Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 20, 1898, Image 3

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iVr In Town
Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony
From a Terrible 8ore-Her Story of
the Case, and Her Cure.
For many years I was afflicted with a
milk leg, and a few years ago it broke out
in a sore and spread from my toot to my
knee. I suffered great agony. It would
burn and itch all the time and discharge
c great deal. My health was good with
the exception of this sore. I tried a great
many kinds of salve, but some would
Irritate the sore so that I could hardly
stand the pain. I could not go near the
fire without suffering intensely. Some one
sent me papers containing testimonials of
cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I told
my husband I would like to try this med
icine. He got me a bottle and I found it
helped me. I kept on taking it until my
limb was completely healed. I cannot
praise HoocPb Sarsaparilla enough for the
great benefit it has been to me. It
cleanses the blood of all iinpuritka ana
leaves it rich and pure." MRS. Anna .
EAKEN, Whittlesey, Ohio.
You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all
druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's.
favorite family
iwu a riiia cathartic.
Price 26c.
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. ra. Classes No. 1 and i at 12:1(1 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m.
'The Spirit and the bnda say. Come."
The pastor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad.
joining the church, where he will he umi to
meet any w' o may desire to consult hiin on
reliaious, Botial. civio, philoeophio, educational,
or any other aubjcta.
J. W. FLESHER, Minister.
Service! each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
tvnd 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Sat unlay evening
at the church. R. L. ohki.ly.
The Ladlei' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock
Or., Suptemher 19, 1mm.
Bristol!, Ed Reatton, K J
BecstaiiR, Lllzlo Holm, Mrs L B
Javl, C O Fllolen, Mack
Hawkins, Charlie llvell. Clara
Hunt;, Monsieur P Isom. U W
McCahe. Francis Miller, SF
Meill, W D Rothrorh, W D
rimy the, A K Hloau, Frank 2
Van Slcklen. Mr
When calling lor these letters please say
wi.dihwj, o. r.,f 1VUHAS, r, H
The Uszette it not heralding its oom
ing with a brasa band bul ita oironlalion
can ba determined at the Heppner poet
offloe. Advertiser wilj pleas note this.
Local Notes.
ea si. ucnteMnai ft Uo, for aboea.
wnai ta nop uoidT Baal beer on
arlb. Bee ad. elsewhere.
Tba lower warehouse baa ao nnlimit
ad sappy of teed rye for sale. 85 la
Liohtentbal k Oo. (or aboea, Eiolnsivr
aboa store. Handles tba boat. 83tf
Dr. A. 0. Greenlee, oorner Grand eve
na and East Morrison at, Portland, tf
Royal Cafe restaurant, oeat and olear.
Meals 25 cents. Open day and nigbt.
Tha Osteite'! subscription prio of
1.60 ia listing subscribers every day.
Onfnnease'a fsmoas old "Dublin
Btoot," imported, at Chrla Borebere'
Re?. Father A. II Pervlee will again
bold aorvioea at the Catbolio cboroh oo
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refreo
lino and defects of I Da aye, will ba bora
vary tbrea months. 64H-lyr
"Co'o juloe" brail right bat Low Til
Urd baa a brand of 14-year-old goods
that Is bard to best. flo3 If.
rainless remedy fr fitreolieg teeth.
If Dot aa slated, do charge. Try Dr.
Veugbso's new plan. r4- tf.
If yoo need antnelhlng for year sytUrn
call at tba 'Phone Tha Telephone
looo. City bote! boilJing. If
Rett eoooenmodstioo and eonrtaona
treatment al tba Imperial Hotel, Havetilb
tod Wash. His., I'ortlaad, Oregon.
Sheriff Matlock ia again ia tbeesdJIa
oo an Important mteeion, lbs pertioolera
of which will atp-er ia oar nest Wens,
Mm Nellie fteeey isles lo eoaonnea)
tbsl sba will ba prepared lo tnaimenec
aewing again Hpt. litb at 1 25 per day.
Bring your bide, plim end furs lo
Bee. Metbawe, at tba Liberty Meat
Market , IU cays highest market pries,
E. O. Nol.UA Co. ere ruiUfs after
basins. Tba HbmI Uls aad bar.
sf to ba fonnd la llt por. Hm thtr
ew ad ia Ibw leena. tf.
J. A. Depay, of ibis rily, bat aka baa
t In OakeMalo, ( . fT I'tM
sad mho baa ba sirk la r ported aa
lHtaf aloaf ilr.
Fall and Winter H ... Si11101 (We Have Ladies', Misses' and Children's
MEN'S ailfl BOYS' Mackintoshes and Box Coats OUR GOODS
Oregon "Wool MakinawS i Are of the best puality ,
Duck Coats, rubber-lined OUR prices
--The best in the market.-- As low as the lowest and possibly a little bit lower
Stop that ooagbl Take warning. It
may lead to oonsnmption. A 25c bot
tle of Sbiloh'e On re may save your life.
Sold by Oonser & Warren. z '
Karl's Glover Boot Tea, tor Constipa
tion it'i the best and if after using it
yon don't say so, return package and
get your money. Sold by Oonser A
Warren. x
Dr. M. 6. Metzler, the dentist, who
has recently looated in oar oity, has bis
offloe for the present with Dr. MoFaul.
Those ib need of dental services sboald
oall and see bim. tf
Foe Constipation take Earl'a Clover
Tea, the great Blood Purifier, cures
beadaohes, Nervousness, Eruptions on
the face, and makes the bead as olear as
a bell. Sold by Oonser & Warren, x
Mr. M. Filzmaurioo, representing
Henry F. Allen, of San Francisco, euo
oessors to Allen & Lewis, is iu Heppner
for the present nolioitiu" wool consign
ments and making liberal advauoes ou
Tbe Morrow County Land & Trust
company have decided to go iuto the
wheat buying business extensively this
fall, aud it is important that growers in
terview tbem before disposing of their
Sbilob's .Consumption Cure cures
where others tail. It is tbe Ivaiing
Ooogh Cure, and no borne should be
without it. Pleasant to take and goes
right to tbe spot. Sold by Oouser &
Warren. x
Bev. J. M. Sulse, of Brownsville, Or.,
oooopied tbe pnlpit of tbe M. E. ohurcb
both morning and evemog last Konday.
Rev. Hulse baa just been assigned to
Hubbard, Marion oounty, by tbe annua!
Southern Oregon farmers are being
worked by "grocory drummers" from
Sao Fraooisro, as was the case with
Eastern Oregou farmers, an inferior ar
ticle is given and aa advanoe over looal
prices obnrged. Times.
Osoar Ilorg was taken seriously ill
Snuday nigbt with all the symptoms of
appendicitis, bul under tbe cars of Dr,
Htm look is reported past tba danger
point, and tbe doolor thinks a few days
will bring bim oat all right.
Don't miss Dewey's great battle to ba
given at tba opera house Friday and
Saturday sveoi. g. This wonderful in
vention of Edison's is aa n)sterioas as
wonderful. A most iostrootlvs and an.
joyabls avsniog is lo store tor you.
Mr. Frank Lea, tba wall-known wool
bayer, look leave of Ileppner Monday
evening, aod will make Tba Dallea bia
headquarters for tba winter. However
be expeols lo keep bit "eagle eye" oo
tbia fiomity'a clip, aod will visit na
about oooe a week.
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of I ha "IUd-
ligbt," ever oo tbe alert for eomatblng
oew.oao furnish you tbe flneal cock
tails io Ira laod Uanbetteo. Jerssv.
Vsrmoolb or Oio made by ao artist io
tbe business. Drop lo and take tba
taste out of yoor month. if
Messrs. Dynd aod Minor aoreswdfd ia
raising their port mo of the road fund
through solicitation, aoj Dow tba good
work of repairing the roads iolo tha io.
lerior ia onJer full bead way, lo tba eat
fsclmo of nol only onr nrchsnts bat
tbe trsvrliog public la g eosrel.
Al Ibe lUpooer Csody Factory is tba
plane lo get cool, rsfrMblef sn tumor
drinks, J a. II art eao fomlsb yoo milk
susiss, sodo, ire ersara aoda, orange
ioe, Deanb eidr, ale. loe eresm boolba
olosly BlUd op. Gome aad try Iba
Dewey flavor a Dew thief aod very fine.
Cf.l tf
On eiblbllioo io tbe wiedow of Minor
A Co. ia a waMrmeloo aUblaa 64
poaode, raiJ oo the farm of Aa
Tbompeoa, oo Boiisrareek. Tbspl-
mo will be Sf.lpp! lo tbe rorllaod la
dostrial fair, aod It is Ibe oplnloa el Ibe
Oasalle Ibal Marrow roaoly will ed
eoxlber bias rtt.UHl to IU Uereta.
Wm. (lordoo oo bae litbra oo i'
lono J fr Ibe eooairoeiioa m bis tew
livery Sara oo Mlo etroal bates
Mvaduo'a aod Uflef'e blkaiiib
stofis. Ilxs-r A !l"Uru bate Iba aa
Irael Vx ita tptHa aad will, aa as
ihy eao f lo I, tti wttb ! r.
Btal t.f tba ri4ee txw oo ibe
Tbe Msroiae lirsal, tm UKie
lrl to lb Marnsoj boiMiag, la M il
eillt)t Ran-otit act tbe paMia
wtll be rotaiiy awUrU).! this wiol-f.
5w tvuiiat.l'e as4 tMillae
tr froo lien lo ti'ria al this paUr,
Br. I pIms llvestf nf rt!afl, a4 ( a
to I'nriland nor 4otis stnl I ad Uil
to laks la enwe af It Gee drsajaa thai
will be Met4. If
Oa Ibte aanvfeUfl's traio 0 bad U
eaiko of "esmos" eel wblU weoteo
twaM lo tnea, ai eiife ltHa ratce lo-
tra-ltM f lbs a'fcl le k-.U la
bit W(tao U l"siaf ll'ttt it
ftkstie, rma Ibe rlkiaf of eriltM, sk
. J tf, is Sf fit -,. e, fa,
J t.S t 4t'l Jl. '''S , If is!'! . ,.
With a Complete and Select Stock of.
A. A . Willis Is up from Lexington.
Attorney Redfleld Is on the tick list.
F. E. White , of John Day, is registered at the
Miles McKenzlo from the Haystack country is
in trading.
Jeff Hayes came in for goods from Lone Rock
last Saturday.
N. A. Leach, Lexington's wheat buyer, was in
Heppner Saturday on business.
Michael B. Galloway and Franklin Willis
made final proof September 17th.
Thos. Boothby, of Lexington, was doing busi
ness with our merchants last week.
Clyde Wells made a business trip to Portland
last week returning Saturday morning,
Mrs. Von Cadow came up from Arlington a
few days ago, spending one day with friends
Kev. A. L. Thoroughman arrived here yester
day to locate and fulfill his appointment as cir
cuit preacher for this section.
Mr. Georgo F. Dan.ler, of Montana, paused
through town this morning, bound for the In
terior, to gather up sheep for shipment.
R. D.. Watkins, from the vicinity of Hamil
ton's mill, dropped in on the Gazette Saturday.
The first of next month Mrs. Watkins will take
charge of her school iu the vicinity of lone.
Miss Bertha Cats returned on Saturday morn
ing's train from her visit at Walla Walla and
Spokane. She reports a most enjoyable time,
and Judging from her looks the change of
climate together with enjoyment has proven
Mrs. Harrison Hale, well-known to our clti
sens, came in from the Blue mountains last
week In search of an efllcient teacher to finish
the terra made vacant by the resignation of
Miss Mollie Johnston, who now hat the respon
sibility of a room in the Heppner schools.
A Social (lathering.
A very peasant evening was spent at the
home of Mrs. Judge Bartholomew last night In
honor of the departure of Wm. U Baling, who
leaves tonight for Sumpter to assume charge of
his school for ths fall and winter. Various
games were ludulged in until toward midnight,
when a sumptuous repast was served, after
which the guests paid their compliments to the
hostesses, Mrs. Bartholomew and Miss Leach,
and took their departure for their respective
homes. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Judge Bartholomew, Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Brown,
I'rof. W. K. Howard, W. L. Haling, Robt. Hynd.
John Balslgcr, I wis Balslgcr, M. B.Ualloway,
Jamrs ; Hart, M lis Balslger, Mist Hlgsbee, Miss
guvli, Miss Barsur, Mlas Uach, Miss Elsie Lacy,
Misses Cora and Julia Hart, Misses Eva and Jan
nle Bartholomew, Miss Berths tales and Miss
Eva Brians.
A llsppy Daddy
Is Wsldon Rhea. Monday murnlngannouno
d ths arrival of a I04 pound boy. The father's
presviire up town st sn exceptionally early
hour, wsarlng that "tains old smile", was ths
subject of notable comment, (till ha said
nothing, but continued to smile. His "siptrl
sticed'' clerk, Mr. Hughss, soon pat in bis sp
pearanes, and In an Instant diagnosed tha ease
at a "boy" and a big one at that. That mask,
submissive, unpretentious llsht-welghl father
by this Urns had davslopsd proportions oomlcaJ
to behold, and had It not been for ths assurance
of the aforesaid clerk his Irtsnds would Davs
tnsplnlonnt a burst." Between ths boy and
tha tUirs ths father allo no dust Ui suttli
during Uis forvuuon. til ths innaulltn detoted
frleaxls had taken into conalltrallon his lm
Digitals wauu. and at uonntlms "Tap" Bltnont
bul turned out a eotn mod Inns baby bugsy 01
fnr sn heir to the throne of s kingdom. It was
decorated In tbe btahesl style of the art.
Kqulpfwl with all tbe nee-wary paraphernalia
for ths pear of the family and twlihborhood
and the development of ths young Heppnerlte,
the daddy Wat hoisted Into ths Ms, a pnxwaslon
formed, and arriving at the premises all were
brought to an appreciation of that old lamlllar
self evident truth of W bat Is a borne Ithout
a baby r Both Mr. Conor and Msory
lleppnet s enthusiasm and sdulraUna el ths
father was darldedly notkvble.
COl M it, ttttmo.
Leal Blunt at tba regular maetiof of
Iba enaacit, Caoeilmsa Liobteelbel,
M.irgao, Hi moos, H1tn and IUstous
era iraetit, aa! Iba fullovlbf boaiaesa
trebssct :
IVtitta for lienor liosoea iracled
Iae Arkartcao.
r.tiilop (otrefatxlief anoont o( oast
pirel lire use to J U. IWcbtra laid aa
t eiiiK.a htt priviiegs or bdlidiaf a
aik eroMioi eily ruirly was greeted
P. J. IWwermaa.
I'einioa f-r fe-lueHoa of llMmaa lt
etlu,ii,st, b( a aboalnitfcaltefr.tif
(ieo. 0. It. me, lai I oa labia.
1'etltioa tit re-lortioo nf tireasa on
bllr alley, by J, II. llthar.laoo, al4
ua table.
lit is .renlel bf A.T. MfN.y. Jet.
t'i'i and K. 1 1-tjera r.anojisaatJ i
rt I, at, 4 coders t-t wafra'ds ! J.
lUit oa rstriioa f bri Igs aa
re4 lo 4eKH -), ant II was dei Je4
i rwver sane ao I wait aotil a fur tbe
betliag s.ana ta fhnM sarue.
Ibe brvlge ta ti.a aair sal of toa,
Ser(t ea Uatbvas, was utUti febqiil
al e
Tbtarbal tiafl Iwelfrie4 -j aattibef
II IjrtJgea. Us-loalug- nb I bote la tbe
lower M. I l.(
tbe gfe4t U tjf I'eai ef Iba avsr
al.al.OU fbotaUKt, ilk OeorgelL
W aia saJ L. W. R L.a aa tareUea, mu.
UtiHi-g a fe- se'fmialiaf Iba til
fel t S)t f J.fJ
1b C" e-1 rtatMt fsit4
tb a tr t i we ki ieiw a st.s
J Ik fi!) .ti.r ft' 4; ( ,
! b 1 I SMattlt I4S-H!.
We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES of any house in the city
Ur Une f CLOAKS aWd CAPES is complete, comprising all the latest styles in
Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses'
WRflPS from $1.50 to $25.00
Our Stock of
In Shoes
We lead them
only to mention that we sell their line of Shoes to insure us a large and increasing Shoe trade.
In Dress Goods We are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, Ruffl-
mgs in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods.
In Ladies' and Children's
Underwear we can sup
ply your wants, and our
prices are right.
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon.
"Tbaader sod Lightning!"
"Thunder and lightning! " aid aimed
Eugene Jonee and P. 0. B rg Bandar
nigbt, At about 9 o'ol ok in the even
log Mr, Borg bad left bis rsoob below
town, homeward bound, wbsn tha gath
ering olouds overbaad prsoipttatad
ooodltioo of darkness eansl ta tha
provsrblsl 'itaok of blaok csts". Pot
ting bia trust lo tha old bona, Mr. Bon
bad rsslgasd himself to tbs bsllst that
ba woold aventoallj reaob boms "rlahl
Ids opH, wbso ba was ittrllad b tha
racket of oo approaching team, aod,
sbootlog Bothers!" tba response was:
"Are wa io tba road'" "Ask Iba old
boas," replied Mr. Brg, "mr lights
bava gona out." After cooaoltetioo
tba right of-war was givsa to Iba follow.
log team, tha driver of which proved to
ba Eogeaa Jooaa, io a carriage aooom-
paeisd bv bia aisUr. Haring aafely
paasad Mr. fiorg, bllouing sheet of
lightoiog, followed by a deafeoiog olap
of Ibnoder, for a moment demoralited
horses, drivers aod vshkles. A moment
later Mr. Borg raallied that a rooawat
was lo advanoa of him. Firatiaabad
from Iba steel Urea as Iba boggy for a
few momsots uraabed Ibroogb tha rocks,
aod Mr. Borg remembert beariog Mr.
Jooaa say to bia sister1 "J amp oatt
janp Lair Tbso all waa ailaoL
Unvia. to tba vlololiy of where ba last
beard Ibam, ba ebveked bia borse, aod
calling, ooold get oo rsepoosa,ao oa
Honed bia joorsey some dtaleuea f other
wbaa Oollialofl wltb wood pila
broogbl bim to bait by overturning
bia ear I. A yooag horae ba waa leading
aeeeyd ia breaiiog looaa, bot tba io
talllgeatold bona stood btsgroood oatil
Iba rig waa rlgbud. Wb-o Mr. Horg
Wpped la tba directloa of ttta louaa sol
Bud aaotbar flash of lightning and peal
" Ibnoder everesms Iba aeasea ol tba
aid reliable anissa), aod bis driver coold
bear bim plaagteg away io tba darko
Tba darko tee prsvsoUd soy asarob
ad Mr. 0irg coaaloded ta start for
bone, aod, ewrariag a saddle bore, re
laraad lo tba eeoe of bia Iroabla, bul
bis aearsb pn.ved ia tela, and retoraed
bsM asaia lo aw all tba aboroaob of
xrolag. He bed setUed dnaa to aleep
bea arnase i by eoe tea wbo bad fs
taraed let rig iolaal, asyleg Ibal Iba old
bore waa wdog bia way slowly
Ibmegb Mia at eel wltbonl Iba Weal
otMwra aa lo tba wbeveeUnlt) of Iba
driver. N.it axfoleg M4 Iba atorr of
Mr. and Mite JvaeV ti pens see
abort d.tleoee fruia Iba slut tba rig waa
vrtiirtl, tbe yuat.g maa knocked
"M.lMt aad b.s forearm broksa off
botweeatbownalaadaibew, Tbayaubg
la-ly atMeped wiiboal lajtry. Ooa borts
returned to Iba Ua ihsl albi; tbe
eibr was fntmd la Iba aaieg la lha
eietaity ol iba dei.t, still ettab-d I
im rig. wsieb wm sisjeftd aava
bf 'kea aerlyi.k.
I ee ii(MiH.e taeei...
Is perfect in
We are the only house in town that sells the Celehrated
"Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the
reputation of which is world-wide and sold by all the
leading houses.
all. The Kellev-Goodfellrmr Shnn
We carry a large stock of
Blankets from the Salem
Mills, from 50c up.
Call and examine our Stock and
Hllb. 8ebool Notts.
TJndar tha above heading will appear
aaoh week item of interest pertaining to
tba sobool, ita pupils and faonlty, from
oar regular correspondent, Mlis Lsoa
Tbs boyi of oar obonl greatly im
proved tha grounds Saturday by rsmor
log tba loos rooki, wblob bav btso
vary troublMoms.
MIm Liult Howard , msmbsr of Iba
lsvantb grade, ti 111 with tha nnaii-
Two new studsola vera enrollsd lo
Heppner Uigh lobool tbia weak.
Tba High acbool aitaoda their iimpa-
tby to Miaa Charlotte Shipley in bar ra
eanl bereavement.
Ike fslsee Ckaaies slaaagtaisst.
Tha management of Iba Palaoa bolel
bas again changed, Chris. Borouers retir
ing. alr.Joba Hagar aod wifa bava
been plaesd temporarily ia charge, with
M D. Ilymeo oo tba eight watch. Tba
aloon privilege baa passed into tba
bandaof Dave Arkerman. wilb Newt
Wbetelone aa bartender. Hon. J, W.
Morrow, upon bia return al tba oloaa of
tba aeweioa of tba legislators will sesame
management of tba hotel, and wltb Gbea.
Ttfll la control of Iba diolog room, Iba
InetltaUoo will drablleee ba pnl on a
payiog basis aod rno to Iba aatisractloo
of tba poblla It will bethoronahlt
reooteied and rsmodalad.
A Ureal Hkew Ceailsg.
Friday aod Hstorday avaoingt Hep-
tambar 231 aod 24lb. Edison Bbow Co..
will eibibit Edison's wondsrfol lovsn
linn. Uoa boodred graod aeenea will
ba Hashed by eleotrioitr aod eaU-iom
ligbta. Dewsy's great aaval baltla will
ba foogbt, tba slaking of tba Marrlmaa,
sreoae of Iba Mslne disaster, tba belli
sbip Oregon oo bsr facaooa trip, Oorbell
. . . . . ...
oi s-itasimmoas, Klondike snsnes,
Cabaa war aeeoaa, Ppaoltb boll Ugh Is,
Indiaa war aoeaea, aod maey Ibal are
funay, laleraetlng aod mysterious to all
Admiatloaealy ISaodUaeala. Kvery
body go, Issgb aad grow fat
ruft aLK OM II I XT
A g'd sbaep raaob eompriaiag nearly
tjbu aoraa, aoatrolliag tba largest aad
bl winter range la Oilliam aoanly.
('Kd d walling boasw aod large bara.
aleo aomolela ootSl fwf raaniag sbsp,
U) traa of new bay aad plasty of good
water oa tba Plata, For perwaolart
iaaalreat Nsnonib bsg,
lt Arliagtoo, Or.
Catarrh sre.i. A olear bead aad
Set breath a-rqrtv with Hbllob't
Calarrb Pn e!y; a.ld oo a gearsntea.
In fine Silk and Plush.
style, and finish and guaranteed to fit and give entire
Staple Goods
In Staple Goods we carry
everything needed in
in the house.
get our Prices when
To the School Children
-tA. full and complete line m
Just received by the
Slocum Drue Co.
Everything needed for
Are Yoa latereetedt
Tba O. R. k N. Co'a. new book oo Iba
Reeonreea of Oregon, Wasbiogtoo and
Idaho ia being distribotad. Onr reader
ara reqoeeted to forward tba addreeeea
of their Eastern friaoda aad aoqoaiat
aua,and aoopy of tba work will be
aant Ibam fraa. Tbia a matter all tboold
bo inlereetod lo, aod wa would ask tbat
averyooa taka aa Interest and forward
snob address lo W. II. Uorlborl, Oao
aral Paseenger Agent, O. R. k N. Co.,
Portland. 8l-tf
A atreag Dallea
uonsisu or strong men and beauty wo
men, aod health aod alreogtb depend
npon pare, riob blood wbiob ia giveo by
Hood'i Bartaparilla. A nation wblob
lakes millions of bottlaa of Uood'i Bar
sparilla a very yier ia laying tba fonnda-
tloo for health, tba wisdom of which
will lorely show Iteelf io years to oma.
Hood's Pilla ara prompt efficient, al
way reliable, easy to lake, easy to
operate. Tn.
rrepeeale fee RrUge.
Healed bids will ba received for baild
log a bridge over Hock creek, oa tha
Ileppner aad Lone I look road, oatll
October I, lH, eounty to forniab all
malarial oa tba troood. Itigbt reeervad
to rseot any or all bide.
A. 0. DaatBoWHIW,
M8t Ooonty Jndge,
CasslHkssa Raska
Tba well kaowa Ooaoiagbam bonk,
tboroog bbrmd gradaa and I)elaln, will ba
oo eihibitioo aad for sale at lleppoer
oa or abaot Oolober let. I'rioe to salt
Iba lime. ! sbsrga of
fan Wat.Hi.oai.
Ths milieoe Tear.
When nt.U t,av. try. end bur scsia,
mean tl.. re satteAed. The l"lU rt tbe
I nitH riatee ere now betlrig I ae reta
' ')r Call .rile at the rt'e r. two milltli
s fear atu It . l three 111 llwD I
fule New leers It frt''S Intrl prntl
t.et t ser M U.s m-st dt .it'ei U
retfti s". t.M eetfwili lil tti reeki. Al
U-e 1
Also carry a full stock of
Groceries, and guarantee to
meet all legitimate compe
tition. in the city.
Successors to E. W. Rhea & Co.
the commencement term
Chroale Dleirboea Careg.
This la to oartify thai X bava bad
ebronie diarrhoea ever alnaa tba war. I
got so weak I oonld hardly walk or do
aoytbing. One bottle of Chamberlain'a
Oolic, Cholera Diarrhoaa Itemed y eared
ma aoond aod wsIL J. R. Oisss,
Finoaatle, Va.
I bad abronle diarrhoaa for twalra
years. ITirea bottles o( Cbambarlaia
Oolio, Cholera aod Diarrhoea Kemedy
oared ma. B, L. Hasvan,
Fioaaatla, Va.
Both Mr. Oibb and Mr. Bhsvsr ara
tromlnsot farmers aad reside aee
rinoastla, Va. Tbey procorsd tba
rsmady from Mr. W. E. Caspar, a drag
gist of Ibal plaoa, wbo ia wall aoonalat.
ad with Ibam aod will voocb for Iba
troth of their atatamaota. For ale by
Conner A Warren.
yon A LB.
lUacb, 830 sores, good laod, 4 mtlea af
Heppner, all fenced, plant of water,
bouse aod barn, 140 acres of ommsr
fallow, all ready tut fall crop. Easy
terms. Call at Iba Oaaetta offloe.
flat tf
Will ba paid for mformalioa leading
to Iba srrset aod aoavlctloa of aay per-
eoo steeling a elite branded " WB," aoa-
neoUd oo Iba left side. Waddle oa Iba
aoaa. raavr Doaaaa.
Twealy aere of load, near a good
school. WIU trad for boraaa, farming
eot&ta, at. For farther tatormaliow a4-
T. WmciiLt,
tlood Biver, Or.
W tf
Wksl Ut. A. R. a-ller Bay.
Baffalo, V. TOwalat Froaj mf
paraaaal knowledge, gal aad la abaorwiaf
tba affect of year BhUob'g Oora la aaaaa
of advaooad aooiaaipltoa, I am prepcrwd
to aay it ta tba moat twanarkabla reared
Ibal ba ever bee broagbl Va mf at tea.
Ilea. II til MMalaly isril iey frcta
MrfiiH. M4N rx,irfn't,
f Mtiifwr in ifrVfWrMHHi
t a.-., t