We are A New Firm You are about to buy your Fall and Winter supplies in Clothing, Underwear, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bedding, Etc., Etc. With a new and well-selected stock embracing Dress Goods Outings Fleece Goods Shirtings Calicos Muslins Linens - Ladies' and Table Linens - Children's Underwear Blankets and Comforters A Complete Line of Gents' -Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises and Telescopes. We iVslc For your trade in consideration of the substantial quality and value of everything we sell. Our purpose is to meet your re quiremets as to style, service and durability, at very low prices, and thus merit your future patronage. Agentas (or Wmer' Corsets Oil, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been Abandoned Wonder ful Results of Purifying the Blood. " A very severe pain came in my left knee, which grew worse and worse, and finally a sore broke out above the knee. It discharged a great deal and the pain from my thigh down was maddening. Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my leg. I suffered in this way for years, and gave up all hope of ever being cured. My wife was reading of a case like mine cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and she advised me to try it. I began taking it and when I had used a few bottles I found relief from my suffering. Oh, how thankful I am tor this relief I I am stronger than I have ever been in my life, I am in the best of health, have a good appetite and am a new man altogether." J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine. ood s pari.Sa Is the best In fact the One True lilnoil Purifier. Hood's Pills cure ull liver ill. i cents. METH. EPISC. CHCKCH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. ra. Sunday school 10 a. m. Clauses Mo. 1 and i at 12:1(1 D. m Kpworth League Devotional meeting; at T p. ra. Grayer meeting, I n'.nnaay, 7 p. m. 'The Hpikit ajd the bride Bay, Come." The i,ator may be found at tne pantonaae ad Joining the church, whore he will be glad to meet any wko may d"nire to consult Tiiin on religious, social, civic, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. FLESIIEB, Minister. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Bervicei each 8unday at 11:00 o'clock a.m. and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:0U. Choir practice Saturday evening t the church. K. L. SHiti.LY, Pastor. The Ladlei' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday ol each month, at the home of Mrs. T. i. Matlock Be not deceived I A cough, boarsoese or oroap are not to be trilled with. A dose in time of Hhiloh's Cure will Bave you much trouble. Sold by Oonaer k Warren. v Care that cough with Shilob's Care. Tbe best couch oare. Relieves oroap promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25cta. Sold by Con- ser k Warren. v Dyspepsia cured. Shilob's Vitalizer immediately relieves sour stomach, com ing up of food distress, and is tbe great kidney aud liver remedy. Sold by Con ser 4 Warreu. v Dr. M. B. Metzler, tbe dentist, who bas reoeutly located in our oity, baa liis office for tbe present with Dr. MoFanl, Those iti need ot dental servioes should oall and see him. If Ladies, take tbe best, If you are troubled with constipation, oullow ekin. and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it is pleasaut to take. Sold by Conser k Warren. v Earl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, parities tbe blood. Clears tbe complexion. EaBy to make and pleasant to take. 25 eta, Sold by Couser k Warren. v Tbe Morrow County Land & Trust company bave decided to no into tie wheat buying business exteusmly this fall, and it is important tbat growers in terview them before disposing ot tbei orops. A meeting to consider the reorganiza tion of tbe Young Peoples' Society of Christian Euoeavor, will be held at the Christian obnreb at 4:30 p. m, Sunday. You 0i people are especially requested to be present. Tbe old Belvedere oorner has been re modeled and newly papered, and under tbe new ownership is now a place that reflects credit upon its proprietor. The paper-banging and deoorative work was done by S. J. LeezJr, who bas displayed the thoroughly artistic skill of bis pro fession. The old corner will ood tin ae to extend n oordial welcome to those who for years baye felt its war.nth and good cheer. Andy Cook, ot Butter creek, last week presented Dr. Swinburne with a combi nation buffalo and bull born bat rack, wbioh tbe doctor has placed upon tbe walls of bis office. It is a thing ot beauty embracing tour sets ot points, wbicb are perfect epeoimenB. Andy pro- oarred them in Montana reoentiy, of the Indians, who have oertaiuly displayed civilized skill in its arrangement and beauty. Farmers attention is called to the fact tbat tbe Southern PaoiSo bave decided to make the extremely low rate of one fare for the round trip to the Oregon slate fair, September 22 to 30. 1898, from any point in Oregon on their line. There were buodreds of campers last year. Take yoor summer vacation and camp at the fair and see a grand exhibit of what Oregon can raise. One tare go ing and returning home. Mrs. M. Von Oadow bas rented tbe rooms iu the b'iok over tbe Arliogton National bank, purchased furniture Bnd fitted them np, to ran in connection with tbe Grand hotel, giving her four nioe airy, oool rooms for the traveling pnblio Mrs. Von Cadow, after being in the hotel ebort time, found tbat the trade oould not be accommodated without scouring more rooms, benoe abe teemed the above mentioned rooms. Arlington Re view. HERE WE ARE Tbe Gazette is not heralding its oom ing with a brass band bat its circulation can be determined at the Ueppuer post office. Advertisers will please note this. Local Notes. Pee M. Liclitentbal k Co. for tboea. What is Hop Gold? Best boer on earth. Hee ad, elsewhere. Liohtentbal k Go. for shoes. Exclusive boe store. Handle! tbe best. 83tf Ed Prey just polled oot with a big load ot goods tor the John Day. Dr. A. 0. Greenlee, oorner Grand ave nue aud East Morrison si, Portland, tf Royal Cafe restaurant, neat and clean. Meals 25 cents. Opo da and night, Tbe Oaf tie's enbtiorlptlon price of f IJjO is listing subscribers every day. OniDOssse's famous old "Dublin Stool," Imported, at Chris Borcbe re' tf Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrao tion and detects ot tbe eye, will b here every three moothe. WM-lyr "Co'o Jtiloe" is all right but lf Til lard baa a brand ot It-yeer-old goods tbat is bard to beat. 0u3-lf. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. If not as elated, do cLerges. Try Dr. Vangbao's new plan. C04-tf. It joo need something for yoor system call at the 'Phone The Telephone looo, Oity hotel bailJinff. Beet eooommodetion and eoortooos treatment al tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh anJ Wub, Kts., Portland, Oregon. Miea Nellie Heeey wishes to announce that abe will be prepared to commence sewing again Kept. 12tt at 1 23 per day Ml-4 C E. Moke, formerly of Heppoer, tot now ot Arlington, wea married Wednee day evening to a Miee Miller ot that city Urine vnur bide. Delta aud furs to Be a. Metbewe, at tbe Liberty Meat Market. U pate bigbeet Barbel price. E. O, Asbfcaagb has his teams on the move with wheat. Ilia yield amounted to 10,000 bushels, 1,000 sucks ot wbioh be baa already . shipped to Portland tor storage, lo be followed by 2,000 more withl , a few days. T'ie party given at tne opera bouse last Tuesday evening was oertaiuly a ve y pleasaut occasion. Gard playing, daioing and social interoourae were the teattirea of tbe evening's eutertaiumeut, and freely indulged in by all present autil a lute hour. Dr. Johu W. K'lainus, of tbe "Red light," ever on tbe alert for something new, oau furnish yoa tbe fiueel cock tails in the land Manhattan, Jersey, Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop in and take the taste out ot your mouth. It At the lieppuer Gaudy Factory is the place to get oool, refreshing summer driuks, J at. Uart oao furnish yoa milk shakes, sodo, ice eream eoda, orange wine, peach cider, etc Ice oreaiu booths nioely Utted op. Gome aud try the Dewey flavor a new thing aud very One, cm tt Tbe Oregon slate fair will be the grandest exhibition ever given in Ore- goo, held from HeptemUr 22J to 3Hh, and yon can go there for one fare for round trip from any point io Oregon on tbe Southern Pacifle Hues. Racing every day. All kinds of free at traotiont. One fare for round trip. T. W. Ayers bas well advanced toward completion hie business building ad joluing Noble k Co, which will be occu pied by George G. stoma as frail end confectionary -store, combined with snooting gallery, wbioh will ttouritb un der tbe Dame of " Ibe Oregon". "1U- meniUr tbe Maine '." WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE! Our Line of We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES of any house in the city CLOAKS and CAPES is complete, comprising all the latest styles in Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses' WFflPS from $1.50 to $25.00: Our Stock of (REITS CLOTHING Is perfect in style satisfaction. In fine Silk and Plush. and finish and guaranteed to fit and give entire In Shoes We are the only house in town that sells the Celebrated "Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the reputation of which is world-wide and sold by all the leading houses. We lead them all. The Kelle-Goodfellow Shoe is so well and favorably known that we need only to mention that we sell their line of Shoes to insure us a large and increasing Shoe trade. In Dress Goods We are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, Runn ings in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods. Underwear In Ladies' and Children's Underwear wo can sup ply your wants, and our prices are right. KHEA t WELCH. Thin Newly-Organised firm Announce Them selves in Uridines for Fall Trade. The new Arm of Rbea k Welob Intro- dace themselves to tbe community at arge with a dieplay "sd", direoting your attention to tbe fact Ibat tbey are, as always, supplied with a ontnplete line of goods meetiog tbe requirements of tbe fall trader. As in the past, tbey will oonlinoe to insure yonr confidence with square dealing. Tbey are etriotly in line with the times and it goee without saying that their patroos will receive toll value io return for their patronage. Value regulates price, and their prioes meet all legitimate competition. Their advertisement embodies your needs. Be view it oarelully. THAT BI'UGY MEAL. Blankets We carry a large stock of Blankets from the Salem Mills, from 50c up. Staple Goods In Staple Goods we carry everything needed in in the house. Groceries Also carry a full stock of Groceries, and guarantee to meet all legitimate competition. Call and examine our StocK and get our Prices when in the city. First National Bank Building Heppncr, Oregon. Successors to E. W. Rhea & Co. Personal. urj-tf. IUv. Fslber A. II. rUrva s will bold Riteeloa at lb church on Hand the 1Mb, All Cattxitiee art reeet4 to be preeeot Frank Lee, tb wool barer. Is again with as, having returned from Portland. Mr. I a is eaitoasly awaiting torn In the market E. O. Noble A Co. ere roellere after baelaeee. Tbe finest ealdlae and l.er. ! to be found la Iieppner. Km their ew ad In tbte leeaa, tf. Owing to delay la reviving gonde from lbs F. Mia Iech'e Millinery ooeaieg will ba deleted aatil Ibe'iUi and Sttb of Heplemtwf. It Frel flat 1,1-1 0.!lee,4e.J..t.n llegh.w r4 Carl VTagoer drove la a large tt4 el heel tallie from tbe tetertor Wedsea. day, for shipment to Market, Ileport reach ns thai In Ibe vicinity Duller creek a gang of awindlert are pre ring on Ibe vicinity. Tbeir tnelhode were not ma le oUer to ae. A simple of mercbeo'tiee is tieple)ed, collection made, and a root rue I enteral la Io make deliveries wilbie a certalo llnje, wtea tbe operalore fail Io relnro. J j :. : .- I . Mrs. lr. Margtirite 0n.ei, acorn panted I y ber eister, Mies Clara Oar a eey. returned Io ileppoer on l..it mora- ini's Irsir, ller visit a lib ber mot ber ibe pt leo m in'be al lxx Aegelee was tn'xt enjoyable, 1ml Le feels that U p aev, from a boetaeee pnut of view, le Otoe! deeirable as a fBebeet lnratla. elf. 0fe (Ire l-fl Tbe Dalles lor Lale, X)nit. with a r'l'l tf lltofoqhhred Sheep for Mr. Ill One - terJ.t tnoroiag If . Orai'e eae wae eeerlmked In a-oi'ti"o witb tbe drive made to W)niiag. la tbe item ia lb lael teeaa Mr. t ie et)lrtt.l.J with Ihe et letieiva aheep alere of lloare A Ilelftiter la IfaiS e!te. tUveral ln)iMie .ae tWa rerelte! al Ibe pnelnffle dirlretit a to whether a poeteeef wtaf t aead)lele f4 . e I ra.e l.ipneiin. Mr tl'b. aeetelaal pt'aMUrgee.aI. has repUed thai Itier U ni,f I4 pre.Ml tt Ufc i i 1 : t, t 't tU V ;.lefS C4.I Tboee VlrtltBln4 Hreuliif ViUperatloe ee Ike Utker KfllwW During Iba month of July a oorubi nation ol smooth workers put io tbeir appearanoe at Hrppner with a ear load ot buggies endjhat ks. No printer s ink heralded tbeir oomiog. Tney q iietly al op their rut.aud trailing to the number ot a bait d'isoo, disappeared aloug tbe various esnyon routes leading Irorn tbe town into the interior. These prooeeaiona ot eaovase-oovered vehiolee eeemed to esert magic spell over tbe eeelion through which tbey travelled. At Ibe eipiratbn of jist one week's time Ibeae wegoos ware disposed of at varione prioes, ag regaliog ot leee than $.",). Now eomee the "firaorks,n Those over w bom these sad oot Ive, gran ger fashioned, smooth old boye eieraieed tbeir bypnolio influence, bave held a council meeting, and after eomperibg aotea. rigs and pnoee paid, varying fr.xa al to M per real, tbey bave a dimmed aatil tbe bti.y aeaaoa ie B thing of tbe put, when I oommodioas ball will be hired and an In vrstmenl ma le In a g ni! heavy pair of Klondike boore for IM ooeMl.in. Ihefaila of the ceeeara that tbe re epmsible dealers ot Ibe town, bava Ibe very came rlaas of ebeap-grade wagoaa for aala at !! 33 Ink eei,i ee Ih paid by many wbo HongM of tbeee rre epooailile parlies. Mauy iffr ae aa ei. taea lor buyiag Ibe! tbey bve bed ao nppnnntiity Io leera the Valoe of Ibie liaeof earrtaee; Ibat Ibe luteal delra bavemale t.o ff .M to ree. h Ihera allb a el e of Mrratia of alveriieing aaiur, liluetraiDig aal eeriplioa of Ibetr el.k ia lrat, and that it wae their daty to to lb fr..l wub pftee an I i-iiUt aaeilralae Ibal oil bave lartel iiisi(UI II (rti Into the ft--f lb e ot,t arc the Ll payers at.d a b 1 ls of ear l'el baet- eeee e-IB4rillV. Kte'f d .ilef Ittal g'C Ihe artel rf naUi le rpfelllfee ea t f 'tea l, dervaee tl.e vinatt'o ef b4ela.ee aal property lateteets ia air e-Mitil;. He gl M eael ta eelerprw li th- tkt'ke r earreadee to Ibem, as tbey are lavaliai ev.ry eeeiKHi tuf Ibe roaatry, k'e tbe b-ieie.ee eve ere fa Mia rs' iseel ve, Tbs item nt .tai eaiee ia bat ooe f "f.kee" l bate be ar. i are 1 9;i4 ta this a-tr. ead I'l On-" f tt i' i' la tie b -' t4 c e...i if 4 I) i il irii.! Councilman Roberts li main on the streets. Percy Garriguus left (or Euxene Wednesday nltfliU C. D. Robliiiou, ot Lone Rock, U KKlmcred st the raises. J. H. MvHeley cemv in (rora Moiinmtat Wednenlay. Bsyes brothers, ol Lone, Rock, were in on bu.lneM this week. Wm Collin, of W.gner, wu In Heppner Vi'eitneeiley on bmlneu. hit Hayes ami family, of Luna Rork, are vl.ltliif trlenda In town. T. R. Howard'e two daiisklera era recovering (rora a severe attack of bronchitis. Mr, Preece, a reeldenl of PiimII, has been In town on a vl.lt. returning yesterday. tteo. ferry, Rill Matlock and and Mr, Kobln auu, ol Uine Kork, are hers lor freight I Rltiiiienthal went to Portland on Wed nee- lay nlKht's train for a rlitt with bit family. M. A. Olden and wife left Wednesday evening r an attended visit to relatives In Illinois. P. T. HcbarrT, mis ol Morrow county's lieep, men with hi. brother, Is In town laying In sup plies. M. D. Ilyraan, the widely known hotel clerk. aa been laid up with rheumatism, but Is now about. (tow Rhaw and Arthur tireen, ol Long Creek, were bawling supplies lor tliat aertlua feeterdey. Turn Rrlerly and Win Bowman, ol Mori a menl, re going the rounds ol our men hanls this we. k. yieat Smith, reaidetil ol Tt valley, (iraat ciiunly, left today InadH with guuds !r the Jubo Uey, II. A. Cupper and wile errtted a tble mora tugs train tram below on their return borne to Monument. ben. HerrtOfioa left Wednesday evening lor Portland to reside, having sold'eut his pruperty Inureeta bera. A. t. Mien, Oen. Sloao snd AusnH Berk bueen dmte In a band of "fuedera" from the vl inliy of ttliter this wek. T J KHigrnve.nl SnIiis, llh memliersef his Until will r- b Heppner this wek n tke aurpae ( eonsulilng witk pr. eelntitiree. Mies Julie Hart bas a lerge tlaea aeeured lor tbe eluier ia et'telo Amldtlixis pipus ate very firtaneie la aialllng themselves ol ber I net rue Uoa. lm Kevllle eenl In portlaed ea laet algbls train, bis a ret venture Wi tbe me Ifopolte la lea yaare. bni thee be II 4ebje the etreeleara, npS, DEATH or DR. L. V. 8UIPLEY. Passes Away at His Kualdenee at lii O'clock Last Night. Aonoaooemenl of the death of Dr. L F. Hbiplry this moroiug wag not ones peoted, ae since bie eevere attack of heroorbage while oomiog to town tbe other day, it bas been reported that be was failing in strength and his death was ooly a matter ot a short time. Io bie demise Iieppner loses ber pio neer physician and a resident, wbo bae been instrumental in opbuildlog the oity and ooobty. Coming to Oregon at an early age be lived in various parts of Ibe state. Attar gradnatiog at Ihe Willam ette university, and practicing extensive- ly be earns to lirppoer in IHHO. At T years nf age ba was married to Emily Williamson, wbo bad reoentiy arrived from Iowa, a young woman, by way of the Isthmus of Panama. They bad threw tblldreo, two of wbioh are living, Prof. J. W. (Shipley, wbo ie at this lima our county aoeirnteodent of pobllo Inst r art ion and Mies Lottie Hblp ley, aged 17, Tbie ooontry In Ita sparsely settled Condition baa necessitated a most trying tag on Iba naturally rugged constitution of the doctor, being compelled Io ride Oootinnelly by day aigbt, and wherever duly called bin Iba faitblul physician bae ever reeponded, wMob al leal proved to much for bomeo strength, when Ibe eobeeqtieot Weakness developed, wbicb bae finally taken Lira from tbie field of ork. Announcement . To the School Children ,r A full and complete lino oLaair" SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. Just received by the Slocum Drug Co. Everything neetled for the commencement term Tbreahlag Uaifll Darned. Last week Milt Morgan's entire threshiog outfit wag oonsorned by Bra, together witb Iba entire setting of wheal, near lone. Tbe fire originated in tbe knuckle of Ihe tumbling shaft from Motion, and gained saob besdway tbat everything was eon so mad In eplte of their eflorti. The grain belonged to Morgan, and we understand was on Insorsd. I ( kioale IMarrhoea Cared. Tbie la to certify that I bava bad eu , airlghl. Mies Urrtide i.eb.rd. staler 4 County Clerk Crawford, Hat atwrta ebe has beee etndlng ue summer, returned le bev beme ta Weiietrga WMwUr algal s train Mies Amy lewb, eteiee 4 N.ppeev S elef pr..n,g BiilllMr, Miae AKble lah, arrived this morel e frnm Ihe Willamette vel.ey and 111 remain wtia bef siMv d irli g the e later Mies Anna leerk, whe left Ibe Pa el tor ber eant at right Mile, aetorti aeuiy left bef puree ailk lev la It tying en lbs Seirear. wkkk eee eppr.fia44 by sneae mtm MM Csee Merl bae S"epid the srbmvt si Caelle lM will taie ber 4rtf. tnf hn abiwtt ihesni M otoHM. et.e will aadiy mleea4 I mm IMe wtnlevs Serial ga'be. iega bH Peel, Albert ktoetna aad Mr. kWlett. sna ml ('Mely rwemnw $Mm txt, Urt Uet -4 t bllif al pneS (ene iwre thvy ft t m0 lin si 'vl4 lr tbe e!..r Ut ri'.r rmH yeeee4ay kaea IM ff- Tie et. s bat Ween ea a t' I tV lei b l l' t t ' P k U .- I 1" t . 4 H V p 1f pur aaLK oh ur.!T. A guud sbeep ranch fompriatng Dearly J.f.m acree, ooalrollmg the largeel and treat winter range ta Oilliara eoanty. flood dwelling booee aud larga bara, also aomplete outfit tut raanieg sbeap, SO tone of new bay and plenty of good water on the pi are. for particulars laiplre at NsTMMb Hang , M If Arlington, tr. patteraea Rreibere' Raala. Orto L i'atiers'ia, the editor and pub Imhernf lbs Ulue M iuatam Eagle, Saras over the first of Iba week for a Visit witb llvah, wbo bas bee a eorn Inning baemeee Witb a pleaeaat Vtelt Ibe pee! three weeks, Tboredey morning's Iraia broagblUtie to town, etnee whirb lime Iba three brolhera bave lee moving etiwot alt-tiBe LatnU, and Mingling witb Ibetr many fneads. On toaigbl's train Oils ae I Alvab rtara to Tbe IalSe, aal after a sl.ofl vieii Alvab ail weal bie way toward We.blegi..a. I) O. to be i s bead al Iba opewlag if OJura Ma Iiw t'eivereiiy early art Month. bad alee) to reeurna b s dalles al Ibe (spiel ("My. Or. a will reiara to Iyg Cr'k aa l"fr'r., m-fain't e'eg, and IMslel Uveas la Tews. Daniel Boone, no speeding bin da- alioiag years as a reeldenl of Lone Itock, is Io town among tba boys. Pap Klmooe elites bia age at 179 years, and Vouchee tor bim as bis playaata Io tboee happy eblMbood days" way back thar." Daniel Boone will alwaye bava a prominent niche In tbe minds of our young lolks f.ir generations to me, aa Iba paleface whoee"old Kentucky rifle" aeat many a rslskia to bie Immortal "happy hoettng gr.ion la." Kertotisly apeak lag, "Uaele Daniel'' ie a direct dearaedeat of Iba original Denial Boone. prepeeele IW Bridge, healed bids will be received fof bailJ lug a bridge over Kork creek, oa tba Iieppner aad Lne Itock road, aatil Uetohwr I, !, eoanty to larateb all material oa Ihe grouo l. IUgbl reeerved to reject any or all btU. A. (I. fUaiaouiMiw, K .'ll Ooobty JuJge ebronio diarrhoea ever einoe tba war. I got ao weak I could hardly walk or do anything. One bottle of Cbamberlaln'i Colic, Cholera Diarrhoea Ilemedy enred ma eoood and well. J. K. Oiese, Finoastle, Va. I bad obrouic diarrhoea for twelve years, llirea bottles ol UDamoeriaia a Oolto, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemedy sored me. o. I- naavia, rtaeaetie, va. Both Mr. Oibbe and Mr. Hbaver are promiuent farmers and reside tear r meatus, Va. iney procoreo ma remedy from Mr. W. E. Caeper, a drag giat ot lhal plaoa, wbo ta well eeunelet. ad witb Ibem and will voorfe (or Iba troth of their etatamenU. for sale by Conser A Warren. PUN MALE. Iteeen, NO acres, good laod, 4 Bilea af lleppaer, all feocad, plenty or water, booae aad barn, litt acres of gammer, fallow, all reedy f fall crop. Easy berois. Call at Iba OaaetU orlee. ut tf iw HKWARI t raaalegkaes Reht The well kaowa Coaniegbara bat ks Iboroagbbrml gradmi aad trelaia. will ba oa eibilrm-io aad for eala al Heppoer oa or aboat October let. I'rtoea to suit tbe tinea, la charge of R3 9I ttnUiJSi. Will be paJ for laformalloa leading to Iba arrest aad eoavkttoa of any per eo steeling Cattle branded " W U" Ca- aaeted oa Iba lefl aide. Waddle oa Iba aoea. Pawl Ilraaaa. iaovj Per Kale Tweaty aerea of lead, near a rod sthool. Will trade for boreea, ftrmlpg eatBU.ete. for farther tafocmstu al drees, V. WiacaiU., Tt tf Hood liiver, Or. Tet Wllllwae a Tear. Un i le t ee. Irv, ed bar again. It H.ix li .v re eatoled 1 be pe.f'e t n'-d Me'.e te .' t-i.g I eeiereie I ei lr ( e'h .M at ! a'e id lero reti'wej a ii.in lii ,,i lil,ii m.ni.aw' Iree4 rally Hervewa. Ueatt I was dreadfally aervoaa, bad M relief took year Carl's Clever Howl Tea. It e,atel4 ay eevvea aad tlresgia eaedBy waU aervooa sysWta. I was troubled wtlkj eoattipetxta, kidney aad trowel Irnable. Toal Tea elsaaaed mr iitlera Iboroagbly lka I rtptjly rus bed tMltb Ml I'flMtb. il'e-B, !l.e f).tte a ! be t l.i the t-n Ut ) i i, s. ,,.u. I t'." i p i r jei, rrfk bed Illb Ml rrtiilB. U:. f