Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 30, 1898, Image 1

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P AP Ell
The Gazette will contain
; the latest telegraphic news
From the Seat of Mar.
If you have bargains to
offer, announce it through
the columns of the
NO. 688
Published every Tuesday and Friday
Editor Mi Waua-e-g-er.
On Year
Six Months
Three Months
' $1.80
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Application. , '
Entered at the PoatoSlce at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
THI8 PAPKB ia kept on file at E. C. Wake's
Advertising Agency, (H and 66 Merchants
Kxohsngs, San Francisco, California, Where oou
raota (or advertising oan be made tor it.
ing- agent, 21 Merchants' Kiohani Build
ing, Ban Francisco, is our authorized agent.
This paper is kept on file at his oifioe.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:80 p. m. daily except
Bnnday arriving at Heppner Janotion 1205 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Janotion 8:30 a, m. and ar
rives at Heppner 6:00 a m.
Spokane Express No. leaves Portland at 2.-00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
ana TJma'illn 8:50 p. m,
Portland Express Nu. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 6:110 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
.m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:26 a. m. and at
Umatilla 1:80 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p.m. and
arrives at neppner J uuotion 12:26 a. m. and at
Portland 7:21 a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. B 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
United States Officials.
Pi widen t ...William McKinley
Tine President (iarrot A. Hobart
Secretary of State W. B. Day
secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Oage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Heorotary of War .Bnesell A. Alger
rjocretary of Navy ..John D. Long
Pmtinaster-Oeneral Charles Emery Hmith
Attnrney-Ueueral John W. (iriggs
(k-oretary f Agriculture ..James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Woverrjor W. P. Lord
Hocretaryof State. H. K. Kincald
Xreannrer Phil. Meteohan
Hopt. Puhlio Infraction O. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idlemao
Senator. j: W. McBrul.
I Wossmen Tj'os. Tong-ne
Printer .'.W. U. Leeds
!U. B. Bean,
F. A. Moore,
C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
I'Tcnit Jndire Stephen .Lowell
P.OMcuting Attorney II. J. Bean
" Morrow Comity OOlnials.
'lnt Henntor... ... J, W. Morrow
'ienreaentalive. K. L. Frneland
'.'(inty JuiIko A. O. Bartholomew
' Ciimaiisainners J, B.Howard
J. W. Ueokett.
" Clerk Vawler Crawford
' SherlH ,...E. L. Matlock
' Tnas irr ...M. Liohteiithal
' Assessor , A U. Petieya
' oorttjror... Julius Ksithly
Hohotd Bup't Jay W. Hliipley
' t.'oroner Dr. U. K, Huniook
BirpKia town ornciii.
Mior.. The. Morgan
(kmnrilinen..., E. J. Mocuni. M
Liohtenthai.J. B. Hlroons, J. J. Bobsrts, J. W.
Hasinas and B. (i. Bptrry.
U-rorder W. A. Richardson
r-ensnrer L. W, Hriggs
Harahal John Uesei
Precinct OBleere.
Justice of the Peace W. K. Kiehardson
i nstable U. B. Uraj
Called Stairs Land Officers,
nil DAixxa, oa.
'ay P Loom Hisr
Ou rVtereua Heoaiver
LA oaAXDE, oa.
E. W. Bartlntt, Register
i. O. Hwaekhaimsr Keceiver
smcatsrr ociacTxx.
O. A. B.
Meets at Hentmar, Or., the third Ratardar of
erh month. All veteraoa are Invited to Join.
W. W. Smith. O W. Hea.
Adjutant, tf Commander.
D. J. McFauf, M. D-
Office hours, I to 10 a m and 12 to 2
p. m at rwiiiswe, and 10 to 12 a. m.,
and i to 6 a m at ernee In the rear of
Borf's Jewelry store.
C E- Redfleld
Office la rirst national Bank building.
Rrpnner, Orrgon.
Ellis 1 Phelps
All business attended te In a prompt
and aufuiry manner. )vtarte l ub
lie and lultertora.
Off ce In fatter "l ttilldlng. Heppner, Oregon
D E- Gllman
1111 ynnr old bonis and In bis
hernls and t fmir motvy ami nf Itine
theta, Mske t wtltr ol bard miiea
Uune. Ofkeeta I. V, Brown's building, Hter, Of
IV. A. Plchardson
city hrxxiHhkR.
Offtre ai enmectl thaw lam.
Sells snd Imivs rel eate'e, rwnla ermeae, eef
tate. (Wave mnffTiw ln arf will tmnm yo In
aay wsj in nu line, at rieuweiie aauiea.
0. B. Halt
fthavUtfl, 15 CeeU
Hlr C.ttlm. 2S "
Haf, Malla-I Corse. Mepeeer, Orve.
Mathews & Gentry
fhavteif e 18
Mii'CntV-i S9 "
DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that
.has borne and does now bear v crt every
the fac-simile signature ofC&k&ffi&fiM wrapper.
This is the original "C AST0 R I A " which has been used in
the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and. see that it is
the kind you have always bought y - on the
and has the signature of wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
March 24, 1898. y
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which even he does not know.
"The Kind Yon Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Med You,
tmi etNTsun company, tt muhav STRiiT, nsw vena err.
O. A. RHEA. .
T. A. KHEA. .
. . . . . .President
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits $35,JC0.
A. Mallory,
Is authorized to talce all blind nl T.ivn
Lollectlona made on reasonable terms.
OUlce at residence on cbase street.
U ths place to fro to Ret your One pork
and lamo chops, itcsks aad roasts.
Fish Cvry Friday.
Flue suasr-cured haws and huinn Pure Inf
lard, kettie-reudered. old style. Hltrhest caan
price paid lor at stock.
BenJ. Mathewt.
A, Abrahamsick
Merchant Tailor
Pioneer Tailor of Heppner.
His work first-class
and catisfactory.
Give him a call Mav Street.
Wm. Gordon has re-named
his stand the old Jones
livery stable
1lio Control.
Baled bay lor sale. Chart reasonable. Call
on blia and have four borsas well rared lor.
Stage Line
B. r. MILLER, Pro
rbMpet and mnsl dirarl route to John Day
IIT. t en (lif sntnlnf d Ml rid, Vurus suu
ether Interior poluis.
t'e leave Heppner full. Mmdaf
epil.st m . m. Arne at lanvoa City
lu li hours.
Leave f'anvoa flly at 4 p n . arrive at lloip
net lu M hours, sou uevtlni lib trains.
Iirrmi to
HsMmsn ...
Mirtikmenl . .
Hftintlfftn ...
tit rk ,
tn Villi. J .
John Its r ..
t siijon i Hr
. ;s
( nr.
a on
Ktt ennnerl with trains at HrppMr.
., - ttartnt snrsd tip this line Hh new
rtnm4 roernrs and r"d l-m tm prepared
te (Ire Bri ! an Ire u the pulilic
ru ! wtttn) im
Mayvtlle (U nliee) as
re4oa rselM).. I on .
Heta) ( asthn) fas ,
(Met (Itmtieel .,..
KmindtrlB ? ga
m e4 We Soa
S ind trip I m
. fcetind tits I M
ta?S leavvs Arliestoaj every nomine
()ae eseepied) s m'vUl Is 4w
s tiO"B at a . sa. end artte at V,.
' n at 7 P- .
, Cf rtsble eovervf
I erSflf.rf sr. J ,
( n rfre eternal lrit
i. W. OONSER Canhief
V. Li. FREELAND. .AgBieUot Uaabier
Grand Cbanecllor Hrcelvrd.
Last eveninii Frieoisbip Lodge, No.
9, Knights of Pythias, received Grand
Chancellor Otis Patterson, wbo made
the lode an ollloiol visit. After the
routine business of the lodge bad been
disposed of, lbs grand obanoellor was
admitted and delivered ao able and in
struotiv addrsss on Ptbiaolsm, after
wbfob he rzsmplified the secret work
before the lodge members. When tbe
lodge olosed, tbe ball wit opeoe I to the
Retbbone Sisters and families of Kulghts
and, with Bert Baldwin at tbe piano
dancing was Indulged In for an boar,
when the members aod goests were led
in a march by Prof, and Mrs. Qivto to
tbe banquet ball, aod an boar was spent
in duoostiog a most boontiful laooh
prepared by Ibe Rath bone Hiaters
assisted by Andrew Keller. Wben all
bad partaken nusltesrtilr.Jadge lira J
haw, as master of eeremootes, aunoouo-
d a Dnmberof toasts Ibat were reapjnd
ed to lu a bappy manner. Tbey were:
"Tbe Orand Lodge of Oregon," re
sponded to by Grand Cb.Dcollur Oils
"Frieodabip Lolge No. 9," Obanoellor
Commander J. A. Douibit.
"Tba Uniform Rank," U. IX Rlddell
"Home Reoeptiuo on Lodge Nigbls,"
O. U rblllipe.
"Tbe Emlowomeot lTtuk," Prof. Jobs
"Tbe lUtbbone Histrrs," J. H. Ma
The reception oonoladed witb dsnoing
antil 1 o olook.
kebbew ths Ursvs.
A startling incident of wblob Mr. Jobs
Oliver of l'Uiladelpbia, was tbe aabWt
M oarrateil ht bim as fnllows: "i was in
a Bt'iat dreaitfol roodllioo. My tklo h
elmnat jellosj, )is simken. tongne
0oatel, patii e'Dlicaly in beck an
Klee, pri sppelila-gradaally growing
weaker day by day lbree ph;sl laps
ta l given me op r ortoaalelr. a frlen
a-lvlel tritig 'Kteotrtc UitUrs,' ao1 to
say great Joy and earprtee, Ibe fir si
bottle mnU a dx-i.trd Iniprovemeai.
ruiilinned their new (or three weeks, and
ow I am well man. 1 know they eetr.l
my life sod roblred the grave of aotif
vwtim " Ne one shonld lall to try there
thjlv w rente per bottle at E. J. Kio
to ros drag store.
Are Yea lalrrV4t
The (. It. A N C 'e. new t.k on tbe
fUaiiiriw ,f Oreeon, U'ashingtna an
1 laha Is UlK dislf il,nt,, Ottf re.ert
are rpeied In forward the ed1rseee
of their Eaetera ff ln Is sad acqtalal.
aneee, aal a ev.py nf the work will be
nwi, h i a sKipr rn me wrrra win n
t them free. This a r.,..r .11 .hnt1
be inie.teete.1 to. and we wnald ask tbat
.-,,..-,... . ,,.,,., SQ ,rwar4
a tree n VT. II. If trlbtt't. tt.
it. tt fi.Co,
ll "
mI trip rsnlra Paeaebef Ageet, O.
Port I an J,
Rveevbwlf Sere aaw
rawar4a faalr (atberte. tbe ant
r.t .1 . el l sr.erv ( Ui Save, p eee
S t end rt.fr el. Ut lb laeie. e t "'' V
t S4 r.fr-at.ii Ut tbe leeie. a t rlif
Sod p Ufly on tllirfv, liver at4 lwia.
, ft s m g ,
Synopsis of the Governor's Message
to the Legislature.
'resident-Simon, of the Senate Expresses
His Views-Speaker E. W. Carter, of
the House, Makes-a "Hit" The
Senatorial Factions Are Very
Portland Evening Telegram.
State House, Salem, Or., Sept.
of tbe governor's message:
Oar country has reached a critical period in history.
few years will mark an advance or
Momentous issues nave grown out
tion of the Nioarapuan canal has become imperative, and the disposi
tion of the Philippines, Cuba and Porto Rico is a question demanding
the best brains and wisest statesmanship.
The Pacific coast is vitally interested, and Oregon needs a senator
at Washington of experience, capacity and courage. These matters
will probably be passed upon this winter, so the election of a senator
shonld not wait until the regular session.
The failure of the legislature
without appropriations, and forced it to run on credit. Consequently
many warrants were drawD, vouohers issued and claims filed. This
business should' be disposed of, and not left for the regular session,
when two appropriation bills would afford a chance to raid the treasury
witn dickering and jobbery.
The business of tbe supreme
docket is behind two years. A commiasiouers' court is recommended.
Attention is called to the invitation of the French republic to
participate in the world's fair in 1900.
' " The governor states that a contraot was made in 1893 with J.
Loewenberg und the Northwestern etove foundry, for tbe sale of con
vict labor and lease of the Btate stove foundry, but Loewenberc has
defaulted in payments, and immediate attention is neoessary to secure
the large amounts due. With tbese various matters out of the way,
the regular session will have an opportunity to pass tbe remedial
legislation promised in the party platforms aod necessary to the wel
fare of the state.
To the Telegram: The fact
a bled to organize itself as a body ready for business indicates very
clearly tbat this branoh of the legislature proposes living op to its
pledges to the people, and will
thoroughly satisfactory manner.
while I recognize tbe honor conferred upon me. I am not unmindful
of the obligations tbat such a position entails.
A paramount issue, in my mind,
senator, and I feel now more convinced than over that II. W. Corbett
will unquestionably be elected Aside from this there are several im
portant questions tbat will come up for our coneideration. Chief of
these is the matter of a new city charter for Portland With f
modifications I believe tbe Hated bill will be passed.
It is a matter of note that tbu senate today wa more quickly
organized and actually began buaioees by tbe introduction of bills
sooner than any of its predecensors of former years.
Salem, Or., Sept 27. J08EPII SIMON.
To tbe Telegaam : In lookiog over tbe list of members who com.
pose tbe house of representatives it is pleasing to note tbat they are
a oniformly representative class of citizens; aud the work of framing
such needed legislation as will be required by this state ought to be
well taken care of in their bands.
In my election today I feel very highly honorivL It does Dot
come about, as has been staUn, by reason of any combination: over tbe
eenatorial contest In fact, my election has oi bewiotf upon the
senatorial contest wbatever. I atn abmilutitly oopled,;, and shall
vote for Uuited States senator as roy ju.ltfmLt dictates. A oy refer,
ence to myself m beinK a MitcLfllito is anonlM far, ss 1 aw allied
with neither faction.
Ai'1e from the election of Unit! HUlew senator the general ap
propriation bill is th next moat important matter. I think the legis
lature should keep pretty chmely to the, lin- laid dowo In the call fot
tbe special seanum, and I am eonetrainod to believe that tbe tnemVrs
are seriously int-ot ia doin all tbe
I am now preparing a Hat of
iiatni s as sre !wt suilwl Ut care for
Halero, Or., rV plemlrer 27.
PALm, Kpt 27. No attempt wm made to bo! I a joint caucus to
nominate a Unitd Hlal natnr May, eicept by the f unionist, who
failed in their attempt However
lefttniation start! l- pay mtjoii attention to polities. The f epnl.lirao
call lor a caucus was atarte l an I
desired to do solo siitn it. It is said
i .
","l tU ,',"n.
todoso. Hat the citterjs is not
tilea Iwtinff Hot In rrn sr I II. a .,..!,.,
. " .
" --.iwiniiwum w tiis p.ifji i.i muini
it Ub the legislathu t- be awnopUshsL Not aottl nett Moulty
I will tbe cAucas matter really press.
My press,
The seoarisl canvass Is by
a geoeral fliD tbat a little time
, out than SI.V StU'lOUt flf tirj'lnil at
OCtlc TI,r I t -Pfilt f ftU
-0 m fWMU D,
27. The following ia
a synopsis
The next
retrograde movement in its destiny.
of the Spanish war. The construc
to organize in 1897 left the state
court has grown so rapidly that the
that the senate was so qaicklv en.
transact tbe business before it in a
My election is but ao incident, aod
is the election of a United States
work pible la the time at their
committees, Mti ,0t)4 select sorb
the vsrioos duties as!k'n theru.
rnernW were too boat g-itipg
opportunity was civen for Ihrw wbr
that majority of the retiabltrata
. -
I tnn,t ut others are ret I am
b in g ptt4bI with much iifof, th
.1 . s . ! s.
p""'-" "'i""6"'"n
tv means over-splriuL Tlsrs is
will d more tn smoritbe n,allis
ll.la alar.e
A soel,! svljastmei
t-OtbSD U tefl p!gbi,t
. The Oregon ian of Sunday last in a
leading article on the first page disease
ing tbe corning senatorial eleetion, con
tained some statements in reference to
Congressman Tongue, wbiob that gen
tleman denies. On Monday be sent to
Ibe Oregonian the following letter:
"The Oregonian of yesterday io a
leading artiole upon tbe ooming sena
torial eleotion contained reference to
siyself wholly unwarranted . Referring
to the aotion of tbe Uuited States senate
in deolining to admit Mr. Corbett upon
the appointment of Mr. Lord, you make
tbe following statement : '
"Ex-Senator Mitobell left no atone I
unturned to prevent Mr. Corbett being
seated, and there is no reason to doubt
that Representatives Tongue and. Ellis
did what tbey ooald in tbe same direc
tion. ' ; ' ' " ' ' i
"So far as the foregoing is intended to
imply or intimate that I took any part
or endeavored to use any iufluenoe witb,
aoy senator to prevent tbe admission o(
Mr. Corbett, or to inflaenoe votes npon
tbat matter it is without any foundation
whatever. I did not oommuoioate witb
a single senator concerning the merits of
Mr. Oorbett'i right to adoaiesion, Dor . for
the purposeof inflnenoiog his vote either
way. Mr. Corbett's right to be admitted
depended upon the oongtruotion of the
oonstitatioo, and the precedents estab
lished by tbe United States senate. If
anyone not a member of tbat body and
who bed not studied tbe qaeslions in
volved, nor read Ibe authorities had at
tempted to iostrnot United Statee sen
ators io tbe diaoharge of tbeir sworn
duty, it would have been a piece of
nnosual impertience and probably re
baked as it would have deserved to be.
"Io the same editorial you soy: An
nnpleasant story ia floating around
wbioh can bardly be believed, but which
it may be well enough to notioe by way
of warning. A plan is said to have been
hatobed by wblob the organisation of
tbe legislature on its optniog day to be
prevented by tactics yet to be agreed
npon. A conference held last week be
tween Mitobell, Ellis, Tongae, Fulton,
John Hall and one other, is said to have
evolved this plan of Campaign.
" Bo far as this paragraph refers to
myself, it is ootrne in every particular.
I have not met nor conferred opon any
question with ths gentlemen named.
Who tbe "one other" is, it is impossible
to say, but I bava not met personally,
nor held any oommanicatioo witb a part
of the gentlemen named since returning
to Oregoo. Have not conferred with any
one npon any plan to prevent lbs organ
ization nf the legislature on lis opening
day, or at any other time, liava beard
no snob plan. Nothing of ths kind has
been saggeatsJ. I bsvs heard of no
oonfsrsnos bstweeo en ) body opon mob
a subject aod certainly bavs taken part
is coos. Should ths legislators adjonro
opon ths first day of ill meet leg sod de
fer tbs work until its regolar session,
lbs slats soold possibly sorvivs lbs
ealamlty, Oreios has sot usually soffer-
ed from s dearth of legislation. Bat I
certeinly bops to see Ibis legislature
sither at lbs special or regular session
act with reasonable promptness) to lbs
eleetion of Uuited Htates sens tor. I bops
to ee it elect sums gentleman who is
eowpetsot to diecberga ths dalles of
that Important position with digoily
and booor, who will be a ersdit to tbs
state, who will attain ths pusitioa br
elean instbuds sad wboee election will
sot be regarded as s faolmoal triumph,
but will secure to ths republican parly
of Oregon some degree of tbst bar moo y
ami peeos wbinb la ao tanoh needed.
Tbat dune, 'Let as have pesos.'
"Hot, Mr". Editor, let me suggest, tbat
tbs election of soy seodlJale will not be
ai led by mlsrspreeeottag It aitno.le or
views of setioa of poblie men, nor by
drsggiog lolo lb senatorial e-mlroverty
steo who ere taking so part is It. 'The
oldest inhabitant sen resell events
wbers abuse of public mq bf prominent
newspapers defeated ralber Ibss eeoured
tits el eel i oe of tbs eaadidals Is wboee
interest II was snada. Upon lbs mem
be re of tbs Oregoe leglelalsrs devolves
tbs duly of sleeting s United Ml ales
Senator, Hi far as I am Soueeme-l. tbey
will h left satramraeUl la tbs perform
ance i ibat imporlaat work.
Ts'is. II.Tcwot a"
"llilUbor'i.KepC U 1A
Tbs Oregeolas feile-1 to pablieb this,
bsl tm Tbsrs-lsy moraisg f(l iwitg on
lbs Sib pegs, published lbs Mlawtsg
galUed UUtnbl .
-lllllsl-.ro, ItepL VI - T U KJiW l
A steteiiteat appears Is Ibe Oreguttles
Ibetldil wUI lOMitdts preveat fair.
(K lie 1 1 beisg Sestet is lb l'olt-1
Hlal) seaats. Hilal M Ibe etale,l
I li.Uo I". tt imply m Inina) Ibat I
tiKk sey part, or ee Ievie4 ei use Is
g tev,ee w IS Sn f swaeM tt pees eat II.
e-leeieetna of Mr. On bell, of Io lkfleee
Voles spas Ibat ssattef, wilbosl
aef lisadsllos aa4 truth. I d.l sot
Sesajiueleis Witb S Sil SewsMf
aii.g Ibe menu of Mr. Cm tl rlgl.t
to laiieehaoa, sf f tbe pp e f la
eeteg km vets eitsef way,
As Ibef Batrss sllee U Ibat I
participate! IS S Snaferewee) belweasi
'M UUU, Kilts, TSfa, Fell-mi, i.
Hal) s4 rtbef." bate s4 per w
llf bmI a if bl Say fi,w,jlstk"S)
witb s pl f Ue (elUn.eet Kewe4
t,i f u ( te fHfs,
T-i -Il.lwS'its"
Sbowaway Does Up the Lapwal Bports at
the Bacea.
East Oregonian.
Paul Showaway, tbe rightful chief of
tbe Cayness, one of the tribes on - tbs
Umatilla Indian reservation, baa re
turned fro nj Lapwai, where be has been
for three months visiting tbe Nez Peres
Indiaos. Paul, by those who have given
particular attention to the subjeot, is
said to be the rightful king of tbeOayuse
tribe, and Yoong Chief,, the proliflo
source of official Fourth of July procla
mations and Poo Bah of tbe reservation,
tbese eame persons assert, is an usurper.
Paul is phiosophioal, however, and says
always, in answer to questions as to why
be does not assert bis authority and don
the purple robes of kingship:
" Heep no good any more. Cay use
chief no amount to aoy more than any
other Indian. No one pay any atten
tion to Young Chief. White men spoil
chief's fun and no good be chief any
Paul is a good Indian, or rather a good
tor a live Indian, for tbe oommon belief
is that an Indian is nood only when hs
is dead. Bat Paul will gamble, and hs
bad rather place money on a horse raos
than to reign on the throne of tbe Gayose
Indian nation. While at Lapwai he did
some plunging. The raoes brought out
the best animals and there were other
dark-skinned bloods : there who would
not take bis bluffs. Ho ou one race hs
put up 8200, and lost. Tbe horse on
wbioh he lost was "Heep Sharp Toma
hawk," ' bay gelding, owned by "Man
Afraid of His Cayuse," of the Lapwai's.
But Paul was only sparring for wind,
to use a ring ezpreeaion. He was only
drawing on tbe dueky boys and playing
the talent. They bad auother race.
Paul baoked "Thunderbolt, brown geld
ing, a horse suspeoted of coming from
Morrow, a famous running thoroughbred
stallion, owned by Tom Mutlock, of
Heppner, and tbs mars onoe owned by
Win-im Snoots. Hers was where Paul
did some business. He had U00 np on
the event, and the gelding "baoked in,"
winning "la s center." Paul stolidly
walked to tbe blanket ou wbioh was
piled all the stake uiouey. The odds had
been tbres to one in favor of Cbundor
bolt from lbs Blue mountains, auJ Paul
picked np tbe stake money aad boarded
the train. Heaaya:
"Lapwai heap easy. No get neiA
Lapwai pudding. No have but one eye,
that almost blind. Thuodarball hs
mortal oiouh against Lapwai horse, ears
ring game. Me got money. Ltpwai
got experience, Indian m ike fair trads,
Huw It rail to 8s Shot At.
A lieutenant, who was among tbs
wouodsd before Santiago, thus dssorlbsi
lbs ssosatioo of bslog a target for s
rapid-firs gaut "Ws wsrs going for
wsrd under s scattering firs from lbs
froot, sod sll st ouos, off at lbs right, a
rapid-firs gun opened on us. Tbsrs was
no amoks, so ws couldoi looats lbs bat
tery taolly,but w oonld see ths bullets
playing over tbs long grata like spray
from s bos. Tasydido'thavslb rsugs
at first and tbs showei of bullets wsnt
swinging back and forth, dipping off tbs
tops of ths grass and eomlug oearsr at
with svsry sweso. You seu't lmloe
Ibe seotatloos it gave at to watch tbat
dealb-eprey, drives by some Invisible,
relentless force, ereepiog oo sod on,
rsaohlog oat, eed feeling for os. Tbsrs
ws something uooatural about it, and
ws watched as tboagb ws wars fascinat
ed by It. I didn't feel as it men bad
soythiog to do witb it. It was ss Im
personal, deadly snsmf, Ibat I ooulJo't
fight snd oouldo't sec apt. Tbsrs wasn't
living enemy withia slgbL At last,
with one big sweep, the shower reached
a. Man sll around ms dropped, ssd
Ibae I felt s sting in my side, sod dows
I weal. I believe ws wars all thankful
wben tbat gnu found oa. It relisted lbs
tattoo but it eode.J sty fighting."
Tw Wasblefttis lilts ta.
Irs 1 1 seder eon. ths tallest mas la tbs
stats ol Washington save one, was Is
tows tidsy, sreorapsoled by bis wifs.
Irs measure 0 feet 1 locbes In bis stek
leg. Tbe other giant Is Ham Uob'blo
eos, of (King! Sooetr, who beat a res 7
feet 2 inches ea I soald link salt, as Irs
puts It. eff Ira's bead. Kara usually
speeds bis winter la Hrriksse, whets bs
Is well ksows. Two years sgo ths
Managers of lb fpokss iitioo,
tsplnyed tits a s ill policeman.
Mar' beat Wat is lb pavllb.n where
takima enuaiy bad a larg eihilnl of
raamrs 'lh iaahe an I primpklaa io
wtileb eshlbllors bt-l placed sar Is with
Ibe Ugend: "Tli refill nf Irrlg ttbis."
One si'irnlng at tiara we marching
amned Ibe stall In all lb glory of s
tt toll of tailor-mad saifortn. Slid
bruebexl Sfaiott l.im front beblsd, sa4
pissed ow of lb Sard as I, is txat IslL
Etery WJy tbat test ths giant sll Ibsl
f u IssgWt, and risen was b
I'selag U tbiab b bad sir set lbs big
gett srswj l d 4 fools bs be-1
tntt Is bb llfsi, wbS bat WlfS tamS
slctel sad seke4 hint, what bad poseees
t4 bira U sary a sard so tie bk bk
tbat Tie MrUlleet,
te ttt teaxiifeOe r'r't.
TtiM i ': i ).; ! e m
t ( t I, l 1 1( ii , ,