are in nine oases oat of ten iaoapable of service, and it ordered on duty are almost invariably baok in the hospital within a few days. Tbe medioal offloera have found that the con valescents do not and seemingly oannot reoover their strength in thii climate, and for this reason tbey are being sent north as rapidly as possible, leveral hundred leaving every week. Tomor row over 500 will go on the Obdam and tbe Relief. I is a significant faot that there is a disparity between tbe aiokneas of the volunteers and regular commands. In the two regular infantry regiments, tbe Nineteenth and Eleventh, the liok aver age is only about 10 per oent, while in the volunteer regiments tbe Sixth Mas sachusetts, First New York engineers, Fourth Ohio, Third Illinois, First Ken tucky, Third Wisconsin and Sixteenth Pennsylvania it averages 34 per oent. In tbe last named two, where the condi tion! are the worst, tbe siok repjrt today shows a percentage of 46 per oent in the Sixteenth Pennsylvania, and 42 in the Third Wlannnein Thaaa racMmnnta bucks over on the point yesterday with tne First Kentucky. General Ernafi Corporal Nettle Koven, the sharpshooter, is worth his weight in gold. He dropped a couple of to la- SPOhUNK FAIR OPENED. Glittering Harvest Festival Parade aagnrate the Show. Spokanb, Oot. 4. Today the fifth an nual npuRHoe irun lair will be tnro vo open to tne pnuiio. Tn preparations for this fair have been far mora exten- magniucenoe. No expanse has been spared to reoore every attraction posai bla and from tbe Indications oo tbe eve of the opening of the show, it prorai es to far exoel anything heretofore given in the northwest, To land was an impossibility in the dark, as the reinforcements from Brainerd had iot arrived, flcnasa tu an. lli'tm.n If ftt.tKht tte n.1 if . JraH f , I I Kf II V, I in a 4 li k -n 1 S '' ' l a ! a W A nichardson JVsTK'E or THK PEACE . VI TV krxxiROt K. ! al (MMawll raawl kiittM km rai ati't tM nn e. m iwmwH M 1,1 fw la acf a.f la kt. Una, MM . S.r-a 0. B. Matt ro.V.W-4t ARTI.1T. Cae pta- tmhttmi all OalM el llfaf "a - M.ttnf a.k4 aa t,( iih ana a rm.Mt r i.-. ...-I 1 iM I mm ptrfmf4 t (It. rri iMae.nt In Iba JflRUNGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE !. IS iaf. leMat UT. Ort. Mithewt t Gentry 8ARBZH9, Htf IS CeMt Men Cf 28 " I4f f i ft im U( t t at1at. ii. urn) , . rt raoMTVuNGTON to fimi f .I. ... n.1 ina t m Marlta iVIsalMak 4 taa4 np 1m Ca4 im iniKa, m fta4 tr)a e a Cla l laical ., I,,,.. a.a4 la IS !UM1 llihl nl 1 hi BS Su Tha great attraotion for today ii tbi Ud there wai only one old Win- Chester rifle on the boat. We had onr blankets and rations for tbe biuecoats. If any of them sur vive they slept last nigbt in tbe open. Heavy frost prevailed there. There is not so much as coffee bean to divide anions tbe whole command this morning. At a KtT date I am going to tell the whole truth about this ex pedition. I never knew of such gross mismanagement or witnessed ach criminal obstinacy a Las been exhibited here. Tbe mo of Hocon's command were taken out tinder conditions that would digrare a tnilitia eergoan were he rpopouiibl for thrm, Every life that has 1xmd loot bore U ft UM-lrms aaorilicri. Hail prop. r force been ut here in the first place not . ahot would have hfcn firfnL I have hop that Itacon may have eotrenclifd Limai lf, aod that failare to amwer signals Uxt bight Wat dug to his dctnriuination not to lxtray hit location. The tnn had 12 round of ammunition rb. I hardly think tby have rthatiatrHl thoir luppli"", Mdwb. harvest festival parade, whiob will oum meofls tbe exeroiae this afternoon, Other parades bave been held to Hpo kaoe, which were noted for their meg Dinoenoe, doi lor none or tnem were soob preparations md a for this. Thousands of dollars bave been spent on tbe fl iate aod at a result tbey are out cheap gauiy ereatiooa but works of art ol lbs Quest materials. Artist Wonder ban been working with Urge ataff of imported assistants fur weeks upon these floats aod tbe great res nils which be bas achieved by tties labors will be Men wbta tbe parade oommanoea to move Ibis afiernooo. The o isiomes will be well in keeping with the arttatio besoty of the ii tats. Mrs. Wnndar, tbe !( of the actisl, bas bad rbarge of the costuming aod ba mad a great a iudcims as bar boaband. nine an l satins of tu tnoat attracliv shad will preJciminat etn iog lb os toma and all I ha valvals and eaabmarat need UI b of lb bet qialliy. All of lb eoatQaa war arrlre-l I mm Ibealrl- cal aopply eompaolre ant war oo sir acUd for wear a all a beauty. BROAD VS. NARBOW TISKS. Inflnenoe of Width of Tin on Draft of Wagons. Numerous testa of tbe draft of wide and narrow-tired . wagons have , been made at tbia station tbe past two years on maoadam, gravel and dirt roads in all conditions, and on meadows, pasture and plowed fields both wet and dry. Tbe draft bas been determined by mean of a self-recording dynamometer. The net load was in every trial the same, vix, 2,000 pounds. Contrary to public ex pectation, in a large majority of easel the draft was less when tire six inch in width were used than when the testa were mad with tirei of standard width one and one-halt inohei. Tbe follow ing is a summary of the results: 1. On maoadam street, as an average of the two trials made, a load of 2,518 pounds could have been hauled on tbe broad tires with the same draft that a load of 2,000 pounds required on tbe nar row tires, , 2. Gravel Road In all conditions of the gravel road, except wet and sloppy on top, the draft of the broad tired wagon was very much less than that of the narrow-tired wagon. Averaging tbe six trials, load of 2,482 pounds oould be hauled on tbe broad tire with tbe sam draft required tor a load of 2,000 pound on the narrow tires. 3. Dirt Roads (a) When dry, hard and free from ruts and dust 2,530 pound bave been hauled on the broad tirei with tbe same draft required for 2,000 pounds on tbe narrow tirei. (b) When the iur face waa oovered with two or three inohes of very dry, loose dost there- salt were unfavorable to the broad tire. Tbe dust on the road in eaoh of these trials waa unusually deep, (o) On clay road, muddy and alioky on tbe surtaoe and firm nnderneath, the result were uniformly unfavorable to the broad tires, (d) Oo clay road, with mud deep and drying on top and epongy under- evening with bis Krag-Jorgensen brigade, are unfit for duty, and yester. neath' lar9 cumber of tests showed fit 2000 VRlvla Tinth tha TnrlmiiB dav. when Ernst moved hia oommand to uniformly favorable to the broad tire. - i.. . . . m a m wis i tbe mountain range, it was found that it 4U" u'""uco auiounieo o irom oi to would be impossible for tbe brigade to 01 Pr Mu ot honl 3,200 pound oould The oommand 1 prostrate where bBT bMn hauled on the broad tirei with tbe aame draft required to draw 2,000 pounds on the narrow tires. In this condition of road the broad tirei ahow to their greatest advantage, Ai the road driei and beoomei firmer the difference between the draft of the broad and car row tire gradually diminishes nntil it reachei about 25 to 80 per oent oo dry. bard, smooth dirt, gravel or macadam in favor ot tbe broad tire. Oo the other drove through the woodwork, per- tarv regulalioni io necesaarv for tbe b"Dd ,b mad beoome softer and i 1 . .a . I w - I preservation ot bealtb. Bat more than tbat, Ibe regulars are making soldiering a business. Tbey did not enlist for tbe war, bat for five yean, and tbey look npon tbetr assignment for service in Porto Rioo philosophically aod make tbe best ot the situation. Tbe volonteen, on the other band, en Hut t for tarn aaara hnt arllh tha almost fri f li .L i. il 1IIO .journal DOai OrOUgUl OUl uni.araal BTnantation that tha nnl.l ha it j m i i i il r ii. o. i hi man, uepmy marsnai. anaimn..,i nnt .h. the ... inU,i ai. V.l I L' L L n I -1 I . I voiouei oiiBunu. oueuan was snoi t,. . ih.. .i,.... in tbe abdomen. .a .... -i ha nrntwmi ... .Unt ... . I auw wwb ar.MW aaav a w n mw B)tiva ane me ooai was transiemng ih.. h... n..ri in h. d.u. hnn. f h. 1 - J 1 . ft 1 I ' " a-rw - - - wouuuea inen sue was nrea on nBMOalled. For day tbey bav talked i rum iue Drusn. ini waa ineinf,.,iKin.i... ifnn,..inwn....n.. signal for an immediate reopening their aptrit and mad thim easy viotimi tbi diaadvantag and showed lighter of hostilities. The. troops opened t0 tb malarial ellmatle ooodition. It draft forth broad tire than th narrow on the Indians, and in a second t. ..i,i k.t .nR,. i th.m .h aia lire showed In tbi first run. Whir tb there was as tierce ft fight in pro- UM natarallv, aotoally i posed ' "IbdI tnohe deep, with rigid cress as that ot yesterday. lhel,h.m..i... it,. ..t . .i. r wall, tbre root of the broad tire lo it filing became so hot tbat we were ,,,.! ,i. immi th. .ni.iin.a I own track ovrth ruts were required ll-l ... l . i " - 1 r--- --. I . waiiK'iieu vo weigu ancnor anu tbtt iu. miBbt beoome 111 aod nt iimi b dlsadvantag. Thre steam out into tbe lake. The In- honi. Bom. It ia alWed. av.a feinaad ron o'h brod hr over tbi track dians appeared to be in force, .uw . i ( .k... I htvs In all ease been anfflolent. ho .. ... . I (IV a-Wa wm4f u SB U leaf IS"! VI aJJW I ItMOOU IOICe IS tOO Small tO take .nnaajula.! in Dials rfaalana. Tha nth.r '. tO 10 Improve th IOd SOfltO tbt the aggressive. Ibe detachment day a norober of men, wbo bd been or- both tb broad d narrow lired wagon is entrenched in ft good position ittt4 bro. M eonTaUscetits, earn into P" ovm tbi road with leas draft and can bold out so Ions a tbe pnn.. n,ii r i..i. ..u than tb narrow tire did ia th original siDgiog, Ungbiog aod making merry at ftddltlo to tb laving ol draft tbi prospect ot their relM. 8om wr'D ro,1 m" very mocb mor aolleg attiUies. Tbey appeared to b I orcfrUbl and plaot forth user mors eanahle of servlo lb an baodrsdsof I lihi vblole and plaaaore carriage tb soldier wbo remained, aod on ot were seen to stagger and collapse! aff'ar Via liarl uhrf of. fViam I . . .. lOilOW. uur ngnting preacner is worthy It (g m . . I Ot dlStingUlSbea mention. Alter TJndouhtedlv the wide disnarltv ha. the pilot was snot and 1 had gone tween tbe peroentage ot siokoeai in vol- aooara tne C lora at tne marsbal'S unteer and regular orsanizationa is I instractions, Hev. M. Chandler largely doe to the faot that tbe latter are took the tiller, and with a storm of better able to take care ot themielvea- Winchester balls whistling about I Most of them are veterans who under Uis neaa Drougnt tne boat away. stand the rule ut bealtb tn camp, and tinner, tue mspeotor, toon rer- their offloera, from tb very outset, bave Uge in tne pilot Uouse. A ball I enforced with unerriug energy the lanl- forated the inspector's coat sleeve in two places, and also shot him in tbe leg. My pilot, Oscar, who was shot yesterday while we were off Bear island is doing well. He will recover, as win Harris, tne mar shal. There is an effort beins made here now to organize a land force to march into the point deeper the difference between tbe draft I of tbe two typei ot wagoni rapidly diminishes nntil tbe oonditioo i reached when the mud adhere to both lets ot wheels; ber tb advantage ot the broad tirei oeaiei entirely and the narrow tire pall materially lighter, (e) Clay road, sarfao dry, with deep rat cat by ner. row tirei in tbe ordinary oie of tbe road. In every tnal Ih drat ran of tb broad tire over tb narrow-Mr rati bai ibown a materially increased draft wheo com- pared with that ot tb oarrow-tlr ran In its owa rat. Th seoond ran ot tb broid lire la tb lami traok wbsr tb rat I not dp ompletely eliminated ammunition laats. lhe steamer Chief was met by my boat eight miles out and baa arrived ere this. She carried ft posse of armed men. Major Wilkinson wan shot and kit Im 1 avliiln Byalkiriir nn t,,l ,1.,.nl.. . . . ... r i id regoiar army oracers in ronoe, opoo alnionihbin8 the men to kep their lb,m 0W( ttlggMlwi ironically wm iow. sun uKu in do. uail tbat thef should over yeu ine Diggnsl battle re main to be fought Minneapolis. Oct fi.-A special .h,,!,,,,, .t tb Oaiedonl. game to tbe Journal from V alker says: Tb, ,k, bMllh , mm .Major liainaoii, Rll priyatfl tbo ana onn inaean tKtliceman tbey should itop al New York o their way bom and pick Bp a tew prlias fur throwing tb bmmer, potting tb TH Sere La Grippe Cur Tbar Is I. a nee ufferlog from Ibis dfdful malady If you j only gat Ida right remedy. Vii are having pete all through your buiiy, your livr U oat of order, beva eo eppatile, no life ot aml4- . bave bad elil, to fart are a are or peiea r-fit Ud. loea aalK fl..9a'i drag el'ire, rly SO eeai r UillV. r V l..r.i.4' Tba O. R. N. CV. e bm-k ea tbe lUanqreae if Oragoe, Waatlagtoe nd 1 l;,i la Ma d..tril,ni..l. O ir ra.U's are frm4 H frwar-i tba 4.1rraaae itl lbetr Kaaiar frtea1 aid eoitaiat, lV. 1 fcf ,b vf will be eel tbe a. free. Tfcl atalter l sbahf Pla ( Arltfgtn a)t aanfarhg ba l,iMeate4 I, J We Wrrald ak tbat (Ma.l.F ataarexll a4 eel-1 j la wa UU blertat d f 4 ViZTlfm. "4 ",,f- " ; Oeh -I Ir rl W. II. I!,,!,,,. ... ' aaaTaal ,tmm I aab.1 ST mm k MW a,- I., v fu if. ii. m m . t,JTlu Ml 1 f a tl fleiely aMd ep. Kleotrl Hitters r lbs vxirreaiKiuaent irill, Deft- aly remedy that will give ynq prnrept tea od Koappon went with the ad sure relief. I bey mi directly ee troop. I sent ft stearurr to their 0,r mMh ' !";. p rerae but have heard nothing " ' " m f ... l.i.f.t't. " , I ..... ........ our ran iat nifni wnuij mi mat daman being could Lavit done to find th tniaeing. I Lerw tu oa)thing horribly 'tainou iu the ilenc io that stretch of broab where the fight Ing nncarra,L I du't folly en dorw tbe leief that every tnan In the Corstu,bd i d, louae (iebaral r.acoa U b old Indian. fighter, and howtver badly haoJU capiHl, I doubt very uub wbeth er b would t'frtnit twice tie are deaL (Vilonel Kheban la alifhtlv L.j .- . .n .i. . j, , , .. , ... . I aau s pWi eaaea in aniuaira lever, ui wuundwl. Thirty Indiana areLw ; ... 0(.. deail. The Journal dinpatcb-boat ha itiat returneal from the battld- gruiid. TLoro haabeo dotirt . iigtiung an tne niornu-tr. An Itidean namenl Mab Oe (lob Il, who rarne from lloar island in ration at U a, m., say the loa of il l 'i. - I., sr. till i .. um wuif-a ia su ailioa ftbU 1J woun.bHl. la denies tbat the weak ago w VA esses of typhoid fever, 546 oases of malaria, on cm of aaiallpoi ar rb'iee, ete. Biooe tbi about BOO eases have bee added te th list, Th worst feator of lb litaatioa ii lb steely laeraeas t tb Bomber of typhoid fsvrr eaaes, wbMh May r see had over l)0. For a llms II appaarej probe- ble tbat Ibe typhoid fever ia Ibe army, Bxiet of whleb I aHeged to bav on Ircn Cei&p Tboma d Camp Alter twf"falfia envae.4 mnth a-1 fata. fl. Slpelarai Jne rvftilftl. amount of Chippewa to get iwv mill Um, . i . , . ... I vmiii wii, www ww tiL Ww to ppet t elernileg rat. Major Maowdaa and bil aeeooiates do not bait tbat there I a aew aeare ot ae art do te lafeciloa frera all eaees, A few day g tb wbol city of Pom rowly eeapad being nil arty dapapaleled by alyphideplleai. ttosae of ta of be Kirel Keelarky , wbe are easspaj ear im eeuaedacl wbkb earriee Ib water ptly to ibetltf, la or Jar tee. ay tbe Indiana have had the lret of it Their loea, be claim, doe not exoewl five kille ami woandsvl IU"'7' ;of;.ra,liootbat tber Lata,,,., bol ratb that tb. are oO .Iea Indian within I loi i ... u i.ii . of the landing. 1 be third expedition lo the point l. .' .. ft .1.-1. 1 rft mm unm juat aiaii-ii. ipnri are in riflemen on board, pickel rnen. Tbe boat Carrie eoffm and rovt ton. r.very rnao In tiwo slept witu a nincijeeter aero fcia arm, There wm deeoltory firloff from beaylland aUiut this town all night What it wm about I oald not diemver. I think tbe ladian were kignalincr In thi manner. There were Vjo rum) under arm bef. Mafor Ki'dU fefw wi..y ort'l wstef ua at bad, tapped tb 1 I. They beak Ibrongb Ib Heaowry aod lor whole day w bket- log water la btrkeU Irvaa Ibe aeaaadoet rrteatelf Meiw Heowdee dievavered IH WMiabol white oe loar f Inspeettn Ih east der iu waa horrified el Ibe itaMovafy, Tf pbold fever eiieted l te rirsi Keetasly, 4 the wsU sopply el th fit aWbl bav beew oalaajiaata4 Mb typhoid farinl Jlt tbi by Ibe few roe ot lb sli-luoh tir. Hamming op all tb teat on dirl road it appear tbat there ar bat three coo dillooioe whiob lb broad tire draw heavier tbaa lb narrow tire, vin Wba lb road I aloppy, noddy or iticky oa tb iar(end firm ot bard oodsroseth; wbta Ib mad I very deep sod eo sticky that it edbersi to Ibe basis ot both kind ot wagon. It appear that th dost must b extraordinarily deep to show a higher draft for tb broad tbaa for th aarrow tire. Tb three eon- dllloei jnal named, therefore, ar eaas. wbal nooiual aod of abort darattoa. Through a majority of day I tb year aod al Uotsi -ben tb dirt road ar moat oead aod wbea their DM kt mosl Imperstlv tb brod-tird wsgoa pall matarlally lighter tbaa Ibe Barrow-tired wagon. . A lrg Bomber f tasks oa aieeJ. owa, past or aa, stoh!4 land, ear groaod ead plowed graond, le every a1illn frma dry, bard and firm lo very wet ead eofi, (bw wiiboel e eingle eieepiiw a large differ en -e la draft la favor if tb brued tirae. Ibis dITrtBc raegad fiooa 17 la 1J) paveaot. ft. It appear thai aft Inehee I tb beat width of lire fat frrtsbioelma t'm and td wagae. ead tbat bolb aiie sboold b lb saroa lee gib o that Ibe fraet ead bled wheels will tea la the eaaae traak. Bellevta Mirt f ipetl Bieol Hullo. Tare MllMaas a teat. U be al bar, try, and bay aa-aie. It e-n. th ia esl,Wie4. 1 c f-l le l the t'Bi Nal era UnW barir. laararata a4y t'alHatiM at the rale ul lw bs.IImi lm a rar a4 at axil he three mhJ h ! hw Vrar's. It Wtaaaa awi -l. IKet Caarwrrls ere the tM ifim'hi I tsrJ fl i si I ( r t'4 Ui$ tl li '! A J f"f ft t-Tf-p i hi(tftmi