Advertisers If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the OFFICIAL PAPER Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news From the Seat of war. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1898. NO. 686 i i ic m rvir4, Yr. rw' vwa ir-: rs . 1-. v ii nsi n.n - J THE HEPPNEB GAZETTE Published every Tuesday aad Friday BY OORLIES MERRITT, Editor etud. lwffan.,gw. -SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Year Six Months Throe Months Sjl.BO : 73 BO Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflee at Beppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. THIS PAPEB ia kept on file at E. 0. Oake's Advertising Agenojr, 64 and 65 Merchants Eiohaogt, Ban Franeiaoo, California, where oou raota for advertising oan be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- ing agent, 21 MerohaoU' Exohang Build ing, Ban i'ranoisoo, la our authorized agent. This papar ia kept on file at hie office. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner th80 p. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Heppner Jnnotion 124)5 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m. and ar rive at Heppner 6MJ a.m. Spokane fcxpreae Nu. 4 leavea Portland at 2.-00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 7:80 p. m. and Gma'illa 8.50 p. m. Portland Kxpreea No. S, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6410a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leavea Portland 8:'2& n. m anil arrives at Heppner Jnnotion tM a. m, and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. Fast Hail No. 1 leaves TJmatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at roruana t a. m. For further infurmatioo inqnira of J. C, Hart. United States Officials. President ....William McKinlev Vice President ....Garret A. Hobart oeormarror mate W. B. u OHcretary of Treasury Lvman JT f Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. KUhs Kei'retarjr of War.... .....Hoseell A. Alger rioorstary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General Charles Emery Smith Atliiniwy-yeneral John W. ttrigga rioo rotary f Agrienltar James Wilson State of Oregoe. Uovernor Hecrntaryof Btate Treasurer. Hnpt. Cutilio Instruction. Attorney (ieoeral Senators W. P. Lord ,...H R. Kincaid ...Phil. Metschan 0. M. Irwin ...C. M. Idlnman j 8. W. McHride iThos.H.Taugae WW. K. Ellis W. H. Leeds Congressmen Printer , I R. Bean. Supreme Judges i F. A. Huore, (UK. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. 0. rcnit Judge Stephen . Lowell Proswiiing Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow Cooaiy Officials. Joint Senator... ... J, W. Morrow llepreeeutative..... E. L, Freeland :nnty Judge A. (. Hartholomew " Commissioners. J. B. Howard J. W. Beckett. " t'lerk Tawter Crawford " Sheriff K. L. Matlock ' Trmsnrer M. Lichtanthal ' A'seasur A C. Petn-vs ' rturreyor. Julius Kssthly Mohuol ttup't Jay W. Hhiplay ' Coroner Dr. K. B. Hunlook aarraaa tow or noma. Mof , Thoa. Morgan OninH linen..., E. J. Hlooum. M. I.ichtanthal, J. R. Hi moos. J. J. Roberta, J. W. Hasinas and K. U. Sparry. K mier W. A. Rlrhardeou Treasurer L. W. Hrigaa Marshal John Hager P reelect OIBsers. Jostineof tbe Pes)...... W. K. Richard on (onstable. ti. B. Uray tailed State Laa4 Ornesrs. m piixaa, ok. fay P Imo Ragtstar Ous fettereoa Baoetre la auaoa. Ok. 1. W. RartMt, Reglatar I. O. Swackbataar rUostvsr RAWLINS POST, WO. 11. O A. a. Maata al Mettmar. O Uka third ftatarday of arh moath. Ail MCermoa are tavtlad In km. W. W.Mtolth. 14 W Cia, Adjutant, If Coaaaaadar. D- J. McFatii, M. D. uefpser, ontaos. Omca) koiirs. i to Id a. at, and II to t . as., al vmI'Ivw. and In In U a ., an 4 I to as , at ere la Us rr A korg s leaslx; Wr. C E. Redfleld ATTORSEY AT LAW. Offlce la rirst WeUoBaJ kaiil tulMlnf. vftoer, Orca. Ellis & Phelps ATTOkSEYS AT LAW. Alt kel asa alt4a4 la la awsapt a4 esttsiarinry maaawr. kvtorlsa fua Ue en4 LMlsrtora. 0w la Kattsfl lalldlnf . flvtfa. Ort. D E. Gilman OESKRAL COLLECTOR, fit rn s!4 tta aa4 smtM la fcia ka4a a4 s4 ftt pwy mui of iaaa ikMs. ksM aafMriaulf at kaH tmtm- 0b la J. V. krewa a WnlUtlng. Rfrf. Or. IV. A. Plchardson JUSTICE or THE TEACE sv t'D' RUXJttttMk. al swwartl t Ksialfa ati iM bate M Mtt k hiK s exomartH M will sr y la m HIS. MM ay aay la kte It stria agar 0. B. Itatt TOS.tORtAL AUTt.1T, kartaf, 18 Ca Ml CwHIatf, tf " tha. MaOast C-r f. Rstaaw, fisssj. Mathews A Gentry BAUtlEM. tk4nf It C MaiCwHit ft " if AN OPEN To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA " AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. ' ,,DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis, Massachusetts was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear nf on every the facsimile signature of C&tffi&Zgfo wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought Jf - on the and has the signature of &t&tffflZ&i4 wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except M6 CTimPmJI fwhich Chas's- etcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The End You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF av-jaBLaTeKaf M aV aT-T-aT aTKaTara Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. tms ecNvaua sohmnv, tt aawaaav aTacrr. new tors em. plRST aTIONAL JANK O. A. RHEA., T. A. KQEA.. . vio rreaioant Transact a General EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collection, made on all point, on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits 35,0O0. " A. Mallory, V. S. COMMISSIONER U authorized to take all kind of LAND PROOFS and LAND FIUN148 Collections made on reasonable terms. Office at residence on Cbase street. LIIIBHTV MAHKBT TUE OLD SHOP! Is the place to go to get your Una pork and lamo chops, steaks and roasts. Flgh Cvary Friday. fine sut sr-cured hams and bacon. Pnra leal lard, kettle-rendered, old style. Highest caan price paid lor al stuck. BanJ. Mathawa. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. NEW NAME I Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable llio Central. I sled bay lor sale. CW-a reasonable. Tall ea klas and bate Tour borers w,i red for. IIEMIOT CITY Stage Line 8. f. MILLER. rraa rkeataw) aad aviet dirwt mnu In Ih ti.. allr. avna ny mlulng district. Burn, auu atiwr Invartof poiuta. Ptagaa bve Heppner lally. kundar eg et4.ei si a. as. Arrtt. at tsoron cm ia it aoara. laare ranyoa Hy at I p as . arrive al Hepp bav a M boara, avaiierting with tralna. Usrrssa to ass II M 4 mi A 7 an si i id l1 m l"4 I Ou HaHataa ,. .at .. UAHtlllna iau f rmmk . Fo. Vauey , J.a lv .. I ) f Hy lag anaaart a Kb Irala el H-fptif. Hslt.tttrie4 p Ibis lira with aew wr4 fcarM ! iml (mm I . m I r- vMi tmn to iH yuhllv. flRL!N6T0M-F0SSIL STA6E LINE n. REFT) I p , ielora. MAC FNOM ARLINGTON TO rast ia attiaii . as ... kaai trip St as MayWieiMatllMt. an lUM trip fas OA. a rariiii . I as ... trip gas (-WW) ra ausi ... sen , . kvMnp I at Utal (Mama.!, .. as .... ,.4 inp Mawa lea Arlwigioe) ewvf toorping (Kaadey al aVInrk; la 4aa M (Vw al 1 a, a. and arrive at row ell a 7 . n. Oawkfaflabla er4 foMhea pa 4 arp. faJ. ag sell gas I eMvaea, LETTER OF HEPPNER. ... Prealdent I . W. CONSEB ..Csehier tt. u. K . Assist n t (Jasbier Banking Business. A MY8TKB10C8' HDBDKB. ' " Dakoowa Maa Found la the Willamette W ith Uana and Feet Tied. By the Associated Press. Salbm, Sept. 20. The bndy of an no known man was found in Iba Willamette opposite the oity Ibla afteroooD io shal low water by the beok. His hands and feet were bonod by oords with bevy asb weights atUobed to eaoh. Tbe body was found oo the Polk oonnty bora end Coroner Wood, of Dallas, Was notified by telephone. He came, sum moned a jury and took the testimony and a vardiot was rendered io terms tronifly sagvestive of murder, all the parties being uo known. Tbe wooods to tbe bead signify terrible usage and fool play marks eyery phase of tbe discovery, Several olewa of Talne bave been secured and tbe polio are working oo the ease. Tbe victim is a mao of mediam height, portly appeereDoe, reddish hair and ffliinslaobe, fairly wall dressed, watob and eoff bnitona on person, also past oo tbe O.KtS. from Tbe Dal lee to Grants and a drawback check oo tbe 8. P. Oo. from Brooks to Oregon Oity . Ills name nowhere appeared. A oe'd bear ing lb preseotatioo siuoatnre of Ma- Qralb, a drnmmer for (Jadaby. a furni. nil ore dealer, of Portland, was also (oaod io bis pooket. LOST (lUL AMU BIS LITE. As Uake Maa Marwerea by a Oaeaeaaral Pallor. Boiaa, Idaho, Hept. n, A maa. wbo bang photographs of another man's wife to tbe bite of bis bridle aad thus Daredad tbea tbroogb the aoanlry, lies dead at Meadow, ia Waebingtoa aoonif. and tbe bosbsnd is io jail at Weiaer oa a ebarge of morderiag biro. Tbe dead mao isOeorge nice; bis slayer ie Knot Bruiib. Colli a few weeks tbe two man ware sailors for tbe baod of Mies Delia Clark, a belle of that aeigbborbood. The amis seemed eo!y balaooed for a time, but Nmltb Daally Iriompbad aod married Ibe glrL IUc bad saoured photographs of to f oneg womaa aod be proceeded to Steo op eaaltere by tylog tbe plelore to dm bora s bite and Ibas fulng sboeltbe eoaolry. He wept lata the lows of Uaadowe one day leal week with the friotarae tbee diepleyed. Hmilb beard of A aod do ling the borse, tiok lh pi. Intra away. WUo Hie beard what be bad done be It-ni ewgeao ao I proewailed Vj kutit Hmith op. To aeo mat In a aa- looa aod agreed Io g out b4k aad eel- lie the eaalUr. Ia a lew Momenta there we a ! aad tbe mao wbo ruabej eat froaad lb lyiag dead with a ballel Ibroagh) bis bear, wbil Hilb sUvd ?r bias witb smoking pie tot. It i ol kbuwa wb-tber or aot IU was armed. rMtlpalt pafweag. Take f'tie I eiv t aikartia Mm f St, U U U tt la M sure, rg-ee refaM weaaf. OREGON'S GREATEST FAIR Portland's Mammoth Exposition Opened Last Night GREAT DISPLAY I ilff FRODDCTS Exhibits From Every Nook and Cranny of the Webfoot State and From Several Washington and Idaho Counties. Portland Evening Telegram, September 22nd. The fair opens tonight. The tumultuous storai of industry that has throbbed so violently during the days, weeks and months of preparation, has steadied down to a calm. Within the vast corridors of the great building is repre sented the work of a generation. Such a bewildering world of exhibits of every conceivable indus try was never before collected in the Northwest Even as the rays of the glaring sun eclipse the pale light of the moon, so does tbe Portland exposition of 1898 eclipse all previous affairs of its kiud held on the Pacifie coast. Art, science and education stand shoulder to shoulder and will teaoh a great object lessou to all so fortunate as to view this grand piece of handiwork. The varied producte of Oregon, Washington, : Idaho and British Columbia are represented. These include mineral, forestry, fishery, agricultural, stockraisiug, dairying, manufacturing exhibits, etc. The first sugar made from beets io the Paoifio Northwest may be seen among the Oregon exhibits. Suow-white linen made from flax raised near Salem, and woolen goods manufactured in Oregon from Oregon fleece, are among the things to be seen, besides exhibits of over 170 varieties of grain raised in the territory along the line of the 0. R. & N. on experimental farms; tobacco, peanuts, grasses, hops and as many varieties of f rujt, vegetables and berries as there are colors in the rainbow. - . - Early last spring Dan McAlIen, Colonel Summers, B. 8. Pague and other prominent Portlanders started to get up a fair. Like a little snowball which gathers weight and power as it speeds down a hill, un til it may end in a crashing avalanche, so the exposition movement gained force, drawing all interest to it, until at present it represents a veritable avalanche of variegated interests. Independeet industrial lines which were badly handicapped in their struggle for existence have been firmly welded and bound with other interests through the agencies of the fair. Through these agencies new industrial fields will be counties brought prominently into "I have been all over tbe Northwest." said a traveling frefolit agent yesterday, "but I never knew different kinds of Oregon products There are shrewed business credit their eyes when brought face sources of Oregon as represented at While many of tbe counties of ducts, as Clatsop for fish and dairying. Union for beet sugar, Umatilla for grain, Willamette valley counties for hops, Douglas for prunes, Jackson, Josephine and Baker for minerals, Curry for ooal and timber. BT a . .a ... Lmcoin lor building stone, eta, yet all these counties excel in fruits, vegetables, berries, grasses, grains, eta Tbe exhibits of the Pendleton Woolen Mills, the Salem Woolen Mills, the Women's Flax Association, the Oregon City Paper Mills, the La Grande Sugar Kefiniug Company, aud the general collection of the Manufacturer's Association, will show what is being done ia this lino by exbibiticg the practical results of their labors. The industrial snowball already started will not aton rolling at tl.a end of the exposition. It will keep lue exposition will teach the people to patronize home industries. It will acquaint the basinees men with the needs of the farmer. It will bring all into closer commercial relationship, and it will forge Dew ties. The exposition is a two-ed-jod sworL Not onlr does it infn lifeblood into the channels of commerce, but it is a great dacator. Tbe Portland school exhibit, under the direction of Miss Dimick, shows the great educational opportunities of tbe state. The art exhibit proves that even amidat a busy commercial life there are those wbo love tne unrivaled beauty of Oregon's changing moods. The flab hatchery shows bow this great industry can be foatered h- artifWI means; the different kinds of manufactured product point MU the wide range ol the indoatrial field, ane from every exhibit a l.seon may be learned by the observing. Fairs in former yearn bave, with two exceptions, been managed by corporations. This year the fair is being managed by tbe citizoos. A caaual oornpariaon shows tbe benefit of tbe change. Although tbebuiinees men of Portland have been tatml to .loath oo accouot of scheme of every eouwivabl nature, tbey all put tbslr shoulder to tbe wheel and raise. the amount required for the sipo sition. All petty j.aloaains were buried io seeking to promote the general weiiate, loo muou caooot of Weather Observer Pague, chairman of tbe state) and County com. mitten, me reauit ol wuone labors collection evar eo io tbe Northwest He was ably aaaiated by M .an, iui opirffi and Ulouc It. U Juileon. Tbe ofllors of lb axpoaitioo association, who workJ ao beroio ally to make the affair a succo are: II. 0. Hre-den, president; M. Zao, vic-pre,iJett; W. 13. Htroble, secretary; J. P. Marshall, treasurer. BoperinUndeet Baker, In charge of tbe great eipueitioo building. ha carried tbe work of a doren men on bis shoulders during tbe days of buay preparation, and throughout bas remained courteous and obliging to all. explored and ooened. and nhannra tbe foreground. before that there wars an man. raised." men in Portland who can eternal to face with the wonderful re tbe exposition. Oregon are noted for sdhm.! nrn. on going, and gathering foroe. be sail of tbe indefatiffabU affuria ba been tbe citberinff of tha lat SPANIARDS LEAVK POKTO K1CO. Speculators Flocking to tbe Island, but Are Disappointed. By !he Associated Press. Hah Juan. Sept. 19. Delayed 1 Tbe eveouation of outlying positions occu pied by tbe Spaniards bejian today. Agnadilly, Sao Sebastio and Lares were abandoned by them and the troops of Oeneral Oarretson'a brigade and the Eleventh infantry aided in hoisting tbe Amerioanfl ag. Spanish troops from ' tbe abandoned portions are being oonoentrated at Are- cibo. Oo Wednesday tbe Spaniards will evacuate the islands of Veques, where a company of American troops dispatched from. Orant 'a brigade bas been landed. Tbe Spanieb troop from that island will remain at Homacao until the Span iards fall baok on tbe line of tha military road. ....... Spanish control ia now confined to leaa than one-third of tbe island. Tbe Spanish evaonatioo commission ers today officially informed Ibe Amer ican . commissioners thai they have been notified of tbe sailing from Spain of two transports intended to embark the troops bere and also 4,000 Spanish soldier will sail from bere on a transport wbicb 1 expected from Cuba. The meeting of tbe oommisBloDers was entirely without friotion and it was ow- i ing io id good , feeling prevailing be tween tbe soldiers and those of SDain that it was decided to allow tbe company of , Atuerioans to land at the island of Teques before tba Spaniards left. It was decided in tbe Interest of tbe order of the island to allow tbe Americana to enter the Spanish line and vioe versa io pur suit of marauders. In spit of the fact that some of them bave been disillusioned, tbe influx of Amerioon promotera oontinaes. An agent of ao Amerioao aegar refining company ia bere and many others are seeking business opportunities, fran chises and oonoesaiona. Tba oonditioo of tbe troops is ool im proving, almost 8,000 men having been reported sick. Messrs. Luoe and Dumaresq, finanoial agenta of the government, wbo bave es tablished the Bank of Ponoe here, are oonsultio g General Brooke relative to tbe ourrenoy situation. . Tbey report business al a standstill, owing to lb flnotoations of tba local oorreooy just as tbe planter need the money for their crops. , Tbey are offered mortgage loans at 18 par. oent interest, but tbey oao do nothing until lh ret of exchange ha been fixed. Brooke is investigating tb mattsr thoroughly with a view of taking action when oar sovereignty over the islands is eomplete, Tb fiscal agsotsaay many of Ibe spec ulators wbo flocked to Pooc are return, log to tb United States dlsillusiooed aod oopvioosd that tb island Is not ao Eldorado. VOKNINST CABBYINU OINS. A Cltli.a lavelgha Agalut Allowing tbs Practice. Psndliton, Sept. 19, 1898. To tb ditor of tb East Oregonian: Tb dread ful tragedy wbiob oocorred laet Satur day nigtt aod s booked tbe whole neigh borhood oao be Iraoed to two things: "Whisky" aod tbe wild westero habit of carriog s pistol. Tb first w oao do little with o loog a lb liqoor law re matoa io it preeanl slat. Tbia onUwfol pistol earrylog aboold b stamped oat a muob a possible, tod whenever our officers have tb slightest sosploioo of a pocketed goo without a permit, tbey should ool besitat to searoh.aod when found tb guilty aboold b punished Io tb fall elicot of lb lew, regardless of persons, and ool let dowo witb s nominal fin, as tbey or gener ally. Tbi la tb ootd shooting that bas takeo pla durlog tb last few wsk 00 oar pablio streets, reselling io Ibe going ool of on valaebl yoang lit and tb paiofol wounding of two others, both do to tb pistol earrylog habit. A a rale, tb poesestlon of a too I 001 s meaot of safely, bat a eoaree of danger to tb poaeessor well a to bis fellowmsn, aod will bring bits sooner or later loto trouble. Tb bsbll I degrading aod barm to I aod lb dreadfal eoeo through wbieb wbv reneclly pd should t I ma la U lb aolborltl Io oa every meao I etsmp ool lh every ready pocketed pistol. ClTISBN, CbrwaM Dlarrkaee Csre. Tbi I Io oertlfy that I bv bad ebroni diarrbo ever einee lb war. I g'rt to web I would hardly walk or do aeyiblag. Oo bottle of Chamberlain's Ool ic, Cholera Diarrhoea IWnedy sored m aoood aod well. J. R. Giaaa, rieeaatW, Va. I bad ebrotil diarrbo for twelve rears. Three bottle of Chamber Isle's Oille, Cholera aad Dlarrboea lUeaedt eared me. B, L, ItSsvsa, fleeest!, Va. Both Mr. Gibb and Mr. Shaver are (.romlneot farmer aad reeld see l'iaell. Va. Tbey precrd tb remedy iron M r. W. B. Caepaw. a drag glel of tbet plan, wb i well e-ils. ed wilb Ibeea aod will vob hi tbe tratb of their sleteaef U. FotsaUby Ccaaef A Warre. A H0BRIBLE MCEDEB. Pendleton Was tbe Bcene or a Cold-Blooded Murder. One of tbe most sbooking tragedies that ever occurred in Pendleton hap pened Saturday evening at 7:45 o'clock at the O. R A N. depot. As the result Oliver Young lies dead, shot through the heart, and Mrs. J. J. Worohester ia seriously wounded. This terrible deed was done by 0. 0. Cunningham of Mil ton, a man of disreputable character. wbo has been in jail a number of limes, and wbo, teo minutes before the horri ble crime, was apparently as sane as any man. Al the time of the tragedy Cunning bam waa standing in the north door of the men's waiting room of the station Mrs. Woroester and her daughter were' ooming up tha aidewalk toward him and Oliver Yoang was on tbe sidewalk near him. Without tbe slightest warning or provocation Cunningham drew bis re volver and fired at Oliver Young, shoot ing him through the heart. He then turned and shot Mrs. Woroee ter, who started to run past the east end of tbe station. , Her daughter Effle, ter rified witb fright, ran eoreaming in tb opposite direction, and other shots were fired at her as be followed in mad pur suit toward Webb street. After reoeiving the fatal bullet Young ran into the station, gasped the wurda "0h, I'm shot; save me," and tbe next moment sank down and expired. Mrs. Woroester, who fell where ebe was shot, was carried into the waiting room of tba depot. ' The murderer obased Miss Woroerter as tar a tba Last Chance saloon. Irvino to shoot all tbe time, but the gun only napped, a the chambers bad all heen emptied. Tha girl dodged into tba sa loon ana bid behind s table. Her mad pursuer, thinking she bad passed out tba bsok door, ran through tbe saloon, and as bs passed out oame in contact with Charles McFarland, on whom be drew bis empty , gun aod pulled the tri irerer several times. MoParlaod atroggled wito mm Bnd begged him not to abool. Leaving MoFarland, Cunningham ran aorosa tha lot back of the saloon, and. maeting J, 0. Roberts, another murder no assault ' waa made. Beaobing the Hotel Eastern, on Webb street, be at tempted to abool Mr. Johnson, on of tb proprietors, aod bia wile and child rsn. ' At tbia point, Geo. Beading, wbo bap. beoed to be near, seised Connlirham ami threw blm to tha ground. I While they were struggling night Offl. eer Rehear arrived nn il ..j .. VH .uv nun,! RUU IS efleoling tba capture aooidenlally atruok Beading witb bit club. Boon alter Deputy Sheriff Waffle ar lived aod took tha orarr murderer to jail. At tb deDot tbe bods nt tha mnrA.:A yooog mao was removed to Iba bag-gag iuuin boo. dis relatives sammootd. ! Mrs. Woroestsr we hurriedly taken la ker borne oo Joboeon ttreet tod a physl sito celled. WAKNlNa rKOkt HONOLULU. le Boo for Istailgraal Wltkoal Coaslder- able Mosey, j Tb annexation of Hawaii bat caoscd S rash of steerage paeoeoger immigrants there, eapeoially from California, where, oo aooooot of Ibe drouth, emolntmeei for laborers of all klods is soaroe. There it do opening for Ibie olase of people Ibere, aod Ibe Uooolola papers ar filled witb accoaat of tba disappointments tbey meet aod warnings Io tbea Dot la torn tber. Doctors, Iswyers, school teacher, ue ohenioe, fanners aod laborer apparent ly believe Bewail to b a bw eoooirv. aod rush tber to look for boioeor employ menu Most of Ibem have bnl little moory, aod find do opportunity to gat ioio boalnae or Io get eoiploymeol, sod ssaoy ar returning tod ur woold if tbey Lad money to pay their pea. age. J. F. Browo, agent for public lends, ba foood it oeceeeery to publish a slate meet for lb Infurmatioo of Immigrants selling forth tbe difficulty ol procuring laod io the talaoda, tbe beel of tb lands baviog loog ago beeo told outright or leased oo loag terms Tbe landa adapted to Iba eullivatioo of anger, rlo or taro bave bewo oroupied for 40 year by Ihoee wbo bv been opeolog ,aad developing la Indus trie. itodio aad mn.nii. daliog Ibelr telereat. At to laod suit- able to ooffe ultlvtio tbey are to general Us I aod bvosblae ls, reqoiriog moeb labor aod eipenee Io eleariog, od DKielly far wy from mala Una of Irevel wbor trails must for torn lime lek lb pier of road. To teltle opoo aad Improve toch laode la do a.1 eoan. th ipaeof parohaaing, el ear lag. piaanag at l Olllvallag s off- pla) Ulaoa during lh fit trs ina..,. t. p4 paying rp Is froea I30 I I -"JO per er. A oirwag fatiaa Oiaaleteof aim bm I k...i.i.. . imna, w e- meo, aod bee! lb aad strength depeol - ir, rwrt moo wbieb I give by lUrf's Harsaparilla. A aetloa which take taillloaa of a tata .f na.. . - . wi uw a nar Mparilla vry je U laying lb. fonnA iUm tot Lealtb, lb wi,iom ,( m win treiy .how ,Uaf - yMfl to MM Hood hit ar fioati I efJkieai, al. wtyt reliable, saey fc, (f u yersi. V