O. R. & N. DlPAET TIME 8CHEDCLE8 Assiva ros From Heppner. from 9:30 p.m. Salt Lake. Denver, 4:50 a.m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p. m. Ocxan Steamships 4:00 p. m. From Portland. All Bailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco Bail Bent. 1, 6, 11, 16, 21. 26. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska 5:00 p.m. September 17 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivee 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Htkamkes. El. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Willamktts River 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and W ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamittk and 9:80 p. m. Tues.. Thur, Yamhill Kiverb. Mon., Wed. and Sat. . and Frl. Oregon City, Day ton St Way Land ings. 6:00 a.m. Willamette Rivkr 4:30 p.m. Tues. Thurs. Tues., Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat, lis & Way Land ings. Snake River. Lv. RIparia Lv.Lewlston d iiily except RIparia to Lewlston daily except Saturday Friday Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppner, W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Ageut, Portland, Or. DUE YOD 601 EAST? If bo, be Bare and see that your tioket reads via Tie Hortnwestern Line ....THE.... OHIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULDTfl, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Tholr Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dining ami Sleeping Car Trains, and Motto: M ALWAYS ON TIME has gl.ffii this road a national reputation. All dame of passeiiKtirs carried on the vmllliuliwl trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous lino. All agents have tlrkut. W. II. MRAD, r. C. 8AVAOR, (ion. Agent Trar. K. A P. Agt. m Washington St., Portland, Or, CHICAGO HlKwauRee & SI. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates lit traini on the famous blook system; Lights ita train by eleotrlolty ttironirb ool; Use tbo onlebratod sleotrio bertb rssd iiitf lamp; Hani speedily eqnippsj passenger trains sverv day and niifbl between Ht. I'aal and (Uiioago, and Omaba and Chicago; tha Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-beatsil veetibnled trains, carrying the latest private oornparttnant oars, library buffet amok in rara, and palact drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chair oars, snd tba very best dining obair oar service. For loses! rales to any point Id tba United Htalns or Canada, apply to agent or address O. J. KDDT, J. W. CAHET, General Agent, Trar. Pass. Agsnt. Portland, Or. Valises Start Para Llna Til HOMY MMNil t'a It HOI'l thOM liiMll Allt TO TH I IUT. 1UR UMt lIKrit IISK TO HIE YtU 1-nWnMMt SM oX At, FA UK. Imis, h. t II A. M. Hot t r. m. MFifthuJIsa Arrle. r.l Mall for Tar. .in.! Ku. I ellic. 4!irt-tr-ti ftt.ttlH ) d'l. Pla.a, H.lrl.. M'lllr, A. .....i,. I., M 10 II A. M. )' I, I I.l. (, a. ra ..t.l..n, n ail' I lul. I u and Mm I li .eat. t I nt II. ti l V. aroma and Ha I tt r. M. Mill ti iw .f I. ..Ml- Hl,m i ..t. liil-i.aa.lial. mala in,. .,,,ta S I'AVSt" l ... tJnt,M.,iia. Omaha, Kan.ee Mr aut t.lhet Muattt liol i-.li.u tAYS t t Um.u, Mlieuie 4 ( hi CO v lists .Mneii'W. rt.li.-1.lf.hia H.w ir. aiMi tirtr isr af m tnt. l'ulHi4i-iHrttM la all ),tia irl ntia tltaiaxl tbruuak (M dsaUaallea l li t.i t t S.-H. rMla4, t a4 Ills St. fwt I'lMpir fril iri.. UrSa, Map a mtitM sal vih liili-(atio, rail m a. n. ('TLTo iaw.Unl unl t Ait, i MrH s,tM, TV'4. rruaa4, Otir Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist oars without change MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouduotors and porters. ,n jo Kansas uuy, unicago, Buffalo and 'O, RftitAII U7 1 , Vl f lit V a . . .... i.l. Q.I. V nl.n Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Rys. I To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and Ttn.tin wll.hnnf .h.nv. via and Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ky. ,g To St. Joseph, Kansas City and Ht TilllU withnnt nhDn... U.1, Lake and Burlington Route. ThllNnW To Kansas City and St. Louis with muisuaja, ot change via Halt Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, lnaulre of O. R, & N. and 8. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, B. K. HOOPER. . General Agent, Gen. Pass. fc Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. O. Hakt, Local Agt. Heppner, Or. spokane falls 4 northern nelson 4 fort sheppard red mountain railways The Only All-Bail Route Witbont Change of Oars Between Spokane, Rossland and Nelson. . Also between Nelson and Roesland, daily exoept Sunday: Leave. Arrive. Hit) A. M Hpokane 8;40 P. M. Uit) A. M Rowland 8:40 P. M. B:t0 A.M. Nelson ....6:45 P. M. Close connections at Nelson with steamers for Kaaio, and all Kootenai Lake points. Passengers for Kettle River and Boundary reek connect at Marcus with etage daily. THROUGH TICKETS Trt Tiiir M0 East and Southeast 11 R. TIIE TUItODGII CAR LINE. PULLMAN PA LACK BLKKPKRH. PULLMAN TOURIST HLKKPEI18. KRKE RKCLININU CHAIR CA118. Portland to Eastern Cities Without Change. ynirk Time. I n ion L)inta. IVrHonHlly Condiicfed (excursions, MnKgHgH ('Imcked to DiMliimtion, Low luitea. Diiwt lint ti Trana-Miiwlastiinl nnl Inlar. naliiuml l:IHMilllin halll lit Onmha. Nnlrk June Ui Novemlier, Writs nmliniitfneil for rrilM. timalnhlna mil ntlinr inforuialion psrlalmng to Union Paoi&o K. K. i. II. IITIIKOI'. or J. C.HART A. Ohh. Airt.. 15 M Ht O. It, A N. Co . Portuuiil, Or. Hppner, Or. Hie Dalits, Portlaoi 4 Astoria Navigation Co. STSutkXCJcatai DALLES CIT1" AND 'REGULATOR" CummenclDg Monday, May 2nd, tba stHStnsrs or Ins lWnlalor Llns will leavs 1'ortUnd at JO a, m. and Tba Dalles st HJkls.m. When yon go to Portland, stop off at Ids Ihilles and taks a trip down ths Onlnmbis; yon will enjoy it, and ssts mousy. W. a Al.LAWAT, Oensrsl Agsnt. OREGON SHORT LINEUy. (JI'ICK KHT ASH MonT MHKCT LINE TO VTA 1 1, VOLUliADO, XE ItKASKA, KAS'SAS, MIS SOU HI RIVER and all Point EAS1 awl SOUTH. LOOK AT TIIK TIMK. NEW YORK, IJ days CHICAGO, : -ST. LOUIS. :ij -OMAHA, a SALT LAKE. 1 1 - ft lUcllnitig Cbsir Cars I'l'ltoUUrsd Tourist Hlaeplog Cars Pullman Pslaos Weeping Cars Ft full t'arttculers regarding rats, lints l trains, !., fall on or IJrs i. c. HAitr, Agsnt tt. II. A N. Coh lift .ner. Or-goi C. (. Tsssv, W. K. Ounas, Trav. Pa-. Agi. (Ka l Agt 124 Third ! I., IVtlan.1, Or. QUIOU TIM13 I 44 all swtata la l WiMt. Um 1st, Southern Pacific Co rv i 1 ait it rhr.i4 u til 4f.a fart a1 ,. fa,w4SaW Kmf a in rtMM I ivmL IMiImkm (( ' tin 1 I 1 Is iis a 1 naiaaa twvtaa. et.4it nhwVs ' 'B"ila " 4 'kaM sua ni a tm maa. u.l .iaa,a a iaiia . -! tlaaa.. r B M.k.ts.M. vav r. r. asv, iwilm, wsu Ike Regulator Line" BAYS IT WAS AWFUL. That "cast Iron" Mas Tails of Ths Cabas Campaixa. Spokesman Review. Sergesnt Obarles Bernbart, tba "oast iron" man, baa returned to Spokane, Before be enlisted in the .Sixteenth be was in the employ of tbe PaosQo bote! as a 'bus driver, and baa returned to this city to visit with bis friends daring bis convalescent period. Bernbart's ease wss one of tbe most peoahar coming to tbe attention of sur geons during tbe war. Daring the charge up San Juan hill be wss struck in tbe neck by a 60-oslibre brass bullet. Tbe bullet shattered bis neck and almost twisted bis bead out of plaoe. Tbe doc tors said there was no hope for him, but he defied their predictions and lived tbrouKb it. A part of tbe ballet has been removed, but there is still a small piece of brass in his neck. An operation will have to be performed in a few months to extraot this. 'That campaign in Cuba was soms- tbing awful," be said to tbe small group that gathered around bim at tbe Paoific hotel last to bear bis story of tbe Span lab war. "Tbe worst foe that we bad to meet was the beastly Cuban olimste. A feature which I did not appreciate and wbicb caused rauob inconvenience to all tbe men, was tbe heavy Cuban dew. Wby tbe dew down there at night is like rain. Xoo lay oat in it all night and yon will wake up in tbe morning feeling like yon had been rained on. Tba night after I was wounded I bad tj lay out and In tbe morning I was soaked tbrongb. "But Cuba is not all bad. I saw some of tbe most beautiful plaoea I ever bad the pleasure of looking at. Tbe trees and flowers there are magnificent. "The Cubans are a great people. Even the ohildren know bow to fight. I ssw little 14-year old boys shoot guns wnioh they oould hardly lift to their shoulders. Tbe kids get right oat and fight with the men and they knov just about as mnoh about war as anybody. Tbe day we landed in Cuba I saw one of tbese boys shoot a Spanish sbsrpsbooter. One of tbe most amusing things I saw was in tbe latter part of Jane. For tbree days before our charge op Ban Juan bill ws were camped about tbree miles from tbe Spanish lines. One day two of these little Onban boys oame Into our camp bringing a burly Cuban whom Ibey bad osptared with them. The boys were little tots, soarcely able to oarry tbeir guns and tbe man looked almost like a giant beside tbsm. But they had him in complete control. He marched ahead and whenever be mani fested any disposition to be contrary they would stiok him with their baron eta and be would subdue. "Tbey delivered bim over to us, stat ing that be was a Spanish spy whom tbey had osptared. We were aoable to do anything with him, so ws handed bim over to tbs Cubans, who were camped near us. They searohed bim and found a large number of maps and valuable papers. He had been in tbe Cubsn army but bad deserted and had been a seoond lieutenant's commission in tbe Spanish' army. lie had corns into our oamp as a spy, aod, having seoarsd tbe information he desired, was return ing to tbe Spsnish lines wbeu overtaken by ths boys." "Do yoo think ws oaght to keep Cabs?" Inquired ons of his hearers. "Well. I don't know. The Cubans ars ths grsstest fighting people on earth and to keep them in oontrol ws would either bars to kill them all off or give them soood threshing evtry morning before breakfast. Tbsy bar been duina nothing bat fight tor tbs last tsa years and havs forgotten every other business Now that ths Bpanisb ars being driven from tbs island and tbsy ars running out of material to ksep np tbeir speci ally, I would ont be surprised if Ihsy eommsnosd fighting tbs Amsriosni just to ksep in praotics. Tbsy will bs worss thsn ths Indians svsr dared to bs. "Tbsy ars the most psrfsotly org snlssd fighting psopls on ssrtb. Tbsy all bsvs a countersign. Whsii tba Cubans msel msn aod bs oan't give tba pass word, it sll off with bios. "But Cabs is great eouolry aud s could nss it svso It tbs Cohans srs thsrs. Ws Mm! J send an army tbsra and kill sll lbs Cubans off aod Ibso might sslsb lisb psscs." HUM. MINKY HtVKIuKY. tt4 Very iaS4aly la Tas Dallss Wall. Ksroil (sit. ft.avburt Illy Msvle. II.. Usury Ilssklsy, of Drmglas eonnty, enroots East on visit, disd at Tbs Dalles shortly aftsr ths midnight trsia arrived oa day last weak. Us suffersJ with heart disease and bsJ bo ill on tba train lor ssvsral hours. Ths ootnlootur IsUgrsphsd to Dr. IVisos t bs at tba depot vara ths train arrived at II. lit Tbs doetor was prases.!, end fooo.l Mr. Ibrkley suffering terribly, sud bad b m removed at one in lbs Farmers' boisL Trsatsnsnl wss ad ministered to rshsvs bis suffering, bat despite lbs rfliirls of lbs ptijsioleo, bs died soon aftsr reselling lbs bolsl. Mr IWeklsy bad sufTsrsd fur sums time past from bsart I roubles aad tbal ws lbs ran of bis death. Tbs resssiss wsrs sin la lined and shipped ti bis boms at eiklon. lUnry lieekley wss bord tn tUlUe land oovsty, ladtaaa, Jaooary 4,111 lis seius o Oregon is 1H.V1, aad was married t Miss Mary Woodeoa, at Topsails, os) Jsastry 13, W4. Thlrleea etnldres) were br U (bent, sit yea of Met. ars still llviaaT. Us alesis took as astivs latevesl la pntitls affairs aad elesUd ooaly SomSBleslouer Is repreeeatstlv la Kb, and stats seoatot la pvj Us ba4 arualred smasiderabU aeoary, sad Iks bnsssl. aprtsbl sssaaev is whisk all bis tmsieees was tisasexted saads trieexts of all Sao loss Mrs. ly bis death Ikii las snantv lees oas of Its mel kooel snd r-v4 siiisHii Ills r. stairs te tnutil s Ha Klslsr aigt t aa l takes is bs ipsa St .;! lot ta mcsificcnt eirr. Miss Flood Gives 13,000.000 to Ualvsrslty of Callforaia. - J. W. Elford, the stadent of tbo Uni versity of California who was in PeodU ton a short tims sgo, as noted st that tims, informed the East Oregonian that promise had been made by several very wealthy Californians of largs sums of money aggregating nearly $10,000,000 for the endowment of the university and tbs erection of a magnificent group of oollege buildings. Mr. Elford said a represent ative of the university is now in Europe studying architectural styles for tbe proposed new structures. One of tbe gifts referred to has been made, as told by the San Francisco Call : A most mauifiosnt gift has been made to the University of California by Miss Jennie Flood. It consists of tbe palatial Flood mansion at Menlo Park, with tbe ornamental grounds, consisting of MO acres, togstber with a traot of land of about 1,200 Bores and four-fifths of tbs capital atook of the Bear Greek Water company. Aooording to tba estimate of John W. Msokay, who is now in the city, and who was intimately aasooiated for many yeara in business with the father of the donor, this gift amounts in value to over tbree million dollars. There is but one oondition atlaobed to it, and that a very easy one in faot, a oondition that would in all probability be oarned oat without any request having been made in regard to it. Miss Flood simply asks that tbe ornamental grounds sur rounding the mansion be kept in good order within a reasonable area tor a period ot 50 years. The proceeds from tbs gift are to be devoted to some braoob of commercial education. It is a singular and bappy coincident that tbe regents of tbe' university reoently established a commercial department in tbe institu tion, and Miss Flood's generous endow ment will suable tbsm to oarry out their ideas on a most liberal scale. The donation cams as a surprise to all but a few of the regents, and, following tbe liberal gifts of Mrs. Hearst, whose fortune, like that of tbe Flood eetate, was derived from the development ot mining interests, will provs of vaat ben efit to the oaasb of higher education in California. At tbe same time, it may Influence other rioh peopls to devote a portion ot their wealth for sdacational institutions. FOOLED HIM. t bs Tbla Man Was a Professional Traak B masher. A thin man with a distressing; cough was inspecting; some tiortmanteaus and trunks in front of a Vest End shop the other day, when the proprietor of the place appeared and Asked: "Looking for a portmanteau, sir? "Yes." "Here's the best thirty-shilling bag ever made, and I am the only one that sells 'em less than 5." "No good," replied the man, with a sorrowful shake of his head. "One of these trunks wouldn't stand the jour ney from hero to Bradford." "What! I'll warrant 'em to go round the world. Take hold of one and bang it about and convince yourself," "Do you give mo leuve to teat its strength?" "Of course I do! Take hold." Thj man with a distressing cough drew In a full brenth, railed out: "By your leave, there!" hh if warning a plat form full of pnasengers, and then took hold of the trunk. "Kip!" went the handle, bung went the loek. and as be stood It on one end and upset it and Hopped it back again, one hinge broke loose and it split in two. With a twist of the wrist he gave tbe two halves a slam-bang, which com pleted the wreck, and with a bow to the seller of )ortninnteaus be Joined the crowd and diaappenred. "I pon my soal!" grinned the pro prietor, as he viewed the ruins, "but 1 made s mistnke in him! He's a rail way porter. Instead of s dying travel er!" Sheffield (Eng.) Telegraph. lalaaders Plaae ? Hals. Tbe residents oX the Trie Inland have been siifTrring from a plague of rata for Kiiie time, and nothing that waa dons teeiiM'd to afford any relief. The rodents fairly overran the pl-e. A few days ago s niiiutier of farmers started out to rid the m ighliorhood of the peats. After a liurd ilu v's work l.MOruU were killed, but the executioners were exhausted, ml declare that in future a new meth od v. Ill have to be invented to kilt off the inlt. A great niimlier of valuaMe fruit trees hn leen destroyed by the rsta, snd the fnrmel ire afraid that link' lr il lc measure are adopted at "lite the IMiT crt will b srrioualy danuiged. Toronto Mail. Tha I ..- r NuM-r.i:tloa Sup. rtiti.n I. i t v i.lmnt itsuaea. Purine l!i tr !!:.! .. t f the recent lr.mrr!tl H It.-. 'v t ;' 'iil Iren of one of the lm.lH jt; riiti r. of the province of N-I.r i.i In. i r ir.iii in which the Mail. mi a np-B? i t t'l.m nnl said that ruin v c' I i. M n i mhiu a an lioac t.f h. r f 1 itr'c I in a certain field ci't-ld I v! ';;. Many pcaoanU aetitvi'ti I'm' m ;uitrtl "tip" began at once t til f .-r t;ie imatre. After several laj '." l,.U rtltey unearthed two anel.ut i-hhIm. co rut-, with mars palntitv- . ni;i tin.ne vsluable vaws Near !y tVm tiny uneovrred ansa tline lintiM-, In i iii i.f the rooms f whUliwsi a li ni'.r rcprrM-oUtinoof S I. it it . in I cure. 'I Uia the raaarit rle rUr. 1. 1 I the lmai,e ileignatet la the ulream. atul It baa been an object of a li-rat.i n ti the tlonanla of viaii In (iillui a l. An energvtis pvleat lis l.lii itia-l an altar thers, sad si every pilrun h ave sortie ttxiney whet is ii t It there has bees s raia m t4d if tuA of water As Entsrsrlelftf DrMtilst. There srs fee sms stars skis ssske sil soierpflslsf Ines fU J. Hlocsrs, sko spares s psios Is sswurs Us tee f fervtbiB Is bis tins for bis estov ssfnsaees. He lias lbs velseble tesoy f )r. Kiel's Ns lKverf I tosssiapltiis, Cusfbs s4 IVnl.ls. 1fcit Is lbs esdetfal retsedr Ihst Is smdsela sseh s tan sll over the fsetrf bf lis ssanf stsrtllsf ssres. It aheulatelv ssres Astbass, Hresehlbs, IlosreanMs ssd sll ailtiea til tbe Thnl. Cr,et as I Lseae. CsJI el arwve (tfrf lire ss4 trial tntlie free ft rlsr t far AO Seats ssj 1 1 A. Uwsrsstssa W eS st MS M'tssiwl. Right! The moat costly br.king powder to make is Schil lings Best but no money is wasted in making it. ALASKA. Six sleeps in a sleeper from Montreal, Aud a moon or so from the end of the line. And you stand at the foot of the great white wall That is white with the snows that fall and fall. O'er the cedar dwarfed and the drooping pine That grow at the feet ot Alaska . Old and wrinkled and cold and gray, With her white pall pulled over her atony breast ; Frowning and frigid and far away, She has ever stood as she stands today In the desolate wastes of the wide northwest Stands this hoary old woman Alaska. Unmolested for thousands of years. Isolated, remote and lone: Her hard face glacial with frozen tears, While over her shoulders and in her ears The winds of the North-Land wall and moan In the ears of Mother Alaska, A party of prospectors passed that way, And they thought the old faoe had forgotten its frown, And pausing, they pulled her white robe away And found her treasure: "Ah, q'est que e'est?" Said the French Canadian, kneeling down At the feet of Mother Alaska They told their story and men went wild, And pawned their chattels and joined the race. The old croon jingled her gold and smiled, And the gold mad men of tbe world beguiled With a promise of fortune In that far place, At the feet of old Mother Alaska. But O, the rivers are wide and deep, And the north wind blows with a killing breath; And over the mouatslns so rough and steep The old dread reaper shall come and reap ; The grim old reaper that men call Death Shall reap the white fields of Alaska. Puyallup Citizen. ARTIFICIAL MILK. Doctors Are Puzzling Over the 1'roblem of How to Feed tbe Babies. Medical scientists more than any other class of persons realize the neces sity for some substitute for milk for feeding infants and young children. There are so many imperfectly nour ished babies, and so many little ones that show unmistakable indications of wrong feeding, that the chemist and tbe doctor are becoming concerned as U the future health and development of bottle babies. The one-cow's milk idea has ceased to be attractive, nnd doctors and nurses long since lost faith in it. Even the cow selected with tbe utmost care from the best conditioned herd and kept in the most approved way, uiny be come a source of evil by developing un suspected diseases. In view of these facts, experiments have been made with a new preparation which is to be substituted for ordinary diluted milk. This mixture iscomposed of -cow's milk, veal bouillon, sugar of milk and cream, and is prepared as fol lows: "A piece of veal weighing eight ounces and a half is allowed to boil for 45 minutes in 17 ounces of water. After this is finished, a sufficient quantity of water is added to increase the amount of bouillon to 17 ounces. A mixture of 750 grains each of cow's milk and of veal bouillon contains only 1.35 percent. of fat, and in order to complete the three er cent, of fat a teaspoon ful of cream is added, together with 53 grnins of sugar of milk." This preporation hns proved verv sat isfactory. It coagulates in the form of fine, soft pnrticlea, nnd a numler of children fed with It were entirely free from bowel troubles or evidences of mal nutrition. N. Y. Ledger. rirkleit (herrlee. To every quart of cherriea allow s coffee cupful of vinegar, one-half cup ful or sugar, one doen whole cloves. half a do.eu blades of nince; put the mgnr and vinegar on to heat with the 'piers, lioil five minutes, turnout Into a covered stoneware vessel and let It get perfectly cold. Hrabi out the piers, fill small ,1nr three-fourths full if cherries, then fill up with cold vlne anr. Seal tightly. Let tbe stems re mnln on ths cherries. Ladies' World. WHtKC TO rJI'ENU YOLK VACATION. The present redaoed rates eon Id nut bavs prevailed at s mors opporinus time, Ths en miner vsostion time I hers, snd sll hi ess aff ird it are planning to taks advantaire of the diffvr- snces betveen tbs warrintf ratlrosds Tbs attention of those who oonteraplate trip Cast, whether il be to lbs uinnn- tais resorts of Colorado, tbsOrashsri position, or points beyond, is esllr l t' tbs sJvantages offered bv lbs Itio Oraods Westsro Hsilwsj. Its lios and those of its Colorado joonnsotlona mo IbroOKh tbs besrtot tbs Hookies, IsiIuk tbs traveler assy from ths alkali and sgs brosb of Its Northern soropetitore, aad oat of tbs best of ths emntr lbronh which its eompetilurs os tbs sontb ran. For tbs comfort of those, shoes purse will sot permit litem t rnj y all the privileges of first rises tkkel. the Illo tirsnds Westers lie loaiifnarstrd series of tosnet eiesreiops. Ths (srs seej srs owned and operated by lbs Pallroas Palses Csr oompaojr. They are is charge of special eoodsotnr and porters, wboes sole dsties srs to lnk after tbs comfiirt of their pseeetigers Tbssars srs stleobed l fs.t eiprrss trains, snd held over In Hell Lske Citj twelve boars, giving ths gats a day Is tbs Mnrmos riHsl. This ly sver sles Inssrees dstliht rtile Ibringb tbs lUwkies. Ose of these rimretitit srs ras Ibmas-b ta It -ton ; oae I t Cliissgo, vis Omsbs; aes taCblee"i, vis Ksosss City snd lbs foarth Ht Lnats. Rseb foes nwr s different ro l esel t( OdiirsJa, giving the peeeergr S rblrs of rnsUs. Tb.ee eiesr.l.ins leave PnrlUsd Mn.ly, Tnee-tsy, UVInedsy ssd Tbitre.Ir el eseS seek. fat Infnrmsitns as la re'es, sn I f..f deerrlptivs petnprileis. SiMfM i. 1 MeeaOeld, seeersl Sfasl, ltit Ofn1 Weelers Kstiway, Ui fsi-J etreel.tVrt las t, Uregs. B.aevSesy Sere s. Taei'Srets ( s tr Calhartar. U ssnel Wns getf al fii i)mo ef ef U-m B-. P Sal aM ra'rraK.Bf n Use tea1. s feiy a4 eietlvMy e kkleeva, liver lae?ais, rl-Sf,nf tl e-H'ir aafn. a rl.la, eaw hias'e, tv e. r-a ttl ,taiietns s- 1 bm NMai I'.oaa.- !. mtti try m bs elf 1.1' i4t. !, M.Ba rta'MBiS g eWealeaat W tvse t' mU Srage(S. A Beautiful Present In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, I. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. Tbese presents are in the form of Beautiful PasfGl Pictures I They are 13x10 inches in size, Lilacs and Pansies. 1111 f SEARCH Pansies and Marguerites. MAKE3 COLLARS MID CUFFS sm found or this starch will so At FAR AS A FOUND AND A HALT n r HiiniNfiFR SaafctAUtfttHksi 1 nese rare pictures, tour in numDer, dv R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects L i; j ct ir ... y . .i .l- in 111s stuaio ana are now onerea ror me nrsi lime to me puDiic. The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing mem in oeauty, ricnness 01 coior ana Une ot these pictures will be given away with each package of purchased of your grocer. It is the is soia tor 10 cents a pacKage. ask your grocer tor this starch and get a beautiful picture, s ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIO STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE The Pygmies of Iceland. In "Purchas, His Pilgrimage," a rare old-time book, very few copies of which are now in existence, the fol lowing account is given of the "pig mies" of Iceland: "There are also Pig miessor very little men and women here who represent the most perfect shape of men, but they are hairy to the ut most joynts of the fingers, the mayles having beards down to the knees; but, although they have the shape of a man, yet they have little sense or under standing, nor distinct speech, but make a kind of hissing after the manner of eese." Wliers Ignoranee Is Profitable. "Have you had your appendix re moved?" "Oh, yes, twice. The second doctor didn't know I had had appendicitis be fore." Brooklyn Life. The Jaws of Death. Brown That man ought to badeco rated by congress. Jones What for? Brown Bravery. Be married TJen- peck's widow. Up-to-Date. HHPPNKR IRANSFKR CO.'S Belled express Is coming. Poes deliver work on short order. 10 cents and up wards, I'll tat WHifon is N11. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" tele phone olllce. We Move Anything!. BO YIAR8 txptmiNCg. .. THADI MARKS. 't1 . OISIQNS, f' OOfVSIOHTg S.O. Anrrme sendlnt S akrtrh and daarriptinn nit Smrklr aanrlaln, free, whattaar an liiTeution la prnimhiy pataniahla. rnnimiinlradona strlrilr routhlaiiiial. OIiImk aeaiwr foram'urina paian'e " Amarice. Wa hi. a WaahinictoD oftira. .iJ!,''.,uk,, hrousa aluiia A Cu. reoslvs spesial uuUoa In tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bfaotlfnllv Illustrated, lanmt elrnilatlon r S!'L,"rt,",me )""l. ""sir, lornn H ui a raari f l.ao.ix niHitha. SMrlnin eupln and Uaso buoi OH i'ATKirrs seinirae. AtWraas MUNN s CO., al Ureedeev. Mew Vers. v T s 1 ai ai.ma TW0 SPLENDID TRAINS DAILY TO TIIE EAST fill VIA Rocky Mountain Limited Laava DKSVK.R, . n a. m. ti"U. Hi'HIMm . . a. s. Arriraalll OI.N , . 114 p.m. ' OMAHA . . Ws.a. ' tm MolNfH , . . a. m. " lAVKMtlif . . s m. " IIIICAIIO 1 11 p. m. N.St la Tl. roach HlMe snd IW t'ara Clara. I to hlracn. Hhla vniibule tbruimbuet. Tbe Snaat I nun la tbs Wek These are New Trains in addition to our former service. Tot particular sad folders givios time of iheae tro write W. M. riSTM. Uaa. Agt., liKNYHIl. A. t. I GENE HAL TASSKNOKU DErArtTMENT. Sfisceasis Cieveat ties MlLWACEK, Not. S, 18U7. PATHONS of tlie WUeoosio Central Linos io j'assicK tLrougb Chicago may rcijuirs smhus Snaist ttjce in the wsjr of Lsviog tbeir banj lia'gsgs takfo form or to train sod csrrisg. or but, or in many other ways, and tbsy will Sod sll tbst is dririHl io this r Hct io tbs sorTice) of tbs Ushers st tbs OrsoJ Central rssseocer Si at ion, bo 1st rfoetilly bcn ttbifurmed vitb tron suit d1 rsl cap. Tbey will b in waiting st sll trains j.reparf.l to ssaist a. soe,i, ol it is bop! ht our pstmtit will fully avail themselves nf this a 1 litioosl pr viaion for tboir corofutt. jar c. ro.M, G0 I Fsssf. Aai and are entitled as follows: Wild American Poppies. STIFF AND NICE Lilacs and Iris. Rn.nro the renowned pastel artist, ill A 3 01 coior ana artistic merit. s Elastic Starch ! artistic merit. best laundry starch on the market, and Ladies, No More Darning. The Metric Hand Loom, made of pol ished, rolled steel. Latest Invention for mending clothing, underwear, table linens or heel and toe in hosery. A child can work it. Perfect weaver. Sent postpaid, 25c. Great Western Advertis ing and Novelty Co., 11-55K Washington St.. 8'2-90 Oakland, Cal H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. fc Q., C. M. & Bt. P., C. & A., P. Pt. W. t C. and the C. Bt. L. & P. Railroads. HATKS 9s3.oo PBH OAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton St., CXXCa.Gr-0. ZZjXi. State Normal Stfiool Weston, Oregon. The most successful year's work ot the fitate Normal School st Weston, Oregon, closed last June with the graduation of twents student. FALL TERM Opens September 5, 1898, Full course of study, Scientific snd Profes sional, Vocal and Instrumental music. Healthful location, good society aud pleasant surrounding. Board In families from 11. to I3.S0 Rooms for those who desire to board them selves can b had st reasonable rates. Boarding hall tor young ladles In connection with the school under ths careful supervision of a matron, board, fuel snd lights st 2 40 to $ l.M per week. Catalogues sud information furnished upon application. 7.k 1 1 Colorado Flyer Arrives Tdl'KKA . . 7 JT ' " HANNAH CITY . Uai Ar. T. tOt'IH. (Wab.rr) I II p. m. Arrives HT JOHr PH - IIXIH.N irtHqal " OMAHA lEtHesl nn a. m. n a, m. U a. as. Tbniusb Bleaper CoUmvlu Hprlnc la Bt Umis vis W.baah H . 10UTE I. f. M'LCQO. 4HQ . A . ll l. "sWsVSBsVsW- ' J ti "r? -eVsfke I f I I e Ike faoA UaM, CO, II M I Vssac sees eed s IdSle See) saesi aaa an .a llhtlfNuJ .1 . . . ei.i i aaainw a4 I knwal ' p ...r IM4 Maakaa l.i.aap...,..,, Sa.rsistansea, rrMMm... liMwtaaa. l.t. , " - - - -wmrnm m f m ' r"elia, a (Mat rwaiiaaanao ar. la. I kaa.a aaa . - . . ilm S a Ml a4 al a S MMaria aW IM I au WuA a. . i . - i m T lllnim a M .. . : ' . - aav.Mal irS SkS tjssss X h, aaa-n aa. V weave e n4 Tit X 1 1 es i k ,i ""V vee ""r- e mi r S I . 4 e-rt. ,:. I f.1 't a a. km.- u l VVr.' f " ba, be. A alMta b4 ae I TleiT Slav ) Hresvt Mnsenn sf Ansttorrtr has e-l kTs Ma-a 4 .,.!. ,4 a-a-Mi. t a-ae al aM k. "- f S'-H - aaraj aa4 .a e - , a.-. a aiaiaaa . urii..lli, i,l,amu,