The Gazette. Friday, Sept. 30, 1898. WHO WILL BE SENATOR t From reports and newspaper dis cussion it seemB that the senatorial issue is a perplexing one with the members of the legislature. While Corbett's following is pretending a "walkover it seema tnere are others who claim that on next Tuesday, when the ballot begins, the old man, who has outlived by almost ten the allotted years of life, will be consigned to oblivion, and a man equal to the require ments of a senatorial term will be chosen. Oregon has been deprived of senatorial representation long enough, and it is positively sui cidal to elect old man Corbett at eighty years of age, who, beyond any reasonable doubt, will barely survive his inauguration. In this his second childhood he loosens his grasp on his wealth, and his " push" are hovering over it. Thus in the last struggle of crumbling old age will be distributed his accumulation of millions among those who have dethroned him. A DECIDED IMPROVEMENT. In justice to George Thornton the city marshal, after making a careful survey of the town, we feel safe in saying that the city o Heppner is in a decidedly better condition from not only a sanitary point of view but from a condition of cleanliness than heretofore known in its hiatory. The streets have all been raked, rubbish, lum ber piles, wood, etc., have been re moved, besides an conspicuous lots, barnyards, and neglected nooks thoroughly cleaned, whic! lends enchantment to the view, stranger coming to a town the size of this ia at once impressed with the general coudition of its streets, and where they are conspicuous for their neatness he retains agree able recollections of the place. The bridge on Chase Btreet is now finished and a decided improve ment made in widening its ap proaches. A new sidewalk in front of the recorder's office, besides a new fence surrounding the premises adds greatly to the ap pearance of that part of town. The citizens in general appreciate his efforts. The Times-Mountaineer warmly advocator the improvement of the entrance to the Cascade lock, in the Columbia, whore two steam boats have boon hopolesHly wrecked within the last few months, and suggests that CongreHsman-lClect Aloody should nave little troutue in iteouring ao appropriation for that purpose when he takes his Hoat in congresN. The suggestion is a good one, but it don't go far enough. Mr. Moody should not only use hi Influence for the irn provementof that part of the river that U already open to navigation but ho should also put forth hit very boat effort to aecure an ap propriation for thA improvement of the river above The Dallei. An open river from iaton to the ea is what tha people of the "In land Empire" want, and the cou- Kresimaa who will gtrs bin best effort to tha aocoinplinliun'iit of that end will always find a warm pot Id tb heart of tbete peopln Condon Ulolw. OCR Washington eornnpomlent ): I J on. Itingor Hermann think tha republican gabs is tti eitrpma Wwtt, thi fall, williur- Hm thnn who accept tha apathy ia Make and Wmont, which re aultvl io and a poimruunnt reduction tf rv publican mj'.riti.; rj.romnt ing tha gMitrat condition of the republican party. Mr. Hermann mada aw rxieiiaivd tiip through the Wcat, and hi knoaledn of the root.U and condition to that ec- tioti, inaka Li julmei.t trot- orthy. II id: "Thi country La fotijht, with brilliant ueoew a treat waf iii .'reel lriit Me Kiutoy' rleetioik 1 1 Weal, fin with rnthuiu ovir our t'-m in (1)4 lVtfir and enl i)iug an era of great - ao I a plentiful ui.Hfjr aupply, il Im lieaid from rmphalically I Noveiuti'r. I tint. Hie canting ui of vte tl-i'te mil aarpii t ltrly fiei)!!)?. TU m of r' f '' ia l bmlf 4 I'm H -i.. I Alt s(ilil.iad tit U lamia I falllO M ! Atoliim IM li ri liMf H ktllfina mmUI end ! on p.,. h.l, ratv " W It al pott I,.),.! at lift I 'I 1ntlu e J - ) la ll i f 1 1, a k.t-t"a' I toxin I . ' i. l.i in Ui.ii Nee" M n .. I t t e 1 l e itnr t ci yj i"J If LETTER FROM MITCHELL. Senator Julia H. Mitchell Give aa Ioelte Into the Corbett "Pah" Methods. The following letter sets at rest the misrepresentation of MitoheU' attitude relative to tbe senatorial question, which the voters of Oregon will appreciate: Portland. Oregon, Sept. 24, 1898. To the Editor Herald-Disseminator,' Albany, Oregon. Dy Dear Sir- In your issue of yesterday I notice in your special correspondence from fialem of the 17th inst., under the caption of "Gossip About the Special Session," your annonymoua correspond ent, among other things, lays: Candidate for the United States senate are plentiful. Mr. Corbett and Mr. Mitchell are both candidates again. Then Mr. Geer, Gover nor Lord, Binger Herman, C. W. Fulton, Phil Metschan, Claud Gatch, M. C. George, Cyrus Dolph, Joseph Simon, Judge Bean, Judge Bur nett and Judge Hewitt, of Albany, are spoken of. There is plenty of senatorial timber to se lect from," Speaking for myself only, I desire to say that neither your correspondent, nor any other per son, either in Oregon or out of it, has ever had any authority whatever from me, or from any one who had any right to represent me, to an nounce that I would be a candidate for re-elec tion to the United States senate either at the coming special or regular sessions; while on the contrary to every one who has spoken to me, or written to me on the subject, since the extraordinary session was called, I have stated in the frankest and most emphatic manner that I was not a candidate, and would not be, at any stage of the contest for tbe election of my suc cessor. And I desire to say to you and all oth ers, in this connection, I am not a candidate for election to the senate, nor will I be at any stage of the contest, nor will my name be used with my consent by any one. either friend or foe, in that connection. I was a candidate for re-election as my own successor, as all know, at the regular session of the legislature convened in January, 1897. On the meeting of that legislature a call was issued for a republican caucus to meet January H 1897, for the purpose o; nominating a candidate for the United States senate. This call was signed by 48 republican senators and represent atives, or two more than a majority of all the members constituting the legislature. This call, with the names of the members signing it, was as follows; "We, the undersigned, republicans and re publican members of the legislature of the state of Oregon, believing, as we do, in maintaining and perpetuating the organization of the repub lican partly, and also its principles as enun ciated in its platform as adopted at the late republican convention at St. Louis, and believ ing furthermore that In the selection of a can didate for Unl'ed Htates senator such organisa tion and principles will be best promoted by adhering to the will of the majority, as openly and fairly expressed In party caucus, do hereby agree, a sufficient number to elect consenting thereto, that we will meet In party caucus on Thursday, the 14th day of January, 1897, In tbe hall of the bouse of representatives, In Salem, Oregon, at 7 o'clock p. in., and after organiza tion by the selection of a presiding officer and two secretaries, will, by a viva voce vote, as our names are called, express our preference for candidate for United States senator; and we hereby agree to support for United States sen ator by our vote In the legislature the person ho shall at such caucus receive a majority of II the votes cast therein." Benson, Bridges, Brown, Brownull, C'albreath, Carter, Chapman, Conn, Craig, Crawford, David, Dawson, Klclille, (Jesner, Gowan, Ourriaiie, Driver, Hiulutiiie, Hudson, Ilouge, Iliiriiion, Hudson, Hughes, Jennings, Hope, I ,n lie. Luiigell, Mnrsh, Johnson, Merrill, Mil. hull, Mulkey, MiiCliin., Palm, Pntteraou, 1. L. I'rlee, Noslor, Might, Smith, J. N., Homers, . ttuud, .. . ., Taylor Thomas, Thompson, Stanley, aughttii, Veneris, Wugiier. This mucus was held at tho time and plai- i.(M'lll('i In the call. There were personal! present at such raurus It of the persons whose t w in id were attached to the rail. The four who Igned the cull and were nut present at the call us were Senators Certtir, ol Henton county, Mulkey.of Polk, and (leaner, of Marlon, and Representative Kiddle, of Douglas. Senator 'arter, however, sent the rhalrmau and mem bers of the caucus a letter, ol which the follow lug Is a copy: "Hlrm. Oregon, Jan. II, IH97. To the chairman and meinliers of the repub lican caiirtia to ! held by the rrputillrau ineinliers of the present amlon ol the Ore gon leglslaturn, for the purxM of nominat ing a candidate fur the United Htates senate. "(Iciilleineii: I regret to slate that t have been railed borne, and w ill be unable to be pr nt at the caucus Io tie held this evening, I wish to say, however, thai If preMiil I should vote for Heiietor J. It Mitchell; but If ths cau cus shall nominate tome other gentleman I will tiipMirt him, It Mug my Intention, I assure you, Oi abide by the w 111 of the majority, and to ipport tbe nominee of your caucus. "Very rvepertfulty yours, rota ear Cam. heust..r Mulkey, the evening of ths eatwiie. Iul me telegram Irons kit home at iNillaa, ol which the following It rpy: " Dallas, Oregon, Jan. It, IW7. Hon John ft Mitchell. " lllamrM lintel, talera. Oregon. "I have Just arrived In roponee to t toleg r ttnniinrli.g the ilckneaeot say daughter, glix) her very III. Whatever raurus dal les oa to night I will abide by. if. Miittt" At this caucus, so held ee above, I had on roll rail and open tia tore Vote, the dlatlnguttlied honor roiifrft! m Mirf rervlvlng every one of I lis tl vutet iirvaeiit as tbe randldste ol the patty, and nt by the chairman ol the rauroe. the late i.. llught, of W M 1. 1 ton M.uMy itivlril to b Ui unantmuut nominee of the patty lot t'ulle-l ltre tanaUrr. 1 here rr. therefore. It will be tn, ts repukltraoa. a rletu aiajortif the whole leeulalufe, tterlailtti solemnly by their tntee and by Ihrtr etgnaiuree In my lor as the candidate etwl nomine a4 lb party. !..! Hi. n il-g tlim ( U, lour of the h'B- meiitlourl ly on aletn rrfearolenl trrlug at p'eeeot rend I late I.H 1 lion In the I nlli-l autre twnatr. Aarnely, H W.I or lt, ti.rtefnor Ml'IU r lot-l. I ) ' IVilph ltd J.rt-b ttlmon. au-t iHhrrt controll! ttn-n. nou-lue.! aud rr,letraut tcther ai4 IthtrtAlii ifxa1-' iw tb W:itire. a-ttne o' I1.' 'I ! il,ao iMh'tt ela ttHl p-fulitts, an! tll otbere v rata, and bf lh nee nt an !.n!i aw.iuul of m wt fid i-tl.ef .1 ((. la . SitXaluol I tl.iir !. '.: n bid bem l- lb tlr g ttta, hei'l tin tt.e lt'.attir an I ditttf IH H.i' .!-. rlrt,t.t Mt4 HHItllo'tM tl States senator, deliberately refuting to qualify and take their seats in the boose, thereby In tending to prevent the presence of a quorum, and absolutely blocking the election of both tpeaker and senator, and legislation at well. Such a proceeding, whatever may be the motive of those promoting It, tends strongly and Inev itably toward anarchy. It it most dangerous menace, not only to the integrity of the organ ization of the republican party, but to the very existence of our government, both state and national. It is a proceeding that should receive the unqualified condemnation of every law abiding citizen of all political parties. Those who give it their countenance or tuggort, either directly or lnferentially, of whatever party affiliation, deserve to be classed with the ene mies of law and order. To permit it to be estab lished as a precedent would be to set in motion an element of discord and disintegration that will eventually sap the very foundation of our political institutions. In view, however, of the present status of the United States senate, and at it will be after the 4th of March next, it it of the utmost import ance that Oregon should at this time elect a senator. Thie fact mutt be appreciated by every true republican. "The republican party it infinitely greater than any one man. Its Interests are paramount to those of any one individual. It is your duty to elect a republican senator, if in your power; and, while, as your nominee, I personally am ready and willing, as you all know, to stand by you and with you for the Integrity of party or ganization and the maintenance and perpetuity of the rule of the majority, still I desire to say to you now, in this public manner, that while I believe that the minority should not be per mitted to dictate to the majority, and that there it now s principle involved in this contest which U Infinitely greater than the interests of any one individual, yet at I have repeatedly stated to each of yon individually during the last 30 days, I do not claim to control your judg ment or assume any right to direct your force. Therefore whenever you can tee your way clear to choose republican senator other than my self, then you must not tor one moment permit the faet of my nomination or candidacy to stand in the way. In other words, I am in your hands; you have made me your nominee, do with me at yon please, and I will be content. Do your whole duty to the republican party, tbe state of Oregon, and the nation. You know full well the character of the combination against you and the Influence through which It found Its origin and by which it hat been maintained. Exercise your best judgment, keeping steadily in view the best interests not only of tbe repub lican party, but of tho state and nation. "Thanking you and each of you most cor dially for the unfaltering support you have given me, I am, with great respect, your obedi ent servant, John H. Mitch ill." And again, four dayt later, on February 22, 1897, I addressed another letter to Chairman Hughes, chairman of the republican con ference, of which tbe following It a copy: "Salem, Oregon, Feb. 22, 1897. Hon. Samuel Hughes, "Chairman Republican Conference, "Salem, Oregon. "My Dear Sir: I understand there Is s strong disposition on the part of the majority of the republicans to adjourn the legislature sine die without further effort to secure the election of senator. This would leave the state only partly represented In tbe senate of the United States, the effect of which, In all probability. would be to place the control of the senate to the hands of those oppose to the republican party, In which event the defeat of tariff legia tion at the coming extraordinary session of congress would be assured. It seems to me, thefore, that is a paramount duty resting upon you to make one more determined effort before final adjournment to secure the election of senator. There are many prominent republi cans located In different sections of the state eminently tiualined for the position, men who would do credit to the party, tbe state and nation. I will co-operate with you and all other republicans in the legislature In endeav oring to bring about the election of such re publican as the republican conference, to whom tlilt letter It addressed, will agree upon. "Yours very sincerely, John H. Mitchell." Fearing, however, that If vote were per mitted 1 might still b elected, these conspira tors and their associates, aider and abettors. against law, order and party organisation, per sisted to the end In preventing a vote. Notwithstanding the facts Just recited, there are many republicans In Oregon today who make claim to, and who desire to be classed at truthful, honorable men, who, either through Ignorance of the facts, or lor the reason that they are wilfully pervtrte, persist In reltterat lug, parrot fashion, In season and out of season, the miserable falsehood of the Oregon tan end Its satellites, that "Mitchell and hit supporters held np the legislature." Ho more wicked or groealy unjust misrepre sentation was ever Invented or retorted to by any nnarrupulou set of politicians, for the purpose of diverting attention from their owe Ineicutehle and reprehensible conduct. And notwithstanding the farther fart that I cordially end earnestly aided to the extent of my power In the election ol MrKluley end llotiart. at did (11 my friend generally throughout the (lata, end have sloes and do now cordially support the administration In power, this cabal, lead by the editor of the ttregnnlau, while continually attacking the administration, Ui president snd his eeblnet, persist In denouncing im only tnytelf, but every prominent republican In lh elate Best to take after dinner; twsjsj. prevent distress, aid dtges- 19 I I Won, cure constipation. y 111 Purely vegetable; do not gripe T or cause pain. Bold by ail druggist. 29 cents. Prepared only by C L Hood A Co.. Lowell. Mats. to some degree tense of justice in the minds of even malignant partisan opponents. The republican party and the state of Oregon have honored me a they have never honored any other of its citizens. For three full terms have tbey given me s seat in the senate of the United State, while on two other occasions I have been the choice at expressed In party oauens at the candidate of the party for United State senator. I have, therefore, no political claims either up on the party or the state, and do not intend further to make any. I am frank to confess I was earnestly desirous of re-election at the close of my last term, at my position on com mittees in the senate was second to none in that body either in dignity, Influence or power, a position that no new senator, whatever may be his ability or tact, can, under the rules and practices of the senate, hope to attain short of a service of at least twelve years, and I was there fore in s position to have done much for the state and coast. But, as the matter stands to day, having firmly determined many months since I would not be a candidate for re-election, I have but one ambition aud that is that I may re-establish myself in my profession in this city and state, and have and retain the respect and confidence of the people, irresoectlve of party, of the state that hat thus to highly honored me, Whatever may be laid to the contrary, I have the gratification of knowing that during the eighteen years of my service in the senate I have endeavored to labor faithfully and con scientiously for what I believed to be the been Interests of the state, the coast and nation; and never during all that period did I cast a vote on any question, made party issue in the senate, except with the republican party, nor did I ever cast s vote during all that period on any ques tion that was contrary to the platform of tbe republican party of the state upon which the legislature which elected me was elected. Notwithstanding these facts, and notwith standing the position of myself and friends at the present time in reference t the approach ing senatorial contest, I shall of course expect that myself and frlendt will in the future, at In the past, be the subject of gross misrepresent ation and abuse by the organ of that faction which organtxtd aud carried into successful execution the conspiracy against the large ma jority of the republicans In the late legislature. Fnrther than a above Indicated I do not In tend personally to take any part In the ap proaching senatorial contest. On the contrary I expect In tew days to leave for Washington City, to be present at the opening of the su preme court of the United Statet where I hare professional business calling me, and there, fore do not expect to be either at Salem or in the state during tbe contest. In conclusion, availing mytelf, Mr. Editor, of thlt opportunity of thanking you for the abso lute fairness with which you have invariably treated me snd my friends In the columns of your valuable paper, I am, with great respect, Your obedient servant, John H. Mitchell. LATEST TELEBEBPg. Brief War News, Tele graphic News Notes, Etc., Etc. Now that the schools are commencing All should know that. P. C. Thompson Co. Have the nicest assortment of WRITING TABLETS In town Tablets at 4c, 5c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c each Rubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, 2c and 5c each Pobt Towksend, Sept. 25- The teamebip Tope k a arrived late lint night from Lynn caoal port with 150 gold seekers, 90 per cent uf whom have little or do duet to show for their experience in the laud of cold sod they all exDrei themselves as glad to get oat alive. Don t forget the place. bash talks lbree thousand cases cf typhoid is the) estimate pieced on tbe number of eiaK P. C. ThOITpSOtl CO. Heppner, Uf. in Dawson, September 6, a large namber of deaths occurring daily of which no record is made. The oold weather oomioa on soon will check tbe fever. It i estimnted that about 9,000 people joined tbe ru6b to Stewart river. Nearly every foot of available ground has been prospeoted, bat no (fold was found. That section has been deserted by a'l except a few who hope to create another excitement nfxl season. Announcemnet Seattle, Sept. 25. Tbe steamer Ro salie arrived last night from Alaska with 110 passengers, most of whom were from Dawson City. There was a emtll smount of gold dust in tbe crow1, amounting in the aggregate to abont 840,000. To the School Children f A full and complete line "f $gr- SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. Just received by the S locum Drug Co. Everything needed for the commencement term Good Goods.... Fair Prices.-j Havana, Sept. 26. This morning tbe official exhumation of tbe rem bids of Columbus took place in the presence of General Blanco aod other authorities. Tbe remains of Christopher Columbus, wbiob ware removed from a niche in tbe cathedral preparatory to shipment to Spain, bad laid in their late resting place since January, 1796. Since the date mentioned, the remains have laid in an open oicbe in a wall of the presbytery nt the ottbedral, a yard and a half above groand,:between B pillar supporting the Staple and FaUClf Groceries main arch end tbe cboir. -AT- - C0KHK8PUNDENCE T. R. HOWARD'S. Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, Tinware and Furnishing Goods. Relating to Taxatloa and th Board of EqnallEatlon. Having yearly to hand over to the oouoty a taxes, an amount cqnal to one fourth of the rent from my real property io ths oily of Heppner, I couoladed the time had arrived when I too huld be io on the "rakeoff," if tbe term on be applied to those who enjoy an extremely low assHMment. I, therefore, examined tbe roll of 1MU7-8 and there discovered that I witb others wa discriminated giiost to the . tune of bout fifty per oeul, provldion tbe underlying principle of the law for arriving at tha tapposed value of property be eorrect; and that ia apart from it turrooudings what tbe property has earned, whnl it is earning aod the lime it may reaouably be ex pected to oorjtiou earning. These are the faotor underlying auy valnatioa on the score of wbal properly wuulJ sell for at other than foreed aale. Ia making a return to tbe atetor I iotimaied tbat I pat my property in ridionloady low, overlhele oo par aod abrtast of tbe average la the block to tbe sooth of m koowo a th thick of tbe botiu poninool Main trwet. I afterwards wa loforned tbat my Meas mot wa revised, and oa (lamination I foood tbat tb Basemrnt oo one build ing wa boo ted up to threw loartb ol what It t to balld il Ofieea year ago, wbn approximate Klondike price were tb role. Thi would bv beeo all right wer all served alike. I eoogbt relief froa uoh disorimi Santiago db Cub, Sept. 26. Details of tbe floating of the Spanish ormeer Maria Teresa show that with tbe help of dynamite she was blown off tbe rooks into deep water and proceeded under ber own steam to Guantanamo, accompanied by a tug. She will shortly leave for New York. Constructor Hobson says be oan raise tbe Cristobxl Colon, witb tbe ate of air bags, in a week, if given at tbority to do so. 0 immodore Watson thinks be cannot. Fine Teas and Coffees.. Or. R. HOWARD, Heppner, flOOTS AND SHOES! Dm. THE PLACE TO GET THEM 13 CP IvICHTJKNTHAIv & CO. They have anything In this line that yon may desire and you can depend on It yon get a good article when they guarantee It. SHOES IIS ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street Repairing a Speolalty L Gkandb, Ore., Sxp. 26. Marshal Obilders bus eeouied a sworn statement from the mau win gave himself np as Weed, tbe murdnrer of Smith, at Joplin, Mo. Lie states bit true nnme is James oplen aod tbitt he killed a man named Custer, on Ma rob 7th hint, io Fremont county, Cobrndo. So fur there is un corroboration of the mnriler. It bW) was the obj-tut. County Judge Wilson will decide tnmirro wbut to do witb Coplen. la the past upportl ma polltlrally, as lartlorv 0H"O oy appearing unre so ooura oi Iste. as rxrf good republic at, as not raiikful I iuallialioa. Fiodiog Intra ready for support. of ths pMiK-lplet of ths frt, I bosioea I aoaoaoCd lh obleot of my mlMioe, aod lolkioad to Intro tbat my all of wears It I Instated should be read eat nt Ik. Mrt- s. ih.aa taste taea ee forward sad City propertv lUINSHsd at 00 to 7U parses lhamaalas as tht only tnts republican I p,r bd of tb emoaot of mnoej tbt at th Mat, and Mr. urtit and Mr. Naaoa. U leaders ol thlt laet.UUt hoi J up, Hiatal that that they are tht proper aud luakwl candidal fur SanaU and that oi th wthaf should toeUirted. I submit to yon, Mr. Edltnr. r4 to all ew tarswl. as I did hi tht late leeialeltire wtw I aa BlIHna ta aalra ml raodl Urf . allhouah lh s4 lh partf aa ttatad. there are Jd Jg hfOg bl lool4r M ll tbr MBf pnimlttant rvpwbllran rMMtng la aiffw i tr(r aa tut portlou al the Mt, letelaalr twt Mil trf I Dt m lb rent of ld property would pay 10 pereoet ltrelra, while lb reel pro pwrty la the tpil fred iine eeed at a bun I aa arg of 2H per wot oo tbe mo! tb real woald pay 1J fyer tvol inter! on. Ttii ruaad ib eusall hut alas of the aa a ha were raslwl la Ibis dtirful lslttUre hold p. t4 B ,miMl tad enaiMvred II, and lh sssh ef of the man el what I hate awntlutwd), end eh fcar tv4 pflianl In any ol the Iftlunal fish It la Or.fa. h. aixild. If ftertrd, he a rredll the ri, the fate and ua. Th heiMW n uf thrsa fvoti.m hai have Ihwd hf 1'ivt it furtMa4ft, MSkSy, Mr. imf, Mr. Il.rxen, Mr, rlto, Mr. Me eh. Mr IMkh, Mr (aat. Jt turn!, )' Ha 4 t J'1a HawtM, 4 aaf t"t ml whma). It ! Wamld b. a tMHtaf Va Ike at' Il th rp'4i ll(e prtf, hlM I 4ll It,. I lk.a MnllasH M yar ..tol Ikar are a tatw d ae Is dll U -n M lh. 4l wtd raia tthletfc a I 4 I. tnun en tr ..i.,l...a I r ii-a" m , hi h4 aa Ul. t.rt I hll.-l IMalx .al.f t.l a! ! "" ttfad llta I l4 Watt r-a f at affr"!!'. lul ,4 Hf taat l.M.. al.l.i.r. th .t .l.HI I!.. sla ta) f a 4 t. pr'it a, .4 4 r !) In lha t't.ltad .'at. m'. a l I t hHI a laf.IN tm' ! Il ta'.l lulh. altra II ' s f tl.. i a. t It,- Mh ear " I'- lnlrattUat lnaU r.a aaa ttk a a. tt 4 f 4 that fallMtk. II It taiii4 mi ml la! mi aaf ewe 4 tart a M) .' a.a Haa) li(M ha) awitlna. I. will ai m I'. a . !.. m ! I4 In IKa 4wirH-.a ml trlw( 4 l lh aal I. m-tm thaa titt j . fit all -a e4 IM yT Kl a laa a. tW l .. . .1 i. i ,,. ,.,..( 4 la ' t"t 4 tit " mKt a . ptmaolMail la lh at., r .i I fnlf.t.4 ... ,ti It ' .allt hold a. end ! tlat Mr. 1 l ...! f Mr taiaMI. Ike H. lafl.t t a ii.t'tt'-. i I s li. . it., a .., at t a M . t s.. I. . H aa I-.,- I aat 1 1 I a fi itf l Ian. a I ir.a. I Miat la M m. t.ata-4 II ,t at ta .atM. (nm aa.ltft t rttttlr tal rkitat .4 la. na-t U'aa trw-.U'.... la at. a I rat iaa-4 IKt Sr. te tff)Utr,t V tit. . aal rarl ha lite i lu ta tt ! tt.a a-. t.f.f ap !. W'.ti.atara, tad Kk k Uiw rf 1.11 a Mm.. ' 1 . ktt pff t-itt. - IK. Iwlmalf ..1 ( ptf a Ikal ... la alii kvt actd ka hIIMtl Hit -4 mm,:4 (.ilaiMf la Ike d'atatetff. . . a lk pl ttw lta .ni..,l ad la Ua'alaf Is Mk. If. M'kath fMinfllf a-v;t. fc f'.faa.tii aM aaa kf ta4W4l .,ra it at I itMHiial pao llaat., I kae I ar p -.. k ri t tt.rt k trntk ! atf ala, iala AfriMa arillild lh li.t.iafi. 1 did ool west dial qtbtaj In tbe least. II the tefarmed me I lit I be Ihneght a J'ttt ro I, aod pro- eedaJ In read m "tt U un tb iU- let. Dot 1 iof.itul hi. thai no oo otild ihlek f Ml l(iiilgapMy em cvreug ib kiiirito uf that 1,. a It hue I a lf ati'MI nf lh 0. Vein ( 0 el Ida ptopwa-iy aa a ! to )adg (rotn. H ba e''-vV I 1 1 g mawiin lh deii ta tuai n ei.j e-u olt( ee) tplisi4 la'iag trtird l of traaftl that o -eats I m tal rr. i IUa taxttar iff pk t ie ol g'allillf r.fca, .i the i,avfl-ttof t!i rlty, pal -tl II l III r-"ld eily l ik ikft-i ft, al-i. h a t ilt.l f en II, f ttal fttl fr ..t i ar II alt- e.lf we a..... at tha Vary .am axkl that a wi'r wiJib we la the far a l.lstM. blfek the rt tflh i f It, an I lb a he wnai I ai klluw la nti Ike tl S," wall ba l.r tmf eieim bf a a I erune l lati I euft.lil . Isnpraa ttiata bins tattal ' f tm iy thai la lh . at tgr4 It lha ktkv t.lh d i aweraalati lea ! a 'l a1 l alt', oik I p I 7 I tH J 1 1 a,.i ttraktPawlel ohitg al I I jel i. ,, wa lfcftt eetrJ Jai Drugs Medicines Toilet Articles school BOOKS Stationery PaiQts-Oils Glass c i G A R s Conser & Warren. Dmggists. THE Ml OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... GOIvD And now the entire world Knows this verect product As the Star Breweri beer Persistent Coughs A oouffh which sums to h; on in spite ot all the remedies wl von have aDolied certainly n energetic and sensible treatment For twenty-five years that stiiia- ari preparation of cod-liver oil SCOTT'S EMULSION Um MeAVAVrf if ffwrt.Vinfc In riiT-I . I i m M m y j j - At a Injr the tryintT alleetlons ot the I II ST ItLml 7r lllfl Ntlltt Ihlroat and lungs, and this is theL".1 , 7 n T V reason why I the cod-uver oil, par- rVUIlII 5 DCbl Uallf digested, strengthens and un lap uown at ihe On draught at all popular saloons STAR BHEWERY CO., 203 Waehliieian St., Pertlaed.Oe vitalizes the whole sys tem) the hypophosphites act as a tonic to the mind and nerves, and the glycerine soothe and heals the irritation. Can too think of any combi nation so effective as this? N k wj sl ftTOTT-S f atukto. ta that th Sm 4 hak art a Mtt wrapp,, fat. tad, til u, W, KZOTT SOVt hE. OMtaast, rarw Vara. Telephone Saloon tAMis uuuna e a Nw Stand, City Iloiel DoilJiog, IOW TII.1VARD. Prop. Il.aatp la llltaatd l. (""ran l!.t"l ni-n a rlfn Vi. N'o l4iir without it. I aararrta. I aedr t'alliar t titsn ) tiuad and Itn ( It man. I,) tiMtug ui lh Ulf livt-r and tlnving tli un ;tititf liom th lltf. Ihvin lly It. rti!i t'li1!'!7 Uiila, Ifttttt htra. hlat khf'ta M I' t an l.'v I Vn.'i. rtimplrtion I'r lk n I t aiala, luntutf ..r lew rrlita. All drug I t, Mtufatttutl gU4taiitivl. I'. IV, fr. SUTICK VF INTENTION. 1.4 ttTtli I St Tat lH ta f,.,na. fta '.mWr It im Nt.Tt- i Mritrst i.nis nut 'in .,.4',.!., m4 atllirr ka ft at 'l. tt kia IffWtillMtt t ttt.h. t.,al fr f4 I't .ftirt M da ri.lftt a' I I'.al a.1 I pr,- a I.I I ..m4. I-I..r t I ra ! I, t ,..,tt, I l.'k al II., I t-t -m. oa aatr tat a Ufi-f ,H, lta u WII.IUM rr d' U tl f'-m. M. I tpptiad.fn I lh PTI, ... t I p a t ,1 i s a la a. la. hi .at., a lltn ta. fn pm. kla f...Mn.rt ! r , t I r K't.'liM art aa. la l IV. 1 I -.- t) a lk-t..f M. Iii tit' I Si,,!.) I M. t.i.lvr I I. Lr ll. t t, fff't. j i v r. t i , at tA ht r. NOTICE Uf ISTfMIOS. I, a i .,t i. e .1 1 a a f'ti VT" is ii 1 1 1 r it t aM a. I 'a . f.,.t,.. t, tr-aft 1 1. . t4 tt- .1 aa later lhal fJaft w tna.1 I h .! ' . I .. , . a i t;tfta, I 'ta, . .,. .-ti rar li.iws til" ft.s t, .n, i IIJ! M 1 1 a ta hi.' nt. a ,nnt inisu ... . , , , lilt lit I M if .t h.a .i .f. .... t. .tl m I a u Ka ,..,v.4. t. I (.. I ttrl a II .,!. I f ,1, ht. t . I Uf I M .aa I l.i s ka tatotak a ,at, tvl I , a4 ka. kf alf UMKItal " "" at laautam, a'l a , . a t, a. i. i. I- J SM.UI.llU.Kl ... . Ik fta .4.t.M lalU. tat Ike - 'hF I lha ';. " "' 1 - S '-- .,.1 ....I I w at tt !fW i. aa 't 1 taf k.l tk-a. Ik M ! k)t aa-t.-J IJw0 at Itk Owfle I n lkt ,M M1 ,4 ... It., tktxt i.. t -at r.a. ka m. ta la , n.afi, wl mmmtmr9 ft " if the? "!! Utli-, miml n ,-. - kia l.. I... i . . .1 ia. ' , ,L. - . ,a u lta Ira. tae II I " l H O J ll ,lt't a ktl u - v as ., a .f.ltf Si I II tfc , . mi e t'.'Ml .Uh ! 4 f ' ," V -..Otii. rifts - . .r. Notlct of Intention. Ltt Orn at Tut Dtui. o..p. 1.1. 11 nrtt t i ftturir (tivitit hut mi lilf,lnf riamf! taltl.r ba Slt anilr of hi IniMtkt in aaat t4 pfmtl in S'i.(a't of kiaaiai. ix1 Utl I4 trn.if aill k ma '.I.. P. I Hi. I e I fttmutrttr, at ittti ratrtt.a aaly, Itrtmmt u. m , . WSLTSB SwITII. ot lona. i, fnr lh ti Is I M u. M'tffit.U.1 Het'lk-alWrii ft "', a m aa l 4, a I Ha Mats Ik lnllff allnraatte In kla wit I a 'ma, raatyltmr kfina ar,4 r'iitltall,,n 4 i4 UM. ! trans t ! .. a f llai;.W T, hl- a 'ft IM.P.i, N I ana. all ol latt. InrfHt. ikt r, t.fT, H IUllfr. A DMtNlSTHA TOR'S SALE HEAL VmVEHTY. OF ta th tnar'ar Of lite Mlala nf ;h iohittua, S..iu. I ! thai ut, U, ,) kf Irtu. al otMtf IM a.... ff.-.larlr tai4 Rul "f lha mtiiilf Nmrl l lha at mi k,f I mutt, ofH.rine th aal ta lh IVal trtttrlr n aai I aatala, I al l t aalurlar ii.,i.r;.i, alltia irf I ttti..t a nt ,4 aaM ita, al k'ft'lt. a." I tha hlcHfal i.t-t l.t k.f raak I kan4 t ronfir. ail.fri I t aal t, a I lh. l,lil tin ! thai a. 14 fl.a..H ha4 al th llttta .( kl. 4Ik. aa-l ail Inl.nal l kt aatal a ka k a, hat wa. ti' tt' ft, aTitfwt. lit aai b tr,a r., ktalt .! tit4 rai kt..-rl) kl.iaha) lH Mttr t . I mi f. i , . I Hmm, t ll Tha w , ,4 a. tt M t. 4 lh llf4ii..lfW 1. a I t tM I. .4 k. a a i t tl V ttl ... I II . IINr I ll lit t, l ai.Hk ra ... ft ail w al fi-t ai4 fiti ai,) .. l la sail fwm t a Timber Cuture.Flnat Proof. I eiTta htstii !..d Orn N,,vrl,. t- I l. r., a.), a, itwn. OTKE in HtKSBV ItlVKN Tl.AT TMIO. ,,, '"'". if lht Mil, hat SlMl JH.r. ttf ,.l.ta U,-,.,. fln- afc." . f.wtfttft. t ttiini i a. 1. 1. A ... ttrtajtta. on aatlntwfiatr, h Mh rlaa a 't. for o nr. !,, mtu,,, fco Ijl lu Ta wnt, 111 Uatrh. all nt an., ttr. J tl ;t I- kl.hl . h' it, Hi iat r. NOTICE or INTENTION. L Orrt a at Uitne. Oatona, VTI I" a thr It m at i IIIHrhY .lk! tHt tsi M hit rial.. a.,. thai t, 4 m ""22 4L"r"T K"IIT.-. o OtlHana. I.t. II. I k Ji;a t, tb, t,aw M. lh loiioali,. allnaaav In H. ienr. Iit.... I-., ..'. ..'' MU.. n. Itartlaa.. u. . V E.."""- hiitx.f. . 4 1 n SOTtCE VF INTENTION. Uet,rt.s at T a ia(Qn Viitit e t. . TM'"': , ' : , ' - " r - f a I tt . a t..l, , ,.!, natr.1 .!), ivrw T)t tut ka M MlnM hi l..l.nll,m k, lM l,nrT Zi " " ta rrf-ta, ltrt..lwf rttAKK M tMITM. r., I.tla.tnt,, kftnort..,! It, lt ,, KeaaaMa taaj tWwkt Itltb ( a ' v'r ( a'hartU, a hw 1 i oms tt !&... taui, Anavite ,a4 4 II kla t t-1-."..., tats - J k i t t w htn U.a kt!ia 1 f I In ....... ra.t-t.ttf. n . . ,. aa.J la.4 tl. !.., .... .. " Mal tk kv.-hkt. Vb;..e. ::z z li .t . It '.a. Sar-rer.