Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 04, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, October 4, 1898.
Salem Statesman: On account
of the great blare of trumpets with
which the Corbett campaign
opened, and the accomplished men
dacity of his retained liars, some
Brief War News, Tele
graphic News Notes,
Etc., Etc,
Washington, Sent. 28 Paymaster General
Stanton has received a private letter from Major
McClure, chief paymaster at Manila. He yi
of the Philippines that the United 8tates should
thought for a time that by all means retain possession of those islands.
ii i i ne people ot tnat country, ne slates, nave oeen
there Was really a Chance Of SUC mIgtroered for 300 year, with no opportunity
CeSS thinking that, possibly, the to develop or improve themselves. The United
, ,, . . il I Biaies, ne saia, in me inreresi or numaiuty
urguuiBiiiB ubbu wtuo yu5uu wit" 8houl(i ft8SUme government over the islands.
a considerable number of the mem
bers of the two houses. But those New York, Sept. 28.-Pugiltsts "Kid" McCoy
, , , . j ii- 1 .1 and J. J. Corbett, whose match has been broken
who entertained this notion, though U met m the Giisey house today. McCoy
innocently and naturally, Owe to knocked Corbett's hat off and then, while Cor
,, , .... . 1 . 1 . . bettwas belli held by his friends, kicked Cor
mo iwiuiui icg.o.o.o u fu,uKJ wt in the groin. He then ran out of the side
and they owe it to themselves to door away from the crowd. Corbett was taken
, .1 .,, 11 . 1 to nis room ana a doctor summoned.
Chicaiio, Sept. 28. Miss Lucy Lee Hill, an
low men. When it is over they
will see that there is a noble band examiner in the office of the civil service com
mission, is the new Daughter of the Confeder
acy. Her Southern friends have conferred this
honor upon her since the death of Miss Winnie
Davis. Miss Hill is a native of Virginia and
comes from one of the oldest and most aristo
cratic families in the South.
in the joint assembly who are above
price; some of them very poor
men, too, as estimated by the meas
ure of this world's goods.
Many reasons have been urged
why Mr. Corbett should not be
sent to the United States senate.
But there are more. It would be
difficult to enumerate them all.
Some one of his push wrote a com
munication a few days ago cacu
lated to show by comparison that
he is not too old, taking the aver-
Wali,a Walla, Sept. 28. The attempt to effect
fusion in Walla Walla county has met with a
severe backset. The democratic, silver repub
licans and populist conventions held morning,
afternoon and evening sessions after each had
appointed a conference committee The com
mittees wrangled all day as to the distribution
of olllces. Finally the committee was dis
charged and the democrats nominated a ticket.
Convention Hall, Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 27.
The republican convention nominated the fol-
Bge of the ages of the oldest men lowing ticket today. For governor, Theodore
Kooseveu, 01 uyster nay; lieutenant-governor,
Timothy L. Woodruff, of Kings; controller,
William J. Morgan, of Erie; secretary of state,
JohuT. McDonough, of Albany; state treasurer,
John B. Jacckel, of Cayuga; state treasurer,
Edward A. Bond, of Jefferson ; attorney- general,
John T. Davics, of Oneida.
of the upper house of congress.
But most of these have been mem
bers of that body for a great many
years, and they secured advantag
eous places on the committees
while they were younger, which
they have since held. And they
represent in the main states that rue utiMei. racer Lowers
have not the needs of this young Record at Hairm
commonwealth the older states. Sflptembar 28tb el the
Clrnctnn Tinarla a man in (ha tronunr Kronuds t Salem, Del
place who is in the prime of life;
one who by his industry and abil-
the World'i
ity can secure useful places on the 2:0i.
state fair
Norte, tbp
wonderful guidelpgs pi1 cor reduced the
rld's record of 2:04 to 2:04. The
time by quarters was: 30, 1:00, 131,
DhI Norte eqnaled tbe world's record
t IndftpemlerjRe, this state, on tteptem
her 11th, when be paced a mile in 2 KM
Del Norte is a beautiful coal blaok, 15
hands and three inches high, 10 years
committees, and who can hold them
through successive sessions. This
is important. Binger Hermann
tried for years to secure the chair
manship of the rivers and harbors p,IJ, aod is a fall brother to Chehali.
committee of the house, and had
he been successful he would yet be
a member of that body. We give
this as an illustration of the im
portance of sending to the senate a
man in the prime of life.
In H'half of the Board of Equalliatlon to
Corrnponilmt lu Last twine.
Kiiitoh (!a,ett: In your last IkiiioI Sep
tember .Ulth there appears over the signature of
A. M. Uuiin some correspondence relating to
taxHllou and the board of (iinllRtlin, to
which Willi your perinluloii 1 desire to reply.
In a very carefully worded Introductory to his
communication Mr. (iiiini tries to convey the
Idea to your readers that he and others have
been unjustly discriminated against III the
assessment of their proierty, to the tune ol
about to per rent. This without qualifications,
would if shown tube correct, lie good ground,
tor complaint, but when he adds that iiiallly
iugrlaiiMi, that the earning power of property
must be taken as a basis fur the value of the
same for purposes of taxation, the average lit
ycur iilil school boy could not help but discover
the fallacy of tils argument.
IjuI year finding that the real property ol
llcppnvr was very unequally aw..cl the entire
aswwmnnt of the town was reviewed by what
we considered a comie(eiit board, and upon
ca h lot, In each block In the town, a valuation
was placed, which was considered e-ult.e 1 1
all concerned, and with a view ol doing each
property owner Justice. How writ this board
succeeded In Its work may be Inferred from the
tact that thcM valuations were used last yeal
and the prnent year, and no one, with the
single eieeptlon ol Mr. (iiiini, has aprard an I
asked that they be change.!. Mr. initio, whe-i
approached this year by the aasewir, refused to
accept these Valuations and prepare! a blank
himself, listing hla propvrty at about one thlid
the valuation ot aiirroiiiidlug rerty, and
asked that it be accc-pled, which, of courw, was
refused and hit property was raised by the
asMHSorto a uniform ralewlih other prui rty
adjacent, and Mr. Uuiinwaa Informed that his
redress we before the board of r.iiallrall.ni
Refore that board he sut half an hour trying
to Induce the board to believe that not tb laas
ol Oregon must be followed In the taereametit
ol property, hut his theory. Tbe trd In
making their decision rhiaw the law at their
guide, but to avoid the poaatlilllty ol any Injiis
lice being dune Mr. ttuna mluceit his stem
nienl on en pin l prortr ftiti, and he was
iulormed ol Ibis tact at Hie earliest pHtrtuntlf
after the board hal duly considered tl,e Mallet
As la bis statement that a " bad Iron! heal
tbe above centre ae twwl at the tett saint
amount that t similar l Hli was In tb fi leas
valuable block north ol It." is false, and t ie
records ate open lo finite II tu auvons Itit-r
to hit Instmiattnits nf rakenlr" t'd
frlrt i the 4 pile " I pan lb. .j, I
lletlni thai they are only the bl imibn, ..f
S brain (bat thrmish ") n.g tor l-f
one Is ni)')l" e ! I am Hint ol I lira,
tmwp.ary "raSeoits" l'ia l.l'i.ar I Is In l
lle that ell men are iiN.t.-e. by si b
It ta Mrwhinf to read Mr liiun a stetrmrtil
ut how lu e ".art ptol,in. ' ntaiinef twe't'tod
bis tent brlole tbe twxrd, but II tell Rat. a
they did hot eoiwider II "erbaiti.Ma ' In
uOif liftil than an e'euweut In trv -! p-t
taa.lt Ikaas W atilft S laifti pn-nis of t.l
prnl-iilbm ol the burden M U tall-Mi la in.
shauldera ml tbe Hthef tHi bee II Mi
lal aaaief tban pei bis nan It nas ll.n pan
4 tbe a'g'ieient that u I " tie ia.l.v
abfuf his Sbouldera. '
In y tbH iiu.a In pubile eates I
bva bftiitd Mr limin e prtli,rtl It, kr
tv,4 axily te tbts the ra I IN hit eawe
MI cod ei4lr.g Ik MalleV lao lbs SawM
,4 eiMlllMlkHi, but b.e ea'a.r dotaU .led e
hie laraaar talin hm. tb wall d -tu
criminative' e"t taii-w ' ran tw tw
l'l-ltef lw a !" a fii t w bl U.
Ml aiw baa ln Ii -wt a. ai.ii.. b.
I e SM l .' ! I't.i. i a. . U the
a).aMi(eMll u4 tbtf " I alia. IteMib
li,. sai tbe lut'ite lar ae I in e W
., M Is p'l" '.
A u 4htniii.
M I ! taMS f .
. , . .i t'i. ' aessei
tl ft If I t istewre siraai.! ft ' I t-f
The membera of the High school have
purchased Dew bioks and will take np
the study ot mnsio for the remsinder of
the term.
Mr. Hpeuoer and Leonard Akers visited
our school ifrulay, Mr, iiuenoer was
formerly a member of the High sohool
Mies Euima Farnsworth ia home from
the expopition.
Miss Oora Hart left Haturdny night to
bt'atiu a school Dear (letle Uork, 8 he
will also teaob mnsio along witb ber
school work.
Trot. UiirrisuD 1ms a Urge class of
sixty in w riling. All speak favorably ol
his teHi'hini.
Two new students, Mies Ivy lilako, ol
Hock Creek, aud Mlas Fannie Woodard,
were enrolled In the High nchool Moo
Mine lluHlinis, a former teacher ol
(hie achnol, Is here o.i a vteit w ith Mrs.
I I Hliiouiit Niul Mrs. It. f arker.
Iho iiiemtiers or AlissnueUa riKim
Have an interretiuit literary irogram
Mis. McHword' and Mist lthea vltited
Mies Huell's room Friday.
FullowliiK art) tbe name of those who
have been neither tardy nor abeout tbv
"net luonth:
K'M'H no I.
Wilfred Meadow t
Written by Dick Bloeam to His Brother Lee
ol Oar City.
Fosce, Porto Rioo, Sept. 11,1898.
Dear Brother Lee : I reoeived your let
ter this morning and was very glad to
bear from yon. I am not feeling very
well since I bsve been here. We have
not bad enough to eat ainoeweleft Camp
Towceud, and don't expect to get enough
an til I get borne. It is very warm here
and tbe water is poor, even worse tban
river water In tbe states. We are
camped four miles from Fort de Ponce,
on a small bill. It is a very nioe place,
bnt the drinking water is warm. I was
foolish to leave a good job and plenty to
eat and come down here amobg the nig
gers and be starved and choked todeatb.
Two or three men die every day witb
malarial or typhoid fever. 1 am not
very sick, but if I have to stay here maoh
longer I think I will be. I think we
will be on our way horn, by the 1st of
October, or at least by the 15th. I am
siok of war, and it I get oat of here alive
a will never enlist again. It would not
be so bid it we oiuld have all we wanted
to eat. If they would pay us we could
buy food witb our on money, but they
ill not until we get back to tbe states.
On tbe way from New York to Porto
Rioo we did not have half enough to eat,
only 10 hardtacks tbe size of a oraoker
and allowed only one pint of ooffee and
one pint of water, and part of the time it
was salt water. When we got here we
bad to throw seven tons ot beet over
board that was brought from New York
tor tbe men, and tbe officers would not
let us btve a bit of it. The Red Cross
society sent about 100 bushels of fruit to
us when we were on tbe boat in New
York bay, but tb steward ot tbe boat
sold it to the men and obarged them
doable what tbe fruit was worth. Two
small apples tor 5 oents and two lemons
tor 10 oents. So you see bow we were
used. They made us sleep in ooal bins
tbe first two nights. Then we went at
work and sorubbed the bins and gave
tbetn a coat of whitewash, and after that
it was a little cleaner. Tba mules bad
our plaoe and we ha the coal bios. We
bad to work every day we were on tbe
boat, doing unnecessary work, and at
night we had to stay in our quarters and
it was so bot that we nearly died. Every
morning we would make a rash for the
upper deck as soon as we could see and
would stay there until we would be sent
below for breakfast. After breakfast we
would have to di about three boars'
work, and then we would go aud he
down and rest for a oouple ot boars.
When we reached Po'to Rioo 150 meo
bad to stay on tbe boat to uoload it. I
was one of those, and we bad to work
night and day far eight days. We bad
to work three boon at a time part ot
tbs meo would work three hoars, and
then the rest would work three hours,
and so oo until the boat was unloaded
All tbe men are very poor and weak now,
and some ot them are hardly able to
walk, but as long as we oao stand up
we have to work. I am oooklog tor a
mess of 23 meo and it keeps mt working
all the time.
1 wieb you would answer as soon at
you get my letter, and then it will be
about five weeks before I receive ao aa
swer. uopiug to bear from yon soon, I
close. D roth kb Dick,
Co. I, let U. 8. V.E.,
Harry Wilson Prevented the Oregon From
Being Blows Up.
Io these days when every one is en
gaged in extolling tbe gallantry of tbe
Amenoan sailors and soldiers it is a
pleasant change to be able to praise tbe
notion of ao officer in tbe otvil servioe
wbiob resulted in great benefit to tbe
country. One ot tbe bedt dee oriptive
writers of tbe dsy, Frank Q. Car penter,
is now traveling in Soath Amerioa and
sending to a syndicate ot Amenoan pa
pers descriptions ot what be sees and
learns in those distant and almost un
known oountrles. In ooe ot his last let
ters Mr. Carpenter described Santiago,
the oapital ot Chili, and incidentally
related the story of the prompt action ot
Hon. Barry L. Wilson, United States
minister to Cii'i, which resulted io pre
venting a repHio.i ot the Milne horror io
Valparaiso, tbs greit senpirt of Chili.
Mr. Carpenter says:
"It was Bt this time that a plot wis
formed by a number of Spaniards and
pro-Spaoish-Clnleani to blow up the
Oregon and Marietta iu the harbor of
Valparaiso. It was known that these
ships were on their w iy here, and it had
been stated that tbey would stop at Val
paraiso. Explosives ware parohased,
and an Italian ot Valparaiso, who is
skilled tu making stibmariae weapons ot
destruction, was employed to prepare
them tor ass. It was intended to plaoe
these under the two vessels if possible
and blow them to pieoes while lying in
what tbeir offioers considered a friendly
port. Tbe plot was, however, revealed
to our consul, Mr, Caples, of Valparaiso,
by a pro-American-Chilean, and he at
oooa com aunicated it to Mr. Harry L.
Wilson, the United States minister bere,
Mr, Wilson at onoe took tbe train tor
Valparaiso. He oalled upon tbe intend
ed te, or governor, and laid the details of
tbe matter, as far as be knew tbem, be
fore him. These details were not com
plete, bat they showed the existence of it
oompaot organization and stadled plan.
Tbe iutendeote was at first inolined to
doubt tbe acouraoy of the information,
but at tbe same time said that he would
nvestigate tbe matter fully and would
take every preosution to have tbe vessels
protected He put his detectives at
work, and later on told oar minister that
bis information was correot, and that tbe
organization and plot existed. He at
onoe, however, made his arrangements
to prevent this plot sod any other that
might bt) formed from being carried out.
He organised a oomplete polioe bout pa
trol of the harbor, and when tbe Mari
etta arrived, the Oregon baviug remained
outside, no boats were allowed to come
near her except after the inspection aud
th tbe approval ot tbe Chilean officers.
fbis patrol was kept about ber doriog
tbe three days she lay bere. Upon bis
return to Santiago, Minister Wilson ex
pressed to tbt minister of foreign affairs
bis appreciation ot tbe prompt action of
tbe intendente and bis officials. Hal
the plot saooeeded it would Lave been
difficult tor tbe government to have sat-
Nfaotorily explained Its non-oonneo'ion
witb it, and a great deal ot credit should
be giveo to Minister Wilson aud C msul
Caples for their prompt notion. .
Are much in little; always
ready, efficient, satisfac
tory ; prevent a cold or fever.
cure all liver tils, sick head
ache, jaundice, constipation, etc. Price 25 cents.
The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsapartlla.
Koy Jiiiii-s
A It a Jones
ftlcllll Johcs
( bathe IKiiilll
Allli klr
lniV lillllitll
K u I It Has-er
I mle iivb'
lur lionet
l-ta Minima
Ha Jenkins
"adle 'flil
f ia Kn) ler
llailc) Ivtiuta
Hemic II unto
( larem-e liuslirf
inif Maltlieaa
Heiltna la) lor
Allied adkmt
I. iliil Caitiitell
ball beilll
Atlliiir Me tee
llol.l.le Maila
Mara fain
Mli-I Kirk
I jms A'Ulna
I I. ale HbiUM
Mt. ate tea, tea bet.
aViNm nn. 1
Vatd t'aarf Juatilte Vstl.a k
Ki.ha lUc-t Alma Watlalle
mile M, Matey Allle Miller
ll.-a.ie i In l roila ll.iriuir
Ma rl MiiiteV ! I Macef
W Hue I lilltl) I atl Kh.-a
Ho t"a H..l-rts
Hoitaraarf Walter Haa
auk lieialry lieaaie I'raler
Si..a talis fi-ai an,, a
il..l -M I.T b'-tl lull
iirci, holM-rt l li more
Hatrv Uallorv lMt
i i . , - .. alt llaf r bnll
ifc-tia mi!,, lo t.tr
Ho) Vt bltoa Miss H.i.-r, tea, liar.
no I
llnl aaa-or JlmoilS (aland
U'ttrrt I.ii ,i I a flamulnn
Wa-f V a it.kl Kane Ktt,m
r a It Mtea V Slafa
t ir Ma) off f lie t tar
"a li.'itta t.h via' alt
bi t tj.!atl Mia J.'hi.,4, Uavker.
aa at l
!,ftfn I w albit.lt Weill ll-.a l
Ha II u he 1 taa I . M.nthel
II..HM.. stoabamthk I ink ll,,'t
aol-tfl but Walea k
V a h", c nr Vai W li.kta)
tttii a.tf ir UitMtii Hre
. ai I In. Haas t""l laM b.l..aw
a ea, rr lo IbllMS
a,, h, ti,t a atot Ji.a
a... .. H. ta Miss ,. to, btf.
. k
t'tatf fitettq ftMrfbt
lot noila t,a,i. )i" lii4
I . t'. W. a I .as i Hil-H
l a t(rvp:l ! M,,to
.. i. e t.ma i--ra -tatt
i..f t ai .ii t ina jasta
M. l. i.i,i..4f .aatill
I latii,..i.na 4.1, . .
Hi i-I t "H I aa-l Haal-f
m II la-o.b, rat Ha-
I a ..!. teat, bat
-- I
'' ta biaheft la lli
t H.ta 'ti
I t. .., al a . -. . -..i.
I .!.- ... . . .
i v ,'4.i a ,
a. i i -a it ,
M I -ai-"- Vet !
a -a , .-.., V o....a I , t -,
r !.. k it '-.. m -.tM
-a-f t ".. Set , k-t.i
f -a .. a It " Mailt. N'H
la a t, I ... , It
M -a VI a l..f
hH I a a ft a...,,
Itai I t a ' ' -, St . f .
kott a '.a I a' -a t
rid. Ital a) 'a mmtmt, Maf
0ilulna of aa Eminent Jurist.
nallot retnrin In New I ork was necessary
says an eminent Jurist, because mere polltlt'lan
by tmte, who had no Interest In government or
politics eirept to enrich anil aKKraml lit them
selves, tough! iHirpftual control. There are
other excellent reform beshlc thatolthabal
lot, Conaiitt'tious anions them Is tht reform I
a tllsorileretl iih)-sb'al system bjr Hostetter
Stomach Hitters, which i-iin uler ai ll temlenclet
Io terlotts iliseaa lire-l by a tlcHcteticy ol vital
stamina, Irrt'Kiilarity ol th bowels, stomach
liver or kblners. and ln.iiletu l of th nrvt
This starlln mwllcln, which bat lor near hall
a century won popular lavor, not only lor It
siellent qualities In a remedial capacity, but
also lor lu tarvirlbl properties aa a medicinal
Long Creek Was a Bee Hive for Nearly a
Blue Mountain Eagle.
Monday afternoon closed a series of
fonr days of match raoes, duriag wbiob
time the town has been very lively, in
other words a veritable bee hive. A
large orowd of people congregated bere
to witness the match race Friday and re
mained until Monday evening. Friday
was the day set for the big three-eights
of a mile match racs between Bed Buck,
owned by Jim Short, and Stratus, owned
by Wan Kee, both horses being from
SusHDville. The former, witn Olate Hiu
ton np, was given e-oond place in the
track, and the latter, with Ciios. Turner
np, tbe first plaoe. But little scoring
was done when tbey wete off, Red Buck
inning by about a length.
Saturday Red Buck was again matched
with Obarmer, owned by Keeney Bros ,
for a quarter mile dash. These two
horses behaved admirably on the eoore,
end were soon off, Red Buck again win
ning by two lengths.
Sunday Red Buok was ugein matched
in a three-eighths of a mile (1hU with
Tip. the noted race animal owned bj
Monroe Soroggins, which race Rfd
Buck eguin cttme out winner bv a full
In Monday's raoe all four horses that
hud previously been run, were matched
in a quarter mile dash. Charmer, with
Frank Keeney up, Simtux, with Bert
Keeney np, Red Back, with Tommy
Wilson np, and Tip, with Chas. Turner
op, were given tbeir position on the
track in their order just named. The
horses were let off of their score in their
firet effort, and all made a flue run. Tip
won, with Red Buok second, Sitntux
third nod Charmer last.
This ounoluded the series ot match
races until tbe lUtb uf October, when
there will be four days of puree raoes
Consiiierable money ohanged bands,
nearly every man present baoking bis
favorite auiinul his judgment dictated.
Now that the schools are commencing
All should know that-
P. C. Thompson Co.
Have the nicest assortment of
In town
Tablets at 4c, 5c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c each
Rubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, 2c and 5c each
Don't forget the place. Cash talks
P. C. Thompson Co. Heppner, Or.
To the School Children
aa A full and complete line ofaanjrr
Just received by the
Slocum Drug Co.
Everything needed for the commencement term
Good Goods....
Fair Prices..:: : :
Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
Tinware and Furnishing Goods.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fine Teas and Coffees.
Echo of a Tragedy uf Klevea Years Ago Hm
a Bud Effect.
Kokomo, lud.. Hept. 26. The Walont
Grove eohool, 1H milee west ot here, has
been distinguished owing to a fear nt
ghosts. Eleven years ago Lnella Mab
bit, a schoolgirl, was murdered in the
a i. ivicii aisivarri & co
They have anything In this lino that you nmy desire and you can depend on It you get a
good article when they guarantee it.
Old Stand, Main Street Repairing Speolalty
grove near tbe sohool ballding, and her Medicines
murderer, Amer Qreeo, was lyoohed, be t.ii.i
Conser & Warren, Druggists.
Tb Ntrktt.
The Oregotiian aays: Tbs local wbtst
market, after spurt which luied long
enough ta dislodge a sndioieot amount
to take ear ot all the near by tonnage
anil a few of the disengaged ships.
again showing a tendency to drag. Ei
porter will Do pf tbe prices they were
tore to pay a abort time ago, and,
whila millions of baibsle aoulj be par
obtMil at tbe top tig a rot pui.l, growers
era not inclined to take I mm into G0 la
the lotorior. The foreign market do
not at yet Justify this flgore, aej netil
tbey do a dragging market te looked tor
At lb turn ol tb year titer is gener
ally a ehang tiltv-r for bMr or wore
sad by Ibat time growers will probably
ntak np their mind regarding the die
pneiltaa of a rrp thai I almost ln
large to UU f.r an In UflulU period,
ttaa Krsoolseo Vtr are mill la lb
Sel l, tint l'orllu! dealer bv f iro-J
litem to pay sttca blgh prtee) Ibat they
raoaot eBl aayibieg bohiw far esport
fiiel at a In Freights have been
gr !aHy workieg d iwa, la nU of t
i'h( slelMliesJ Miitaa,an1 now Urge
earner t be pflr, at fk)m, wbll
three email veeswl have Imshi lia this
week at 31 S I. Taere bate hewn fw
addilioat l tbe stntu list M a luag
lime, aud a FraqcMHM it being Jrwa
01 ! toag. Lsssipil all tbe ttf !
that were pal f tl to mk tba Urgsert
bold tbeir Wheat, fteteabf blHetit
were neatly. If not tjait fatly, np to
that of il year, whwli tba Urgl
o riril. Tbe Metgn basioeee, of
ra, wm hghier, (, aeaetieg tb
ehlmet li ilea t fsjeeie.ni, wliieb were
mmen besttef, will priKble h fi atw
thai lh f "'itit el lte ! ml ibm mmk
III tml lb me lltoea if !
Ie, w l.tle l es-et I, nti taeenwal at
Aa Abuatd Wornaa la Harney Cousy Reooines
An effort wa made to kill John C.ild
well at Burn, Harney county, on
Wadoeiday, while be was engeged iu a
card game in Tris.tti k D inegan'ssttnnn,
by Mis Mary Johnson, a young womab
lately employed as a ohambermaiii in
tba French hotel, who formerly, it it re
ported, lived In Mal-m. lbere wtsa
large crowd In the saloon at the lime
Mist Jolmtoo eotered through Ihe rear
door from tbe direct bo of an aonesed
retteartnt, oroeeed the room to a table
opposite where C.ld rll et. and Bred
fire or ii shot from a 88 oalber Hmtili
Weeion revolver at blra. During th
Oondisino aod nproar she patted out (it
tbe alono. Il it report I that she Mt
town early Thursday morning, going lu
in tbe direction ol Caoyon City. Aa h
soaped and do attempt hits been mid
to arret! bar, It Is believed that she b I
on or mora accomplice. 1 ber i a!
a suspicion tbal lb revolver need ba.1
been tampered with, ae no bullet a mi l
b found anywhere. Tbve is noijiee
noa mat ine young onw w v in a ic
perate frame of min i ao l fully iutin.l I
to kill Caldwell o.i etgat Tr.lln wiih
ber atecil tut aud J -! uy i g -
suae for Hie act. Y. e (treg mil I
log strung up to a tree at the soene ot
tbe tragedy. Hmoe then the sohool ohil
dreo, it is claimed, have beea trigbteued
by strange soands and grewsorae sights
Tbs apparitious are snid to appear nt all
hours of day and night, and aa a result
tbe school attendauoe dropped off by
degrees. Last week, when the teacher TMC f4PT AC RRFUJiMfr
appeared to begin the Ml term only five lnL I llV I UI UillJIllllU
oblldren were pr.wot. The school wus
abandoned and tbe building locked np.
Fifty five of the ohild'sn b'ivs befD,
ou tbe petition ol tbe parents, transferred
to ailj. lining districts.
school books
PaiQts Oils -Glass
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
I One of America's most fi-
mou$ phvsici.ru tays t "Scrof- $
X oU is external consumption." j
$ Scrofulous children are often $
I btfAutiful ehiUren. hut thev
lack nerve force, strong bones, j
strtut muulu And eawer to to
resist disease. For delicate
children there is no remedy
equal to $
Scotfs Emulsion I
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
$ wis the Star Brewery beer.....
I! On draught at
I all popular saloons
203 Waahlnalan St., Portland, Or
Mbee feieweln.
C. It. Itarbin li. I nea'iy bi entire
liaad of tt'oMiitl.bff I Hpaoleb an I De
laiee burke at I'rsirU City Imi Htr
dev. U e be thinks they were tl
eitttrd by siirtbuio Ir. H-lln.ip
el tin is d Ihe tt.tmsoht ajtd f.iou t I ie
maeua n.rnihrtii eala out aud I ie
eif'.e were ter feeiiy snmiilii ad
while. It In rsataj b k hei due te
alkali the nri would have thowa
tre of till. Tb e jmle i t
Mr. Pu'bm, at be bd a bend f 41
be. I
tdt ("Uf ea H.t il oiM bead wf
sheep oi i.f eh is tf tj.uw a Hi Hiker
('iy roe I ei )! wilet aul f 1'iei
ri Cily. The eheep were ne lev ih
tbrg mt lay Hbbrd
It eeeiut v.fy tirang tbal m many
el.eeji, aed espeaiel.y flu tb regbbel
Lack. ebald t U ta I bit way. Tbs
bucks we v4 detryi tk r gf
siejplt hvlng itneeit alg tbe pni,,tt
blgbwey aa-l bMiitg b-lr. If tl m
2 cf Cod-liver Oil with lirpo-
. t.'.i.iiriitfs cf 1.1 me and Sodx.
a r r "
i It f.!U out the skin by putting;
. good flesh beneath it. It makes
the cheeks red by maUno; rich
blood. It creates an appetite
fcr food and gives the body
power enough to digest It. Be
sure you get SCOTT'S Emui-
X V. te !.; sH aruf1ti
t VDTT im Nf, 0-mms Htm Ysrk.
That 14-Year Old Stuff,
'Kolm's Best,"
On Tap Down at The
Telephone Saloon
a a a IT la
14 A. MIC (aOODaa a a
Nw Htand, City Hotel Bnlldiog,
XOW 1MrvrVlr, Prop.
t,ti ui. ii t at Tns lui i . t....
a. l-'aiiila-f 1 1, ia
oTf "g I iirKmr mim iut h
f...1..e1 tiatna.1 afl.rf has filial (if I'lf
nt Ms hilnll m ! Snal t "I In S iM-r1
..I I. a . lain ai. I H..I a.! 1 .r.a.l eiSI I mil
!.,la t ae I I. t la'k. S4 Na.rr.
iir vti. nn aei.ir.iaf a uimt l. M
WIU.UW A rH t eos.el Uii,i.,B.
Mnala.1 M.;iraiin Ho US, .lf the s K
... 1. If I N.1KW w
He trnft it .iitelng ln-aaM Io '
his r.liitoit. ral ln.ra iatl .11 l'l ! at Irtlt
Maa I a ' l la i I I" f. M W H a.)...f
. W. -Miiiea) sn. liiam B M. isal, e.l erf
ISHct tal.
nv r. tu
4 M hla1a,,
Nolict of Intention.
Lass Orrt t Tns ius.. Ossitnti,
ltmlwr I. Iwaj
il Mlnalli amr. s-tur lias flla.1 n.illra ol
hi. Ititaiitlun Io mate lual r.. in ,ui I n
nis claim, an i mat aaM .fl arlil m ma la
llore S. i Hale, t' Cttinmleatnnef. I lutie
Urvitoa, on HeJunUy, Urkilier 1m t ;
w ALT It It SMITH, ot Line.
Hxmralr,! Afpllrallotl M, tnr, (uf ihe tu
tn4 late 4 ted , e tl, Tp I , R U.
He name Ihe lo'.loeliif oltnre.ps tn ne
hi. mnlinuoiis fr.iii.na u.'i e'it r!t altnn
l Sl. lnl, t yralik Knflemi e f
H.l,a, H, T. lain Slt4 Ihttlou H l,a..D. ail irf
Ion. I 'Muo,
H V Ki ;.lrr.
tiHAL tllol'KHTY.
.f laiiealVMisd ! 'erf, I be prH t h. naM) t4 Hi nai. "4 ;e..b J. aaw.e.
IrtUJ'auf lb tIBie .hol. l ISV.. VtTTa"...., H al n,, l. .... .
beate.1 an,t PM.l. ..ailllurfi I i,lM. I. I !... ..I ai M l aa... ) f la., m.t
9 at is. r.M,t.tt rv.,f ot ua .fate
I bevies) anile .A .J l I ake.l Uf. .... iU.ltl W et I WIfc 11. f ! .,i -mm ..,. ...I,.i,.f ...
I . .. 1 . .a. ... t I ...... . ..1 ri' ' aa I a'- I
... a-.....a".r -M.p. ..! mm ... .Meat
June, rv Um, Ic.r?,
l.t.haJa mmt Baa,
i'ia-inuritii'ti'tn itMsaMt
! ( i i .al .1 avin t ef U
I an-l i'r-el..e Is '. e ewilf
j en a f ,41 k IiH-.t tef ..! Ut,mr,.
j i ".. le eP . 4ta.a4 eM.t,
1 ti' H..lwi. la r., Kxai t arta 1 rati
- I i . ...ara-ae l. t- V ta4 trf S-f
Ml' (' I' 'i4 m,Maa
stfeelteal kf tar Is svl rs)aMt.
ti.eair t
lint l-.a uva .e a .1 .it'
I. lt lllla.il It I M aa. a. .It i alt. .r
lw Mas) itmt I'n 4 teat k at , l
'""I p the la If It ef ilrulo, t.l m
I at'1 fr h0 laal. kf a . Hat
Hi. f j ja. Ia a, - V. l-rm I 'a. k V la
"4 tk.1 a k't K.i.was ai .u .t tat f
I aaera'a Iwa't laa A J a
tyaSkassje tsst ibWb s
"r is v-' 7 n. . tl
. ee4 Jf a. It at .. ai
I t f. a. f I,', t .
... a.4 a. I I
I'ea). ii.ii aa) 4 .aa.l t.l a
t a I
a ot th. -a,
r aal.,r.t.f
t ? . i. t . ,.l
'!.- ... l. h .a., a.
I H -il '.a' .
1, tl. a . l ln...ftl
. , i 1. 4-alfc
i li.raat kt a
4 a
lm fie Am
ii,. I i t k m . ..
i a--1 " "t
ta a , a ' a- 1
I Na-- n I a i
... a. a't i.
I.i. K h.lf ha.
h a . i i . I..I
f s'ti atl la ts-ar
a I a
a H
I i a
f -
TKKiartus NortrK.
tTi t Nraisy mt that all
oMtstetwttng Mdrme eauttt warrants m.
l.rl irV W e4 Ittrlti line iannaral.
I" ai'l I fmbi t. t.rwtitr.ii i th ntfli-e
nt Ihe Irrae'ira. ? aabl twmt. lubrraet r.a.an
a'l'f th. tlate il this n.,l,.
Ime4 m ll.l aeef. f , "rt !
H Hi MltMlltl.
H Tftta i4 Mrta ItHiiitr.
I a ntm s at Tut titi t. liat...
K'PTti t X Mksr i.n m ttit t Mr
tl I...I .!.( tnl kaa f ... ...ti, . ,4
hislnt.tta ! aak iat I ".a I'. a.i i- n rf
a." e4 ltal aai l .i a t a (II ha . . t
!, I (al..H, I ..iit t j.tt at II " etc f
ttrafi. as) t1 la. ka..aWr aa, it
I . k
Timber Culture.Finat Proof.
t uiTsft tTs tsauorrits.
in HMrl'ttJ 'TT'rB,
t ... ....... MI. . ... .I B . . ...ml ... . . .
I . " 7- . -. pan, aw
...,. II..,, .1 fci.
, ,.i r. I rr a.
LtH Orrti . UUStatst. Otsone
t-U.n U,e toxtll Imrm J w . "e
.,,, UtT rUg tttiRT'ik)
f QtlMtht, tfrtt lit at
na maa the Midair, .
. - p"a
S. rUIIIa.ilai
"'S . Jattwa rax
i'laai.l (n.I at. .,!.. .
", ol II, .i i,. ' . an.a rar
- eW(le.
Ueaorrt.atf Tasti.it.
V"T' t ttrmr
I "!. im
iVm isir tsi
1 a t I.
'rw n t .'
I. It.,
a aa la, mm- i tl t Iw Io T a a
itl M. Maa Ih. t ..na ig a it aa .
ft.a h a ....i...ta a.,, l.,. . mt an
" ! aa t ian, t f. I Wl. ... .
. Hi.. V ,,.,, j,r tl Hmmh
t. e.i at ..a., tfi sa
t f I t t tl
hi. r aim ., tf. I T'1 ,' Vl 4
b""'ha-1 SMii.ai'a
' ! 1 a a . a w
. tns
M l.iartM.j a..,
! ti.. a
it. .
hi. ;rr?, r, pt
, va-a ' t U
ar ay y w, t