The Gazette. Friday, Sept. 16, 1893. Tbe matter of a Sunday mail into Heppner, and on over the Heppner-Canyon City line into Barns, is worth looking into. It means more business for Heppner. Owing to the rapidity with which money is accumulating in the treas ury, Secretary Gage has notified the holders of the old currency "sixes", which will be payable Jan uary l6t next, of his willingness to redeem them whenever presented. There are about S14.000.000 out standing of these bonds. He has also offered to anticipate the Octo ber interest on the 4 per cent bonds. It will be the special aim of Secretary Gage to see that the money is got back into circulation fast enough to prevent any disturb ance in business circles. The efforts of the Astorian and Astoria people to close up the Columbia river, in order to make their new railroad a success, will fall flat. The great water highway of the Northwest Bhould be open for navigation. It is the safety valve, as it were, on light freight rates, in the minds and to the pockets of moat people of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. The Ore- gonian deserves groat credit for the manner in which it has success, fully met every effort of the Asto. riau to force its monstrous propo sition down the people's throats. Every effort set forth from that locality to prevent further appro priations should be resisted. Ore - gon will never have a delegation in oongress pledged against an open river, President McKinley does not believe that the war was badly manneed. On the contrary, he knows that it was, as a whole, well mannged so well managed as to surprise the world by the results accomplished in an incredibly short time. He has no idea that the most thorough investigation of the conduct of the war will uncover any mysterious evil, or that it is neces sary to find a scape-goat for some cteat wrong. But he does believe that a dignified, dinpaHnionato ant; scitiiilifio inquiry, made by men o broad-gauge minds and accom pliHhments, will b valuable in showing up wrak spots in our pros pnt system of running the quarter master, comunHHtiry and medica! departments of the army a sys torn intrenched in laws that, right or wrong, under existing condi tiouH, must bo carried out until the lawB are changed. 1 n other words that a thorough inquiry will result in jMiinting out the changes that should be inadii to improve th Rvstetu. It was because of this belief that President McKinley concluded to order tho inquiry madti that was requested by Secre tary Alger. Tho commission en trusted with tho duty of making this inquiry will bo made of men who aro widely kuowu and whoso findings will bo accepted by tho untiro country. General Miles aud Shatter, who are both in Watthiugton, say they w ill welcome tho closest scrutiny of their every act, ami the samo sentiments aro expressed by Sergeant-General Sternberg and General Kagau, bead of the commissary depart ment. Tho latter is so confident that his department is all right that ho says ho wishes the presi dent would have tho inquiry made entirely by his iHilitioal opponent. TH.M.K4I lilt' NOIM. I.OKU I'taKKt', Hrpl. 1J Another fllti ? UTi.lenl (M'cu'rrtl baar this city Huinlay, Aulraa Wilaou, Mm Matal an. I M' MliiHx aara driving di loan lo bark l",n Ibsf aara inarlaaan ! min Htnft, ahu film a il. bf. WIimii Baar Ui party in lh fslitnla Hie bursa bifaiiia f' wU" I. '! rail lln III laaf "t Hi. titrk, tlaatMn,f tl an it IhrootPtf lh "Mi'nl mil. Mih HMrll nffrl ia1lr rini-. anlila. till Mr. fcUM Mr. Vtln ars U.llj hkn uu. Mimt, H'l. IJ-Cai.Uia Ainon, Dilnta'ar uf manna, rri. n impor Wnt (li.(trt frmn lit riilli('lar ila. arritn a ixitilM Wlaaan Hi H aiilsb mi. I aa li.ifrf- ll illIU, In tilt h tti I iraf H"-Hif-illf prtnl tti ttiur"rit l l In V'c An aorlintf In Iti il. ! Ii Hi inanrf nl tia.l (It a. I of H ted, Tti rni.h hail ! l'. I"tl It rant aaaafta lll i.f lh m arogails ara lllafal It !. (l.l I 'm r'i. Hr(.t n-nnii Hermann, exxnwlaatunac uf lbs taaatal anj offl.a, I la lb Mr tit "f l iII Ii M Ortg-iB trniu It will o-.inoil eb 'fir aoatal an I fi"ns lata I kki't nf It, M tt rr lin II. Il rf (''l.l"fl. 4 t f"'Ml''' . h .i-r : 'is it i f1( .. -si. Mii' nl l'ifclHl a,i, t",v i. t t : . i. w t I't Ml .... i .1 .1 . . LATEST TELEGRAPH. Brief War News, Tele graphic News Notes, Etc., Etc. Philadelphia, Sept. 1U. I is noof- ficially ftonooDoed thai Philadelphia ill build for Ibe American navy a battleship to replnoe tbe Maine a ebip tbat will be a rival of tbe tremendous Royal Soverign of tbe English navy and tbe Carnot of tbe Frenoh navy. Tbe shipbuilders all made proposals to bail J vessels of 18 knots speed and exceeding by more than 1,000 tons tbe displace ment contemplated by oongress. Of the different types proposed by one Cramps, one it is said found tbe most favor. Tbe was tbat tbe board concluded to recommend that the award be made of one battleship to each of tbe three bid ders, provided tbe other two would ao cept the Cramp scheme in lieu of those offered by themselves. Tbe ship. lengthened and otherwise modified ac cording to the Cramps original sobeme, will be of about 12,189 tons displace ment. Viknna, Sept. 10. AocordiDg to a dis patch from Caoea, Crete, tbe troops of tbe various powers have hoisted tbeir Hans over the town walls of Candia and tbe admirals have sent an ultimatum to the deputy governor and the Turkish oommander, commanding tbat all arms be laid dowu by 5 o'clock this evening. Washington, Sept. 12. Congressman Lemuel E. Quigg, recognized in New York as one of tbe oluest political as sociates of Senator Thomas C. Flatt, makes positive prediction that Colonel Theodore Roosevelt will be nominated for governor of New York by the repub lican state convention soon lo be held at Saratoga. In an interview here, given after a conference with President Mc Kinley, during wbioh the political situ ation in tbe Empire state was presum ably discussed, Mr. Qaigg said tbnt of the 971 votes ib tbe convention Colonel Roosevelt would have over 800. TJuder tbe oironmstanoes be did not believe the forces of Governor Blue It would make a serious issue in the conventions, but if the issue was drawn be asserted, tbe Hlack strength would be about 100 votes, made up mainly of state officials. VANnouvEii, Sept. 12. Four bodies have been taken from the ruius of Sun day's tire at Westminister. Larue quan tities of proviflious are arriving on every train. There are 2,000 people homeless, and temporary abndes are being oreoted for their accommodation. Oenkva, Switzerland, Spt 12. The murderer of tbe empress of Austria in a statement today tmd that while staying al LawNsaueb, be saw a file on tbe oni side of a shop and purchased It with no conceived purpose and made a clumsy woo J i'ii baudle for it. Il tbe prison he has boasted of bis oritne. lie says be was Dot impelled by misery to kill the empress, as such a oourse would have been idiotic, but be oomuiitted the deed in order that such crimes, following one with the other, might cause all who im poveritihed tbe populace to tremble ntu: shiver. The document Oonoludes with this ili-i'liirHtiou: "I am an sinirohint by conviction." COI'NrV COl tir I'KOI KKIMNdH. A Full ilt n r tho i.sliom of That Rudy dn the H plfiiihrr If Mil IN1IH. First day, rVptcmlwr 7th. The. honorable County court of tb onnnty of Morrow was in session at the court house for four day last week, bat for toine teasou lb Gazelle's Falxr pusher failed to got on In Ibe fact, owing to s rush uf dllirr bneiuess, and looking after th detail of Ihe circuit ooiitl, which w in session at the same lime and aUorbing large amount nl atten li"ii. A the readers uf Ibis paper are ls amioiis In know what mir county court does at rach meeting uf that hon orable body, shall giva the proceed ings at Ibis liino, VfO though a lillle lii. Tbe Cotiiinissiuiiers' court met la regu lar session at ttia court house on Vdiie.lay, Hrptembor "lb, there being IT, lent lion. A G. Ilirtlioliiinew. in.lj. J. I,. II, ...r, I oinn.....n.r V..I.. Crawford, cleik, and K I, Mstlmk. slieriff; ('imiiniasionrr Beckett did oo i rme In nnlil I tmra.lsy. a rush of busl- 1 uess in lbs Larvesl field kefpiiig dim i way. After doe proceas uf (ipcnlrg , court, I Im fullowiiif proceedings wrrel bad: j MiscvllansNins lulls Srfsinst the c .iinty were preiwnted and Unwed follows: j J It lin..iii A ..n nm.l and l.rl le a.i l pi m St.n MBtlirai l-a..-! a. I . II f 11.,. fm.i ad la a.-. I 1 Mfiiol A I .1 c...ii.l i.M arrl iai Inland I r plt.o, I ( 4ine I ta. I I lllln-l Han, lil. hi I'.a.l and l".l(a a.t I I I a I II Man a a -p. r a-1 I .. .a. ; Jam. a II W 1 ian.1 al. t .,a l.. a!ail tn . ' M I I. lira.,trl Hia.f i tt ; i l .ir. . l I il, i l, tk aa'a't .. -, A Pari . r.Mii,ly I'l-tar t aalarj ivt.aii t li llnnl w h 1 1.11 I I in-ltN . i ll.lll I t.l " I 'I.'IIM S. I V!l,,Ma al.etlrl iRt, -i ! . i SA N,' ,. , I. (...!, ah.ri't saUiy ., S-H t'i. 4.1 aerli-tt d-. nail. 01 III i. ! VA K h il. t . 1 M,uai m . I. if. nil fmot l;' S I f.,1 a" I !. i,i a. . I a ai . le.M A ll.'ll n.r. ail....i a., I ; ,i I l,l, r I...1 ... I , I a. a. I A I. ....,, I a. el lr a.. I I 1 it t-.tat i.iii ih mat niaiir (il rir rtiT' I. In I S linili at i ll II. a Ihi.I i.f 1' T... i 1 .11 ... ... . rulu.laf.arh. ...,nnl...a I., ill". ... .r..,.l.,! .,.! all,...! in f.,ll ' Tta f -l lull la lhar.M..fMal.rf .. a-rag tn s. ian r alal ia, lu iunlirn la l -i. aaa o .1 a. Ii tJ ii ali.iasJ J uallca lla(aiiat., if, faa-tit f tu 1 1, a c.fifl Ida f.'l Inlla in Ida f..l.i. lug iuh: Hlsla ('nfhraa, hiala s. U all-f Mi'lr-r, Malays lUH It Ml-afrr, i. I Hlata I'maal tN'Iftn, anil sh ia. II. al OaaS l.a I lan aataaar.t 1 1 in II. ( artiaa lliaraia nainat, ! Mil 1 1 ages cleimed as a result of opening np Road No. 148, wbicn report was acoepted, tbe appraisers discharged, and paid as follows for their servioee: D. H. Ora bill, one day BDd 14 miles, 83 40; J. M. Baker, one day at.d 28 miles, 24.80. Tbe following bills, allowed on ac count of tbe services of tbe judges and clerks of election in lone precinct al tbe Jane election, and which failed to get into tbe bills allowed at tbe July term of court, was passed upon and ordered paid. A T King, judge $ 5 00 E T Perkim, judge 6 TO K C Sperry, " 6 00 W S Connor, clerk P 00 Kred Baleiger, " 6 00 i. 1 Perkins, making returns to clerk's onice 3 00 The matter of issue of script to O. W. ReB, $5, for services as district attorney, was oonGrmed by the court. Also a similar transaction in favor of O. E. Red field, for services as district attorney. Tbe appointment of S. P. Devin as deputy treasurer, by Mat Ltchtenthal, treasurer, was presented to the court for their consideration and said appointment was approved. W. J. Davis presented his bill of 8131 00, for oarpenter work on tbe But ter creek and Rbea oreek bridges, and it was ordered to be paid out t tbe 5 per oent road fund; also the bill of W. L. Mallory of $188 01, for bridge lumber, was allowed and ordered paid out of tbe 5 per oent road fund. Miscellaneous bill wete allowed as follows: E M Hhutt, county expense acct I K! 50 T K Howard, pauper acct ai 10 Patterson Pub Co, stationery acet 21 1" W L baling, auBcssor'n acct 1J0 00 Second day, September 8th. Miscellaneous bills against Morrow oounty were presented and allowed as follows : Mrs Von (.'ailnw, pauper acct f 20 00 J F Willis, assessor's acct 126 00 J C Borcliers, pauper acct 4.i 00 C K Miller, road and bridge acct .'S2 40 M l.tclitnnthal, county expense acct 7 00 J McC'ullougli, road and bridge acct ."' 00 J L Yeagcr, pauper acct ;!7 2" Oscar Montgomery, coroner's acct 12 00 H i". Martnoiotnew, roail and bridge acct. a 00 Gilliam v Bisbee. road and bridge acct.. 7!t 1( J W Matlock, court house and iail acct. . . !U r P Huyder, pauper acct 14 00 D H Jenkins, election ac t 3 00 Max Baer, stationery acct 3 00 Wm Barton, pauper acct Ill .to E J Hlocnm pauper acct 14 45 E K Hunlock, witness lees 1 f0 the oost bill in the case, Stale vs. Wm. Tillard, amounting to 827.80, was considered aud ordered paid. Upon the order of Judge S. A. Lowell, tbe clerk issued sorip to tbe following, in the sums named : E. Q. Sperry, graud jury bailiu";2 days, 88; Geo. Thornton, same, 1 day, 84; Geo. Aiken, jury bailiff, days, $12; S. P. Flore ws, general bailiff, 3 days, $12; II J. Bean, services as distriol attorney, $40; John Wheeler, court reporter, !J0. Upon the olerk pre senting to the court bis certificate in this matter, tbe Issue of tbe eorip as above was confirmed. The oourt having received from the N. P. R. R. a draft for the sum of 8217.75, as per tbe terms of au agreement made at the July sitting of tbe county court, it was ordered tbat all taxes against the lands of said oorapany in Morrow oounty prior to the year 1H07 ba oancelled, and the sheriff was instructed to oannel tbe aid taxes on the rolls of the oounty. In the matter of the petition of M Minor and others, praying that tbe books of the oounty be examined and experted, Ihe court acted ns follows: It was order ed that the oounty jidge be authoriz'-d and empowered lo secure sue b help as he may deem nroessary to as!iit the oounty lhVer in ranking an t lamination of the b inks of Urn county, Mid ascer tain in near as may be the amount of taxes collected since the year IKK), and also the exuol expenditures of tbe County for Hie eame period, thereby showing whether suflbi nt revei:u baa been re ceived In mtt such expenditures. Ami upon eucb investigation being complet ed, lo call special term of thb oounty court to farther oousi er the matter. The court having under potisideratiou the matter of improving the llpner lyong Creek wagon road, ami bing ad vised tbat the citifiis of llxppiier would raise ill.) for the ssuie purpose, and lin ing aim further advised that the eilv of Heppner bad already appropriated lliM fur tins purpiMM, with tho intention uf noting iu oonjiiotion wttb lbs county Court in this matter, aud il bring the Senas uf lb court tbat said upend itnr uf 1100 by the court would prove of iiiueb tfurfit and prnllt In tba e-mnty and lla cllil-na, it Is hereby ordered that thusuin of t Us I appropriated out uf tbe .1 per relit road fund, lo be osed In i'"lu,"" wanner in imprmlng tbe Heppner Untt ('reek watf.iQ mad. Tb court risnined ibe ernrrpcy fund in lb bands ut th elork, in.l fmind on band in that fuud Ihe sum of Ill Tbe report uf the appraisers 00 Knad Nu. HH bavin- sll.ias l ilsms.'ri to . W. In thai um i.f His rl ri liislrtiet.i , i taaiis) s.'rlp in Ms favi.r tit laail t.arlp ID I.IS f,.f NT.M.,"M,,,lrT f.if tbal m mol. ma''il Ulal rlaiinant f ir lUtiiagrs I'll ari'mint i f tins ssili rnaj I, laa lii'l rl.lllUil In rfilfr'aa Ptlllillll t I.f la uf I. N. I'rtr no I H J l-it-t, f.r intiiai tti ronrl !.... . rt n('ii. an I i 'lial l-rr., a)i I Mr ' IwttT, hVl III l"lt III ltl I iSlal ln, f ,f lh imk r 4trf I ti I .a dm, as aril ...I Hi r...tia. t t C M Aa acl'fi'pfUiitMi of nnlifli a ifni-fal 1' uf f.iiil; , aas tut I .l Ka.a In Itta ISi.ffc i. li..fttii, l, 1 f. ua tba fil al It. a l,... i.f ,il 1 '. '"'"f N' I'lllar ffrak, IU lanit V, I'.t. I ! Tb ..llt .M' nu Tbr 11 .'wl im k nu ti.a imM-r i.f lii '''""a1'"' .U- IIh. .,,! ,. . li. anil ai.l if.lrl li. I ,., .f, f (l, ,t,ui,.,- tal'S itt Iba f-'l-a .f I ha l-arsl'! II . 1 , a. -tnl h Mtasllaitaa( h II aainl I ..a ciot .ia slltiaa.l aa foll.iat: A r.ttia u j 1 ,.11. ..f aa.. I I,' s i-.aal I ID ...... . a a ? a ' eot ownership records to a new book and correcting and revising tbe same up to date, the job was let to J. W. Morrow upon bis proposition to do tbe work and take for bis compensation a st of ab stract books owned at present by tbe county, and considered to be of do value to the county, as the purpose for which tbey were made does not at tbe present time exist. Ed Holloway appeared before the court at this time and presented a peti tion praying tbat the court's action in the matter of accepting tbe report of tbe appraisers of damages on acoount of tbe opening up of Road No. 148 be Bet aside on tbe grounds that tbe appraisers had uot performed their duties in the prem ises according to law, and asking further that new eppraisers be appointed. Tbe court ascertaining tbat tbe facts set forth by Mr. Holloway were true, its notion of the 8th of September in this matter was rescinded, aDd new appraisers appointed as follows: J. M. Hamblet, Fred Bal siger and T. J. Carle. Said appraisers to meet at tbe ranch of D. W. Faalde at such a time as tbey rosy ngree upon, aud make their returns in writing to the court at tbe November term. There being no further bnsinees court adjourned. OFFICIAL LIST Of County Kxpentlitarrs, September Term of Cotinty Court, 18'JS. ALLOWED IN FULL, J R H cko & Son, road and bridge account $ 10 00 Ben Mathews, pauper account 16 80 H G Gay, road and bridge ac count 2 50 Minor & Co., conuty expense ac count 2 00 Inland Telephone Co., same 3 00 Luther Hamilton, road and bridge acoount 13 81 C H Hams, pauper acoount 40 00 E R Hunlock, oounty physioiao.. 16 G6 Boys and Girls Aid Hociety, do nation 10 00 W M Blakely, criminal account, circuit court 5 60 E P Greene, road and bridge ao- oount 6 00 GUna & Prudhorame, stationery nocount 62 00 V M Blakely, orimiual account, circuit court 1 20 Parker & Gleason, road and bridge aooount 56 39 W J Davin,8Hme 134 50 W L Mallory, same 188 01 E M Hhutt, oounty expeuse ac count 22 50 T R Howard, pauper acn unt 26 10 l'nUprsou Pub Co., stationery account 21 15 W L Baling, ORseisor Account 120 00 Mrs Von C idnw, pauimr aoo iunt.. 20 00 J F Willi:!, HS9rfiHor account . 1'20 (hj J C Borcliers, pauper account 45 00 C K Miller, road and bridge ao- count 32 40 M Lichtetithal, county expense hoc Hint 7 00 J McCiillongh, road and bridge account 55 00 J L Yeagcr, pauper acoount. 37 L'5 Oaour Montgomery, enrouor's ao oount 12 00 II E Bartholomew, road and bridge account 3 00 (hlli.uii A Bisbee, ssine 7'J 13 J W M itlnok, court bouse aud j lil iicc(i'u:t 91 4."i W V Sti) l 'r, pauper ucnmint 14 00 1)11 I 'likms, eh cti'iii acc uint 3 00 M ix II iff. stationery iio tount 3 00 Wm lUtton, pauper accoiiul 114 30 K J Sloe urn, suine... John Wheeler, circuit 14 45 oourt stt-n v'r il'h'T .,.. Appropi i.itioo, Heppuxr- Liuk Creek w'U'in roal, out of 5 per cent Ma 1 fund Appropriation for ro'i l So. I'.t J W Beckett, county commission. er salary . oo'iut ... . J L llo tr I, taiue -.. Al.l.iiWKtl ( I'Alir. A l! Pel leys, asessors'i tr an 3 ) 00 UK) IK) 4'1 (X) M ( i: (H) 0 Mint iH allows 1 . 8rAT or tteioioi, t'oiinty of Morrow, SJlM Ul I, Vt r Crafjrd, r i.luty clerk iu au I for s.i I mm ity aid :( d 1 hereby I certify tli.H tha atiiv bat isr.isul ! oorrei t stateinent of all cUi na a I wiI j in Jfull. ii pirt, uf oontinuad, by tti e muty to m of M irrnw e i inty,0-i m, at its regular Septiubr t-rm, 1 4. . ! eluiv uf fees allowed by law. j U'itna ntv ban I and al of coauly court stll.e I this U'h .1 y uf Ssptetnher, hix Vawikn Cr Ht, 1 Ikiucly Clerk. J s 4i)4MHTHHmi j M fl I lO' 5 ?j nrn I hit ( J ..a.. n M S(A .1 a. . m. t jl -r )UU tlf IVSI'I J ht Siy thoroughly cxhiuited? t lXi thit continue dty !Ur dty.pcuitlf ck ifttr wtk? ;j i'crhjpi you art cvrn too cx- i hausui toiUtpa Then iom- ! Ihmj it wrong. All Xhtu J tltlnji inJiaU that you art . i!f(r!r2 from ncrvoui ..ii'.i.o:u Your rrvi nc4 ; 1 ' doi your LlooJ eu- 'colt's Emulsion J J li C4 tMt Oit,it!l Hf!w Z ; I '. I,, tti cf I.lilt I)J Soiit, . 1 (..tut i. t lh rtnwJks la fall Ut Villti. Th( ClJ- at I. er il iyi th Titdti 1 cuHwhci tht tlooj. 5 r.m r.J tS hy- w t .! .'. . t.'I (jive thfrrt ton J I , 'K iur you gtt t COi'i i Ij-tuljiicn. Klij1 Stimulate the stomach, rvgj rouse the liver, cure bilious- jCM I 1 a ness, headache, dizziness, 111 sour stomach, constipation, H V !. Price 2S crnu. Sold by all iirnggit. The ouly Pills to Uke with Hood Saniaparitli The Arlington Review says: J. M. Browr, a well known sheepman of Lone Rock, made Ibis office a pleasant call this morning. He brought Rev. 1 1 iff, secretary of tbe Portland hospital, down who was at Lane Rock yesterday and dedioated the new Methodist ohuroh. Rev. Iliff bad to be in Portland this after noon. They left Lane Rock yesterday at 2 o'clock p. m. and arrived here at 2 o'clock this morning. The speech of Father Abraham in tbe lost number of Poor Richard's Almanac, published by Benjamin Franklin in 1757, "contains the wisdom of many ages and nations assembled and formed into one connected discourse." When first pub lished it attracted world wide attention and was copied in all of tbe newspapers in America and England aud translated into many foreign languages. Would you not like to read it? iet a copy free of charge at Conser & Warren's drug store. A Sore Thing for Ton. A transaction in which youcanuot losefsa sure tiling, biliousness, sick ueuuaehe. tur- rud tongue, fever, piles aud a thousand other ll a are causea oy constipation ana sluggisu li or. Unscai'cts Candy Cathartic, the won ri.Tt'iil new liver suimilant and intestinal toiiio lire by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. aro a sure inm-j. icy u box to-day; 10c., a5c, 00c. fcMinp'.e uud booiciet free. Bee our big ad. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in tbe world for Outs, Bruises, Hores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, anil all Rkio Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. Ii is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Slocum Drug Co., E. J. Slooum, manager CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tbe Signature of Notice of Intention. Land Office at Tub Dai.i.f.n, Oreoon, eeutember IS, 1W VTOTlCE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUB 11 followlnif-nameil settler has filed notice of his Intention to nntke tlnal proof in support of oia ciaiin, ann tniit sain proot will be made iwiore n. J. tirtie, t. n ommiBSloner, at lone Oregon, oil Saturday, October 21. 18.W viz: WALTER 8. SMITH, of lone; Homestead Application No. 407'J, for the K14 i-n-l biki loi 0 MWU 4. nec .11, 111 1 9, K Z E W M. He mimes tlie following wltiicnc to prove hts continuum residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Eiigleinau. H. P. Hiinvy, V. T. King and Chilton Wilson, all of lone, urcKou. JAY P. M'CAH, C4-95 Register, NOTICE OF INTENTION, Land Offic at Tin Dallrs, Ossoon, s. picmii(.r U, 1siH. NOTKE 1H HKKEBY (1IVES THAT THE folloH'InK-iiamed settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make. Dual proof In support of Ins claim, and that said proof will he made iMMore . crawl. ml. ( ounty lerk, at Heppner, uncoil, on paiiiruay, icmiier sj, i'J, viz: WILLIAM A. KERliC.SOS.of U'Xink-ton; Hoinentead Application No. 4HW, for the aKV s.'c. ;i, I p 1 s K .Ti E W M He tiainci the following witneaaes to prove 111a couiinuoiia resilience iimhi ami cultivation ol said land, vis: liavld Purler, H. M. H.Miher. John Mi Mlilan and William U. McAilslur, all of LexliiKlou, orexou. JAY f. l.t l Ai. M-'.rt IteKiater, Timber Culture, Final Proof. I'hitkd statss Land Okfh . The I'ailea, nr., rept. a, vw VOTHK M HF.KKSY C1VKS Til AT THKCV 1' dure Aodera4.11. ( l-Ulil Mile, haa Hied notice of ItiO'iitlon In make final proof ladore V. I rf,. rd. Coniily I lerk at hli nlhee In Heppner, Ori'Hiiu, on Vi pliiea.ay, Hie pith day id 1 a tolH-r. Ix-ia, on tlmln-r culture application No. :iij. lor the hK '.of wi-tlon So. U, In Tp .o .in. it o .1 r. . M. lie names as w 11 iK-aM-s. Kdk'ar II. I4a.l1. Krank I'. Vanclio harli'S Aiideraoii, Ualie xai h. all of Kliihl nr. jay r. 1.11 , J '.' l K. Klaii-r. NUTICK VF INTENTION. Land Oifii a at Lai.sim.s, Osfoon, N-piemlH-r 'i. via. V'TI' V H HEIlEHY dlVKN TH AT 1 1I K 1 lo'loKlnit 1. mi. .si aelller haa Ml led imlli id Ida liiteiiilim In make final pro.. I In mpiMirt d hla claim, and that aahl prmd a III l made In-lou- II. o 1v l letk id Morru oreaon. at Heppner, oievuii, im (Htaihrr Is, 1 "t, H: AI.RFKT W f-LIK NoKTnl. f Itiirdatip, nrrtton, tld No. I Ti.. lor the N Wa w. ipi". rt r. . . lit namea lh Itiliim n wllnraMi-s In prnve nia ...... 1111. .ona ri-aniem i,.h,ii ami rulllvatloii id aal.l land, vli Aiidrrw J .. Jam. -a !' ar 11. id lleppnar. lir oli. Ii I ll.atl. M llliain II .ii. i. tiur.lauc, or. -..ii. . w litsri.rtr ! 't Ki'slstvr, Notice of Intention. l.aSti (l rii I t l.lliSaSM, IIHS....II. A tia.i.l In I N'oTIi l..i oni k. t iimmv i.tvcs hat i-i l"...ii i.a.nH a.-liifr haa runi ii..i- iI l.i-r .tlr'tll...i I.i iimlia Snal t.r..f In .t..Mir tl l.rf 1 al. I I'.a! ftal'l -r.N. IU I In l..f I'.f l iMinll I'l.'f a il M..rr.. 1 in. t.l y, ir ". al H'tifiwr. infn, nn s . I,. -, l " li A I.I.' IW AY. of Of., v:Awmniv' 1 1 Tii t)if lliiMii m ll liMtt-a . .fiiir n.lni...iia ti-.t l.-inf 111. an. I 'liltl alt. 11 . aat'l laii'l. Uf J ! Hmaii i."f dn 1.11, M J ia. 1 Mi. at.. A. J S!au., ail i.f II-....rf lif t. . h a 1 1 t K'Slalrf. SOT ICE OF 1STEXTION t iti otru s ar Tas (lino na.., I a i.a-t.i i N a i IN' oTti r t itrnrnv tvrx tnr mt ! I... .-ali.g fiamr.l a. t:.f haa fi:p. li..ll. i. h.a I tr..l.m l, n.,n P'.al .r.w.Mtl ' ..r . I-is . tattii aai I .i... al ii I 1 ' a. I' I- . 1 u. f.n-l I nn- 1 1 u n, al ; l I I . I I ...... I W!.,( -. I I, ,, Im I j; " . IM.II II I ! ..I I. .1, ,'.. .,.. .i.l ! .ti.-.i..n ,, aat'f .-f ll.a si a i . i. i : i a l I I il. . ii. f.. ..i-a a i ... . 1 ia Pit 'l ent..! ."'. I. l.f.M at.. I r'pll. all.tll I I li 1 I h a. ... t, !... a a .fl a M 1 ! 1a a. u . .... T 1 a., of ll a'..... onaou. 1 1 T tl aa Nr.i.i.r Tl i M'Tici: t'F tsn.s rio I . 'f 1 it Iai l ft o-t. t it.- UMMY t-M I IHU I MR i.. f i .a-. t r .a a-1 . t (.'I I tawj, : M i ft. ml f.rt ,. H.a a its. iHhiti,,.! r -J i, I m J lft I a- a. -m" -, i 1 -,- i frt l l -),,) i imm tis .4 . h" . m t t ' . t I t , i I ( ! a '...a 1 1. ; " - . I 1 a Now that the schools are commencing All should know that- P. C. I hompson Co, Have the nicest assortment of WRITING TABLETS In town Tablets at 4c, oc, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, loc, 20c, and 25c each Rubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, 2c and 5c each Don't forget the place. Cash P. C. Thompson Good Goods.... Fair Prices.-i- T. R. Staple and Fancy Groceries Fine Teas and Coffees, mnrm T. R. HOWARD, As manager he will run it in first class shape in every department. Rates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. THE PALACE J. C. BO IIC Keeps the Finest Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Drugs Medicines Toilet Articles SChjOOL BOOKS Stationery PaiQts Oils-Glass Conser & Warren, Druggists. THE flRT OF BREWING. HOP Anil now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer..... STAlt BREWERY CO., 203 Wathinatort St.. Portland, Or Clothing Made to Order We wish to inform our friends ami the public that we have appointed jVIiraox & Co. wiling ngfiilj fr our 'UI,rali'.l MnDE TO ORDER CLOTHING. Tlu-y have our complete liiu. f ph'1 and are pri pan-d lo inko iiirasiiri' fur a lino t-tiit. o Patronize au On tntployx tTral u.' inousaiiiH La-tt rn (rrt pjn THE A LEA1 J. L. BOWMAN, AaaM. That 14-Ycar Old Stuff, "Kolm's Best." On Tap Down at The ... . Telephone Saloon - I a IT laa M A talks Co. Heppner, Or. AT- - HOWARD'S. Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, Tinware and Furnishing Goods. THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J.C BORCHBRS HOTEL BAR, FIIEHS, Prop. c 1 G A R S Was Perfected by the Production of.... GOLD On draught at all popular saloons KIM- votir o - pm indu.-trv that hundrcl inc-n, auI tif tlollan r worth of wuid. WOOLEN MILLS Portland and Salem. M I! II (iHa Is of (baa llt.aa all (! lis I IfMfi pai.l, J Iba fisi l in lufr. Ibtn It.a ol,i. I ,a.l i f'iililf, l taaf (.'t i la""l t afi il .f tl U I r i ,! SI. I J M I .af, I a 4 ,f Ita , .,'( ,1 l. 4 I ft l' f illajl' . t - a. . " ' tits l-lil of l!.a jionfa an I aj.lnaaa . I Iba rV fan H t tm 1 f li a aifi-ml 1 B.i'tialifi l ll5', i'ii.i, fl. I r r , I n f f a , . I ,! v . 1 n i a t it. t I , I t l !-. if! t-i !'. ' .. 4 tt , a) 1 a a Hf, 1 ... 1 1 1 I' s IU M.i t. ....-a. aaaaaaa- 1. 1 1- a t. lot wa 5'!, i