O. R. & N. Dipabt TIME 8CHEDCLE8 ARRiva for From Heppner. raost 9:30 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, 4:50 a.m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, 8t. Louia, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Miniieapollii, Bt. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00p.m. From Portland. All tailing dates subject to change. For Han Francisco Sail 8eit. i, 6, 11, lt, 21. 26. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska - 6:00 p.m. September 17 R:00p.m. Columbia Rivkr 4:00p.m. Kx. Sunday Steamers. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way . Landings. 8:00 a.m. Willamette Kivbr 4:30p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and Yk ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette and 8:30 p.m. Tues.. Thur, Yamhill Kivers. Moil, Wed. and Sat. and Fri. Oregon City, Day ton (St Way Land ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette River 4:30p.m. Tues. Thurs. Tues., Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat. lis & Way Land ings. Snake Kiver. Lv. Riparla Lv. Lewiston d ally except Riparla to Lewlston daily except Saturday Friday Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tonrist cars without change, MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experieooed oouduotorg and porters. Tnnrlnv'0 To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and dlUlilltt 3, Boston without change via Salt Lake, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Kys. T..nnJ,., To Omaha. Chicago. Buffalo and luCMiaj'l', Boston without change via Salt Lake and Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific Ky. WnJi.iifiluijo To St. Joseph, Kansas City and " cuucauajn, St. Louis without change via Salt Lake and Burlington Route. Thiineiluiro To Kansas City and Ht. Louis with UlUlMlays, outchange via Salt Lake and Mis sourl Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. GOOD 8POKT BKPOKTED. HENDERSON '8 Bid BWIH. Hunters Kind Plenty of Birds Mi are Very Happy. Mornta Oregonian. Hunters cam home Holiday and yes terday from many parts of the Willam- A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, inquire of O. R, & N. and S. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, B. K. HOOPER, General Agent, (ion. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt.. Heppner, Or. Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. II ART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, Qenoral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. HRE YOU GDINB ERST ? If so, be snre and see that your tioket reads via M Honnweslern Line ....THE.... , GHI0AC1O, 8T. FAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULOTfT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINT8 EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vest lbu led SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Oars Between Spokane, Rossland and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Rossland, daily ezoept Sunday : Leave. Arrive. 810 A. M Spokane ;4fl P. M. ill A. IYI KoMiland n:4U f. M. :10 A.M Nelson 0:45 P. M. Close oonnootions at Nelson with steamers (or Easlo, and all Kootenai Ijike points. Passentters for Kettle Kiver and Bonndanr reek oonnect at Marcus with stage daily. Dining and Hluoplng Car Trains, and Motto: 'ALWAYS ON TIME has given this road a national reputation. All cIiwimis nf iHaa.uinirs carried on the veatlbiilu.1 trains wllfiout extra charge. Willi your freight All agents and travel over this famous line. have tickets. W. II. MEAD. 7 F.C.BAVAOR. Ueu. Agent Trav. K. V P. Agt. .1 Washington hi., Portland, or. CHICAGO Wtmm k SI. Paul R'y This Railway Co. Oprratce it trains on the famous block system; LitfhU Its trains by eleotriolty throiiKU not; Usee the otdebrated eleotrio berth read in It lamp; Rons spemlily eaipied paan-niror trains very day and Dight between Ht. 1'anl and (Uiioaio, aud Omaha and Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also o'Mtrfttee ttara-heated veetibuled frame, carrying the late! private ooruparttnatit para, library buffet amok lug ran, and palace drawing room lerpors. l'arlor car, free roolining chair oars, and the Very best ilmiug chair oar aervire. For low wit rales to any "mint in the United Htatee or Cauada, apply to agent or addrree C. 3. EIH)T, J. W. CAHET, llenrral Agent, Trar. .'. Agent. l'ortlaud, Or Yellew Stene Park Una lllltt'MV MMH.M'Aat KOI T It fKl'M ii'ini mi to i ii k rr 1 UK I'M V l-lliti T IIM IO 1 1I K t IsiMMitSV MlhiMI, rUk. I7T4s3T ONION PACIFIC THROUGH TICKETS TO THE Eact and Southeast VIA thk IL II TIIE THROUGH OAR LINE. Twenty Milts Dow tbe Columbia Without Missing a Stroke. John Lei and Henderson, the Hood River attorney, is in town oa legal busi ness, says the Times-Mountaineer. Mr. ette valley. All seem well satisfied with Henderson is tbe gentleman who ra the sport they enjoyed, and it is there- oently made the great swim from Hood fore to be presumed that the crop of Rier to almost the Caaoade Looks, pheasants is up to what has been ex- which was deeoribed by bis oompanion, peoted. E.T. Winane, as follows: "At 755 a. A number of the sportsmen brought m. be took his plunge into old Father home large strings ot birds, and many Columbia and turned bia head for Cas- of them acknowledged that they had cade Locks, keeping the general ourrent shot up to tbe limit that is, 20 birds , tbe river and crossing tbe stream per day to the guo. None oonfessed to fotir times before be left the water at or shooting more, and few had birds enough ne8r the creek that tuns into the Colum- to go round. Sportsmen are, as a general bia at a point on the Oregon side jast thiDg, shy about telling how many birds two miles above the looks, at 1 o'olock they kill, or just where tbey have been. p. m just 5 boors and 5 minutes after If they find a plaoe where birds are he took his plunge. The most remark- pleotiful. they do nos oore to let every- able part of tbe performance is that he body know where it is. swam tbe 20 miles withont losing a One man who went out shooting with siogle stroke, and the first 17 miles of Joseph Paquet Sunday eays he walked it without a change of stroke. He used 25 miles and never shot a bird, and yet daring the first four hours tbe "sailor he never enpyed a day's hunting more, stroke", which he says is tbe only one Paqnet's style of knocking down every worth anything in rough water or on bird put up was a revelation to him, and one gwims generally. At other times he was muoh interested in seeing a well- he used the "Sundatrom stroke", and trained dog work. He bad never been only twice did be tarn on bis back and out with a trained hunter and dog be- swim for a few strokes. He could easily fore. He shot at almost every bird put bave made tbe Looks in 25 minutes up, but never killed one, and then Fa- more, bat be was so cold that be feared quent would bring him down. heart complication. His body felt to the Dr. Matt Fenton, who had been shoot- touch like a dead person's, it was so ing with bis brother, Lee, and Fred 00ld, and for a few minutes be oould Toner, of Dallas, brought in a fine hardly stand. - He dressed himself, bow string of birds. One sportsman did not ever, and then walked through the hot have as much pleasure or get as many gun to the Looks, while I took tbe boat birds as usual, because some vandal down. The sun and beat made bim poisoned his dog. He would not have some siok, but otherwise he complained taken $500 for the animal, and there wae 0f no stiffness or soreness and seemed no reason for his being poisoned, as he to be very fresh". was kept off tbe street in an inclosare on the nrpmiflfts. w... . ha. f ,WW. 4n WHERE TO SPEND YOUR VACATION, the market yesterday, some 200 having The present reduced rates oould not oome in from Klamath lake and some have prevailed at a more opportune small lots from down the river. Most of time. Tbe summer vaoation time is these lots were short in count, and it is here, and all who oan afford it are said that early in the season, when planning to take advantage of the differ- iteamboatmeo are hungry tor dnoks, enoes between the warring railroads, they cannot be safely shipped in eaoks. Tbe attention of those who contemplate Nothing but a burglar-proof safe can ip JSasi, wnetoer n oe to me moun- hold them. tsiD eort8 of Colorado, the Omaha ex- A party of sportsmen shot something position, or points beyond, is called to over 100 docks Sunday at a preserve the advantages offered by tbe Rio down the river, and it was not a "good Grande Western Railway. Its line and day for duoks, either". However, tbe 'hose of its Colorado loooneotlons run duoks shot were mostly all young wood through tbe heartof the Rockies, taking duoks, than whioh there is nothing finer the trayeler away from the alkali and in tbe line of ducks, and as with the age brosh of its Northern competitors, first regular rain storm these fowl, whicb od out of the beat of the oountry are hatohed here, take their flight south, through which its competitors oo the it is necessary to get after them before south run. the rains commence. For tbe comfort of those, whose purse The duoks whioh are bred in the far will not permit them to enjoy all tbe north do not oome here, until after the Privileges of a first-class tioket, the Rio wood or summer ducks bave taken their Grande Western has inangnsrated a flight south. Of course, some wood series ot tourist excursions. The cars ducks remain here till winter, but tbe need Bre owneu ana operaieu oy me greater part of them leave when rains Pullman Palaoe Car oorapany. lhey Ret jDi are in charge of special oouduotors and porters, whose sole duties are to look WAHKllotiBKS CROWDED. after the comrort or ineir pBBBeogers Portland to Eastern Cities Without The oars are attached to lost express Change. Umatilla's Hit Cmpa rilling Dp the Sotre- trains, and held over in Salt Lake City honors. twelve hours, giving tbe passengers a Int Ort'goulau. day in tbe Mormon capital. This lay- That do wheat has been sold, and tbe lover also insures a dajlight rids tbrongb harvest Is principally over, and farmers the Rookies. One nf these excursion Dirwi :. line u Tmn.-Misiw.ipil ami 1 Inter- are ,Hllijiig as rapidly as possible to the oars run through to Boston; one to kIiiiiihI r iiMwihmi held at Omit m. Nuliranka. " 1 ' V . June lu NovHiiilwr, warehouses, will explain that the ware- Chicago, via Omaha; one to Unioago, Write nnilrnivneil for rnine, time talilns and ,0,eg 0f the onuuty are being filled to via Kansas City and the fourth to St. ullir infortunium lurtninum to Union 1'auifio ' . . ....... . i It. Il , their falltwt capacity and the prospect is Louis. Eoh goes over a different road (.."'".TssWHt'.. a"AANAr. hold out that aoon no more room will be east of Colorado, giving the passenger a -Why does my cake smell so queer?" Too much soda or per haps alum or lime. Use Schillings Best baking pow der. ' 59 HE WAS TOO QUICK. tMMMt99MMHMHMM! ! A Beautiful Present PULIiMAN PALACE HLKKl'KKH. PULLMAN TOURIST HLKKI'EHH. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR8, Quick Timo. I iiinn 1)hkiI. IWMiuinlly ('imilui'toil Kxonrnlon. MaKKiiun Chavkud to litintimitinn. Ii..w llnt. 1'orlliuid, Or. llti(imr. Or. ceo a or Line left vaoanl and grain must remain choice of routes. Those excursions leave uiiboUNed. A short time ago warehouse Portland Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday tui'n were "hnstliug" business tor their and Thursday of each week. hounes. Now, Ibey are piling tbe wheal For information as to rates, and ft r higher and higher, and worrying for ad descriptive pamphlets, address J. U. ditiuual room. Enormous quantities of MaosQeld, general ageol, Uio uramie grain are being hauled, and on every road Western Railway, 142 Tbird street, Tort. Hit Dalk'S, I urtlailll 6 Astoria Navigation IO. in the oonuty the wheat teams may be land, Oregon. seen taking the gram to me nouses This Genial Man Palled the Wro Rope and Wae Humbled. Once in awhile everybody meets man who seems to regard himself aa another Atlas. The whole world is, in his opinion, resting upon his shoulders and he constitutes himself a sort of public protector. He tells women how to train their children, gives businey pointers to the men, advises with the girls concerning their love affaire and takes the boys into his confidence. One of these good souls occupied a eat in a Payne avenue street ear the other day and it didn't take him long to get upon familiar terms with most of the other passengers. He began by offering a penny to a child that sat near him. The little one's mother was young and fair and the good man's generosity to the child touched her heart. She smiled at what he said to her and once he seemed to be iijpon the point of get ting confidential, tout the car had stopped and somebody got on. The genial man immediately picked the child up and held it upon his knees in order to make room for the newcomer. Then he asked somebody at the other end of the car how the baseball game had resulted, and informed a young girl across the aisle that a bundle was about to slip from her lap, after which he jounced the child up and down,asked how old it was, where it lived and what its pui's name was. ' Presently a lady wanted to leave the car. The conductor was busy talking to a passenger upon the rear platform, and didn't notice that anyone was motioning to him from inside. "These conductors are very careless," said the genial man, depositing the child in the scat that he had occupied himself, and preparing to ring the bell. By this time the car was very close to the crossing at winch the lady wanted to get off, and he had to hurry. So it happened that he grasped the wrong rope and rang the fare register instead of the bell. That aroused the lion in the conduc tor, who rusihed into the car and wanted to know what the genial man meant. "Can t you see that that lady wanta to leave the car?" was the reply. vv en, you can t stop it ny ringing up ; fares," snarled the conductor. "That'll cost you un extra nickel." "Jo it won't," said the genial man, petting mad. "It will or you'll get off the car." "I guess not. I happen to know the president of this company." Oh, yes! That's an old gag. They all try to work it. You give me a nekel, or I'll put you off." The genial ir.un s face had become very red, and seeing that the conductor, who was big and brawny, would not be bluffed, he handed out a nickel. Meantime the car had gone about two blocks beyond the crossing at which the innocent cause of all the trouble had wanted to get off, so it was neces sary for her to walk buck. ' hen the car hud got started again, the geuiul man leaned over to the fair young mother who sat near him and paid: "If these conductors were not brought to time occasionally passen gers would not be allowed to exercise ny rights at all. I in sorry there were ladies present when this trouble oe curred. If there lmdn't been 1 wouldn't have allowed that fellow to ever take is car back to the barn!" Cleveland Leader. In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These presents are in the form of -.'I Beautiful Pastel Pictures I They are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows: Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. rErVT INVENT r- prouinri NO COOKING ' MAKES COLLARS AMD CUFFS STIFF MI HSwHtW HPS I JIM nrw ONI POUND OT THIS 1TARCH WILL 00 Or ANY OTHER STARCH. 1 C HMRINSFR RHDCP Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. TVicqp rarp niYtnres. four in number, bv the renowned Dastel artist. it R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. 5 The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig- 2 inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. S Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing them in beauty, rcnness oicoior ana artistic merit, One of these oictures e;ffl H t will be given away with parn rinrkacrn of is sold for io cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a Z beautiful picture. S ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE oior auu artistic ineiii. w lastic Starch I WOLVES INCREASING. BTEAUSKS "DALLES Cm" AND 'REGULATOR As an Illustration of tbe volume or I business growing ont of the bin orop this year, llelii rosy be oiled. The ware- borne men there were 0nnng op stur dav chiht and estimated the wheat that i will oorun t'i that point at 160,01)0 sucks I On lbs avcrr-ii usually made per sack Commencing Monday, May "ml, Ibr stoaruers nf Hi IWnlator Line will leave Portland l ll-MI a, m. and The Dalles at HiM a. m. nm-u .mi tu ...., .imp uu , . ... .Hkifwul Tim Ia iam takes, trio down ih i wemus iuw iu. iuhi .-v. tlolitrobia: yon will enjoy it, sn.! save els that will ! bandied at Ueltx slalioo money. W. O. A 1.1 j A WAT, Oeosral AtfeoL N SHOUT UNEKi in i jipiji alooe. Tbe railroad eompabiet are tusking iirepsrstloDS lo m lbs Dig crop, whenevrr tbe in rkl opens. At Port land lbs U. K. k N. Co. arc building a Millions Givan Away. It is oerlatnly gratifying to the pub Ho to know of ons concern in lb land who are not afraid to be generous to tbe needy and tnffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's Ntw Discovery for Coo sumption, Congbi and Colds, hava giv en away over ten milllioo trial bottles of this great medicine and bave Iba sat isfaction of knowing it baa absolutely enred thousands ot hopeless ceaee Astma, Drnnoliltia. Iloarseneaa and all disrasm of the Throat, Chenl and Lung are anrelv eured bf It. Call on h. J ql'U'KKNT AND MkT MRMT UXg TV VTA 11, COLOliA DO, XE- oo th l-orlland wharves. 11 II ASK A, KAXSAS, MIS SOU 11 1 1UVER (Kit all l'oinh KAS1 tnt.l SOUTH LOOK AT THK T1MK. new warehouse on the wharf, 150i l.fNJO Hloenin, lHnggnn, and get a trial hntlU feet, ao.l baviog a capacity ot over two fie. regalar o and '.. Ery and a bait tuillioa bushels. Already lbs botllt guaranteed or money refomled Company has a mtllioo-biuhl warehouse Tk lUlllMhlp Orvioa. Hut made mora kind of a record fr the U.K. navy In it tx,(XXl mil trip To r I'Mallpatlaa rrv, T.kai'warrO I rill.lf I lhMIC lW or U U C. C Uil to tun, drugs iia ri'luud bhnms. A ruHous liiHtance rf hairdrradth ra- rars aa rn'ordrd with the rlion H.i. J 11 A M. i r m. MFiltliitilSu Am. I fut V.il ,.r 1.. .IIU. li.Wn .i.lh Ih t,l, ..kat, llvirli., Ilollv, A.... .1.1.. III l A.M I M I, lM k, H. ai...,. a.i w,i.,i. . t an.) a.,ul , I I ft.i-a.i t Ta-na at.. I Hit ft midi hii.41, i.'f la .....a ".'H l..... x.l I. I .-.il. m.lit . tit" M NtW V0KK, IJ Jayi CHICAGO, :ij -ST. LOUIS. :ij " OMAHA. . " SA..TI.AKK.11 " H . -.. i. I I'AISI" M l"l. ail'."i-'Ua Ixn.ha, kli.M MV a.. I vllirl MlaMiill m.i .imi tAHI l4ita, l ii ." an. I III .,. H -I..H 0tn .hi. t-l.llat.lt.M. att.l wtli.t lal tM I ! 4a4 1 . l.i.i.. ID ail I Ilex l-l l ill Ha.tas I l llt..iK U 4li.all..aj il I. . i t nl.rfi .t4. h.M a it t n nia f,.t ai.l.. anali"Ba II. M.i 4 r ..Us S' -t tll.. I- N't naii. .ail aM f.f a Ma A. I', i II U.t.iou. Kro Ib elinlnt Cbsir t'ara l'i linl.Ura.t T mrl.t Hleej-ing Cars ,k ttpm rc-nl of IfB esota Pullman pilar Nlreplng Car For full particular regarding rales, tuna tif Italna, rlrt., rail I'll f a.jra J. v, iHur, nl O. IL A N. t'.i., Ilr t rt, Ofgoa t'. O. Taunt, V. P.. ('), fr.v. l a. Al. O.a lAil. Ul ll.if.1 HI.. Pi.'ltan.l. Of. ty ICJia. TI IVt Tit" rrt .Still lI'M HOlwOO ..ll tat, atl.r Ti.llh ML Haawas fmf f IM Ihsn wa ever araru.i or. -taagiog 01 iraiimiiii m .iimiininuiiMuir rj i. .1,. .t..,..n.l il tli. Intl. HO I diN'ka. Two mm v.no wi-rr siamiing a I. a . ft... It.. V..l I " ' . - inKia jn.i ,,......,-.. rMWki.iu.rituilam-fiii.il hurMto PaelAfl Is making a great record too. ,H,om ,h, (.rating Therequwts for itri-aeh lha N. P. pea- u.m k. trr tt.ey found thrm.elvw seoger dprlmol at M. I anl In larga I itRrtdirir aide by side uninjured, numbers from every part of Ih Toilet Jt -iT".i. ..... ,..... Klalrn. TUU Is a Irltiilta l Wl.ia a.ivrf- Tli..iirli it ..a1. from 1 to to per Itaiag as well as li ths aatfrjifiM et ll (Ti,t. ti,..ir ,j.l ni. rrhsnl irurli ennuiaiiy " I lb !' f Ih bonk In I'mik t l.ati in I'tipWnil, aii-ording Mr. I'baa. H. Kr. Itif genrral pMrtig H lm d .X.enrl. 1 rnn.f will build ..,1,1 al Ht. Panl. Minn, will seod lb " 'P f-t -lav.rriU VarmalaJav. Pari- and v'rati" i suirar-tnsf tiliuv appli-a. tlirn wriyh thrm, allow torsi MnniU nf lnrti..f pulp four fHMiniU .f ainfsf. 11... r I tif pulp in a krtlir nrr Ihe II r... in, I li .in niituitra it limit a rmrr, ll.rn n.. tlir i..-ar. Ini trn rnlti- tilra, r;i th liiurinal.i.l tnl.i atnull IfUaa jr r luiiihlrm, nil .iue tia. it -n r Into r.'MTi.la lo 111 on lop i.f th Inn. I. I. ra. ilip the pr Itila ttirlln -i, l ijr II . p f Ih martnalail. M-.rk fr la.4.a Mllllaara. It Is tat.l In a f.ialiinnnlil journal lhl t.(KKi,(i.o l-r-nnrls ir l.1 lr Ij.IiiIiiU ! i! I-i I C CM rrV rnKllv Southern Pacific Co l wal lila i i.a. Im all p..!. lH a". I a-,a i, .a. iw i a.a.i i.lila 1'k.t. I.arf. Vl r-m A Slrlt NIm. rrrtnln apliitoal prrfnrmarK-e. U wtilrh Ih tvartal.tT cajuld Iralifr. rr lrii g rt!ir. l.jr an enthuaMiaii lirf t a kr.1i-. Amot-g other Itiistr. b ai. thai n on .ataii.n tb spirit tf bis wife, bii bad Wrn tir4 artrral rr-, rrturnrd lo t;lin, tln? berrlf npn bia Vt-r. put fe arm aroun.l him aiul klaanl kiln riim put un in rmrr imi is. u.rm mil,,, f rwiin. at... a ). tianl la d i. piarr - t iiw iiihall 1 ni-nlrrr. IvitirB lnii.f 11.4 tla Tarra. I "Y1 d i"l irn Irt rnm rk Mi. tt o.i miir rUr.t wuH ,n. " kpi. thi ih pirn tf -.. d liim--, with ind.rnat,! rHy emirsr jnn n I k r. al,... anh frrlmg thai our H't.l I ) r" ran t.-r llir Iranunaln .iva .f "N 'Hly tbt." rrpllra tk Montana Ranchmen Complain of the Depredation of the Animals. The gray wolf, the bane of cattlemen and flock masters, appears to multiply and flourish in defiance of the efforts of the hunter and the price set upon his head, says the Benton River (Mont.) Press. Advices from all sections of the range country report that gray wolves are as numerous and destructive as ever. Range riders are witnesses to the fact that the fattest and strongest steers are frequently overcome by these fero cious beasts, while the weak and infirm surrender to their attacks almost with out a struggle. The live stock loss of Montana from this source cannot be calculated, but from the nature of the case it must be tremendous. Profes sional hunters state that the gray wolf an exceptionally difficult animal to circumvent. His cunning is remnrk- able and his suspicious nature causes ira to avoid any locality which his een senses notify him has been invaded by his human enemy. He is not a gre garious animal, preferring to roam in small bunches, which prevents such a wholesale killing as could be accom plished if a large band should fall with- n the power of the hunter. He avoids poisoned baits and dead carcasses; he is essentially a beast of prey, preferring freHh meat at all times, and when the pangs ot hunger are felt he starts out to find something with warm blood in it. For these reasons wolf hunting is on exceptionally slow and precarious occu pation; trapping, chasing and shooting are practically the ouly tnpthods that produce results, and attractive Induce ment are necessary to encourage hunt ers to engage In that work aa a means of livelihood. THE MYSTERIOUS SWORDFISH. rbr Com From Afar and lalll Tbrr Ar Fall t.rown Thee big creatures come and go aa mjMcriouiily us any of our sea visitors. nd all fishin hate their prvullantica. Who know where the aluid are before lhey brgiu to run up the rUrrs iu the spring? The swordftxh come to American w-nters grown up. Of course tbey vary In iz but no young ara vcr acen here, This fact hn been clearly act out by gov eminent reiHirt on th subject. The young arc found chiefly in the .Mediterranean. After they ar able to go It alone more or lers of thrm strike for the North American count most of the gathering about Itlmk Inland There thry lie and sun Ihemwlvrs on the top of the water, th prey all sum mer of the nshrriuinen and their spear. W lint Riaiini-l lirings ur fifth aTo 3,000 mile of w ater to spend a caaoti and return? Thry rum ben they arrive; thry go when they lea That's all w kiiuw, although th a son comes within approximate datrt. Th vwordflah Is a f.norlt srfuod hrr in Nrv Pnglaml. lUaalun t it hirf nmrki t. bill il at lta writ all abou irr. Il l ol'.d niral, with a dialinri flamr, and rry ralible. New York, hnwrvrr, .ha-an't buy If, Naw Yorker. ho bunt th tnsrkrl of lb world to new thing, will not rat It How lung t !,. mirer fiah will last I a problem. Thry ar huntrd not only f ir Ih iiuirk.i, but for pirn. uie, the rb h New Yorker, who are toots ti.lli.ua I.i rsl I lir in, almuM ratslilia th fitd of kilbi'lf th fUh and r.Hrrt Ing Ui orita, lhey would pr..l.al.l KHn trrnilnsl th rftitur. kill o all th old ttorinh, and who would guide hither thoa llml wrr about lo tnak Ihrir firl trip? r!low thai notion bark a bit, and who gutdrd th flrl of tbrm lrr er brr? Hart ford Cotirant. Twrh Arll Trvat.a). TbMalobl"a rrraajioi!rrit nf a Turk ish h.prr annourtrr that at the dr rtiirr .f th lat train of woymtrd tof fitiaUritttilr. Mr. Ill.inl. Ladies, No More Darning. The Matrto Hand Loom, made of pol ished, rolled ateel. Latent invention for mending clothing, underwear, table linens or hnel and toe In hoBery. A child can work It. Perfect weaver. Sent pontpald, 2,"w. Great Western AdvertU lng and Novelty Co., ll-5o!4 Washington St., H, W. Fall, PROPRIETOR . Ot the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block weat of the Union Depot of C. B. 4 Q., C. M. A 8t. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C. aud the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. WAT1CH a.oo 1C1- DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., OHICA&0. ILL. State normal school Weston, Oregon. The ffloit lucceutut year's work of the Stat Normal School at Westou, Oregon, oloaad laat June with the graduation of twenti itudenti. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner, His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street FALL TERM Opens September 5, 1898, Full count) ol itudy, Scientific and Profit- lonal, Vocal and Inatriimental inualo. Healthful location, good nx-lcty and pleasant urrounillngi. Board In famlllei from li'iO to t-'l-.V) Roomi (or tlinaa who deaire to board them-' civet can be bad at reasonable rate. Boarding hall for young ladlca In connection with the school nnder th careful supervision of a matron, hoard, fuel and light at 2 50 to I.M per week, Catalogue aud Information furnished upon application. 7t-W TW0 SPLENDID TRAINS DfllLR TO THK EAST CHEAT m ISLAND Hill. Rocky Mountain Limited il4. HI'HtM.H . Arrlraal IN i.N , " OMS.HA jil-M M(llrH " iuNKMtilU " t IllCAliO Nxl Iar Ttienngh lllia and Mm Vmr f..liir,.i lo i i,i.ei hi taaiiiMt UinxtatHXii. iiw baaat trai la Ltv W"K- ' a. m. a. as. 1 1 -4ft p. m. I , n. . a. m. a Bl. X U p in. Colorado Flyer Ln WXXt H . t a. m. " iUi hl-ltlNHU . j E. m. ArHaaaKH IKA . . 1 w a. m. KA.AaCTV . 9.B. Ar. MT. Ul IH. (Wab. B'y) IS p. I Arrl.a.KT JtiKPM IIN'-I..N iFiHon) " IIMAUA tKlu) io Ml a. m. t a. m. a m. Thronih Hlaan-ars Cutniwlu ftprna s Bt Louis ia Wabaob H . These arc New Trains in aJ lition to our former service. P. partlralar aad fol.Ur. (! lima nf itvna Ir.'oa m w. h. rtnjtf. At-. l'l.NER. C. A. ff.l.t.rKKA. w.acaas' Clara. l Ut (IKNF.UAL I'ASSKNOKU nEPAUTHKNT. Mll.WAri.tK, Not. fi, 1H.I7. IATIU)XS ff th WUcon.io (Vtitral I.in.-a in alri; throucb Ctiirago may re.jtiira mini a fti. a nc in Ihr war nf litn, their tati.l l,'L;at;s tkeo firra tr lo train an. I rarriak'tf T Ina, or in tnatiy otlir i), anl I lie will I1" fin I all tliat ia il.-irHl io thi ra nwjraii a rainaui, waa at tti''alion aAd ' . i ,. i ,i ii i n rrtf,ru..n.l...r.r,...01.tu,(Nwt io lh l,r,t,, 1 ,"r Bieft. Th Hrl.rett of Ih am lmn , at lb) IJfanJ iVlitral PMsong'f trer.il arh of ih c,i,.lr4 .iik a Hlalion. ln ba rfClitlf l'U at.l..-lwt..i rr Trr. L . , . ... .. . ' . , ' .u'i'reHi ir ii ami nun r"-'! ; rratiasa U MMtf '(. TllV lU l' io Waltlllal' I h.h..h... thai .M W,ieB riiy lf,10, ,,rr,.arr. H .Ut 1..' rrtKler. rrwrtioratil by th famous ' , . . , . r.rh rr, th, , i.lB. rf il..l,,, , a-HiCa, an.J tt ia boi..I that tur rftnnl tn..r than it jrw aj-t. has jnfrori l!l fatly afail lhefnf !vr nrnrll aa li'liatrll ra.tlef .ii,M ,,f (hi a l lill..pl lir.st lioti f.ir i A 1 . 1 HEN !ba cured If f . r ae tt .W. i i'Sa of Kan, la i a ri.:. a - l'at..4 (waaat, I D. trmQaa am ,IOIItsriH 1.1111 Satea aad saiiadla , Sim aia. al ib. air.r.. t-Mttl-t i,w .r.4 m aa. , , a. v..,. h .- . l I .... .1 "-" aaaa-.aaia, 1.4 aa.,a i ..i ....... ... .., ai., mata.tr la. ra. ' f raalalrtk.a .,,kara ala,. , Iimiimi aif I II..H,,, . a. Ik. KS laa ... ) . (v.. a' s H ...a r-- - 1-4 a aln...nM,. r- .. -4 m- -"-'-'laaa r f 1 lr. ca ...a 1 ItSMI .,, l. aa. a-" a. f .a. ..... .....,,,, , , ; f 1......4 ll.lla,,, ( 9 r,i4.,,j, ;, , - ..,. ;f. ..Hi $ f " I b I K.tmphf .f Uvulae.- IT lSt. Jot. rait.- 0 f aft Mil.rutit if An tn-nt r INIIJI.MI,(1 . . . t -a. t .n l . , . , ., , I , V riiuiiWiir Unfa ami .ak la Ih tun-1 rHi "b'.i ka-r spirit to. k abin rf lr. li fli .ltt 'ai..a nt h frnal. m.,irn-k fulMf )ia- i a l,,"! put !f.l f.f th, f"- ' t t i l-a. ) 4 kn. I r.i t ... , n ., uit tn.-n 'k" "b " 'i ''J ...J a... . r " 4 .la.-4 laa .1 1 I aa .ar4.a aHf - .. I. . I. ... I m. a. i.i . V a, t,-aa I. a ala.4t.s ' rm .aai a . .i..li r m yiMiuti F i a 'ajai 1 Ink al a -" of nr., ar,, ,,t com- j., jf p,,., f,,, Hip. lh r-r.t-.ir.irt ,.n c n rnfH J AH I ll) I if tt, .,... al a q t f Ii"- 'ii'if -'i jW.,r.a.r,, lUA.' t I V I a