4 Advertisers If you have bargains to offer, announce it through, the columns of the GAZETTE. OFFICIAL PAPER Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news From the Scat of war. Lni SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1898. NO. 689 TIE 1 PPM GAZETTE Published every Tuesday and Friday BY CORL1ES MERRITT. Editor em.il Jig.n..gT- -SUBSCRIPTION RATES On, Yeas Six Months Three Months $1.80 7B BO Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the PoBtofliee at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. THIH PAPER ie kept on rile at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merohants Exohangs, San irancisco, California, where oou raots for advertising can be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVEBTIH- ins agent, 21 Merchants' Kiohan i Build ing, San Francisco, Is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. --LOCAL CARD. daily ezoept on 12:0a a. m. Leaves Heppner Janclion 3:3U a, m, and ar- Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:0a a. m. rives at Heooner 6:00 a m Hpokane Express No, 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. in. aud arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. bijiI Urns ilia 8:60 p. m. Portland Kinross No 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:00a m and Heppner Junction 7:00 .m. ai d arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leavws Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner J miction 3:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at teppner Junction 12:25 a, m, and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. For further information inquire of J. (' Hart, Agent O. K A N., Heppner, Ore. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CAST OR I A" the same that has borne and does now bear on every the fac-simile signature of (ayf&c&i wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought on the and has the signature of Qut&jfA&J wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. March 24, 1898 ? j Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients, of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF CORBETT OR A SILVER MAN Corbett's Following in an Uncer tain Frame of Mind. IICI III 11 HIE EMPEROR Spanish Evacuation of CubaSpain Claims Discrimination in Favor of Insurgents at the Philippines, and Orders Batter ies in Readiness to Start for the Islands. M BACK FROM CUBA. United States Official!. P . nt William MoKinley V ' President Uarret A. Hobart Seoretaryof State W. H. Liny momcaryof Treasury Lyman J. Gage Acrntary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss eurntary of War Hussell . Alger i-Miretary of Nary John 1). Long f'oatuiaster-Qenoral Charles Kuiery Smith attorney-Ueneral John W. ttriggs oVorutnry ( Agrioulturo James Wilson State of Oregon. ituvarnor W. P. Lord Beoretaryof Htat H. K. Kincald Treasurer .. Phil. Meteohan tinpt. Puhlio Instruction O. M. Irwin Attorney Ueneral C. M. Idleman Senator! , Congressmen.. Printer 1 (x. W. ilcHnde jThoe. H. Tongue " l w. rt. Ellis w (K. S. . V. A. (C. E. O. A. RBEA.. T. A. It BE A.. .W. H. Leeds Keen. inproml Judges K. A. Moor. . wolverlon Sixth Judicial District. ('mait Jndge Stephen .Lowell r.'omeuting Attorney H. J. bean Morrow County Officials, jot-it Kenatr.,. J, W.Morrow tlepressntative. K. L. Knwland '"inly Jmlge A. (J. Bartholomew ' I 'ommiesionera J . K, Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk Vawter Crawford '' Hherirl K. 1,. Matlock ' Treasurer M. Linhtenthal " Ammwot... A C. I'etK'ys ' Hiirveror... .....Julius Knithly riohool Sup't Jay W. Hliiuiey ' Ooroner Dr. E. U. Huniook nxr-FHEa row orncEKS. Mi Ihoe. Morgan ixHinHlineu..., R. . nionnin, i Lir-litenthal. J. K. Simons, J. J. Huberts, J. W Itumiu anil K. ti. Huerrv. It i..r W. A. Kh-hantann rrewmnr L. W. Hrigirs Marshal John Uagnr Pm-lBCt Offloer. nntiee of the Peno W. K. Kiehantaon ' i unable. U. . bray tailed Htate Uil Officer. Tan MLLn. OB. ay P Loom Keaieter Otis Patterson Keoetver i.a susdl on. B. W. lUrtWt KeeiW J. O. Hwarkbeimer Heoeiver acxn aooxxTrzEs. HAWLIN8 POMT.NO.IL O. A. K. . at rUppnee, Or., the third Ratoriay of n. m 'with. Ail veteran are invitea to kin. W. W.hmith. W. Hml Ailiauut, if Comauuidar, D. J- AkFaul, M. D. HEPPSER, OliEQOS. ORIrs hours. In 10 a. m., and II lo 1 p. m.. at retl.re, and lo lo 12 a. m . and map m., ai otcs ID the rear of korg'a Jewelry store. C E Redfleld ATTOIiSEY AT LAW. Ofllre la first national Rank building. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTOHSEY8 AT LAW. All biMlneaa eltetxted fas In prompt tml eatt.lerbiry manner, iiotarlve I'uo lie aa4 t"llvbre. (Mnrw In UstUf I BnlMlni. Heppner. Org on t E Gllman OESKHAL ajLLECTOR. Pol ymir oli tmks a4 tmte In his kewte e4 t ynor mF out nt Ihmm tli.nt MS aeperleKy H kef4 rwitec Olteela J. M. Brawn'i bnlldlnf. Hpnr. in Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. thi eiNTAue wensTi tt Muenav eTnirr, newvoea oitv. piRST Rational Jank OF HEPPNER. Prenident I ii. W. CONSER OBshier .Vio President E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Cssbier Associated Press Dispatches. Salem, Oot. 3. (Correspondence of the Telegram.) So far as ascertained the senatorial proposition remains unchanged. A leading member of the house yesterday stated that Mr. Simon would not be considered aa a candidate unless all efforts to elect Mr. Coibett failed. Continuing, he said: "I am of the opinion that any effort on the part of the oppobition to defeat Mr. Corbett will only add to his strength, aud as it now stands his chances are far ahead of those of any other candidate. My personal belief has nothing to do with what I can see is a fact. "The ouly possible chance for those who oppose Mr. Corbett would be to consolidate on a silver man, and this, I think, an impossi bility, so far as the members eleoted on the gold-standard platform are concerned." Unless your correspondent is misinformed the statement that Hon. Harrison R. Kincaid wilV be the union candidate for Unites States sen ator is erroneous, and only founded on rumors. In fact, leading silver men positively deny that Mr. Kincaid will be their candidate, and further state that no action on this question has as yet been taken by the members elected on the silver ticket. New Yobk, Oct. 1. A special to the Herald from Washington Transact a General Banking Business. says: EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD BOUGHT AND BOLD Collections made on all polntson reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profit! :)6,oro. .... A. Mallory, U. 8. COMMISSIONER la authorized to take all kinds of LAND PKOtiKHand LAND Kll.l.v.rt ('olltM'tlniis made on reasonable terms. Olllce at residence on Chase street. LI111CHTY MAMKlfiT THE OLD SHOP! Is the place to go to get your fin pork and laino chops, steaks and roasts. ACTIVITY IN OREGON MINKS. Flih Every Friday. - Klne sugar-cured hams and hacon lard, kettle-rendered, old style. price paid lor at stuci. re leaf Highest cash BenJ. Mathnwn. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. ma worK nrsi-ciaxs and satisfactory. Give him a rail May Street. NEW NAME I Wm. Gordon has re-nanied his tstand the old Jones livery stable TMio Co ii tml. Baled haf for sale. ( hsrre ri-asnnahle, fall on dim end Bate Tour hr well "arm! lor. lEirait-cmoN cm' Stage Lino B. r. MILLER, rr. Cbeepeet sad suet direct mute to John tey nr. mat 'hi t'ltr Oilultie dt.trbt. turni iu other Interior piita. teen leeve Heppner lallf, Nindaf n en'xi al I U s. n. Arme at teuton (It In kours. tret t'snynn I lly at I p re . errl.e at p- nt In U boure nmueriing with trains. If present plans are carried out, it is expected the evacuation of Cuba will have been completed by December 31, and that the opening of the new year will see the American colors all over the island. It is now believed the plans will b carried out, bncause advices today from Progress of operation in Soatbera and the military commission in Havana indicate that Spain will no longtr Eastern Oregon. contend for delay. It is said the troop ships which took the prisoners TJotnual aotivity prevails nl present from Hantiaco will promptly return to Cuba to facilitate the speedy in tiie mtDiotf dmtr.ot. or Hoothern nnd evacuftti0n of the island. These transports have a capacity of 25,000 Zr;ZZ L Z 7 L men. It is not likely that more than UO.000 or 75,000 soldiers will re. found who re willing to riak their turn to Spain. The other 50,000 or 00,000 will remain and become citi- money lo developing Southern Oregon I Zens of the island. mlnae le diantlltnif the Moe that tKia ie pocket conotry, wbinh bag heretofore Maduid, Oct. 1. The cabinet has decided to authorize General retarded the development of the mining Rios to grant reforms iu Vi.CRyas island, cn the lines demanded by interest! of that district. I thn inhfthitants Rod to concentrate his Mamlanao. aa there are onlv 450 .... . . .1 lb reel mat immense qnnot.ties of m. ViPa. viBUfii kuiu UiTH unnn tlHSU UUI ui IUC I nit ry i i l J 1 1 i t a a ai i Streams of Hnnthern Or.onn t.ro.e that 1 " uVu,u u,.u.o.o .0 H,uvoD lu luD kv.uu., there matt be riah parent ledge. Tblai " Rsnington againsi lue reiusai oi me Americans 10 permit opanisn ontoropploK!, too, sre fall of promise, I troops to be sent to Vizcayas, while it is claimed the insurgents are nd ihe results obtained by iotelli-nt constantly receiving arms and cannon with which to attack other ae,e opmeoi woti bnve inoreesed be ,gUnj "which the Americans permit without even pretending to in people's faitblo that teotlon of the stats I . r The finsnurilla diatrint. in ' Knelern I Oregon, it coming to the front. The I iue apanisb cabinet, it is audeil, will acquaint its i'ans corn- Urge Daggett from there displayed tt I missioners with these cootettions, in order that they may be used in tbn exposition bsve created considerable I (be peace Legotiations mil. it nlte ownera OI IhSttatSI i&ll, ,f -r,M.inr.ol tt.attbA rmVAri.mont mill Inform tl, onvern. Ilk that DOW at Ihe fair, tbf would Ulru " " muiugn.u umi n u m uiu. v, bimks irimuicnumas u have gat here J an eitra lot aoouer. Tbel Vizcayas, bril has ordered several batteries of artillery in Andalusia to exhibiting siroplce of riah ore there hat get ready to start for the I'bitippice islands within 21 hours. done more to eoctince capitalists of the riobueea of Oregon n.loee than I WahH! NOToN. Oct. 3. The state (If imrtmeiit lias the following aoTlblng . lee could do. These bs? -nblptrram from Mininter tnrpr. at IVkinif : Thure in no neriouii dan- i iia. I O r aa crea-ej no io.ere.1 won n oat tel money. M . ., ,u ,,;. ir .,.. !.': flu ... ill . laS J e J ..triiniit irati rsuai. km in" wswsga e w u uu . P..i.iyiwK ma rHurra i - . .... ... . . and Drosi.eoUof lbs mineral dislriata. WtmoilOg Rl iK'll.ie.u. wiras t)t iu ruiiiieifra mv uruiriuK uinnura Thsmeo In charge also recelr namer. I to IVkin for legation guard duty. oot oaisldsinqrjines of those aoiloat to I Hecretnry !oni, uton adficfs received at the stale department, know t.imething aboat regioot that pro- wbjcn ,how , iouce of threatening coodttions lo China, ordered unnw euco promising a up lea. leie . . . i .. . i; . i. . near the Chinese tapital aa txmaible for a warahip to approach. The veaaels selectI are the lUltimore and IVtrel llsrrssa to U..S etas HiMmts ... Moemetit ... M.rnlm.r, tM.f t eek . Pos Vaiey ,, ln Iw. ,,, l oT.rii f ur gram. The Syr La Grlpa Crw. Tbere I do os snfferlof fromlblel dreadful malady If yon will only get lliel rigbl reined r. log are having paio all Ihrough yoar btxly, your lier Uontufl IiNlxiy, Oct. I!. A SNcia diepatrh from KliMihni says: Tflgra:ns foroiahd by a Tao-Tai, or local governor, to Chines order, b do appetue, 00 life or amhi I pappra here allei( that th Chiooat t-mpcror committx! suicid Sfj. tino, have a bad roll, in fs t are enrn I" , . . ,, . , . . ... 1 ... . ....... I l.ri.... Ol.l - r I .. - .... I .. f. tl.tt ,IiMpa. 11. n. .1 - r.,.. I II, A itAW.rtitf m pletfiy ueet op. p.lerlf 10 Kilters are llie I "u ' " f"-' '" i ui ;.. 1 1 '. t l i K PI I IS! I4 a IB- W. A. Hichardson JVSTICK OF THE PEACE on CITY HECOUbKH. Oftee si eoeseell ebe at bees. Setle tM bvs rMl iwU'e rmie b . pe Uim 4" rtieyawtBf n4 wl.t re ft eef way In bte line, at reae-me'ile ts"" 1: G. B. Matt TVSSVMAL AltTlMT. 18 Cia 28 " Reppwce balef, Half Cwttlni, hp, Matlork , Btac-w eoerwt wltb trains at H't-poeT Poe - SJetltif l1 op tMs Hoe with new emerei rwrt.ee s i r'"! t-(f I am pretared to five tt-seeerkw tw ue pub.ia. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE A. O. CHHLTIE I r'n'" a new being. They are guaranteed to air or prine r-fntded. fr sale at E. J. Mloeom's drag only Ui enols per b-.ltle. it alli I, is andratKKl tn moan that the erarntror was at. All Knglieh-appaaing aerretarioa and the principal mem 1 hers of the) Ct.iorn foreign oflico, it is further announce!, bav leD baniehnd. Tbt I'ritiah ttr-lgn ofHce tolay wived a diipatch froo It Imajfaty'a minislcr ht Fskiog sayinst that Mr. Mortimer, a mernber o th Itritiah legation, oo returning Lome yaterday with a lady, wu Insulted and atlack I by a mob which alotx-l him and ooverl him with mo 1. Latr in th day, the dispatch adda, toms American mls.'d" lota. Mithcwt & Gentry IIARHEHX. tbatefj e ts Ctt HaisCwMiDf 19 " f AHE rOM ARLINGTON TO y-weil (m an I. mi . ;m . ,. turni. 4 trie Meytllle (U llee n , w4 tun J 1 ('vton n mttee) e .,. p..iivt trip t ne fle tM nl:! . t'i Pctok4 tr.p Wi ' (Met (ltslle I w) ,. . (UH,n4 trip IV Are Yt Iiureie4! Th O. R A N. C'a. aw bo k a the Uarea i.f Oregoa, V nelilngtua nod 1 11. la beit.g d.strilnte I. Our telt r rrqejenied it fiifwat l tb ad lf.a.e elooarie were titmlarlv altarkwl aa was the Chinfan tocretary of the oflheir F.aetero flleg le abJ aronaitit. , f'r,;t.1 leirel Hir Claul McDonald, I!ritinli tniolatr at Pekiog, rejorts that there ia dangeron feeling abron I. l.oii"t, Oct. l. A latter (lispatrli froto Khaoghai says it wm wtn nflimlly aonoiii)C"d tlir that tho rrajx-ror of ('Lin cotntnittenl auirid" HejitTaWr 21 sL aneea.at.1 a ..py of tbn work will be ewtit lbm free. Tble a Metier nil t"ol I be Ibiereetel is. and we would ak tbst everyone uk a tnt-r.et H f orward stftl allrex In W. II. Ilirllelit. . eral 1'Me.a,. Agent, U It. A N.CH. i'oftlaB-1. k if Chaplain Bateman Tells of the Sixteenth Regiment and Its Deeds. 8pokesrn8 n-Review. Cotjbb d'Alenb, Sept. 27. Chaplain 0. C. tiatnman, wbo went with the Six teenth infantry to Cuba, and saw much of the war with Spain, returned to Fort Sherman on Saturday last, looking de cidedly thin in flesh aa a result of bis arduous labors iu the field, on trans ports and in the general hospital at Wikoff. He has returned for duty at Sherman and not on sick leave, and is therefore permanently among bis many friends here, rovioh to their expressed delight. Chaplain Bateman has brought bank with him many valuable souvenirs of the campaign in Cuba. Among these area lot of fine photographic views; a handful of valuable Spanish coins of gold, oopper and silver; a sword and haggle which saw service in the defenses of Santiago; a sailor's cutlass taken from the wreck of Ihe Cristobal Colon ; a oane of Cuban acacia; a maohete pur chased from a Spanish major; a silver badge given to a Spanish private soldier for bravery on San Juan hill, and a small Spanish nag; not to mention several other artioles of lesser value. Asked oonoerning the Spanish people as compared to the Oabans, the ohap lain bluntly deolared that "we should have sent on army down to Oaba to help tbe Spauish oonqaer the Cubans. The Spauish are the deoent people of Cuba." :Ashed if It was not the treatment tbe Cubans bad reoeived which made them what they are, he replied with an em phatic "No, sir! It is the breed and tbe breed is as bad aa it oan be. There aro from 60,000 to 100,000 Cabana wbo are now and have been in sympathy with Spain.' These have been treated as well as Spain treats her soldiers; these have supplied the volunteers, the guerrillas who have fought tbe insurgents so long and well. These people are off tbe tame piece, and thoroughly bad. Tbe typical Cuban is a desoendeot ot negro crimi nals, slaves and Spanish pirates. "I taw Cubana eating oat hardtack and bacon at Siboney whom I atterwarda saw brought in at wounded Spanish guerrillas the Cuban in the tervice of Spain and tbe Cuban in the tervioe ot tbe United Statbi In thit glorioot war of humanity coold exchange places with Oaroia't noble bravet and nobody be the witer. I tm Dot able to prove this, bat I know it to be to, against all dispute or denialt, and I shall continue to assert it to. tbe end. "I cared for wonnded Spaniard! and guerrillas when they were brought into oar hospitals, and my ability to reoall names and facet I believe to be above the average The edaoated Cubana are for the most part oitiexut ot tbe United States, at are the Oarciaa aud members ot the Cuban junta (pronounced 'bunta') o New York. "These men are politioiaot wbo txpeot to leap into power over the headt ot tba mlttrablt common people of tbe island. I think these Cuban politioiaot are likely to give tba United State trouble belor tbia question it tettled. Tbey hope totuehow to rid tbe itland of tba property holding Spaniards and gtin potseeslon ol tba estate! wblcb tlnct tba disoovery by Colnmbat have beta in Spanish baodt." Asked about tht investigation ot army scandals Chaplain Bntemao said bt taw niioh an investigation la prospect month ago. "The wilt) whloh beset th campaign wer doe to th preolpilal hast and th nnpreparednes ol th oonotry for war. Iueiperieuc was everywhere niauifeet hut I don't think th secretary of war should be) blamed fur lb oriiu of oongreat aot the ysllow Journal! which wer responsible for seuding an tmry Into th tropin In midsummer. MTb puhlio wieb a viotnn for th tacrine to popular wrath. If Algsri roinsxl and driven from puhlio life lb really gnllty parties will ttill go no. hipped for jutiiow. "Wt went pell melt iota Cuba, w did what werttenl to dn od w did II qniokly, and aow if th American peep I eannot bear th !! which naturally MloW war, then let Ibetn solemnly de elare In all nmious that w will never again go to war. "There baa been qait too tnach of ernplml of matters which eoald Dot be helped. I t heard v.iluolewrt whitm alciol bad treatment until lam worn oat with It, bat th oi l regalnr who make war hi baelneet has Ik .rue in harden without a mnrtnar. "If w tse't adnr war w Lav eeae -! to b rhk; if wt btv ceased lo b wtrlikt, bat eeeeed to bw a nation wbleb will long aorumand lb whole f.ru. manly re pent of (bt world. I admit that Iblngt Big bt bt Ln tret tor, n1 they might bsv been great That tbef wMawiopU- ay to treat ildirt badly Uof auarM iher rabbwa. War I boslnee. Oeoertl Hbermaa eeld 'war I bell,' nod I endurtt lb defJolti'in." State News. Athena has raised the liquor license . from $400 to $600 a year. No lioenaa will be issued for a shorter period than one year. The government appointed Q. E. Can- kins, of Portland, a member of tbe board, of trustees of the Oregon soldiers' home, vioe B. F. Alley, of Baker City, resigned. Oregon is as large as New England and Indiana united, and twice as large as England, in Europe. It Oregon were settled aa densely as England it wonld have 40,000,000 inhabitants. Crater lake, in Southern Oregon, it one of tbe deepest bodies ot fresh water in America, tbe soundings passing 3,000 feet, while the outer enwalling oliffa reaoh a height of from 800 to 2,000 feet. ; William Reotor, one of the Ladd graverobbers, and who was sentenced to two years in tbe penitentiary, was par doned Saturday afternoon by Governor Lord. He had completed about one and a half years of bis term. M. Hooter, oompany H, First Wash ington volunteers, has applied for a pen sion for disability incurred while in tbe service in the war with Spain. Mr. Hunter recently returned on a furlough, and ia staying at Salem. His applica tion wat made through Pension Agent D. 0. Sherman. It is probably the first one growing oat of tbe Spanish war. The Oregon City Herald and Courier, which have heretofore represented th populists and demooratt ot Claokamat county, have consolidated, and on th 23d issued a mammoth number tbat re flects credit on the ' amalgamation. Messrs. Cheney and Fitoh are olever and ' tuocessrut journalists, rney will aoabt- ess give that seotion the ablest and b st newspaper ever published in it. Frank Hasty exhibited last week a basket ot 21 Cling peaohes grown ia Ashland tbat attracted moch attention not only on account of their beauty but also for their enormous site. Foar of the peaohes weighed 19'. Yl, 16 and . 16 oaoces, respeotivsly. The largos! one. whloh it it believed breakt tbe reoord of Southern Oregon peaohes for weight, measured H'4 Inohet in oircumlerenoe. The peaohes have been shipped to Port land for display at tbe exposition. Tiding!. Judge N. R. Maxey, of John Day, who is Id the oity on business, report! th farmer! in bii tec lion unusually pros- peroat tbli year. The prioe of beef, b lays, ha advanced to tuob a fl-ar that oattlomeo oan get almost their own prioea. He recently taw a herd ot 110 bead of three and four-year-old oattl told to a Seattle butohnr at 8 T SO a bond. Tbit it the highest price cattle bava ever brought ia Eastern Oregon. Portland Telegram. isaao Oaksr, president, and Frank Harris, manager, of tbe Oreat Northern Miulog oompany, wer in town Wtdoti day, on their way to Salt Lake Oity. The geutlemsn say tbat tbe operation! of tbe oompany It aa yet oonQbtd to open ing np th property In order to ascertain th extent of th Immensely rloh gold dtpotiti wbiob mtk IbtOrtat Nortbsrn rival anythlog lb Kloodik oan offer. Maobinery for a mill will probably b brought In tbli winter, a it will b mora easily transported over th snow than in freight wagons. With lb in. stallation of a complete mill plant th output of Eastern Oregon minea will b increased several hundred thousand dol- art a year from thit mine. Sampler New. lion- IL N. Ilonunlly, representative- elent of (Irani and Harney nnonties, will bot b present at th special aenelna of tba legislature. IU lull Inst week tu spend Hire month wltb relative in Tennessee, and although the special ses sion wat called before b bad gotten out ot lb tlale, h weut on to the borne ot hi childhood In lb tunny H mbt. Ui DbtqiM wtion, considering th clrcum lauoe, may b ei plained by ttallog that b ia aa nprigbtmanand wall tu tin, and llurefor bee neither lb need Dor lb deeir lo tarn an "bonest ponny" cut of th coming senatorial fight. toeail Journal. On Tu lay alter nooq Mark K uart't b'Mie and ooiitenta, silaale I ah ml f Mir mile) np th crek from feil, were l tatlv destroyed by fir. Tb fir trlej from "ro uukbown ran while Maik of at K. M. Clymet's afier n b-ifs. lit was Dot gon over an hour, bat when b returned hi home wm lo ruin, lit wif na sirk la bLabd Do on ate wat lh plan Sleep! their two balHe. alrt Enyarl managed Wt terambl out of bed and lb children, bul in doing to gut br band and arms badly Moitb- L Thr wt do lanrabw oo ll properly, abd lb ta fall li'll Mr. tad Mr, to; art, wbo ar poor peo ple wbo eaa HI afford it foaail Jvur nal. Another naprov k4 mir ier e U repotted lrm lb Viwa of Hum, toqwly at ( Harney svHinly, O Wednesday blghl WtlllaOt kttKinn, brother of tb hi iff f Harney Bty, was shot so I WaKmooa and trttm4f twr b ("r-- ( an lr t'a'l-.rt r, Ui vet i i "la? leave Arllnt-tnw wveey nrrplng a .t ,4 ,r f. e ta ib t..r. a - r-"' r (netaf at iere1) at a'flnrki I iloe -I" !. Ilf el U.weia, ; at () t on at J p. m. bad anive at ' ' i,l ..'. a4l at y a,, na t- i . t, be l tt.eiiiM I r i L. iu . . , . a--l bi b if aii'l try a bt I lUlMtbitiltttl ef, hUlTj,g,f. -a,:-..-. Pwii04 ,t4HlV.w. e.Mw b m el-,. !) t4 Vhnt Deopl are aiag abwut UY Horaapatillaf It I oflog lb worel i !l j,. v ! (- o .. fill, dftpepcla, Ibeuma'leta ' b t p m,pnna bal aMemftet It play a VVaitlNfTo, Ort. L Miniatof (VtDJ.-r f lle I the followinp; 1 1 th 't H "f blw1 rlie,rpi . j n Weaver by bliog him out of ntat- dftartmnt: irv,g b u, w..k a4 t.el . WhyjM, K"' ti. . . ., rt.i i u:. .tt I . t ... ...... i I t - ... t.r ....) i Kti.i. in i.k. n eli.ii it is ' I r i a utN i. ilia eju-K.,i iHi.imsiors ."if w artjv.-.s i oi'ie .-.r-....ff - -- . It . . . !..!. t . ,. Il . t.. l: . .. f ... - 1.... . I Mnw III I li w 111 JH""w J e-l '---y ft " ' iL. Ill" ireiMijf s r iiifi, 'I . I "I u. tLirorw,mHa-n!oM?l UfJerieaqaiet j.nviU lift "? ,ri t,uv wn.f .(l ! nturiMH a Ihoogh b tesd'd l'i M rt ti'ima. Jal a tbey feel,e. th r Weaver, Wilbont tuotneot t warn. ... 1... . ... 1... I .K. t U ,.K .n II -.I biHtar. lb. beelfamilf .alb. " " " , 7 ' " " " re. tkaMPeStt Vw.W4 ef A 4 TivwU U Uii tJ it kUilvr Ubt.