C TILL THEY COME ! ! 3 The Latest Arrivals at . 1 Brown & S .;. i I .J il 4 The Celebrated "Ideal Brand" of WORK SHIRTS-double all over. A heavy, black DUCK OVERCOAT, blanket lined, for teamsters. New and neat line of OUTINGS, FLEECE GOODS, and CALICOS, CHEVIOTS and DRESS GOODS. Blankets from - An A No. 1 Rubber Overcoat Full line of Winter GLOVES and MITTENS. 50c up $1.85 QUR GOODS and PRICES Are Doing; tine Business, . We are not to be undersold. Come and look through our stock before buying elsewhere. Our t . jMADE-TO ORDER SUITS. Come from the Highest Class Tailoring Establishment in the United States at prices within the reach of all. Those Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread In Spite ot Treatment but Now They are Healed -A Wonderful Work. "'For many years I have been a great tsuflerer with varicose veins on one of my limbs. My foot and limb became dread f uHly swollen. When I stood up I could feel the blood rushing down the veins of this limb. One day I accidentally hit my loot against some object and a sore broke -out which continued to spread and was -exceedingly painful. I concluded I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's BarBaparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me bo much suffering, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and in a short time my limb was completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, has done for me." MBS. A. E. Gilson, Hartland, Vermont. 1 Sarsa- O parilla lithe best In fact the One True Blood Purifier, Hood food's Pilts cure all liver Ills. 26 cents. METH. EP1SC. CHUKOH. SERVICES. Sunday 1 a. m. and 7 d. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Clause No. 1 and 'i at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at T p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. 'The Bpibit and the bride say. Come." The itnr may be found at the parsonage ad. joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any wl o may desire to consult him on reliitioas, social, civic philosophic educational, or an other subjects. J. W. FLUH3ER, Minister. CHRISTIAN CHUKCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even inn at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. K, L. Shelly, Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at S o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday ol each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock WATCH THIS SPACE! -$5.00- In It If you eaten on. $5 given away for the beet eore this week at the i Maine Shootinff Galle -SCORE TO DATE- Hlgheet possible score 120. M. B. Galloway W Ed Durraut o4 Perry Hnyder 0.1 Frank Plneon M X U. Kellos 7 Tom Burkley mU Lee Matlock 101 Bad, White and Blue lights In front. A D VERT1SEO LETTEIW. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HtPS'KEB Or., October t, low. (11.. John Mathews, Mary Mrfabe, Michael Mitahe. Franrts Psrry, Owio Felerann, Charley ehepperl, D A Vlnr.nl, Ut Watt. II K When railing lor thaa h.irs ploaee say e4vartleed. B. P. Vcaa, P. M. Local Notes. Pee M. Llditentbal k Co. for hoe. t Fin imported cigar at "Tie Maine." Cboioe confectionary end fratte l The Maine." Wnted-I00 tired shots at Tb Main booting gallery. Can yon (boot? l'rove It atTb Maine booting gallery. Money ia dollar at The Mm shooting gallery. Wbet la Dp (Joli? Heal beer ra earth, He 1. elee where. The l"er warehouse be aa nntimlt d tappf rf ed rye for sale. 13 la LlchUnlbal k Co. forsboee. F.ietnaive boeetore. Handle tbe beet. Mtf Dr. A. C. Orwnle, carrier Oreod Doe and Eeet MnrrieiB et, Portland, if The 0t-lt' ahMintl"B price of IliO te ImIIdc tobwiUre every day. Oregon le SdO mile bang ( 27$ nail wld end bee aa area la eqoere Bile of mm "Oo'a Jo loe" U all right bat Low TO lard baa a bread of 14-yeerotd good lb at ta bard to beet. 603 K. Dr. J. W. Vo), epecieltat far refreo tba and defeote of lite tie. will b bre very tare Bmnibe. fti-lyr I'alnt rely ff ttrelie tlh. If not a ihM, aa !. T' l" Yaagbaa'e a a'aa. If t-1 f f r yMi Mil at t IVa-Tb Teej,bwe lea, City bl bailJt. " pM immmiMiim ed iM- el IM I f-Hfil HUl.rW"b eel W e-h. H., I'linl. (fi. Bring your bides, pelts and furs to Ben. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat Market. He pays highest market prioe. 619-tf. E. Q. Noble & Co. are rustlers after business. Tbe finest saddles and har ness to be found in Heppner. See tbeir new ad in this issue. tf. Stop that oonghl Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Sbiloh's Cure may save your life. Sold by Conser & Warreu. z Catarrh cured. A olear head and sweet breath secured with Shilob's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser & Warren. x Karl's Clover Root Tea, fur Constipa tion it's the best and if offer neintt it yon don't say so, return package and get your money. Sold by Conser & Warreu. x Old fashions in dress m ly be revived, but no old-fashioned medicine oan re plaoe Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Disrrhoea Remedy. For sale by Conser & Warren. Dr. M. B Metzler, the dentist, wbo bas recently located in onr oity, ha bis ofDoe for tbe present with Dr. MoFanl. Those in need of dental services should call and see bim. tf Sheriff Matlock reports quit" a heavy fall of snow on the mountains betwetn Canyon City and Hamilton, aud a heavy downfall of rain, which left the roads very muddy in that vicinity. W. P. Snyder, tbe livery stable pro prietor, buys only tbe best bay and grain. Large oorrali and accommodations for freighters. Haoks and buggies famished reasonable. Stock well oared for. tt For Constipation take Earl'i Clover Tea, tbe (treat Blood Purifier, ourei beadaobea, Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe face, and makes tbe bead as olear as a bell. Sold by Conser A Warren, x Mr. James Neville remembered tbe Qazette office with a basket of applet, the joioy, delicious fl ivor and tender nets of wbioh we bave not experienced slnneonr "boyhood days, down 00 the farm." Tbe Morrow County Land k Trust company bave decided to go into tbe wheat buying hnniness extensively this fall, and it is Important tbat growers in terview them before disposing of tbeir crops. bbuobe Consumption (Jure oares where others fail. It it tbe leading Oongh Cnre, and no home ebonld be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to tbe spot. Sold by Corner k Warren. x Otto Frederlckt of tbe City bakery keeps a oomplste line ot canned goods, staple groosrlee, ooofeotionery, vege tables, sweet potatoes, eto Bread, plee and cakes baked each day. Wsdding eakee a specialty. tl D. McOill, I. M. Mills, D. Keeriot, W. U. Offloer, IL II. Trobridge, Wm Walsb and O. J. Inulei drove over 400 bead ot cattle into Heppner yesterday for W. H. Morpby, tbe cattle buyer, wbo will tbip tbetn to Portland and HttU. Now, tbat the warn season is ebonl over, irenD eamiiee are 10 order, and James Ilsrt will devote tile time to tbe manofeotore of the ehoiot deltoacleein tbe line of cream, taffy, eta. la feot.el! kinds of eoolretinaary ate to be found tbtre. HJ-tf (It. it.. ,...U. Urn It,. I.,!, I l.aM Ia the ft in 1 al tbe -lUdligbt,1 wbtra Jobo Hm m us aontieoee to dole to bis patrons tltnee ftparkltng bvarege, bleb "titnieb roilnobnlly and drive doll eare awa. Irp les aarmth greets yon Ibeae fall end winWr eveolags K. O. Wills was enmmoned borne fr Rao, Nevada, abere be wct one month siaes, on eooonnt of the eerinas illotee of bis aro, and arrived Hoolay. Tbe young nan bae ahont reotred. Mr. Wills rrpntie It 00 a vary lively loan, It biest a greet sbi leg point fif eatlle and be . Omto' neii.g Bptler 2im oa evsry Wt-taeelsr bight, inelndieg OctoUr COR BUTT OUT OF THE RACE, Prediction of Majority of the State Press Fulfilled. HERE WE ARE WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE! Speoial disputob to the Gazette. Balem, Oct. 4tb, (4 o'clock p. M. ) At last night's cbucub the vote for Benator stood: Corbett 31, Boat teriug 5; total 36. This leaves Corbett less than majority of the republicans. Today the senate stood on sepa rate ballot as follows: George 6, Corbett 13, Cotton 1, Bennett 6. Williams 1, Hewitt 1, Eakin 2. The house Btood as follows: Cor bett 23, Bennett 18, George 10, Eakin 3, Williams 5, Ellis 1, David Dunn 1. Indications are strongly in favor of a compromise man. Corbett is conceded out of the i ace by his friends. We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES of any house in the city Our Line of CLOAKS and CAPES is complete, comprising all the latest styles in Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses' ' WtpPS from $1.50 to $25.oonzzr: Our Stock of ITIEH'S CLOTHIHG Is perfect in satisfaction.. In fine Silk and Plush. style and finish and guaranteed to fit and give entire In Shoes We are the only house in town that sells the Celebrated "Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the , , . reputation of which is world-wide and sold by all the leading houses. We lead them all. The Kelley-Goodfellow Shoe is so well and favorably known that we need only to mention that we sell their line of Shoes to insure us a large and increasing Shoe trade. In Dress Goods ' We are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, Ruffl ings in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods. A Farewell Party. Friday evening was the occasion ot an exceedingly pleasant party, given at tbe home of Mrs. 0. Oats by ber daughter, Miss Bertha, in honor of ber particular friend, Miss Cora Hart, who severs ber oonneotion with Heppner society for tbe winter months, leaving Saturday nigbt for Oastle Book. A sociable time wbiled the hours away until about 12, when, at the conclusion of an enjoyable spread, tbe company dispersed with a feeling of regret tbat tbey were to deprived to tbe membership of Miss Cora tor the sea son's festivities. Tb se present were: Mises Lena Rhea, Emma Welob, Julia Hart, Cora Hart, Eva Brians and Messrs. O. W. Phelps, Frank Johnson, Jesse Stewart, Dr. Metzler and Jas. Hart. NOW IN JAIL. and Underwear Blankets Staple Goods Groceries In Ladies' and Children's We carry a large stock of : In Staple Goods we carry Also carry a full stock of Underwear we can sup- Blankets from the Salem everything needed in Groceries, and guarantee to ply your wants, and our Mills, from 50c up. in the house. meet all legitimate compe- prices are right. tition. Call and examine our StocK and get our Prices when in the city. First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon. Successors to E. VV. Rhea & Co. Personal. The McGoaaclll Brotbrrs Csptnrrd LDulih la Jail. Saturday nit(bl Sheriff Matlock re turned from Canyon City with V. K. and Cno MoUonsgill, wbo bave led Ibe sheriffs posse a fast and fnrrioni paot for tbe past ten days. Tbe elder one, V. R., bad beeo located In Boer valley, bat leaviog there reaobed John Day under disguise, where be was at work In a livery stable. Tbe other brother, Coo, bed volunteered bis services and joined tbe sheriffs' party, nnd-r pretense of ai I ing them la finding the sheep, whiob tbey ere eopposed to bave disposed of, as reoitml in last I'sas of tbe Osteite, upon wbicb Tbe First National liiok beld a mortgage. Upon tbe erret ot tbe former tbe sheriff dispatobed a deputy for Coo. and, bsndonffd, brongbt Ibem la. Tbe oldest brother allirms tbat be left tbe sbeep la charge of Ibe oongr, aod be asserts tbat tbey git beyond bis control aod bave become aualtered la Ibe mountains. Frank Jooee and Jobo tlioiry are still rldiog in scarab of Ibe sbp. Yesterday morning tbey were giveo tbelr preliminary trial, and Joslkse Hioberdoa fell j uti9d In holding tbm over aedsr bonds of i-VJO each to aeail Ibe arlion ot tbsgraed jury wblob meet la Mareb asit, wl.tib will give them free board for eoiue lime. Those familiar wilb Ibe mea and elreaoMtanoee believe tbey are guilty, and are liable to a Urm la the penitentiary. Tbsy are a lei obarged wilb disposing of nine seeks f wool 00 Jr mortgage by Ibe bank. ttrowa k Hfeert, ap to Ibe times, are out alia a asw end InUreetiog "ad." Itead H. Tby are eootli.oslly adding to their et'Hk. TUir xl sUsd tbe Ifcb.lbeO. II ft N CoiH ! wood trip ii of tt, pbia. Tbetrdonble-ilsevsd ttskste for lbs Portland ledasiri.l Ef I .ij working bms sbirii are a poeiuna al tbe rale of DM. lasladiag lee admissions to tte eipoiioe. rsn"S Morning M leave Ibe M toatag Monday algbk It K. Terrieh, at Hartford, Ga seat a a sample of Aatrsliaa wo4 la Tom ttbee. wbkrb k oa eihlbilioB al Ibe FlrM Nstioael Uek. Irra Ibe feel that ia lrl an"y 'i are aMbvd b'or shvenng. ibe wl irsfe a greet seow in. H-.n.e er .p mit. beaevef, ri-lf. 1 t i,t ib Bre te t ha II t i'l e l. e e tl) . tnrh bitr la Morrow . HiiMrF ri M ae tlr.ee ath af C mf rfrsaieg aerd for tbm. Their tailor m4e aling tbe best of sstte feetma and iny bow bave oa eibiblt a fine line of dmst!a gonde. Ceil and order a gnsreie4 sail. Lediea' drees g'wde are a Baeelertioa. Geo. French, the sheepman, ws in town this wesk. MIm Cora IUrt left for Cutis Uock Haturdsr svsnlng. J, M. Baling arrived from Ttis Dalles thli morning. R. C. Hperry cams up from lone on bmlnein yesterday. Mrs. Wm. Leach, of Lexington, is rvporU-d H'riou.ly ill, L.B. KnoianU thai. Johuton irsre up from Ions yeaurdar. Kugens Noble aud wife left Monday night for a visit with Mrs. Koble's parents at Monmouth. Oov. Rea was suddenly called to Washington, D. C In his military capacity by President Mo Kinley. Geo. I. Frost, reprewnUtlvs of Bnulitreets Commercial Agency, was in llvipner last week liioklng up Interests. Mlas Orvm Ollison, of Halem, arrived In Hepp ner last Thursday, and will ind tbe winter with ber aunt, Mrs. J. II. Hcflak-y. Mayor Morgan Mt HatnrcUy for Culvllle, Idaho, with some blotxled hwp lieloiiglug to Ed Day. He will be sway stiout W days. Mrs. tt. i, MeFaul, mother of Dr. D. i. Mo- Faul, arrlvH here but week from Htaynitr, Ontario. Mrs. Mofmiil will vMt for several months with ber son. A. W. feting, of Right Mile, hauled In l,nn pounds ol wheat yesierday on three wigont llh tea horse. A good load considering the time of year and condition ol the roeila. Judge Bartholomew leaves na tonlghl's train to attend Hie Kunday srhool coavnllon si I'ortUnd. sod thence to Helem, to vUlt the eue- Sion and attend Ut some eouuly buelneM, Mrs. Thus. Jn and Mrs. (io. Koff, of Marlcay, the former tbe lUogbter of Mrs. Dr, Vaughan awl b.e latter an aunt, and related to Uvrrmr (Mvt, a visiting the doetor s family lor a lew weeks. W. 1. MoT allam, hi mother arnl slrur came In Inim John Dy Saturday lor a short visit with Mrs. Fat, the milliner, who I a il. tr ot Mr. Millmn. He reports buitneai in U.at awtloa very lnt.k. Frank II. Johnson, the wide-awake il bnyer for llllierman Hrt , of Chicago, received a leleeraia Malnrday to start oa Imtnedlala train prepared lore lo-dr mo.'iluilon. whea be III retnrs to this Held. It ta pfl.al.le that on bis relura ths wool market of this Snrtloa will ssperteoe s sltaklng up. lurday eight s train carried Attorney O. w Fbetps la dtrwrtloe ot aeletn, where be wilt trstaaaet soaie baalnee of Importasee, and bave aa opportunity of witnawing the Int ballot far felted Mate senator, Bert bas tbe reeuutloa ef being a Fretty kee eoiltu-ua, a4 during kM short snjonra will doubt is sue up Ua sliiwUos aotnralely. Meaday Brkaot Coeveataue. Tbe Mfrow O-anty Monday eebnol eettleeal v.stitKo le ra!Ud lo eno e e at ll,s plan oa OetnUr Mtb, K'b aod I..tk. Aa laieteetlug proram bae tjan .rpsrl, aed It la esperted I bat a large ettenJawe will be .re!it. OKKHON'8 HOP CHOP. A Veritable Klondike for the Hopgrowers of This etats. Evening Telegram. Uopgrowera bave struck a veritable Klondike. Tbey make money easily. By n iosigni6oenl raise ot 2 oeots per pound, they are Iba rioher by 9240,000. The crop ot the Willamette valley, consisting ot 60,000 tales or 13,000,000 pounds, ut present prioes, 14 cents, amounts lo 91,080,000. Over bait of tbe orop la still la tbe bands ot tbe growers. Ai it costs about 6 oentifor growing tbe crop and having it paored, and tbe railroads absorb but 9160 per 100 pounds, tbe profits, it will be lean, are enormous. About a third of tbe Intel sum bas already beeo pot in oirculatioo. Nearly Ibe whole of the total retorna in gold and will be distributed in Ibis section. Tbe territory that bas produoed Ibis Klondike at borne is known ae the bop belt eoitlb ot Portland and north of Engene. Tbe orep bias year could bave been three times as large but for the low prkei daring past yeare. Tbe termers lo many instances did not replant orope Whole fields were left Jeeolale or plow ed np, aod plaotml with other things, as the farmers bad no fsilb in bops as a paing proposition. Tbia will, indited, prove a bsnner year tor Oie.oo. There ere plenty ot other Klondike, Il is barely imceeeary to mention the millions the grain orop will put into circulation, the wool industry, too, wilb tbe l(i,WHi,oug pooode bow pecked ia WB'ebouaee lepreeenl ia roeod numbers !).XJ0.(XI0 el present prices. Several millions will eoorae from Ibe mining iodaetry, Tbe salmon pack touched the million notch and tbe out pat of lamber eliiubs Into Ibe mill boa, Tba tlmre le Ibe stork raising and dairying interests to sonsUler, not to sneak ,f a tlionaaod other smaller in deatrtes weeved Into the InJoatrial eb UBANt tiOUNTY NIWS. Urn M.meeey fee !, CIre faUi, aba lpreeU Wl , of Tbe I VU aa t f'a IMoe, te Cepbil k WlJsoa, fclMinery D'ra of nt 4 f te tbe bowlieg alley wilb ee.1lea e d Ibe Iall-, wtfl ebow , . ...sufc ii.. a r.' mmJt eptte end etl sb Itae of milliaery et la'ef ir,nry. ar-i win rmie w tm f .;( 4, w.u m tr ,a4 Milllsery. If re. Ia, i. Kate bae Joel received tbe largest stork af gsilllnry ebe he ever broagbl In H peer, Tbeee gtnods bave beea earefully eelavrted from vs'toae llltnary eetalial nnls la Ibe large Sottas, e4 ail asn tie eoit4 btb In priM and style, ftbe aleo has band a bhc awlertloa ef enfe enahloae. doyl pillnesbarsa, aviy brauie, silks, and mny feory artt"ls too aootarooe to BientloB. Mere Teta, IH, 3. W, Vti. Ike eeiejiet fr re. fraartlnej aed 4featee( Ibe eye, will be ta Qeppoaf wer roe sad will reaaia Tbree Doelure la Ceeeeltalioe. From aeemle Fraeklla. "Wbaafoa are siok, abal yea Ilk beet is lo be ehosao for a medicine la tb first laeej what sipertene telle you is leet, lo be ebneea la Ibe seooad dims ; na reaeoa ti, w. ineory; eaye ie Dei te lobe cboeea ta Ibe last plaee. Hal If yoa eae gat Ir tnatieaiton, Ut. Eineri eaca and Ir. lUaaoa te bold a aonenlta- Itoa together, tl.ey will give yo la bel alt toe tbal eae le taka Wbeq t4 have a bad told tr. InsliS. Iina wiiil I rcrmmead ('tiamberialti'a C'ngb hmdy iaaa It te plee end efa lo lak. Ih. KllWleeee woe'd raenfnmend II twenee It Bevef fails to eftrt e epely aod permanent eore. I'r lieaeoa wnnld remnamend II naraaee II le prepare-! m ecientiSc prieetpia. e d set on nsiore'e lIb ie relieving Ik lar. ocivelng l'ie erelir end rev . lag the et elen lo e aaral and Mailt t eoadiii-ft. re sale by (Viae A War. rsa. Notes of Intereal From Oar Neighboring Coaoty. From the Long Creek Eagle. Martin Donlao and Geo. Book wera in Long Creak Monday enroots to Pen dleton with tba Fuller k Trask band of oattle. Sheriff Matlook. of Morrow county, osms over from Beppner yesterday on business oonnected with bis offlae. He lefl yesterday afternoon for Canyon Oity. Tb eatlle killer ia still at work Id tb Middl Fork oonntry. Tb Esgl ia lo lormsd that several bead of caltl wer rcoently fonnd on tb rang ia tbat locality with tbeir tbroats cut. II i to be regretted that Oraot eounty baa reai deul wbo paralst ia taking tbeir (pit out on dumb brutee becsose Ibey do ool lika Ibe owner of tba animal. A. U. Walker shipped today via tb W. k C. It B , 17 carloads ooolaiolog 3,750 bead of Miltoo 2 year old wethers, eooaigoed to Fry At Ilrohn, Seattle, lay the Pendleton Kaet Oregon lao. Of tbeee l.KKJgo direct to Heal Us, wbil Iba re mainder will b beld for a time oa atob ble in tb violnily of Norlb Yakima. Tbeee sheen wera pnrobaaed la Oranl Bounty, beer Long Creek, by W. L. Gib son, for 13.10 per bead. Tbe borders bringing Ibem ia report a loe of 125, resulting from getting on some poisonous weed south ot Cstuas Preirie. Tbe abort rang lo tba mountain working aa amberaeemenl oa Iba sheep ontOts tbal are al preeeol winding tbeir way homeward. Tbrea oolflt from out- elite counties lost all but two bead ot their peek end saddle horses a ear tbe Long Creek meadow 11 Friday, and al last aroonat bad eot found any ot lb animal. Tb pree.nl condition ot lb rang furnishes bat very Hills east aeoee for lite, and mere bobblea will aot prevent tbeir animal from seosplog. Tbe report aooee to tbl ally from Pralri City tbal 0. B. Uorbla, tbe Weeoa aoaety sbeepmso, who be bssd ot 400 bead at tborosbbr4 books la tbat sectioo, last Batarday laferad loe of arly bi allra bead from trycbala aoieoelBg. Wkil tb Eagl I not Informed a to b iol aamber killed, tl le eatd Ibe majority of ble bend were killed. Ae tb botks ere veined at from I0 t I3 per Bel, Mr. Itarbia will be loee la Ibe earn ef thoaende af dollare, II le aleo reported tbat K4 flay leal M) hea l of ahep tm tbe Ilak Cit? rnavl, eiiriol eight Bsllae trma Prairie City. Mo flew bee yet hewe ebtaleed as lo whom ths guity pnbe saigbt tie, eHbengh a Ibirtieab taveetif eliM beea start l. Cannlngbam Backs. The well known Oanningbam buuks, thoroughbred grade and Detain, will b on sihibitiou and for sal at Ueppoer oo or about Oolober 1st. Prioe to uit tb Urn. Ia chsrg ot 83-91 Wm. Huaax. Ranch, 320 acres, good land, 4 mile of Hspposr, all fenced, plenty ot water, house aod barn, 140 acre ot iummr fallow, all ready for tali crop. Easy termi. Call at tb Oasette offlo. te-U FOH BALK. FOR BALK OH BENT. A good sheep rsooh comprising nearly ,600 sorss, controlling th largest and beet winter rang ia Ollliam oounty. Good dwelling boos and large barn, aleo oomplet onlflt for running sheep. &0 Ion ot Dtw bay aod plenty ot good water oo the place. For particular loqutreat National, Ua a, 83 tt Arlington, Or. loo mwARDt Will be paid for information leading to Iba arrest and conviction of any per son steeling eatlle branded "WB" ooo- Dected on tba lefl aid. Waddle oa tb nose. PawT II ma a. a-nova Far Bale. Twenty aore of land, near a good school. Will trade for boree. farming oiflle, ta. For further tntormattoa ad drees, V. WlROBBU., TJ tt Hood IUvrr, Or. What Dr. A. S. IWlur Bays. Boffalo, N. T-OeoU:-From mf persoeal boowleilge, gaiaed In abaorviof tb effeot ot yoor Hbilob' Cor io oaeea ot advanced aonsamptkia, I am prepared to say it la tbe most remark able remedy tbat ha ever beeo brongbt t ny attea. lion. It bt serial ely sd maoy from aootaaptlos. Bold by Ooaesr Werre. bae BkC fslkll I want ernwe heaee. end if yea west fieee of lewd ha II wel lllver eallev foer enllee fraas Ibe twa ot 1 11 Itlver, 0 rt rwai a tTd erbot fa farther Baablea't Aratea Balv. Tb Beet Balv Is tb world for Cat, Broieea, Ho res, Uleere, Bait Hbsom, rvr Hree, Tetter, Cbspped Uaad. Chilblain, Corn. aaa all Hk a Kraa- ttous, and positively enw Pile ot aa pay repaired. It la guaranteed to five perfect sattafaetioa ef money rWoe Ud. PH eo rente pee tmi. Fef leale by tUoeoas brag Co., Y J. Mtim, maaagef CASTOR I A Far I&fAAti afi4 CMMyia. Iki Yoa Km Afiijs Bss.ll steare U hfiwfwi if rf e Tbe tscfie kal Nv' ItHvwrftfw, a1-et Jt Wn . bTH fvCr tViTJvll"wrW e t dea. Iie til e II ; bAvw ar4eiaaf pmt taJI BalViav K lr.,. Vm bwa4a r lib ruMWa.