We are A New Firm You are about to buy your Fall and Winter supplies in Clothing, Underwear, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bedding, Etc.," With a new and well-selected stock embracing Dress Goods Outings Fleece Goods Shirtings Calicos Muslins Linens - Ladies' and Table Linens - Children's Underwear Blankets and Comforters A Complete Line of Gents' - funiissliing Goods, Trunks, Valises and Telescopes. Ask For your trade in consideration of the substantial quality and value of everything we sell. Our purpose is to meet your re x (lairemeta as to style, service and durability, at very low prices, and thus merit your future patronage. ' Agents fop Warner' Cornet IBirorri 8& Stewart. Those Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread In Splto ot Treatment but Now They are Healed -A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great sufferer with varicose veins on one of my limbs. My foot and limb became dread fully swollen. When I stood up I could feel the blood rushing down the veins of this limb. One day I accidentally hit my loot against some object and a sore broke out which continued to spread and was exceedingly painful. I concluded I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me so much suffering, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and In a short time my limb was completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful lor the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, has done for me." Mks. A. E. Gilson, Hartland, Vermont. parilia Istlit best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Ladien, take the best,. If you are troubled with constipation, sallow skin, and a tired feeling, take Earl's Clover Tea, it is pleasaat to take. Sold by CoDser & Warren. v Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, parities the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 eta. Sold by Oouser & Warren. v rloorf's Pillrj cure all liver Ills. 25 cents. METH. EPI9C. CHURCH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school in a. m. glasses no. i ana i at 12:10 p. m. Epworth LeaKne Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. rryer mui'img, iiiuniaay, p. m. 'The 8pibit and the bride say. Come." The pastor may be found at the painonane ad. joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any w o may disire to conBult hnn on religious, sounl, civio. philosophic, educational. or auy outer BUDjecie. J. W. FLEBHER, Minister. CHRISTIAN CHUHCH. Bervlces each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. ra, and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even. lng at 7:01). Choir practice Batitrday evening m lUBtlllirtn, a. Jj. bilBI.LY, Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs. T. J, Matlock The Uazette is not heralding its com ing with ft brat band bot it circulation oan be determined at tbe Heppner post oflloe. Advertisers will please note this. Local Notes. See M. Licliteutbal A Co. for shoes. What is Hop Gold? Bent beer on artb. Mee ad. elsewhere. Residence auj lot or sale. Inquire at premise adjoining W. U. Ellis'. 2-9 J. A. FtTTERSON. Liohtentbal 4 Co. (or shoes. Exclusive bo store. Handle! tbe best. 83tf Dr. A. 0. Greenlee, corner Grand ave nue arid East Morrison at, PortlanJ. tf Tbe Gazette's obsoription price ot l.5() la listing tubsoribert every day. Uuionease't famona old "Dublin btoul." im ported, at Chris Lurchers' tr Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrao tion and defeats of tbe eye, will be bere very three months. GtH-lyr "Oo'o jnice" is all right but Low Til lard baa ft brand of U-yesr-old goods that ii bard to beat. Co3 -lf. rainiest remedy for utraotmg teeth. If Dot at tinted, do charges. Try Pr. Vaoghao'e Dew plan. CuHf. If yoo need temetbing for your ) stem call at the 'Phone The Telephone looo, City hotel betiding. If Mitt Nellie Beery wish to announce that the will be prepared to commeoc itving again Wept. 12tb at $1 !3 per day Hl-4 Bring your bide, pelt ted fura to Ben. Matttwt. at the Liberty Meat Market. He pay highest tnerkel rHee, r-rj-tf. E. O. Noble A Co. rueller after butto. Tba finMt .MIr toj bar dm to be found Id Heppner. He their w ad ia Ihi iaiae. If. J. tt. lUo.forJ left Heppoer lodsy to lak charge pf Henry UUino sheep at Lr0 Creek, and will thortly drit them In to Mr. Main raoeb Wow town. ii eol doid! A cuh, borG or croup ar out to be trifled wttb. A dot la Mm of Hhtlob't Car will tv foa moth troobi. Bold by Cooter A VerreD. Cur that numb iltRI.ul.'C4f. Tb beat Dough Cure. UelieVe roup btiimpltf . On millioe bottle I4 ImI year. V) do for 'iu. Hold by 0 lr k Warren. Dyspepel cored, fbiloh't Yitaltaer Immediately rli ur t'mrb, ore lag mp of IkhI metre. t I I tb grl kwln.y aod hr rem-!. Hold by (--Mr A Warrea. Conspicuous was the presence of Con gressman Ellis in the courtroom, during the session of oourt. His many old-tioBe friends and associates, gathered bere for oontt duty, found his presence most agreeable. Tbe subject of J. W. Fleshec'a sermon at tbe M. E. chn.-ota Sunday morning will be tbe "Triumph of tbe Gospel". In tbe eveuihg at 6:30 an Epwortb League rally will be held. A special in vitation is extended to tbe young people. Miss Julia Hart wishes to iuform the publio that she is now prepared to give instructions in piano and organ, and re- speotfolly solicits their patronage Terms, 85 per term of 10 lessous, of 30 minutes each. Pianos timed for 3.50. Mrs. I. T. Barr wishes to inform her patrons and tbe public that Rfc r tbe 15th of this month her dresetnihipg pur. lors will be in tbe McFarlaud huii.ltni: in tbe room adjoining that occupied b.. tbe bank, on Center etreet, wbeie she can be cailed upoo. 2t Dr. John W. Ranmns. of the "Red light," ever nn tbe olert for something new, oan furnish you tbe finest cock tails in the land Manhatteo, Jersey, Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop in and take the taste out of your mouth. tf At the Heppner Candy Factory it the place to get cool, refreshing summer drinks, J as. Hart can furnish you milk shakes, socio, Ice cream soda, orange wine, peach cider, etc Ice oreain booths nioely "fitted- no. Come and try tbe Dewey flavor a new thing and very fine. 6T.1 tf Mrs. Alice McNay, superintendent, announces a Sunday sobool temperance rally for next Sunday evening at tbe Christian obnrcb nt 8 o'olook. All of tbe Bnndny schools of tbe town will be represented. A very interesting pro gram bat been prepared. All art cordi ally invited to attend. Wednesday evening an exoiied orowd congregated in front ot tbe old City Hotel building, where tor a few minutei a serious riot wnt imminent. It origi nated in fun, but was oarried t little too far, exciting Hie ira ot a business man Id the block, who was about todeolare war, when tbe disturbers of bit peace eon eluded wisely to move on. Mr. Frank Lee returned to Portland tonight with hit wife. Mr. Lee reporta a oomplete stagnation io tbe market and hot n tbat tbe Bear future will ttart tbe ball rollio - again, wbeo be will return to thit point. Mr. La feel that tbe big auotlon thle of the Arlington Mill, In Massachusetts, of million and half dollars, is the hinging point. The Marquam Grand, on Morrison street in tb Marquam building, I under excellent management and tb puMifl will he royally entertained this winter New eompaole and dw face will ap pear from time to time at thit popular, Brut-class thettr of Portland, and wheo io Portland our denizen tbonld Dot fall to lak In nro nf tb fio drama tbat ill b presented. tf It i hardly oeoessary for o to call your attention to lb advertisement of our Dew and enterprising merchant, Mer. Hrowo A Httwart.it la before ynnreye a "big a ft meetlnf house". They are tier to do basinets on ft straightforward p'", bav th goods yi.o want lb priee you eso sffo'd to pv. Now thai f1l aid winter ar after ton, in oner to ait nm warm reception fnn mist tv cloth, blaek I, etc. r ill out )our list and oml d tbem. Tb war I ftvr, aid th weather I dow ro"l tnd delightful. ttbo )oi fl to lb mood dmp io t the tiwllng alley and spend a ilasrit bnur and gt 'me healtliful etr. i.e thrown io. This popu lar plat if wtttnl I Dow under lb roanaif'mei.t f fit. J. II. li:iMo). ho In'en ts to mo tt Io Deal and I !nrn uglily respeth1 matioer. Al though w1oi al any time, Wedne. day vflln- will tpeeWlly rerl f f the ladies. 2t Th eoui Pil at it !! elM elwled Mr t-'ifs T!.firt,.i Io iha rioaii.f Marshal Hacer Resigns. John Hager steps out of tbe city mar shal's Bboes iu consideration ot a situ ation more in accordance with his de sires. Mr. Hager retires from the office with the beet wishes of all. His con siderate treatment of those with whom he had to deal carried its weight, and while no rough-and-tumble incidents were plaoed to his credit, "he got there just tbe same." Personal. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Tbat a certain note given by tbe under siguRd to Mark T. Eady, for $174, dated June 23, 1898, payable four months after date, was obtained by and through false and fraudulent representations, tbe con sideration therefor has wholly failed and said cote is now held by said Eady con trary to bis agreement to return tbe pame. All persons are warned not to purchase said note aod that the maker thereof will not pay tbe same. Otis Patterson Dated: The Dalles, Or., Sept. 8, 1898 Miss Leach's Kuturn. Mies Altbn Leach returned on yenter day mnruir.g'a train from Portland, wiiere'srie went three weeks since for the pnrpnpe i f B.'leotn g her fall stook ot milliurry B 'od. H hile there she had ooets to tbu leading millinery and drb6nmaking establishments of tbe me tropolis, enabling her to select the very latest desigus. Har goods are now ar riving and from now until tbe date of the opeoing of her parlors, about the 15th, tbe public will have aooesa to stock of millinery "up to date" in its fullest senee. MissLeacb was fortunate in engaging a lady dressmaker whose reputation in Portend, for style, fitting and fluish, baa kept ber constantly em ployed by the leading fashionable estab lishments of Portland for eight year Tha publio is cordially invited to oall and iuspect tbe varioua styles. A Lively Knaaway. Wednesday afternoon John Cbrismun of Long Creek, left his four borse team attached to a large wsgou with tail, standing for a moment, while attending to tome business oo Main ttreel when tbey took advautage ot hit absenoe and started down th street at a rattling paoe. Mr. Chrism an catching tb trail wagon made bia way to the front to find that his lead line were trailing In tbe dust. He made an effort by setting both br-tket and pulling on tbe wheelert to ttop tbe team, but well under way ha mada no Impression on them, and realizing that general tmaahup wat io ttort for tbe outfit parted company by jumping. At that moment Eugene J one on a good quarter borse was losing do time lu pursuit. Oettiog to tb front be, with hi cayuse.aooD bad e"mii-up' that meant dollar to Cbrisman. lb team, with assistance of otbert, waa ttraighlened out, a circle mada an headed toward ton earn bsok under tb iolluenoaof tb "bud", apparently dissatisfied with lbs wludup of wbal might bav beeo an exoitlog finish. EWING CLEARED. A. A, Willis was-up from Lexington. B. F. Akers, an Ionite, was in town yester day. Charles E. Smith, of Arlington, came over this week. A J. . M. S. Maxwell, of Hardman, is registered at the Palace, Walt Bartholomew reached town from Boise, Idaho, yesterday. A. L. Hatnes and Frank Anderson, of Eight Mile, are in town. Hon. J. F, Moore returned to The Dalles Wednesday night. Ed Halloway, a prominent farmer from Doug las, Is in town today. C. M. Peck, of Lexington, has been In attend ance at court as a juror. Dr. Shipley had a very Berlous turn yesterday, but has now again rallied. Prosecuting Attorney Bean returned to Pen dleton by last night's train. Dr. E. R. Swinburne, returned from his visit to Portland the nm of the week. William H. and Horace Johnson, of John Day, were registered at the Palace yesterday. John W. McMillan was up from Lexington on Wednesday and called at the Gazette office on business. W. K. Corsen, the right-hand man ot Ione'f hustling business man, Joe Woolery, was In town yesterday. J. Wattenberger and family returned from Portland yesterday, where thoy have been vis iting several days. Mr. Taylor, formerly of this town but now living In Portland, Is enjoying a visit here among old frrlends. Ike Inula Is suffering from what appears to be blood poisoning, his hand being in a serious condition of Inflammation. Alva Leach, the Lexington wheat buyer, was n this place yesterday, sounding the market or the disposition ot tbe producers. William C. Ripley, traveling representative ot a large wool-buying house of Portland, visited this place on business this week. Miss Alice Glasscock ha entirely recovered from ber recent Illness, and will soon go to Rock creek to take charge of the school at that place. John Kvans, who formerly lived with Marlon Evans, his son, on Willow creek, Is again visit lng this section from Walla Walla, where he now lives. An Kloiiueot Flea Hade ney. by an Able Attor- OLL1E PDYEAB EXONERATED. Those fortunate enough to hear Sena tor Brownell's final address to the jury in defense of hia client, Wm. B. Ewing, obarged with assault with a deadly weapon upon a mao named Fitz, a sheep herder, were deeply impressed. Tbe senator is famed not only for bis oratory bot for hia ability to draw logical con clusions, and, in oonsequence, not a person in the room at tbe conclusion of hia touching appeal but whose sympathy went out to the defendant and hie little family as tbey eat there at his side. Carrying hia listeners into tbe saored precincts of tbe bumble little home, this man felt justified in protecting, for the sake ot his wife and innooent babes, a feeling of emotion overcame stalwart men, and, glanoing about the room, many were th? eyet that were moistened with tears. Particularly noticeable in bis talk wag the absenoe of bitter denun ciation ot witnesses and opposing coun sel, so often resorted to by attorneys in their efforts to gain a point, and to dis tasteful to listeners. Prosecuting Attorney Bean handled his side ot the case in an able manner, but tbe verdiot ot the jury wns already framed, and upon their return to the presence ot the court after a brief stay in tbe jury room with the verdiot of "not guilty", the judge pronounoed Mr. Ew ing a free man. lue appreciation ot himself and family oan be better imag iued than described. Senator George C. Brow noli was compelled to return to Oregon City at the conclusion of his vase nefore tno court, ami loot neuncsnay night's train out. The Grand Jnry Falls to Find a True Bill Against Him. Not only our immediate oommunity but tbe entire country are awaiting the report of tbe sotion ot the grand jury in case of Ollie Puvear, the Amerioan boy who was compelled to defend bis life against tbe vicious assault of a Spanish camptender with an aze by shooting him dead. Tbe Spaniard developed an ugly disposition toward the young man owing to an expression of bis enthusiasm over Amerioan oaval victories at the be ginning of the war. Tbe grand jury's re turn of not a true bill was tbe prediction of tbe officers of the law who were in at tendance at bis preliminary trial. Tbe straightforward appearanoe and conduct of the young man bad gained the confi dence ot all with whom be came in con tact, and ai Sheriff Matlook reoeived numerous letters from tbe most reliable oitizens of tbe locality from which tbe boy came secently in Iowa and Mis souri, snob ts county judge, bankers, attorneys and merchants, vouching for tbe good charaoter of the boy and bit family, be felt tbat his judgment in the beginning hud not been at fault. These letters in the bands of the jury together with the testimony at band justified tbem in olearing young Puyear. FOR BALE. Kanoh, 820 aores, good land, 4 miles ot Heppner, all fenced, plenty of water, house and barn, 140 acres of summer tallow, all ready for fall crop. Easy terms. Call at tbe Gazette office. 664-tf fioo REWARD I Will be paid for information leading to the arrest and oonviction ot any per son stealing oattle branded "WH" oon- neoted on tbe left side. Waddle on the nose. Perot Hcghbs. 45-nov3 Fur Sale. Twenty aores of land, near ft good sobool. Will trade for horses, farming outfits, eto. For further information ad dress, Y. Winohell, 79 tf Hood River, Or. Dreadfully Nervons. Gents: I wat dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Carl's Clover Boot Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength ened my whole nervous system. I was troubled with oonstipation, kidney and bowel trouble. Tour Tea so m oleansed my system so thoroughly tbat I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by Conner A Warren, v Tbe speech of Father Abraham in the last number of Poor Kiohard's Almanao, published by Benjamin Franklin in 1757, "oontaiut tbe wisdom of many aget and oatioua assembled and formed into one ooDneoted discourse." When first pub lished it attracted world wide attention and was oopied in all of the newspaper in Amerioa aod England and translated into many foreign lnngUKges. Would yon not like to read it ? (let a copy free of oharge at Conser A Warren' drug store. Announcement To the School Children A full and complete line nt m SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETO. Just received by the Slocum Drug Co. Everything needed for the commencement term 44 THE FAIR OTUL3T ILCSLClS.iinLtOStlL(BS For Mr. Tbnreloft i has a!r!y drnttf ! bis dipo!tifn t . k M tt t - At... .l.ttS IthS dm rteeauy lovers ... .. -:. tw U.r.al call aal k-im. " ... .,, ftf ih. L-. Meh t! brfim a ntf f ffi P a-aV.V- '" r-H jwlllft-wDMili e.mmni r4 bf G1UND JtllY Ktl'OKT. Follrving it th report of th grand jury to Jodg Lowll at lb conclusion of their work )trday afternoon: Uo. KTii'Utx A. Low ill Wt, your grand jury for tba Septem ber (arm of oourt for KH, lx-g to report at f'lllowt: W b been In ioti tbre day and bav riamincd Din witoeaee. W bav fiood two tro bill ot I ulotrneot and two Dt true bill. W bav titmined lb offioet aod bookt of record of lb eoouly clerk, slier iff tod coDDiy treasurer and Rod lb offices kept Io orderly condition aod tb book aod record neatly aod orderly kept la a flrst elaas eoDditiop, a far a w could disoovar, W bv Mmlnd lb aouoly jail and nod tl tarn at aod clean W would rpetfally rrcommand that in onlsr to roak lb Jsil warmer tb sam b ligbtlf aclod around lb foooJa- tloo; also tbat tb jsil bnildiof b palaWd a well a th rounly mart bnns. W bm einiiiiited lb p.cn liuut and Hal lb m tit and clo, wiUi three ldrnli C'm(frllely well BoliteDlad. W bg to tlir k your b ar fr lb kiedase aod ouriesy ahowa d. tad to ocnrnend tb t-.tr and abla manaer ia wtik b tb bueibee tit lb Court b4 breo transited. W' o ibiibk our h'tttorabl r!i trifl all-ifoe f ir valuebl smhIii I ui slu m", pm.iwb wuiw m svi Sin. W b'g lo tbank Mr (ienrge Tbnifttna and Mr K J H-ff f. r ti,ir kind aa .f rn t iVnti"tt a our bailiffs. f 1 V ST trlifl.J b birf b. ti t t .1 ,!. i,i i l,i. n u d.fit K.ji.n.1, r,A I). IfH Jrrjr Ktltsri.v, V to. u u. ;si, ci Are acknowleged the finest and cheapest ever offered in Heppner. Our Underwear Department Our Hosiery Department CMLDttDN'iS LADIES' MENU Cotton Underwear, per (trutcot, io Ail-Wool Haoitary 1" Heavy, riblwd, Jersey tlceo lined 'iio Natural wool HlrMly all wool, tery Uavy . 07o CoIIod, Be, ribbed 4Hc CUILDUEN'H M LAUIEM' MfcVK Ho Fid Calmer All-Wool Flu Hilk FinUba.1 Fin Ft Black Cotton Heavy, double-heel Hoikt Fin Black H to ka una '21c 1)0 4o !0 Our TowelingGood Linen Crash, 70, 8c, ioc, iqc. Our Bargains. A. IiiHs IL-intJ !' A. Jino Jiii(3 of Kino !Lincj l" A1c3Ii'h Clot hiiiLX 11 ills "Woiihjii'h mid Cliilclrt'ii's Shot's A. l4,,iiH3 Lt'iim of Tin iiikI CJ ranitowaro 1 Monoy reltinietl If tscclM uro not MntH.ffiotory as 26 lH 2Fi3To"