Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 13, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1898.
Mb. Wm. Salisg, deputy for As
sessor Petty e, ban ust finiBhed
footing up his assessment roll,
which shows an aggregate value of
$1,500,000, which is an increase of
$100,000 over that of last year.
The sheriff's sale last week vir
tually closed up the 1896 roll. The
roll complete shows but about $200
remaining uncollected, which is
accounted for in poll and small
property tax. Other collections,
through penalties and costs im
posed on the tax sal last week,
amounts to the sum of $200, so the
present administration has actually
accounttd for every dollar's worth
of taxes charged up to the county
The avowed necessity for the
calling of an extra session of the
legislature is the election of a
United States senator, that matter
having prevented the convening of
the legislature in 1807, and ban
forced upon the people of the
state the expense of an extra ses
sion that will cost no less than
$50,000. This, however, is not the
only baneful result of the system
of electing senators. Were it the
only inconvenience to which we
are subjected we might not bo
The Eugene Guard gives the
following interviews concerning
the call for an extra session of the
legislature: Senator I. D. Driver
said that it was a grand humbug
And a disgrace to the state; that
Lord either wanted to be elected
senator himself or have Geer
elected. If Geer was elected then
Lord would be governor two years
longer, as the constitution pro
vides that he should hold until his
successor was elected and quali
fied; that Geer, if elected senator,
would never qualify and Lord
would hold to the office.
The taxpayers in Eugene this
afternoon nearly unanimously ex
pressed themselves as being op.
posed to a special session of the
legislature and condemn Governor
Lord for calling one.
The extra session of the legis
lature will be composed of the
hold-over senators and the newly
elected senators and representatives.
Senator Kuyendall expressed
great surprise when informed of
the call. He said it was unjustifi
able and inexcusable; that the
people did not want it.
Brief War News, Tele
graphic News Notes,
Etc., Etc.
State News.
Oregon Mining Journal: lion.
Binger Herman is making a tour
of Western Oregon and is being
received with so much enthusiam
by his many friends that the
suspicion has entered the minds of
bitterly complain, but the senator- enatorial P'""t tbat he w try-
ial contest drags many complicat- 1DS 10 Becuro lue PIum Ior mmHtm
ing features into our state elec- At any rate the Oregonian has
jon8 taken the alarm and is trying to
Men are not elected to the legia- kill him off. From the standpoifit
lature because of their fitness to of the Oregonian Mr. Hermann's
become law-makers, but on the silver record is bad, very bad
understanding that they will vote almost as bad as that of Senator
for this or that man for senator. Mitchell. It is safe to say that
As a result the legislature is not the next senator from Oregon will
composed of patriotio citizens and not be a gold man of the most ad-
Btatesmen, but as a general rule vanced school.
of political hacks who lose Bight of Exchange: The matter has been
their duty as legislators in the settled. The Oregonian sayB Bin
offort to furtbor the interests of Hermann should not be elect
their senatorial candidate, hence ed, because he has always been
noeded legislation in in a measure wrong on monetary and currency
overlooked. questions, that even Mr. Mitchell
Were the By stem changed, and is to bo prefrerred because he is a
tho people permitted to voto di- man of far more ability and
rectly for United States senator, onergy. Will tho Oregonian please
theso complications would bo explain why it supportod Mr.
averted. The Bonatorial election Tongno, who has been just as un
would be taken out of local poli- eouml on tho monetary question
ticH, and legislators would be from tho Oregonian's standpoint
chosen because of their compoton- a Mr. Hermann, his 18!)1 argu
cy. Had such a method been in ruont as a matter of fact never
voguo in lH,a senator would have having been answered,
been chosen at tho June election,
and tho legislaturo of 1H'J7 would wkkkly crop i:li.ctin.
t i. i .... .1; n:..t.. : :,.
u ,.m, .....u. .u.,,Ku.. The ,., , the weekly bulMio
lug. Ilia roHUlt would have been fnr ti, Ul9 0( o,eg ending Hjtem
that needed laws would have been ber 1-th, IhhiuhI by 11. S. Vgw.
passed, obnoxious ones would have nn.
I ,..nl.i,1 1,1.1 llw.ro u,n1, I WeatllHI.-TllO 1IUBH temiiont ur fnr th
. wfk MviTKKi"! 07 iligrw. whli'h was 7 ili'g
have been no excuso for forcing iiigimr than tor the rrM.iing ami g iitg.
tl,o Kiir.ln. nf nn nvira anauimi lilgher than for tho correaiHiiiilliig week otlut
I year. The hlghtel temperature during the
npn me people, iot until we nk wmsi'ii-., mi Wninue.iey, ami the lowest
elect aenatora by direct vote will 'W."'''"i. i mi "
' . wwk. Foruat fires iteveliipeil ratlily during
we have a purely democratic gov- tim week, making the air quite smoky from
ernmput. Timea-Mountaineer. "i"ir. "it. mi fr..mih.cityuf
lmm furllanil rstiiuit I seen UUj, awing to th
density ol the amuse.
THE SESSION VAl.LKP. crop. -Tin harvest season li rapidly peeilng
i i i I i lloppli'klng continues. Th weather It
I HE expected ha happened. .ry uvnrahle lor wrk In the hop yer.le. The
Gov. Lord haa called a upecial n" "i,fi '- ' ""
. I'll -ii '"' "'"'''I yr- 1'h mining hill, reported
aiHHl()U ()f tllrt leglnlature, IIS Will In the early summer, will hve Itlllacirwt ntMD
Itueeen from hi nroclamatiou an- i"-i"'. ihr having been
, unusually favnrahle, th. vlnn mad good
pouring in anouier comma, j up growth ami iho hoi are riuer. en th.t a bet
date i Keptcmber i.!th.
eHitiou will
that is to aay, tho limit for w Lich , . . ,
. rruiK r now rapidly dropping from Ih
niCinlxTi receiVO pr dlCIU for a it, and drying U In lull operation In all
apocial Bcnl..n i twenty dy. T,' ""' " '''' 'n
, .... Ilnr ari not .Hough dry.rt to handle Ih rrop.
TIlA object of ttlO HJIOOIhI HeHrlKlll IN Hn.ll I..U ol whmt and oala ar rt U. Ix
notait forth in tin call, but the T,' ""P " i"i
, r.lly fi'iirr-l. I'olntn dlicvlng n. foinnnnrM ,
I'Wtiotl OI a I Ult''d Stutt'B Senator H,eMiUtoi'ripproinlrttolir)rlarl Cora
and the nan-ago of a gneral at- '"'""" ' " m-"' ''
h'i no Inn., fir , ar lwtn .hipped In large
propriatinn bill aro tho two thlngii iiiantlllM Fall arrdl'tg ha. romineiirrl.
of paramount importanco aought r,m "" ol i.id.i.wii,i.n,i..n4
i i i, i " Urmrra will real allrr a aio.1 .urreaa-
to 1m ncrotnpliHhed. IhinIi haa alao i,(irr..p,,.f ,. h.rv.i,
twoobj.Tta in viiw in convening " 1
the Bo-aion. One in th bringing Ti.....r..nr..irnirif n.. week
..'rKi- :i dig , whit h wa. II drg I. In her than
of I'UgineM to hirl hotel am! tlie ,.r Ih. prr.lihg we. k and Ud.g. higher than
iKmmHo election of ono of hi men '"' -"i-'-" ' Th.
... i I ma.lmiim ltiiralir lof Ih week waaldeg.
lO IIIO BfUiaii. 1IH llino no nag .M, h itnd on rnd.y and aaliirday.and
two faiididati', b.rl and (latch. """ ' d.g.hirh .,rrrdo
IIir- iT " r i ii i , mi'iiiMffv, i. rain
Idl diDlni the Wert ier the plateau reglun,
In Ih ninr fiil p'a. ea, trt nmirre.1 on
e eral niornlnga
I rop A ri)rMiiden at lld Rii.r.
W o roimty, a rite "Ih. aarm, dry aealh.r
la rM-enHig rorn and taiw, amu. rrn I.
a K- If H- ao I rra If to M taken li Ih mill
t aierim Won and ii.he ar plenlllnl.
iia ).:hiHmI an l -mr atleirt are rl.
"'.I nl whist a I oat. are n In th
di.t tinier and tliuothf geld, ma k good
ii In. I'ntt rr n .11 kind ar tin
eM ' Ffiitn Athena, t in.tlUa county, font.
ll.i. l. rl "lt.ririlii( a"d Ikrvehliig almul
d"i in. t nt the li. Miieif liu lert wanted
I he t"'n .l ! leen hif y llitla
.!,. a.. .)..!.. ,f the h.d arather 1.1 I he
. 'l" 'i'i rrip. rnii.a ar tlng dug
lhi?(..l Mi f a. I, I ! .in ate .mii
lh...,h...il th. c'.il.ti .t.ta ri eallef har
xili.g it tl.reehilig are .'-it m ef and th,
r i . .re n ii-g ot h.t ime In ntlivf an Hone
; ), .!"th'! I t.l.'ii Wi.U... lulr ad inten.i
Iriti.g ..it tlifMtt. i.n.lliiMe
( a i h - -I e e i ; a rrii'.-. .. pitiin. ere ey
te.eii.a Tm H .n I , im ar wiatMrtttg
I ( i- ! f' ae pieanl-it
j I , h.t r.. thii..,H4Hi In Htm . rnnatrf t
Mr. Mitrhell 1 a candidate, ai.il int,.i-t ui, i m. u,
. . . Inl i. t r t wp "ia oa t. hi.a-
lut'D Bi!in Ibrf lie) IB DOU I'UI ennWl H i.'tiflMri
Middlebobouou, Kj., Sept. 10. Ma
hals Mnlliog, the giaDte-s, celebrated
on the Tennessee border (or ber great
weight and ber pereietenoe in moonshln
ing, is reported married to Samael John
son, a farmer. Mahals is very tall and
weighs 560 pounds. She baa frequently
been arrested, but never been oarried
away from ber borne, defying tbe officers
to transport ber. She lives on Welder's
Ridge, just over tbe Tennessee line, and
ia 50 years old.
Ellensbobo, Wash., Sept. 8. The
state populist, demooratio and silver
republican state conventions, represent
ing; tbe silver forces of tbe state of Wash,
ington, formed a fasion today and nom
inated a full ticket.
Hartford, Oonn., Sept. 9. Tbe event
of tbe greatest interest in the Charter
Oak Park race meeting today was tbe
attempt of Star Pointer to lower bis
traok record of 2 :03, wbicb was sne
oessful, the mile being made In 2:00
Dbnveh, Sept. 9. Tbe National Edi
tonal association today eleoted J. D
MoOabe, editor of tbe Argns Advooate
of East Boston, Massachusetts, presi
dent. Portland, Oregon, was decided
nn as the place for holding the neit
meeting. Tbe association adopted the
report of the committee on press laws
providing for h standing committee to
bring about uniform press laws in the
different states. Tbe committee reported
in favor of tbe Paris trip beiog taken in
1899 instead of 190 ). The report was
adopted. The start will be made in June.
One hundred and sixty applications for
tickets were received.
A Mr. Clark, 66 yean of aga, ih cremated in
ber cabin home, near Bprague, September 9th.
Judge T. C. Shaw, of Salem, died Wednesday.
He came to Oregon In l&M, and waa a veteran of
the Indian war. Be waa a man of much promi
nence In Marion county and a valuable citizen.
About fifty carload of wheat were received
at Portland September 9th, and ad rice from
the interior itate there la considerable selling-
Walla Walla li quoted at W55; Bluestem,
The McMinnvllle college opens Its doors for
the year 1898-9 tomorrow, September 14th, with
prospects of a Urge attendance and a succeasful
year. A normal course has been added, ana
the buildings have been renovated inside and
Word has reached The Dalles of the accident
al shooting of 11 n. Nelson Patterson near
Dufur, Wasco county. In company with her
husband she had gone fnr a trip in the country
She attempted to catch a shotgun which was
falling out of the wagon. Tbe gun was dis
charged in falling and the contents passed
through her right hand, tearing off the thumb
and injuring the fingers. The hand was ampu
tated at the wrist.
The Times-Mountaineer says: While ad
dressing the teachers' institute yesterday State
Superintendent-elect Ackerman referred to the
fact that the emperor of Germany had ordered
that a picture of tbe Uerman navy be placed In
every school house, and suggested that such a
display in tbe American schools would b
appropriate. Acting on this suggestion, J. H
Huntington presented the high school of this
city with a handsome picture of the New York,
Oregon aud other vessels ol our navy.
Recently Harry Smith, a young man of about
24 years ( age, was arrested near Klght-Mile, by
Constable Hill, charged with assanlt with a
daugerous weapon. The prosecuting witness
is a man named Longatreet, who alleges that
Smith threw rocks at him, and being proficient
in tbe art, caused him great bodily and mental
pain. He further alleges that after the asaault
he was unable to sleep for several nights, and
prays that his assailant be punished to the full
extent of the law. His case haa been set for
hearing on Tuesday at 10 a. m.
The question of a new county to be formed of
portions of Crook, Grant and Gillam is again
being agitated in view of the coming session of
the legislature. There is no doubt that th
citizens of that section desire it, and that they
have a Just cause for so doing. It Is said that
Representative Donely and Senator McGowan
of Urant favor the proposition and we can
uthorititatively state that Crook county's rep
resentative will not oppose It and will lend his
aid and influence In its favor, If it Is shown that
the residents of the proposed county desire him
to do so.
Cure all liver ills, bilious
ness, headache, sour stom
ach, indigestion, constipa
tion. They act cully, with
out pain or gripe. Sold by all druggist. H eents.
Th only Pills to tak with Haod'a Sarsaparilla.
Bravery of Officers and Men In the Late
War to Be Kecognired
Washington, Sept. 11. The war department
has Issued an order directing the commanding
officers of military departments, army corps
and detached commands to send to the adjn
tant-general, as soon as practicable, the names
of such officers In tbe regular and volunteer
service aa may be considered entitled to brevet
commands for distinguished conduct and pub
lie service In tbe presence of the enemy.
Rules have also been issued governing the
award of medals to officers and enlisted men, as
Medals of honor will not be awarded t
officers or enlisted men, except for distinguish
ed service, bravery or conspicuous gallantry,
which shall have been manifested In action by
conduct that distinguished a soldier above bis
comrades, and that Involves risk of life In the
performance of more than ordinary hazardous
duty. Recommendations for the award will be
governed by this Interpretation of extraordi
nary merit. Recommendations should be made
only by the officer in command at the time of
the 'action', or by an officer having personal
Spokane, Sept 9. Robert Easson,
seoretary of tbe Spokane obamber of
commerce of oommerce, dropped dead
of heart disease at Lewistoo today. Tbe
Northern Paoiflo bas jnet completed ite
extension to that towD, and the Spokane
obamber of oom trie roe ran a business
men's excursion to Lewistou. At 11
o'clook this morning, while tbe eiour-
sionists and a large number of tbe
people of Lewistou were gathered before
tbe leading hotel, Easson staggered and
fell in tbe street. He was oarried into
the hotel, but expired quickly.
Now that the schools are commencing
All should know that.
P. C. Thompson Co.
Have the nicest assortment of
In town
Tablets at 4c, 5c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c each
Rubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, 2c and 5c each
Don't forget the place. Cash talks
P. C. Thompson Co. Heppner. Or.
Good Goods....
Fair Pr.ces.i-
Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
Tinware and Furnishing Goods.
cognisance of the specific act for which the j Staple (JJld Fancy GrOCeTXtS-
Teas and Coffees.
Wakhinoton, Sept. 8. War depart
ment officials would not discuss tbe re
port of tbe strained relations between
the United Slates forces at Manila and
tbe insurgent foroes under Aguinaldo.
Tbe Impression seems to be, however
that Aguinaldo is rather restless and
has given the United States authorities
gome uneasiness. Orders bave been
issued looking to sending farther re
iuforcements to Manila, though some
days ago it was annonnced that three
regiments now at Han Franoieoo would
In all probability go to Honolulu, so
that thy might be in readiness to go to
Manila if needed.
8am Fbaschco, Sept. 8. The bark
Elytra arrived today, 21 days from
Prince William sound, with salmon for
tbe Alaska packers association. Tbe
Eleotra brought down a number of
prospectors from Copper river, wbo re
port the Copper river dlalriot a complete
failure and no gold in slgbt in that
oonntry. Unodreds of miners are anx
ious to return, bat many Live no meaos
to pay tbeir way.
WiNNirKi, Minn., Hepl. 6. Indians
reaching Dauphin from the far north
west report meeting an Etiinimanx wbo
tells ol tbe appearance of a strange roan
wbo desoended among them from the
olouda on tbe Uudsnn bay. Tbe general
belief is that tbe man is Andree.
Weather is very dry and plowing cannot be
done at present.
Threshing, hauling grain and wood is the
order of the day.
Rev. and Mrs. Clark were on Eight Mils a few
days ago, the guests of Mr. Andrew Ashbaugh.
Dame Go.il p must be busy cooking for thresh
ers or some other busy work for she does not
set much news rolling.
We are glad to hear that Dell Fuqua Is suffer
Ing less, and bope she will soon be able to be
up again and enjoying good health
Theodore Downing has rented the Bardman
hotel, where he will soon be prepared to feed
hungry travelers and give them a night s lodging.
Theodore Downing and family, and Henry
be accompanied by a detailed account of tbe
circumstances, or by certificates of officers or
affidavits of enlisted men who were eye-wit
nesses of the act. The testimony must, when
practicable, embrace that of at least two eye
witnesses, and must describe specifically the
act or acts by which the person, in whose be
half the recommendation ia made, 'distinguish
ed' himself, and the facts In the case must be
further attested by the official reports of the act,
record of events, muster-rolls and returns and
descriptive lists."
General order, No. 139, published from the
war department, directs that all commissioned
officers belonging to regiments furloughed for
60 days be placed upon wajtlng orders, Instead
of being furloughed like their troops. This will
facilitate the making of any changes in the
orders to regiments, will give the officers better
pay, and afford the department a closer bold
upon them in case of need.
Another paragraph of tbe order placed upon
the commanding officers at hospitals tbe re
sponsibility for deciding whether or not sold
iers sent home on sick furlough shall have
sleeping-car accommodations, and requires the
quarter-master, who Is to be stationed at every
general hospital, to honor any such requlsl
A Mare Thing for Too.
A transaction in which youcunnot lo.elsa
sure tliiiig. lilliousneas, sick lieaJm lie, f i.r
red tongue, fever, piles aud a UioubhuiI oilier
ins are cauaea uy ooosupuuuu miu mui.u
liver. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, me won;
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
As manager he will run it in first class shape
in every department. Rates reasonable
derful new liver stimulaut and iutes'iual I 1 R H H Hi H,S PrOT).
tonic are by all dnifrgiau guaranteed to cure J -IJUXX VXlJUXiOj -a. XKJjJ
or money refunded. C. C. C are a sure . . T .
SieaVIbt.7' KM Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Baoklea's Antes Halve.
The uest Halve in too worm ior uuis, i M .
Bruises. Mores. TJIoers, Salt Rbeom, "(1,c,nes
and Warren Ashbaugh visited fred Ashbaugh Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, lOliet
on Sunday last. Mrs. Downing Is a sister of Chilblains, Corns, ana ail Sk'o Erop-I
u I i.hiu.,,1, Th.. mm riu.nll from Ih I .. ... . . 1 1 1 SiV.VJ
r.cu ..,u.UR... v, ... , tious, ana positively cures rues or no
"TT PT paired. It ia guaranteed to give
school books
PaiQts Oils-Glass
time ago. Two young men got to stealing wood
from Mr. Maxwelland his son caught them at
it Then they thought they would be revenged
on the poor old man, who Is not able to defend
himself, and they called him out and abused
him Next morning his son found out what
they had been doing and went to the boys
about it They both came at blm with empty
pistols to try to bluff htm, but the bluff did not
Ust long, for MIU had a loaded gun, and they
lipped away as quietly as poaalble. They feel
ultinll, no doubt, when they look at their
sire and his, and feel that he could stand them
both off.
perfect satistaotion or money refunded.
Prloe 36 eents par box. For sale by
eiooum Drug Co.. E. J. Blooum, manager
Conser & Warren, Druggists,
Tllt l'"'1"'' ''" rvaiilli'd. In smiie ul the larger
I ..,.( ..I..LI.. la ...... I x.Mnnli.lM.l Italia... A
1 for twenty tlay hay iniilluu-s, the bins ol the hay rnp Is well
lloth urn ftrtivt c,iiIiUIoh. Ami
it inilit 1m a ll' l tlitt iii'itlir-r
UiiU njf plm. Othir rfttnli.
Utt' art II "M. II. W Curlx'tt an.l
lino. I'iiiK'T llirinanii. Mr. 1 1 it
mat. i. is at f I'wt.t in OrciJ'ti lima
inn after lit own itiU riat, whit
Mr. Coilti'tt hie tifvpr lt intrnt
In Ori-i;'ii imlitica aincrt tlm iletVat
of Mr. Mitcli'll t )" k"
l'.aali rn ()fi-t."iii lias man tiRitiml
Kakr-n ! "ul l lis to t spiiv
tor, atnl tli frii DiUof l'liil Met
clan arc Ux'iuini; Iiim fr th
lacr. I'vrtia IU,.h ! M. 0.
(ioor, of sVrlUii.1, rr hleo rati-tli.lnti-,
lii! u tccai.iial
l.muirr in Ui lii'rM.t of Jo
Himoii is ct.eouuti'ff I TWy jr
a (irral Kuonlral (iard.a
1 he J! mliiglral Hurl-ty of Sew York propose
In niii.trm I hat will pruhatily be I he durst
imilnglral garden In the world In Brotis I'ark
N.w York. The aurlrty Miwli to open the
s.r.liMi to the public In a Mi'.fai tory nay on
M.y I, I". While the work Is prmtrvwlng
with all ilue rapidity, the old and wall approved
plan of rvll'tltig blllnusnras and eunatlpalUia
through the hriieflrrnt agtnry ol Hnetvtter
Htnmai'h K i Hits finds general recognition.
This e. '-Unit family mrdti-lne Is a safeguard
s.alii.t malaria ami rliruiii.ll.ia. and reatooa
Imllgi-allon and iivrvoiisnrM. II tovlgorau
the sy.tvm through Imprntrd dtgvetlon, ',,f1 1
Are It against illaraM, and enunterarU the
.rfrrUol m f wnil, mental of paystral.
taksn all la H, th jclal iwU-n h i ....!- 4" i.
ItH I... !,.. ..,
e .i ,a.a ri.
frasler K.fa-a S iai tar ( k.kalla.
In lbs Horse lUtiew. pobllsbed at
Cbloago, Anga.t h Issue, appears the
fcit lowing" I Urn relating to aa oflW made
to Frank Frasier for Cbebalw:
"Last WaJueedej, at Olena'a Falls.
N. T , y I Mills, of H -t in. offer e t Frank
Franer A.ivM fr tbe -Or.gia Wonder"!
Cbebatla , 3 H r" "u P"pl
Mr. Frailer bs several timaw hra
effervl a tnach or amre fr I'larg
slallioo, bat hie friend hre vary
srally li.lie.e he will f.fa.a vi Iwiea
as tti'tob, T.run alihnagii be ebnol
never ag.lti go ta a tc: Chblis I
worth t"r rom.y thaa I'll"! A
brwwlwr ha has on ap.ri.r. Tre is
not knows anywhere a ate li.'O of bitr
gellioa' H'tatili". or Ih at tranaimi's it
bis roll. unvaryingly tits i flue
iMilats of style an I aeUna M-ng- b
aalf as banlif tl a l'ia of.ilaafl a
as was aver .aUI, be das aev.r fall. Ill
give bis ilsprtiitf the .m laty ,
carriage as 1 ni. !. It is tbe aal
tarsal aploloa kr that Mr. Franer will
rwfase aay ) for Ch.balia aal it
amootil t at Uat two evl a half lltas
'l.Oll, aaJ a-irri Say ka M i aiea(
to S-ll at Ib.l llgl'
For Infant! and Children.
Mt Kind You Hare Always Bought
Was Perfected by the
Production xf ....
Bears tha
eSguatuxe of
uKasr X)U?itv news.
From the Long Creek Kagle.
Why are an old h.n and an editor alike 1 They
both scratch for a living.
K. Nelson, th John Day Jeweler, Is arranging
to put up a brick residence this fall.
W. T. Hamilton waa In the city Irom Hamil
ton last Friday. He ha contracted with I. O.
Woodall, the lumbermen of this city, to erect a
bullillng for blm at Hamilton, which be will use
for s mercantile .lor.
Timber Culture,-
Jlnd now Die entire world
Knows this vcrj eel product
Final Proof. As the Star lirewcry beer.....
t'aiTso ht.tss Lain Orrn s.
The Iallr.. or.. Htt. a. .
lv dore ao.l.rwoo. of klght Mile, haa Slrd
On draught at
notice of In t.nt Inn In mean Bn.l proof nature
V. Crawford. Coantj lrk at his outre In I
Heppner, urwwnn. on waniwe-iey, ine i'lna.y
ol tk'tober, on tlmbwr culture application I
.( ol ssrtlon nu. li, imp I
Ko. IN. R Kn. 24 E . M. He names aa wit-1
Ho. for Ui HK V. of ssrtlon tin
Fdgar D. Lawk, Frank f. VanghR.
An.ld.otof Orant wont, rwcenUy .njoyln, Mrsi And.ro. Uelie Ims. .111 M.hl
an outing at the tea ouaal was eased what
would you do If you were Baking Is th harbor
and would ae a Spanish man-of war eomlng?
To this he bravely replied that be weald pull
up his line and sink er.
)r. B. F. Sweek paw.d through Kovthara
(Irani early Hits week accompanying hi wife
and Mlas Fay to Hrppw-r, Irom which po
they will depart lor r"ortiad. Th doctor s
Lasa Omra at LaOata. Oasoow.
following naroMt aHtlf haa Sited wotlrr
of hla lnl.ntlon to make Snal bmot In aunfi
of hla claim, and th.t aald pro.4 will be m..lr I
M.U to iwttirn.to Urnl roualr and re mala I hlorw lb County Clerk ef Morrow County
k. i. .h. tir4 l hla brofMaloe uotll UU .. at lUi pnwr. Untan, ea October la.
.... , ' - I I.Jh .If
In the fall. I Al.RrHT Wg.l.lK ROKToM.
M. ). Chaatbeie, the proprietor of th. Elkkora -l0?"; i'ZVli t
hotel, and son. Ed Chambers, returned laet I h. mma the M towing wltmais to pro.
kl. continuous rewtdenre iipoa anl rulll'.iton
tt Aadrww J roM J.iw.IW
mui lifMtin. Iil HI. II. Willi.
oul they captured two elk asi a aeor, ana i hi. it of uurdaae. oraoe. m. . B.an..rt
tw.ni. l.r.. trouL the latter from th water I n artta'rr.
of th famous Magua lake. Mr Chamber and
.,1 . ... ,k. h.M.e..i ik. na. I Motice of Intention.
born hotel enjoy almoet a eonllauou ksM lb
year around
FrIJay from a hunUng eod S.hlng trip near tbe I kte eentlauooe rewtdenew ur- i
head ol Long crw.ll and Msfos. laka. bll. kf,?'ii' ?
- N
What is
Emulsion ?bi
Lean Orru s at ..i.is. ..
A .i t 1,
OTi'E l itgkr hv .itt mat i.t
Mlowln l amr hm Mk. I
n4 her tnintt.Hi In m.fe. Snal In 'M t--rt
of ket rt.lnt, and thai aald pf4 will bw m. 1. I
bf( Ih. 1'm.i, i Uf k t Worrow l mii. at..
egofi. al Heppawt. (rer. ott irtl , l. li
Mil IIAIl. UAIXtlWAY.of llerpnof. Of .
H I ko asm, to. oe . kV) and ',
I. i i a a.
Me MM Ike Mlnwlng SllMW tw e.
ku rouitaw. fwaitee aft and eiti.atln 4 I
a4 land t. J C b4 M J
lMn, e4 A. J WMwtp, eiM Hf.M
g, w, '.
It all popular saloons
203 Washlaaan St., artlan., Or
Clothing Made to Order
We wish to inform our friemls aud
tho public that we have appointed
2vdCi.ii.ox & Co.
filing ngt-ntn for our ci-h trattd
Tiny have our comph to lino of pain.
pU anil aro prcpantl to tako your
measure for a fine unit.
It U a itrtnfthgftlnf loc4 -n4
tonic. rtnurkeU. in Its flgiK-fontv
Uaaa Otrtt a at la ii.ua. ti....,
su.m i i
Inr profxrticj. Il confaJru Cod- otiiu wiktar Mt mar tut
. . . , . ... . l tMwa.. h.m4 enw -1
Liver Oil emuuului of partuu ' a i.ui w. . f
d, . . . , i,c iL. ..rt riMwiim ioiw e4 ! il wi.l
iecitt-4. commrxa Vita five wcu- h., .). , i ni-.t .. .1
Talrnnize an Orrptn inlutry lhat
rmplov neveral hutulri'd men, atnl
ue OiounaniN of dollars worth of
Katern Oregon wol.
I Mwavfkeaarw, mymarmjmj, awmj sayar-Mr, ' ' I.
f tak A la
rhosphiUl ol Urrx and 5oda to ntu witu. wt Un4.
th.t their roUncy U nuUri.nf "TT.Ti'? ml " M
H. e "" r L. BOW MAN, tt.
ki. e.iww'ia e.ipw .M.Mlriii.ii. I
M a4 lel. .1. a
".. lH A 1 '. a- , IS- 4 M. f.
attwf L.aiwe.let
t r I I a
Tl al At w
Inert am i.
Portland and Salem.
It will mt lou of Hash anal
rtttort to a rvormil eoniition th I
Inlint, the chili ani thl aJull. It
enrich th tlooJ ol thl fwmii
I !.. 1. s .1 fas P....
wrl'.l sirxt tKg ftueH. TUkl th irrita! V'utt' 1 Jtsr mi'm i.nm
., 1 .a. .l r. - j 1 . . i .0.,u,f rr'-rv: -i
ai.iv 1 .ia twM m. w. . m.'mm i mm
j 1 , a .1 1. I ... . HI4M. a. HWi W . f "mm w III m M
cure inuptcni iwuuinpMn a 1 p 1 s. 1 w-w ow'aM
en.Ve ski. .I.Wrrwul htAuM Iki l.iW,wr"4i iliw.ti
..... - r-g asm at,
tl Mr tents of iwnnif-iiri ysan nasiw ,M,., a.i (r u,.. v.
rroven It la Uni e4 th,unli t4 rJlir. V'r JL"..
. a . . I i-i-e fmiAm4mt .--
Vi't t . " " " tMi,.. . i.B.-.. I.. I l
y- . .1 . al I mm) ll.n ...nil l. , 1.. . I l
That 14-Ycar Old Stuff,
"KoIiiks Best."
On Tap Down at The
Telephone Saloon
IT MA.HK nooitaa a a a
Ssa f sal, Cil; H.iai HauJiaf,
ftb'l tU e"iit' l!'l f elM armi n g i r'-.. .! .. ,
, , ... : , ( 1 S .1..',. I. 1.. Ui t-.lH.ll
11 I ) lntf ftHiJ - Ha. Hil nl.tirit' ' ' ,.,! I. a 'nt.
4 . I ' ' '
Floret 1e. ttaa.ta Wa, t aar4A.
I n't 1 '! ie, t" ' m r a !
t Mt'vt I. H "