Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1898)
. Q. O. R. & N. Dkpart TIME SCHEDULES Asrivs foe From Heppner. fkom 9:30 p.m. Bait Lake, Denver, 4:50 a. m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, bt. Louii, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the Eaist. 8.00 p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All Bailing dates subject to change. For ban Francisco Sail Oct. 2, 5, 8,11, 14, 17. 20, 23, 26, 29. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska , 6:00 p.m. September V, y 8:00 p.m. Columbia Riveb 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Steamers. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. :00 a. m. Willametti Riveb 4:80p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and Vt ay Landings. 7:00 a. m. Wit.LAMETTg and 8:30 p. m. Tups.. Thur, Yamhill Rivers. Mod., Wed. and Sat. and Frl. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette River 4:80p.m. Tues. Thurs. Tues., Thar, and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat. Us & Way Land ings. Snake River. Lv. Rlparla Lv. Lewlston d ally except Rlparla to Lewlston dally except Saturday Friday Passengers booked for ell Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. HIE YOU GOING ERST? If bo, be Bare and tee that your ticket reads via Tie Hoituwestenr Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IB TDB Great Short L.Qe BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO 'AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Veatlbuled Dining ami Bleeping Car Trains, and Mutto: "always on time" has gl en this road a national reputation. All iilasae of paaseiiKiirs carried on the veatlbuled trains without extra charge. Hhlp your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents nava ni.auia. W. H. MEAD, " F.O.SAVAOK. Ueu. Agent. Trav. F. & P. Agt. tin naimiigion bi I'oruttliu, ur. CHICAGO Wmm k St. Paul R'y This Railway Co. Operates ila traiui on the famous blook system; Lights Its traiui by eleotrlolly throuh ool; Ueea 'be celebrated elotrio berth read ing lamp; Kona speedily equipped peasengnr trains averv day and night between Ht. Paul and Chioago, aud Omaba and Chloaao; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul AIihi operates loam-heated vestibulej Iraina, carrying the latest private compartment oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Tartar oara, tree reclining obair oara, and the very bant dining obair oar service. For loweat rates to any point in ths United Males or Canada, apply to BtfeUl or addrres O. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHET, General Agent, Tra. 1'ase. Agent. Portland, Or. m in Yellow Stone Park Line 1 II It DM. Y WNINOl'All KOfTf rKOM lokri AMI To THE ET. TUE VM M lINM T I.IM TO Till YEU LoweTtlNE KAIIONAI. I'AHK. M Fifth Mil Su Arrive. HO. I Fl M l,.r T. ..n,, Ho. I "ltlit, Atrl-aii,M.nlh I w.,,, ),.,.., Ilrla na. II A. M. Hull, A i. I., M. 10 15 A.M. I , 'I I. I 1,1. ,.. Sra "S ll.Wl.HI, Bll.l all points u ! .iilli nut. H.t. I -..IUi... Itrium and No. I til Mprraa, (of t P. M. .( t ,n,.t, ln, , i f M ltt iHlltlt, I ' I I'AISI" t I.mI, Illiiana, t tty and ll. Mlaaniri furl potuia IV. tUTf la St. luls, Milan,. a Sod (hi raau. 4V. lAT I" n, I ht:..1n..i. K Vft, a l.u i far tart er points. f alia .-itffii.i in all principal rlttaa tblt4 taruaak la domination ol talon d, toifland, daH of lit tt, of ,IwIiii rf hwtntlmn, II. . pn. M a'ij eikat InivriMUus, rati i A. D.CHAItLTOX, aWl ltwM CuM .Mr Intl. I M at , t-rt tbiiS, rsaitits, Vifa. Denver k Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD- Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced couduotorg and porters. Mnnn'flvo To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and iUUUUap, Boston without change via Salt Lake, miiBuun racincana unicago anu Alton nys. TiincUim To Omaha, Chicago. Bnflalo and lutouajm, BoBton without change via Bait Lake ana wucago, ttocn isiana dc racinc Ky Wfidridsdavs. 'E?,st-?.?$k Kansas Citv and Ht. Louis without change via Salt Lake and Burlington Route. ThnpcHauo To Kansas City and St. Louis with. lilUIMiavs, out change via Salt Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, Inquire of O. R. & N. and S. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER. General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 261 Washington St., Denver, Col. ruiumiu, ureguu. J. C. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Bail Route Withoni Change of Oars Between Spokane, Rofisland and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Roselsnd. daily ezoent Sunday : Leave. Arrive. ...H;tO P. M. .. H:40 P. M. ...6:15 P. M. HM A. M Hnokann. 11:IK) A. M., KoHsland. :10 A.H Meleon... Close oonnnntifins At NnUnn with itjAmai. fn. Raslo, and all Kootenai Lake points. Passengers for Kettle Hlver ami Boundary reek oounoot at Maroas with stage daily. THROUGH TICKETS TO THE East and Southeast VIA THE II. R. THE T EI ROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PA LACK SLKKPKRS. PULLMAN TOUIilST BLKEPEU8. KtlliK KECUN1NU CHAIll CAH8. Portland to Eautern Cities Change. Without Qnh'k Time. I llion UApnU. PHrBonally Ciinilnntad Kmnmioiis. Hgng :i9jkcl to Diwtiimtiiin, Low Itntna. Ilirccl line to Tnins-Miiwliiiil and Inter- Mniiimm r xiiiwuMin item at Uiimlia, Nebraka, Write nndrrpigned for ntta, timetAhliNi and It It" ",'orumt",n Pr,l"ing to Union Paoiflo J. II. IXrTHHOP, ,r J.C. HAHTAgt, Oen. At,. 1H.1 l Ht O. U, A N. Co., Portland, Or. Ueppner, Or. The Dulles, I'urlbd i Astoria Navigation Ca BTXJL&CXXtSJ 'DALLES CITY" AND 'REGULATOR" Commencing Monday, May 2nd, the aleamera of His Hetrnlalor Line will leave Portland at UIO a, m. and Ths Dalles atrtOa-m. When yon go to I'nrtland, atop off at Tlie Dalles and taks a trip down tha Colntnbia; yoa will enjoy it, and savs money. W. C. ALL A WAT, Ueneral Agent .TP I Ql'U'KKHr AM) ml MHRIT 1.1 N I TO UTAH, COLOHADO, XE lt 11 ASK A, KAKSAS, MIS SOURI RIVE It ami all Point EASI and SOUTH. LOOK AT TIIK TIMK. NLW YORK, 15 days CHICAGO, :ij ST. LOUIS. 3J -OMAHA, 3 .SALT LAKE. 1 J mm ii rree lUol.oh.g Chair Cars tbol.l.r,d T.ioriat Hlplrg Cars 1'olliuan 1'alaoa Hlarploa; Cart rw fall particulars regarding rate. lima o( Iraina, etc., rail on or a-l Jrsa J. (I I! ART, gnl O. II A N. CiH lleppi er, Oregoi C. t). Tuaav, W. K. (Vma. Tra. 1W Agt. Uu'l Agt. 124 Third HI., iVtland. Ore. QtJICll. TXIV1M Hnii KnmolNOo l4aUpntsitlallalii,istM Ml. m sju Southern Pacific Co Mm ml lttiva Itirauk CaM.t a all SiR ! A. '. tia4 annw bat I the PaxtA I t. fall Was. Iti4, .1 !. '! 1 VI a K - liilkli f''i-' a WaaiHAW I we r. r tyiCAet,tnw9a I aicTOw UNION PACIFIC Ilie Regulator Line" OUT UNERf OLD HUNDBIU. I. B. Smith in Carter's Monthly. You kin talk abont yer concerts that you're havln' now-a-dayi, Your operyi from Wagner, an' your ma ileal swarays, There's none of em that's In it tar a minute, I allow, with that grand old tune, "Old Hundred," that we sung so long ago. Host any Sunday evenin' when the air was calm an' still, An' the golden light of Sunset was a-lingerln' on the hills, You'd hear, as down the street you walked beneath the maples fair, "Praise Ood, from whom all blessings flow,' ring out upon the air. You bed to stop an' listen, an' when you heard the words, "Praise Him, all creatures here below," maybe you turned towards The door thet stood wide open, invitln' you to come, An' lay your sins on Jesus, and seek a heavenly home. In through the uncurtained winders the sunset radlence stole, An' heaven's peace descendin' with gladness filled your soul; You Jlned the invocation, "Praise Him, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, praise, oh, praise the Son, an' praise the Holy Ghost." Long years have passed; my sun o' life sinks in the western sky, The twilight Shadders deepen, the night o' - death draws nigh; Boon to the life beyond the veil my soul mus teke its way, An' in thet hour sing once again above my lifeless clay: Praise Ood, from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ohost. GREAT UANtt OF GBIFTER8. Hundreds Were Hobbed at Dayton and Over 125,000 Secured From Kltiville "Backers." Walla Walla Union. When Lemen Bros.' circus was in the city last week Chief Kauffman notified the management that if any attempt was made to open a shell game or other robbing devices that be would promptly close out their "peanut" stand and put the "grafters" in the cooler. " The circus people saw that the chief meant business and orders were Issued giving the large gang of "grafters" a holiday. As a consequence everything passed off quietly and not a complaint was made by anyone attendingthe show, about being robbed. Had the officers in other places in this state been as firm and attentive to their duties, many a poor man would havs been saved his hard earned sheckels and ths howl of indignation which is going up in the wake of the circus would never have been heard. At Dayton, where the circus went after leaving here, the people were robbed blind and at RlUvllls, ths next stop, "suckers" to the tuna of IA970 were found. The Dayton Courier-Press says of the harvest reaped there; More than a hundred citizens are known to have been robbed and one man badly beaten up just because he objected to a showman stealing a $20 gold piece from his pocket book, and yet not a single arrest was made. Two warrants were sworn out and placed In the sheriffs bands and the dozens of complaints made to the city and county officers and yet net a man was apprehended. The robbery com menced shortly after 11 o'clock aud continued without hardly any intermission until the show was well under way possibly 2:301a the after noon. If there is a single individual with this combination who would hesitate a second at stealing the last farthing from a blind unfortu nate, the manager of the show will discharge him Just as soon as hs shows ths first evidence of bis desire to be reasonably square. The man who has charge of this baud of robbers, and who calls himself ' attorney for the show", Mr. Ford, is probably one of the greatest criminals unhung, not excepting those In the various penitentiaries. Yet he furnished protection la this county Saturday while hirelings boldly robbed aud assaulted old residents and taxpay. ers. If these thieves could not steal a man's money behind a "shell game" table they bra- r.euly snatched it from his purse." A dispatch from Rttsvllls to ths Spokesman Review says of the operations there: "Two men with their shells and portable tables fleeced the good people of Adams county to the tune of 11,970. It was the most cold blooded thing ever heard of. Heveral country 'greeulea' were employed as tappers, receiving In return free passes and lemonade. "One young German was capping for the gang, winning hand over hand, when his brother struck the game and lost IIW. Cases of thai loslug kind wars frequent. A number of boys who bad lust been paid their harvest wages lost all they had. Beveral showmen aald this evening thai It was the soft est snap they had ever struck. One weli-lo-do German Inst l, and then tried to borrow l0 from a merchant, ths bank being closed. "Ths German boys who acted as sappers leel veiy sick tonight. Mot a person will reeognlss them, not even old friends." WHEAT IN BURMA. A DlMlr.gilsb.fd Aa-ertraa Vats Tsars Is a Rig Haortage. John W. Brookwalter, lb politioal eooooiniat of Hprlog Held, Olilo, who Is traveling io Rtissia, writing on Aagoat Utb fives a gloomy aooooot of lbs e m- lillon of that country through which ba passed. Us says: "Tbroaghoal ths bls distsooe of ths Ural mountains, from If oaoo w, asarly lAM) atlas, Iba ropsal bast vers very poor, but to five govsrnmenls, of which Hrtroua is lbs oenlsr and embraolog a regioa folly iW miles s.Oars the eropa, even grass, wars ao ahsoInU tailors. la Iba gotsrorasat of Sumaia, twlos aa large aa Dilgiant, they vera btirned out, an I lbs farmers ill not raise enough to supply ons fifth of Iba population. Tttie slrickeu district la lbs Volga region, and the finest epriug beat and aereal eeotl.m la R tasla It os a ally prodoova Imraaoaa grope and generally a large etportattla surplus" As lbs population of thai ragloa I abi lt.0u0.mnl, large iaiprttioa of grain will ba reqiiired Ij sopply ibansoeaailiM of lb people. Mr. BooewelWr was iofurm-d by a lloasiaa ciftloUl Ihel Ibey etpeetod It Import ialo lb- provlao-a et Uss lbs ii)ax.flu0 of giala this tear; thai iba stocks la It taala are eompUUI f etusQsted, sad auli tit Blocks af lbs world ai oniplelelf depleted, ha says ba ssnnol se biw wheal an Jet lbs airenav atatioaa la Ij rraia diwa. This bwiag tree, and there la ao reeeosj to doubt Mr. (look waiter's alateweal, lb wheat grow ers bava is hk' a M eecoorag the belt that, with hire, IUy aeeaot urn hew wheat ta In retnaie d iwa at the aveaewl prtofa. Under lbs "ditloos ttbtoh ! 1st for a large booaa SHMtaaaiptifa da case J, tiueata will hate little or kona U spars for at port. if I ', eie MwiwiN Uu y. v.tail, afre rNa4 amaf . skkeW colored. S0.11.L a .. Spokane Frait Tare. . . Then will be some floe individual ex- j bibita at the Spokane frait fare this year ; exbibita wbioh will show what oan b ' raised on one farm. There have been ! some splsndid prizes offered for these. For the bast display of green frails raised by odo person or firm there will be awarded a Jones obain drive mower of the value of $50. Tbis will be a ooveled prize foy the farmers. For the best dis play of grains, grasses, roots and Vege tables grown by one person a Standard six-foot mower will be awarded. It is worth $75 and was donated by the Spo kane Implement company. Through aa error tbia in the catalogue Is given as a Champion mower. There were two or three fine individual exhibits at the frait fair last year and it is probable with these tempting off rs there will be more this year. Oregon Boys Honored. The Oregon boys at Manila are the envy of the whole army. Being well drilled and well equipped and a fine lot of fellows tbey were seleoted as Dewey's reserves. Herbert K. Hall, of Salem, writing borne to bis parents, says: "What we boya hate la that we won't get to go to the front, as the Oregon regiment is Dewey's reserve, we being io charge of the oommiasary stores. We are the best drilled aud the best shots. General Anderson Dewey aod that gentleman said we were the only regi ment on the Island that be could trtis', and ao it is an honor to be pot where we are." Remarkable Reaoue. Mrs. Miohael Curtain, Plainfield, III., makes the statement that she caught oold, wbioh aettled on her lunge; tb was treated for a month by her famil physician, bat grew worse. He told bcr he was a hopeless victim of ooneomp tion and that no medicine oould cure tier. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bongbt e bvjttle and to ber delight found herself benefitted from the first dos. She onutiuued its lies aud after taking six bottles, fonnd herself sound and eel., now doi-a ber own housework aod is a well as she ever waa Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at E. J. Hln rum'e drogstore, large bottles 50 ceota and tl.00 Both ftpeed aid Comfort. The buaineea man oompelled to travel at tbia season of Iba year, as well as the tonrist traveling for pleasare, demands comfort aa well as rapid transit. The Kio Grande Weetern aod ita connections furnish both. From Ibe Paoiflo North west, passengers are landed io Chicago In three deya and a half, aod in New York io leea Ibao five day. Farther, more, lbs passenger is given bis choice of tbree routes through Colorado, and four eaat thereof. Tickets are sold Tie Hlonx City, Omaha; Kansae Cily, til Loo is or Chicago. From the time tbe paaseoger leaves Hall Lake Oily until be reaches Denver Ibsre is one evercbang panorama of tbe beanttse of nature, wbelber tbe ilurklea are eroeeed via Ibe Tennessee, Uagermaa or Marshall peaaea. Tbe wbo desire it, are given, without extra eoat, a day's stopover io Halt Lake City, aiTordiug aa opportunity of seeing the beauties of tbe Mormno capital, end also ensuring a daylight ride tbronyh Colorado, J'le'ly termed, toaae of Its eoenery.The Hwiigerlend of Amno. Via Iba Kin Grands Western rates ate always Ibe lowest and aooooitno Ulioi.e the beat. Through Innriel and chair rare, aa well aa standard Pullmans, Opoit ail trains For descriptive phsmplets of Ibe fam ous mno Win areoary, rates, reer ve to his and other In'ovmeiinn, address, J. l. Maartat.r,Gen. Agetii. II 11 Uremia Weelern Railway, 14 J TblrJ HI.. Portlaod, Or. A Tea leaf rta. ' I bava lakea Uifld'e Hare,r n., ard hive f itin J a wonderful tnrdina. l baa rated uu tf dj'!la ib whU-b I W aa trouble ! for ten years, I Oould eal hardlr aeilbiag without creel anffrt a bnl I Sen how eal I He heart teat food aad on nann la good.-" ai. J. It Ig-re, . i I. apurreis, Kiaoo, II.Mxt'a IMla aura .11 ll.u tile l'.. li lake, eaey o (rpwrate; reliable, sole. n. rweel at rieereletfr Bee 4 a. t'Merlmenia reerntlr tna.le at Ike .-.a. hu'eiia arrirultural tend I . pr..e lint rl.Hrlf-lljr vrrs an art ' ' ft or nee on lbs r'tnunation iir ia. U hen a rurei ui .f the proper "f '.alb la a.llrd II Kaatrht the frf Hna and early growth cf the M t' iHa, but t Jnfluenre .I mh I. bra Hani Inrreaaee In aire, f.-ede . t.wied ioaa!fleajpticaitni.flee. ir,y show the ffr,t f.,r ot)f , fr- t.-iita. t.i f Ke nirrvnt la if p' a I l."rly acta rtinslatitly ,t rep thai a the lartla tnaiure the benellrlaj tte ta gradually loel X. V. Hut, tHela, t:tweierYa deln1! rsteh ike tbUf ? Hherift-Xwi he al aeg.d ,,m ten a.iiea a ss trrtw f-a asf tke ton? drin JL MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Mexico has but 1,000 Germans: Russia's population has increased nearly 1,000,000 a year for 100 years. Austria has 24 political parties rep resented in the lower house of the reichsrath. A Farmington (Me.) man 92 years old took a friend 84 years old out rid ing the other day behind a horse 31 years old. A Frenchman politely passed tooth picks to a Turk at a banquet in Paris, who declined, saying: "No, thank you! I have already eaten two of the accursed things, and I want no more!" With a piece of string and a little sand and grease, some Hindoo convicts recently sawed through" an iron bai two inches in diameter in Ave hours and escaped from jail, according to the Pioneer Mail. Under the terms of the new char ter the mayor of the Greater New York must, before January 20, 1898, appoint aix district judges, four for Brooklyn and one each for Queens and Rich mond counties. They will be appoint ed for one year, when their successors will be elected for full terms. - Of 1,500 men appointed as mem bers of the police force of New York between August 1, 1895, and January 1, 1897, a period of 17 months, 1,285 were natives of the United States, 211 of Ire land, 48 of Germany, 24 of England or Canada, 6 of Australia and 5 of Scotland. There were also 2 Russians and 1 Hoi atein Dane. A five-acre tract of land in St. Louis county, Mo., on which Fred Schaeffer has a fine young orchard, has begun to elide down hill, with a view of pre cipitating itself over a precipice, and the eliding of the upper crust, 13 feet thick, has revealed the fact that it over laid a stratum of superior fire clay 20 feet thick.- No other machine ever had so many names. It is called the kinetoscope, cinematographe, eidolscope, projecto acope, gruphoscope, motograph, kine niatograph, niiimatascope, vitascope, ciuematoscope, veriscope, vlveoscope, biograph, rayosoope, migniacope, the xoctrope, animatograph and at least a dozen othera. In photographic circles all are classed aa projecting apparatua. KoMied ths Grave. A startling incident of wbioh Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tbe subject, is narrated by bim as follows: "1 waa io a moei dreadful condition. My akin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongne onated, pen oontinually in back and aides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day Tbree pbyaicians bsd given me op Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric bitters,' aod to my great joy and surprise, tbe first bottle made a derided improvement. I continued their uae three weks. and oow I am well man. I know they aaved my life aod robbed the grave of another victim " No one abonld fail to try them. Onlv 60 ceota per bottle at E. J. 81o outn's drag store Cowkaye at the Asphalt. Tbe cowboy and other dhalilng plains rider Iran far over In their saddles and pick tip, aa tbey go dashing past, aril clea that ihey have dTopped upon tbe ground. So V Uta dnxhlng bicycle rider of the city. Not on the boulevard, perhapa, where thw crowda would scarcely permit, but rn eome quiet, aphlt-patel blorlc. There you may are a skillful ami daring rider caathia cap upon tbe ground, and then yoa may aee hi in as he awevpa past It on hla brel lnd ovi-r and pit-k it up w itbout pans Ing In bia flight. Tbia Wfrre a email but apprrvlaih audience of frienda and nelirhlxtra sitting on the doorwtrps and em h ewere-by as may happen that vtay, X. V. 8a n. t Casaaleilaa. Completion ! all a matter of ff!gee tlon. Where there la gnn (tlgeation a beautiful complexion Is homx! to fol low. A rll r. jtilulMl atoti.a. h IntarU bly prtvUlma it.rlf In a -Kidlnkina; fare, stub Io tnaitilain thie wrll-regu-Uled condition etlmllon Io a frull tllet la rerotrtmemW d. Ptnma, bUrkl.enira, white and rrj prapea, oratiges and peat-bee are nmonff the table fruit, and It la flfll. nil to ray which lathe beat for a pretty cni.:rl... If the akin la kept freah and the :.rl la lakatite Ibe fare will be (fin-t in I.H.k upnn. People rat too tntirh breadltf?a. A mtKroliret eklo Is tjaiw!'v sn ln.?VailiMt .f U., bloo.1 B"l lMt!f f.r a sallow skin la a trip io the Kraresi moiintalna walk up, real and rdmtj down agwio Indm Fam'U a ti.r. ImiMf Bays S-a. Clare's Caa lv ('aU'arttc, Ue asnal west le f tl mi ilni il rr of Ua a. eaa-a-t a".l r(r Ui loa taee, a. I fntif . . Utriy on s Iim-1, liver an4 hnweia, n ti e ei'.r l. m. ll. enlila, eii" ! te a, . -e, eaMinil mniltma ex Hi imt.wws b'iy iM try a b o(t. f. f tn JaVi I J, i 'at ta. rWld sad V f oiteml tu rr- by all tlrt.gtata. H. W. Fall, Of Us 014 keilakie Gault House, rtlKAfMl. ILL. Its f Vlirt n IW f-M tWr-M T B. A , c w a t r . t a . r t at, a4 U i at. L. a f a nwla. MATlts) aau.o i k I i ia v f . M,lia sal tii-ttaltt, INUat, Um o 9 king ICO.. Best A NEW E. .G Noble & Co., Successors to Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Saddles. Whips, Spurs, anl an endless iui or everyinmg in tnelr line. E. G. ubw mm who win pay all Dins ol the old firm as well as collect what is Oue. E. O. IVOJBlE & CO. Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam I Bisbee's And by the way t'-ey have anything you can call for in the line of Hardware. Stoves and Tinware. 60 WHERE YOU CAN Ladies, No More Darning. The MsrIc Hand Loom, made of pol ished, rolled steel, intent iuvei.tloii lor memliiiK clothing, underwear, table linens or heel and toe In hosery. A child ran work it. Perfect weaver. Pent nostlmld. Great YVnarern Ailvnrlla. ins and Novelty Co., U-'ooy, Washington St.. Oakland, Cal HtPhNKK i KANSFhK CO.'S Belled express Is coining. Does deliver work on short order, 1U cents and up wards. This wagon ia No. , and leave your order with It, or at ' Central" tele phone ollice. We Move Anything! 60 VIAR EXPERIENCE1. 4 TRADE MARKS, . 'fifl' - oaaioaia, COPYRIGHTS Ao. Anvofia senillna; s sketch and description but euirsir sewrtein, fr, whether an Invention is pmiMhir pat en ta hla. I'ommunlmilnns strict), eoun.icntlal. oilet araicr f.socunna patea'a In Anifirlca. Ws har. a Waataiiiatoa ofllc. I atents taken thruuah atuua A Co, laoalra apwuai Dotloa In tha iaai?a SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, MUNN CO., Ml Breaeaay, Raw Y erlu FUST TBQIH SERVICE DAILY TO THE EAST 1ST IW VIA Fast Express Laavaj t'FVVHt. - cu. Mi'MMua irrlvatl lN IJ , " OMAN 4 JirH MiilNrs " iMM'UUl " IHi CllltAi.O tn p. m 1 i p m. ai p m. HI p n. 4 p. a. p. m. Il a at. II a as. Stti a sa. Tnmaca HUr and Hmir Tata r.anu1. to hlran. Mt.a t Milmla uriabuat. Tb tammt Irata la the WaM. For partlaalar aad lai.Un iviB tlma of thaas J. t. ec icvoiac. riin,tMi. imr C. C. M'LEOO. A. U. P. A, TOPKKA. OEXEUAL PASSKNOEU DKI'AUTME.NT. r.aceaa.a Ciavaat Liaia MtLvururt, Not. 5, 1S97. rATHONS of tlo Wiaounaio Central Liuca io pftaaicg tLrougb Chicago in a j repair soma amiaU aoca in the way of Lariotf lbrir hatij laKgag takn furta or to train anl carriaga r-r baa. or Id ttaoy otber wave, aol tbjr will Gtiil all that ia dirm! io this r Bit io ht arme of tla Uahvra al tha Uracil CVutral raaarngr Htatioo, Uo Lt rwDt!y btvo otitf..rmrl with Lrowo aoit aol rrnl cap. TLy a ill U io waiting at all trains j rppare.l to assist pas. MPfc-era, ao.l it ia Lnpsnl that our will fully avail tLtneHrr of tbia allitincal protiaioo for their fnmf..ft ;a. f. i o.m ), Qt1 rr, Asi Try FIRM ! Noble & Co., Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise the GET WHAT YOU WANT. State Normal School Weston, Oregon. The most successful year's work of the State Normal School at Weston, Oregon, closed last June with the graduation of twents studonta. FALL TERM Opens September 5, 1898, Full course of study, Scientific and Profes sional, Vocal and Instrumental music. Healthful location, good society and pleasant surroundings. Board Id families from USO to 13.90 Kooms for those who desire to board them selves can be had at reasonable rates. Boarding hall for young ladle In connection with the school under ths careful supervision of a matron, board, fuel and lights at 160 to $.1.60 per week. Catalogues aud Information furnished upon application. va-aa ISLAND Colorado Flyer Uea aM ArHvTol'IKA . . Ijuim. aA.s-.Aa CITY . it i m. At. T. I.UHH. (Wab. M y) 1 11 p. Arrival RT JOhtPH lo w a m. Amvaal.tN' OI.M tra Rao) - OMAH4 iFsnan) " to. bLcr. a. . tu a. aa. B 'O a. a. .lo a. sa. Thmash Hlanrs Clnralu HpHuaa Io IH. Loais via alaah B y. Ualna writs ' J NO SCRAtTIAN, O. P. At HICAUO. IICIIIYou can rf- III Hit : h rttrert V-il ' v- ti lft. " "eaaar ana av af I I af a-a. aa ta il at fIl hfumlm aa tka PaoM U WV .." COL IMS M4 flV pa. rnaoaa a co ion stwtatH, itisiitL . ,w -av yoi it m.,mTW W a ft m llll lam.a.i . V t-.u,.,,,....,, karrnsiarrliaa, 1 i fa- .. fca,, .s. , T rntMMf r I rlaMlaa. at. r a I - -im."4 s .Mf. , V a. th k - . . . ' tKl a a. It m.4 aa'T a '4 Mum- . P. 'mmtwrn RHI , fr' a a-4 t- iumS 1 "a" It." "-'' a a ar itm. , aaMia Um v au srvaa taa I l M. . ass HMbf astalal " "Ami A I t Ata I Ibaaaaaa flallar. nai js CllAMftU t ttr .llaitim WTr i a rail rfcf r aUarrlVi;? I I Iras. I U a aikia ha . . www waisaW"J flrat l uaviirq nf Artntntuv , , m n ii IB a. aj a a4 aa k. aJarf rm , V .Z.'- , a-a .