Advertisers If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the "columns of the OFFICIAL PAPER. Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news Ffoin Jthe Scatof ar. GAZETTE. fcj- i SIXTEENTH YEAR THE HEPPHER GAZETTE Published every Tuesday and Friday - BY CORLIES MERRITT, Editor and. lCazj.a.erer. SUBSCRIPTION On Year -Six Months Three Months RATES- SI. 50 73 50 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application.. Entered at the PoBtoffice at Heppner. Oregon a second-class matter. THIS PAPMBU kept onflle at E. 0. Date's Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 merchants Bxchangs, Han Irancisoo, California, where cou raots for advertising can be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8 . ing agent, 21 Merchauts' Exohang Build ing, Ban irancisoo, Is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file at his office. , 0. R. & N. Local card. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p . m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1205 a. ni. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a. m. and ar- iiw at neupner o:uua m. Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 v. ui. uu imm hi neppner Junction 7:50 D. m, and Umai ilia 8i60 n. m. ... . Portland Express No. S, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla :U0 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .iu. niiu arrives hi i-oruana 12:00 a. m. last Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 d. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:i5 a. m, and at Fast Mail No. 1 leave Umatilla U:10 p. m. and arrives at tieppner Junction 12:25 a. m. and at For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. HiN., Heppner, Ore. OFE-ICI.A.X. DIEEOTOET. United States Officials. Piefident. William McKinley Vine President.. Oarret A. Hobart Sooretary of State , w H Seortary of Treasury Lymnn J, Gage gcntary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War liussell . Alger Secretary of Navy. . Jm D. Long Poftinaster-General., Charles Emery Smith AMoriioy-Oeneral John W. ttriggs Secretary, f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Wovernor y, P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kinoald lrT pTV I- PWl- 'e'han Biipt. Publio Instruction H. M. Irwin Attorney General c. M. Idleman Senators W. MoBhde Oouareestnen 1 A!"-H;,tonn . . I W. a. Ellis Printer w. II. Leeds ( R. 8. Bean, upreme Judges I V. A. Monro, ( C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. !-oott Judge Stephen .Lowell r.os-wuiiDu Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow (Jonnty Officials. . HauHtor... ... J - W. Miirrnw etrntative.. L, L. Freeland ..A. M. Bartholomnw J. U. Howard Vawter Crawford ontjr Jmlge ' I'uiiuulmioners,, . J. W. Beckett. " Clerk Sheriff ' Treasurer , AssMseor... tinrveyor.M School Hup't... ' Coroner r.. L. Matlock M. Lichtonthal ......... A C, Pette)i Julius Keithly Jay W. Hhipley Dr. K. H. Hunlock BKPPXxa tows orncms. Mm Thoa. Morgan .ounniinen K. J. niorum, M Linhtonthal, J. R. Simons, J, J. Roberta, J. W Rasmus and IL U. Suerry. KoorUnr W. A. Richardson rramoror , L. W. Ilrigg Uarmhal John tiager Precise t Olflecrp. i nstioe of the Peeoe W. K. Richardson 1 untUOls u. B. bray Halted Statrs lAad OffiMn. THK DA1XU. ClB. rsy P Lucas Hiatr Otis Pattnmon llaoaiTer K. W. rtartMt Rwlntor hA OBARDB. 01 J. O. Hwackhsimer . nacelver xcstacT aximxa. tawuNs fost, a. a. n. Mo at Heppnvr, Or., the third Haturday of wrwi Dlimw, iu mfnvi m wviiM 1. 1 , MD. W. W.Mmith. H W.Mea. AdJotaot, tf CmnaAitsr. D. J. McFaul, M. D. tlErPNER, OREGON. Office hours, s to 10 a. m., and 11 to 1 p. m at mideM-e, and 10 to li a. ta , andllnsp m.. at oOire III Ilia tt of jewelry stnre. C E Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In First national Batik building. Htppntf, Orrtrni. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. A H bnl iw stonitwl la Id r4nf n4 alttwbry mriur. taMe ttb. tic and ( tiirUira 0e KalUf 1 tulldtng. Rrikr. Orogrw. D. D Cllman GENERAL COLLECTOR. tNt fotif old Nmlis e4 tuKm In his tiamle and fuvf Knwf wit at th Make a specialty ol kard rt-. Uue. 0ee I J n. Ines'i Mining. Upetr. Or, W. A. Richardson JVSTICK or THE I FACE un4 CITY KEIVRPIR. tmm el rii6HI (t.emte lis sag Ws tl rie fcnMM, ff Sm 4-e Mn siwli, iM will era fmt ie f way U kk) HMD, t nMai 0. B. Matt TON Sot! I AL AkTl.1t. wh.vlftf, a Hal Ctrtti. , IS C.t as tstlvfe O-f aaf. Mathews & Gentry fiAtxtum. SwevtMf a If C.n Heif Cttft 23 ' ? g pt k ri w f-m i-m, f . .. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " CASTORIA.'' ANn "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis, Massachusetts was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear ynrT- on every the fae; smile signature ofCC9 wrapper, This is the original "C AST0 R I A" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at. the wrapper and see that it is me mna you nave always bought ana Has the signature per. No one has authority iW wumu, uumpuny, or wmcn march 24, lays. mr f j - . Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it) the in gredients of which even he does not know. " The Kind You Have Always Bought " BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TM. .TUS CO-WHY, TT MUSSAT TR.tT. NEW VORS OITT. FlggT ational pNK RHEA. KUEA. v.- .. .;::; "'" Transact a General r n ?XC"AN0E 0!i ALL PARTS OP Collection, made on ..1 pomtson reason.,,., 00TS AND SHOES THE PLACE Th,, I,.,,. .. .. SHOES IN ALL THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO.'S bciim express Is comlM. Does deliver work on short order. IU cents ...,( nn. wards. This ws anon Is No. 4. and Ichvh your order with it, or at 'Central'' tele- fiiuue onice. IVe Move Anything!. LIUHHTY MAHKUT THE OLD SHOP! I; the plaxa to go lo get yonr fine pork nd lamb ihope, stoaks and rtwste. fleh Evarv FrMaw rlue.iirarnirr1 limns and hacoo Pnmlur BenJ. Mathgwg. NEW NAME I Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable Tlio Central. 'T r Charf rewnnahle. Call on him and have tour burs well wed lr. iiraiOTON ci rv Stage Line B. f. MILLER, rr.e) TheepMl end smut dl r-rt mnta I, JhB fxy rtl l S l . M. Arrtra .1 1 ..i , ,.. laMbware. , ,., twt IBM ki.ra,eitutin(w iifc mine. pp flarrase t " r II M 'e T'i ft s in s u Msrdmae Mnittntit llamliffn ! ' fws . F" sl(f ,, i'i lt ,, " Mr a. ! l l'4 mm wiik trains al ( ka . H.ilngttnrkM op IMs Una HMm togi'lrM ci.asspr..elnh. kM.,w ' 1 ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGELINE if. nrri) ? . A. U. O'MLVIC j re pneiofg. fARC rfOM ARLINGTON TO Ittmtui trip IVMfc4 fig I".'. v Ifia - u4 llp ". leevae Artlrgkai dey aiawptwH) el k i le dee V '.".' ' J f M nl.e at f II at 7 p. fe I .n.Ue r..J gi:?,rf en 1 H$e1tj i'lfgrg, I1EPPNER, MORROW on the Hrnn. of from me to use my name excevt mas. H. Fletcher is President. ---- - VVvWW .r. 7 . . , . OF HEPPNER. PrMl(lnn( I (1 W rnwaun . t"'":--- uastner I c u. rKiiKiJ&KD..A8Bi8to UBBbier Banking Business. THE WORLD BOUGHT AND BOLD term. Burplu. and undlvfded prtflU W. TO GET THEM IS Or CO. LATEST STYLES. Rgpalrlrig Speolalty bl'OKANlia PKflt'rAIB. 1 WIU Attract the Attentloi of the Wld World to Oar ialaod empire. ill. i'gomo Northweit ! legrning g lesion from tbe Spokane frail fir. E.r 100. tbt institution wee gtgrted t Bpokttn. 11 bag been aa dertigf.roeol for lb. Inlaml Emplrg whiob ig 00 rqoglled by toy olber metbodi whlob bve been gUetnptert. Tb. rsl of lb eouulry ig bcyiooing to regliza Ibig. As trwalt ttber grU uf lb. oooolr; (rl tbi thy most Jo forthflr gKotioog whet Hpokeoe beg doos for tbe ooaotry lying bet-eo lb. Hooky rnotinlaioe .a J the 0wcd.. Taoomg g pUooiog tbia kind of work, Heetilg boeiueag mo ere gri onely talking of liking it op, Wbgtoom ooanty iotnudg lo hg t fair end other oonotie r. eruint( that tbey ere misg inir eometbiotf. Tbe eotifillrg god districtg within tbe Inland Empire elrrady know Ibe (real benefit wbtebtbe fralt fair bee Uo lo Ibem aod maoy of tbem are do aopple mnllog Ibesood work wblohiabeiog none at npugeot ,ge0 ttttt if ooobI and disiri.t fat re. Lest fear tbia wae dou. ab1 tbie year it ig being done li!l more gorelly. Wall Wall, and Whit tneo eoontlee are meklog e peel el pt paratiooe tbie ye.r fur fruit Mrg of lb-ir ota, Ktee tbe gtete fair at Tekima baa re iJ an impalne frexo tbe wonderfal enwea of Ibe Hp..keoe frail and Ibie jr.r will be far larger aad Utter tbao ffer Uf..fa, And all tbsew eiaaty aad dietriol frg u.hine to make fruit fair al Hpnkaae wbieb ie now the grralaet aeaeej fruit display lo the Ceiled But-a, aad wbicb Ibie )er will be aliened by rtiaey tboo ean t mare people than ever bfre. Tb IBego.llrsnt bwteet faelivgl pr. a r&iio a,d a t.aif long, .hi jj pifefiiy wr. ,.f fjm.l.e II, e if .dM it r,t t,tpmt atIL,ug Ulfit 1 1. ! t (ly IM A Clever Trteti. Ilrwrlelnly . ,g ,, , bol tbr l felly 10 Itiik eb.til it. Atybrnlyeea iff II -bo baa Is me berk and wa.k kid ae, meiaria i.r trcnl.tiw nl '' .e!f r.gbt t,. taking Klernrw I'.tUra. Tbt icuJ, P tie h..a . .(,,. a-.- . fy i:ier eh.) bai,, ..u,. i L ' m 1 "'. --d Tflefl l.tMare e. I la tnt, "J efe ft 'tt; m ,,t f,.,, h Hi. n.tU.I (J lr ii ' t-:.g al t,:-:!n t-,j ( r- a,, f Uj w.vfyt COUNTY, OREGON, - 1 . A! Governor Lord n.vm D A I tion on the Subject REASONS IHOT GIVEN FOR ITS GALLING An Opportunity Given the , New Members of the Legislature to Reflect . Credit on Our State Associated Press Dispatches. ; Salem, Sept. 6. The following Btate executive oflSica today: State of Oregon, Exeoative aa, matters of vital importance to seem to require the convening of session: "Now, therefore, I, William P. me vested as Rovernor of the state vening of the two houses of the legislative assembly of the state of Oregon, in speoial session at the state capitol, in Salem, on Monday September 2(3, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m.of which all who bhall, at that time, be entitled to act as members of said body, are hereby required u inner iiuuut), "Given under my hand and the this 6th day of September, A. D. "Wsr. P. Lord, Governor. 'Attest: EI. R. Kincaid, Secretary of State," A copy of the proclamation was mailed to eanh m Am riArola,.l the legislature. The governor did not set out state unofficially his reasons for calling the special session, preferring to follow the precedent established by earlier governors iu reserving them to be incorporated in a message to the lemslahirA bn vened. It can be stated, however, that the election of a senator to fill Oregon's vacant seat in the United States senate when congress convenes in December is one of Hi 1)11 ma . ik , -w. f .1.- 1 1 , . - r. ..u ""jouio Ul IUO OBU. Anotner is the passage of a general ppropriation bill, to cive the rvuvaum.u.suauuuacuRDBeio longing to it in order - 8i tarn tha minlurcafiAn fAA rMnm l i .u...,.uu am iuiu ouiauKiements entaiiefi hv thn r iitsi legislature to orgauize. The call gives but 20 days' i"""""1" 1B ireauy apparent arouoa the state offices. Biennial re- : i i pons are not required for a spuoial -. , isuu uu uiuuiai wants TniP 'arw.rin a .-. .1 . ft! I i O0k wo juciaeni to tne preparation devo vea on th t worn day ana mght and tho foroe r quires. The janitors wore orderel to putting the rooms in order today. buppliea for the regular sessiou - 4 I i ,. wuuut purcuasea in time lor tue aiafa will ...I... . j i omit:, trum now until tna lAiru utura n.muonr.. i.:.. i j,utiiuoeo Bujjpuog louepenaeot or a Ivortisement. A special session of the locinlature si i -x w mteaknr, Ureg n a hint governor, ceiving news that Oregon had been admitted into tbe Union, and for the purpose of enacting laws regulating the ataU dopartments accord, ingto the provisions of the ooustitutipn. In 1865, .pecial sewion wm called by Governor Gibbs to ratify the amendment ( tl, lotion relative to alavery. Governor M.xxly called the logislatore to. gether la sinl .o-Hioi, in im to elect a United States tiuator to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of Ganeral SUtor'a term the regular session having failed to elect , ' Uoder the territorial government pectal soag.oo in 1., ratiSml inaugurated (kveruor AberuetUv. a special aosmou 10 1S.2 to have the location for the capital agreed on, and a rearrugmM,t of judicial districts mad, but the r,'"uu,m U1" l"r " iuuuk nvuviuituauiDg ariyiuiug. Ibe coiiatitutioual limit for a apodal apaaiuo is 20 days. Thre ! now io the state treasury onward of il fUM) iW .rt il are ouULud.og warranU again.l tue special aea.ion will be organlzl and gt through with tbe propnatiou bill by the let t,l OctoUr, I3,(W) or mor ia illtetmt Jj be savml. free freeler g Hanre. Mr. Fregier, Ibe Oregos aebileoien wbo g raeimc Cbrballg Is Ihg Eaet, baa beeoneeal boree tr elae be ie Ibe oel drewlvej neo In Ibe orlJ, eerg AeBertr0 Mpurtaman. At Fort frls) W. Parrr Teiiur eff.rl lobar Ibe Merk boree, Ibe owner ilfered q ehow Ibree bealg ia Il erao gale, Tbe pr if boree of oiafi ga. ge galtefaHorr, Imi Sir. 7alf Atti ,m "lUU.iee wl.ew t.e laarntl bal b.b blg ete eailt Ia t,ta h,,...'. 0 - --aj w lH- Hl Ihree l,a,lg 2 g Nar fulaler isJ in aakg ,a rielwmae. te leeg h4 " fel lira.I, laegriij, parv. mt, are tribtf nb iw.lae gaj pMee, nf , fle l g Hr.. fcafiUe eisatlf fjate tnr aar.. r fUe aal etinrbaw t e WwA ae I leg. tte It Ibe q,ieJlle feaaM tyi lh fgarvee ai4 (entrieH Ibe abil Il gereg all tlj before. jg. U " f'g I i::gerr,ts Jtij.eag., t'i : i:f i' 1 i'f, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBERTlim RA SESSION Ends all Specula proclamatiou was iasafid fmm ia Department, Sept. 6. 1898. WhBr the people of the state of Oregon the legislative assembly in special Lord, by virtue of tha Rnt,hnritw i of Oregon, do hereby direot th ra . , . ereat seal of the r,f 1898. ' in the proclamation, nor ornnM L ciar up all business properly be state's affairs over to the nPxt i ..... notice, and activity in mMntt ,a . . e f sees on. but th lAmalfr , a g . . to oe caugut napping. The great will ba increased - - wmv;c kurj V. I U i U ft, I il force will ai necessity re. prepare fur the session. ftnJ h..n have beeu adverti,! fr hnf i.- . . 'cr special sess be. a,i th nrUi. ' . . . . w-w uiiTeiuur in ia9. It was called Umn ra- the legislative cointnilte mftl i the provisional conetitution and Territorial (ioVwirnnr (l 'tnn ..11.. 1 "o urgent buainog. ftu, .Ijournal half that amount Aaeumioa th.r well etgiig frail reir. The earoa, aijog Wallaj Wells t al ,'0,, trmiiNHw U e KM-t gale ebla ar.. loltreiiof etept. IfiMinc. Ui.f egened at aa fitt.e ( 3. ai, aat aa etkibit talaH el 00 . UJ .HI be di.,lgfM. t'.b ilgae win beml f -res.r. l, fcf tmt, fraiee, raaM aJ tglble, 4a (.r-greej ..II U arraage.l fr eat, rl.i A lmMei. naif n wle fr a,He ar.,1 I'l eeuie lut Hella Hall el bae Ibe ptu enj euef.s t rj to Me etcraM. ' lrael t,Ul (.ereae la l .lvWaa,.Mlr Itaw ,, k..a WtWfwt afc.l wU, MMMf Wlaagaa ,.Umtrt t.Ma, I ,k. ,H knm, Ur aw rrfg Ike kM etgaais , aaxs ll teniae aa Ike exl-ile I e eai'fa t.r s n s I, I in. alM tbe HI, sU 4-a raMH. laa r.M a4 staM ' g l4iM.-w.we e4 r..aa,fa.., ttf,H the aaM r ' I K .mi.1 s t, e-.w g,.4 ,a,.a n,KlHm, this sisr,t aa,iif eaa-tb iaa Usa.t ,a I raiaat a.aiae eM n.MM,a, e4 lwa.e lwl'eei.i tM ' it .,,,, aa . !4,.is St"" It.,.. ,,h , ft II sssir.el I a. .,1 , ..... .. rwtg ewVvl, m 1,. OREGON AR0CBED. Indignation Oyer tbe Shameful Treatment of Onr Volnnteera. Salem, Sept. 3. Distressing repoits continue lo reach families at Salem who have members among the Oregon volun teers at Camp Merrill, but now removed lo Presidio, and there ia a deep seated and growing feeling at the shameful treatment tbey have reoeived at the hands of the war department. There are 300 men there from Oregon. mostly youDg, men who left good bomos and many f, om tbe best families, who bave undoubtedly suffered severely, are yel suffering, and many will ye! suffer all their lives from want of proper food, shelter, comforts and medical attend auoe. If true as reported and published, and there is painful anxiety 00 the part of parents aud relatives to have these vol nnteers return home or join tbeir regu lar companies. Parts of seven compan ies are al 'Frisco. No one seems to have authority to apeak or act for Oregon in this distressful situation and the people must speak and act. The soldiers are not state troops aod tne state of Oregon as suoh is in no wise responsible. They were mastersd in in response to a call from Ibe Doited 8tates government to fill up tbe maximum aompaniea already organized and in the field. Governor Lord telegraphed bia objections to the war department al Ihn lime and ineisted that abatallion should be raised and oflloered by appointees from Oregoo. This was not done and tbe troops have been without oflloers either regular or state and their snffer ingsBud undisciplined oondition were no doubt increased by tbe irregular manner in which they were sent into oamp, There is a general expression among Salem people, and it will grow stronger as tbe pnblio come to better understand the facts, in fayor of calling a masa meeting to express indignation and de mand the Immediate return of the troops to their homes in Oregoo. Mayor Rioberdaon expressed himself this morn ing to tbe effect thai something mast be done. His son Boyd, a medioal gtndent at 'Frisco just returned from a visit to the Oregon troopg in oamp, aayg they have been shamefully neglected, and tbat tbe men tbemselvea corroborate all tbat bag been charged. Governor Lord is expeoted borne from tbe eeagbore and go far aa be baa power will no doubt act promptly to relieve the Oregon boye. lie might do ag tbe gov ernor of one state did, charter aapeoiel trgiu and bring Ibem borne, god the people would uphold biro in go doing. That tboee in power and authority tbonld take steps at once goes without aayiugiog. THB OKUIUN AND II KH CAPTAIN. One of Ibe Crew of Ibe rlattlreulp Now ia Orrgua. Tbg reoord-bresklDg ran of tbg battle bip Oregoo le told by Joho Keooed, of Ellenaburg, wbo took part in the sinking of Cervere'g fleet god ig now io Portlaud maklug a brief visit, gai! to a Telegram reporlor: "We eall Captain Clerk," aaid be, "'HmilioK Clark'. He wore bia usual gmile daring the thick of the battle "We were not oneeey aa to bal the Oregon ooold do. la ber trip around liw Horn aba goo wed ag ber poloig, Tbroogb tbg HtrerU of Magellan, a dieleboe of iiliO mllre, we made 17 koole aa hour, with two eoebore dragging io ibe water. " When we glarted 10 cbaae of thn Viwaia and CrielnbalColoo.tbeerjr wae, Uoot worry, Itosg; we'll overhaul Ihrro like greened ligblaing.' And we did. "Hooa we eortimrored lo ome op, and et four aod a belf mil distant Li.u teoaot fcberly, wilb 1'1-lnob gno. eangbl ibe Uuloa feir and emigre, Ibe big projrntile going through theeaptaia'e aabia. It wee a great sbol and did Ibe basioeee. At fonrinilea Overetreet.wilb big H lnrh goo, pu one through Ibe Colon's bow. We bed en of ibe Coloa'e mco aboard tbe Oregoo for eone tine. aod Ibey told me Ibal Joring Ibe Bgbl ber lifflwg killed I I fireman, wbo gave oat and eoold pot do therwork, aad attempted to leave tbe Are bole. 'During ibe Utile Celts la (lark wae earool and eell-oeg,i a nan aa joo war eew. I brawte Inarrkua rereg Tbie ia to certify tbat I bave bad ebrnnig diarrhea ever aioee tbg aar. I goteo aaak I eoold hardly walk or d aafthiBg. One bottle of CbamWrlaio'e Onltf, Cholera !ierrbo lUmady eared ire e,ood end well. J. R. (tmn, Klocastlr, Va. I bad et.riabie dierrbowa fof leelre yegrg. Tbre U.i 1 leg ,,f CbamUrletN'e O.IK Chr.Uro aad ftiarrbnea lUoiedr eo'e-l n,e, H. I. Masvea. I ioeaeile, Vg. iUAh Mr. Ilibtni end Mr. Mbaver are trnonnaat lartsete eed reul gear rieeaetle, Va. Tby f"warel Ibe reoje ty Imra Mr. W. K. ( aepar, a drag g el of ibel pleeej, te well Minaia el Mh lb and alii voe.b fr Ibe Iretb i4 their eleteoele. fof eale try lea 4 War rea. RteerfMtdy Caf s mm, rWir-et an t I all arl. Ibe etnat waa- j a,f I in .1. al l'ntf a( Urn aea I e n a.4 fraiitg t tfca lea at a-I ganuy i I ( U' if nm gi laots, lar ea4 kr.waie, 1 1,. ... ..a a m 4 I ri.a, t " ... , la- f . I a'St a ,maej j g. ! t,. . , i.Ke .a l.f el irr a lg ' It 4r !'. 4- Vu.eva Si J V j w,4 it hf 14 irvi,l' " NO. 682 WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. Following ia the weekly weather and orop bulletin for tbe state, furnished the Gazette by B. S. Pugue, under date of September 5ib : , WESTERN OBEGrOX. Cooler, with olouds aod rain, was the weather for the past week. Kin, ao compaoied by thunder, ocourred in tbe southern portion on Monday and Tues day; on Friday night rain fell in the northern portion; the former amounted to about three-quarters of an inoh, the latter one-quarter. The mean temper ature for the week averaged 60 degrees, vuioo was v deg. lower than for the preceding week and 2deg. higher than; for the corresponding week of last year. During this week, one year ago, generol and quite heavy rain fell. The highest temperature dnring the week was 76 deg., on Sunday ; the lowest 44 deg., this morning. A feature of espeoial notice is the absence of smoke. It is usual for this season of the year for the smoke, from forest fires, to be so dense that ob- jects one-half mile away oannol be seen; while this year Mount Hood has been quite clearly seen from the city of Port land every day, when not obscured by olouda. The rains were of 00 benefit, except to lay tbe dust; no damage resulted there from. Bop picking has oommenoed and is progressing most favorably; it will beoome more general from today. The weather during the pB8t week wag quite favorable for the development of bop lice aud mold; Ibe low temperature ohecked the injtny oommenoed by tbe rains. Reports from hopyards indicate thai the hops are a good orop and much oleaoer than usual. Lice and mold are muoh less plentiful than they bave been for several years; this is probably due to tbe warm, dry weather of August, the clearness of tbe eky, which prevented the humidity from beooming high, and tbe comparatively low lemperatureB pre vailing during the cloudy weather of tbe past week. The grain orop ig practically out of the way. Some threshing ig still In be done, but the bulk of the erop Is iu etore bonses. Work ie now centering in hop. fields and orchards. The Bartlett pear orop hag been gathered, and it ig reported to be very large. Prune drying baa oommenoed and is being aotively pushed iu all getitiong. The prune crop ig go large tbat there are not guffloienl dryers U handle it; gome are making prune brandy. The apple orop is maturing; it, likewise, ia verp large. Melong of all kindg are plentiful. Beans are being harvested. Sorghum aud gweet potatoes oontion growing. Corn is not filling well. Pasturage ie good and tattle are la fine condition. Fall plowing ban oommenoed in a few looalitieg. The farmere are rapidly cleaning up tbeir aeagon'g work, aud are now prepariug for the fairs, exposition, etc. The season bag been fruitful and guootssful. lAgTIBR OKIOOK. Sbowerg with thunder, or lbs regnlt of tboodergtorm conditions, occurred oa AogastWtbto Slsl and September 81, amounting to from a Irene lo 0.23 of aa inoh. Tbe meaa tempereturg for Iba week avereged fiO deg., which wag 10 deg. lower than for the preoeding wet-k and 8 deg. higher than for the corre sponding week of last year. During Iba eame week of leal year heavy and gen eral rain Ml. Tbe blgheal txroperalara daring Ibe wet k wag 78 drg , 00 Friday j tbe lowrat, 40 degree, on Sunday mora. Ing. I a Unit o c uoty ooceidereble grain ta ettll lo be cut; Wecwbere It is practically all cuf, tbotigb not ibreabed. In gee. liong tbrrehiug la well along, in others It ia about Oulehed, lUporte continue oa lo Ibe favorable yield. One corre spondent rrporte: "The giain crop tbia '. ia quality dJ yield, Ig the 11 lo 14 yearg," Many oorrrepondentg report Ibal Ihg gram erop is op lo all experte liong, aiid aeeiperlationg were high a good erop bee reeulled. I'all seeding baa eoiiimenood. Some are en wing u tbe duel, la Ibe bot e that Ibe raina will give It proper poeuioa. Ong eorrrspottdftfii repotte: "Prunee, early apulra, Meokbrrriee and imaebeg era abundant, and are tit.g aim p 1 1n oneiderable eilanl. Tbraahlog le over, and s larger grain erop Ibaa ueual bee beea et .led away. Haled bay and etraw, potato palebae, cor efl-l Is. eli p-l maa bias, and eumeroog Ul ratlU wan. derieg aver ll.e tipent ail Indicate com frl for it. an and beast during the e.miog winler." reporte: "Clover an I elfa'fa bave bean n leice, and are growli.g eg tn for pasture," Frail le maturing and bring st,i ( e I. Praee drjltg m active. Maloi.g aaj fiaobe are large rrr g 1 bare era no edvarae rel ate from field, on bar I range. Cihj era g-wl and Ibe paoi le are ealiafliNl wild Ibe reallg W nbie s few weekg all eropa alll Im , work eroB"el for belt )tat'e er p. Tbe aeetl.ef bave Mqnd Ibelr aelen.a rl.erarlaf ahre. I Uf "'gble with war at .Uvg will prate. I, t Ibe later eluria etSilitia a; (. Heeir le rtlwa.4 iaee. Ibaa l-.. tt4Ki e t U ,n ' 4 leur WiIIwhI it. I aa. .. a -I, . I. , Im- ims t-mr .in aiJ fcnw tl It 'g ! Ury lit el iltiting a. I l ' -ir 41, a ) l a.. ... J-i...4a, l.a, I ' I'-l't I r 14 j e.t lt s. k'i I .e w ( l-r g I b-, N'.-wwta rNtMi, ftlig gva, 3