REMEMBER THAT Are In Town ' ;V ' With a Complete and Select Stock of Fall and Winter ., Boots and We Have Ladies', Misses' and Children's . broods tenoes ) CLOAKS and MACKINTOSHES MFN' anil ROW Mackintoshes and Box Coats ? OUR GOODS mbnanUUT 0reg0I1 Wool Makinaws V- V Are of the best Puality . Duck Coats, rubber-lined OUR prices a i i i j :ui.. - 1:1.1. u:i 1 THE BEST IN THE MARKET. ; . , - as low as uw lowest auu pussiui)' a ihub ou lower yOAlfL AND KH5 UTS. IV O TROUBIvB TO HOW GOODS.v. 9 . A LITTLE SUFFERER ' Faoe, Handi and Arma Covared With Sorofulous Humora How a Cura Waa Effeoted. "When five years old my little boy had aoxof nla on hla face, hands and arms. It was worst on his chin, although the sores on his cheeks and hands were very bad. It appeared in the form of red pimples which would tester, break open and run and then scab over. After disappearing they would break out again. They caused intense itching and the little sufferer had to be watched continually to keep him from scratching the sores. We became greatly alarmed at his condition. My wife's mother had had scrofula and the only medicine which had helpd her was Hood's Sareaparilla. Wo decided to give it to our boy and we noted an improve ment in his case very soon. After giving him four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla the humor had all been driven out of his blood and it has never since returned." William Babtz, 416 South Williams St.,' South Bend, Indiana You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. I1UOU S rlllS eaay to operate. 26 cente. Local Notes.' . See M. Lichtentbal A Co. for shoes, a Al Bions is the papa of a 1 pound boy sinoe yesterday. What is Hop Gold? Beet beer on aarih. bee ad. elsewhere. The lower warehouse bat an unlimit ed soppy of seed rya for sale. 85 lm Liohtenlbal k Co. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tt Dr. A. 0. Greenlee, corner Qrnnd ave nue and East Morrison st, Portland, tf The Gazette's subscription prioe of $1.50 is listing snbsoribers every day. It ia estimated that over 25,000 bead of sheep were shipped from Heppoer this week. "Oo'n juice" is all right but Low Til- lard has a brand of 11-year-old Roods that la bard lo beat. G03-lf Try "Arlington" coffee, a fine roast of genuine Mooba and Java. For sals by I O. Thompson Co. 87-21 Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and deteots of tba eys, will be bera every three months. 648-lyr Painless remedy for extracting teeth. It not as slated, do obarges. Try Dr. Vaugbao'a dsw plao. 604-tf, If you Deed something for your system eall at tba 'Phone Tbs Telephone aa loon, Oity hotel building. tf Best aocommodation and courteous treatment at tba Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wasb. 8ts., Portland, Oregon. Bring your bidea, pelts and fnrs to Beo. Mstbswe, at -tba Liberty Meat Market. Ha paya highest market prioe. 619-lf. 1 Another shipment of tbs king of tsbls syrope, "Tea Oardeo Drips"; also To boggan Hapla Byrnp, just received by P. a Thompson Co. 87 21 E. O. Noble A Co. are rostlera after boeinesa. Tba finest saddle and bar Desa to be found ia Heppoer. Sea their oaw ad ia this tseae. tf. E. C Asbbsngh, of Eigbt Mile, will make a toor of lbs Willsmstte, returning by way of Salem, taklag in lbs legisla tor in tbs oear fotore. Sam Meadows baa moved bis sbop to tba opposite sld of Msio street from where be baa beeo loested, wber be will b toned by bia many customers Bert Dryeet bse bees installed as meeeeoter boy for tba Western Uoioo service. Dart ia a remarkably bright boy sad lha poblld will bsva Da "kirks" to register. B not deoeived! A coagb, boarsnea or croup are Dot to be trilled with. A dnea lo time of Nhiloh's Cure will save ana much trooble. Hold by Conner A Verree. O. E. Ferneworth, E. It Bishop aod Aedrew Neel have annetgeed Ibeir wool - to Kilbermao Una, of Chicago, tbmagb their here, Nr. Frank U Joboeon. Cnrelhnl eongh with Hbiloh'a Care, Tba beat aoagh tore, Kellefea eroup promptly. One milllne botilee I I Inat y sr. era 40 dose for 23cte. W arreo. . Hold by C"t- Dyspepsia f tired. Philnh'e Vll sitter Immediately relieve soar elocneob, com la ap of food alelrees, sod Is lb '! kidney and livaf remedy. Hold by lea ser A Wsrree. Levliee. take tba beet. If yoa are troubled with mnetipiltos, sallow eiia. end tired faoling, use Karl's Clover Tea, II at tleeeel la Use. fold by (Joeeef A w errea. f Dr. M. H. Mevster.tbe deoltol, wba baa reooetty loeetod la "ir ally, baa hie offlna for Ibe preooot with I. Met'aal. Tbnee la Deed of dealal eervleee ebonld eall aad saa aim. tf f 1 ' 1 Karl's Clover Bxt Tea ia a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels, parities tbe blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25ctt.' Sold by Oonser A Warren. v The Morrow County Lund & Trust company have decided to go into the wheat buying business extensively this fall, and it is important that growers in terview tbem before disposing of their crops . A dancing parly was given last even ing at the opera bouse in honor of tbe departure of Miss Cora Hart, who leaves tomorrow night for Castle Riok to take oharge of the school. A most enjiyable time is reported. Now, that the warm season is about over, Iresn oandies are in order, and James Hart will devote his time to the manufacture of tbe oboioest deliosciesin Ibe liDe of creams, taffy, eto. In faot, all kinds of oonfeotionary are to be found tbere. ' 8rtf Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tba "Red- light," ever oo tbe alert for something new, oan furnish yon tbe finest cock tails in IV-e land Manbatten, Jersey, Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop in and take the taste out of yonr mouth. tf Mr. Cbas, Duley, representing the Oregonian Century Club is in town, and is meeting with suooess taking o-dtfM for "The Century Diotionary and Cyclo pedia." Tbe work is recognized tbe world over as the most authenlio and the greatest production known to civi lization. On October 6th the O. R. A N. will mske a fare to Portlund aod return of $6 45 for those desiring to attend the ex position. Tbe ticket rale includes two admisBlons to the fair. These tiokets expire October 8th, and are poii lively not transferable. Tickets must be signed by purchasers. Dr. McSwords is authority for the wildest freaks imaginable oo tbe pari of Frank Inglemau. Wbeo be left Dim, tbe father of a pair of twin daughters Wed Desdsy,bs wss dauoing to tbe tune of "Yankee Doodle," and between times standing on his head. Suooess seem to intoxioate bim. John Carter, of Monument, cams io Wednesday with a band of shsep re eeotly purobassd by Dsnzett, of Mon tana, wbiob ara being abipped. Mr, Carter ia yet troubled with bia leg wbiob waa run over and badly crosbsd about a year ago, bat will eventually regain complete ose of it. Commencing September 21st on every Wadoesdsy oigbt. including October 19th, the O. R A N. Oo.,will sell round trip tioketa for tbe Portland Industrial Ex position at tba rate of 1990, including two admissions to tba exposition. Passengers returning mill leave Iba fol lowing Monday night. If Io Portland, Sept. September 21st, Mrs. Margaret Barrett was married to W. D. Lord by Rev. Dr. Oarrslt. Both parties ara well known in Heppoer, sod tbsir many friends wetoime tbem to tbeir midst. They ara now nicely io stalled la their oaw borne, formerly oo oapled by D. 0. Uerrin. Oscar Minor left today for tba Eaat. a pseseoger oo lha abtap Iraia going Eaal with Mr. Fix's sheep. Mr. Minora idea io goiog with Ibtm la to familiarise him self with tba feadinf Uoea along tba roole for future shipment. He will make ao extensive Eastern toor, inspect ing Ihoroogbred alnrk wbersvsr it oo be foaod, aod comieg back by wsy of tba fairs. Tbs Maranaoi Ursad, oo Motftsoe street io tba Marqnam boitding, la onder excelled! management aod Iba poMie will be royally eolertalned this winW. Sew eompettlre aod Dew fseea will ap pear from time to lima at this popalsr, first-elaae theatre of Portland, sad whea ia Portland our danlsena sboold aot lall lo take la eoroe nf tba fins dramas tbat will b preaeeled. tf Dr. MrHworde teforme as Ibal Oreee Martbsw arrived at Hteia mooniaie with bis flue oatflt aod la mnadiag up the ehp for rislsntUa of tba Irlp to Wtr. Ilabt, sbfe the duet or has a wlnlf tang-fir Item, lis wss eofot tnoale ia tbe Im frnts) lha asg'a of one of the tboronghhred papa, skioh w either pird ap rr At v-Hi'ed by erUe. Mr Matthews sad wort lieek lhl ao nffr rf aa aJvee af &' f ois pr b.l bad bea Isalena tbe sheep lit ill lb doet'ir i B't dpae lo lake. W. A. yteber' laa, f r ra Wssaer, loedad with tbe rhtttam of fr, male a ball I froel f the Oaa-tte offlie I eat Wednesday eed lb drtv.f preMaM a bol wbih ehea ipaef, reeell aa aertet cf epyl, pla sil grapes wtiisj shawl I, by all sa, kave bee al le tbe Portland exhibit, ielgieg froat Ibe arssy earmaodiea tbs at Ibe f!e i4 iMeiir.tbe 4 aa lae e'rel we "p11't t a wilhoet, II I wtl Wnflb foet while li n btm al ifce Mp rf Ibe liill aa bto telt regalar ( it J. SAHVEIi KNfcjbEY CALLS. . Aa Isterestlug Reoltatloa of Hls Enpsrlsnoss In Alaska. Samuel Ensley, whom we mentioned io oar last issue as having returned from Alasks, made the Gazette a most agree able visit this week, detailiog his expe riences. Leaving here last spring a year ego he made bis way to Alaska' and penetrated the interior to Dawson Oity with those of the Qrst rush, encountering obstacles which at times seemed beyond tbe en durance of hnman strength. Onoe there he abandoned hope of ever retrnoing bis steps, but when his time oame to return the conditions were materially changed, owing to tbe thousands who have opened trails aod equipped tbe route for travel. ' However, Mr. Eosley's advice to every one is tbat tbe bardsbips to be encoun tered, even now, together with the un certainty of suooess, warront none in making tba venture. ' - He left his son in oharge of their min ing property, who has a orew of ten men at work. . Among them are Pat Berg, William brothers, Hansford, Frenoh and Chas. Bodry, of this seotion. He bus witnessed the sale of several valuable mines, through whiob parties have in a few months been enabled to come out of tbere with fortunes. Bnt tbousauds who went in tbere with money enough to have enabled tbem to make money in a country like tbia are now penniless and the aid of the government alone will save them from perishing in tbat country. Dason Oity ia supplied with an abundanoe of provisions. ' In faot, any thing from asteam engine to a to ithpiok oan be had there, but everything comes high, although Mr. Ensley claims tbat a man oao prooure au oatflt there for less thsu be oan afford to curry it io. Tbere is no denying tbe faot tbat some of tbe olaims yield the precious metal by the ton, wbiob be has seen ataoked np in sacks, and he beliMves that when at tention is paid to tbe diiO )very of quarts the mloing world will bJ startled with tbe magnitude aud richness of Alaska. Every individual who bss turned at tention lo busioess industry is making mousy, and will be enabled to oome ont independent ia a ajmptratirely short time. Soob men al "Swift-Water Bill", Mo- Donald, aod others who bave gained world-wide reputations, seem to be spending tbeir money wilb tbs isms lav ish band, as was oharaotariatio of tbe speodtbrifts of early days ia the Psoiflo oo set mining regions. He cited to oos iostaoos of "Swift-Water Bill's" ambitioo. beo be paid $10 s piece for Ibe first dozsa eggs Isld io Dawson. ' Horses ara killed as a nsosl thing wbeo through with, as bsy tells for 25 esnls a ponod, tbsir flesh beiog osed for dog mest Dogs ara in demand at big figures, aod in ooa tdslenoe be knew of a dog being eold for SSoa Gsms eboaods, bat the .impossibility of briogieg it lo camp limits tba supply. Moose, eaaiboo aod polar bear are tbe priooipal game. Last wioler bat one enow storm of any eoosequeooo waa saoono tared. Tbe In tense eold Deoeaettetee far robes for sleepieg, as Ibe old air penetrates blankets, Tbe Impression tbat lbs groaod sod water fretxee eolid is errooe ooa, from Ibe laol tbat hta samp was sopplled itb roooing water all wlater. Tbe Ceoadiaa govsromeot is entitled to tbe eredil of Iba well-regulated ooa ditioe of Dawsoo City. Disturbances ore alrooal ookaowo, aod bol oat or two m orders ara reoorded Inere. Fire-arma bavt beeo abandoned at Da son aed I bey eao be praeored at a leas coat tbaa lo this aoootry. Mr. Easier will return lo Ibat Boootry lo Iba early spring, sal Irnsta Ibat be will te able lo Wave Alaaka forever lo Ibe dietaare oo ble aexl relnro trip, Mr. Ensley aad brother la-law, J. H lloekins, aaose la from Herdinaa to eei Mre Knsley, who has beeo V Idling fnf some time al Walla Walla. HERE WE ARE Our Line of WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE! We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES of any house in the city CLOAKS and CAPES is complete, comprising all the latest styles in Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses' WFflPS from $1.50 to $25.00: Our Stock of HEN'S CLOTHING Is perfect in satisfaction. . In fine Silk and Plush. style and finish and guaranteed to fit and give entire In Shoes . , We are the only house in town that sells the Celebrated "Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the ' , i . reputation of which is world-wide and sold by all the leading houses.ji: . We lead them all. The Kelley-Goodfellow Shoe is so well and favorably known that we need only to mention that we sell their line of Shoes to insure us a large and increasing Shoe trade. In Dress Goods We are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, Ruffl ings in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods. Underwear Blankets Staple Goods Groceries In Ladies' and Children's We carry a large stock of In Staple Goods we carry Also carry a full stock of Underwear we can sup- Blankets from the Salem everything needed in Groceries, and guarantee to ply your wants, and our Mills, from 50c up. in the house. meet all legitimate compe- prices are right; tition. Call and examine our Stock and get our Prices when in the city. First National Bank Building Heppncr, Oregon. Successors to E. W. Khea & Co. rrei Bv C. M Hr4 The Clatelle Is aolef tibtitfatloa lUv C. ft Hoer4 l- r a ereisl Hittne f tbe ()neee News, pttfee wilb ball Itae lllaalratione nf Ibe Iowa, (Is prowl netit slits-ese1 e4nur, abinb re. fleets ia tie eolionls, cbarebee, bsO'lsese hoeirieee bloeke eet resldensee, weellh eml ptneperlly. Io fast Ibe titles etra vrs a ssoel enmpfebefielee lles el lirewe, eal In IU nlilnrs ere entitle.) e (rest lelof rrl it. lUv. loesrlei pfeeeee Lioseelf new botna. Personal. W. J, Wilih, of lone, cams op Wednesday. K. J. Canoer, of Wagner, was In on kuiliieu tnli week. C. A. Repass was on our streets from Hardmsn Wednesday. H. A. Leacb came up after wheat Wednesday from LsxlDfton. Nat Bale and wile, of Ions, ware reglatersd st tbs Palace yesterday. Tbs AahbaURh brothsri, of Blht Mile, ipeut s fsw days In Hcppner tbla week. Geo. Raderand wife, of UiugCreuk, have re turned from s visit to Call lorn la. W. C. Rlptey, of Portland, rireeentlnf C. W. Trace, ibe grain broker, Is In town. L. Blumsntbal has returned from a vliltof two weeks with bis lamlly In Portland. Tom Marshal, wbo has been Baking an ssten Its round of the Interior, la again al boms. Ed Day and wile bave returned from Portland alter an enjoyable time, In attendance at the fair. Mlaa Etta Minor leaves on this eveulng's train lor Portland, where sbs will make a visit of sons length. Mlai Conies left here on this morning's stage for Canyon Clly, where she gws lo leach the Intermediate dertmenl of tbe srbools. Profoaeor Maseell was a beaecngar on the Hppur Canyon City where be aatumes the position as principal of tbs public si bools. Sterling Eeithtr. wbo led Heppnar sbonl s year M for northern Montane, returned this wek and will spend the whiter with bis Mke, ei parting logo back In the spring. lis Ennla left Wadixeilay lor Lone Rork, wbarebegoes lo begin the eonetruetlon of the branch line of Ihe Blue Mountain telephone line lo Mallory's mill, e dlatence ol about twenty atllee. Mrs Combs, wltaofUranl eounty'i es sheriff la company with Mrs. Potter, Mrs. Barkney and N. R. Male, rams In from John lay on the Meptwf tauyus Clly stee Wadrnwlay, en routa lor the Portland sspueitlon. - Mrs. It. W. Bartholomew went lo Portland en Monday hlshts train, and will lie lullowtd this evening by her bueUnd and dsuahler Elele, Their purpnae It to uil lor a lew days, and be elde lha etpnalrloe will alias awlhlng worth wing al the etetmpolle. They ei part to re tura east Tue4ay. Jake Walls aoteul ass Member ol a ha.p dategatloa yaeterday baa.l4 dlrail fnr Si. Paul sad alter ss eipterauun as lha eortweet will go to( hlran. In riilxpi b alll HIM bol llltl ol inbitMt. Sfm ti,ata he baa a le Uiruuga inaauian au amilharn eM mH'p iih ha iitin un Ma vmhH viii " via Omaha, tetlne In Ue lair, Jake hM a lauliy t4 ' ilitc ilra ' o mini twaaint,. a '"I prr.ll. t a avl intaraailug aud ptvntai,ia uip uw iuv aim. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OftheFirtt National Dank at Ileprf tier, tn the Mate of Oregon, at tM Cloee of Buiineu, September 20, 1898. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 1208.878 47 Overd'fts secured sndnniecared S,H202 U. 8. Bunds to secure oircula- tion 12.BO0.00 Premiums on C. 8. bonds H75 00 Htooks, aecarities, eto. 17,045 79 Itanking-boaM furniture, and Oxtarea 8.W4.44 Due frmn Natiunal bp.nkt (not reserve oaenls) 02.831 08 Due from Btste Banks, and Benkere fl.a'flSB Due from at t roved reserve airts. BH.&'ift lit Checks and other oash items.. 8.23 Notea of other National Banks 8.200.00 Fractional paper oarreoey, Diokelt and cents.. UwrobMoNSV asisavs is asa, vu Ppecle 27.3M)00 Legal-leodarnolee.. '2,220 00 , H. Cerlirt of de posit for legal lea ders 8,309 00 well pteeea4 wilb ble k IIIR! I wsal aoeae kmraas, aa I If yea wsal a piMseofland hi Hon I Klvaf !) four in ilea frees ba Iowa af U fUver, 41 rnla from a f -wl e-bol. fn fart bar le'orws I a, a I lre.e J. Wnniit, 3t !fao4 River, Or, illarry N lee. Miee Mille fimilb, repraofitir.g Camplwil a Wiiann, niiHinery firs i f Teadlaloa Bkd Ibe Dalle, will ebw a amsptele and eliheb hoe of Billlieery al ,ie Imns Oet-lwr a a ! IJetobof Id, Ret fee Will d' wall In M car lies b"( re portbaeisg year fslt eiilUserv Klegaal I lee ef llltsery. Miee Aliba laek bat apea la Iba pnlilie Ibe axt etyUeb line of sail lioery ever letr1sed lalleppaer ta-llae. riater1e while ia rrileet fmra Ike largest hoeeae la Ibe F.eet ibrweera Ifceir aganebM. Hbe M sealing a ssesiiif f dreeamskieg, et feasil-e ryt, flt.iab set fl hbe gsarr.ue eels laeSkiej Is) ate f reepert All letHed to m 84 RiHleinptiiifi fpnd with U. H. I reaenrer (0 per tent, of circulation)...., Total. 35,H85 00 6A2.50 31167 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in t.'iO.oi 12,000.00 18.0792 Hurplus fund. Undivided proflta, Inag npeo see end taxes paid National Hank Notea out standing 11.2.VI.00 Dus lo other National Hanks.. blAM Una to mate Decks aad Bank- era 10107 Individual depoeila eabiert to rberg 2rlljrr.77 Ibtnaml certiflcatea of depuait HiMt 47 Total IIK3.6I1B7 Htt or Ombio, ) iUM nrt of M' m sow, t I. Ooorim Dineer. Cseliier of Hie sIkivb named bank, do olernnly swear Hint I he arerve alatmuenl is true, to tbe Orel of my knowledge and imM. "'. CfiwaRa. Cashier. KnWrilMNl ami a worn to tif tre me this 27tb day of Hepteabar, K. C K Itinriti.D. Notary 1'ul.lio for Orgoa t .rrx-i-Aitil: c A. llbea. T. A llb.a, J. II Nailer, IMrwbira. Maa Mlllln. n l'.lu ' Mist Myrtls Smith, representing tbe millinery Brm of Campbell ft Wilson, of both Pendleloo and Tba Dallea, will be at Heppoer, Mondey, Oot. 8, 1898, wilb oomplste and stylish lioa of fall and wiottr millinery, aod will rsmsio four or Ovt dart. Lsdiss will do wsll to tat oar lioo befort porcbssiog elsewbsre. 87-3t Wss It Harder Robert Fulton, a young man wbo waa a bo at Ileppner for sometime daring tbe gammer, toting a pail of Ibe time as waiter in Iba Royal Cafe, wat foaod lying alongside Iba railroad Iraok, near 131a- look, Washington, with bis baok broken and serloasly brnissd tbe morning of tbe 24tb. lis wss Isksn to Walla Walla, bat rsgsieed oonssloasnese bnl once before be died, two dsys later, giving only bis same. II is supposed be waa murdered for money ba waa knowo to have oo bim wbeo leal teen. Polioe are making every effort to apprehend bia morderera. Hew Pel era of B wee la. Oeorge 0. Rome bat tbla day moved Into bit new, baodeome aad ommodions rooms oa Mala atrssl. II ia a ferltoble palace, elegantly papered and finished Mr. Rome will fill its shelves with a fine line of eonfeolioaery, frails, vsgslables aed tobeoeo. Ia oooneetioa be baa a assl little sboollog gallery, aad will com bios plsseare with baelneee. Casnlnghsm Bucks. Tba wsll koowo Cunningham bucks, thoroughbred gradea and Delsln, will ba oo sxhibitlon aod for aala at Heppoer on or abool October lat. Prioea lo toil tbe timet. Id obtrgt of 83-91 Wm. HuaHit. Rsnoh, 820 acres, good land, i miles of Hsppoer, all fenced, plenty of water, house aod barn, 140 acres of tammsr fsllow, all rsady for tall crop. Easy terms. Call at Iba Qeaette offloa. 664-tf PUB BALK OH BENT. A good shsep raoob comprising ossrly ,S00 acres, controlling lha largest aod beel wioler range la Ollllsm toaoty. Hood dwelling boose aod large barn, also oomplste oulfll for roooiog shsep, SO tooa of oew bay aod pleoty of good water oo the place. For particular Inquire si National Uaje, 83 It ' Arliagtoo, Or. Rlrtkday Party. Visa Tbreeele Flea her gavt daligbl ful psrty al Iba borne of bar parents Isel evening lo hoeor of bar 15th birthdsy. Tbe tventag waa tpeal io playing later sating gamee and partsk log of refresh meeta. Tboee prseeal wars: Mieeee Essie Lieeser, Kdaa M allory, Nellie La- baa, F.lla DrUksll, Florence llagbee, Msry M or! words, Ells BsHbolosse Leart Hashes aed Nellie Herasr, Maa lert Areble Mathews, Iais Owso Msroa, Oeoar llorg. Peal Msret, Frank Olseeeoek, Ooa Ifatlory, Eaal Tbosapeoa, Leaa ftloean aad Oeorge Usgbee. Rak fas e Hew Trial. HLeriff Uvisgta arrived lo Iowa Welaesdaf Maraiag earoate for Oaayoa Clly with Dick Miekle.toe of Isaae Ilia kle, a elt knoa aad repiad eilsa of Tiab lUlge, Oraal eeasiy, wbo wee eovivttled laa fall see aremplkee af t Bian hame l llarrs In lha murder af a bonk Mat fur bia anoaey. Tbe feaag Wise was seaUaead 15 years le Ibe peeiteatiet?, aad a fine af lijUfl, wblie Ha're was gives a lifeeeftlaaee. Hie kiss attorney appeeiad bo aaae li these prewe fieri aad bed Ibe j1gaeal of Ibe lowee eart set esi le aa Ibe greaale Ibal Ibe Ooevleling trail ut. a .aaina trraa Dane a't.f eommUooe of Ibt sv'aae. aae laelajiesable. 1 be optala el S'torneteand Ibe ptM I thai tn-ag II bile will te ee.fiHW.1. 7l,a U,y A t a-4 lieuh be . t fMi ,4 sga, ai.d ' thews oe ebeiseiefieUee of t'lmlaej. A Lively Chaos. For aver week rlberlff Mstloek aod bit depaliea bsva beeo eoastsetly lo Ibe saddle reeglag Ihe Jobe Day coaalry la eesreb of V. II MeOoasglll, wbo wse taking away wilb a baad of bead of sheep, apoe wbleh Iba Firet Nstiossl bank held a avrlgage. Home time elnee dessaede were saa la fnt tbe sheep, wbieb MtlVisagill alsimed be.! b-en luel lo Ibe raoaalaino, aad apoa leveetlgalioa II wee appsrsal Ibsl Ibsy were beieg rut est of lb e,uBly , m Ibe aaoftgsgeee seal Ibe sberirT after Ihesa, aad be finally Need abnal 91) bead, aad galaed Ibe rafurwsii4ea Ibsl MMInasgill bs-l die- p"d nf Ibe belts e aad wee la bl liag in O'sal eoenty, aad e. antll leal Welee.ay wse be loOslo. aa 1 arresUd. tViiMe l few days Iba sheriff will have liul !.. where he will be Bis le to I ff fit ke d"lft rOU MALE. 100 REWARD I Will be paid for information leading to tba arrest aod ooa vie lioa of any per son slesllog Battle branded "Wtl" eoo- oeeted oo Ibe left aide. Waddle oa Iba Boee, riMtT Ilraaaa. 4&-oov9 Pee Rale. Twsaly terse of laod, near a good reboot. Will trade for horese, farming eutOla, tit. For farther Information a-l-dreae, T. WisrnsLL, 79 It Hood lUver, Or. Dreadfully Nervess. Oeats; I wat drsadfolly oervoos,aod tor relief tonk your Cell's Clovsr Root Tea. II quisled say aerves aad strse g th ee ed my wbole nervous tyteai. I wet troubled with eoosllpsUie, kidney aad bowel trooble. Toor Tsa soua aleaased my sytteni so thoroughly thai I rspidly regained health aad strength- Mre. H. A. 8 weal, Hartford, 0aa. Hold by OooesrA Warres, t Rs'llee'S Arsiea Ralvs. Tba Reel Halve to Iba world ff Cats, tlruWee, rbires, Clere, fell Rbeaes, Fever rVee, Tetter, Chapped Heads, ChUbleins. Cwns. aei all Hk't) Krep- Itotis, aod poeitlveif caret niee or ey reqtlraL It la guarantee to give patient eelkafsetlow or aseoey rWaailod. Prina 3ft eeate per bog. Fer leala by Rloeasa Drug Co., K. J. floeuus, meaag CASTOR I A For XftfaaU and Childrta. Hi Kb. Yea Hni A!i ijt E::.M Dears 'rt.s'.n;