We are A New Firm You are about to buy your Fall and Winter supplies in Clothing, Underwear, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bedding, Etc., Etc. With a new and well-selected stock embracing Dress Goods - Fleece Goods - Calicos - Linens - Ladies' and - Blankets Outings - Shirtings - Muslins - Table Linens - Children's Underwear - and Comforters A Complete Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises and Telescopes. We Ask Agents for Warner ' a Cornets For your trade in consideration of tbe substantial quality and value of everything we sell. Our purpose is to meet your re quiremets as to style, servioe and durability, at very low prices, ami thus merit your future patronage. IBiovo. fe Stewart. BABY'S SMOOTH, FAIR SKIN A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter Tells all about Her Troubles when Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores. " At the age of two months, my baby began to have sores break out on his right cheek. We used all the external ap plications that we could think or bear of, to no avail. The sores spread all over one side of his face. We consulted a physi cian and tried his medicine, and in a week the sore was gone. But to my surprise in two weeks more another scrofulous look ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It grew worse and worse, and when he was three months old, I began giving him Hood's Barsaparilla. I also took Hood's Sareaparilla, and before the first bottle -was finished, the sores were well and have Bever returned. He is now four years old, but he has never had any sign of those scrofulous sores since he was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very grateful. My boy owes his good health and smooth, fair skin to this great mcd lclne." Mrs. S. 8. Wboten, Farming ton, Delaware. Get only Hood s. r.it are prompt, efficient and nOOU S fills easy In effect. 25 cents. ADVERTISED LETTKBS. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNER Or., September 12, 1898. Allison, Gred Crabtree, Wm Jonei, 8 (or L) D Junes, C E Maddiien, O K Malm, George Mattison, Ezra Marshall, Mike Meaua, Geo H Peiraon.81iner(?) Kay, Dale Taylor, Edd When calling for those letters please say advertised. B. If. Vauuhah, P. M. Local Notes. Sea M. Liclitentbal & Co. for shoes. John McOarty ships a carload of oat- tie tonight. Tbe warehouses are filling op with wool and grain. Wbat is nop (joldT Best beer on earth. Bee ad. elsewhere. Resideooff and lot for sale. Inquire at premises adjoining W. It. Ellis'. 2-9 J. A. PtTTKuaoN, Liohtenlbal k Oo. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. . 83tf Dr. A. 0. Greenlee, corner Grand ave nue and East Morrison at, Portland, tf Royal Cafe restaurant, oeat and olean Meals 25 oeota. Open day and night. Tbe Gazette's snbooription prioe of 1.50 is listing inbsoribers every day. Ontnnssse's famous old "Dublin Stoat," Imported, at Cbris Borobers' Mrs. Manning is able to ait np, and Buffers scarcely any pain, wbioh is very encouraging to her. Dr. Swinburne is well satisfied with her progress. Karl's Clover Root Tab, f.r Constipa tion it's the best and if after upidb it you don t say so, return package and get your money. Sold by Cooser & Warren. . x Catarrh oared. A clear -head and sweet breath secured with Sbilob's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Oonser & Warren. x Dr. M. B. Metzler, the dentist, who has reoeotly located in onr city, ha Ilia offioe for the present with Dr. McFanl. Those iti need of dental services should call sod see bim. tf Two Bisters from Baker City, soliciting funds for their hospital at that place, were in Heppner yesterday. They found tbe trip, owing ' to the duet, ex ceedingly trying. Leroy Drake, of Hheldon, Nebraska, who bnngbt oattle in this section last year, arrived Saturday morning and has gone interior for 500 bead, which he ex pects to ship from Heppner Tbe Epworth Leagne, jointly with the Women's Home Mission society, will give a lawn party or sooinble next in day evening. Tbeir purpose will be to add furniture to the parsonage. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Tea, tbe great Blood Purifier, cures headaobes, Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe faoe, and makes tbe bead as dear as a bell. Sold by Cooser & Warren, x The Morrow County Land & Trust company have decided to go into the wheat buying business extensively this fall, and it is Important that growers in tervie orops. Sbilob's Consumption Cure cures wbere others fail. It is tbe leading Oougb Cure, and no borne should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to tbe spot. Sold by Couser & Warren. . x Mrs. I. T. Barr wishes to inform ber patrons sod tbe public that after tbe 15th of this month ber dressmaking par lors will be in tbe MoFarland building, in tbe room adjoining that oocnpied by Tbat Portland people are an enter prising people is shown by their prompt ly putting np over $12,000 cash to pay tbe expense of i iving tbe Northwest euch a grand enterprise ss tbe Oregon Industrial Exposition, which will be a snnroe of pleasure to all from September 22 to October 22. Snob fiilrs cost a heap of money, br( tbey benefit the whole people, and Portland does not eland on expense where general good is involved. Tbe music alone will be worth coming miles to hear. Tbe 30th annual meeting of tbe East ern Ureston Agricultural Society will open at The D illes October 13. Persons who desire t'i put stook, produce or artioles ot any kind on exhibit should not wait too long. It is not well to let everything go untill tbe last moment. It is tbe intention ot everyone oonoerned to intike tbe cutting meeting one ot tbe most successful in the history of tbe Bcoiety, and the snecfes of tbe meeting depends muoh on tbe interest taken by the people throughout the diotriot. Long Creek Eagle: la this issue of the Eigle will be found advertisements from a large nombbr of Pendleton uoer cbunts, representing various branches ot the mercantile business. Nearly a;l ot these merohants bva naed tbe Eagle's Personal. Chns; Becmcr was in on business Monday. Editor t-hutt, of the Times, iB seriously ill. Jack Parker substitutes Ed Green on the stage line tor a time. A. Ashbaugh, of Eight Mile, was In on busi ness yesterday Miss Mamie Estes, daughter of Wm, Estes, Is reported seriously 111. .. Liithar Hamilton and Geo. Barker came down from Hamilton's mill Sunday. Holland Thompson 1b steadily improving. His case was considered serious In the beginning. Councilman Jas. Roberts Is fortunate in not having a broken ankle, and will soon be around. John Ayers has moved his family to town from Butter creek, to gain advantage of our schools. Green Matthews goes with his wile to Weiser, Idaho, this week to take charge of Dr. Mo Swords' sheep. Robert Hynd went to Portland on Saturday night's train on business, and will return to morrow morning. D. A. Curry and wite accompanied by Budd Shipley returned Friday from a summer's can- vass of the Interior. Rov. Flesher went to Portland on last even ing's train to attend the Methodist conference, to be held there this week. W. 8. Connor and family, of lone vicinity, came up this morning ana win occupy me building of Mrs. Ayers for the winter.. Congressman ElliB' little son Eddie is quite ooluncna in tbe past, and were universal- lick, but will be able to accompany Ms parents on their return to Portland tomorrow night. H. P. Vermily, special agent for the Northern PaolBe railroad, arrived in town Sunday morn lng, and will look up their land Interests In this section. B. F. Miller, the enterprklug stage contractor between here and Canyon City, went to The Dalles Monday to secure another new coach for the line. fa Tn IniiM .nrl Haiivhlar. Mia n..rtha I- .'..II . I.I I IT I ' " " " " 1 ..V.m.-clW D. expecte(, home , . few flay, from the Ea,t( Hon. Henry Blackman, f x-oolleotor ot where they have been spending most of the them hefore disoosino of their internal teveoutt, rmobed home last Sunday morning from an extended bus ty pleased with the returns derived tuererrom, remiletou's leading mer chants are progressive, rustling and en ergetic business men, and have adopted strictly progressive means, that ot using printer's ink in reaching out for trade. iness stay over at Seattle, an I was busy yesterday sh iking hands with old friends on the street. While Ilwiry repeatedly asserts tbat he has retired from politics, yet be is closely in touch with tbe polit ic 1 situation over in Washiugton, and predicts an i specially active campaign iu our neighbor state this fall. summer. T. J. Allyn, of lone, Chas Royce.of Hardman, John Johnson, of Gooseberry, J. P. .Rhea, of Rhea creek, and J. M. Beauchamp, of Lexing ton, were registered at the Palace yesterday. FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT. Mrs. It. G. Powell the Victim of Very Seri ous Injuries. Blue Mountain Eagle. Last Monday afternoon while Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Powell were on their way to this oity from their borne near Ritter a shookmg accident befell tbem, and it seems miraculous indeed that both were not killed outright. As it is, Mrs. Powell lies at tbe Monumental hotel in this oity in a oritioal condition, suffer- ng a fraotured nose and a terribly bruised and lacerated face aud forehead Tbe unfortunate lady remained in an unconscious state for several hours after having been brought to this city. Tbe attendiig physicians, Drs. Miracle and Crockett, stated that while the lady's injuries were very serious and painful, they were not necessarily dangerous aud Mrs. Powell, from present indica tions, would reoover. Mr. Powell was not seriously injured, although it is stated he was knocked down and run over by both the horses and vehicle. The Eagle is informed tbat tbe acci dent was the result of a broken hame. strap. When north of town, ooming down tbe hill near tbe Crowley ranch, Mr. Powell notioed that the wagon tongue was about to drop from its sup port, and stopping tbe team, alighted from the vebiole to readjust it, allowing Mrs. Powell to remain in tbe seat to hold tbe liues, not having tbe slightest doubt as to her perteot safety. Unfor tunately the tongue dropped to tbe ground while Mr. Powell was in the act of repairing tbe broken harness and tbe frightened borses started to ran. Mr. Powell bad no opportunity to stop tbem, as he was knooked down at the first MOURNING THEIR LOSS. If Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defects of the eyt, will be here very three months. 648-lyr "Co'n juioe" 1 all right but Low Til lard baa a brand of 14-year-old goods tbat Is bard to beat. 603 -If, Painless remedy for itreoting teeth. If not as staled, do charges. Try Dr. Vangbao'a new plao. 60-If. If yoa nd something for your system call at the 'Pbooe Tha Telephone ae looo, Oity botel building. tf T. A. Rbee informs as that about 100 cars will b needed for sheep shipments from Ibis place this month. A drove of 000 ealtla ars on tbelr way from lie, Grant county, for Ibis point, lo be shipped wilblo a few days. Recorder Rcbardsnn wascompelled lo reprimand one ditorbr of tbe pesos tbis morning lo tbe extent of I" 50. Beat accommodation sod eoorUoo treatment altbs Imperial Hotel, Saventb and Wash. Hti., Portland. Oregon. Mica Nelli By wishes to announce tbat aba will be prepared lo eommeos swing again Sept. I2tb al 1 25 pr day. Bring yoar bides, pIU end fart to P Mathews, al lbs Liberty Mt Market. pays highest market twice, 6JSMf. Freak Fernsworth was aeri-maly lo Jord lbs ImI of lb week by bis bora falling oo htm. Ilowsver, be Is fsst recovering. Mr. Johnson reports Ids wool basinet iodttigly qalet for Ibt present, bat bnpes to rtteoetvs deal lalbs Bear fa tore. E.O. NoM A Co. ere ro Hers after basin. Tb flneet saddle and bar. nee to bo foood la Ueppner. He Ibetr ew ad ia tbM ta. If. A farewell pert will be gives) f'erey (lerrtgoa al the opera boo Ibis o leg. lis retaraa to lb Fageoeetat tialvertilv for the wilder. UiD Ibataoagb! Take warning. II may 14 to "aeuplina. A ifito but ! of Hhilob's Cure may as your life. Bold by Oooeef A Werr. t CongreftMiuin Kills lit pans. Congressman Ellis, wife and son Ed tbs bank, on Center street, where she) die, took tbeir departure tm last ofght'a can be coiled npoo. 2t train for Portland, where thwy will uii.ke Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tba "Red- tbrir bei.dqnarters until time for bis re tiaht." ever on tha alerl for something turn to Washington. Mr. Ellis new. oan furnish yoa tbs finest rock- will travel about familiarizing bim tails lo Ire land Manbatten, Jersey, I self with tbs desires aud lo- Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in terests of his constituents, that be may tba business. Drop in and take the be In bt tier trim to guard, and take cara taste out of jour moulb. If At lbs Heppner Candy Factory is tbe place lo get cool, refreshing summer drinks, Jas. Hart ceo foruish yoa milk shakes, sodo, ice oream soda, orange wine, peanb cider, etc Ice cream booths nicely fitted np. Come and try the Dewey flavor-e new thing and very fins, oougrs, Gfil tf Mr. Geo. Wbitirs, of "Tba Fair,1- look last night's Irain for Ueppner Junction, wbere ha met bia mother and son and danghter, returning with Ibem this mon-icg. Tbey are direct (mm Flndley, Ohio. Mr. Whitiea bas tbe new cot'sgr recently srected by Mr. Hlooum, of the of congr-ssi(inl matter important to them. Ills S' jouro at borne proved en j iy able to bim, and when he returns here pe rmanently al the close of bis term be i'l adjust bidiselt to tbe community very readily. Ws rxpect toother short visit from bim before be returns to WHkAT THIKVKS. rrmni la Iks Walia Wall Valley Gears Willi Xlinitfaas. Tbe farmers of Hpnug vally and tbe thrre roads testing between Walla Walla and Waitsburg, says tbe Cui"U, are planing mill, in readloeas for tbem end gording their fields at nigLl lib sbot- il Ml - r"I J . 1 1 . . M rs1Tl'll . vr,ewe-4 . 1 considers himself permanently looated John Pniselrk, who baa lived on But ter creek for soma lime, haa moved In Hardman and will make that place bis bom in the fotor. Mr. tinseirk bat recently purchased, lo partnership with Oeo. French, ot tbis city, 4.S00 bead of awes and lambe, while oo a reoent tour into lb Jobn Day oonotry, near Mitob all. payiag only 2 2fi fof lb twrsand II. CO for the lamb. Neil lo lb general prosperity pre vailing Ibmnghonl lb North weet, tbs sobjeot mosl talked of is lb great Ore goo ladntlrUI Etpoaition al Portland fiom Heptemlier 22 lo October 2.'. Oo very band yon bear people say tby would not mies this great fair for aay -Ibiag, and lh railroad and steamboat lioes ars gniag to gretil greatly redned ra'ea. All who attend lh fair will mats aepleodid Intretmeet. The Msru'iam (rol. on Morra street In lb Marjnam bmlding, is nn lr illtil management and pallia will t royally entertained tbis winter. New compaote and atw te will ap pear from lime lo lima ! Ibi pp'r, firat-clae theatre of Portland, and ! ia Portland our diilins sbnold ool (all to Uk la earn of lb tic dramas tbat ill be preeale. tf Tb war re over, al the weatt.r Is Sow r"l SbJ .ll'blf.l. U tia )o f'l la b mnod dr-p ia at tit Uiwling alley and spend a pleaeat.l hunt as I i-K Sotne bealthfal eseni Ihmwola. Tl.ie t-pn-tar place ttt BSHMtnut is 0" oadr the maaagrmeat f Mr, J. II. Ktehar lom, at iweade lo raa it ia a 1 tlfoal,ly rpebt watiber, Al Itcn.b lvv.oe al aey tiu., VV1l J al03l?';' rrM fet4 MlMN 1 """ ' i 1,1 te i' i gnus, irespaeser will not be givtto the opportunity lo have tlitir eases 0'nid ered ia the suprrinr fxiilrt ot Walla Walla county a coroner will pM on tbe ca. Wheal bat been stolea fntu tbs ricks ot stacks of tha fll U ner Valley drove and in Hpring Vailey during the last few dais. Ths Ihit-Vne have e I landed their operations from one fild tr another until tbry have arotlerd lh entire liiirth- ero end of tha cunniy. Word be ben pael along the lint of farm boas Guard hv been p-ile. at the "el ling" up wj to the road. A rjclir lm I Ixtaren Dry ererk snl Vullrf (1,'nv em In a gno Store )eienlr having l,l I a l-d wnu imciii'i ani iin.irs m.w jer. ; rimrii', wbn akd if he were going l.'inln g be Mpllrd : "Yee; fr wbikl iLi-v-. Tiiia I lli only ti.e J r It. li st ror.e. Ilaektlml id liMj.p r sit. t- a I'islln Walla t Hull f'.r IS )r. lU't .liinifl l t'T- elng liitia linn it b t .!' Inetitn'ioa on tt.e It y niviilt..r I hn.d are ! s!ptr g l r ,,t ,rti no t.tir rm ai'h n e rje i.jn ; it Uit'l lt. iiml tfr , ei-ijr I)vt l Miller re. It ri.titd ll. riy lf i n his ot) It I, .i,l'irrf He rot fli n.' d It. ft'" I't tlie d (ofll an. in ,ia I rlrl -t . )i,,,,U. ltair . al 70 a.-ka la'l ftt l ti.a t. tnnal hl hria. acta lm tl.lr lb B-I.l cliOi t'i e, n a. I tntifhl and Uiruini , i THE TKMPItRANCB RAl.l.Y- t (ilven by the United Bunilay Schunls, Was a Droldeil Huecess. The Sunday school temperance rally given last Hunday night at tbs Christian oharob, under tbe able anpervisiou of Mrs. Alice MoNay, is pronoiinoed by all who were in attendance tbe m st eoj y able and interesting occasion of the sea son, lieror Hie opening uour arrived tbe church was literally packed. Tbs interesting program was introduced with a grand march by ths Huoday school obildreo, Mrs. 1. Bartholomew furnish ing ths music, and the Misses Mary Mj Hwords and Alice Bartholomew as lead ers, who ara Justly entitled to oompll- meat tor Iheir illntriotii eimpls ol dignity and tbe tact displayed in guidios lh liltls army through the aili of the church without the least c mfasloo to mar Ha effect. 41 tbe ennolnsioo of tb marob tb following interesting pr gram was rendered: Keatxmslr raadtni 'niirretlon 1-rairi.r nv. piieur Wor.lsnf Wali oiiia I'r.rf. Hoid K.HIV Inlaiil clan i4.uk . M. K. liinrrh. eolith. H'l'iilar 'li'l Aililn-a Mr rimher Hiii( M. K. XiiniUy e'hool tvin-t raaillliK Mlaajannla Harllinliiiiiae Mni christian euiwley s-hil Hh llalloll MM I. Milan ni.ii Httii Heft lat Kiimlar hmi Add.eaa . Kr. hhallcy lilttrllmtlon of U'tnnrranrr raiwra. Wiuar Ullla rhllilran e.i.--nll Ilia Fort'' . oiifatli.n Art lr "IrliilHTalK". Julsa Harlliiilnmr Sxiihi . Choir rnlleptlnn.tl.T. TaintM-ranr Iii.iIot . Cniiarrrllnn lrnalli lion . . . RfT. Klitlwr lunao of tbe horses. Mrs. Powell was powerless to stop tbem, aud before tbey ran tar the tongue struck tbe Imuk and tbe vebiole was turned completely over, throwing Mr. Powell with terrillo foioe to tbe ground, etriking on ber face. It as at first reported tbat the nnfortun ate lady ' eyea were hopelessly injured, but au examination by tbe phyeioiana proved the cntrary. The Cnifrw. Marshal Thornton is determined to enforce the ourfew ordinance, and Hun dsy evening was put to considerable aoonyaooe and a lively chase. Heveral hoys were nn the street after tbe ringing ot the bell, noting in a boisterous man ner, when be started in pursuit. Tbs boys scattered, and, rounding np, war found again and Identified. The next morniug they were taken to City lie oorder Richardson's oflloe, where be gave tlii-m a severe lecture, warning Ibem tbat a second vinlaiion meaut lbs full penalty. The boys aeetned to ap preciate bis advioe, and ba predicts no mors trouble with them. Citizens of Baker County Buy Goods of a Portland House. Baker City Republican. It seems useless for a paper to instruct the people on matters pertaining to trade. Continually we are saying: Buy goods of borne merchants, and giving good reasons for home patronage. Tbe business men ot this oity buy as obeap and sell as reasonable as tbey can and live, but there is a certain class ot people who Image that the borne merobaot is robbing them, and when a traveling salesman comes along and informs tbem tbat tbeir conviotioca are oorrect, and exhibits goods considerably below tbe prioe asked by tbe borne merchant, these suckers are ready to bite at the bait. We have a practical illustration. A short time sinoe two or three fellows made tbeir appearanoe in this county, coming from Portland. Tbey sold tba farmers on Burnt river aud Willow o reek. and even in the valley near tbis oily groceries and other goods very obeap These fakirs bad samples to prove tbe quality of their wares. II was a o transaction. The goods were shipped and the invoices and bills sent lo the bank, and before tbe obeap buyer oould get possession ot tbeir purobase he must pay the oontraot prioe. One ot the farmers oo Burnt river admits thai be was seriously bilked, and be might as well baye thrown his money into tbe river. The goods were not as represented, and some ot tbem utterly worthless. Now these farmers are mourning for tbeir loss, bul it is evident that they do not read tbe Republican. How much eduoation does it taka to find oat tbe priooipal laws of trade? The merohants bore would not dare to ' oarry on tbeir shelves and offer tor sale such rotten goods as these farmers bongbt from this Portland firm, who styles itself, so we are told, as Jones A Oo. The same farmers would stand on ths street corners and expose any looal mer chant who would deoeive tbem in any sooh way, and yel they swallow this loss with a few kioks, beoause they ars ashamed to admit their ignorance. But this lesson will do no good, for tbey will buy of the next fakir wbo comes along. Seen Near Athena. Alhena was visited by an East Ore- gonian representative reoently and tba various industries and enterprises ot tbat busy little oily looked np. II may truthfully be said tbat Athena now ia a busy town. II is tbe oenter ot a marvel ouely rioh wheal and stook herding country. Tributary to it are agricultural lands yielding no less than 1,000,000 bushels of wheat annually. Tbe farmers of tbat section of tbe oountry ara ot tbe kind tbat believe in progress and im provement in methods. On every band oan be seen new buildings and wall kept places. Tbe immeose orops produced there put tbe farmers in a prosperous oondition, and this prosperity is refleoted in Ihe town ot Atbena. Hare ara well seleoted stocks ot goods, busy shops, and through tha streets ia always flowing a steady stream of traffic. One heara nothing but obeertul expressions and pride in tbe solidity ot the town and tbo oountry surrounding it. East Oregon ian. A Dog's Misfortune. Harry Philips bas a valuable black Irish aetler dog tbat was unfortunate enough to taokla a bedgebog about two years ago, sinoe wbiob lime bia head and neck bate been horribly distorted, owing to abscesses developing from Ibe distibated quills. Yesterday be waa brought to town and stretched oat on Ibe operating table of Dr. Swinburne, wbo out deep inoisiooa into tbe innum erable placaa about tbe bead and oeok. Tbe poor old dog seemed to realize tba good intention ot Ibe surgeon, from tbo fact that he never flinohed under tbe severe operation, but lo tbe oontrsry gave every oanine evidenoe of bia grati tude. Dr. Hunlock estimates tba dog s value as o faithful and well-trained hunter, second to do other dog in the coui try. What Dr. A. K. Halter Hay. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing tbe effeot of yonr Hhilob's Our in oases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it la tbe most remarkable remedy that baa ever been brought to my atteo tiou. It bas oertainly saved many from consumption. Sold by Oonser A Warren. To Cur ('oiiatluatlaa forever. Take Cawareu t 'uinl ( alhartle. l'e orta. It C C. U. lad lo cura. ilruiitiiau refund teooef. i-OH HALE. Raoob, 820 acres, good land, 4 miles of Heppner, all fenced, plenty of water, bouse and barn, 110 acres ot summer fallow, all ready for tall crop. Easy terms. Call at Ibe Qaaette offioe. 664-tf 100 REWARD t Will be paid for intormatioo leading to Ibe arrest and oonvictlon of any per son steeling oattle branded " WH" oon neoted on tbe lefl side. Waddle on tbe ooae. Fbimjt Hdqbm. 45-nova gov Bal. Twenty aoree of land, near a good sonool. Will trade for boreae, farming outfit, ete. For farther information ad drees, V. Wreoiiau., 79-tt Hood River, Or. I'rupoaal fur Bridge. Realm! bills will be received for build - iug a bridge over Kork creek, on th Heppner and Lone Rock road, ootll October 1. H'.rH, county to furnir.li all material on lb ground. Right reserved to reject any or all bid. A. (i. IUHlHnUiMr.l, KI-81 County Judge. Ilrlaraail Km a )'aaiis Jnho Hpeooer aod Wm. Lswanu, who left ber lt Mar wllb about B.000 bead of sheep lelon-lr.g to A M. Rune for Wyoming, returned bom this morning, lo Interview with Mr. Npeocer be In form n thai after galbancg np lh beep between ber and Huntington, they shipped from that point lo Moat peller, Idabn, where they !k tb trail tn tb Wyoming lio an I drove from tber to Haley, Fremont rraoty, requir ing nvr twt in on I li. dtlvrtng to two Mer Bonn A IMMier to l I's'ti A JlioO. who dll I d lh , sbaap fur lb parpoe t.f ranting them ' pe'mnbtlf ia th Big llura rrotintelos t r lb stunt,', and I bene to lb bio for lb wiolar. Metar. Hpeeeer aad T,atn reenaitied liter nn week, wbe ILsi trtx on Uilr rat or If stag to K.eliti. V , !, that H.k Ihe train lii.m, ti,ai.kfil that lliirlk wa at an aH. f'rlra fif vlieap thre ar nn tderat.tr In advartr 'f Ihla fetHKHi, britietag II. lb advantage Wfi.talttg b over F.lra Oregon I Ibe ffl that no WinUr tee-1 It) as r iifad, Mr. M(ir U sheep In teala In lhl enquiry are I lh baed t f repiUli!, 0e'jletilli lite Ixjw fir a ri.n m ntt ettennragieg. Ilotb yaiitleinaw tuficd lit aitl do ber fur lb wrtiler. Caalriliai Herk. Th well known Cunningham buck, tboronifhbred grades and Detain, will b oo eihibitlon and for sale at lUi pner oo or about October 11. Price lo suit tb timeo. Ia charg of KjUi Wm. Ik iii m, Announcement To the School Children -r- A full and complete lino of SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. Just received ly the Slocum Drug Co. 1 for the commencement term . . i i.vervuiinir neeueu OTI(K TO IHE Iffil.lC. Tbal a certain not giveo by the oader signed to Mark T. Kady, for 1171, dated Jan , IH'.iH, payabl lour moolb ttU t data, waa obtained by and through false and frauJ'tlael represatitalioti, lh eun ai.leralloo therefor lis wholly failed and aald out I now bald by said Kdy eon- Irary lo bis sgrmeal lo retina the m. All peron ar warned not to ptirpha sail tot and thai lh maker thereof will not is the earn. Wiu.Uk) (). PariSMauM D.tel: lb I)ll, Or., Kept. H, Ixit 4- r ,i at 1 . a- I i- i tar. -.If a;i a I I . r t I ir, i t I t mm wlllla er. wi. W l.rn !!, ! I nr, Iry, t. M I - tl .T r aa!.fird 1 hr a .'a i4 U' ' f j I ''d hli rt ff l"i.f I ' ' '. j t . lr i'.a al I f.U t f la.t I....I.-M. ''. '.! i4 it I !!' ;: '" I f r . -. a ll !,.. f t Jt, '" J ..a. .:.' I' t t 4- ,-l.t'n a'-' I .' , . 1 1 .1 i ..... I i I feiavie liiarrkva fart 11,1 la lo certify Ihat I bv fl.fir.i dirrhf sver alt tb war. I t 4 i wak I 'nld bar lly walk r di nylliieg. Or. billl cf Chamberlain's tVibc, Ctiotera iMarrbnea JUnia l; eared m atinnd and ll. J. It.Oieai, I'lOCMlle, V I bav oli'.ijn' diaril.itea fur tlr year. Ibra Udlli i,f (biitte-rlin's Odin, ('!.-. 1-re aad Iarrb- lUmedy fnred tne. M. I. rNvsa l lt.te, V. Ifc lb Mr. OiM and Mr. Ht.er ar I r.i,inl farwere aad r de rr riieae, V. They .t.nfal Ihe reined tn.m Mr V . K a-l-f, a 'l'o ( e i.f 11,41 p!e, ti'i a wall f i ll nl l i"i ll -ui I Hi. I l I) f I It. A NEW FIRM ! E. .G Noble & Successors to Noble a Co., a.. . ihi. i,l ai tha oil atand with llama. B.Ma. Whit. pr, 4 an ad:M l( ,,f rTTiTihlm lo Iheir line. g O. Until aa4 Mr Un. puhl Mi as aria tb Its (Urn bui;l r all l.llls ot tb 14 Irss m wall a tellwt what is . 1$. O. 201115 2 CO. Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this, ftepalr work a specialty. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is flat of plain and decorated Chmawarc & Ouccnswarc At 6illiam k Bisbees i.itr'. r rii.g r fd lr Is W ilwef l. tia, w l l'.. 1'i.Hlif li.i !'f f.fl,1. t'"',i'f V i" i fill wm nr. mm or.T what you WAfiTt l1 " t t's l- ... !. ., .iia