0. R. & N. Dkfabt TIME SCHEDULES AaaiVB ro From Heppner. r0K 9:30 p. m. Salt Lake. Denver, 4:50 a. m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Bt. Faul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00p.m, Ocsah Steamships 4:00 p.m. , From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco Sail Oct. 2. 5, 8, 11, 14, 17. 20, 23, 26, 23. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska 6:00 p.m. September 17 8:00 p.m. Colombia Rivee 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Steambks. Ex,Bunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Willamett Eiveb 4:30p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex.Bunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and Yi ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Wiixamettk and 8:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivkrb. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Frl. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette River 4:30p.m. Tues. Thurs. , Tues., Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval- aud Sat Us it Way Landings. Lv. Rlparla d ally except Saturday Snake Riveb. Riparla to Lewiston Denver Oio" Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist cars without chaoga. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In cbarpe of experienced couduotors and porters. Impossible! If you'd pay your grocer $io a pound he couldn't sell you . better baking powder than Schillings But, CHASING A GOVERNMENT. THE WHITE BQUADEON. How tin Onited States Vessels Came to Be Painted White. In 1885 Commander Wilde was in charge ot tbe Dolphin, then attached to been installed at Tours. Islamite That CalaSM Ami Kjperlaaoe la Frame. The present voyage of LI Hung Chang brings to memory the trials of Chang1 How, once Chinese ambassador to France. In 1870, says the New York Times, he went to Europe to settle the contentions which had arisen follow ing the massacre of Tien-Tain. When Chang How left China the French em pire still existed; when he landed in France the empire had been over thrown, and he did not know to whom he should eddress himself. At Marseilles they told him that a government had Chang How the North Atlantic squadron, and then went there as soon as possible, but an idea evolved by him originated the 'd tha) MM. Cremeieux and Olais The White 8quadron." DUum LU 7 xTX. Li 11 uit .1 uuu win. . J t . V. . ... -- term, ' Unnrtuiro T Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and lllllUUtt) 3, Boston without change via Salt Lake, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Rys. TWrlms To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and I UtsUitj!', Boston without change via SaltLake and Chicago, Kock Island & Pacific Ky. IVonnoerlairo fit- Joseph, Kansas City and ueQDeSUHyS, Ht. Louis without change via Halt Lake and Burlington Route. ThnKifmH) T Kansas City and St. Louis with lllUrSUciyS, out change via Salt Lake aud Mis souri Pacific railway. In July, 1888, the Dolphin was in New . Bord 8aid ChanB. How. York harbor, where tbe heat was almost philosophically, but when he arrived osupportabie. xne exposed sarraoe oi i Cb old difficulty arose to whom the ship was like the top ot a stove, and should he present L.imeelf, Cremeieux or one day the commander, chancing to Admiral Founchoir JNoonecouiateii innnh it. almnat hliatflrfid his hand. A him. UambeUa was coming m a oai- loon, but it was impossible to reach him. I Tlion rtmnff TTnw wpn. In RPP -Till PS Doat asnore, who a note bkidK iavai ra - ntt t . , tllat t1l. s tbongbt Jocourred to him, and be sent with n note asking Naval Constructor Wilson to come to bim. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. When the visitor arrived be was asked he said, "let us go to Versailles." So to lay bis band on the ship's side. I the entire embassy left for thit city, Of oooree the band was quiokly with- A-t last M. Thiers had been appointed . .... .... I 1 .1 M . . .. nnJ rhann rswn. "Wbst do yon tbint or living cu w ijwu.ciuiii uuu v...UB in a fnrn.na lib. that?" a.kAd th nam- uow woula De ro "P w ulm' mm v a w I v i i vi rri a J J 1 T. .. WO BJi an. iney aemanueii tuc axuutus ani-.t'ca nrorlanriala fnr T.fW OmTJtrTl "It is terrible," was the reply. "! ment. He had none. "In that case it there no way of cooling ber offT impossible to present you. Go to I have tboogbt of a. way, and you Peking, get your papers made out in obo belp me. I want yon to send me due form, return, and you will be pre some white paint, with instructions to lented to M. Thiers." So Chang How Lv. Lewiston dally except Friday For rates and all all information, inquire of O. R. & N. and S. P. agents, or address, ft. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pans. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington 8t Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. (!. Hakt, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppner, W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. ARE TOD GOING ERST? If so, be snre and see that yonr tioket reads via Tie . Hoitiw8stBu lias ' ....THE..'.. CHICAflO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TBI Great Short L'iqc BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dining and Kittening Car SPOKANE FALLS 4 NOHTDERN KELSON 4 FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Witbont Change ot Oars Between Spokane Rossland and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Rossland, daily exoept Sunday: Leave. Arrive. 8:00 A. M Hpokane 6;40 P. M 1110 A. M KoHsland :10 P. M B;10 A. 11 Nelson 0.45 P. M Close connections at Nelson with steamers for Kaslo, and all Kootenai Lake points. Passengers for Kettle Klver and Boundary reek oonoect at Aureus with stage oaiiv. rfflf UNION PACIFIC THROCGD TICKETS TO TUB East and Southeas VIA THE II R THE THROUGH OAR LINE. Trains, aud Motto: PULLMAN PALAOK SLKKPKBH. PULLMAN TOUH1ST HLKKPEUS. KltKK KKCLININU CHAIB CAHH ALWAYS ON TIME rortland to Eastern Citie$ Change. Without hasil an this road a national reputation. All ulasso of passetiKors carried on the vestlbuled trains wlluoiit extra charge. Ship your Irelghl had gone to Versailles. "Very well," PUZZLED THE LINGUISTS. He Oat Thoafcht to Address Hlaa la English. Schneider, you know, was held up un til the immigration people had found hia baggage. But Schneider said noth ing, even though they put him in the detention pen with a lot of Slovaks and a handful of Liverpool stowaways. Schneider had arrived on the Majes tic, and he waa sad. He retilly object ed inwardly to the loss of his things, because he said so afterward. But that was all subsequent to the fun he had had unwittingly with the immigra tion inspectors. It is a well-known fact that these im migration people speak more languages than you hear in two mont-h on the en tire East side. Only once have they been stumped, and that was when a Hottentot Bushman came along with a few labial gymnastics that seta-guessing every man on the island. While Schneider was moaning in the pen Chief Clerk Lederhilger came along. Chancing to observe the mel ancholy appearance of the man, he turned toward him. Now it happened that Schneider, besides having a sort of Teutonic air, wore clothes of unmis takable German origin. So naturally Lederhilger addressed him in German, "Sind Sie Deutsch?" he aBked. Schneider humped up his shoulders, spread out his palms and shook his head. A NEW FIRM ! E. .G Noble & Co., Successors to Noble & Co., Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Baddies. Whips, Spurs, ani an endless i lof of everything in their line. E. G. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comjwje the i new firm who will pay all billB of the old firm as well as collect what is due. ! O. OBJLE Ss CO. Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam Bsbee s And by the way they have anything you can call for In the line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. - oee it on this ship." Tbe oonstrnotor looked grave. Naval regulations deolared that all war-ship ebonld be painted black, and tbia daring yonng man was asking tor a white bnlk. took bis departure, COLLECTING FADS. The HorrlM Custom of Getting BallM of Murderers. A foreign paper is responsible for the "Write me an official request to thai utatement that the late Lord Randolph effeot." belaid, after moment' oon- Churchill had a choice private coiiec eideratioo. tion teetlx note(1 criminals to .... . . Kt wnicn ne was constantly aauing up w The request wa written and sent, bat t.VLv. aTom . . . , . . I ft short time before his eath, says Tem- week went by wl lie the beat grew . a. Thfi comr)etiti Gn forth e Deem- more intense and the men suffered . lng reiic8 at the Antipodes is too recent Then (Jommaoder Wilde wrote a pnvai ftnd too revolting to be enlarged upon, note asking why hia. official letter bad but it may be mentioned that the ax and reoeived no answer. Baok oame sop knife with which this unmitigated vil- ply of white paint and a pithy oommeot: lain, murdered his victim fetched i "Here's your paint, but I shall not i. vne spaae wun wn.cn ne uug give yoa any instruotioni." - . , - rwn The paint was rapidly applied, and - to h . . f lit airoougn tne neai witnooi remaiDBu uu- Jocll8 indeed the collectors of "crim oliBUKed, the ships temperature wai nal" curios are extremely numerous all rapidly lowered, until! a fall of 17 de- over the world, and theea mementoes grees oonld be . recorded. The blaos range from Tyburn halters to pipe nfcint ha hBorhBtt Ihe hflal; the white which murderers have smoked ana pot .,,.,,, which famous thieves have tossed in iruwmuii, . . j.. i. The Dolphin started on ber. cruise, ilmo: . . vhr.wn. end In every port she W84 admired. ,Tbe , t t the locl8 of hair Bhaved . i at IS - a - J 1 . . . I New Departures By the New Management "Funny," murmured the clerk to him- af) UHFRF YOU CAN (lET WHAT YOU WANT. sen, 1 wuum nave bwjiu w ii iaju. And Schneider stood with a curious look upon his face wihile the chief clerk went after the French interpreter. Presently Mr. Lederhilger returned with the French inspector. Calmly and confidently the interpreter strode smiling toward Schneider ,and when in range hurled out explosively: "Etes-vous Francais?" Again Schneider shrugged his shoul ders and nodded negatively. Well, well," said the chief clerk. "I'll just get the Russian interpreter now. He'll fetch him, surely. So pretty soon the Russian inter preter came along, easy arid pop-sure of getting Schneider down to sv fine point. "Just you watch," said he, "I'll get him." "HI," said he, walking up to the moody immigrant, "Zawarte Pa Rusku hay. Redden Sie Yiddish ?" Schneider moved his seat hastily to another part of the room, where he sat violently shaking hie head. It was painfully evident that he didn't under stand. It was also evident that he was beginning to become alarmed. By this time all the other interpreters had heard something was up, so they came To. MORROW COUNTY READERS THE SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE For It stands This is the sixteenth year of the Gazette's existence. in Ihe front ranks of Oregon journalism. Its seventeenth year promises to be the banner year for the streaming in by ones and twos and county. Our purpose is to visit every household in the oountv en. nu m .rcrjr p,,,. .u lector to gntlier locks of hair shaved gquads. and up the stairs and through . . , . t lA- 1U , papers talked about the white dove o f rom the hBeadll of n?ted criminals when Z doorways, aS olledlmted over the rolling every member who is interested in the county's welfare. iuo iuiuiu uw .u uiey euicr wie Jtiiii-iiiii j unu we gate. And all the while Schneider s aud tbe ship reoeived no words save he labels and indexes with great care. aiann roBe higher and he sat with a those of praise. Superstition sometimes account for look ot grellt apprehension upon his One night whm she was lving in tneiancy price. ouereu lorsucu g..uy fac6i Ladies, No More Darning. Frenchman's bay, the seoretary ot tbe relics. Frenchmen obtain them as The MsrIc Hand Loom, mada of pol. .T.t. let m trv him." said the Ital- ''"le",, ' M. "" I Phnrmi rrninnf ilt.liinlr. A nipp nf a . r.. A a 4tti o i ti: I n i i t 1 '.. navy, then William 0. Wbitney, c.me to h -."wpe is considered Ta potent """ n.'VecV wer.' nt r apen against, evil in some pari oi . Schneider bobbed his head negatively In and Novelty Co., ll-W', Washinnton St.. to 1)6 oensurea tor Der cnaniiea Bpparei, Frnnce. As criminals are there fruillo- l...j ...hv. v.: x. i ti... I ta-w . uakianii. uai tined such ropes are difllcult to get and t,,v -,1PnriRP,i i,m and shot off a bomb- iunovation hBd taken place, reoounted o fetch high prices. They are some- bardme,nt of nolvirlot questions calcu- Brew sad ihoweo times mounted in gold and worn In ,a(ed to the eIU,P8 of a All aKUiits ami travel over this famous Una. hava lU'kota. W, II. MRAD, F.C. BaVAOR, Ueu. Aki-iiU Trav. K. A P. Agt. 7US Washlngtou St., t'ortlaiid, Or. OIIIOAQO Bmm & st. Paul R't This Railway Co. Operates lit trains on the fainom bio ok jrslem; Unidk Time. lnioa DhihiU. rnrHiiriHlly Conducted Kinnrxions. Hhxuii ( lijckixl tu l)e;ii)atioa. lnw IIhIbs. Direct Una to Trnnn-Miaidsiiimii anil Intor- iiatiiinnl h:xiimitlnii held at Omaha, Nebraaka, June U) hiivcmlior, Writ nnilimiuii(Kl fur ratas. timn tllis and nlhr information iisrutlnuia' tu Union I'aoifio II. It. 1. it. j(Tniioi or J. i . HA.ir Airt.. (Imi. Aii.. I.n H.I HI., O. H. k N. Co . l'ortlaud. Or. lltpner, Or. the sufTeriniii of his ore the surgeon's report, the secretary said, locket. "You have done right. From this time all the war-ships shall be painted white." Youth's Companion. iHEPPNliR TRANSFER CO.'S A ROYAL DAIRY. WIIKKE TO ril'KNO YOUR VACATION, Tbe present reduoed rates could not have prevailed at a more opportune time. Tbe summer vacation time U Bow the II ilk.' Huttar and Cheas t Frlaraaa Ars Housed. The dairy of the princes of Wales Is, according to the Gentlewoman, a haunt to dream of on a warm summer's day. Like her sister, the empress of Austria, the princess positively revels in aduiry. And the prince once, during ber ab- Belled express Is comlwr. Poci deliver work on uliort order, 10 cents and up wards. Hits wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at ' Central" tel pbono otlice. here, and all who otn aujrd it are ence from home, wishing to prepare Dlanninir to take advaotaae ot the differ- a little surprise for her, had the walls ..,,... l..,t.un ih. rrln.i r.ilro.ds decorated with tiles which he had a polar bear, which at best Is always calculated to keep cool. 'Habla awted Espanol?" cried the BiMiniah Interpreter. Konne tolla Svennk? roared the UVs Move Alivthlna' O 1! ' I - oi'ii niiinuviuii. Thiggio thu (laeldnedh?" pijyd a man that had a smattering of (iacllc. "Cmwvir fan ffacken?" was the taffy of the Welsh inspector. "Che pau muvish po Kuskl? yelled the Tolish interpreter. "Che pau Tol- ish?" Hy this timeRehneiiler waslxieked tip BO VtA tXPERHNCI. 1 lie Regulator Line . . . a i.l ttrmiirht rinmii wtth him from llntiiljflV. Ibeattenllonoi lliose wno oontempiait I . Urralnat the wall with hia hand out. men Ol oar uiur, ornnmeniru wiiii a i " . - -- trip East, whether it be to tbe moun tain resorts ot Colorado, tbe Omaha ei- deaign of roaes, shamrock and thistle, and the motto, "Ich blen." A Jong stretched fo ward oft th horde. "Mavle he s a Hottentot! someone vi "V position, or points beyonJ, is called to muupan painted with the same design roared, and red-fnecl mnn leiuied over the adrautagei offered by Ibe Rio by prim-ess Louise of 1-orne Is here in and sereamel: "Kl UiMiirlWalli? Kl Wl.pn Ituit... lis HnaanH . .h I. Innll,., nrt, tun tM IniMlirl Walli?" Itut then Mime Onf LlghU Its trains by eleotrlolly through- The DallcS, PurllanJ 4 Astoria Navigation CO. those ot ill Colorado iooonfOtlons run the head of the prln.W favorite Al- cril out la Lngliah: That ain tHot, 0,i ITIA111M through tbe beartof lb. Uockie., t.klng derney, with an InacriWd silver plaU, tLZ Vr th. celebrated .leotrio berth read .x. Ih.ulf.l.r aws, from lb. alkali a. d te.lingof her virtue and renown n. Then Schneider began to tSa,. "dallis cjzul'tor" -?tor?,i i-rir!? z; vnrv day and Dlgbl between Ht. I'aul 00' ot ,b' ,,e1 r tht "" are too many to count. A silver churn. waya lunatic aaylum or what? and Ohloagn, aud Omabs sod Chloago; Commeoilug Monday, May Sod, tbe through which lU competitors on Ihe 0fln used by the prlnreas heraelf; Lemmeont!' the steamers of ih. KwiUior Line will foulh rno, model, of cows and calves In silver, als- -(1o,h1 laws." sal.l the Inspectors, ChicaOO. AMlwaukCO & SsVt'Sim ''m "d T Fortb.cou.forl of those, who purse U.ter, porcelain .nd terra cot.a-a.l "ll" ,. will not Dsrmlt thain to Dioy a 1 Ibe gin to Ihe princess ami otner kiiick- i iin nm, mm n nnridiT, OMrataa aUam-ha.lad ..atihnl.,1 "....mu.a, u w... odjo, ,H .na ..vr uranU. WMerB D.S wun.r.u . ' 1 1 Tsini saaova. a.-.4 OISIONS. OOPVRIOHTS 4o. Anrnne sendlns a skotrh and aearrtrrtlon atmj ajutohlr ar.nirt, fro, whwther an ltivtihm is prolmhlf iNaanfsltla. Communications strictly c4iniiiitlsL Oili( ancj for securing pf.ul4 Id America. W hn a Wuhinainn orlics. Pairnta taken tlirouak Muiia A Co. raoslT. SOMtai Bollos Id tha SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully llluatrmtad. lannt dmilstlna of EinentlAc J'.uriMl. WMklr,teniMi Mm a reari is months. Hiwctm-n eupirs and UaD a va faTSKTa saut fraa. AaOraas MUNN 4 CO., 41 ISroaawar. Row Vark, State Normal School Weston, Oregon. The most successful year's work of the Stats Normal School at Weston, Oregon, closed last Juno with the graduation of twents students. FALL TERM Opens September 5, 1808, Full course of study, Scientific aud Profes sional, Vocal aud Instrumental muslo. Healthful location, good society and pleasant surroundings. Board In families from 1X50 to KI.&0 Rooms for those who desire to board them selves ran be had at reasonable rates. Boarding hall tor fount ladle In connection with tbs school under tha careful snpanrtslon of a matron, board, fuel and lUihls al I2.M to $.1.fX per weak. Catalogues and Information furnished upon application. 7I-W -FBST Also trains, carrying th. latesl private compartment oar, library buffet smok ln cars, and palac. drawing rooi'i lee pars. I'arlor ears, fre. reclining chair cars, and tb. very beat dining chair oar ssrvic For lowaat rates to any point la lbs United Hlslae or Canada, apply In ageui or d Jrraa C. J. EDDT, Trav. .W Agent. Portland, Or W. C. Al LAWAT, Ueoeral Agent 01? I LLNERi ! l..t1,AM..a,k rle. ot toorwt eioursions. Tb. w. of ,)i((er n ,,t rtafly from natHi sr. ntira iwr- iu. fi.n,ir nfhsm for their lis. Th prlnc. I . i - , . , irollmsn Palac. Car oompaoy. Tbey a "faddy" almut hia butter, and likes It ar to ebarg of spaoial condootor. and to be Just perfection. oorlers. whs sol. datie. ar. to look i i . . . f tr lb. comfort of tbelr paaaeogars. I t. i.r m Tb. car. ar. alt .chad to fast el pre "I bav. takea llood'l HarsapartlU and Osi tfc Proatlar. Miurtaph Iley Harkl F.nVmll Iy-Ilnh! THd ymi liMu- It r "; vhnt wis M" "It aoundnl Us me like smlsih, srvHah taUh." VIA TR01H SERVICE TO THE EAST HUT HOCK ISLAND MIU-c- i W Fast Express Mia 1:L L. ....... , a ,. f L-n.ll l.-.J 1. . ..-...! til H.m..rlr .... .ir, ,m-i, Iralna. anil HI 1 OTH IB OBIS ajaaa viif I umww iwnnii ai wwwui, i . , iit'irrwtfT inn uiwr iuuht iiws aNl 1. .... - , . i vit-. " ' " tw.lv. bonr., tlvlosT tb. pasa.er. o. cnrM m. of arpp.i. who wdici. t ,.,u, , hltrft Hr ITT I II VI r lj I nl t1 I. , . Tl I... au linnl.hul Inf lia MM. I SMItllJ al I .. 1. . M i i.wi, uuiiii avd'iaayin in. aiormo oainai. hih I - . .- - , - - - i no osis 1. I lBaa trVVt'H, i - . ..1. n,.k tint 1 ut h s wtinnni arrai anil, rn a 1 m tiat a atan.iui iira Afihai 11 lui,i or sin iDisnas gijuim nui w - i - - ------ - . k.1 I ... ... ..I IL. k..uu.l u4 rw.1.. (HinlUi. l i'l. P'OIWH ID. 1 tootle. Ja 01 insaa eiooranm i ...--- . , .. ..v . n - . t Bff jT i , n..t... in ny oaaiiB aa. r. i'u'i,iu.- i inttm o OTIC 111 V.ll.sv Ston. Park Lin. 1IIKOMLY I'tKIMI I'AK HOI TK Kl)H ItiHtl AMI Ttl Till T. TUK OH V I'tHX T I INK TO TDK YXU- tlttaTtiNK htllilKaL rAKK. Ima Ka. 1 It A M. Mriftkististi I?'!, tki, MfUttA, M iltP, A "kmU, l t t I .ml Hostis!, tttt1 JsiilHti KM1 NitUto ! i JilUSKA, KAS8AS, MIS SOURI HI V Eli and all Potuh EAS1 ami SOUTH. LOOK AT TIIK TIMK. NaY YORK. 1. days CHICAGO, :5J -ST. LOUIS. :J " OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE. H w Hood', mil. .ar. all llvaf ill. Es . I A., a tv . ,.h.klai ati.k, A k..M Eaab to, .v.r diffrol road -" . ear. rtia Ihronun 10 ivKn; Chicago, via Oinabsj oo. lo Chicago, via Ksosaa City aod lb. fourth to Ml. Ixiola aat of Colorad.i, lvln th. paaaar (far a liolr. of roolaa. The' ncoralon lea. Portland Monday, Toea.laf . Wdnaa.laX and Tburaila of caob weak. y.r Informal oa as w ralM, aa Jewriptiv pampbtela, allre. MaoaOeld, gaoaral a-al. Ilia (trsnd. Wralaro Hallway, 1U TblrJ sUmI, Port land, Oregon. Aadarsoa, Idabo. That'. DraJor. what." Cleveland PlsJo pm MKtvrn " IHltM'UUl lull. I , - IHKAtlO t i p. m l4 s. In. lip sa. 1 II p. m. 4 A p. m. ai p. as. Uli aa II n a as. kill a. sa. A ! la m aelsl Sail. A .aaall la. Is one of Uv ulurl of IWlfaat trad. m dull, and tb chief rmcrr la tb. Colorado Flyer Leans rPSVKK 111M1 r-rlllSOU ArrirmlOIKKA - KANaAMCITt lp. m I P. m. t a. sa. II a as. Arrive. Ha. I lo IS A. M. he, I rra Keel 1 1. In Chair Car. t'l bolstered T.mrlsl Hleeplof Cai what . ' ilislrlri found bi earning lcminT sir. of cvwre. j . , .nyUler dsy by dsy. One morning an "'' " J,,rr J"1 ) . U' oldruskmernta-rd. laetnectatluauf suil It t." sMffiM-thltiar rd. th. grr Jumped up I lIUi m.r. eonn.Iertce) It frcwa bis arat, aiwl. ruhhlng bis bamla. Uun's eiirf, ahlrred .Wwr ln front. lawyer (to timid young om) . HW,. nj ,h.n r.r. r..ia.u io list foil sner aiHienreal In a suit lar-I iHinsa WkI .iitmla Ummabual. Tb I aawat Iraia In taa Waat. 1 . . . . . ... Young N omava (l.luabing) Y-yea. roe tartlnlan aed fol.lr ttla llmaof ila iraiu m J.C Ot HVOItt. I. t. M UOO, rllll.Mi. IHlf. A. . P. A . TI'KK4. Ar. HT. I Ot IH. (Wab K ( II r. aa. ArrlvaatlT J OKI I'll 10 o a m. "Ami- I.t' Uai iriHan) is . mi Z . a. Taeiaxk K!awe CtAnU HrfHn(a lo H. Laaii via ahaak U . .NO ItlAtTlsN, U. I. A, Mill ALU. "Welt, pilaaua, hsl caa I gt "A ha'penny worth o snap." was U reply. 1t." Mid lb duaVed rrmr. "ve'll Va.t l-nrtlanl. Tarnm sil.l avail la S !' I"l la iiM. a.aiti. IMimi'ia I l M, ami lot. oliata Main II ". M ll, .,i,la I lAtln ' I'"'. Mlniiaa,Hs. ihnana. aai.aaa Ml an4 vtar Mtaanutl lnl -lma tw DtVI l Inula, Mliaauke an. I (til raa. a lAVi t Wal'lH. rt.lla.1i..l .,it. H..U.II su. I wIImI lal l i-.lr.la. Remark. bl. Rw. Mra. kllobael Cerlaia, rialaflalJ, lit.. Pullman Pslao. Hlelng Ct I make lb ststesueat thai b. caught , t f.r waahlo' tb. canary Uj-dsy ?" . ,. . ... i . . t. . . . I '.l. ulCB aei'te.! on . r iiiut- mi ""ii 1 11 luia. ' l- re.,0, lima .-I Iralna, eld., call on or ad Jrw. " " J 11 IIAIlT I lU0an, oni gfw woraav iieiir J. u. lIAUr, .l,swa.ah"ileMiBa of r.tp- Ageal O. IL A H.L H 1'f.ef. Or.go I ,,, n,a.i,ir .iM car U. O. Traav, W. K. Coma, Trav. Pass. Agt, (Ka'l Agt. I2 Third HI., Po.llr.,, Ota. irjTiJ I oi t T x lvi xii TO l,f. 1 1 e dra--t iis,,"l 1. Km.'. w li.iar f r ('nsurntlla; ! h. ill glt a ttnllle a.d tit fee dellbl fmiad l.araelf IwaeflllaHl IruW tl Brat . hlia w,altaua4 Ma a4 ahef taking H bolllea. found baraelf Sl aw d ie. ber own fe(.erk aa l I aa Hfiti Kriiiioliioo r.lr.Y? AsUUaiaUlal.f eia.llU Ml. I turn rr, slots lara bullies W sad II. UU t'uloa .l-,lrMll i.s laall rlnrll tills rt.ii.ft thei aet Utif W 4eUiIUMI f I ItrS'Ui t asoi, aaa.4, ISHtlan.t. f4 el Sl.ik a. f, slilt ear r.f '! . It . sa a i..Mia i, I tu.i.( ui..i.ntl"p, a I tin at a. i. riiiTuLTt)V, Ittlauil V.f4 NwN't AsMU ilk s Tali! f ifliiil.lilM Southern Pacific Co fa rrm alaaf Mtiwfk 1'alie.Mial ka all aut, 'a kaa4 a t Bxaillt, liraavl law Hits alOartHl, liarf. rallMH Hata t.n-a. aa.4,.a aev 4 u aaaa. A Ha. t4 kiMiMi ala. .-....,.,, t a a A iHlaa. C II tfAklHt'l W t ir in I. i f..l lr a las ssillieaa a teae. Vhei (w.W r.or, It, ai-d I T agaia, t. ana i-? sMlialia.1 1 We fwt W ail I ( , . M.Ira at ti" .ia la.ara I a,.. I I aiailM- al le ie I am :,, la.,ra a a'l It I I ' ikt eiiliH, l 1.4 Saar eat . M eti tfH M.at I a,r4a at le 4a'mfal !-! i. j , !.. 1.4 i ll! -Ut t. a rM4 Ail ta IK araai luaetSaaa raesg. Thla la la certify that 1 ba I, .l rlit'iai tliattrVwa vf sit lb was, I g ft tu Weak 1 al'l kardlr alk if 1 aaflblag. On. b(ll nf t'haral erlslt,' Col'c, Cholera t'tarrboe ltetae.1 t arl tut sneja J an I aslL I. R. (lis. riafaalW, Va I baj .brottHS diarihma f f lel teat. Tbfaw dull I e Cbatat-t Iain's CmIM. CWet a 4 iHartboe Iteeaeif oted ia. M. t. Paavaa, f taaaaiK Va. V4k MMIibU aa4 Mr. Mhataf tea tnaiaeal fatsser. as J fi.U ttat Haeaall. V. Tkef aat. Ik raslf fr Mr. W. R. t aeft. a ilrg f a4 f Ibal saeat, wkyt as wall aeiit nl 4 alk ! SM.4 Will feawa I I ha Italbef ' lta.e. 'j fot Hy it k Waeeee.. -II amt trttnmtal MJ a hwely Mu la hat lat inaUh." Jmtg (ranilfif vWilettlh ) Order It) the rurt. lUatUiti W at. Iiiiian, lfc, kail a .4 Tlaael Vr. llif-rrty-'.aal rtMimin'. Vra. Caaey. Oi'm afther hearln ot an lll.Vai-1 VaJ.e )e Itlixlnl at linolaa'S, Iwiigbt lal.ar laoltL Mr, t avae- Iti'Ude, an' Ht n thot. Mmre faaej'a iua ylt.- l'.rKk Itn Life. H. W. Fall, rtciR 1T0H IH taa 0.4 ftatiaM. Gault House, Ha l kMtk waaa at laa r tt ft. A i a at r a a r r w at. a4 ta t at. L mf w '. HAT tea aM.M lKM AY te Xt.1 a i f.. wa t', , Wacaia eiavaai kiasa GENE UAL rAKHKNQKR nKIMRTMF.NT. Milwai rr, Not. 5, lh'.7. I'AT HON 8 of 111 Wiacooalo Crutral Uoea in aaati rf llrotigb CLlcaK'i may reuir nuuo aaaiaU ancei iu lit way tf hating llifir ban.l laara,'k;r taken ffw rr to train an.l rfriai; it toa, or In many othff waya, ani they will fin.l al that U )''irr-l io tbia r- trt io the aervW of tint t'abMr. at tha (.rani Oulral Paaaoger Hlatioo, L') bv rHNt)tly lo uoif.ftnel with t ruao suit aol r4 cap. They will l-a lo ftaitiDgftt all traina .iretiaretl la aait ja aongera, aol it I. liotl that our m trot) a will fully avail lhts!ve of tbia a.l liti.iual prutiaba for thir nmftft. J ah. c. imv, 0fii' f-e if Art ( Q m Aft J kaia linjIYou can lilLllibc cured I' T fa mrf tl Ih aa) U an, na m l puaJ.4 mm 'w 1 mii. aaois. . 10. A ,ll KaiaatK t1lf tf Vsssi aseaaaasaMiiia A Surest mmmm ah. m T , . aa '. kM. . l i v n, 1 Saaaillls lataataaal fax anl,aj a. K ... r... asataolartlii.a r...lal.r.a.a, Um-..mm.m .l'at. V af I ilaallu ,a u. . -4 t I. IHl, - .MM C .M A a. ik, 1.. ka, . aoMaraj . snai.ns f IMO.IMalllsI,!, Mt J 'niiiiil mr, 1lah,i.aiMi,.al,f " '- i-a. M m a-.'.k-aa. la s i a mmrnr. I .r ..a al kaf T-- i .i ral Ibaasaa X ee A ,. wa a) - '-' - ..." 'a a a . . f l.:iw..,..iiu k . Ila.a.a a Al. eati.fa ta , - , . st aaa-w nisi aiaaa., A e- a.a, e fmM aa A - tail s (' l.aaa. al ta. rkiik, .g hu..,- t eaaaata a-A i earn I IIT mm. iaa C.rat I naourti of Analntny 1 1 aafaaiiaMat4 Maa.i a a ka, a-a aawu , ta I 1 an la, a. a a- a -4 . laa mm aa . - "- t a a wi. . . f k r'"V tiit I iaaaf f I'M I aallH kaatia-, tt. ftav'ia'- - mt T