Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1898)
O. R. & N. Dkpabt TIME 8CHEDCLES Arrivb foe From Heppner. rao 9:30 p.m. Salt Lake. Denver, 4:50a.m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p.m. Ocban Stramrhips 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing dates' subject to change. For San Francisco Sail Bent. 1, 6, 11, 16, 21. 26. 7:00 p. m. To Alaska 5:00 p. m. September 17 8:00 p.m. Colombia River 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Stbamkrs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. in. To ABtoria and Way Landings. B:00 a. m. Willamette River 4:30 p.m. Ex. Buuday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and Yi ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette and 8:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivers. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Fri. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette River 4:30p.m. Tues. Thurs. Tues.. Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat. lis Si Way Land ings. Snake River. Lv. RIparia Lv. Lewiston dally except RIparia to Lewiston daily except Saturday Friday Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EASTj In through tourist crs without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouduotore and porters. U J., To Kansas Citv. Chicago. Buffalo and iUUIiUOVS, Boston without chan sre via Salt Lake. Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Rys. T.(,Jn,,0 To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and I UCSUays, B08ton without change via Salt Lake and Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. To St. Joseph, Kansas City and Ht. Louis without change via Salt Wednesdays. Lake and Burlington Route. ThnWiva To Kansas City and St. Louis with lllUrMliiys, out change via Salt Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. I A ride through the GRANT COUNTY From the Long Creek Eagle. Chas. Gentry was in the city from Cottonwood Monday. He will aoon enter the employ of J. M. Boardman and assist in the drive of another band of cattle to Montana. Walter Eeeney left yesterday for Baker City after freight for his Susan ville store. He informed that the rongb roads to Heppner made it oeoeesary for him to ohange his shipping point. B. F. Miller was over from Heppner this week looking after the latere sts of his line. Mr. Miller is a courteous gen tleman and is building op a large trade for bis line from Canyon City to Hepp ner. Obas. W. Conger and wife departed Wednesday for Heppner, from wbiob place be will depart for California on account of Mrs. Conger's health. They were accompanied by Mr. Conger's mother. Boot. Gilmore, formerly a resident of Grant county, was in Long Creek this week. Bob informs the E agle that be was reoently forcibly introduced to a baooo game In Chicago, and says be was higuly pleased with the way they work ed it. . Bobt. Stock weather and Tom Thomp son departed yesterday for their borne at Pendleton. The former gentleman a ha ml nf 9(1(1(1 ho ail nf Inmha Famous Colorado Scenery. Lhile her8) .ecariu nuo head from Michel Yiiberry for which be paid the For rates and all all Information, inquire customary prioe of 82 per head. Ike Ennis, who has bad charge of the building of the telephone line to Burns, arrived in Long Creek Monday, accom panied by bis family. The line to Burns, No dang er in ScMlling's Best tea, t IS del idioms beside s, EDUAR J. JOHNSON. of O. R, St N. and 8. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, (ion. Pass, & Tat. Agt. 2S1 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt.. Heppner, Or. Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. be says, was oompleted eon e time ago, BDd is in firstolasa working order. On his return to bis home at Heppoer, be is making needed repairs on the line wbiob when comDleted. will Diit the line in RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS Uretcl ass order. All-Bail Route Without Morris Mack informs the Eagle that I SPOKANE FALLS ft NORTHERN NELSON & FORT SHEPPARD HUE TOD GIG ERST ? If bo, be sure and see that your tioket reads via Tfie Honnwestern Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IB THX Great Short Lite BETWEEN DULUTH, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains, and Motto: "always on time" The Only Obange of Oars Botween Spokane, h. ha. ,hoD, dnnn han" nf D....lnn J J XT1 A Ian l.r.innr.r. " .. Nelson and Rossland, daily exoept 9DeeP Bnd Wl11 leave wlth them BOon for many friends Sunday: unrystai spring, worm jjaaoia, wnere be will range tbem until early winter when be will ship to tbeUbioago market. Be says that the range is flue in the Close connections at Nelson with steamers for I locality of Ohryetal Spring, at which place be bas 4000 bead at present and A. Leave. Arrive. 810 A. M HnokBne B;40 P. M. 110) A. M Rossland R: P. M. :10 A.M Nelson 8:45 P. M. Kaslo, and all Kootenai Lake points. PniuiAnffflra for Kettle River and Bonndarv reek connect at Marous with stage daily. DIN f THROUGH TICKETS TO THE East and Southeast VIA TUB 11 R. THE TU ROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACK SLKKl'KRH. PULLMAN TOUMST HLKKI'EKB. FUEK UKC LINING CHAIB CARS. Smytbe, of Arlington, 8000. G. V. Mo Haley, who bas tor years oonduoted a mercbautile establishment at Hamilton, purchased the stock of goods owned by E. O. Woodall last week. In addition to this be leased the store buildings oooupied by Mr. Wood all for one year with the option of pur chasing the anma at that time. Mr. Mo Haley has purchased a large stock of goods wbiob he will add to bis stook in this city, and In the fature will reside here and become identified with the business interests of this place. The Eagle is informed that be has disposed of bis large stock of goods at Hamilton. Portlaiul to Eastern Cities Change. Without Death of Ueorgs H. Hadsoa. Lute press dispatches oontain the A Letter From Cavite Gives Particulars of His Death and Burial. Pendleton Tribune. A letter written July 29, at Cavite, by one of the men with the Oregon regi ment gives the following aocount of the sickness, death and burial of Edgar J. Johnson : Edgar J. Johnson, a private in com pany D, Captain A. F. Prescott, died in the hospital Wednesday evening, July 27, of typhoid fever. He had been ill for about two weeks, at times reviving so as to appear oonvalesoent. Tester day, in a fit of vomiting, the ioteetioes were perforated, and death followed almost immediately. Private Johnson lived in Peudleton, where be had been working for some time prior to his en listment in the volunteers. He is well kuown there, and will be mmrned by In the company he won the esteem of both officer and men by his oonduct, being rated by Captain Presoott as one of his beet soldiers in fatigue drill or enduranae. Johnson was burled yesterday near the marine hospital on the mainland from Cavite. The spot bas been selected for a cemetery, owing to its being higher than the little island on whioh Cavite is situated. One California and one Ne- braska soldier have already been laid to rest there. The funeral ceremony of the Oregon boy was impressive and brief, His companions marched as a guard o honor in fatigue suits. Three volleys fired by the squad of eight was the last farewell of bia oomradeB. Cbaplaio Gil bert delivered the funeral address, bring ing to the eyes of bis liatoers tears by bis tender reference to the sad hearts in the distant home, who watohed the proud boy marob away in his country's service, and who even then only knew him in the vigor of life. THE LARGEST ON RECORD. American Tobacco Company's Advertising Goes to Newspapers. The American Tobacco Co. believes in adver tising. The American Tobacco Co. believes in news paper advertising. The American Tobacco Co. is a vast com mercial concern, and its recent appropriation of $750,000, to be spent in newBpaperB in the ad vertising of one of its brands "Battle Ax" plug tobacco is worthy of more than passing com ment. To expend this amount of money judiciously is a problem. This will be obvious to any ad vertiser. Its solution is therefore instructive to every merchant and producer who has need of publicity for Mb business welfare. This, then, was the determination finally reached. The detail necessary to the handling Of this volume of business demanded the ex perience and equipment of an advertising agency of the first class, The G. H. Haulenbeek advertising agency of New York City was therefore seclected, and estimates were prepared to cover the entire country for such mediums as were thought to be desirable to bring quick and sure returns, and the East Oregonian was one of them. The mode of presentation was the question to be settled after the means of presentation had been decided, and here the smaller merchant will find a ''tip." There was no nibbling at the proposition. With broad-guage business views, backed with splendid business courage, the first "copy" called for an entire page. This served to rivet attention, and the contract then requires that the lesson shall be driven home every other day by convincing arguments occupying 16 inches of space, splendidly illustrated and displayed. In conception and execution this business is unique. The American Tobacco Co. has taken the dull season, which was made duller by the timid who feared the war as a factor in business, and It has given a colossal order as an indication that, if times are dull, the thing to do is to has given this road a national reputation. classes of uassomiers carried on tl trains without extra charge. Whip your freight emttatlon. All the veatloulwl All agents news of the death of Corporal George H. Hudson, of Battery B, Uta'i light artil lery, at Manila on Aug. 24'.h. He bad been sent on an errand to the native garters of Cavite with two oompanioua when be discharged his pistol in tun. This angered the hot-beaded insurgents wbo attacked tbem, killing Hudson, mor tally woun ling Corporal Ai.dersoo and 4everely wounding four soldiers. Geo. Howard Hudson waa a half-brother to J Sat Hudson, late editor and proprietor of the News, ami brother of Mrs. Arthur Pbilbriok, of Hiker City. His father, Dr. Nathaniel Hudson, resides iu this Vtxt wtia.a ha li.ia man frlMflila tn avm. Lights its trains by eleotriolty through- TtlC DttlK'S, Portland ft Astoria Navigation CO. I patbizw with him iu the lota of loved and travel over this famous Hue. have tickets. W. II. MEAD. F. C. SAVAGE. Uett. Agent. Trav. V. A P. Agt ta Washington hi., roruand, ur. CHICAGO Iwaiies & St. Paul try This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Quick Time. I nion Daunt. 1'HrMHially Conducted Kxouraiuiia, Hhmk Checked to Destination. Luw Hates. lhroot line to Trans-MiiuiliMiliti and Inter- national Kxiinaition held at Uuiaha, Nebraaka, June to November, Writ undermimed for rates, time tabln and nther informal ion pertaining to Union l'aoiflc it. it. J. II. IjOTHltOP, or J. C, HAilT Ast.. Gen. Axt.. 1.H.1 Hd HI., O. II, A N. Co , Portland, Or. Heppner, Ur. 'The Italator Lino' out; Usee the celebrated eteotrio berth read ing lamp; Hons speedily equipped passenger tralna evxrv day and night between Ht. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha aod Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates team-tieatadl vestibuled train, carrying the latest private compartment care, library buffet amok Ing care, and palace drawing room alerper Parlor ears, free reclining chair cars and tba very beat timing chair oar service. For loweet rates to any point in tin United Htate or Canada, apply to agent or address O. J. KDDY. J. W. OAHET, General Agent, 8TX:js.33EZa 'DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Commencing Monday, May "nd, lb steamers nf the Kegnlator Line will leave Portland at MW a, m. and The Dalles When yon go to Portland, stop off a' The Dalles aod take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save niouey. W. O. AI.LAWAY, General Agent OREGON SHORT UNERt. in J loving son. Mr. Hudson was na tive inn of Oregon, having bam born la Dallas, Polk county, in 1HU5, and re- oeived bis education at Willamette Uni versity, Kaleni. lie waa a minei bv profession and worked for several years at the Virtue, Baisley, Elkhoro, La Oellevue aud other Daker oounty mine. Vot the past tew years be bad been working at Mercer, Utah. Be was a skilled workman, kind hearted and gen erous, and baa many waam trlenda wbo slneerely regret bis uuiimely demise. rjumpter Newa. ACUM ur HOLD. An Open Colombia River. Senator Toller, of (Jolorado, In a speech at Lew in too, Idaho, a few days ago said: "I shall be prepared at all times to support your senators and members in all laudable and proper efforts to open the Columbia river to the free tranepor tation of the grain that you grow iu this country. I believe iu rivers, myself. believe in railroads; but I believe, after all, the greatest thing tor any ootnmuo it j is obtap transportation by water, And I am told that yon pay now tbrea or four times as mucb to carry your wheat to the sea as do the people of Chicago, wbo lire twice as far from it as yoa do, because tbey bave tba great lakes aod the Erie canal. When you have opened this river aotbat your boat may go from here to tba sea, your Ireight will not be 14 oeota a busbel; it oogb oot to exceed 3 or 4 cents. probably should bave voted for every appropriation tbat should be suggested by yonr representatives It I had not seen the river, bat I shall vote for it under staodiogly aod with greater ceal now, knowing tbat yoa bave each a great grain belt along theaa rivers and so muob to be transported wbeo tba river Is made navigable to tba sea." make them brighter, and the right way to make 1 hla obligation to the mother of Lin mem Dngnicr is mrougn juaicious advertising, coin Newspaper advertising I the best way to make good times if you have anything really good to offer, and the way to use newspaper ad vertising is with generous space and proper display. It was P. T. Barn inn who said ; "If you only bave $10 capital to begin your business, and want to make money, be sure to spend In ad vertising in the newspapers," A feature of this stupendous "order" bas been the perfection of Its manipulation, due to the arrangement made by the G. H. Haulenbeek agency. LINCOLN'S DEED AND BOND: Some Old Document That Throw Llitht on Family History. Parsons & Taft, of Chicago, who handle farm mortgages, lately came Into possession of a collection of pa pers that included a deed to Albraham Lincoln from his father and mother, and another deed, or a bond for a deed, from Abraham Lincoln to John D. John Bon. The land was the homestead of Thomas Lincoln, a tract of 40 acres in Coles county, 111. The transactions took place in 1841, says the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. In that year Lincoln's father, Thomas, an old man, lived on the Coles county farm, and was in poor circumstances. The son came to his father's assistance and bought the old farm. He paid down $200 in cash and gave the parents the use of the place. Abraham Lincoln, in the same year the property was con veyed to him, made a contract to sell the farm to John D. Johnson for $200 when the life estate of both Thomas and Sarah Lincoln should be extinguished. Johnson did not long retain his equity in the property. Thomas Lincoln died shortly after. Mrs. Lincoln did not want to leave the farm, and Johnson waa not in a situation to take pare of her, so he transferred his bond to John J. Hall, a relative of the Lincolns, who moved with his wife to the Lincoln homeatead and took care of the old lady until her death. For some reason Hall seems to have called on Abraham Lincoln to execute the deed and can cel the bond. There must have been some tacit arrangement between them, for his right to the possession was never questioned. He had doubtless fulfilled Millions Given Away. It is oertainly gratifying to the pub lio to know of one concern in the land wbo are not afraid to be generous to tbe needy and solTeriug. Tbe proprietors of Dr. K inn's New Discovery for Con sumption, uongna ana uoids, have giv en away over ten milllion trial bottles of this great medicine and bave the sat isfaotion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousand of bopeles case Aalma, lirnnohiMs, Hoarseness and all disease of the Throat, Clival and Lnog are surely cured by it. Call on K. J Sloeom, Druggist, and get a trial bnttle free, regular sian SOo aod 81. Every bottle guaranteed or money refunded An Economical Emperor. Emperor Francis Joseph is cutting down the expenses of his household and putting on end to perquisites en' joyed by court servants since the days of Maria Theresa. They had an allow ance of wood, wine and venison, with two wax candles in summer and three in winter. These are put an end to. Their liveries will no longer be their own, and they will not be allowed to sell the cold victuals left from the daily meal and the state banquets. Potato and Tomato Salad. Boil in their jackets four medium- sized potatoes. While they are boning make a French dressingand slice into it one good-sized onion; as soon as the potatoes are done, drain, salt and dry them, llercove the skins and cut the potatoes while hot into the dressing; ' toss them carefully until every piece is well covered, l'ut the mixture on a cold dish and stund aside until serving hour. Then garnish the dish thickly with pars ley; sprinkle over the dish a tablespoon ful of finely-chopped parsley or celery tops; a small pickled beet may be ; chopped line and placed diagonally across the dish. Sardines or pickled herring may also be used as a garnish and to give variety, and one may also stir into the dressing a tablespoonful of Anchovy paste. Scald, peel and cool small, sound, well-shaped tomatoes. Dish them neatly on lettuce leaves, and put over each a teaspoonf ul of mayon naise dressing. Keep in a cold place until it is time to serve. Mrs. 6. T. liorer, in Ladies' Home Journal. H, W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A Q.,0. M. & St, P., Cot A., . P. Ft. W. & C. and the C. St. LAP. Railroads. KATBM 9B.OO l'BH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts., ILL. State Normal school Weston, Oregon. The most successful year' work of the Btat Normal School at Weston, OrcKon. closed last June with the graduation of twenls students. Trav. 1'a. Agent. l'ortlaud, Or. (Jt'U'KKHT AND MOT DIRKlT LINK TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE- SOURl RIVER and aU Point EAS1 and SOUTH. LOOK AT THIS TIME. Yallew Stan Park Una IIIKtlM.Y I'IMVil AK HOV1K f Kt liiKfl M TO lilt! KAT IB OM V IMHfctT UN TO Till WLl, IjDwmTiiR NA1 iXM, f AHK. HKIT.XKH UK CHICAGO, :tj ST. LOUIS, :tj OMAHA, a SALT LAKE. 1 J ripokaat frill fair. Al lb trait fair thl year la Hpokeo most of the aooletie will bavt iecil days. For Initanee, tba second day of lb fair, tbat Is tba 5th day of Ootobor, will be Kolghl of Prthla day, aod tbe grand ehanoellor of ID tal of Waab lugton will be preeot. Tbe Red lleo hav ibiweo the 7th of October as thulr day. Tba Hbrloers, Eagles, I Iks, Odd Fellows aod IbeprvM will atao bat each a day devoted to their order. It I prob able tba eommerciet traveler will also j be on tbe liat. Many of the sorUlira ill also bave a flat in Iha brl feett val parade. Tbe Knight r tba flret af thea order to drid no a Una, and by at peel to bavt the bnJoal one la tbe parade. Arilr. Nn. 1 r Halt fr 1........ 1 K... I wattle. AtrlvH fcHttth tvti.t, batt, Mvtrlia, HAM. I"itc. AiHMunla. M tl n A.M. I il I, I lit. . Sr Sulk Hal. hi. ami ll l-.M.I. tut ami Miuiti Xi I'mtl.n'l 1 tm and N.i I H l H l iiraa l"f li t'Hi. ftvtM, Ot,mia: f V, M. aiil lfiiiu.lial w1h 1 II I. M. IiiiMi1 ' I I'AYairtW t""l. tlllittwH-ilU, Haha. plaits I'f ami I'tli.r MtMmrt I II )AVttlflKl IjiU. Mliaautt aud I hi ia.i. 4V t t t)ilis-tl.tii. Int., H-aliiu ait Mlliof far fcaat Via l!iM A Arar eat y Memoreodata book It what yoa havt f nla tMftii Hi't In alt ilsx ll rlii Wact ranted lhr.nh lo da(liiall..a ttl Ikt't t tti 4i1. rri;n4. tnA of ait'i tt. fi a-.avi.lxf a' all -i. lit t f,,iii I ntti IMfmtie, '-mil trn l a. i.t u v, lu.Wi.t " 'I I . V H 'il- vt fVrt Mf-l ' " ranllalist Hav fterarva' t.&OO Arrrs Near llraalt. Tht attentioo of capital it belug at- j liRASKA, KAS'SAS, MIS- tract! lo tba placer deposits io Ibit teo- lloo more than ever and proton to create a new Inpelo in graval mlnieg, yi tht llaker t'Uy Otnocrat. Ont of tba bigget deal tb bat beeo eoonuuteHl fur turn tlmt it tbal by bieb strong mining cnmblnatioo Anntml tif a latif traet of Vrt NEW YORK, djyS rleh placer ground. The trodtoaU it eotopiMied of K. M. Kirkpalrtck, of Dan oook, Montana; J. H. F. llloha, nl llnl.e. Idaho, aud U F. Uiddird, of Og Jeo, I'tab. Tht proirly t iiuatl ur (Iraoiie, (Iraut eouoty, Orrgiio. aad euupri ,.VHl aore. Tbt enoiJrttion it not Free ltm-ltning Cbair Car ;iveo oot but It M noJrit i.d to 1 IO ri,1(ilal.r..l Tonrlal HlMniina Cmn Ilia of I l.Vl iMH). Tbt 1'ullman l'alaee Hlnlu Car lnlae.rt. aoul 18 tnilea of oottgtout I waouog. id roriorn i aniuo n. art M by om of Oregon bt oooiaia eai of in. o, reap oi 1ur Nr tbt plwtt or tut, l ot toit-4 male) ao i riaiD ih iVi.aisai.B. wbiob tol l nut long ago tl ft.), loWrior drtwiag of o b.l- fr :r.Ui; the UI Ik.y, for wbiob tl'ip, Ha.tratloM of United Hlalet fiiolil wt offer.!, aoJ other big o4 Hpaol.h thlpt, gtottry of tavy aoj onarii suite tWU IU tract it tbt ' 'lt of di.tar.o-. o-.ta- fninu lU.biatoovill plaeer Jialrtrl. mamW ol CaiteJ Htale shit aaj TU grooud puh baaeJ bt Mr. Kirk- rmf eorp. lit of l'o)W4 Dtate rvgl pttrtek and bt auiet It virtto terrt- K a- their on lr aai otbr Uiry, aedba n bee werke.! ewiag t iof.rmtio very oeefol I talaabt at I!,, fi that il It too level to trmll of tbt Ilea. 1 h book flit Id tl loe, proper dunt for alaiciag. Careful Ml tliow ihit tbtgrtmnj proii Imm lb gras l't and lb bedroel 1 fteeetlingly rtrb. it t tbt Inteatinn if lb buyer to plae drfg en tbt properly a prartieahl aal work II l -r all II I 'Nib. Mr. hi'kirif.k I well fcw I" tji, ig ltl f"iot'.el ailli lb m I .,a'ti n .f ll ti I'lfl'i e. ie pf,t la .U0i IJs'll, For full particular regarding rate, I tun of Irate, etc, rail on or address J. o. iuur, Agent O, IL i N, Co., 1U( i nrr, Orego O. O. Tky, V. E. Com am, Trav. I .s. Agl. (Ua l Agt. lit Third Ht.. IVrtlanJ. Or. Both fd aad Comfort Tbe business man eompelled to travel at this seaeoo of lb year, a ! a the lonriet traveling tor pleaanr, demand oomfort a well a rapid Irantit. Tbe Rio Orand Wettero and it oooneetioD tarnish both. From lb FeeiQa North wet, paeoger ar I ended io Chicago la three day and a half, aod io New York io lea lhao fiv day. Farther mo tbt passenuer it given bil cboio of tbre roate tbroagh Colorado, aod tonr eaet thereof. Ticket ar old vi Hlooi City, Omaha; Kansaa CiU, 8t Loai or Chicago, From th tim tb paeeoger leave Halt Lak City onttl b reachet Denver Ibert it oot tverebang panorama of tb beautie of natar, whether th Itntkle r eroeI vl tb Tuo ), Uagermao or Manbatl patee. Tbn who deair it, ar given, without ritra eot, B day's tfctpover lo Halt Lak City, affording ao opportunity of seeing tb beaatie of tb Motmoo etital, od also eoaarlng a daylight rid through Colorado, jaally termed, heeane of It ceBry,"Th HwiU-rland of ABri. VI I he IUo Uraod Weetera rate ar ! lb lo tea I and aisximrao lat intj tb heel. Through tnrtt aod cbair ear, a wl a ttaodard rullaao. ttpon all trains. For deacrlptiv pbamptet of tb faro on Btoqelaiia r-nr jr, rale, reeerv turn and other Infotrtiaiinn, .l Ire, J. !. Msaariat n.Oeej. Agent, ItKl lirande Velr Railway, IU Third HI., I'ortlaad. Or. War Two Eare Are weeary. Jkmnd travels by wave radiating from ft central point of disturbance. juct a waves radiate when a atone is dropped Into atill .-ater. So far as the hearing of each individual ta con cerned, these wave move in a direct line from the cause of the sound to his ear, the impaot being tht greatest In the ear nearest to the source. This being the cae, a person wbo has totally loet the arose of hearing in one ear, although he may imagine that the defect it of little consequence, cannot locate the dl- net ion of a anund to aave his life, even when the center of dinturbanco is quite near to him. Answer. . FALL TERM Opens September 5, 1898, Full course of studr, Hcientlllc and Profes sional, Vocal and Instrumental music Healthful location, good society and pleasant surroundings. Board in families from 12.50 to 11. V) Rooms for those who desir to board them selves can b had at reaaonable rate. Bnardiua hall for young ladles In connection with the school under th careful supervision of a matron, board, fuel and 1 Ik his at 2.M to 50 per week. Catalogues and Information furnished upon application. 7S-S9 TW0 SPLEHDID THUS MILT TO THE EAST -BUT ROCK ISLAND WE. Sim lfri iiioInoo loA all pwaU ta lii, ! t ML Bja tunte ur M Southern Pacific Co fVe ai kif eaf llinma rlifij U a4a ran fcwa. Iim4 aww N.t of lis t'a'ifW t ml, t'alliKa Haa ii ia. HmMutlaae Hi aii.a-l la(t.M tnMM, atnritiKt mfmiet I t..w.(Ml f.i, ea.N-. laaa aaaHe Im ' ii a. - ni i.ih , I . r't ii . a l ! I ml t MP t'lilale. Men I t'baa. M Fee, getter! puotr aget, N I. It It , Ht. I'aul. Minn., Id tent and lb t.k I yoor. M (twarri'M t CaU-r. Me ni eiH). fleil'il a. .1 . el li . ! at i4 ir'rtb ti M Ika iteie. a l vtiy s,n4 mm'Iv f tm kMt. Il.ev , r Me etii.r w-m. dl"l f1''. ii.- .. i-' r, riHi.Ml vt aliimlw a I ! i ',. I. f sii tiit a t It-1', V pi d . in, .' '.,'s t t'n4 t mr-.l a, iie te ail tirade t A ltrlM IsewlaKeat. The ljitivt tell Ibi atory to tbiw the trial of a wintry i1 tor in l'rame. A Juuiig i lii iBn ertllrd la ft row roune, whoe wiiirr be al'rtiill for Ira ilniiara r ntiuni. Ure night, eixn afUr bla arrital at Ilia KlWal, be mriitil an urg nt iiii.imiii ta ill 'till.-ut wlwt lni'l at ilialeii.-e .f l kil.iiiM-trr tnnn tbe tillage. On rras h lug the d-Mair It wwa then II n .. he f.nihil h- itmr rhmrti and ifblt litiruitn-d. In rryy Ut hi Unm Vs I he ! w a ned ty a iHt praaaiit r laufhirfU Infi-lfr t hurl ltit a Ml (:,"'U t y , ! t that I w i.'e !.! t ish J if. w fern nor w tit, Ii tttnii.1 rite If aeat fif I Tts ; fifttifte it.fUifw-.a ,U? '. I . 1 1 . k fl Tvlttt'Sj U i (et." a. .ii fc (.... I i Rocky Mountain Limited Le.e I'KNVr K, . an a. m. " ri'Ul, hi IlIMia . . Iliaa. Arrive l.iV OUi . . II 4Ap. m. " liMH . . Iilas. lirKMotlirrt . . S a. m. - liaVrMDHf . . V ii a m. M CIUCAUU . 1 15 t. w. Satt Daf Timah Hlavtwr and Chut Tar CaltnAa to l liti-a". taatihttl UnMt.iU Tba aeeat tnu la ta W4. Colorado Flyer Una fif'NVt'R " lOMi hl'Hl(jrl ArHteatol , KA " KANnaa CITt t . m. l. m. 10 a. as. la. at. Ar. HT. UJt IS. (Wab. U't) ma. Arrives fT imrpH ' I.IVviLJii iriHon) " UMAUA (KsSM) into a. in. Hi. a. Ui . at. Throaiti mapper Cutaraib Htrina la St Itm't via w atwti H These are New Trains ia addition to our former service. Tnt rneUr aed folder glvla llm nf Ihee Ir.'oa urn ClTSi ties GENE HAL PASSKXGKU DEPARTMENT. MiLWAtTKCi, Not. 5, 1807. PATRONS of tie WUeootio Ccotral Lior io fMaiog through Chicago mar revjair) aom MaiaU knee) io the wty of baviog their bfttul trnggAK taken form or to train oil carriag or baa, or io mao other way, anil they will fioil lt tbat i dfwim) io thi r- jxcf io the wrfic) of the) rbr t the OrftOil CrDlral Piaaaerjeer Ktattoo, bo bar) recBtljr beo ooifirtoil with browo wait ftol red rtv Tbey b io waiting al all tram tirerarrJ to aaaiat taa. a atiii it it LoiiskI that our f w - , JICIIfYou can IllCllibe cured ir rm mm tm aev f tU i Ml t4 ta l II ai.Urf fl 'eiH ta tatt f VI " v" '! uaie i HN mrm a. ....,.. v M IM 4 ., fcumpa m ... J PIM.,J .. I I V I ' ka.raiaiarrka. t ... p, . I IT " " mmHlmn r .- . .wm ,mm .. t m tn ' , Bifc M. Vm ta .. , . "WM, aM r ...a w mrm,? ejvaajsj !" -7- KMSKI). I ii s ..... m-mitr m I 11 1 111. i CT , a Vmm CHiU'tM II r l.AUri. ""' l' r lim r r.i a. i -Whe r-lle-epk. f ncer, pat rot; will fully avail lbemevcw f "rll""'f Aniitrri-i nf tht ftltitiooitt pratitioii far I -"iV:7'mrl tbeir comt-rt, j ) v-.r." .v: v J --r '! ' f J C ivri4 tvfM