Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 20, 1898, Image 1

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If you have bargains to
offer, announce it through
the columns of the
The Gazette will contain
the latest telegraphic news
From the Seat of war.
NO. 685
Published every Tuesday and Friday
Editor sua.d. Managw.
Ono Year
Six Months
Three Months
Aduertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the FostofHce at Heppner, Oregon,
as eecoud-clasB matter.
HHIB PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Hake's
L Advertising Ageney, 64 and 65 Merchants
Gxohangs, Ban i'rancisoo, California, where cou
raeta for advertising oan be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchang Build
ing, San Franeisoo, 1b our aaihorizyd agent.
Thia papar is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p.
Sanday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. m.
m, daily exoept
Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a. m. and ar
rives at Ueimner 6:00 a. m
Bpokane Express No. 1 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnction 7:50 p. m.
and Uma ilia 8:50 p. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 6j0a. m. and Heppner Junction 7 0
.m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland :25 p, m. and
arrives at Heppner J miction 8:25 a. in. and at
Umatilla 4:80 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leave) Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at H eppner J unction 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2C a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. R & N., Heppner, Ore.
United States Officials.
P:n-ilent William McKiuley
"'' President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State . ...W. K. Day
icccHiury of Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
ei retary ot War Uuswll . Alger
erotary of Navy John U. Long
I'ot :nit tHr-tienei al Charles Emery Smith
Mtornny-Weneral John W. Griggs
Suoretury f Agriculture James Wiuton
State of OragOD.
itovornor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. K. Kincaid
Irnasnrer Phil, Metochan
W'Jlit. I'nblio lnstrnction (J. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. ldleman
,. 1 J. W. McBride
..preine Judges.,
JThos. H. Tongue
( w. it. Kiln
W. 11. Leeds
R. S. Bean,
A. Moore.
E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
(' "cnit Judge Stephen .Lowell
P.oeeoutiina Attorney H. J. Bean
Morrow Count Officials.
Juint Senator J. W. Mornv
rinproneotntive. E. L. Kreeland
tii'Onty Judge A. (. Bartholomew
' ('oiuinlfteionrirs J. U. Howard
J. W. Beckett.
" riork Vawtar Crawford
Bl.witf K. L. Matlock
' Treasurer M. Lirhtenthal
Assessor A V. Fetteyt
' Surveyor.- Julius Kmthly
hohool bud t Jay W. Shipley
' Coroner ............ Dr. E. K. Hunloek
niprnas Tuva nrnciHK.
M or Thoe. Morgan
Councilman E. J. Hloeom, M.
Lichtenthal, J. K. Simons, J, J. Roberts, J. W.
HumDi uiil IC tl. Soerrv.
Hixinior .'. W. A. Klehardson
rrewmrar I W. Ilrigm
Marshal John linger
Precinct O Ulcer.
Initio of tht Peto W. E. Richardson
Unstable. U. B. bray
United State. Land Officer.
(ay P I noes Register
Cus Patterson lUomvet
V.A na.ana AM.
K. W. Bartlett ReftHster
S. O. ttwarkheimer Heoalver
O. A. R.
rtMtsat Hspptier, Or., the third Saturday of
'rh month. All veterans art uthm to Join.
W. W.hmitli. W.Bm,
Adjutant, tf Commandar,
D. J. AlcFaul, M. D.
Office bniirt, II to 10 a. m., and l2tol
p. m., at r.ldei.re, and lu to U a. m ,
and 3 to Ikp tn.. at office la Ihs rrer of
Bori s jewelry store.
C E. Redfleld
Office o First Dallonal Hank building.
IJsppn.r, Orefoo.
Ellis A Phelps
AD bnalneMatUmded t
and etl.frUry manner,
lie and Collector.
i In prompt
Notaries fub-
frrJIr. la Hatter's Building. Heppner, Orvfon,
B rm i i n ii a, 111 a
AVcgetablePreparationfor As
similating tiuiToodandRcg da
ting theStomachs andBowels of
Mem i m m
0. A. RHEA. President
T. A. RflEA Vio President
D E Gilman
OESERAL collector.
Put four old txwks aa4 noire le hit
nande and f t ymir mntwy mil rf lhnt
liirn Matre a specially A baf4 clioo
Plriee la I, H, Brnwn't bnlMlnf. Reppeer, Of.
A- Richardson
justice nr the peace
ant CITY HtVOHtit.R.
nVe at rm ti II (itswWre
bi:il4 tniMlHla't MM bmiaM, pars
lae, d'we rn tt.f UI jtm la
any way la ble line, al f ml.le flira.
ness andRest.Contains neither
Ojmim.Morphine HDrMcneraL
Not Narcotic.
Pamphn Smi'
Aiiist Setd
icrm Setd -
(larttud Sugar .
AperfectHcmedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stoiriach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
oess and LOSS OF SLEEP.
ew wsisMBBBfxM r ssasaiwwwiswHM
Tac Simile Signature of
II 1JJ11111.SJ.V: UJLM? BiH
For Infant3 and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
oi tni
Orders of the War Department
Suddenly Reversed.
I 131211
1 M - liT
Another Letter From Volunteer at fort
Weston Leader.
Fort Cavite, Aug. 6. Today is Satur
day, and it is a very dreary day, tor raio
bag been tailing about two weeks and
the ground is awful muddy. Tbe wind
blows bard, and d-ivea tbe rain witb
suoh force tbat it is-, e being bit witb
a handful of pebbles. There bas been a
big storm at sea for tbree days, and one
boat was sank in tbe bay aboot a hund
red yards from our oook house. The
wind r?Bs so terrific that it broke tbe
Spokaue Bey Who Served Witb Bcgalars
Telia of Them.
Spokesman Review.
i Charles C. Bapp, the drummer of tha
Sixteenth infantry band, who returned
to Spokane Wednesday from Camp Wik
off, N. Y., expeols to remain in tbe oitf
until he has at least partially recovered
his lost, health. Mr. Bapp Buffered for .
several weeks from the Cuban fevera
and when he arrived here Wednesday
afternoon was so weak that ho was
scarcely able to walk. He waa much
better yesterday and thinks before hit
rudder, and tbe boat was driven against 30-day furlough has expired, the atmo-
the big Btone dike and dashed to pieces, sbere of 8pokane will have driven all
I saw it go down. Iraoes ot tbe Cuban fevera from bis iyi-
Tbe Monterey came iu day before yes- tern.
terday, after being out 50 days. Every- ; Mi. Rapp is a Spokane boy. His par-
, body thought it bad sunk in tbe China ents reside bare and ha waa a resident of
I w- I i ' , I. . . uu wo win kibu tu eee is oume iu.
A rian XO VjarriSOn me ISianaS AlgUinaiaO The American troops have taken pos-
eoBHiuu oi me Duiive worKS arouna ma-
You Have
.Always Bought.
Claims His Government is Kindly
Disposed Toward the
; United States.
nila and have bad three engagements
with the Spaniards, defeating them
svery time.
Agulnaldo ordered General Anderson
not to land any more American soldiers
in Fort Cavite, and to leave tbe plaoe.
this city for soma time. . He enlisted at
Fort Sherman, being first in the Fourth.,
infantry and later in. the Sixteenth.
When he showed himself on the street!
for tbe first time yesterday be met many
friends and was kept busy telling tha.
slory of the Santiago campaign and the.
hardships of tbe Sixteenth.
"1 am pretty weak and so are nearly
piRST IJational Rank
Night before last they bad a big meeting, all tbe boys of the Sixteenth," be said,
and we .boogb they were going, to at- "Tbe Oaban fevers took all tbe strength
taok us. Company A and the artillery out of ua and it will be man months
Associated Press Dispatchos. with oallinu onna nan nrrlarad nnt hflfnrn am the same flaa. raoimanl
WASHINGTON, Sept. 19. The following troops DOW at San Fran- They have doubled the guards and the that was sent to Cuba.
cisco have been ordered to Manila: Oregon troopa have been ordered to stay "What we passed through in tba
Fifty-first Iowa regiment, Twentieth Kansas regiment, First the bs"k 61 Fft Cavits, as it is Cuban campaign was enough take tha
rp e a. ' 171 i ii? t-i m .a wuvHOkicia: uouuuuoi irjlrj Ml IUtJ LUaUllfl DtiTUKtU UUI Ul AUTUUUi Aire VUUBU
Tennessee regiment, First Washington regiment, reormts for the expedition and all the food, aramumtioo climate did most of it.but the hardships
Second Oregon regiment, anil arrangements for the embarkation of the and money is stored here. wa bad to endura were responsible for ev
troops will be made at once. We have the best plaoe of any of the large share. We passed through the
It was stated at the war department that no exicenov had arisen ,r0P8- Manv otDflP "Kiments are out long battle with almost nothing to eat
which made it necessary to send the troops now at San Francisco to ? the, fl'ld a th1M9Tli!tlT ds ,ent8.' ni "i8t ,te OODOlaion la' dow a
I M.nJI. H...l.i J.J : J :il il u,... u, ..ua. w tfouuauu.uiuur iu.u. wunuK ...u. a uuwuwu.h
u..D, uu .ut, u.u OUOu touay wo iu nucoiuHucu wu iub general company, died from Asiatic fflver.and
plan of the department regarding the garrison for tbe Philippines. the oorrpany subscribed $117.60 to bis
It was also said the plan incladed 20,000 men for the Philippines, tolk Bt Rockford, Wash., who were da-
12,500 for Porto Rico and 60,000 for Cuba. pendent upon him. Our aeoond liea-
The troops to be sent to Manila nnder today's order will fill the " JL'T
complement for that station. hnt tha bov. Brfl ttnnlim.i nnw
and all look flue. Some of our 8paoish
tbe rain was coming down in sheets and
alepl like log because I was so tired.
Tbe repeated rains which we had after
the battle started the fevera among tht .
men. Our oondition was made worse by
the poor and insufficient food, utterly
unfit for men in our condition, whiob
was served us. Under suoh treatment
WASHINGTON, Sept 19. The war department has amended the prfeouera have died, although Unole the entire army was soon ready to be.
Wfl mint.; t tlm ,Hatl, f ;tnnama tu. tu:i.v: - B8m Ieea ,nem well we' " ' PIMea oa ,ne n0BPlw
Ul .B.ulull,OUi,uM lu ,u, 4 murium suu, Snaniarde that tl.n nalivaa ha.a averfbodv had the fever and ontoimn
Sam feeds them well. I feel sorry for plaoed on the hospital list. Nearly
1. 1 1 . I lldl i . n m m, 1
iw morease iue Dumuer oy 1101 privates ana 00 omcers. inese are oantured. for thev are nearlv .t.rved to looked like a hoeoital oamn. The men
W. CONSER ' Cabierl made UD Of four OOmDaniea of thfl Twnntv.thirrl infantrw snil ronrniia Haih Thot snmi ,nnn . hiliuul aanh. nthar hank anrl fnrlh mil
FREELAND. . AesisUut (Jasbierlf.- iu. tii, r ...i : t.-: l xt.i i i -n- l i i i I n. v.n. t v. .. .n.n ti,.i. i.:.hf. mnma.t. n...inn t..
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections made on all points on reasonable terms Surplus and undivided profits p&jtoo.
for the Tenth Pennsylvania, First Nebraska and First Colorado. for ,ne bovt to feed them, and we give apent their leisure momenta praying to
These troops made op the expedition under Qeneral King, which
recently left 8m Franoisoo on the Arizona for the Philippines, but
was stopped by the department's orders when two days out aud
returned to its post.
mem wnat we nave left. It we were
their prisoners they would kill ui, but
we don'i like to see anybody starve, for
we had s taste ct fasting on the boat.
Yeuterday I took a detail to go and
gel s bamboo rig pole for oar lent. Tbe
be returned to the United States.
"The oondition ol the regiment waa
much bettered by , the return . to tbs
United States. Camp Wikoff u s cool,
healthy plaoe with pleasant aes breezes
to help the men regain their lust health.
They have anything in this line that you may desire and you ran depend on it you set
good article when they guarantee IU
Old Stand, Main Street
SAN FllANCWOO, Sept. 19. News that five reciments now encamoed oaptalo gave us two revolvers and told Tbe men now have all tbey want to sat.
rmm. iwv.c.1 intmiawr in this Cltv have bean ordorfld tn fdnilft nrnaiarl nnira an ATnilamanl I us to kill tbe first native that showed tbe rations served by tbe commissary
iVX. JUXtII riVlVTriAIrf &Z CO. civilians and soldiers alika haino- kfWrl. flnn.Wnram t .r.JDT '" ' We went Into a department being good and Urge
unwivvsj js.ru out uuo tiuu ue roiunou i uiuuuia ui uciiubuicbi uviuy uuutnuuiou
In tail nsi VtsiwsB (I hnft nnm nf lliai Kwsi I k Ihsi tsAniilsi nf fimm Vnrb rii1 alha.
more aroused. Official intelligence had already been given out that Cut the pole while tbe rest made him oities. The worst fault that is being
no more soldiers would go to tbe Philippines. The only vessel atand baok. I think wa will hava to fonnd with Wikoff is tbat it is now b-
Repairlng Speoiaity available for trausportatiou purposes, ntt already otherwise engaged, WD,P tbM '' before ws oome looming too oool. The regiment will soon
ii wo aid ds great run just me
meut on two occasions.
Belled express is coming. Does deliver
work on short order. 10 rents ami up
wards. This wairon is No. 4, and leave
your order with it, or at "Central" tele
phone otlice.
We Aove Anything!,
the old shop.'
la the place to (ro to set your fine pork
and laiuo chops, atuaaa and roasu.
The Kicker and tbe Knocker.
One of onr far-seeing contemporaries
hat oriuinated tbe following very aenai
ble sdvise:
"If our neighbor is prosperous let btm
is the steamer Centennial, ami ahn haa tmnn roiitftil ha ! rrnvm home.
. ef O I nnhijns f SlAlrffStViKifaa
When tbe 26 men oome from Peodle-
Washington, Sept. 19. Iu connection with the sending of fresh
troops to tbe Philippines, mention may be made of the fact the battle-
have to be moved for tba men will begin
to suffer from tbe oold. Tbs men bops
tbey will be retornad to Fort Sherman
but tbey bavs little expeatation of that.
Tbe plan of the war department seems
to be to keep tbe men who served in
ri.k. r rii
rinesiiKar-cnred hams and bacon, pure leal I --"I"" 7ur uimi.
lard, kettle-rendered, old style. HlKhest caan
ini:e paid lor at sioca.
BenJ. Mathewa
Wm. Gordon lias re-namcd
his stand the old Junes
livery stable
'.Tlio Control.
Baled hay for sale. Tharcva reasonable. Call
on mm and cave vour bum well eared Inf.
Stage Line
B. f. MILLCR, Pre
C'hrapwrt and mt direct route In John fay
valley, Canyon Hy ailuiiif district. Burns auw
older Interior plma.
ftui-ea trava Hsppnef Ixallr. Sunday et
rerie.l. at ft. aa. Arrive al t autuii t nr
lu ti hours.
Imv I'anyoq r al I B tn , arrlre al llct.ti
ai la 14 bfiurs. Conner tli, with trains.
ton aid La Grande to recruit onr com
pany to 100 members, thers will bs YX
JWirfiallai St St ft Kan t n r StxaeX daSI as-krvnamt f
prosper. Don't grunt, growl or grumble. 8D1P8 Ao.wa Bnd "re8on ar to go to Manila as quickly as possible, and stand neit for promotion to sergeant. I Cuba at tbe poets seat of tbs Mississippi
Say a good word for him and let it so at mechanics are Workiog night and day to get them ready for the lono- am not eon? that I came. I wouldn't river."
that. Don't be a knocker. Yoor turn vovaee. Vessels of thia k m a. unwind 1 kn th PMIinn.'r, 5n. go horns if I bad s chance it I bad to ueoerai uues popular wuu io
will oome. No one man ia a whole snow, surgents ia order, and their assembling at Manila, in conjunction with l,M ,e,t of tb' bo" b,r- AU of
If yon see the town is reiving along, iua .iu.u i. ,: . , , . .. . . , , the Weston boys are getting fat, tor we
feelgood about ao.1 enconrsge every h d,epatch re.nforoements of troops for the American land have very good grub now. W.bav.rKJ
ndoauum uuiuu regnrueu as siguiucaoi. m oor company treasury. We draw
In well-ioforme l ciroles here it is seen that the real purpose of mors rtioos than we oa, so w sell tbe
tbiogs slong. Shove a little. Fob.
army?" was asked.
"Yea, bs seems to be."
"What do tbe soldiers think of Secre
tary Alter T"
"Well, I would ralber not tay any
thing about tbat It would do me no
good and would certainly do me barm
witb my superior officers In tks army.'
Try end grtsomeof tbe benefit yonreelf. the president in making these preparations is to insare the poaoe com- "P'1" oJ mooey to bay oou.
Don't stand around like s chilly old misaioners against any interference in the work of disposing of the 6mMi ailk' 'mH 'oUtoe, b"
oadavnr. Don't waste your time feeling . ... , ........ .. . make pie, pineapples, fresh fish and
sore btcau.. some iw ha. . little at"e of th I'tilippioo. acoordio? t tneir best judgment Not b.v. ol.mi.
more aod and sense than you have. ,D a''O"! t plans 10 reape3t to the islands outside of Luzon, the Ws bavs plenty of elotbes swept
Di a little buttling yourself. Don't U eat of the capital of the group, the president reserves for the American shoes, of wblon there are 8,ooo pair on
a snooker. peacs eommiti.ioners the right to dispose of the remainder of the is- (be way. Our sleeping quarters are dry,
"If ton eio i i a good word for your &lt M tney ma jeen, best. ! nave bamboo books, two blank-
town end neighbir., say it lik. s prince. tu. i i- t i t ti . i ... eta. str.w tick, dog tent and slDoaeho
If you .re foil of bile, eoJ ,lpo.l .o fh8 1 ? J I ? to which one of the groat Euro- I J td. wiib, Els
say .ouietbiog mean, keep your month P680 Powers has boen a party, has beyond question done much to oauao moe,,ul!o nete-eo you see we arc very
iuoi. in I be a ko-ck.r. o man ever a leeung or. uuoasineas oo tne part of tbe aliuiulatratlOQ as tending to comfortable. Ws bavs ono brown aod on the nuloo depot platform. J net as tbs
mai a oonar aioiiog, oor ever got nob show a purpose tu interfere in our free actions in the Philippines, and pos bins smt of cloihee, sit suits of thin I Omaha train was about to poll oat and
AS karttiH n.ln,liiii a. ba..!. t - I I . . .... .... .. " " ' I . . m al
Ola Mm Freai Orfa falls Isle Us Baal
f Kkarpers.
A llankato special to the St. Vanl I'i
ooeer i'reee, dated SepUmber 9ib, says:
A bold robtery ooearrtd this afternoon
llarmia To
Hardmaa ...
Mrit,tirit ...
MmllNn ...
I.ne re
f"S Valley ..
J .h a tmy ...
t'anyon iff
ILts rsat
jn II
V. i .
i !
1 t.
I'l a
l4 s u
or happy minding everybody elees bnel
nets but his
biroaelf Dp perm
oelrfhb r d
uive it iiberaiiy. ii woo t ooet you s 1 icsiance, as me gamertng oi naval vessels to tb south of tbe I'hilip- drill fosr times s dy.
" one yoqreeii I IIIOOS, 1116 OUlf eXlll.DAtlOD Ol WulCtl iS tba DtirrxMtA of atvinirinn oil liar I T-ll K.-lb.. V.. I
.mi. tig everybody ei.es bnel- 00y sliiihtly diminished by the apparently frank eoU"n 0,'"M' t,,r of ,oc,, '" tul', rslalbs violoity.
'r.sUnMFbFk disclaimer, of olrior purrK, tecau.e the tncidents oemtinus to mul- ,brM ? 'H'' L"',!' Wb b. train stopp tor dmner W..
pfrrosoentiy by koooklo bis , . . . . . . .poa, plaU, baversaok, eaotewo, belt, KdJy.oae of tbe paeeeofere, . feeble
l.wa. O.reop. kind word. ply. "d In manner Caloulatwl to avoid attracting attention, such, for m ronads ot ammunition and gun. We man TO f eara of age,Vb7as os bis way
some day.
Ion may
laoOaftKlS hw aainr nr h sim unrul r.. l 1, . . .1 I U..m a.k.. II I ... - it
lode, and n-.l ve.r h..itho,.t 11,. . ' " "i'-u.-u KTwrDa.nD, tUe -
of sh.v. Ho don't be a koorkaf . Y .0 ,mPrUot ' r I'wn. It is gathered that it is the purpose of
eau't af .rd it. It won't py. There is lu PrMldnt prevent the ahenatiou by Hpain of aoy of th I'hiliD-
noihloi in it. If yot want to throw pine group, and these preparations, naval as well as military, are bat
s -met! ing at eomeb .dy. throw olo.a stop, toward the location of bis purpose. With the addition to the
ill bring biro
rry it
Haw Drrris.
rairleal TeWekoee aery ire,
(Irani Uonnty .News says:
orrrve-e. u m t ibrnw briokhat or moI. .t t- . .1.1... 1 -it l a . 1-- t t.,. .. ,. I
. w...(, ww, .ui.ii uiin m iiriue arrvJUi( UU.J VI 1USI OI I ... u 1
0. B. Mitt
Irisvlng, 18 Cee-t
Half CsittiMf ,
Ske. Maut t
Mathews 4 Gentry
11 a sura l
Seevlei IS Cee)
HeirCMf 19 '
Hf eonnsrt with trains al Heppner.
Nor Han( suvi4 up this line with tw
rovered err,es arid fmd tearr,. m prepared
le (ire S raw. imm e' U m to t., (.i.biio.
A. O. UOILVIE i"'1
V'lSWU lB Kl,M , S'.sb .., aNB4tr'a f'fi
M.yi;ie (WaaiUw) ne K mind in 1
rnd"a tn inn , awn m t
(tewa f js aniMi ., n ,,, aitdlriBi
Otl isl,M . . I Ha4 r'
fl I.. . k k.. it ... . l
" ' "'""" ' T wtwsi.ra ,ii ., . ... .
go around trebled tb- bam and tnks wrw iwtb waters, won on snore WUS Will li.T9 a more
good kiok atyoo-e-if. Kir if yon fi namerons army than any hororan power, save Itussia.
thai way, you're the man tbat ttewd
Irking. Hot whatever yun i don't be IW VottK. HfpL 19. The followinff di.Datch haa bcion roriiivn.1 at
the Associated l'ress:
from bis boms la La Grande, Ore., to
visit relatives at Wionebago City, got off
le walk on tbs platform. Two crooks,
wbo bed probably followed bla from lbs
clliee, also got off and ae of them
wentwl bin to bet oa s three sard monks
game worked by lbs other, wbo Is de
scribed as s grey-beaded, shot I, obonky
K.ldy would not bet, bnl was ls
daoed to eibiblt bis money. (Joe of tbs
a koork-r."
ot Ilakola. and reprewwotlng himself to I
be sabesp buyer, weal Into tbe store of I pair, a large, powerful roaa, took IbM
I. hem Laarenoe at I'rlne City Ut Is g-ild from tvldy a pnrseand pretend!
Wednesday aod preeewled s cbe k of I'D te bet it os tbe Inrs of s tard, toet, aa4
on lbs Tire! M.tirro.l b.nk of Pendleton, .boved IU otowey eter to tbe elt mea,
blob waa caebed by kf re. Laoreoea. bo took It and di.appearad. TAif
"Manila, 8pL 19. Tbe Filiuioo tfovernment dfairM tnlofnrin IK. Perties wbo were is tbe elore ewpiolotv .Urad by tbs big mas and called for
American cover nm en t and imoriU that tba tn.n. nm.- .. Ud tb 1 Immediately telephoned help, sad a men took bim Into sastody
Oool r.ts.re r'slly m re than akia ..,!. si,. ... .i.,: i ... V... . , . . Ilo the bank al resdleton in regard to M Inrsed bi ever te tbe fiv. IU
dr.,,, Awutt sal.r.1, ..o a health, T " . .. . . ' "a AM,C" tb. mas. and found Ib.t the ebl wa. give
ailiuos rt all Ihs vital organs. Illbs k ' ' ,U""0,"UB ourrs oi n nrjniiiy 10 IwlD parties; art fa
I .'at. s i...tl . I . .! a Si al a a .... 1
IukI, enrr. tlojLle..
"IbliHebe. and lnU, aid gleee a grl
r ft lb 1 Inn. I.vrry Ik.IIUi flarafttewd.
f)tae leaves A tin.. fan every of 4 Hl ibyhl irrim 2'rng Co., 1 i . H 'ire 0 to,
1 I ' ' nisosef. U nei.te l.f Urltle.
et (..ixtn at l p. m. at.J err in at Y '
ell at 7 B. rn "
I Ik tr.f-rfb! c-tH a-i -et-4 e,,.. . ,TT . ' """"- ..
Has Is Leek Gees'.
inwiivwu k"trr uiunui wui uivuiiits turns tun msnv rn metre rti 1 . r f . 1 " - r .
his same as Jobs Howard aod
nana. Mr. I!t.a.1la" arnalla.l a tal I lafl IiS eail.e I rota al iDBeaDOiia. tie
liter U ieatlive. ton La.e a Llll.r.na wlttJOUl tmlU SOI are Circulatl for the DUrtKMMI Of brpiudicinff Ihsi an. and aet out ftrroeelh.rl.il. He eerne lelllmS YJf Ul tb. money
U-k.tf )onrb.mrb be iliar,rdere.t you Pal of the Filipinos for r"loas from tbs oni.raa-Ion and rrn.liw r.fonl t-i tbe road near Mollsleyi ttere Howard offered bis saplof tJO U
and took lb. stage f r Oanyos City blm go bef-trs tbs Sflllns errl?l. us
Word was seat tn O.eei.Me To.lbtjntef bellrle-l to lolues Elly to lakslbs
to srymwl tbe ssea. Us was rael by las Irais as It pulled sst, and feJiag la Ibis
SooeUble beleeea Juba Day sad I'rairU ftltaoipiej to bird tt bioteelf, bal
tn I takes Into snetodav. He waived allpH ssl fell. His pertwav bas
laaUnettoa sal was placed oaJer id) bees appreb-uled,
brwle by Jesliee llnllsns. Ileslalms
bat. a le.e.tM lm,k; if yo.ir kidneys Spain.
"The rrlaliou. of oor poopU and yours bavs Uno aod will oontiuas
be efJ et-l, ynq have s .ln"l.. look
Mtl.A Mi . . .1 1 ....
bavs tonj g.ks. "I ierd.,. 11.11...- 1. 1 luoet ItitoUj clarr and ws Lave) witbdrawo our furors from
a'.J e;ef(,si,va ad i iak-. Aeu .ii- ,0 oburbs of Manila as additional evidftucs of oar oonfidnnoe In tbs
rily in, ii,. etmft.b, liver .bd kldneye. Rret American republic. "Aoi'lSALlXJ."
1 arinte ibe
WAsaixoruM.KrpL I'J. Tb Aesciatfl.l I'rsss dispatch otioypyiog
Aguibal.bs u !) to thw American (wpls was rgards with much
nl.rrt at tbs WbiU lloua. I ks reidot reI the satemDt -ilh
i lot appreciation i.f its Iroti-Uno, but did n' t volubtr any Itfor. I ,,
matior, a, to ths allitn U of ILL wnul Or4mU fcr ym .V- K r, m f.,f(
tbtl be bad seat money tn tbe beak at
PeeJLIos while al U. II. d.-
treyel letters sad papers wbib bs ba4
oa bis pereos,
lleaelf IS Hle leet.
(1,n tll iweans e rlraa ekln Ns
fauty Willwiil it a.ara,t 'anrty I )iker
, 1. an j. Mir Wa and kern h rtewe, by
eimt.( up Ibe tary bw ar.d duin all law.
tur tle Owe twe twsy. lm mUr a
Ui,,.h I .n.j.iea. I.a. Uatrfc, bUkbJa.
t4 Uel K.!r li"i rm. ty U
1.. ' , ' y I il fcrw .t ( "ej
1. t . Ii!' I' ilk, . r.