Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1898)
REMEMBER THAT Brown & Stewart Are In Town With a Complete and Select Stock of Fall and Winter ods Boots and Shoes We Have Ladies', Misses' and Children's CLOAKS and MACKINTOSHES MEN'S and BOYS' Mackintoshes and Box Coats I OUR GOODS Oregon Wool Makinaws Duck Coats, rubber-lined -THE BEST IN THE MARKET.- Are of the best puality. OUR PRICES As low as the lowest and possibly a little bit lower SCAXyl, AND H5E UtSt, IWO TROUBtvB TO SHOW GOODS.S Poor and Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble Had no Appetite-Now Better In Every Way-A Delicate Child. "Some time since I took a sudden cold and could not get rid of It. Being subject to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not feel like work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa lilla. In a short time the cough disap peared, I slept well, had a good appetite and I was better in . every way. Last spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more like work. My little nephew was a deli cate child and had a humor which trou bled him so he could not rest at night. He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar saparilla and now he has a good appetite and is able to sleep." Miss Abbib J. Freeman, South Duxbury, Mass. Sarsa parilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, ft. Hood's Hio 0: 1 1 -r are the best after-dinner aivvsu o r ma nlii. ald dictation. 250. METH. EPISC. CHUKUH. SERTIOBS. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 1(1 a. m. uiasses no. 1 ana ii at 12.11) p. ra Epworth Lewrne Devotional meeting at 7 p. m Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. 'The Hpibit and the bride say. Com." The pastor may be fonnd at the paraonam ad 1U be giaa so hlin on joining the oharoh, where he meet any wo mar desire to consult relixiouK, aofcial, civic, philosophio, educational, or any oilier sqdjocm. J. W. FLKSIIER, Minister. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Haturday evening aimecnurcn. tt.ij.BHEi.LY, Pastor, The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock ADVERTISE!) LETTERS, T ETTER8 ADVERTISED AT HEPPNEK XJ Brown, Jefferson Know lei, D A Keeney, J M Marple, Henderson eperry, r m When calling advertised. Gamer, Jennie Kennedy, Tom Marshall, Mike Hmlth, Anthen l'u reel nil, Thos for these letters please lay is. r. vaoohak, r. M. Local Notes. Fee M. Liclitentbal k Co. (or ehoee. what ia Hop UoldT Beat beer on arlb. Bee ad. elsewhere. Tbe lower warehouse baa an nnlimit ad aoppy rif need rye (or tale. 89 lm Llohteolbal k Go. (or shoes. Exolusire ho store. Handles tbe beat. 83K Dr. A. 0. Greenlee, corner Grand are cat and Eaat Morrtsoo si, Portland. t( Tba Qaaette's aobsorlptlon prios o( 11.60 la listing subscribers svery day. Tba food (or road work ia being Judi eiooaly eipeoded and complaints bate entirely aobalded. Try "Arlington" coffee, Cos roast of geonioe Mooba aod Jev a. For sale by r. O. Thompson Go. 87 21 Dr. J, W. Vogel, specialist (or rafreo tloo aod defects ot tba eye, will ba bera ?ery tbrea months. 018-lyr A sale of 2000 bosbala of wheel waa made last Haturday, at 50 seals, at Ilspposr's warehouse. Palolest remedy (or directing teeth. Knot as aisled, do charges. Try Dr, Vaogbao'a Dew p'ao. C04-lf. Brini yoor bIJea. Mils and (or to Bta. Mathews, at tba Liberty M Market. Da pays hlgheat market price. CUMt. Tba Dew bridge eroaaiog Rbee creek 00 tba fleppoer-Lnog Creek route ia bow complete aod lo readiness (or travel. Another shipment of tba king of labia syrups, Te Oerdeo Drlpe"; also To bnggeo Maple Hvrop, juet received by r.O Thompson Go. " 2t E.O. Noble A Co. ere roall a afiar bulos. Tba On eat saddlee and bar hM m b ' nd lo Utinr. 8e lhlr Dw ad is thm loe. t(. Htop Ibetenagbt Taka warning mas Uad to onoaamDttoO. A IV hot lie at Hhiloh'a Cora nay safe your life Bold by Coesf A Wrre. I Owing to aa rvrlok. a eorrspnd oca rleltvs to " Taietloo aod tbe Hoard ( Eneallatl,, was UM est, but will appr Id oar eil Men. Karl's Clinrt IVk.I Ta, f .r CWtlpa i..S It's lb b and if aftr tieg It ... Mna't m . reiaro tcke aad m v " w W gt yoir Buoy. HolJ by W Catarrh on red. A clear bead and sweet . breath secured with Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee . Nasal injector free. Sold by Oonser k Warren. x Dr. M. B. Metzler, tba dentist, who hsa reoently located in onr oity, has hie ffioe (or the present with Dr. MoFaul. Those iti need of dental servioes shook! onll and see bim. tf For CooaHpation take ERrl's Olover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, onres beadaobea, Nervonerjess, Eruptions on tbe face, aod makes the bead as clear as bell. Sold by Conser & Warren, x The Morrow County Land k Trnst company have decided to go into the wheat buying business extensively this fall, and it is important that growers m terview tbem before disposing of their orops . Sbilob'a Consumption Cure cures where others fail. It ia the leading Oongh Core, aod no borne should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to tbe spot. Sold by OonBer k Warren. x Mr. Ohns. Jayne has returned from the MoDuffe springs, where he has been seeking relief from at attack of rheuma tism. Bis condition is mnoh improved, and be thinks thai the springs with time ill completely route it. W. O. Allison, who ba been mining on tbe Jobc Day daring the summer was in towo today making preparations to go to tbe Green Born mountain to prospeot this winter. He reports mines io general doing quite well. Now, that tbe warm season ia abonl over, fresb candies are in order, and James Hart will devote bis time to tbe mannfaotare of theoboiaeet delicacies in tbe line of creams, taffy, etc. Io faot, all kinds ot oonfeotiooory are to be fouud tbere. 86 tf Dr. John W. Rasmus, of the "Red light," ever nn the alert (or something new, can furnish you tbe fineel cock tails io the land Manbatteu, Jersey, Vermouth or Gin made by ao artist in tbe business. Drop In and take the taste out of jour month. tf Commencing September 21at 00 every Wednesday night, inolnding October 19tb,tbeO.R AN Go.,willsell round trip tickets for tbe Portland Industrial Ex position at tbe rate of $9iK), iooludiog two admissions to the exposition. Passengers returning will leae the fl lowing Monday eight. tf Tbe Marquatn Grand, .00 Morrison street in tba Merqnam building, ia under excellent management aod Iba poMio will be royally entertained tbia winter. Nsw eompaoiea aod new faoea will ap pear from time to lima at tbia popular, flrat-olass tbaatra of Portland, and wbeo io Portland oar denlteos should oot fall to taka In some o( tba flea dramas tbat will ba presented. tf Professor J. M Garrisio, wbj bas bean associated with the Pacifio Uolvar ity at Forest Grove (or tba past fifteen years, arrived io iUppner Saturday, aod orgaolxiog elas io penaaoabip. Ths proraasor oomes bare bigbly reo- ooatneoded aa ao ioatroctor, aod those appreciating tba requirement of a legible, rapid aod ooiform baod writiog to aid tbem aloog life's jooroey aboold avail Ibemeelvee of tbia opportooily A jolly birthday party waa giveo at tba boms of Mr. Ihsbee a few evenings slooe, lo booor of bia little son's birth day. Tbe following were those preaeot: Vira Uert, Oertrode Bishop, Elsie Ayrrs, Nettie Hbe ley, Lula Uager, Aooa Me. Bride, (trace llager, Edoa Mallory, Dd lie Rush, Tbrreaa flesber Btba Ad kins aod Maok Ilosb. IWkoy Mstlocr, Psrele Uoghea, Willie Dottoo, Ueppner Blarkroao, Willie Ball, Willie Hmitb, Jms Hhelley, George Viueoo, Charlie llorooi aod Uear Borg. Did y go to Iba show last Well, wasn't It a eanliooT Foe waa abal you paid for. and yoo got a barrel of It Tbe "old girl" dilo't do a Iblag tolbebnie. BarkUy is all ricbt io a tag of-war team. T'iso lliose Uya aha gave aaar 00 lf,s "maebiag" aoora. Hbe aa Dt alow wbeo it eane tt reaxlirg folnrse. Ooe ppalar yoong itiaa ia Sisd for lha fuiqre-2! Is bie leroing (Kiel. Th diodbM tt aoutber was pmphwted la "Om. a a eve" that dsrkey'a Irooble Ira k wlnge rlgt.t tbsr. Aad laet, bat l4 mm(. wee b "(aa" wee M la lt "llns" bow Ihe bays uvi4 that farvwell eareee Personal. HERE WE ARE Jack Matlock spent Sunday lu town. And raw fleel and wife, ol Lone Rock, are In town.' Elmer Willi, Or. MoSwordi reports as very much better. Ben King, ot lone, came up Monday for medi cal treatment. John Spencer came In from the mountain sheep camp yesterday. A brother of David and Luther Hamilton ar rived here today from California. J. F. Johnson, L. Hlatt and E. Hiatt, of Butter creek, are registered at tbe Palace. Ad Matteson left Saturday for Southern Ore gon, where he contemplates spending the winter. The young man named Sprowles who bas been serlouly ill with malarial fever has about recovered. ' - . County Clerk Crawford is having quite a siege of sickness being absent from his post most of the week . Mrs. James Jones and daughter, Bertha, ar rived home from the East Saturday morning after a most enjoyable visit. Homer Warmoth came in today from Red ding Cel., where he has been for some time and where his parents now reside. Lee Matlock, with bis family, is expected in from Tom Matlock's place today to remain per manently. Mr. Matlock, we understand, will accept a position in the Palace hotel. Art Minor went to Portland for a time yes terday morning. And as tbat melon on exhi bition so long in his window disappeared with him it Is presumed he carried It oft" in his vest pocket. Art expressed the opinion that the Influence of that melon was responsible for the lingering round of those colored boys. Dr. Art Shulse, son of the Rev. J. M. Bhulse, formerly a Heppner boy returned to this place Sunday morning after an absence of six years, and will remain during the winter. V r. Shulse, while studying medicine overtaxed his strength, and last winter, experienced a severe siege of sickness. During the past summer he has improved very much in health and believes that a winter in this climate will fully restore him to his normal condition. Our Line of WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE! We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES of any house in the city CLOAKS and CAPES is complete, comprising all the latest styles in Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses' -Wlfl PS from $1.50 to '$25.00 Our Stock of HEN'S CLOTHING Is perfect in satisfaction.. In fine Silk and Plush. style and finish and guaranteed to fit and give entire In Shoes We are the only house in town that sells the Celebrated . "Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the . reputation of which is world-wide and sold by. all the leading honss. We lead them all. The Kelley-Goodfellow Shoe is so well and favorably known that we need only to mention that we sell their line of Shoes to insure us a large and increasing Shoe trade. In Dress Goods We are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, Ruffl ings in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods. CONGRESSMAN KLLIS IN PORTLAND. It Underwear Blankets Staple Goods Groceries In Ladies' and Children's We carry a large stock of In Staple Goods we carry Also carry a full stock of Underwear we can sup- Blankets from the Salem everything needed in Groceries, and guarantee to ply your wants, and our Mills, from 50c up. in the house. meet all legitimate compe- prices are right. tition. He is in Favor of the OuUletare Providing a RrclKtratloD Law. llepreaeotaliva El lie, ot tbe Beoood ooDgreeaiouiil diatriot, wbo baa been apending a few dayi ia Portland, aayi the OregooiaD. la of the opinion tbat tbere in a yery general demand tb rough out the flat (or a ref iatration law, and be la iuoliued to the belief that such a bill will be introduced at tba apeoial gesaioo of tbe legielature. He eaya be baa no mean of knowing juat wbat feature! tbe measure will contain, aome advocating a law tbat aball apply only to tbe ciliei and larger towns, while othera waul It to ba tffeotlv lu the ooontry preoinota aa well. I think tbe people would like a general regiitration law," tald be, "ooe tbat would require registration a loffl- cuot lima in adranoe ot election to pra- ?ent 'oolonlittioo' tor votiog. Perbapa a law modeled attar tbat ot California would ba satisfactory. The liata should t open lo pobuo toapeatton ana pro vision aboold ba made for removing nemea found to be improperly regietered, ao that wbeo election day aboold ooma tba registration liata would contain all tba oaruea of tboee entitled to vote. Tba fact that a mau'a name waa oo tba list would ba saffioient evulenee tbat ba was legal voter, aod tbere woold ba oo oocaaioD for qoibbiog. "A a to tba railroad oominiaaiuo, tbiok moat of tba people of Eastern Oregon ara In favor of abolishing It. Home at preaa a prafereooa for a aingle railroad oomuiasioner with greater powert tbao tba preeenl commission have, aod 1 mint tbat iba better plan. Tbere ara a lot of people, however, who don't waot to bother eov looger with aay aort ot railroad aonmleaoo or onmmleeiooer, aad tbty will inetet oo Iba repeal ot tba preeeot law aa aooa as Ibey eao gat at it." , Mr. Elite smiled and sbook bis bead ia a ooo-commltal sort of way wbeo tba United 8tat -e eooatorahlp was mstitloo- !. He said ha bad beard ol ooly tba ooa avowed (aodidate, aod ba goeeaed tbat was all tbere waa. "However," ba aaid, "I auppa tbere ia time for others to get lo tba tlld btB bow aod Muo day. Hut as to whether othera will aa tr Iba reoa, I koo botblog." About the middle ot (ctir Mr. F.ll.a will leave for tbe Keel, He will eprtiJ aome lima with rlalivw la lb iniJ lie rfiire gxing to Waablagtnri. where be ill arrive to ara pie time fir !!. oreo- tag tit tba eomitig sko ot rongreea. Call and examine our Stock and get our Prices when in the city. First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon. Successors to E. W. Rhea & Co. tie tamed From Klondike. Bamnel Eneley, tbe first party from tbia seolion to return from the land of gold, arrived io town SaturJay morniog. lie oame oat from Dnwsoo Oity by way of 81. Miohales making a remarkably quick trip. Remaining in town over Sunday ba took Monday morning's stnge for Qardman. In an Interview wilb Mr. Gilliam ba narrated bia intereeting -i perienoea. With bis aon Ibey auooeeded in reaching Dawson ahead of tba rnih, setting aatablisbsd on good oleine, wbiob, aa far, aa worked, bat yielded good relaroi. Seeing an opporlaolty ba oame oat to spend ths winter sxpectiog to return ia tbe early spring. Wbils tba reports ara true tbat tons ot gold ara HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The beautiful flag, whiohwas porobae ad by tbe school last term, baa beeo con siderably damaged by tbe bigb winds wbiob ara prevalent. The member of ths high sohool ara learning the words of oar three national soaga, "Amerioa," "Star Hpangled Ban oer." and "O'jlnmbia, tba Uern ot Iba Ooeau." Our library opened Friday for tba first time Ibis term Eaoh room, siaspl tba primary, bas a day to gat books. All books tetea from tba library must ba retaraed lo two weeks. Tba high aobool is eojjyiog "Jo's being taken from aome eeoliona, owing Boys," which is tbs daily readiog of onr to tba pocket nature of Alaska, it ia a I scholars. very onoeitaia oouotry to mine Id Wbers ooe man baa atruok it riob, thou sands ara atrnggling bnpeleealy. In Dawson, from sourvey and dyaeotery tbs ravagea of death ara equal to a yellow fever epidemic Bill Radio, wbo left Lnng Greek with 100 bead of cattle, reeobed Dawson with 93, and baa opened a bulober abop and la r tailing tba meat at J5Q per pound, from wbiob bo will realite a fortuoa. Cbaa. Jooes I working io a restaurant at Dawaoo, aod sends word to bis many trienda tbat ba la doing well. Has Moirla working oo Iba claim wilb yooog Eoaley. BUI Radio is aoppoesd to boon bis way bnme by Ibis time, aa he i peeled to start 90 days later tbao Mr. Eosley. Letter from E. L. Barrett Carson Citv, Nsv., Bepl. 32,1898. Editor Gazette: I thank yon for tba paper you seat me some time ago. All the boys ara oot oo 30 daya' furlough. About SB ara left to guard lha camp. I did not oara to go on furlough, ao I am v.r guard duty. About 800 of tba boys Isft Carson Oily for tba lleno fair, and tbey bava 40 io 'ail. A larga number got robbed ot all tbsybsd, Tbsrs was a hot lima ia Iba old Iowa for wblls. Tbey will bs wall tanoad bsforo Ibsy get baok. Aa floaast "Bad" ladle. Ao Iodiao In tba Lewlaton vioinity wbo is widely known aa Jim Bllok Too baa beeo angagad in several despsrsta encounters io the pesl, Ooonaoceasioo ha struck tha oily menial ot Lewlatoa with a bowia koifo aod eat a gaab aoroaa bis breast 10 Inobe long. Tbe offloer did not droeeonte bia. Oo another oo eaaioo Jim Bliok-Poo stole a bona from aome cowboys almoat before their area. Ba mounted tba bone aad fled toward tha reservation. Tbe eoabjye panned bia, ropsd bta tad thea dragged bia I lend yoo ploturs I bad takss wblls Dy tbe sack until be was eeoeeleee. Tbey io Dsavy marching orasr. loon iraiy, E. L. BiMitT, Ce. D. Hmb ef Tree hie. Tbs memlten of tbe colored combina tion, which baa beta a serious meoaoalo lha peaaa of oar village for lha past two waeka, were brought together lo tbe Joe tioa court last Thurs lay, the husband Iryiog lo anateie aertone charges agaioat Ia ths future those wbo ara tardy may eipeot to eea their names appear oo tba board, oodor these words wbiob tbs principal bas written: "A little more sleep and a little more folding ot the hands." Misses Floeesnd Mamie Farnawortb, graduates of last term, left last Thnre day night for Portland where they will attend aobool. They ware eooompenied aa far as Portland by their sister. Mies Emma, wbo will epsod a few days at tba elpoeitioo. Tbe teachers spent Hatnrday and Rao day at tha borne ot Mre. Den Parker, aear Hardmao. All rprl ao enjiyeble time. Mr. J. M. Oarrieua, pr tfaeeor of pea maosbip lo the Forest Orove university for lbs last twenty yean, is bare to gst up a class lo penmanship. Who? Nsw Ministry rim Cesslag. Miss Myrtle Bmltb, repneeotiog tbs millloery firm of Campbell k Wilson, of both Pendletoo aod Tba Daltea, will ba at Heppner, Monday, Oot. 8, WM, wtlb complete aod atyliab Ilea of fall aad winter millloery, aod will remaia four or five days. Ladies will do well to see oar lioe before parcbesing elsewhere. W-2t fOft Bill OH KENT. A good sheep reoob comprising nearly 2,600 aoree, controlling the largest aad beat wioter raoga lo Oilliem eoooty. Oood dwelling boose aod larga baro, also compute outfllfor roaoieg sheep, 00 looa ot new bay aad plenty of good water oo tbe place. For pertieolere loqnlreel Watiosat, Bi, 89 tf Arhagtoo.Or. nportad blm dead to tbe ofioert, bat tb todlsa eooa reoovered. He wee ao hon orable tbat ba returned to tba oowbiya tba rope with which Ibey had strsogled blm. Walla Walla Btetaemea. Caaalagkaai Basse. Tba well boowo Goooiegbaos bouks, tboroogbbrwd grades aod Detain, will be oo sililbltloo aod for sals at Usppoar oo or about Oetober 1st. 1'rioes to cult tbe tlmee. Io charge ot 8301 W. Htoosa. run iALE. 4k's Wale. A speetseolsr fit for klag waa wit nessed by many of oor cltltens Friday svenlog. Jerk Clark came to towo wilb bie wife, bnl for ioeofflaier.1 e ths b, n' "Bd. lf the hospitality owe was Ibrowo not. C U IMs Urns ' C--ral". pro(MUd to bet p Caeer A I A U'trt Imi Isw.siU, Tbe lUffoer traarb of the Weetero ! Loaa A Meviag C'UHoy of Hall Lake Tk- .Ui,t ot tbe OsaMU.alfe ec4U "oieti.e aod lioalnrk an J 1 " w swwro", I'.jr f fiiisy ilia"' vwr'i"i i'ini, b' lbf Will rt ! d-tsil tr. t.ethr wilb irr, family, apeat HtoJaf !'''' . t h. knmeof M.e Wrigbl. r. Wmbt we sway ao ebepwOif !' work eat ai d orjr t-t li eriei Tb'M ilNirisi vf ij bidrg a r rnf flab: b" . abl aiki umi naa ta l mitlly ieviUt lo attsa I ibis eli.g lniJg ao I ! a-isiMs. Iim thmnli'il Mm. i l'IMIi4 rmt Is) t-i ! ae I b it fw eiier. tif fi,m'ia: e -e wiifj-il ri"w, j j.fieif Milltesry fof Iswe. Mwe Myrtle Hmllb, rpr.etiit.g Cacapnall A U liexo, otilixry firm of PstdXi.s at.d He Dalle, will abow a eoaip'.U aod t)lih liee of n.iliii.sry at I ooe ()olUr 6 k to Oe'ober 10, HH Tea will do ll to a oor line mt ,im niroCksiog ft fell tbil'iaery. gwy Wsaus A Uy, with a bnv m or hteysie, to da- livev atMae. Halary, llS per asoetb OfAee h "I, Na.os.tolj a.; 1 to6 7 lo a p. a; Huugeie. lo r) a. a 1 1 to p m. J. a Hr, tf Hit. WeUro Toi'ia, lUosr, (V Ibey em lo be Hreting on their oara , but at aay minoe tbe c'ironr ia liable to I io demand, aa all aorta of r a mors are afloat aa to tha lol-oti io of Iba two wboee wlvea have bo alieeat.d Tbe maoly lookieg muibr i4- the combine seetns moat d-1-rM.d. aad remor bas It ia about to aba (fie off tha "mortal foil'' through. Ibe aieey f potaoo. To lbs viglteaeaof Iba Iowa marshal la credited Iba Um of reeewso far. In all prob bility their loWt so I eoergy will wear off. aad, like ILa Arabs. "will aiUotly fold their Uois aod i toe I aoay". lUaen, 8"J0 aorea, good land, 4 miles at fleppaar, all fenced, plenty ot water, baoea aad barn, 140 acree of summer fallow, all ready fof fall crop. Easy term. CaU at Ibe OaaelU offloe. rVV II A Sr Tales fa V . A ir.n.fccttrtn lewbxh ymnaobnt loUa eereuiiua' liii wwii , . a lx. ti.r- I s ate laoMil by fosti( ! siuraoH eril itf ino'ilil ani Inia Vium) are nj all Uniyg sia v wriuJ biiuie of axMH-v rwfi,i,.i. f. C ar a re t.iot if J a W4..yj ' . t , twi ta.t.loai I bvutet lre .f ad. bimsalf. loslds ths door o laotero boaa Tha mole reached for it, bang II oo Iba hams; reached agala, aod tba fireworks began. Ibe oil sprsad over lbs sorfsae of bia back.lgolled. aad, aa good fortooa was io store fur Wm. Oordoo, bie first plunge laodsd bin lo Iba street, aad for a few minutes a "piowbeel" eiblblt was aol io It Tbe po?r brute eoa aarreo drd to Iba Mbt rider", end. brae! as blmselt f Iba ordal, stood oaillosbiog onlil tba blase bad sibaoaUd He!!. Hi iujuriea were eeraly ootieebl eattl tba oit tworalog, wbo a blieUr It.e e ia of a ee4 lie bleak! developed lld the uule oneld the luUrlor of lb he's Iba eberee are tbat lleppo wooUl tut be oo Iba It I of "dtroy4 by fire", aa Ibe sveoisg wee favorable for IU "d.eirsetivs Bead". Ara Yea later 4! Tbe O. IL A N. (Va. aw boob oo Ibe Ileeooreaw ot Oregoo, Waablnftoa aod Idaho ia beiag diatribateJ, Oor readers are rrquewtad to forward tba addreeaae ottbalr East ere trieoda aad aaalat- anoea, aod copy of Ibe work will be seal tbem free. Tbia mailer all sboold ba interested la, aad we woold ek tbat everyone take aa lotret aad forward soeb eddreoc to W. II. ilarlbort, 0a at la Ola-aa ts. C1ra IIm4 ntMiBS a la akin baiiiy witlwmt it t aararvla. ( andy I'albaf- I ia rl..i viMir l.iond and su It .loaa. t adrniig an tb tasy ht and drivtog all in. wia i r i trtlflliM llm to lt iiim'i, I'mIs, Lkrti a, vtf ii. and that eu kly Mm mntisHa It tasina -iMalr trm rvnia. AD dnav wta; astiaf acUuo (waraaUsnt, g, l, K- 100 MCWAkDl WUl be paid far iatofaio leading to tbe arvewt aod eoavlrMwa) of aay por era! Paeewogef Ageat, O. It. A N. Ca I eea sUalieg salt Is brai4 MWU" Port! aad. Bakks's Araasa Beiva. Tba IUt Halve io the world fof Cat,! Itruiaae, Mores, TJleere, Halt ftbewos,! fevwr Horn, Tetl, Chapped Used, CbllMeU. Oorn. aaw all hk'a Krop- twos, aod positively cores rila or oo pay required. Ii ia gaaraolewd to give pf lent eatlafaetloa Of tsawey rWoa4a4. Prtoa 3ft awat pa tt. Fef 'sale by Hlooaaj Drag C-, K. J. rUoouss, meeeftr kl-U I kud oo lbs Utt slJ. Waddle oo tbe leoee. rT Ilfosaa. ikovl rr a. Toealy aoroe ef lead, aar a senool. Will trade far br a, faraslag eotflis.tls. Fef foMbef lafoVMistiaw ad- drew, T. W lr BIA, 79 tf Daod IUv, f. II t c r.f . ...I, alta-a tirttlir, n.ii i ,ftiii,iiifi ' tf J(4 tail ', tl it . iM sr-ir CASTOR I A For lafakU tii CliWfo, IM Yes Ki?i Ali.Ti E::.U XUese lba tigx'to Waot If i I aaaar Oara BaffsJo, K, T0lHFrawi aay paravaal koowtofgs, siad Is) ebawvleg Ibe aff4 of year Hbileb'a Con la fe of edvaorod aiMaa)pUo, 1 aas prepared to say t la tba oxwt wsaakas faosedy that baa evof b bfowgkl to y ait two. tl bse eoriataly aa4 laaay trwea iiH 1-44 it Coaosr A Wervac, f