O. R. & N. Dkpakt TIME BCHEDCJLEs! Arrive fob From Heppner. from 9:30 p.m. Salt lake, Denver, 4:50 a.m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, 8t. Louis, Chic ago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Ht. l'aul, Dutiith, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p.m. OcitAN Rtkamsiiip8 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change. For Ban Francisco Bail Hejt. 1, 6, 11, Hi, 21.26. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska 5:00 p.m. September 17 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivkr 4:00p.m. Ex. Sunday Btkamkbs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday 7:00 a. m. lues., Thur, and Sat. 6:00 a. m. Tues. Thurs. and Sat. Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD -SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EASTj Id through tourist cars without change, MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charf e of experienced conductors and porters. Mondays, THE WHEAT MARKET. WIU.AMKTTE RlVRR Oregon City, New- berg, saiem ana Way Landings. To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and Boston without change via oau mite, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Rys. 'im.,1.,1.0 To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and UlMldV!!, Huston without chmiere via Salt Lake and Chicago, Kock Island 4i Pacific Ry. U'AJnAclniro To St. Joseph, Kansas City and t CdlllMHyS, Ht. j,oiB without change via Salt Lake and Burlington iiouie. linnoitoiTo To Kansas City and St. Louis with llUrSUayS, out change via Salt Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. 4:30 p. m. Ex, Sunday wim.amettb and Yamhill Kivxks. Oregon City ton a ings. Day-1 ton & Way Land- Willamette River Portland to Corval. lis & way Lana-lugs. Lv. Riparia d ally except Saturday Snake River. Riparia to Lewiaton A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. 8:30 p. m. Mon., Wed. and Fri. 4 :30 p. m. Tues., Thur. and Sat. Lv. Lewistoti y exct rlday daily excopt Paaaangara booked for all Foreign Countries. J. O. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or, A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and ail all information, inquire of O. R, & N. and 8. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICIIOL, S. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Uen. pass, at i at. Agi,. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col, Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt.. Heppnor.Or, SPOKANE FALLS NELSON I I NORTHERN FORT SHEPPARD ARE YOU GOING ERST ? If bo, be Hare and see that your ticket reads via ine nwestem Line ....THE.... OHIOAOO, BT. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS H THB Great Short Lioe BETWEEN DULUTH, 8t. PAUL, CI1ICA.GO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestibuled Dining aim ninepins; m Trains, and Motto: RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Kail Route Without Obanae of Care Between 8pokne KonslHDd aud Nelnon. Also between Nelson and Rogslaod, daily exoept Btibday : Leave. Arrive. Mil A. M Hpokane ;40 P. M. II it) A. M JloBsland : JJ. :10 A.M Nelson 8:15 P. M. Close connections at Nelson with steamers for Kaslo, and all Kootenai ljuke point. Passeneers for Kettle Hlver and Boundary reek connect at Murous with stage dailv. UNION PACIFIC THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE East and Southeast VIA THK THE THltOUGH CAH LINE. II 11. I'UIXMAN PALACK HLKK.I'KKH. PULLMAN TOUH1ST HI.KKPEHH. HtliK KKCl.ININO CI1A1H CA118, ill.sii this road a national reputation. All wo nl iniiuHiimcrs carried oil the vestlhnltl "ALWAYS ON TIMK lias i-Iuih nl hum1 trains without estra charge. Hhlp your Ireliiht and travel over tills lauioui line. All agents have ticket. W. H.MKAI). K.C.BAVAliK, Uen. AgenL Trav. If. V P. Agt. it Washington Ht., Portland, Or. I'orthtnd to Kaxfcm Citint Vha ('. Withou There art Many Cannes Leading op to the Present Stagnation. In its review of the wheat market lor the past week the Portland Oregonian says: There la hardly enough wheat moving to make a market, and export values seem to be lost sight of by bidders in the interior, who have paid up to 5t to 55 cents, and even better, for Walla Walla for the few stray lots that are selling. Contrasted with last year, the move ment will be later this season, but with other years it will probably be about the same. Last year all of the tonnage that was secured for well on past the turn of the year was hurried to port and loaded as fast as men and money could handle it, in order to get the wheat afloat while the high prices prevailed. This year nothing that bears any indication to high prices is apparent, and with such a sick market but little business can be done. In an ordinary season the month just closed would have been one of the liveliest of the sesson for chartering, but this year not a single new engagement was reported during August, and with one week of September already passed there have been no charters reported. A great many reasons are offered for the pre- ailiiie dullness in the foreign markets, the most potent probably being the continued good crop reports, although the heavy losses of the foreign speculators on Oregon and caniornia cargoes which are just arriving out uo un doubtedly been a factor iu causing them to nolo aloof from a market beset with so many un certainties. These terrltlc losses, which were lamely occasioned by the collapse of the Leiter deal, have had an effect on the market that will not speedily be offset, and it is a question in the mind of many intelligent farmers whether ine present losses, that must be met by the people who sell wheat through necessity, will be greater than the grain last year, as, iu spite of the good crop reports, there might not nave been such utter demoralization as now exists, had the crop of 197 been handled on a legiti mate iiiBtead of speculative basis. Freights are slightly weaker in Portland, v. itn no demand, large carriers offering 32s 6d, while a Ban Francisco vessel has offered to come north for 31s 3d; but until there is a better foreign market no more tonnoge is wanted, and but little of that now in port will be loaded be fore the last of next month. One ship is load ing wheat in Portland this week, and a ship was expected to commence loading on the sound yesterday. A SAN FKANCIM.O VIEW. The Commercial News, of San Francisco, in reviewing the market, says: Storms and gener ally prejudicial weather in England recently cast some doubt upon the outcome of the harvest there, but latest information restores confidence, and shows that, while some of the wheat was Injured, the general result has been quite satisfactory, both quantity and quality being in advance of last season's Bhowing. The northern part of France has not turned out as well as was Indicated atone time, there having been damage from unseasonable weather, but It is certain that any curtailment of exporta tion in that quarter will be abundantly com pensated for In the south, where the yield is heavy and of fine quality. The sharp and spirited advance iu near deliveries of Hour in Paris has, naturally, had more or less influence upon wheat futures, and suggested the idea that the wheat crop might not be coming up to nxneetstlons. a notion that should ere this have been dissipated by the closing pronounced oe cline in values. The sensational press has at tempted to make out that distress in some of the Russian provinces means a smaller wheat crop, and this In turn was made the basis of a bulge in eastern futures. A careful summary of the facts, however, shows that the general yield Is large, and of good quality, despite partial failure In some of the large districts. Moreover, tho wheat has now been In great part gathored, and is thus placed beyond the reach of adverse agencies. Germany has not had good weather, ami there are fears of dam age, lloumanla has not coma up to earlier t estimates, and Bwcdon has had bad weather, anil will not make a good return unless mere is for the bettor. On the other haiul. Hnaln has turned out a tine harvest, and put on a 0 pesetas export duty per lis) kilos, agiiluxt one of lm, formerly, ami the Italian yield will I ii,tsHM""qrl'rslove that ollw and 1,000,000 over the average, STAY ON THE f ABU. And Avoid the TJneertala Straggles Business Life In tbe Cities. of a We hope no young man will allow himself to be diverted from his Intention to become a far mer by the senseless remarks ol those who claim to be engaged in the higher walks, of Ufa. There is no business which antedtvs farming, and history, ancient and modern, stored and profance, unite in proclaiming it the most honorable of occupations, though we should re member that It is not the business that digni fies the man, but the man who must bring dignity to his calling. Many farmer boys are now undecided whether to leave the old home stead and press their way into the crowded city, there to engage in the severe and uncertain struggles of a business life, or to remain upon the old farm, adopting agriculture at their life work. These boys like the farm and hesitate to adopt farming only that they fear the returns may not be commensurate with the efforts put forth. But if the great financial troubles which havo recently swept over this country have proved one thing more conclusively than another, It has proved the uncertainty of busi ness ventures in the city, and the certainty ol competency, comfort and the best things of life to those who sensibly and systematically follow farming. Each day developes the fact that education and training pay on the farm, as they pay elsewhere in life, and other things being equal, the young man who fortifies himself by a thorough agricultural education will succeed much better than he who neglects this precaution. If we study the hlBtory of men who have figured most conspicuously in the affairs of this nation we shall find that a large proportion of them had their early training upon the farm, It is true today, that the farm is the best school for the training of capable men that exists in this country. It may be otherwise where we do not find a class corresponding to the indepen dent American farmer. The farmer boy is learn- ing real things; the great book on Nature lies open before him, while too often the city boy is learning from the printed page only the pale reflection of things. The farmer boy learns easily about land and soil; about cropB and their rotations; about the Beasons and the weather. He becomes familiar with domestic animals Three or Four particular cooks in one neigh borhood are enough to make a grocer keep Schillings Best baking powder. &, SHEEP GOOD PROPERTY. Growers and Buyers Agree That There Will Be No Decline In Prices for Some Time In an Interview with a Tribune reporter yes terday Charles Cunningham, an extensive sheep grower of Umatilla county, was asked the question whether he thought the present prices of sheep would be long maintained. He replied that they would, with the exception, perhaps, af a small falling off, caused by the low price of wool, which might take place within a year If wool did not rise. "Why do you think the price of sheep will remain high?" was asked. Because there is a scarcity of sheep through out the entire country. Eastern buyers are shipping great numbers to Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio and other states to replenish the supply on the farms which became greatly diminished during the recent few years when sheep were cheap. There have been more de mands for lambs by these buyers than the west ern states can supply. The difference between the prices here and Chicago will pay the ex. pense of shipment, and buyers will continue to come because we have a good quality of sheep." "What makes this unusual demand for sheep especially mutton sheep? "People have formed the habit of eating more mutton than they did a few years ago, They know better how to cook It and have learned to like it better. "How did the people happen to become ad dicted to the mutton habit? "When beef was high and growing higher, mutton was cheap. Most people could not af ford to eat beef and, Bince the Americans are great meat eaters, they took to buying mutton. Also a great deal of bad beef was put on the A Beautiful Present In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brandt the manufacturers. J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co. of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to dlVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These presents are in the form of Beautiful Pastel Pictures They are 13x19 inches in sue, and are entitled as follows: Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. pf I ' mm MOUIMJMOCOOKINC MJKD COLLARS MID WFFS STjFF W Vm'" ' 1 1 MSB Mtt SOUND Of THIS STMCM Will. SO " A f OUNO ND A HALT nnnvcv HICE m vin""" lJ.Cj(uGErrBR0J Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned Pastel artist. R LeRov. of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects ' . . rr 1 1 .... tVin e-i r ri m 0 rn rnp Din 1111. in his studio ana are now onereu iui uic mot. uuv w w , The Stares are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent crmcs, wor. markets when the western ranges were being he owns a pig or a calf; he has a cleared of their great herds, and the people favorite horse; he rides wild colts; he feeds and found mutton preferable to such beef as they milks the cows: he hunts with a gun and goes could afford to buy at that time, fishing; in short he develops a strong physical "But since cattle and sheep both are high constitution which must accompany a bright priced what will be the result? mind. "It li probable that after the ranges and the The farmer never gets out of a Job. We think eastern farms are re-stocked the prices of both ail will bear us out in this assertion. There may decline together, but that will take con- are no strikes, and he who has a family to sup- sfderable time.' nort is saved a Ereat deal of worry and anxiety, E. H. Clark, representing a large wool Drm of for his income, though small, is nevertheless Ban Francisco, was Interrogated on the same sure. There is cause for self-congratulation on topic. His views were substantially the same the farm these hard times, when many of our as those of Mr. Cunningham. fellow mon are out of employment In the fac- "The American people," he said, "have toriesandln the mines, and If we only do our learned to like mutton and will continue to duty by this God-given land, we shall never feel eat It, along with beef, more than ever before, the cold, palsied touch of the hand of beggary, They learned to like the taste 01 it wnen it was or be obliged to listen to the. pleadings of the low-priced and the habit has become strongly thin, white lips of poverty. We may never oe- fixed, come millionaires, but the strength of this "What will happen now that both mutton nation does not rest upon its millionaires, but and beef are high?" upon its six million yoemanry, with their "There will be more of the cheaper qualities haooy homes. Whatever builds up and of meat eaten. Meat cutters, Instead of cutting strengthens the homes of this nation, builds up I poor meat Into good steaks, will cut the better and atramrtheui the nation, and we believe meat into cheaper pieces. 1 ao not iook ior any that the mote evenly the wealth of this country decline in the values 01 mutton sneep tor a ) distributed the better It Is for all concerned good while. Concentrated capital Is subjugating every- "Will the low price of wool bring the price 01 thins:. It has gagged the press; it has corruptco sheep down anyi lenlslatlon ; even our great Institutions of learn- "None to speak 01. Ing are not free trom Its contaminations. Its grip is upon ine cnurcn. uo wuero ,uu RDokane'a Frnlt ralr. ...Ill An,l Ka nunola tiafalvXsVl With fc OI1M Ol I ih..irnn tmnotonee. We know this from the Thers will be no trouble this year oft-repeated expression heaid, "Yon can never I .boot Ihe oity of BroUsoe aooommodnt legislate against combuied capital. What! a . the M3pje w10 atteod the fair. The ZTririnrai are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit. jrjppr. Elastic Starch with eacS VJIZmA and P 1 1 7- rXVCscr AbV vniir (TTocer for this starch and get a 1 ilS SOU IUI lJ tenia a jk"t" - o iilgrocers'keep eustio starch, accept no substitute A Telling Shot. At last Erin lias sent an arrow traight to the English heart. The shoes of British manufacture are too big for feminine Irish feet, and even the pedals of the wheels made by the English are so lnrpe that the tiny feet of the daughters of the Emerald isle will not stay upon thfm. Chicago InDune The Policy of Honeaty. Servant "I found this ten-mark piece on your desk." "I'm glad to find you're honeat, my man. I put it there 'to test you!" "Yen, sir; that's wha t I thought, sir! " Fliegende Blaetter. Ladies, No More Darning. The Magic Hand Loom, made of pol ished, rolled steel. Latest invention for mending clothing, underwear, table linens or heel and toe in hosery, A child can work it. Perfect weaver. 8ent postpaid, 25c. Great Western Advertts ing and Novelty Co., U-55K Washington 8. 82-90 Oakland, Cal. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, Not Given to Her. Dyspepsia Specialist (irritably) But. madam, you must chew your food. What were your teeth given you for? Female Tatient (calmly) They weren't given me I bought 'em. Odd and Ends. rstei of the railroads are not bv exonr (Inti'k Time. I iiiuli lii'ta. rmxuMiilly 'oihIiiMmI KicuriiiHis. MaxicnKfl hmtkixl lo DiwIiiiHtion. I, ,w llali'H. II. ...... i..,.. t.i Trit.ia-Miu.lMHiti!il ami Inlitr. tiHlional KiiMnolion h.dd at Omaha, Nobnuika, Uary will produce I7.:M,IKM quarters, or 2,W, J huh to Novoiiilxir, I ,w h ei,.,,,i of early csiliiiatus, and other Wrlla undiTHitfiiwI tot nite. limn tnblcs and ,,....,..., r(mntrlitt will do their lull (share. Austrta-Uiiii- nation, who in her infancy laid ine proua u-i.i.u li.... . hu, font nut tinw m the streiurth of hor years able to cope with a few sioos for oertaio days, which make an thousand millionaire? Wbat idiocy I what I COmforlable crowds and compel a person blindness! This spectral phantom ol our land, 0 0 OQ , certain day and return on a this devil fish with It. innuineraoie "..., i ftrl fnr tlm which cut line a scaipei sou iutu u 1 . coi...tni .rlHs. This loathsome horror ol vain- enwa period 01 sua lair iruuj eaon pum. Lire death lurks on every hand, to seize ins xhs) rata or Z Oenle mile 11 good 00 tne earnings and destroy the life of the unfortu- o , October and eer day thereafter liate who comes wuniii iu grasp. 11 """' , ih. ilulf j, n( th- iftir I ...vl...lm rnv.rln.andlVODlUKhIm nnt1' ,he ltt8t 01 M It la a hedlom picture of oiauea ine privilege 01 Bmpum ovrr at is desired witulo a unit of five . B. CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west ol the Union Depot ol C. 1 Q., C. M. it Ht. P.. C. d, A. P. . ft. W C. auu ine u. ot HATEH MU.OO PBH rA"V Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts., CXXXCA.3-0. XXjX. A. Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a rail May Street. State Normal school Weston, Oregon. The most successful year't work ol the Bute Normal School at Weston, Oregon, closed last June with the graduation ol tweuts students. In Its slimy folds. loathsome disease and clings closely to Its prey It Is spider In shape, but chameleon In the rapid changes ol Its political hue. But yester- K-ratic, today It was republican, OIIIOAQO lues & St. Paul R'y J. 11 UITIIIHII'. or J. I. H AHTAgt.. (ul and early harvest from an Increased area. le , .rtr ,,, ,f w, ,,,, nt bestir our trmogeiueot will prven any i . Is In good shape, the cool mornings h.Mng public has txwn Immolated, " . , This Railway Co. Operatee its trains on the famous bio ok yetem; Lights iu Iraiui by eleotrlolty UiroiiKU oul; Usee the oelebrated elotrio berth read ing lamp; Kane epowlily equipped paeaenuer train vwrv da and uiirhl between Ht. l'aul and (lluoago, aud Omaha and Chicago; th ChicAno. Milwaukee & St. Paul Alwt ptrtea attain-healed vMhhnted trains, carrying li latent private compartment ear, library bunet amok' ing rarm, and palace drawing room lee per. I'arlor ear, free reclining chair oar, ml to ?ert best ilmitig chair oar mrvic. for loweal rate la any point id th l'n lie J HI ale or Canada, apply to Kent or addrea "The Italator Line" The Da'lcs, IVlIatid & Astoria Navigation Ca OXEJLVXIa aided materially the work of col.lhalllig th locust Plague, which has on that account ne- come los of a menace than usual. The one htnuc uim allien mar turn the feverish local market, which now and then makes single- handed an unaccountable spurt, is rumors nl aar klvivn Knglaud and Kussla, which Is not In the least likely, anil Hie eagerness wi wm shorts Ui get their prolll, how ever small. This i. .iii,.riu aii enormous yield, and when Ihe movement toward consuming mark "DALLES CITf" ASD "REGULATOR"" l-gl"" as It must In reality sm. It appears I, ,,.. , thai a lower range l Price, most I Installed. (In lha north, growers are fmie ..i.. !., and sales at ciislderalily Under tl percental learner if th Kefnlator Line will L i,s. snilaUim are still agllatln leav I'urtUnil at UM a, in. and ibe nd asllate.1. bill Ihe sample maiael has rece.1 Dalle at HJKI a. 111. Ml week s llmll lor shipping, while mill U'l..n n an I,. I'nrlUti.l. alon i.fT at Ini has drm.pe.1 lek materially. Inirlug Ih I'l.. Il.ll... 1.11.I l.ke a Inn ilnen th k isi.il centals aero tpjrtet, making .TTi,- tViliimbia: vim will eni .y It. an.l ve MUnrth su..ii. rnirel with ..fi lor the sain lime lasi seam, liioliey. W.C. AI.LAWAY. Oeneral Agent. WIIKUK TO 8PM VOl K VACAflOM. everr ancient republic will ascend the smoke ol sacrificed American liberty and a despotism th most damnable, ruled by this money oligarchy, will be the sub sequence. Call us radicals If you please, we are proud ol the title. Mose was a radical; Christ was a radical; Luther. Latimer, Hens. Ridley, Phillips, Lovejiy, old John Brown, Wllilam B'K'lh ! Prkhurt wsr all radicals, ami w challenge you to po'"t us to any reform that haa rr taken plac In th hU tory ol this nation, tliat was uot Ihe outgrowth Th lime lor einiserta , mi. It Hased a bell con- ceiitraieit capital deiited to honest toil Just compensation. It ceased when Ih gold bugs of this nation spread their gaudy wings over our national congress nd said, Thus far and no further." Honesty," Irlene. 'lhbel policy." Al Slav sal In on ol Ih aoutnern siaies, a great tnauy years ago, smart, ectlv noy waa pill upon Ihe bha k. A kind master mil wwning to see him become th proirty ol rruel ow ner, we ul Ui blin end said, -HaiB II I buy you will you be holiest-' with I"" lhal beggared long day. Eveu If the viaitor gne on the last day of tbe fair ba (till hi tbu pnv- This! noli a will make it itnpos'ioie to aooouniojaie them. A bureau of information lrily baa been establlshe'l iu Spokane, where eery one wbo bas room for rent a re- I dace J rtles will be abl to liet tbea ttt frait fair visitor. BO YIARr A. 4' a " 'tftt J. W. OAHRT, Traf. I'm. Agent, C. J. EDDT, General Agent, Cortland, Or. o is Vtlv Stoe Park lie llir oM V PIMM. K lint IK K1M nmt i tn in i n k r r hi nM v i'inr t iisr th i tin MU s4i.iNi. rHk Till 'USERi . . I . . , . . . . I . I w. ma.la I . I fi.. . s ..l,i.l ralea M.inl.1 no! I tieei-ni'iion. me iwr nimiw. sue yiee-u. Muu.h,ih,rlmbuiM Ll.MJ bv prevailed at mor opporton time. Th oiiiuir vacation lin U her, and all who oo atTira it ar plauuing to Ink advautage of th differ mice between lb warring railroad, Tli attention of tlx bo onlemplal alripKsel, whether it b to tb mooo- ..i. ... .J IV, I. ... I,, tha llmaha ! 'Z ' ' .nd i. MIM W r.pu,. Uhm., r,4. taa. Tee, Have keM iWrf K.I.S7 fill SOUTH- ih. aultantair- nlT-red b th llio jt'U'Ktr am vi!-r niiHT link to UTAH, COLOhAlH), XE IWASKA, h'ASSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER owl oil or nt" friends, re la oee. ol thoman.is and millions ol Just such men and boys as Ihl puot colored boy was; men who wilt be boiieat with Iheniseltea, honest with Ihetr leiiowaiea and honest with their Uot. lKKlr RiNllKIU 1MI biKlU. EAST. LOOK Ix. 1 II a M ha Iv- a Ktftb ill I Su ArtHe. Ku. I it. r Alwt'l.it .t.lH ifl. fkit, ll.krtts, lie, Ana, in, l, M l"l i. I' S I. tmi ha'.ni, ! s'i .,.tl I ! Slid frMll i ...i Sx. - I Is li tt.pS li.te I H.i i II t. M Ulraa.t Wewlero Hallway. IU lio and lh nf C'liwa.lo (onnetlon roo Ihrimnh Ih ItearM lb ll.ke, taking thlreler ff'm h alkH aaj sag brush uf it Northers Kompeiilor. ail out of lb heat of th eooolry Ihrougti ht.'h lU .motiU.r lb smith run. lor thfiiifiift of lhe, who pur iillaot rrnil them to aj r all tb privilege if first r I t kt, Ih Kio lirer, I Wsstettt lis loUgnateJ . . . . -ei. - . lUel.nlne: ( hair Car leell-- fl '"" "" rplmlstered T .ntl.t Hlerplpg Car ol r !"- ' I'allinan I'alac Weeping ( are Kr full pellicular rrgsr.lli.g rate, lime i l liain, etc , call on tr alJreea J. C. luur, DIoovrd By a Woman. Another great dieonvery ha I eea ruadaaud that too, by a lady of tbi country . "Die faateoed lUolutobe opoo ber and for aeven year the aitb- tood it Mtvereet tet. bnt ber vital or- a .a. gaa wer ondrniina ana ueaio earned enimioeot. For tbreo month ha ooogbed loorntly and coulJ oot leep. Hb Do ally discovered way to recovery by porohasing of u a lioltl of Dr. Kiog' Nw diaoovery for eonsomp- tioo, and wa o moob relieved no tak ing Brat do, that abe aiepl all Digrji aod with two bottle ba been abeoint. lv eoreJ. tier nam I Mr. L,ntber Lola." Thu write W. C. Mmnick A Co., of Pbelby, N. C. Trial bottlo fre at E. J. Mlocnm' drag dor, ltegalar U Me and 1 AO every bottl guaran teed. TRADI MARKS Diaiowa, OOPVRIOHTS Ae. Anvon sending a sketch and description aisy Sjiiti'klr sseensin, free, whether an Invention la pnitisliljr patentable, t'onjniunlrstlnns stnetlf eonntlentlsl. uiilnsl sasttc fiirsM-unng psinn4l In Anienra. We havs a Wssloniftiia orSre. I'sirnis taken through Muua A Co. reuslr apeaisl iHXIee In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. lsnreat eitenlstloa or I IB besntirullr lllasllTied. stiT snsiiilne lnurnsl. eekiy,tenn.ijii) s year Sl.aU sis nifimha. apeeiitien oupis and uajii swa s i inn, seui ires. Aooraa MUNN & CO., Ml Urewav, Dew Korku FALL TERM Opens September 5, 1898, Full course ol study. Scientific and Prolce- tional, Vocal and Instrumental music Healthful location, good society and pleasant surroundings. Board in families from f AM to 13.10 Rooms for those who desire to board them selves can be bad at reasonable rales. Board I n hall lor yoimf, ladle in connection with tbe school under th careful supervision ol a matron, board, fuel and light at $190 to $.1..W per week. Cstaloguesaud Information furnished upon ; application. 7S- -T'J0 SPLENDID TRAINS TO THK EAST "HIT UK ISLAND nam-;- iiAiir KUUft Rocky Mountain Limited HtR TREASURE. A tiewrala AT THK TIM K. MAY YORK. -IS Jars CHICAGO, sr. ions. OMAHA. SAI.Tl.AKI-.li ' J " i4t-i s I'S' I sjin.i.is, inha asnSnS H SI..I l.H. IS US-HI I ll.ef ilS t !') Uii, Mllesuke ! Ill si IV lt lsl l'.'. IM i.!l IS. .e ' ! im .f 1st Isst era !- I n..B bi-'niOlie !" IH el .ll. (1 1 illeS e. ff- U " " ...U. I h4I. h..' " t. sifc as . f. .4 ,:M,ii . H.t'"s li.. esi ,4 ..i.s s -I ' I '; t ' v e ' Agent . IL A N. !'., Heppner, Ore-.. O, t. Th. W. K, C'ku, Trv. I'. A. t.' As'l. l.M Tltir.l M., I'.Kllan.l, Of. UXCltTXM M l San Ki'iinolNOO t4 all ! ' "'-u el- Southrrn Pnciflo Co fks ' t etie.y !.., I slileia " ali .,., ll a-i'k t..4 sweet Nel) .( ! . .S- I . I'm: -sa Mni4 , e i.e4lees a,. is iHsMIHlMlniit. ! eWMS) e.M.vlt e-w .e I f f " li ' .' I r I . . . i Urt. Callmaa l'slse I ar ev.inpaoy. iney re la etiara-e 4 le.'al .sit.Uetr .l hi ,.U .I'lli-a r I" r"'a alter tl. rw-n.f-it tbetr faewnger rher lie.,,. l ! etpre irsio. n I .l I vf In Halt Ua C laelv tt"i. ( ,t.v In IU M vMal. Tli Uf ov. I als. Insmea .Ulitl.t M l tbrng Ih. IUie. Oe it Ihee ftre..n ... . itih.nrfli li Iltston; pa t Chlesgn. via tml; l'bia-, ...k.o.sa t'Hf aettU '' ' te-ak. t'.aeU a .liffetenl r"l ...I nl tV.l..t.t l"! ' t .l.oi.1 l nai-. Its- fiearet le fi.flls. t ,Ur. Tl. We.lnla lelnmiatl "" ' ' aHre i. V en I i, at. 1tl l'f 1 These are New Trains in addition to our former service. moil, fruld paonhttf at vit lo Uif breuich- Pnr .ealsre aad fol.Wifirtas llaeo Ikes tr vrrli i vtlth iJw Vina' rneieJ thaa ah flnalljr ulnjileil Uie annlnr llloee alt"Th' Itewa lire Hupefiolen.leut H. li. Orbf, ol tb Oreio lrei reserve, arri4 la 8tra oa TaeaJey lt. from a lea ! tour of lospeetloa of eertaia of tb rank's d trial in bl j'irt Itettoa. h Mute man. At Pros peel b met F r-l Muper- Nat Una-ell aaj with ttinj Vl.lU-l lb mt cf to raer. Bu.ier yt. Uag.ll. r--t. trom rrort Cr.ur . ,lypPrr ,inre.laya aw stij-uc-s i . .m .u;.i.IL. to buslnew aa a lit'S - Ju.lp c Ui sxiprettie' eawrt. Hhen b tnaile fnUi (tannin profesolna ti (..tiK.1 the lotelv tlielaj herver ll (.-...(mI her bve timler th (ravel rf th LranrJie. Al time lonunienkl.l lUis vtiwnan has iiwa.le fmir ami fl n nywrljfbt per week. nwskitiT II a Pule In ever Instance, bi hrt ay one ha (f tb anvunt of r ! mxle. ft Iha'eiwe -hen she tesnne.1 out M ernla' nl of olil ami aee.W4 II la "" lrni th IsetTsa liKNVHI, la.au I ..U hl'III.MiB . . l(ws. Arrives I.IN n..N . . II -tap. as. DWAHa . i ei a. ss. i M MHlNFH . . 1'As.si. liaVrMllltr . . t MIC AUU tilth as. Kt thty Uaeasta H ke Ha rail Ul. . Varv O.U.m. a eirenrlar. feevlrlihir 4iMvbrr In tbe nelthUirbil of Att- Tbmeah Hletes ana Uir Car rnleeado to rarla, la lb bappy ooer of a anrhful of CoeL aay aoulberm rirhJMie. VLo a firl of I ali a.U.ptoi a rofe iliirsn Wtits lexihale UinMulHtat. Tae taest Uwi is las West. Colorado Flyer Uave tiKKVr'H . I p. m. " t'lili HI'RINUe) . s p. sa. ArrlveaTnl'I KA . 1 a. m. AA.MIAB CITT . Vila. as. Ar. rr. XXIt Id. (Wab.H IS . sa. Arrive MT J'lHKPII lo w a. m. ' .IM ii..N iriHea) U a. m. " UMAIIA its eat.) . ;4 a. sa. Throats; Hlsepen Cetneadu apettifs to H. Luml via Wahaeh H t. k. t'o rout . a I b7 Die tbat rarrl bltr lb : r( fore im pol oa. bat I muJ lbi , b J been ba lira aay ber In ibt di ttlrt tlnr lb areil) Iia4 ties ene iraU.. Tb aim ttilir ataial Crater lk. !! ib'4 uh iS4iti bM, ahsmtauiy clear an I ,r, aa-t r-atleot f that eoaat'f f trw flpeftnteJ'Ot OfOS'hf tbt tbi a tb 0't seeeo la yr lbs! .Ah a stel of ffalr t)I litt lht Tb trtti!t IteU tbat th MsWsa I fall ( ffl . at II ta ft pf? lb uJ m of tt4trtBal la atV atii It, a seiitnaettt eatleely ouffe. la h (VejiiMssI msr llerra. atm Utiil Ibal a llet ' I t'll It r .' July stter la tb ., lst ht I Jety let, an I la r- aawher fir r e'te H Hafrtnlee.teat Orsa.bv a ! tsal t IbelVeetn lib la t'elit irateta obi a f ) 4 Valtelll lBthe aef I, TU t"m- i tl HfH litff H ev t.iI ttn ", 4 6 R"! Wee Ciavass wj (iENKHAL I'ABSKNUEU DEPARTMENT. Milwai'IKI, Nor. 5, 1S37. 1 AT RONS of tb Wiacmeb Ootral I.ioea io I'aaaiog through Chicago may rpuir aotna aiU dm io the of hating their Laotl baggae takoo form or to si.. tsotiU ie, tus iuni..t:s tiain a till rarriaca or to, or Id ri.tolbthtsalareaureslnpi.a ruany other aya, tDl thy will bW.h..iralr-trraatil.tf.--iaig0i, fcJj h j, Jrf,l J0 tbU r- ttotter trea. 7 i meiw to wnni , , , . ,, ,h. .,1, ha vert -.I of iwt la th .erric of th I ihvrt dvht, Btsnle a mrr" om Ht th Uraoil ObtraJ Ptiwiigrf a ,hflr.f ablate relu.drvanl over Su,io0t mfo t,T iHOtly l0 at aifoi. 'isw,siirriwn-i'i 1 - , , . ., 1 . h auil. 1 sue alil la th t.ranrhe, ; UOiiormtM wnu .nv- aiwt aatea Ull th r' b rnak f.f ; rnp, Xhey wilt l in wailing At Urkirurr.ml loveafi.rhlia; j, rrrr-H to a.it t a rreJaberlaseaaU.v.l.$Hf" ' , . , , ,, , a. outer ,.te thevefca-rafi.! a-eg'f-, ao I U bPI that oar tei of Irwin in la Ihl estnairy al rU- ,tr,.t1 will fully avail thetnarlve ek.ttoi tereia r.uiehere,e.r.tW'nth a. liliooai rgtiotJ fif .'. V latoto e aksitsrlral errifort f4 fcic'tf b4ia -r- jio p I DM) 9 HCH!Youcan ir-n lilLill 1 be cured I l . j l If yea) SMflsr tnm s f ef ths I'l'l like! turn, ta im sMH I ?t 1 eueJHS aa the feuhs lasei, H i LklHlaaiMH IsiilMl l I Vh, saeaaeeaslaal) m m aatesl , swe are uai4 sVe tks sawss ef I III M. III.. ' leer I th rvM RliC'lf irwie -r- miut etirei m It .---i 1 1 . . -I Me4llt, lap.ws. B4 arahMMl , l.ri,iifi.,M4i SBeeveairrtaea. V r .rSi . fivssrtses. tle. tesee.sier ef 1 rllla 1. Sip a ' SMekW.e. ef I niedisa.es' fre. ...rat fe . er. tW. I watos s mviel im swi M IM a . m sere ssT mm e. -4 sat SeesastKii, tb) iai4tMUeSi tm-4mrm SMT. is. VmS Si S-i.-WlWS e ke a j ee etwsrs trwe 9mm Wri f-e .eiiss as lus --- IHitss.t f Meet. eSallts 1Wmi fc ' . e.rtlfl IfSS 1ft 'n - -Wwt fteeesie,. sj 4 r s W. s ar" re. 1 . wm. mwt , IW. m iW I i ' I, B SH.I mmmmmiim a tXfl A t I t in f see e HMs, se ! (s thea.aa (teller. Ciaa'iM via r iiiiiK k. t A sv.-, - '-t m er -.- MM a w-m , A f-Ib ratlerby of Majmacr f A ! I -. e ee e I i fral Mieariifri of Ann tnrry tW. Sm mmi m-tm Nmis.I r . I ( , . . wu. uMk.t-.-', y e ei t"t M e- ..-ter-s 94 0 . Ver-'sv-e ee , .. , t ' v t . .!. (I (MUKI.TOK, U..u.a !' 1 1 1 t .' 1 I . I til sii..'.. iiuiai'T m ewH l)tl'' t l W f' l. 1 . J . . ' ' ' " i . . I'4I .' m t '. , w 4A - a I 4 1 1 . 4 , -. "' e 1 t 4 ' ' 7 pt".Vf!:. I , l !. " a i t'il .if ..,. o. M V lHw ft t ' s V' ! ,ks. I ! I ! ' w - .