A LITTLE SUFFERER Face, Hands and Arms Covered With Scrofulous Humors How a Curs Waa Effected. "When five years old lay little boy had scrofula on his faco, hands and arms. It was worst on his chin, although tho sores on his cheeks and hands were very bad. It appeared in the form of red pimples which would fester, break open and run and then scab over. After disappearing they would break out again. They caused intense itching and the little sufferer had to be watched continually to keep him from scratching the Bores. We became greatly alarmed at his condition. My wife's mother had had scrofula and the only medicine which had helpd her was Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wo decided to give it to our boy and we noted an improve ment in his case very soon. After giving him four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla the humor had all been driven out of his ' blood and it has never since returned." William Baktz, 416 South Williams St., South Bend, Indiana. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. Sheriff Matlock is now experiencing a decided relief owing to having finished his round of pleasure in gathering in the jurymen and issuing subpoenas. The tax sale as listed by Sheriff Mat lock took place at the oonrt bouse Sat urday morning. The 18 pieoes of prop erty sold were bought in by local buyers. Catarrh oured. A olear head and sweet breath secured with Shilob's Catarrh Remedy; sold od a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser & Warren. x Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tion it's the best and if after using i you don t eny so, retnrn package and get your money. Sold by Conger & Warren. x Dr. M. B Metzler, the dentist, who baa reoetitly looked in our oity, his offioe for the present with Dr. MeFanl. Those in need of dental servioes should call aDd see him. tf Hrtrwl'c Dillc cure Liver Ills: easy to take, I1UUU 8 rills easy to operate. 25 ceuU. METH. EPISC. CnUROH. SERVICES. Bunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth LeaKne Devotional meeting at 1 p. m. 'The Spirit and the bride say. Come." The paBtor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad joining the oharoh, where he will be glad to meet any wKo may desire to oonsnlt hiin on religious, souul, civio, philosophio, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. i'LEBlIEU, Minister. M. E CHURCH, SOOTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our solves together." Pastor'8 residence In parsonage, next door to church. C. K. Howard, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHUKCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a.m. and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. R. L. shelly, Pastor. The LadleB' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock ADVERTISED LETTERS. AT HEPPNER LETTER8 ADVERTISED Or., Septembor 5, 1898. Alltsm, C F Benge, Ralph Bldwel, Mrs. Harriet Puniway. Mrs. A H Dorman, T L Powell, J A Renfroe. Miss Mamie Hhlnner. A W Skinner, Miss (i Thompson, Taylor When calling for these letters please say advertised. B. f. vachhan, v. m The Gazette is not heralding its com ing with a brass band bat its circulation can be determined at tbe Heppner post offloe. Advertisers will please note this. Local Notes. Bee M. Lichtenthal k Co. for shoes. a What is Hop Gold? Best beer on earth. Bee ad. elsewhere. Resideooe and lot for sale. Inquire at premises adjoining W. R. Ellis'. 2-9 J. A. PiTTBRSON. Llohtentbal ft Co. for shoes. Exclusive ahos store. Handles tbe best. 83tf Dr. A. O. Greenlee, oorner Grand ave nue and East Morrison at, Portland, tf Tbe Gstte's subscription price of $1.50 is listing subscribers every day. Gainnesse's famous old "Dublin Btonl," Imported, at Chris Borchers' Mrs. Sum Meadows was a victim of belln lnnn poisoning yesterday which re quired very prompt action on the part of Dr. McSwords. She bad takyu au over dose of patent medicine. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, cures headaches, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face, and makes thd bend as clear e a bell. Sold by Conser ft Warren, x The Morrpw Cmuty Liud & Trust company have deoided to go into tbe wheat buying business expensively this fall, and it is important that growers in terview tbem before disposing of their crops. Sbiloh's Consumption Cure oures where others fail. It is the leading Cough Cure, and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold by Oousor i Warren. x Dr. A. C. Greanlea, formerly tempo rarily with Dr. Vaoghao and who ao oompauied him on his circuit throughout arljaoent counties, has permanently located iu Portland, oomer Graud avenue and East Morrison street. Readers in looking over oar advertis ing columns will notice a reconstruction of many, special announcements being mnde by Brown & , Stewart, The Fair, Oooser & Warren, T. R. Iloward, P. C Thompson Co. and others. Miss Julia Hart wishes to inform the publio that she ia now prepatcd to give instructions in piano and orgnn , ai d re speotfnlly solioits their patronage, t Terms. $5 Der term of 10 lessons, "f 3J minutes each. Pianos toned for $3.50. W. A. Olden, one of Ione's prominent wheat growers, is in town as a juryman this week. Mr. Olden is well read oo tbe grain market, and If dependence oao be placed on newspaper reports thinks indications are favorable for a rise in the market. Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red light," ever on tbe alerl for something' new, oan tarnish you the finest cock tails in the land Manhatten, Jersey, Vermoothor Gin made by an artist in the business. Drop in and take the taste oat of yonr moulb. tf At tbe nppner Candy Factory is lbs place to get oool, refreshing summer drinks, Jan. Hurt can furnish you milk shakes, sodo, ice dream soda, orangs wine, peach cider, etc Ioe cream booths nioelv fitted on. Come sod try the Dewey flavor a new thing and very fine Util tt Tbe speech of Father Abraham in tbe last number of Poor Richard's Almanac, published by Beojamin Franklin in 1757, "contains tbe wisdom of many ages and nations assembled and formed into one connected discourse." When first pub lished it attracted world wide attention and was copied in all of tbe newspapers in America and England and translated into many foreign languages. Would you not like to read it? Get a copy free of oharge at Conser & Warren's drug store. Miss Holmes, pritoipal of tbe Holmes Business College of Portland, arrived on this morning's train, looking after tbe interests of her institution. Miss Holmes has proven her exceptional bus' inet-s ability by bringing her college to the front ranks in recognition, and pre iota this year will be the "banner" one the history of her school. Hhe will retnru by tonight's train to The Dalles, to be in attendance at the Wasco oounty teachers' instil a'e, whioh begins its ses sion to morrow. Niils protruding from the sidewalks o fine 8 more profanity than almost any thing else, and are indeed a nuisaDoe. Yet they could be kept down it tbe walks were properly oonstrooted. When the boards are first put down, if the nails were oonnter sank halt an inoh tbey would never, work up. If tbe oity ooun- cil wonld amend tbe ordinance regulat ing the construotiou of sidewalks, so as to require tbe nails to be oonnter sunk, there would be no annoyance from tbem iu tbe future. Congressman Ellis at Home. Congressman W. R Ellis, acoompa nied bv bis wife and sou Eddie, arrived in Heppner Sunday morning, and re psirod immediately to their beautiful homo on tbe corner of Gale and Water streets and enjoyed a muoh needed rest, necessitated in oonsequenoe of the all night's ride from Portland. Monday morning Mr, Ellis made bis appearanoe on tbe streets among bis old associates, who extended to him a most oordial wel come. Time and responsibility seemed to have dealt very gently with him since he left Heppner, and save a slight tings of gray in bis hair and beard be remains nnobauged. We had a very enjoyable chat with him on general topios, discus suig old associations, etc. Mentioning hi trip to Alnsks, be spoke of it as most er jiyhljli nnd said Alaska's future wus depoodert entirely upon tbs value of tho output of its mines. He will remain with us until the last of tbe week when he will start on a visit to different eeotions of tbe state acoomr pained by bis wife and son. Tbe lOtb of October be expects to start on bis return East, stopping at Omaha for short visit with bis people, end theooeto Washington to remain until the expi ration of bis term on Maroh 4, 1899. Personal. ). L. Ayers was in town Monday. J. J. Read, of Salem, is a late arrival. C. M. Spencer, of Hardman, is in town. Bab Dexter came to town on business yester day. James R. Nunnamaker was among the throng on our streets today. Del Knowlton and wife and Frank Engelman, of lone, are in town. Miss Eberrall, a professional nurse, arrvled on this morning's train. Peter Brenner, of Eight Mile, found time to visit Heppner the first of this week. Attorney 8. A. D. Gurley, of Arlington, is on hand for this session's business. Archie Cox, J. M. White and D. M. Potter, of Lexington, are registered at the Palace. Shorthand Reporter Wheeler, of Pendleton, is on hand to record the proceedings of court. Mrs. George ConBer arrived home Sunday morning from her extended trip to the coast. James W. Hilton and A. W. Allen came in to. day from Hardman for the purpose of making final proof. T. W. Morgan, of Eight Mile, was in town Monday, and reports harvesting well along in that section. R. C, Wills left on Saturday night's train for Reno, where he will jolu his brothers who are in business there. Frank Stewart, who has been in Heppner for the past two mouths, returned to his home at Hlllsboro laBt Saturday. State Senator Geo. C Brownell, Clackamas county's prominent lawyer, is in Heppner to attend the session of court. , Jos. Beck, of Beck Bros., the live merchants of Monument, was In town yesterday making extensive purchases of goods. Oscar Borg returned this morning from Astoria, and while he had "oceans" of fun, he was glad to get back to his home. Judge S. A. Lowell, circuit judge of the Sixth judicial district, arrived on Sunday morning's train and oonvened court this morning. Mat West, the Walla Walla sheepman, who has extensive interests in this section was with this week looking after business Interests. Rev. Shelly, accompanied by Mr. Bright lett yesterday morning for Gilliam county In search of an opportunity to use their homestead rights. C. P. Brown, of Echo, Wm. Hendrlx and Wm. Perry, of Lone Rock, and Wm. and Otis Mc carty, of Butter creek, registered at the Palace yesterday. Prosecuting Attorney J. H. Bean, of Pendle ton, arrived on Sunday morning's train to look after the criminal docket of the session of the circuit court. Mai ion Evans, living some distance below town on Willow creek came to town yesterday in company with Philip Hoon of Walla Walla, who Is an uncle of his. Al. Roberts, deputy United States marshal, of Portland, returned home on last night's train having spent a few days among his old-time friends here, which seemed mutually enjoyable. James F. Moore, ex-register of the United States land office at The Dalles, came up this morning and is visiting the court. Ho has opened up an otllce In The Dalles for the prac tice of law. Scrofula to Consumption. Any one predisposed to Scrofula can never be healthy and vigorous. This taint in tbe blood naturally drifts into Consumption. Being such a deep-seated blood disease, Swift's Specific is the only known cure for Scrofula, because it is the only remedy which can reach the disease. Scrofula apoeared on the head of my little grandchild when oaly 18 months old. Shortly after breaking out it spread rapidly all over her body. The scabs on the sores would peel off on the slightest touch, and the odor that would arise maae ine at mosphere of the room sickening and unbearable. The disease next attacked the eves, and we feared she would lose her sight. Em inent physicians from the surrounding country were consulted, but eould do nothing to tpIIava thfi lit tle innocent, and Rave it as their opinion that the ca9e was hopeless and im possible to save tne cnucrs eyesignt. it was then that we deoided to try Swift's Speolflo, That medicine at once made a SDeedv and com plete cure. She is now a young lady, and has never naa a sign or tne disease to return. Mas. Ruth Berkeley, Salina, Kan, Scrofula is an obstinate blood disease, and is beyond the reach of the average blood medicine. Swift's Specific Just Received 6 6 Cfor The Blood tt Tbe abandancs of game in tbs moan tains exoeeds a number of years pit. Owing to yesterday's being t legal holiday tbs city counoil tailed to meet. Bill Hendriok aud Oscar Minor shipped , quits Dumber of cattle to market this weak. Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defeoti ot tbs eye, will be bers very tbres months. 6-18-lyr "Co'o juice" is all right but Low Til- lard baa a brand ot 14-year-old goods that is bard to beat. 6o3 If Painless remedy for extracting teeth. It not as slated, no oberges. Try Dr. Vaugbao's Dew plan. 6o4-tf. If you need something for yonr system call at tbs Tbone Tbe Telephone sa loon. Oity hotel building. tf Best accommodation and courteous treatment at tbs Imperial Hotel, Heventn and Wash. Bta., Portland, Oregon. Miss Nellie Basey wishes to annnnnos that sbs will be prepared to Cumroeooe sswing again Sept. Vl'b al 1 25 per dy. Bring your bides, pelts and furs to Bo. Mstbsws, at tbs Liberty Meat Market. Us psys highest market pries. Circuit Court. Tbe ciiouit oourt met in session tbis morning with Judge Lowell on tbe bench and Sheriff Matlock and Clerk Crawford present After ths oourt had been opened tbs following were draw members of the grand jury: Julius KeilUley, foreman; Elmer Beamna , Willis, Frank Anderson, Mat Hughes Geo. l'earsoo aud D. U. Jenkins, Hheri Matlock selected the following as bailiffs F. Florenoe, general bailiff; George Aikin Jury bailiff and Oao, Thornton grand jury bailiff. Mrs. F. A. Berkley informs ui tbst ber eon Jesse's case necessitates another operation, std sbs was telegraphed to take tonights train to Portland in order to bs present. Bis wsakened condition oanses his physicians a fesliog ot do certainty as to his surviving tbs opera. lion. Dr. MoS words' purchase laat week of 2,600 bssd of sheep is considered ao x eeDtiooally good deal. Among thsm were oyer 1,000 lambs, wbiob bs had bsrgsined ia exobeoge for swes, bat at ths last moment tkeewe owner nnbsncsd the valos 50 cents per besd, wbiob was rejected by tbs dootor. Tbe following attorneys are in attend ance at tbs present term of court: Judgs Lowell and Prosecuting Attorney Bean, of Pendleton, Boo. 0o. Browosll, of Oregon City. H. A. 1). Oorler, of Arling ton, Jsraes F Moors, of Tbs miles, snd Hon. W. R Ellis. O. W. Pbelp. C. E, lied Arid and (1. W. lies, of this city. I. Ennls bs now completed ths Bin Mountain Mepboos Hoe between Burnt snd Canyon City, where bs hs bwo so gaged sines lbs first ot March, and baa return! to Dppner to remain. Us rs ports tbs lias working to first-el sbsps, Cl'J-tf. ialvlcg satisfaction. Ia all ao sxioniioo . .. . . ....... .... Htvsral Urgs .nlgr.oeots of wool " - ' ' wars mals this week ts Hllbsrmsn l!ro fbs Marxians Orsml. on Morrisoo of Cbiosgo, at from 11 to VI onts ai- I ttrl In tbs Marqnsm bo.Mini, Is noder vsoos. iiellenl management and tbs poblis a-.. .t. I .n,l .it hna.lrs.1 thMD I will U royally folrrisln4 Ibis winfer, irin ihroaahoarslfwls Hlor- 5sw eompsiiles sod bw ' Map J.. tA I shinil from this point to pesr from tiros to tims at Ibis popolar, .. J. I Brat rlaM theatre of Portland, and whso E O Nobis Co. ar. ro.tlers io Portl.nd our dlr-n. should Dot fall business, lus onesi siu - Hs Ibslr "!1'0" """""" is the only remedy equal to such deep seated diseases; it goes down to the very' foundation and forces out every taint. It is purely readable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no mercury, potash or other mineral substance whatever. Books mailed free by Swift Speoiflc Company, Atlanta, (aeorgia. tlOO KEWARDt Will be paid for information leading to tbe arrest and oonvictioo ot any per eon stealing oattln branded "WB" oon neoted on tbe left side. Waddle on tbe nose. Pbbct H ogees. 45-nov3 Winter line Jackets and Capes Boots and Shoes. Our Dress Shoes are a superior quality of Willow Calf. The Celebrated Oregon Macklnaws Ovtolc Coats Rubber Lined All-Wool Blankets Best Cotton-Filled Comforters. Our Motto- Close Prices, Quick Sales. Brown & Stewart's For Sale. Twenty sores of land, near a good school. Will trade for horses, farming 'outfits, eto. For further information ad dress, V. Winohkltj, 79-tf Bood River, Or. That '14-Year Old Stuff, "Kohn's Best," .... On Tap Down at The ... . Telephone Saloon IT 19 KAUU uuuun www New Stand, Oity Hotel Building, r,ow arix,XyiVRr, Prop. What Dr. A. E. Halter Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing tbe effeot of yonr Bhiloh's Cure in oases ot advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable remedy that has ever been brought to my atten tiou. It has certainly saved many from consumption. Sold by Conser & Warren B 00TS AND SH0ES'r-.. THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF M. WCHTENTHATv CO. They have anything in this line that you may desire and yon can depend on it you got a good article when they guarantee It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old SUnd, Main Strsst Repairing a Specialty A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam & Bisbee's And by the way tliey have anything yon ran rail for in the line of Hardware, Htovea and Tluware. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. Announcement To the School Children A. full and complete line ofr SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. Just received by the Slocum Drug Co. Everything needed for the commencement term Her. Howard a Farewell. Last eveuiug tbe Methodist church was thrown open to lbs friends of liev. C. R. Howard wbo assembled there to ths Dumber of quits ont hundred, and wbils most sojoyabla time was ex perienced marked feslicg ot rtgrst prevailed lo consideration ot bis sever iog his oooDsolioD with tbe oommanlty. His three yssr's servios lo tbis field has gained for tbsrsvsrensd gentlemso tbs friendship ot a I. Al lbs close ot tbe social assemblage a snug contribution was tside-rsd bim in Consideration of tbs steera ia which bs whs held. Last night's train carried bim and bis family to Iheif new field of lalor al (lenessrs. Idaho. Uii suroessor, IUf. F. F. 8t. Clair is expected to srrivs shortly. Charlie Trfft os Iters. Hatordsy wss tbe opening dsy witb Charlie Tefft, and the uoaoimone verdiot of tbe lowo wss fulfilled, "tbst bis rts- Isoraol onld erlipss anything of tbs kind ever introdaoed lo Ileppnsr's pub lic. Ills rooms ere papered and decor ated in tbe bighett at) le ot lbs art, hila bis furnltnrs is tisw. Of al sod iovitiog Monday ao spprtoiatmo was shown bins by an overwhelming rash. It seemed si if lbs entire eily wss "beul'' on qirs tnesl, sod tbs kasw where to get tt. Us siteads lo tbe pablio so lo viutioo lor their petroosge, and prom tss Ibrm full returns for llmir Invest ment It dsn lo be funod io Heppner J Is ihu lnaa If Cinootliaari Jaa. J . . . ... i .imUfo'ltio- to )l a d.-taes rf 25 fl r,,llT,ll.HI.,bb. m .f,rl,os,f m breaking .J. ..rpel ."! -j J g t, rt'"Sly IdJ irtnsT t.00 for Us remo-sl. , lf, Mf r, u. ,.t Albert 0as wsi eonirl!d j bo ossbls I t d-Uroilos btbr bis off for trm uisiier blfr LisHi'b j m,t0 ,ti,m 0t o-.t, bol Is iuolind lo er last wfk,esolo bim r '" 1-nbls aseoyaaAs so l stptoss Klop thai oOi.-b! Take wsmtng. Il may Ui o 0"txni.t..n. A S bo lie of Mb.lob's Vntw mar f "r life. Bot4 by 0r k Warrse. ,1 1- t .l.l l Ilia "'''.r: : .r .sdUo.,..,b.rn. hi-u.i h lo the evi..o , r,u,.. Ih.l errntg fforo U ! I aH-.ol lh- r. b r4 w r'-i li.t thl irli i r.HiUse-. lbs jury Is f t piifl. "" lims tiros bf ir. Mr. IL'-fls ill rglo its A hil I 'ry eus from a H-itbfs I... Ah I snail b.f Ib-rs efl4 Is Hesrrk f KI'iMleS tsdl. fbilip Hooo of Walls Walls, aoenro- paoisj ny cis wire, arrivsa is Iieppnsr ytsisrday, bsvmg male lbs trip by pri tits eonvysoae in two dys. Mr. Hooo Is well kuos-o Ibroogbout the North e. as the leadiog sboft bun Oslll isisrf lbs Walls W.1U valley, and bis purpws bers is ti elsroius lbs stnk Itoberte bl lh ,f Ucsr Mimr, sol N. C. Usne wittj lbs Vie of loir (lifting iir bluo, VVbea be M.tl l!pptter I mI llors era bittsi bu la "!' of eo Ifirilii, sal Ins l)sa m be fio. s i buu frirr.b' ill i.lr lt -9 of iha pt 'trrt of lim. si ! HIi mtbsl4 ll litiLruniM o( ili.lfifl fir bvng o .U ti im. provemebl of strk, lbs fitl i.f e-rfu (xtiti io of riMr. inspirtkl lo sites I anew al ll pistes t eitibil. Mf. ti lH.I'ng 1-1 Hi elM uf prngrswivs i'rkrairs bt rwlio ihl messy sol lime srs !! stwot in makiog Orf'St'l'lSsI visits etsostf lb " wbos Ibtores's S' in lino ilb bM, arid no lbs THE FAIR 99 r r ten -r For Are acknowleged the finest and cheapest ever offered in Heppner. Our Underwear Department Our Hosiery Department CHILDRUN'rt LADIES' MEN'S Cotton Underwear, per garment, All'Wonl Hanitsry UsT, ribbsd, Jsriey fli-eos lined Nslorsl wool Hlrk-lly sll wool, vsry bsavy Cotton , flB,riblsd io I lHo I 2io I :tM I 1.7a I . 4MO I CUILDIIEN'8 Fine Cssslmers Hose A 1 1-Wool LADIES' Fine Hilk rioibJ - Kloe Fast ilUok Olloo MEN'S Heavy, dcmbls-bssl Hicks M Fine ttlssk Rooks .lo I 13o I 2le I !K) I JLL Our Toweling-Good Linen Crash 7c, 8c, 10c, 12c. Our Bargains A. Kino Lino of Moii'h Clothing A. Fino Jino l M(n's, AVomonVt and ChildronV S1h Aim of Mats A. Kino Jinti of Tin mid Graiiiluwnnj on lr e b l tM mih'f ' I !,' in a srl dtJ f svimfsrlioo fiH r A 1 1. n 1 1 1 1 1 ltHh, MM, 'kh n, I tbllM of lf, Sll fnrl pUtitt f t tf, '-t. M ! bsrt.Jil SfTH ' f lvtf. f I w. t lr f.lt ft. Yfj f,'l i. V. 1 VioA ,0 iZp I 1 A. I1 iim our Gruarantcc: ! t I i t i M'S I AIoniv rottinietl It uoocIm 1110 iiot NntlKi'netoryi. 9?