The Gazette. - Friday, Sept. 9, 1898. THE EXTRA SESSION. The governor's proclamation con vening the legislature, has at last been issued, settling a great deal of anxiety throughout the state. Unfinished business of the last legislature is offered as an excuse for the extra eeesion. The all important consideration of the election of United States senator is uppermost in the minds of the chief actors, and it is to be hoped that no repetition of the last ses sion is in store for us. If this senatorial contest is in the way of much needed remedial legislation for the state it should be diepoeed of in short order by the union of the republican members. Tbe tax payers of the state have suffered their full share, in consequence of dead-locks, and now it is high time that they should be considered. Our condition of prosperity this year has attracted the attention of the entire country, and to again bring our state into contempt through our legislative branch will prove disastrous to us. LATEST TELEGRAPH. Brief War News, Tele graphic News Notes, Etc., Etc. HOW WE FATTEN FOREIGNERS. The commercial growth and financial increase, the marine ex pansion and resulting sea power, which should be American, is for eign. Our augmentation in popu lation, cities, town and farms, even our increase in mining and manu factures, aggrandize our rivals and strengthen our enemies. Our for eign trade is only passively ours, since aliens have become our mer chants and foreign ships our car riera. What is thoirs cannot be long to us. Our loss of rule and want of grip upon our foreign com merce is full of damage and of danger. We have nothing now to fear so much as our commerce with for eign countries, carried on, as it is, by alien merchants, bankers and underwriters, in shipping built and sailed under foreign flags, regard less of our good and solely for their H'il e I own. uiiu loveriHU puiBe wo watch the "balance of trado". Sel dora do wo dare to think of the balance of commerce, which is larger when adverse, and Btnnllor when favorable When wo had shipping of our own building, am mercliNnts of our own people, wo had no fears of adverse halations, and tlio consequent exportation o gold. There was then no nation, riva or enemy, that could strip us o our coin and sap our woaltli. Now such there be, our "maritime reci procity" policy having create them; creditors of transportation who inako our fortunes their prey They nil know that a foreign mar inn is a stripping machine, whil we have (statesmen who kuow it not CoiirtiriH of foreign powers, the t'iirroMNndeuts of foreign bankers, mid other frhiners of jHilitu-al i. nin'8 liavo a doubtful and evnue ffiit remedy monetary dietetics coinage and currency lulls but a true prevention of gold export pan ics and low prices is au American merchant marine; because, with sound revenue a) atom, its use would keep tin out of ilobt abroad, even with export much reduced. Khippiugof ourowu would dimiovoi new markets and bring back our in l.'pendi'iicoiif Kuropn. It would Kliake oil freigu leeches in our tra la, as autumn ixavos full l fore tlio umlti win I. It would give oui ou people opportunity, increase greatly tint cinpUtyiutit of llor, reward gmiiu au I cuti'rprUe, fur triad a n.w fi,.ld f.r capital, and intktt a Untirtif jwafrt between finance an I f trin tra Ainir ictu lliMiiomixt Aa Aratt aa . Mew ran lum b- k It wtat you tiav. been anting'. Tlx Northern r.ifi ba II. It r.iit n piil n( th Main, tni i( (.'ill, h.l of full-1 H't'i au I Mf.ui.ti kr iMhli, lut-n it .Irawmtf- of t.l II. sl.ln, if;ulrlloii of Unite l Hlle n I M( iii(, (ji. ....iff cf or a'luy w .1 l, U'oU el iiisUurte, c ta III. U I." ( I'll I.' I Hlt (III)' !)( fin? fin... ,. i,f t'uilcl HlttMMl lneiit an their u'iiit IeM n I oilier Ibf'if ntlii ery ua'itl a tl ilit at Hit litn. 1 1. Ihm.i fil lh ( nl I Hp M.lale, Hett 1 Ct.a.. N. ', general rfr it, N I. (. H , hi. IVit. Mii.n , to f.nii nl lli. I. nil . Msi Coi.obado Spkivos, Sfpt. 7. During a riot early ibis morning between two factions represented at tbe silver-rnpub-lioan oonveotioo, Cbnrles Harris, of Denver, was shot and killed and an un known man seriously wounded. Over a hundred persona took part in the riot and a large number of sbotg were fired. It look place in the opera boose. There bae baen four arrests so far. Havana, Sept. 7. Reports of tbe shooting of the iasnrgent leader Hubert Burmudez are confirmed. His death was dramutio. He faced the firing squad and refused to be shot in tbe baok, di rooting the shooting himself. He gave tbe command to fire atid full. He was unable to speak and asked the soldiers by signs to dispatch him. Vancouver Barracks. Sept. 6. There was a romor at headquarters today that battalion of tbe Eighth California vol unteer infantry will be ordered to take station at Vancouver barraoks when the ndependent Washington battalion, now stationed here, has been mustered out of the servioe. Some provision will have to be made for the care of the post prop erty after the present Iroops leave, and as tbe California troops are available, it seems highly probable that they will be sent here, although nothing is known ofh'oially as to when tbey will arrive. State News. Dr. Will Jackaou. a well known dentiit In Eastern and Southern Oregon, ha located In Baker City, where be will be Joined ahortl y by hli family, who are now in Grant Pa. All the employe! of Peaie & May, of The Dalle, who were present at the recent Are and assisted In taring the firm building, were lat Sunday presented with $10 each for their faith ful service. The Pendleton icliool director have issued an address asking the co-operation of patron of the achool during the forth-coming year. The directors say in the address that the attendance will be the largest in the hUtorv of Pendleton. David Patterson, living on Eight Mile creek, who was arieatedon the charge of stealing a saddle, was given an examination this morning before Justice Bayard and was bound over to await the action of the grand jury in t'-DO bond. Bert Hagnewood, a buainesa man, of Canyon City, while in Long Creek, itated that before leaving Canyon City he learned that Mre. Par rlah, wife of Hon. C. W. Fairish, prealdenttal elector in 18, Friday evening Buffered a stroke of pnralyaia, and was in a critical condition, Mra. Parrish la one of Canyon City'a pioneer women. She is prominent in oclety circles. SQCITT DOCKET. ' Wheoler -a. Win. Bremer Henry Passed. John F.fJrosby ys. Alexander Qrabsm. Passed. The Solicitors Loan & Trust Co. vs. Obas. W. Sbnrte. Passed. Sarab J. Kodkey vs. John K. McFar reus. Deoree granted by default. James Dougherty vs. J. B. Berry, et al. Decree granted by default. M. A. Kinsman vs. E. R. Swinburne. Argued, and reply filed. W. P. Snyder vs. Willis Stewart and J.W.Morrow. Passed. S. S. Bodine, administrator, vs. Chas. Filkins. Decree granted by default O. E. Fame worth vs. James Jones, admr. et al. Amended complaint to be filed. W. P. Lord, et al vs. James Jones, admir. et al. Amended complaint to be filed. O. E. Farnswortb vs. Thomas Mo Callougb. Dismissed on plaintiff's Governor Lord, of Oregon, left Salem Tuesday motion. evening for San Francisco, where he will visit the headquarters of the camps and hospitals of the United Statea troopa to ascertain for himself the exact status of the condition surrounding the Oregon recruita and endeavor to expedite the correction of the existing evils and urge a final disposition of the Oregon men there by the authorities. Kloodr Cure sick beattacbe, bad BWk taste in the mouth, coated I I tongue, gas in the stomach, W III S distress and Indigestion. Wo not weaken, but have tonic effect. 23 cent. The only Pill to take with Hood' Sarsaparilla. Matter of tbe assignment of J. J. MO' Gee. Continued." CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET. W. B. Ewiog vs. C. A. Bbea. Set for today. Celestine Bush ve. Wm. H. Bash and An effort la being made to have a government H. C. Bush. Dismissed on plaintiff's salmon hatchery established on South Coos motion ' river, Bay the Marahfleld Newa. Profeasor Washburn visited the Bite of the proposed hatchery. He ha written a letter to the proper authorities, highly recommending It. We hope the matter will bo acted en favorably, as such mean are necessary to prevent the Chinook salmon from being exterminated Among big Crook county products exhibited at Prineville last week were a beet weghlng i'i pounds, a radish one foot long and 10 inches in circumference, a potato weighingaeven pounds Gilliam & Bisbee vs. Wm. H. BuBb. Dismissed. E. B. Swinburne vs. Allen Evans. Set tled and dismissed. J. N. Brown vs. Chas. Mackey and W. H. Barker. Settled and dismissed. W. B. Ewing vs. C. A.Rhea. Argued; answer filed. NO FUTDKE i'Oll WOOL. Mr. Wlllpy, of Rillienuan & Co., Talks of tbe Market. A. Willey, buyer for Silberman & Co., the big Chioago wool house, is at the Hotel Pendleton today. Mr. Willey was seen by an East Oregonian represents live and asked: What do you regard as the fntureof tbe wool market during tbe present year?" "There is no future," was the reply. Ttwre is no future until 1899. We irtve up the attempt lo buy wool before that time. Hix weeks nao growers could have sold at good prices, but now we who buy Bra not paying tunob attention to the rnattur. Tbe only denla that have been made dining some time past are tbe taking of consignments by our bonse of C00.000 pounds of wool, 300,000 at Heppner and 200,000 at The Dalles. No other wool is moving in Eastern Ore gon." Regarding the gi'iir-ral wool market, Mr. Willey showed the E'ist Oregonian reprepenlalive a telegram from his borne that said that sttiple Idaho wool was worth In Boston 45 centc The grade of ool referred to is above the average tor this reason. "There I no demand for wools do said Mr. Willey. "A peou'iar coudition exists throughout tbe eountry. A worsted factory to which we formerly sold 4,000, 000 pounds of wool a year, hint year used H.000 bales cf cotton, and this year will una 12,000 bale. This cotton takes the I'lare of the wool and niiikt-s that product worth just that lunch leas. The cotton U mix, d with t'ie wool, and I hi trade upplii'd with it in pltiflo of tin) hll-wool goods." Mr. Willey Iihs a buyer at Hi ppner for his bntiHti, Mr. J.ilniRoii, who was there Inst year. Hut he, m well as other buy en there, i buj ing nothing. Mr. Wil li' Iiihvi this evening fur Tlin DmIIci. Frank Keller vs. De'l Enowlton, and a span of 4-year-old horses, one of which Jnd ted b deaalt weighed l,o65 pound and the other 1,45a " " ' pounds. The agricultural products were raised E. W. Rhea and O. A. Rhea vs. W. Li, on the farm of Mrs. C. W. Carey. The horses Haling, et al. DttOree granted by de fault. W.B.Ewiug vs. C. A. Rhea and Hattie Ceoil. Demurred to answer; argued. Belle Enowlton vs. E. L. Matlock. Beply filed. E. W. Rhea & Co. vs. Maok Bros. Set tled and Dismissed. D. E. Oilman vs. E. L.Young. Paused. Bank of British Columbia vs. N. are owned by K. M. and F. A. Powell. Thomas Frazer, the old man who left Missouri ome time ago to visit his daughters at Moacow and was left at Pendleton, by hie grandson' Buckmaster. in a dying condition, died at the home of C. R. Frazer near Dixie, Sunday, says the Walla Walla Statesman. The funeral oc curred Monday. The old man never sufficiently recovered to tell how he wa injured on the trip or who the villain was that beat him, if Bismarck's Partiality for Americans. Bismarck always showed a decided partiality for Americans, ani it was a New York journal ist who was the ftrat whom he admitted to the honor of Interviewing him after his fall from power in 1890. For the previous twelve yeart he had not received a aingle representative of the press. A correspondent of the London Time was the last Journalist by whom, in 1878, during the congresa of Berlin, Bismarck had consented to be interviewed, and after that un til his fail from power he had kept the whole tribe of what ho called "quill cattle" at a con temptuous distance. But there is nothing like misfortune for making a man, especially a atatesman, claim kindred with all hie fellow, and soon after the prince'a dismissal from office Friedrlchsruhe became a kind of modern Del phi, or latter-day prophet's Mecca, to the pil grims of the press. From either hemisphere to Hamburg trooped the inquisitive knighta of the pen, and the mansion-house of FriedrichB- ruhe was forthwith turned Into a sort of Jour nalistic monastery, where, as in the Middle Ages, all wayfaring brothers of the quill might count upon food, a night's lodging, and conn dential converse with the prime prior. An American journalist having led the way, the recording angels of the press at once rushed In where this New York interviewer had been hrst allowed to tread. When one of his quarrels with the present emperor had reached its acutestand most peril ous point, the prlnco, at Kissingen, met a New York lawyer, Mr. F. W. Holla, who strongly urged the ex-chancellor to visit America, where he was aure of the very warmest reception. Such a journey, returned the prince, had been his ideal up to ten years ago; but now the via inertia with him was too great, and only iu the event of his being expelled from Germany thia he said with a smile could he now think of crossing the Atlantic From "Prince Bismarck; An Anecdotal Character Sketch," by Charlea Lowe, in the American Monthly Review of Re views for September. Now that the schools are commencing All should know that. P. C. Thompson Co. Have the nicest assortment of WRITING TABLETS In town Tablets at 4c, oc, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c each Rubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, zc ana oc eacn Don't forget the place. Cash talks P. C. Thompson Co. Heppner. Or. Good Goods.... Fair Prices.i T. R. AT HOWARD'S. Groceries, Provisions, Glassware Tinware and Furnishing Goods. Staple and Fancy Groceries Fine Teas and Coffees. T. R. HOWARD, Heppner. that was bow he wa iniured. The East Oregonian says: George H. Bhiun, B 'ttendorf, et al. Passed the internal revenue collector now in Pendle- j Thompson VB. T. L. Dorman, ton, mentions one feature oi the recently en- g , , d d diflrais,ed a..nma nt i Kn rranara 1 I XT utirlnP. I rw ...,.nn .n,i th intnrnrnution Winnbngo National Bank V8. K C placed thereon by the secretary of the depart- Frey. Judgment by default. meut requires that a revenue stamp be placed on every bar bottle used for wines, a atanip every time it la filled, one cent for a pint, and two cents for a quart bottle. Deputy Collector M. A. Butler la not expected to return home be fore next week. The Baker City Democrat think that Samuel Scott, who died at St. Elizabeth' hospital, from an overdose of morphine, deliberately commit ted uiclde that his wife might draw $2,000 In urance from the Woodmen, and be provided Thompson and W. B. Ewion vs. 0. A. Rhea. Post poned. John M. O. 8penoer vs. J. B. Sperry, et al. Passed. John R. Bions vs. H.A.Tbompson and A. E. Binns, partners. Answer ameud- ed. E. O. Noble and Qeo. Noble vs. H. A. A. E. Binns, partners. against want. Mr. Scott wa at one time in comfortable circumstance, but the burning of hi sawmill and other financial reverse made him penniless and dependent. While the indi cation point to suicide, It Is not unlikely that Mr. Scott used morphine to counteract the ef fect of liquor and accidentally took an over dose COL SOIL, MKETINU. Settled and dismissed. S. P. Garrignee vs. H. A. Thompson and A. E. Binns, partners. Passed. E. K. Swinburne vs. William Orabtree and Wm. Rush. Settled and dismissed Tbe oonrt was adjonrned by Jodge 8. A. Lowell to some time in November, tbe exaot date ot winch be was unable to fix al present. Deafness Connot be Cared By local application as they cannot rem-li the I diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the I eustachian tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear- I lug hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is the result, and unleea the iullamma-1 tion can be taken out and thia tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by I catarrh, which la nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafnesa (caused by catarrh) that cannot be I cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars; free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. TF8old by druggist, 75c. THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J . C. BORCHERS As manager he will run it in first class shape in every department. Hates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. Best Booommodation and courteous treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOECHEES, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines,. Liquors and Cigars. Buoklen'i Arnica Halve. Drugs Medicines A Hpirllrd Meeting Matter of Importance IHaruHSfd and Acted On. Monday being a legal holiday the regular meeting of the council whs postponed until the next evening, which. owlngtoa quorum not be ing present, was postponed again until Wedue AN INTKIIN ATlONAb AFFAllt. Collector Took a Prisoner From a Canadian OSIcrr. Chioaoo. 8d. 6. A special to the day evening, when C.mncllinen Morgan Ka. rf ffom y ,or, jj j inn, Hperry, l.lchteuthal, Blocum and Hlmona . ' put In their appearance, and In the pretence of au.miwuu niri.d uj u iniii immerou biislm-ta men proceeded to buslneas er Amur tell of the resOtie ot Arthur In an energetic way. After the usual reading ferrv. a Seattle man wbo was BOOUSed of the mlnut.. the resignation of Marshal llager of iUsU ,B g m from A,eJ Mcl)onB(( wa read and accepted, and by vote of the council on the name of C. M. Charlton, George ' be Northweat mounted Hhlplcy ami (ieorgo B. Thornton. Mr. Thoru- polioe, by Collector ft UUDloma Ivejr. ton receiving a majority vote wa elected to the The affair Oatiaed great excitement at poattinn. The proposition of I lie volunteer Are detri ment wa read and referred to committee on fire and walcr. On motion the treasurer' bond wa accepted. An ordinance prohibiting fast riding and driving on the tree!, and leaving horse and trams unhitched on th thoroughfare wa con sidered and relcrred lo city attorney wlthln- trui'tlnn lo draft. (.(Kill lllllM'V KHAHS. ftimr Talk al Hie Hotel or the Knlijwl by liarala. K-l Or.'Konimi. An olllt'ial of tbe O. It At N. Co., well known and elllolont in hi rifpnrttueot. and recently vwitor lo Pendlfton, laid to an Katt Oreifntiian repreaeiilalive at the Hotel lVuilletoti : "You people up here abnnld give mure attention to your country ro I. I have had ixelon to drive out over tin country aud flod, what I bad auppoied, that )onr ordinary cooiilry nadoayi ie In plmv-e aliiuwt fmpalil ou eo Count of th eilrctlely tlwep dual. Of rour.r, a man ran go through It. Hut he conin out from the tiath of dual in the air aa dlrijr a lli'inli lie had Iwco ri lled on the very urouod 1 1' Dot primarily on aoioniit of Hie peraonal loeotiveuietiefl, liowovor, that tbro.U hmtld t t Iven alliiilion. It'a on an rinnl of the f. et that the hauling of the count 'a product ever th road Co. in, re than It lel. Let ire llllll- traie my idea. Y.u will notice iiit th railroad rmpbire are alway at it and In every manner p ihl kerp their nien atwoik puiiiorf Hi io..i.vl. in tMdler ,""',n "' "'" " ,h,', condition. Thia c ( money. It, i. l)awon City, and may develop it to an iuteruational all'air. AnoordiuK to the minere, Perry nmrttfaged a claim ba- loDuuig to MoD.mald, MoDonald iwore oat complaint agaiost biro, aid the pi hoe went to arreat Perry. Perry, bow ever, bad fld down tbe river. An olhVer aa diepatubed after him, deepite the Articles The Beat Salve in the world for Cuts, Tnlta urnisee, noren, uioere, bait Knenm, Fever Sorea, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, onu all Hfe'n Erup tion, and poeitiveiy cares Piles or no pay required. It is enaranteed to give perfeot satiafnotioo or money refunded. Price 25 centa per box. For eale by Slocnra Drug Co., E. J. Slooum, manager SCHOOL BOOKS Stationery Pair)ts--Oils- Glass c i G A R S Conser & Warren, Druggists. THE ART OF BREWING. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP GOID Bears the Signature Tiierollitiion of ai'lty roail ami hiII wa fHot that be waa in Amxrinan territory. lisruHwl inrmiaiitpraiile lomth, and tlieronn The oflioer overtook and arresl.'d Perry, rU'troiirluslon waa loliistrucl the ctly marshal who bad SKI.UIU in dust. At Nalato, loroiin-t Hie Mine. when tbe Columbian oame op. tbe N.vlcl r'ilr nl rriw walk arltol to, I policeman and prisoner took paaaage on u.t the motion prrvallrd u ubinii lo nit her for lawon Ultf . nen the Uolnro Urn pit l.iMir the routrwt lo lurnlsh Hi I bian reached Eatfle City, Collector Ivey lumber ncrwry. demanded the priaoner and mooey. The An ari'llratlmi a priwiilut for a lloina to Canadian ultloer demurred wben lvev ilrate iIumiIIuk ttalli-ry, sililch carried drew a revolver and threatened to about over ml nest mwiln. him on lee the priaoner a given up. Tin t.ruMitlon of etal.llhin a hy.lranl t- Finally, Ivey puhed the cRloer aiile Ueeu th two warehouse! waa diieuMKl ami and look the prisoner. Hiving the oltl -er Iheflreaiut water eommlltee wi liistriieteil to I a receipt l.r the prisoner and money. iwertatti eol aiul tvfotl al nenl mertma. (In the aiialr being reported al INwino The mayor ma.le an appeal fr a mil more City, Crown Proe-ontor Wade and a de lluhl from lh tn' rouu.t lh comer Ihl hl lachmeot of police took pi on the of llefimeri rehouse, ami tn eoiinrii eoiu Heartier 1'oweri to purine the prieorer, elu.le.llt a worihy roni.lrilon. Th rttstrl- and retake him at all costs. Tbe captain tuition of Hi aame finally rteri.le.1 Moman and offlcere of the Columbian bave all rromiii for nneamt lh other in l o-ate.t al made aflldnvita aa to bo tbe prisoner ih 1 1. !.) feui-e near lh corner, thai n ' wa eeeured. There Is much diaeUMlon tulithl rn li Hie i.rl,le rhln Iheereea. I over the matter, and a fnll fCfXirt liM ( oiim lloiaii elmoii ofeiir.1 up l in an nnpor-1 rieon atil Ml IJHawa. Uul uli)e. I of roa.1 Imprmemeiil, hli h piw i ll'ltaM a leiiihy illsriiHlnn nillyl(i a I n-l .linl of toiin.l loalo. route llman Kasinns rew eliieiil and ! an appropilaU coin- lrlin nl our rliy wltU lhelltlel up fleet i f J Ihr eiHiiiiaM III enlli harbor, when lb far mer get iln the hill Into our inl l.l a return iiiri,the detro tlon t helr fleet, olu lo II, hi. I leu houMef. cbm hole, elc. I on- Co lime, malt a j nuney over the load more tvnufotUlile f ir the ieti-er. tl that la Bol the primary reaaoq why they I much money U roving madtfed. The freight triltii) I what A i o - l t' I CIO I I w b "ii la -4 hi. ikiii i, a i.i4. i.e. i .r , Ie. r , I I o-l j.fMl. "II , .. I im-Uiiuti'ril Slid ini tit flly tiring la the w nt pr.,flt and It i 1 u on the frel, the management depend tn bring the on lh Investment iu the M. Kvery Urn a hSf mile of tu Ihel Mitt (III t i;,mr, it nieau U Coal and le Wear OU the rolling o(- and itii'ief trni null ii, Ibxif.nea saving In wg . N i na I tied ever Waa ma t ik imiHdli. N.i m ney I , nl to ltter lnt.a than lh i rl,t proviag roaltied. "Apply Ihl l.i )uur CHiutry road, and ynn will m bt the cae are parallel. Yuar country oeiniun ran- t n I money Uller than t i put It Ihl g.M. road." In the gron; waa a iiinircul ttr- a. Hon shouM l taken, ami oUi lh uh-1 a. ritlon of l lo I1 al.tet la thai ol a Ilk u in I rum lh county, ami tlirtitH lh oll.i- tall, .ii of V.t llyn.1 t Vlnor, a K rnith Inpretlou laau lounellinaa eperry aaalu I i tie l Utte thai th ai.iiiry aa i.le. lo le-l .antaae llieiix rte n-aer.olr lh ul )e I ot ill lh meeting on. lu.lnl with a few remarks of i.ainitHH hy Major Motian lolh w rOf inarabat. lot ut iHiratcr. i Weak Lungs If you hive coughed nJ 1 coughed until the tiningftrvenv $ brine of your throat and lungs U infUmcd Scott's Emulsion Timber Culture, Final Proof. t mTHii STti I.anii Oirn a. The Panes, tir , i-nl. H. v. OTK'K H II KKI. BY 1.IVKN 1 MAT THHV lore, of rlulil Ml o. has tiled m.tii'p of Intention 1 1 make final proof helor V. I'rawfonl. rouiilv rlerk at his ottlr In Heppner, Oregon, on We.lnes.lar, the I'Uh ilar nl I ii I.iIht, lw. on tlmlH-r eulture appllratlon Mi. :tmi, lorlhfHK '.of avctlnn No. li. In Ti No. an, K No. I'I K ft. M. He name a wit- iieaaea: K.liiar I). Iacti. frank I'. Vaughn, t'lmiie Amluraoii, Leslt Leaeh, all of high I Mie, "r, v r. l.i a-'Kl Register. And now the entire world Knows this verect product As the Star Brewery beer..... 'IV On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY CO., 203 Wa St., Portlang.Or NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Orru i at IaUixii. Oskoo. Kentemtier i l'". VOTK'K M IIKRFRY fil'KN THAT TH K I lo'l.iMlng naiiu-d settler has nllel notice 1 oi nil '.iiieiiilun to make r.ual proof lu aupiKirt of his claim, ami that aahl pro.. I will he ma.le I iH-iore lh I iiiinty lerg of Morrow I'oiiutv, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on October Is, l"eai, ui; AI.I1FKT MiRTON. of (liiMane, Oregon. Ihl No. for III SWa iee. I.1. I up I ft, R H K. M. He nami-a the following wttneaae lo prnr I nia roimiiiiniia reaiuene upon ami cintn ailon I ol aahl laml, tit Amlrew J Cook. Jauie I'ear-1 on. ol Heppner. Oregon, lv llialt. llltain III. II ol liunlaiie, Oregon, a. W. HtBTi.lTT. ' Keglaicr. Notice of Intention. l.o Orru a at I.(.a.i.i. Oh s. Alltfll.l 1.1 I K' . VOT1' K t IIFHKHV lilVEN THAT 1 H K I iV folloo lug name.1 rlllrr ha fllcl II.. 1 1, el nl her Intention lo make Rnal .r . n .iii i.rt ol her i lalm, ami thai aahl lo.. will he ma.le I M iore the I nnnly I l.'ik l Morrow I mini) , or Heppner. Oregon, on Iepl I,, j : MU IIAKI. R OALUiw AY.ol Heppner. Or.. Il l sa Mi tor. S'4 NH, ami !', HK'4 c it rpi R r. v. M He name lh folio lug wltneaaea In tMe hlaeoiitlmion reai.leiu-e up an. rnlutallon ol aid lan.l. l I' Hrown, ),m Hei-lor. M.J. i ietin, ami A. I. elatnp, all nt Hrpimer. Or. K. W, RaatHTT. Heglter, Clothing Made to Order 0 Wo wisli to inform our friends and the public that we have appointed jVHitox' & Co. M-lling ngentu fur cur ceh-hratod MADE TO ORDER CLOTHING. They have our complete line of nam and are prepared to take your measure for a fnn unit. it o o it NOTICE OF INTENTION. IV 4 t of Cod-liver Od will soothe. itrcngthcn And probably cure The cod-liver oil feeds vnd lav wbn ullJ a foi f tf, let i u.r . oat. O.f'la fr. in M l-.rkl , r.l n " ' Hta' v Fiatk i'.,ll..aii ,jt la lh) liliew al ,1 linoilira . ,o.. if.. ii.. Mai.R,iu.. Im strenrthens the weakened tis i-r i f court; 4 sues. The glycerine soothes i (btWilAI. IxnatT tilat ut l).ea.. ya. V Asaanll wilb tUugerou wwa; jqrf l m tmpirt ton And VigOf, U..I. WM..l,aoto1ii.aa4iier..ijM,i - nefWct tUu covthu 'TZXu-n..... h. 1 tWoltUiuUonmATio Jjcii.... lM.mi---.ti i-laiaur? rwfvuim f mof 'or Y0 ww thAn ten i a l th Aikd he -Is them. The hypo- IS aa. lu Kwiue. phoaphites of ttitic And soJa (- ; Jar; m Impirt tone And vifor. Don't S One I tOlM t AT Taa liAUts ra Ahgtiel i. tA OTH It M HRRPRY l.tVr H 1 H f 1 M If .,llollig lame. aellier haa A.e.1 n. n hi tnttttn htase final .ea, la t'i f1 ot hi t latin, ami that aapl t.l.a.1 will M m.le ivliila V I .l..f I (u,ilil I let. Il.ri ' -f. Cm in. on -alur-lay, apleit,lf IT i M RAN k I 11 WII.I.KnlU', Ito.iiealrat appllratlon .AO ..t II, e lgV II, ,,. II, .,'loang wlll.ean l.i p-.. F-t , ..hhiiiio'H li.) !. 1 f,. f i,!l I, allot) m aa). I la !. l )' Jaieea A Pmn. A -el A llo al W , H. M. Ao.l.r l lvl.tgioii, Or, g.oi. j r.t i 'I ' h. f Tatronize an On-pm industry that tmplovu nfveral hundrel nun, and tlMiUfantli of dollairt worth of Ka.xtern Oregon wool. THE SALEM WOOLEN MILLS Portland and Salem. J. L BOWMAN, A-t-t. r I Hi I ,.'lOk p.. M 1 , , ... . I .. A ,., ,1 I ..r a . .... .t i.,.i j ' "'lin. b.n ln M.I a.oi. ta Wairelun- . I.f. el y from r. j T I. -to If ."."fa al miu"ej viwna , liter. t,f toiaiea, , , k ,, ( ,.(,,i ile.J (in'.!) J anil -aj. Z,T?-X'V:.n ? ,w-.M., .4 lmt. r.. ,.f t... I.. -re W la t kKenilvMhva ' ktaa) rw -a. , l U.( i J. Vi MAt. CX 11 Ll a (an do liter on. Be turt yru bo- get SCOTTS EmuUlon. SOI HE tif 1S1E.TH. Limi "" i ww. 4t.m i At Ts i.ii. (,., , aplr,iw. I 1 NfTt. itrnnv i.ia tdt im l: i.-a O.g ai.-t a. ll'rf ha. f ir.l m .l 1-ta o...n I.. ii.. fi.iai pr.4 In ai (,.( M gv j ha lm, a'vl li,l r,i sl.l l .. .... I. 1 II. l . t.i.a :..., t 0 I . .l-a e r.,1 f f . Ut ll K,-f l taw i fk H : it X el tl"-o. h.-n ..... ((. ...,. n p i ..,.. i. t , . , . , r w lie !. I ! iiimw f e.. g V . . h.. ,. . . . . I . . . . . . Ml -------- .-- - . a - I i That 14-Ycar Old Stuff, "Kohn's Best." .... On Tap Down at The .... Telephone Saloon k atk a. HM tfe . - . V - - - .P. AMte (00lM , Ijr.v TIWUWW) Ir. ft A ftOVtPt. Uw-M. rm Tl I . !.- J.I r r. t