Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 23, 1898, Image 3

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Are Irx Town
Ohio Woman Suffered Great Aoonw
From a Terrible Sore Her Story of
the Case, and Her Cure.
"For many years X was afflicted with a
milk leg, and a lew years ana it hmiia nt.
In a sore and spread from my foot to my
knee. I suffered treat mre. n
burn and itch all the time and discharge
b great aeai. jay Health was good with
the exception of this sore. I tried a nwi
many kinds of salve, but some would
irritate the sore so that I nnnM horriiv
stand the pain. I could not go near the
Are without suffering intensely. Some one
sent me papers containing testimonials of
cures oy xioou b barsaparilla, and I told
my husband I would like to trv t.h
iclne. He got me a bottle and I found it
aeipea me. 1 Kept on taking it until my
limb was completely healed. I cannot
praise nooa's Barsaparilla enough for the
great benefit It has been to me. It
cleanses the blood of all impurities ano
leaves it rich and pure." Mrs. Anna E.
Eaken, Whittlesey, Ohio.
You can buy Hood's Barsaparilla of all
druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's.
Hnnrl'c Pi lie are the 'write family
UUUU f lHS cathartio. Price 26o.
Sunday II a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
111 At tTI ' I aa&na Kin 1 1 it . . .
fcpwortb League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
rrayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m.
The Hpihit and the bride nay. Come."
The pastor may be found at the pareonaae ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may dceire to consult him on
relutious, bouhI. oitio. philosophic, educational,
or any other subject.
J. W. VLUHilKIt, Minister.
Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
Ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. U. L. shelly.
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at S o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs.
T. 1. Matlock
The Gazette is Dot heralding ita oom
ing with a brass band bat its oircalalioo
oso be determined at tbe Ueppoer posl
offloe. Advertisers wil! please note this.
Local Notes.
See M. Liclitentbal Go. for shoes, a
Tbe postoffloe inspector is doing Hepp
ner today.
What ia Hop Gold? Best beer on
earth. Hee ad, elsewhere. s
Tbe lower warehouse has an nnlimit.
ad soppy of seed rye for tale. 85 In
Llchtentbsl A Co. for shoes. Exclusive
boa store. Handles (be beat. 83lt
United States Commioelooer A. Mai
lory 'a card ia !o another column.
Dr. A. C Greenlee, eoroer Grand ave
nue and East Morrison at, Portland, tf
1 I 1.- . A . .
im7i van restaurant, neat end clear.
Meals 25 oeots. Open day aod night.
Tbe Oaaelle'i sobsoriptlon price ot
$1W Is listing subscribers every day.
Oainoeese'g femooc old "Dublin
Btooi," imported, at Cbrla Borobera'
Rev. Tboroogbmao will preach io the
M. E. cbarob, Hoatb, polpit Buodsy
Leoey A Wilson mads tome big ship
ments of nottoa to Chicago from this
point tbis week.
Dr. J. W. Yoga), specialist for refreo
tioa and defects of tbe eye, will be bare
very three moo tbe. f4H-Iyr
"Oo'o Joine" i all right bat Low Til
lard bae a braod ot It-yser-old roods
Ibat is bard l beat. fjo3 If.
At laat Ibe much seeded raia baa
overtakea oa, the dust laid aod Ibe
ettsnepbere cleared.
1'aioleee rem for eitraotiog teeth.
If ool as staled, bo charges. Try Dr.
Vaogbee'e as plae. (VH-lf.
W. J. ftrowoell. Fred phaik aod Owo.
Reiser were la with big tama for Jobe
Day freight IhU week.
If yo ad something for yoor tysUta
all at the 'Ihoae Tbe Telephone se
loo. City bolel building, tf
Tweetr foor thooeead poonde of weo
ere oteig oed to H ilberseo II roe , Cbl
, Toxlay ty N. A Klly.
Det aoeooimodatloa tad eoorteoas
IreatOMNil at ibe lesparlal lIoM.Hevenlb
tad Weak. Hu., rortleod, Oroe.
Briag font M4e, rlie aod fare to
lUa. Matbewe, at tbe Llriy Mal
Market, tie pay bigbM Barkt fto.
E. O. Noble A Co. art raelUre aMr
bsioa. Tbe tntl st-t lla aed bar
eM to be fotrnd la Uv(er. Hs h.t
ew a4 la lba teaaa. tf.
Tbe Kdiaow Bbo Comraay art m
kaod. IUd their Ma4" la Mother ml
ema aJ take tbe tadiM, wie aad
ttie toaigbl aad lieorrow aigkt.
t - . ..i i
, J , BRTO a 8TOWABT, - - - Ktegpner, Oregon.
and Winter Ifcv ,
and ROYS' Mackintoshes and Box Coats -OUR goods
H. Blake, of Rook Greek, has now
oommenoed hauling his' wool, wbioh
will be stored at tbe O. L. & T. Oo.'s
Pearl Jones bas moved his family to
town from Eight Mile, and will buy
grain tbis fall and wiuter tor the Fuoifio
Elevator company. 1 ! ; -.
Bartholomew Bros, made a consign
ment of 30,000 pounds of wool to Henry
F. Allen, of San Franoisco, soooessor to
Allen & Lewis, tbis week.
Night before last the ladies bowled the
top soores at tbe alley. Leave tbe babies
with the neighbors and forget tbe annoy
anoe of home troubles oexl Wednesday
Be not deoeived! A cough, hoarsuess
or oroup are not to be trifled with. A
dose in time of Hbiloh's Cure will save
you much trouble. Sold by Oonser &
V'arren. v
E. E.HanBen,a son of a well-koown
Salem livery mau, baa been iu town for
several dajs awaiting tbe shipment of
J. W. Fix's sheep, wbiob be will acoom
puny east.
Dyspepsia cured. Bhilob's Vitalizer
immediately relieves sour stomach, com
ing up of food distress, and ia the great
kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Den
ser k Wurreu. v
Cure that congu witb Sbilob's Cure.
Tbe best oougb cure. Ktlieves oroup
promptly. One milium bottlos sold laoi
year. 40 doses for 2fjele. Sold by Cou
ser & Warren. v
Dr. M. B. Metzler, tbe dentist, who
bas recently looaled iu our oitv. baa liia
office for the present with Dr. MoFaul.
those iu need of dental services should
oail aud see bini. if
Ladies, take tbe best. If von are
troubled with constipation, sallow akin,
and a tired feeling, take Karl'e Clover
rea, it ia pleasant to take. Sold bv
Uouser A Warren. v
Karl's Clover Root Tea ia a pleasant
laxative. Regulates tbe bowels.
the blood. Clems tbe complexion. Easy
to make and pleasant to take. 25 t.
Sold by Conser A Warren. v
On September 80ib a dance will be
given at tbe opera bouse. Uuod mosio
will be furnished aod no pains soared to
make it a most euj lyable party. Every.
body cordially invited to alleud. 86 3t
Tbe Morrow County Land A Trout
company have decided to go ioto the
wheat buying business extensivel tins
rait, aod it is important tbat growers in
terview tbem before disposing ot their
Mrs. Ella Fratirr. national DrMi.li.nt
of the Womeo'i Relief Corps, arrived
tbis inoroiug from Eugene and held an
ioepeotioo of tbe local corps here daring
Ibe day, at tbe borne of Mrs. Balls. Hue
will leave oo tonight's traio.
Carl Browo, Ibe gentlemanly baiober
boy, who installed himself ia Ibe good
graoee of Ibe pablio io Ibat espaoity, ia
oow tbe eight dark at Ibe Pal toe hotel.
He lakes to bis aew oalling witb tbe
grace of ao old time "profetnlnoal'.
Wm. Hamilton, formerly a stock meo
of lismilloo, baa Just erroteJ a suitable
buildlog at Ibat place, aad passed
through here yeeterdsy oo hie way to
Portlaod aud Sao Fraoolsoo to lay io
Complete stock of general meroheodlao.
We ark oo led go a very valaablo little
booklet ot iBformatluo and advloe re
lating o patents, eaveale, trademarks
aod copyrights, bantu by a A. Hoow A
Co., aiiororys aod solicitors of Ameri
eao aod foretgo pateuU, of Wsi.lcgto0.
No, Ibat Ibe war eeaaoo la about
over, frasb caodiee are ia order, and
Jeme Uart will devote bis lime to lha
maoofaclore of Ibe ebotexl delioaclae io
Ibe liae of cr.aoia. Uffy, eto. la f eel, all
klode of ooieoilooery are Io he fouod
lbwe. m,, (
Time are bllr oow aed tbrre w oo
Deed of yonr drmklog poison for reoo-
otny'e eake. A frreb aapoly of choice
rol mlTWe si :"0, lo, Sua, 3.14 aad I o
per poood Joel rlvd by P. C Ttiomp
eoe A Co Good eaeortsMBl of grea
e ffe's also. jt
Dr. Joha W. Kxaana. of Ibo "JUd
ligbl." evr oa Ibo alfl fur Qaitg
aew, eao famish yoq ibe Cnwl pot k
tails la tic laol UanUlWe, Jfttf,
Vermoolh or Oto otade by aa artial la
Ibo bns,e. Irp io aod lake ll,e
laU oul of oor OxMilb. If
"A aw garUr barkle leaei'tsror
lit SbislJ Wild froaw aaasksta aad
AourKsa an I Cubsa tc fl;lag fmra
Ibe Urwla," says a jsweUr't pop'. A
Doe te pap" reeaarks, we nay be all
arroaated l lows il,lun of p'rtt
Uai wiikaet ever kaewmg II.
(V-ojit'Otrg H-, lii.lMf 2it te etary
WdMda? agM. lonlediag O t.lr
l?ib.lt.0 It A X (Vt.oil. rnood I'lp
lirkxe r lb-I' -tltl I.mui.II i.
p-.a el Ibe rale of t 1, ieelodig
txltils. Ut Ifce str""'!'.
It", 'I fii-i If trt I 'J- I
h 'j , V f b)'
With a Complete and Select Stock of.
Oregon Wool Makinaws
Coats, rubber-lined
-daCAI.lv AND KE5
Cheap exonrsion rates to the Oreson
State fair, September 22 Io 30, 1898,
Just think ot it! Only one fare tor the
round trip on the Southern Faolflo lines
in Ore. oo to see the highest olass of at
tractions, exciting sport and entertain
ment every day. Speoial day all
through the fair. One fare for tbe round
trip takes you to the great exhibition
and home again.
Tbe Marquam Grand, on Morrison
street in the Marquam building, is under
excellent management aod tbe publio
will b.e royally entertained this winter.
New companies and new faoes will ap
pear from time to time at this popular,
first-olass theatre of Portland, and when
in Portland our denizens should not fail
to take io some ot the fine dramas tbat
will be presented. tf
Wednesday morning Charles Tpffl
moved into tbe Palaoe hotel, where be
will role supreme for some time to come.
It is unnecessary to annonnoe tbe faot
mat be was followed by an army of
hungry beings. Wherever Charley goes
the people are with him, aud from this
on we prediot a reputation for the
Palaoe hotel tbat will eclipse tbat of any
other hostelry in the uorthweet.
Tbe Klondike Nugget, one of the two
papers established at Dawson, ia having
a bard time finding their subscribers,
who pay 8.'4 a year for the privilege of
gfttinir a semi-weekly edition. A para
graph in a reoenl issue explains the
difficulty by saving that it is very bard
to find some of Ibe houses according Io
the addresses left at tbe office. Among
those mentioned were "the oabio with
the screen door," "tbe slab house faoicg
Ibe river," "the cabio three doors eouth
of where all thedqgs are." Seattle Post
Intelligenoer. Wine ls Takes a Partner.
Wing Lee, a wealthy Ohit.e m..
obanl of John Day, came to town tbe
nrst ot tbe week with hie private con
veyance to meet an Oriental damsel,
wnom Wing bad imported under tbe
protection of a better lookioo Mongolian
from below. Tbe affection, lend.m...
and care bestowed opon tbe charge by
tbe faithful escort betweeo here and the
junction, impressed tbe trainmen of a
relationship, soch as "brudder, caasio"
or the likes. Wing explained to bis busi
ness friends: 'She, my wife." "Too
muohee all time live alooe;you sabby ?"
" Dark ( loads."
Tba fuo of a "coon honl" on a Missis
sippi bottom was barely a eiroamstaoea
oom pared to Wednesday morning's bus
tle of Iwo colored factions for tbe posses
sion ot two other fellowe "yaller gals".
Iteiore and guns filled Ibeir paotalooos,
and bad it not been for tbe vigilaooe of
Marshal Thornton there woold have
been eome "wool polliu, sorer. Oo
little nigger was itching all over for a
tight. By nigbt fall they had stilled
Ibeir diffarenoes aod all weul home to
Of fur Ike fair.
N. C. Maria left will 1i i
borougbbred snorthorne Wednesdav
oigbl for tbe fair at Yakima. Principal
among Ibem ware "Cooaaaror". m. l
"Gey Monareh", tbal woa world-wide
recognition al tbe Chicago rxpneitiuo;
oioerry aod Ittao Ladr. tba laii
owned by Oscar Mioor, aod Iwo etlvee,
bleb Mr. Minor thinks are Oral award
inoere la any ooropany. Both Mr.
Maris aod Oacer Minor have woo a great
many awards and rrenaeiiioa for ih.ir
etock, which brings Morrow county Ioto
reogoity as far ahead of tbe Will.a.tle
valley Io the perfect Ovelnomeol of Ilea
lock io aeral. Mr. Mioor will leave
la a few days for Omaha, where he will
have aa opportaoity of osoetin it,.
ebampioa atorlof Ibe Ceiled Htal.s and
forviga eooolrlee. Ue is very eothaai.
eile la bis work of lolrodoeieg Ibe best
attainable slock ioto Or0, aad will
pare oo tipe or pains Io reooblag
oa'looal rtbll.it. where ha can am.4.
and raeke eompariaoea.
IWl 0rlsk
Ilfowa A fjtewert. who are avjoliaoali.
d ling o iblr stork, aod aow have
Ib.lr shelves aod aoaaWrs Uemlag with
ooJe suitable for fall trade. Ibey are
bare for baie aad pr"p o let the
pablia kaow M. Tb.tr Udi' r 4
re g'riog al a livaly rale, aed Ibe erne
Ikaily stamped it,a gode for faeey
ork eolte a prubUm of "Wbel shall I
do to ! away tb limr with Ibe
I diwi. Call aod Bake tear eeleelioa.
"f su
A boy, a lib a borM of Ueyrte, bi 4.
Umt mi Matery. Ill o.r saih.
Offioe hint. a. ax a I J t I f
7 to p. as; Hyade;a. n i 10 a. m j I to
. C. Ilsar.
f Ur VTtra I'aiun, llppr. Or.
1 .
Ti - . i . ,., r4
!f I t I I ' itt ,;-t..ts -f -f ! r--f
Bppts and Wo HmrA LnHioc1 AHece,' i-ij
C '
We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES of any house in the city
Our Line of CLOAKS and CAPFQ ,
. ym UI1U VMrLO is complete, comprising all the latest styles in
Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses'
WR(1PS from $1.50 to $25.00- -
Our Stock of
In Shoes
In Dress Goods We
. -v...; mgs
In Ladies' and Children's
Underwear we can sup
ply your wants, and our
prices are right.
First National Bank Building
neppner, Oregon.
County Ctery Crawford ts on tbe stck list
Wm. Xumberlaud drouoad In nn na nn J.v
this week.
Mrs. O. K. Tlilelman rAturngisI ilnt. n
.... . - S.lfji.w W
C W. BlarkwAlI and wU hm.v
land tor a visit.
J. M. BrOWO, tbe Looa Ku'k hMnnun
mwu jeaieroay.
L. B. Kara, a Can too citr nirri,...t i.
Hcppoar purchasing goods.
Roves Brothars. ol Hard
oanu 01 leeaert Wadiwsday.
Rev. H. V. Howard has mt Inn, f.in.u.
my k Hpokane, bis uw field ot labor.
at r. and lira. Kd. I)t d....i
lbs Industrial lair being lha attraction.
P. L 11am, tbe tnujnirl.ln Ina iLnrk
ehant, came over Weduasdar lor goods.
Jolm T. lllU'h.ll, ths wl.l. awake Naw York
Uls insuranos uaa. Is sala to Bappnar.
Mr. W. M. Mauflar cams up from Lailngtno
oa bussnces WadiMssdar, making tlie Uasatle aa
agracable call.
J. w Dapuy, who lira sums distance out of
town. Is lying seriously III, causing lbs family
much antlaty,
Hrhrt Blarkawar, who Wit bare lor his
homala Kanaaa. Is now clerking Inaatitonalve
grurer? bouse la Bummerneld.
"foela" Rea Parker drove dowo from tba
mm wa.inea.lar. Ms seems Io wear a look of
conlenmenl In bis new venlure.
Mlas Lit Rbea, of Rhea creek, went Io Port
lend laet night, and. after a iiinri ei.ii ,...
Ill go lo Lne lageies lor lbs winter.
Mr. Joe Woolerf, tone's bustllna marehent I.
la Heppner VAtj Mr. Woolerjr reports a great
deal of grain being handled al lhal point.
Sheriff Uvlrif.Um. of Oranleoante. aitk kie
Iwe daughters, paseed Ihroueb hare i....
en Ihelr war fci u.a forlland ladustrlal tipo
ellloo. Mr. W, M aterrell aad Mrs. KterMt it..
danghlef Sllea, of llsmllUin, took lat Bl(h s
raia t.f n.rii.1,.1. Tir mUl. In adiltlnn Io
the prWllli.a. late In Salem duHne lha
of lha eielalure and Ihe stale fair.
'. r. vYhlla. rount atireeene nf
eoaolf . tpenl reaterdaf In Heppnef and limk
" ewnie imia lor lOneha. a here he Will
aitead U.e Bnrferort1 Rational roatentlon, the
atleer eoenioa and the Omaha eip.ntlna.
0. R. Parftawofth, amHnpanleil t.f hla lf
aad daHghlera, M lews flara. gmma ao4 Mary
era peeeengers oa lest alhl s oaigotng train.
Mleaae Plnraand Mary win attend a seminary
t'H Ihe Inter ehlle tbe nth era. e'tee eiaiting
lha fain aod friends, ear Li l return home.
1. 0. wbittea. hfrther of (ten Whliles. of "Ths
Pslr," a4 aonniy soreeyof of Whltmaa eoonly.
Waeh .rea4l.ae4neader moralnf . and
will .tall a lew dars eilb hie avrfber and on
era fawny, who bare rareauy arrt.ed Irons the
reel. It le enei.ls U.et Mr. billea. al loees
ptraUaw at kK term of sA-j win soma to
Neepaev as aa aaoe-iaui wit hie brmher la
boat neat.
Put aeLt oil mar.
A g'md sleep raaeh seMpf Uiag aearty
l!n aorsM, aalrotllag the largest aad
beat wiBter fstfs la Oillisra toaoly.
flood dwalliag boaee aod large bora,
also ooeseie oaifll fr raaalog sbecp,
fJ tooa of Nf bay aod fleet; ,4 (oo
water oa lie ptar. for ariesla
ikfieita .1 V.a.. ... U.
I -"N lA
Are of the best puality.
As low as the lowest and
We are the only house in town that sells the Celebrated
"Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the
reputation of which is world-wide and sold by all the
, leading houses.
We lead them all The Kelley-Goodfellow Shoe is so well and
oniy 10 mention that we sell their hnp nf
" v ""Ul"' "loulD ittfgo auu
are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks,
in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods.
We carry a large stock of
Blankets from the Salem
Mills, from 50c up.
Call and examine our Stock and
Be H as a I'loaeer Orala Dealer, aad Wall
Kaowa la This Vicinity.
The Morning Oregonlan says: Paler K,
Mathlot, a pioneer of 1HT.2, died vary suddenly
yaJterday morning at 1 o'clock at bis home, M
East Lincoln, corner of Ksst Ninth. Mr.
Mathlot bad bean about lha house and on the
street Wednesday, and while his health had
been falling for the past two years there was
nothing In his condition at any time tbat day
to cause his wife and children apprehension
He had been somewhat raetlees during the
mgnt, eia at is o'clock ha arose agalo and si
Uugulshed the lamp that had been left burning,
aud remarked to Mrs. Mathlot that they could
oow go to sleep. At 1 o'clock Mrs. Mathlot
mails lha startling discovery that bar husUnd
was dead. He hail eaplred without a struggle
from heart trouble.
Mr. Mathlot waalM years and 6 months old ,
and was born Io Monleholalrd, Prance, In IW.
With hla paranta be came to Amertt.-e when be
was 3 years old and aettled In Ohio, where the
family lived for nine years, till Iwjj they came
to Buttevllle, Or., Io company with quite a
Iraln of emigrants. Ha was married to Mlas
Cecils Mathlol Io Bulterllla. Tba couple moved
to where Woodharn oow stands and beneme
lha tint settlers al that point. They lived la
Woodouru for many years, during which lime
Mr. Mathlot was Justice ef the peace aud post
master, and was a man of considerable promt,
nenneaud Influence. Laa.ln Wmii,.,i. u .
and Mrs. Mathlot moved to Portland, where
mey nave lived ever since, einept a few years
spent at Walla Welle.
P-ir a uumber of years be engaged la the
grain buying bualneea with bis brother, A.
Mathlot, al Walla Walla and other points la the
Interior. Their operations were al one time
very as tensive, and they amused eonsldetahle
wealth. However. In a hla aheei ta.i it... i.-.
about Pi,mii. Mr. M.lhM ale., engaged In
mining la ihe Coeur d Ale tie eountry. la all
blseiteuslve buelneea operations ba sustained
a reputation for eoond Integrity. While be wee
Btit a rellglooa man be believed In and prartded
Uieg'tldea rule In ell IIS bearlnee. ehlrk .
all the religion be knew er eared to know.
a wmow and three children. Iwe anna and
owda.tahler. Nevll A , Charles g. and Camilla
g Mathlot, survive hint All live on the last
Wda. aod all war qnlrklv iiieaonal ia .
home when death came
He bal two brothers and three sisters living.
Ills brother Kdward Uvea nn ik. u l .
plarw at Butuvllla. and his other brother. A
Mathlot, Uvea al Walla Walla. Mra I:. A lai.i
of Portland. Mra
Praorlare. end Mra, P.J. Browo. ol Ol.meia
aresieurs of Ihe dere-Md. ,,,.,
have beea B.Mined of Uie death, end If paealbl
lhy will all he preaenl al lne funeral, which
will take plae aeil Sunday.
I Ireall rar al foode.
Altoroay I'bolpa ralorned U'e.1
afgbl from timdorl, wberg ba bad beea
o atUoda.ee al Ibe seoeioa of ei.enn
tworlla behalf ef slleota. lis reporu
eoae Imporleal eaeee la ealty, while
Ihe enmiaal docket enboliod but nae
ear, Ibal r? Z.b HaafclBe. aual of
sattle elealiog, weleb was m trial wbea
Mr. l-belpe left. 1'r.m.le-o I ao.-g lbs
aflor net ia altee laaae were A. m u.
t. W. . aad II. H. Wle.,irf The
laiUe, A. A. Jeroa, (lerley g boe
asd i. M. Johns, af Artiagtea, aad II
new irvie. of rel. II, wee v.ry moth
pleea-d win, ih, 6,..,. ,.llU .... .
Coe.,a, Tba raia Ihrow.b Bbleb be
flfor. M Inl'U gir i li.et.og l.e
a a . . . . -
possibly a little bit lower
In fine Silk and Plush.
Style fini8h and 8uaranteed to fit and give entire
Staple Goods
In Staple Goods we carry
everything needed in
in the house.
get our Prices when
A Ureal Bhow Coming.
Friday and Saturday evenings Sep
tember 23d and 241b. Edlsoo Bhow Co.,
will aihibit Edison's wonderfal inven
tion. One hundred grand aoenea will
bo flashed by eleotrioitv and calcium
light. Dewey'a great naval battle will
bo foohl, tbe linking of Ibe Merrimao,
scenes of Iba Maine digester, the battle
ship Oregon on her famous trip, Corbel!
and Fituiramooa, Klondik aoanee,
Cuban war aoenes, Bpanlab ball fights,
todiao war aosoes, aod many that are
tunny, iotareating aod mystenoua to all.
Admission only IS and 23 eenta. Evsry
body go, laogb aod grow fal.
Mheep for lewa.
J. W. Fix baa now eompleted arrange,
meots with the transportation coo pa
nine and will load 10,000 bead of abeep
on tbe can tba 25tb lost, at tbia point
for Hbsldon, Iowa. Mr. Fii came out
from Iowa several weeks aioee, and bas
oared lb abeep Io tbis violuily. It
will require orsw ot tea men Io at
tend anoa.
Tba apeeob of Father Abraham In tbe
I eel Bomber of Poor Itlahard'a Almaaae,
published by Beajemin Fraoklin Io 1757.
"oontaioa tba wiodom of many ages aed
eatlona assembled and formed ioto ooa
ooonented dieoooree." Wbea Oral pub
lished it aitraoted world wide etteolioa
aod wae aopled la all of Iba aewspapere
Io A met toe aod England aad translated
ioto maay foreign Isngaagee, Woold
loo nol like to read lit i .t
of obarga at Conser A Warree's drog
Are Yea laureeudt
Tba O. K. A N. Go's, aew book oa Ibe
lUexmreee of Oregoa, Wasbiogtoo and
Idaho ia being dtelribated. Oar ree.lers
sre reoaeeied to forward tbo eddraeae
of Ibeir Eaetera friends aad aoooelet.
aooee, aad aoopp of tba work will be
oa tbem free. This a Batter all sboald
bo inter aa Ud Io. aad we would aak thai
everyoee take aa loteresl aad forward
aaob ad drees to W. II. Harlborl. nao.
era! I'aeaeogar Ageat. O. K. A N. Oo,
1 ortlaod. g.y
Bak lew s Aralea Balve.
TU fUel Ralve la Iba world for Cats,
Brakes, Horeo, Cleere, Halt fthoaot,
Fevwr Horee. Tetter. Cbeoixd Hea.l
CbUUaioa, Ooroa. aa all fik'a Krap
loto, aod pooliiveiy eoree Pile or oa
pay repaired. It hi guaranteed to give
not foot eelisfeetlow or money rWooled.
Frie aeate per bog. Per (sale by
Wooes, Ikjog Co., F. i. Hloeata, maaager
For Infant! tnd CtlUxto,
Tti M Yea Han AIiiji Es.gtst
favorably known that we need
increasing onoe trade.
Satins, Velvets Braids Ruffl
veivets, liraids, Kuffl-
Also carry a full stock of
Groceries, and guarantee to
meet all legitimate compe
tition. in the city.
Successors to E. W. Khea & Co.
CasBlngbam Backs.
Tba well known Oanningbam bucks,
thoroughbred grades and Detain, will ba
oo exhibition aod for sale at Heppner
on or about Ootober 1st. Prices to auit
Iba limes. Io charge of
8391 Wm. IIuuhis.
How to Leak Good.
Oood looks ara really mora than skin
deep, depending entirely oo a bsallby
ooditioo ot all tba vital organs. If tbo
liver ba inactive, y00 bare a billions
look, it yon stomach ba disordered yoa
have a dye'reptio look; if your kidoeya
ba affected, yoa have o pinched look
Secure good Leallb. and yoa win sorely
have good looks. "Eleotrio Hitlers" ia
a good alternative and tonic Aola di
rectly on tba stomach, liver and kidneys.
Puriflee tba blood, ourea pimples,
blotohea and boils, aod givea o good
completion. Every bottle goareoteed.
Hold by Biooom Drag Co., E. J. Hlooum,
manager. 60 oeota per bottle.
Raeeb, 820 acres, good land, 4 milee of
Ueppoer, all fenced, plenty of water,
bone aed barn, 140 acres of eommsr
fallow, all ready tor fall crop. Easy
terms. Call at Iba Oaaette office.
Heaoty le Hlewa) Deep.
dean blond means a clean akin. No
beauty without it. ( aerar-ta. Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, b
stirring up Ihe lasy liver and driving all Ho
punltee from the body. Ilrgia Uxley to
tuinieh pimples, boila, blot, hen, bla kbeada,
and that ei kly lulimia rompleiHia by taking
( aerarela, (M-auly lor Un rents. All drug
gists, aatiafarttoB guaranteed, lUc.Sk.oif.
Will be paid for loforaelioo leading
to Iba arrest aad aoavktioo of aay pay
son steeling cattle branded MWU" too-
neeled oo tba left side. Waddle oo lha
of. rssK-r n coa aw.
Per Baie.
Tweaty acres of lead. Bear a oood
school. Will trade for breee, farming
eatflte.ete. Per fnrtber iaformetloo ad
of. V. WrwcoiLb,
Ti If Oood Itiver, Or.
Dreedfelly fcerveee.
(l ate:-! wm dreadfally oorvoacaod
tot relief took font Carle Clover Host
Tea. II eoleWd my aervea aad etreoglb
aed my wbola oerwoc s;ieto. I wm
troubled with toastlpatioB, kiJoy aod
bowel troaWe. four Tea aooa elaaoaed
f aysteas ao Iboroagbly tbs raptdly
r B4ic4 health taJ atrttilfc. Hf I,
'!' AfltMWiM Ul
A- , l If.
tiuf Vtim
A- , 1iftMJ, Vm Ml If
' ... . T T V