Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 13, 1898, Image 1

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The Gazette will contain
the latest telegraphic nws
From the Seat of war.
NO. 683
If you have bargains to
offer, announce it through
the columns of the
Published every Tuesday and Friday
Editor eua.dL Aeja.agx.
On Year - - - - Sjl.BO
Six Months ... 73
Three Montha ... . BO
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the PogtoIHce at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
THItt P APISH is kept on file at E. V. Dake'e
Advertising Agency, 64 and 8lt Merchants
Exohnngs, Ban Franciaoo, California, where cou
raote for advertising can be made for it.
. ing agent, 21 Merchants' Kicliangi Build
ing, Sun Franeiooo, is our authorized agent
Tins papar is kept on file at his office. ,
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves HeDDner 9:30
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. ni.
daily except
II.) a. ni
and ar.
ppner :SU p
, HeDuner Ji
Leaves HeDDner Junotiou 3:30
rives at Heppner 6:00 a m
Spokane express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Ueppner Junction 7:60 p. m.
and Uma ilia 8:50 p. m. .
Portland Uxuress No 8. from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla AMI a. ui. and Heppner Junotiou 7;U0
.ra. a', a arrives at Portland If.w a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 D. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:z5 a. m. and at
Umatilla i :30 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leave. TJmati'la 11:10 d. m. and i
arrives at neppnar Junctioa 12:25 a. m. and at 1
Portland 7 :Ut a. in.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent U. naHi Heppner, Ore.
United States Officials. .
P wi'lent William McKiuley I
Vw- President (iarret A. Hobart
Secretary of State W. K. Day
beonitary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage
secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Ill ins
fe.'ielary of War Kueeell . Alger
Secretary of Navy .....violin If. Long
Kntinuater-Ueneral Charles Kuiery Smith
Attor:ioy-lieueral ....John W. Origgs
rlecretury f Air i culture James Wilson
Stats of Oregon.
Hovernor W. P. Lord
Secretary ul Stats H. K. Kineaid
Trxiuinrer Phil. Merschan
f i . t . r.. I'ulilio Instruction (I, M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. ldlenian
( Q. W. MoBride
ounuwra j
11. Ellis
.W. H. Leeds
R. 8. Keau,
A. Moore.
E. Wolverlon
AVegetablePrcparationfor As
similating theToodandRegula
ting the Stomachs andBoweis of
ness and Rest.Contai ns neither
Opnim,Morphine nor Mineral.
Pampkm SmJ'
(limfitd Juftr
Aoerfect Remedy forConsttM-
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
Tac Simile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Her Impossibility of Resuming the
Struggle Is Fully Recognized.
the t .
You Have
Always Bought.
Spain Believes a Stronger Navy Would Have
Brought "Victory. Spain Loses An
other.. Pacific Possession. Span
iards Seek Revenge on Cu
bans in Havana.
Associated Press Dispatches.
New Yobk, Sept 12. A special to the Herald from Washington
Bays: 1
According to tbe reports received here it is evident that Spain
deeply deplores her failure to add a large number of shipB to her Davy
instead of Applying at least half of the appropriations granted by the
ccrtea to the maintenance of the navy.
The Name for America's Recent Island Pos
San Fkancisco, Sept. 9. The steamer
(Joptio baa arrived from Yokohama and
Hong Kong, via Honolulu, bringing the
following ail vices to the Associated Press
from the latter city, under date of Sep
tember 3d:
"It will be the 'territory of Hawaii';
that is the came which tbe annexation
commission has deoided to recommend
to congress. Thus will be preserved to
the present nomenclature from tbe
Dnited States the distinotiye origin of
this part of tbe United States. Tbe
form of government will be modeled on
that of tbe existing territories. No more
or further departures from this form will
oreep in than the local conditions aod
national political considerations make
neoessary. It is possible that, in work'
Ing oat tbe details, tbe form to govern
ment will not approximate bo closely
that of tbe state government as tbe
ordinary form of government does. But
tbe uimate possibility of statehood
will not be barred, Lnoal self-government
will be given through the extension
of the municipal idea, Tbe islands will
be divided into municipal districts, hav
ing oontrol, under restrictions, of purely
local affairs."
thi ccmtaur MmiNV, Ntw vouk errr.
JmsT National Jank
i .'i.Krosemen
'n;.r"U) Judges...
10. W.M
T. A. ItHEA.
.Vio President
l. W. CONSEB Cashier
B. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Cashier
Sixth Joali lal District.
(! rnl Judge Stephen . Lowell
P '.'i-.vjung Attorney. ... iL. J. Bean
"" Morrow County Officials.
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections made on all points on reasonable terms Surplus and undivided profits 5,0M.
filul Senator... . ..
'Wiiy JailgO
' (mmiHeionera.,
J. W. iieokntt.
" I'lerk
' .ShsriJ
' Trewiurer
' AtHW-cr
' Harvey ?...
Hcbool Sup't...
' Corn' r
.J. W.Morrow
E. L, Freeland
..A. (1. Bartholomew
J. U. Howard
Vawter Crawford
K. I j, s;a(lK'k
M. Linliteiithal
A C. Petfys
Julius Keithly
Jay W. Shipley
, Dr. K. U. Honiook
.rfNIfU Town fimoKM.
Mo. Thos. Monran
(unHlmi..., E. J. Hloeam, M.
I.ichtvnthal. J. R. Himons, J. J. Huberts, J. W.
U W.A. Rlnhardnon
r.easnrer I W. Hrirnrs
Harshal John Uager
Precinct OIReers.
Jnstioeof ths Psaes W. K. Kichardson
C. nsUbls U.
rnlted Sutea Last Olfiors.
m Diti.u. na.
ay P tana JUsrlster
Otu Pallf rsua Beosivor
... as.Mtia Ol.
K. W. BerlMt rWtr
J. U. Hwarkheimsr bscmlnr
xoaaarr stoozjBTxaEm.
O. A.K. ,
Meets at Heppner. Or., ths third Batordar of
All atasars idviim w ib-
W. tM,
Thoy have mythlng in thli line tlmt you nur fleiire and you can depend on It you- gel a
O'd Stand, Main Straat
Relied express la enmln. Does deliver
work on siiiirt oier, 1U cents and np
warda. This waon Is No. 4, and leave
your order with It, or at "Central" tele
phone omce.
We Aove Anything!
Is ths place to (To to get your fins pork
and lamb chops, steaks and roasts.
fish. Every Friday. -
rlus susarsurea bains and bacon, rrirs lest
lard, kntile-rendered. old style. HUhest casn
I pries paid lor at stock.
Bsnj. Mathawa.
arh ri'tolk.
W. W.Hmith,
Commander, I
D. J. McFaul, M. D-
ORIcs hours. to 10 a. m., and 12 hi 1
p. m., at mtder.es, and lu In lie nv,
and 2 In hp in . at eltre In the rear ol
Borg's Jewelry stirs.
C E Redfleld
OIBrs ta First "stlonal Sank buildlnf.
Drppner, Oregnn.
Ellis A Phelps
Wni. Gordon has re-natnctl
his stand the old Jones
livery stable
'JDlio Ceiitrol.
aledhay lor sale. Chaws reaanoable. Tall
on mm and hate four born wsu '-rd lor
Paloass Farssers Wast Tkat Wkeat Wslfkt
Palouhi, Sept. 7. Profiting ty tbe at
taking lima by tba forelock tbis tsasoa
and preparing to protest, before it is toe
late, against tba raising of tbe weight of
No. 1 wheat above a 68 pound last, as
was done last year, wbsa vhe.eddt
tloa of one pounJ made hundreds of
thousands of bushels of whssl grade Mo.
No. 2 wkiob would, under tba last
formerly in vogos, bava gone as No. 1,
Ibua esusiog a lost to tba fartnsr of 3
cents par busbeL
Wbeo tbe reoeot meet log of tba grals
England Is Gratified at the Tnra of Reeeat
Associated Press Dispatches.
Bbistol, England, ' Sept 7. At a
meeting in honor of tbe opening of tba '
memorial tower on tbe ores! of Brandoo .
bill, erected by eubsoription to commem
orate the fourth oentenary of John Cabs."
ot's discovery of tbe continent of Amer
ica, tbe marquis of Onfferln made
speech extolling tba friendship exietinfi ,
between tbe two nations and then opened ....
tbe door with a golden key, which ha
afterwards banded to the mayor.
Tbe marquis in the oourte bf hi re
marks said tbal perhaps tba beat way to
realize tbe value of Cabot's work was to .
ask what would be tbe condition of the .
Western world now, if," instead of aa
Anglo-Saxon influx the Spanish raoa and "
customs had overrun what are now tba"
United States and Canada.
"Yet, bet for Cabot," be continued, .
"suoh a consummation might bava oa .
ourred. Since I last bad the honor to
address you on this eubjeot knotber fend
the last act of an international drama
has been unfolded. Spain, the erstwhile
mistress of the Indies, has been finally -
toroed from the last possessions' acquired
tor bar by Columbus aod compelled to
retraoe ber steps aoross tba Atlantic
"To Englishmen, in tbe present state
of affairs, how momentous is the faol thai? ,
tbe mighty regions of North America are
peopled by tbe Anglo-Saxon raoa and a
cognate instead of an alien people.
Since the war of Independence there
baa always existed in Greet Britain
desire to live in amity and friendship
with tbe people of America. Whatever -,
threatening olouda bava arisen we have
watched them approach with regret and
have weloomed their dispersal with sat
isfaction. Even when relations wera
strained almost to a breaking point I be
lieve there was always something at tba "
bottom of the hearts of the most belhooee ,
sections of tbe two communities Ibat led
them to regard a rupture with misgiving
and dismay."
Proceeding to refer to tba vaet inter
ests opening in ths far east which tba
Dnited Slates wonld be compelled to
take part in tbe marquis said :
" Whatever solution there may be ot
these problems, it IS pretty certain the
interests ot America and Great Britain
will not olaeh but rather that both ae
tions will desire tbe same ends."
In aonolusion be said :
"I believe tbe British and Amerloaa
foreign ollioes are the Only onea that
really understand tbe meaning of eaeb
other's dispatobes. Despite the cynical'
peasimistio viewa expressed in soma
plaoea that the rapproaobment ie only
evaueeoent, I believe that but for Eng
land's attitude during tbe recent war the
ultimate settlement might have been
very different and when it is remembered
that this sotion on our part was purely
disinterested and inspired solely by tba
community ot tba two peoples which led
arrested and proved to be an Italian to approve tba motive that lorood lbs
According to the information in the pogaeBaion of the department anvoblst named Luoobeni, who says be United States to intervene in Cobalt
may us lain auuuiyaieu iusi uur am
tude at a critical turning point ia tbelr
deetiulea will bava made a lasting Im-
Brntally Murdered on the Street at Geneva,
IiONDon, Sept. 10. A report from
Geneva, Switzerland, says tbe empress
of Aufllriti has been murdered. No par
lonlars are given. The murder ot tbe
DmnrAllH u rannrf al tn riutra raban nlana
Tl : !. I.J L.1L.H.J 'J 1 1L.1 -f IL. r
it npiirwuiiunu wy vu aiaunu governmem mat iu vibv ul iue jn a hotel while she was at supper last
condition of ber treasury and the further fact that her naval force is evening. While eating, an unknown
now creatlv inferior, it would be useless to continue the struggle, ea- Ialian rushed in and stabbed her to the
peoially aa there is no nation of Europe willing to support her in case
she should again resort to arbitrament of arms.
Because of tbis ths authorities' have no reason to believe there
will be any serious hitch in the negotiations of the peace commission,
and while they expect the Spaniards to do any and everything
possible : to delay the completion of tbe treaty, believing they
may bring about complications advantageous to their government, tbe
American representatives will be in a position at any time to bring
them to terms by a simple threat to withdraw.
Aside from the loss of ber colonies and the ships destroyed in
battle, the war has cost Spain about $384,800,000. Information to
this effect has been received at . the navy department from the naval
attaches of this govetonDt abroad. Inoluding the coat of prepara
tions in anticipating the war begun by Spain in May, 1895. these sums
have been raised and expended:
From tbe sale of 322,944 Cuban notes, $25,242,255; from the sale
of 60,000 Ouban notes, of 18, $5,785,897; loan of 400,000,000 pesetas
on the customs guarantee, $74,400,000; from the Bale of silver, etc.,
$30(3,338; loan ot tbe bank of Spain on the Cuban guarantee, $58,400,
heart. Tbe Swiss government bss
stopped all telegrams. The empress of
Austria, who was the Princess Elizabeth,
of Bavaria, was born in 1837, and became
tbe wife of Emperor Francis Joseph in
Genkvu, Switzerland, Sept. 10. Tbe
empress bad been sojourning here for
a few days, and was leaving Geneva for
Mootreaux, where she intended to stay
for some time. 8be left the hotel for a
steamboat at 12:45 p.m. On her way
to tne pier she whs assailed by a man
who rushed and struok ber. Tbe em'
press fell, staggered to ber feel, and
started on again for tbe boat, believing
herself uuhurl. She reached the steamer
whioli the captain, after some hesitation,
ordered to proceed, only doing so how
ever at the oommaod of ber majesty
Shortly after the boat patofftbeempnai
tainted aod tbe steamboat returned to
000; loan of the bank of Spain on the custom guarantee, $58,200,000; the pier. Her majesty was taken ashore
Reaairin. SaeeiaHy I toan of the bank of Spain on guarantee of contributions, $32,000,000;
loan of the bank of Spain i per cent internal debt, $29,000,000; Philip
pine taies, $37,000,000. These sums do not include debts for trans
ports, etc., contracted by the government which are placed at approxi
mately $62,000,000.
and carried to a bolel, where she expired
a little later without regaining eon
sciousneas. It was then found that she
had beea etebbeJ, tbe assassins stiletto
reaching ber heart. Tbe assassin was
perlenoa ot last yeas tba farmers and all the money has been expended on expeditious sent to tbe colonies,
grain dealers ot tba Palouse oonotry ara I whose total amounts to 184,431 soldiers; 0223 officers and about 700
generals. Of tbe millions expended on $5,000,000 was spent by the
Spanish government to increase its naval force.
was born in Paris.
Vibnna, Sept. 10. Tba bare
nouncement of the murder of the em
press reached Vienna tbis afternoon.
Tbe emperor, who bad intended starting
preeaion on tba memory and conscience
of tbe American people and will lead ta
a eonviotioa that tba peace of tba werld
and tbe general prosperity of ths human
. SAH FbANCIBCO, Sept 12.-The Call says that private advices have tot northern Hungary lata Ibis alter- n.(imoT.d bv harmoni.aa
been received Iu this city to the effect that tbe Caroline croop of 0000 - ""l-'r setars, the United fitatea
islands, which this country contemplated seizing, had war with Spain
been prolonged, are by this time in the hands of the natives.
Two native kings of tbe group, who had long been at war with
was overwhelmed by tbe oes. A special
traio was gotten in readiness and the
I emperor left for Geneva at once. The
em pre bad been eojnarning in Hwilser-
land since tba last week In Aoguit.
Alt bitstruMS attended W
end enfectiry manner,
lie aa4 tvUss-lors.
ta a r.nt4
Notaries 1'ub-
OOwe la Kslter s patkstnf. Herpoef. Oevawn.
D C Gtlman
fill ymif old knots and ftotas In his
hands snd ft y money mit tl hm
ihem. Maaw sectan el aar4 rot w
Off cs la J . Brown's bMlldlbf. Mfor. Of.
1E11.N'0N cm'
Stage Line
B. f. MILLCR, Pre
Cheep! and mnet direct mote to John Per
velirr, a snTuii ( Mr ntlnlns dlstrtt-t. fVirnt aim
Iotix iMertuf kitiits.
aces leave Hrifyuer tallv. Sunday
erp)-). at at a. iu. Arrive at lauyoa lay
Iu M iwaes.
jv ranynn t Ity al I p m , arrive si llepp
at In .' hours, cuniM'tlu WHk I reins
flarrasa m
Mum. tnht
I .n: rwk
ros Vaily
John Ixif
I ( nl(Hl r
II f
:j i a
a 4 1
n t
I "I S Ml
! a ij
each other, some months ago declarer a trace, combined their forces,
and commenced war against the Spanish authoritiea, who sent in vain
oommiasion was bald la Bpoksoa it was Guam for aid, aftei concentrating tbwir forcee at I'onape, but they
and .r.i. deal.,, of tb. p.ioa..ao0i P00'1' PpliJ ith ammunition and in no position to resist a
and as definite nction lo tba eatabliab- prolonged attack.
log of test weigbia for gradee waa poat-1 The supposition is Ibat the place was captured and tbe Spauish
pooed until tbe maeilog to be held lo I garrison wiped out This would virtually mean the capture of tbe
iacoma Bwptnt.r lu.h. tbeea r.lamod entjr Kroop 0 i
uuiui biuvj uatf uvwH axj i Tfiy ay u sHla,-S
.kXBLk7rZui New Yobk, Sept U-A special to the lTess, from Washington I f--- Admir.iorga De-syt
eommisaimi asking Ibat l be test of No. II 1 r f)f oonrsw. we were all anx one lo
a s ..a, a .... I aSHBI
PM"J P"0-" "-l. , . Uewsy. Ihwt Is sopr.me over tbsre,
waigbt la vogae prior to IkiI Tbsae Senor Tomaeo Fstrada 1 alma baa just received a communication ,0j b, ia tD , f tD bar; I lists is
petitions are bole circulated emoeg from a rspresentrtive of the Cabao revolutionary guferument alio bas always a small crowd surrounding him,
lermers ana mere nan ia ikroogooot tna a-uratlv in Havana ainca the bednninff of the war. in which tha lacing at Mm lo sheer admiration. I
Palottaa aoootry aod none have rsfusd ' eoofeael waa disap
s i a ow j m
riyrsaaea Iks Adcalratlos of Manila Troops
fur Admiral Dewey.
Mr. Wm. Wann, a soldier from Manila,
who belonged to an Oregon regimsot
waa Interviewed by a Htatesmen repor
ar on Hslorday last, aod thm Is what be
oo -operation between tba United Slates
aod tba mother country and the mailt-
tnJInoos English-speaking community.
'Uboald this recognilioa of a oomsau-
nity ot lotsreats aver be raaobad la saa
moo Joitice wa ara bound to rem am ber
that it waa John Cabot who opeaad tba
door to the northern aootineot of Amsr-
lea lo Aoglo-Haxon enter prise."
Ilaron Htratbcoca and Ml. Royal sor-
dlally teclproeated Lord DaffsHaw
sspresaioa of hope Ibat tba proaeediagB
would flod a responsive aoho la Canada.
to sign.
Besides asktag tbal tbe test walgbl
for No. 1 b restored to tbe old standard.
PpolnUl oa my first
"The sitoatioo of tbe Cubans in this city and provioce is in truth L, ese a meo ol Urge an I digaiflsd prsa-
Clltical. The Urmibation of the war, in which we rejoice, and the in. ears, sumewbat comrnanatirebi with the portion of
W pnawda. l,a pwtHIm asks tba board fopta&nfol the island has brought with it direful woe) to the Cubans, reoown be bad won. but be proved to be o4 la Ibe Wall
b"i I miHia'.-'wuhVui itttri it -i i i tbisooodilu of affairs that compels me to write to ,ou at tbis "".' ,,,,b 'V'' V""!' 9
cS'dee uiiiisa with Ust weight of Od ' j, ftol m,9 lbMj Dt feet five dry, two dwelling
noaods per bu.b.1. To p-i,on. w.il lBl in the bop that J on wUl U able to prettit the case to the Amer. Mbi- , b.)(h,t b0(( bo , m f p,,,,,, ,
W A- Plchardsort
tlsaal-4 C0tew Uh trftllv ftt Unf.
nim pnr.w tip IM Mm Mh pm
nWarsa1 VeSs fka4i ftrcl ayretisi iatifB mm 'ratarki
w $m art! ism mrif w ir yuiir
"I' iiRUnien. Innf IIITMI rtl
ear I IllaJII 1 I VI I I VUUIL
Sails end linre ml eaU'e, rnta knnapa, ear
at. d'w etaa-les end will Mtw ym in
any iu die Ui.e. si rwmet.1 Dgur.
0. B. Hatt
15 CaMs
28 M
PsaA'lv'i Ov"sJsasi
Hal Cwitlxfl,
bo. Iaw ref.
Matf.iwa A Gentry
tevltf 18 Ceele
HeifCatte 23 "
ate rf aw ttt f e-9cv
rant rnoM asITincton to
fneell les axlwei . f.W lUnMIHt
Mer l'Msi:el an . ft-ia4 ins) tw
ne4na (9ml'm) . m . . Rnna4 tnsi tea
C1 I salleei , J m , Unnad tl I w
0S (It Slie) .lis .... Smiadtria la
Mse lesT'e A'tiiyslos) every sjntraf
(n-.ly eti d ) ti a t.kt is 4e
si rndn al 3 p. m. at 1 arrive at toe-
ell at ? p. .
I ,f,tall rr1 St a-t .sao.l ear
I fit, fiferlrtf! d ti;i,
1 preweoliNl by a W. Usruld. of Pa
looee, and Willlaoa Waraev, of Oakea
data, wb4 Wave tr Tacomt liannow
sad will be preawal at l-e a-iing .f the
tteta grain cnmrnMsioa al Tm ema to
morrow ea I will be preol at In tneet
Ing rf ibe elate grata rommieeloa at
Taci.rna Keptemher .)ib. t'slil ll,e
grslrs are estttitislied warehuaeMiieB
will feol leene No I rereilrie fnf wbval
lesl'pg tiadef fl prwts rr ltbH
lean government and secure immeliats relief."
Yellow Jawftwiee CweeS.
Hofferisg baiaaniiy should b
fiixl alth ey sseaea poeell
! frr Me relief. Il le wllb .leaaee we
jpabUeb IM f Mowieg; tbte I 14
eerily Hal I e a UrriUe eafferev
lr- Tellnw Jssadkrw for er sit
rvsths an. I was trewed by afr nf he
beel pMeieiane 'B oof l'f aad all ta t
avail. I f 11.11, 6 tit drssstel, rwrsa
Bsdd rirls li t'efs aad aMevlakieg
wa bntllaa was etillrvly rqrel, I a-iW
II UA Sis..
"I waa weak aad aswaaa aad aoald
at da asoee Ibaa halt a day's wuvk. I
peaearwd a bnltle ut Hood's r'sreapar ills
as4 bwa lakleg II eed eooa I was ante
to wtwk, tba BswnaaiMsie bad Isfl and
I was (elia wall. My wile kas aUa
! bi. by M -n-l's ' B. Wsiaus.
tlund s Pill are lbs only pills ta lake
Mb llt e riarseaailla. Ita eare la
art Hood's.
Tea spswab at falW AUsh la Iba
law! aetaba rf Poor llieha4's Alsaaaw,
tab'ieUd by B-sJsoka FraakUa la I7i7.
enatetns Iba wialosa ol so say aga aa
aeilnaa eaUd sad foratsd tela oa
aoaaHd dlseoaraa." Wbe first eab
Htid It attranled wnrVI wtde artawtlwa
seig wee encaod la all t.f I he wf.aMre
ak ral pleaevr fee-.rr rna lir.e la 4ieets a4 KssUaJ aat lfaslsll
lb n aay -'s"0 enftefleg fros U,isISn Bisaf irlsa leBt- Vt'rV. I
trri!,l ata'aly. I era 'atw'ally yo-ire, I ) Hot I t ta rea4 H T tWI evfy free)
M A. Mntarty, liisstaw, Kf.m bvlj f ebatga at Cwoawf A W arise i drag
by t. t. eqra, drstfiel, 'start.
wkel Mkl lleyyea.
A Bother legislative hold op le Sol
amoag Ibe iBposibniila. Poriastaapa,
IbS BJemUfS-slerl have not yet taken
beaaib of offlee e4 eite.,(ieriilf ee
aot anjeaable to lbs call tut a speeial
Swasloe an lS they e4 III lo rep'a.
lib tbelr prswaats ea tba Sflib lual, an I
for Iba tweoly days sell f. Mowing
Tbsre la at I. el lui t of eseq'lng tbir
alUelaftce aa 1 neteae ibey viluotarlly
etWad Uera aaa be so spssial eii
Tbki weald ba aaa way ti rebiks UkJ
lor bis past aiadast If tsaly was
rspreesstatlves) aal sUvse a-aaiore
tbaald le'wota tbe eall lbs spclal eewsloa
weald fiel Haelf la Ibe easaa e talilHa
ta Sltd) lla Unsalable sa l farsiral pra-U-eas'r
of li 7 -rtalem Hulo.l,
'ell there', juel Iba earn, aod I was Soon
bis devolsd admirer, along "lib Ida
real. Agmtial.ln.au Itiflnltely lawaef eaaa
la all el, ta a giant ia stalqr eompar-
0l to lwy, being at lat Sll feet tall.
Ha ia Intelligent sol vry aiubitioas,
as 4 In d' fault of gtlulng t.ls oa so Is,
tmas 'ilnleively t Awewloaaj SUprem
ay, an I if be obrs bimaalf Is likely to
I treated Hb eneideralla
by Ibis aoverometif. Bat he le
Wet st, and Malaya bava Ireaeb
erotic slraio tbal Is aevev sllminalsl.
Ag ilealdo d ffsre ra-liralty frota bis fel
lows, Ibe Filipplaoe, bi ara tarllabta
plsrnttss ia tlalura, and deOVlaal
94 tww UnwsM WHfc reeewewsa.
me, UCUt
b fX anta rvtaU ay.
Meawty le MIsmssI lees).
(1ea l !..l niral a a rleeei ektn N
la ul r wi1ImiI it I et . I ei-l 1 M'h.r
l r (Wan ymif I i-e d and - ! H !". I.)
t.'i'og ( ll.e i Iiir t iSiiv.i.f ail im
Iui ' Im.ki lis I"',. !''.. I'i I f l'
. h i ., ., , l.-.l. l.l. kl.- le.
end t " r Iim.im k.iiJH' I-i U'H'i
I U.M'f I'if A'M'4
ts, estaWetKHI (wtsntew4, J', JJe,
Nearly Silly Tkeaaass Dollars la Frerl
Wau4 Walla, Ween., Sept .-
Nearly llO.Otn worth ot properly west
op la sinoka Ibis evening ia bait aa -boar.
The pleat of tbe Uee! Mean
faotarlng Oo., wbloh tuppllew a large
Iba harvaatieg BsacbUerv
Walla Walla aod Faloate
lib tba Itoberts toaa
aod a werabeeee,
destroyed. Tbe fire
started la Iba tegtee room BBd twepl
Ibmagb tba long frame bolbliag of Iba
Haatsbopa with eaeb rapidity Ibat Iba
workraea bed araroely time to asespe.
Many lost their coate aod beta. Fallow
log are tba prlnolpal biaaaai
Hunt Maaofaotariog Oo , IAk)0i la
saraiica, 'J).
J .ba h. lU-UfU, foaadry, 111 000;
Iwa dwellings tad warebeusa, 15,000; aa
Holt Maaafaetartag Co., 13,100; as
Allan A Lewie aad I.ang a Co., ol
I'ofitand. four carloads ot tager tsd
tall, t:,i0; aa lesntaaat,
WortBt,lndivtJaal toals, II.000;
Tbe Ii4al Maoofalsrisg Co. UI re
bwil l lis pleat at ae, will iMrwaeavl
eeaeiiy. Aunl Kn men art throws ml
ef smpluynieat.
Te (wee rMilrl.s Vweweeev
Tt e-J latftarua l w ar
U C. C C- UH is) sure, rn sis rwfval