Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 02, 1898, Image 4

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    O. R. & N.
fob From Heppner. fbom
9:30 p.m. Salt Lake. Denver, 4:50 a.m.
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, Ht.
Louia, Chicago,
Portland, Walla
Walla, Spokane,
Minneapolis, Ht.
Paul, Duluth, Mil
waukee, and the
8.00 p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m.
From Portland.
All sailing dates
subject to change.
For San Francisco
Sail Sept. 1, 6, 11,
16, 21. 26.
7:00 p.m. To Alaska 5:00 p.m.
September 17
8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivkb 4:00 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Stkamkbs. Ix.Suuday
10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way
6:00 a.m. Willamette Riveb 4:30 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New
berg, Salem and
V ay Landings.
7:00 a.m. Willamette and 3:30 p.m.
Tueii.. Thur, Yamhill Kivkbs. Mon Wed.
and Sat. and Frl.
Oregon City, Day
ton & Way Land
ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette Riveb 4:30p.m.
Tue. Thurs. Tuos., Thur.
and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat.
lis & Way Land
ings. Snake Riveb.
Lv. Riparla Lv. Lewiston
dully except Rlparia to Lewiston daily except
Saturday Friday
Paasngr booked for all Foreign
J. O. HART, Agent, Heppner.
Qeneral Passengor Agent, Portland, Or,
"The Keplator lane
The Dalles, Portland Astoria Navigation Co.
Commencing Monday, May 2nd, the
steamer of the Rp?nlator Lina will
leave Portland at (130 a, m. and Tbe
Dalles at 8:30 a. m.
When yon go to Portland, strip off at
The Dalles and take a trip down the
Colombia; yon will enjoy it, and save
Oeneral Aent.
The American Institute) ol
Opens Its next session
For further particular! apply
Fowler A Walls Ce.,
27 B. 21 at St., Ntw Vorh.
Wm. Gordon has re-named
his stand the old Jones
livery stable
Tlie Central.
aled hay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call
Bon him and have vour horsea well fared for.
The Only All-Bail Route Without
Change of Cars Between Spokane,
Roasland and Nelsoo. Also between
Nelson and Roseland, daily ezoept
Sunday :
8:00 A. M Spokane.
II M A. M Koesland.
8:10 A. 11 Nelson...
. 6;40 P. M.
8:40 f. M.
6:15 P. M.
Close connections at Nelson with steamers for
Kaslo, aud all Kootenai Lake points.
Passengers for Kettle Klver and HotiDdary
reek oonneot at Marcus with stage daily.
Denver & Rio Grande
Weekly Excursions
In through tonriBt oars without change.
In charge of experienced couduotors and
5 To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and
si Boston wttlioutvhanire via Halt Lake.
Missouri ravine ana umcago aim Alton Kys.
Tiwerluvo To 0maha, Chicago, Buffalo and
I UUUa) S, Boston without change via Bait Lake
and Chicago, Kock Island St raclUc Ky.
Woflndcdm'o To 8t. Joseph, Kansas City and
" CUUesUBja, Ht. Louis without change via Halt
Lake and Burlington Koute.
Thnscifniro To Kansas City and Ht. Louis with
UlurJUttJS, out change via Bait Lake aud Mia
souri raclflc railway.
A day stop-over arranged at
Salt Lake and Denver.
A ride through the
Famous Colorado Scenery.
For rates and all all Information, inquire
of O. R, & N. and 8. P. agents, or address,
Oelieral Agent, Gen. Pasa. & Tkt Agt.
2M Washington Ht., Denver, Col.
Portland, Oregon.
J. C. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or.
Contempt of Death Particular! an Ameri
can Trait
The euocesaea of tbe United State in
tbe war with Spain and the losses on
b )th sides have led Rupert Hughes to
write the Yankee down as the sopreme
warrior. The artiole is highly laudatory
in style, but It contains figures and ob
servations specially interesting at this
Mr. Hughes, after a bigb tribute to
tbe courage and skill of tbe American
soldier, says in Criterion (New Tork):
"The most noteworthy quality, how
ever, of the American soldier is what
Roobefort called a particularly Ameri
can trait, 'contempt of death.' It is
true beyond cavil that tbe world has
never known soldiers that hold or gain
ground in tbe face of such high percent
ages of loss.
"The word 'decimation' is used for
horrible slaughter, and the loss of one
man in ten is certainly heavy. In many
armies it is believed to justify retreat.
Bot with us whole armies have suffered
far greater losses. At Sbiloh, Murfrees-
boro, and Ohiokamauga the losses in
killed and wounded ranged from 16 to
34 per cent. At Santiago General Shatt
er's whole foroe has lost over 10 per
oent killed and wounded.
"As for single bodies of men, tbe
Light Brigade made a foolish charge
bravely and won immortality, thanks to
a great lyrio; it suffered a loss of 37 per
oent killed and wounded.
"In tbe Civil war 262 men in the First
Minnesota volunteers charged a whole
division at Gettysburg, and leaving 215
dead and wounded behind, brought
away the rebel colors. Wbile the Light
Brigade lost 37 per cent and accomp
lished nothing except to immortalize a
blunder, the First Minnesota lost 82 per
oeit and gained a vitally important
point. And as for useless bravery, what
is tbe Bnlaklavan 37 per oent to tbe 75
per oent of the Maine heavies in a seven
minute oharge at Petersburg?
Two German regiments lost respecti
vely 46 and 49 per oent at Metz and
Mars-la Tour, and tbe Twenty-sixth
Russian lost 75 per oent at Plevina.
"But there were fifteen Union and five
Confederate regiments that lost over 50
per cent. Tbe First Texas lost more
than 82 per oent at Antietam, and in one
oompaoy of the Twenty-sixth North
Carolina only three men escaped out of
eighty-seven, a loss of more than 96 per
"This hideous carnage was the resolt,
not of our fighting aliens, but our fight
ing eaob other. And the history of the
world has no parallel to it. Why, tbe
total oasualties of all our wars, French
and Indian, Revolutionary, 1812, Mexi
can and Indian, do not exoeed tbe loss
of Grant's army in tbe week ending
May 12, 1865.
"Grant's killed and wounded in tbe
Wilderness and Spottsylvania were five
times Napoleon's loss at Marengo, more
than bis losses in all bis Intalian cam
paign, tbree times tbe loss inflicted on
Wellington at Waterloo.
"The reason for this unheard-of
slaughter? There is just one reason;
tbe most intelligent, tbe bravest, the
fieroest soldiery in the world's history
was divided against itself. All that
straight shooting, that battle-fury, tbat
determination wbioh does not falter
when death ia busy on all sides all
those qualities that make up the word
'Americanism' were turned inward at
the nation's own bearl.
"The indomitable magnifieooe of the
Yankee soldier bas lost none of its luster
today. There at Santiago oar foroes
made a landing without tbe loss of a
life, invested tbe city and drove tbe
Spanish through jungle baok to their
labyrinth of tienohes, and were busily
olearing tbem out of these with a fatal
persistence that did not laok the gentle
ness to plead with the enemy to avoid
useless sacrifice to further battle.
"And another American regiment has
gone up higher than tbe Balaklava or
the Plevna heroes. For Captain Ducat
of the Twenty-fourth regulars led a
glorious charge up a long bill at San
Juan ; be started with seventy-five men,
and only twenty-two of tbem reached
the blockhouse at the top. But tho'
they lost 57 killed, the important taot,
the American faot, is tbat they captured
what they went for. The percentage of
loss in men killed was 76, and if the
number of wounded were known the per
centage of casualties would be doubtless
still greater.
"Then there were the nineteen men of
tbe Ninth Infantry at 1 Caney, who
entered a blockhouse through tbe roof
and killed 35 Spaniards. Tbey lost tbe
first four men tbat dropped in, but after
twenty minutes of band-to-band confliot
there were fifteen bale Americans aud
no living Spaniards. Consider, too, the
high percentage of losses among our
officers. They have always led, not followed."
made with Schillings Best
baking powder has no bitter
Everybody Says So.
Cusciirets Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas
ant aud refreshing to the taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
euro headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of O. C. C. to day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Hold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
The Battleship Oregon.
Has made more kinds of a record tor
the U. 8. navy in its 18,000 mile trip
than was ever dreamed of. Judging
from the demand for it, tbe little 80
pagb, veet pocket size, army and navy
book just published by the Northern
PaoiQo ia making a great record too.
Tbe requests for it reach the N. P. pas
senger department at ht. Paul in large
numbers from every part of tbe United
States. This is a tribute to wide adver
tising as well as to tbe enterprise of the
oompany and the value of the book.
Mr. Cbas. 8. Fee, the general passenger
gent at St. Paul, Minn., will send tbe
book upon receipt of ten oenta. Gt
The present reduced rates oonld not
have prevailed at a more opportune
time. The summer vacation time ia
here, and all who oan afford it are
planning to take advantage of the differ
ences between tbe warring railroads.
Tbe attention of those who oontemplate
a trip East, whether it be to the moun
tain resorts of Colorado, tbe Omaha ex
position, or points beyond, is oalled to
tbe advantages offered by tbe Bio
Grande Western Railway. Its line and
those of its Colorado joooneotlons run
through the heart of the Rookies, taking
the traveler away from the alkali and
sage brush of its Northern competitors,
and out of the heat of the oountry
through which its competitors on tbe
south run.
For the comfort of those, whose purse
will not permit them to enjoy all tbe
privileges of a first-class ticket, the Rio
Grande Western has inaugurated a
aeries of tourist excursions. The oars
need are owned and operated by tbe
Pullman Palaoe Car oompany. They
are in oharge of speoial oondaotors and
porters, whose sole duties are to look
after tbe comfort of their passengers.
The oars are attaohed to fast express
trains, and held over in Salt Lake City
twelve hours, giving the passengers a
day in the Mormon capital. This lay
over also insures a daylight ride through
tbe Rookies. One of these exoureion
cars run through to Boston; one to
Chicago, via Omaha; one to Chicago,
via Kansas City and the fourth to St.
Lonis. Eaob goes over a different road
east of Colorado, giving the passenger a
choice of routes. These exoureionB leave
Portland Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday of each week.
For information as to rates, and for
descriptive pamphlets, address J. D.
Mansfield, general agent, Rio Grande
Western Railway, 142 Tbird street, Port
land, Oregon.
H. REED A ) . ,
A. G. OUILVIE f p'P"etori.
Fossil (80 miles).. .500 Round trip 900
Mayville (53 miles) . 4 00 Round trip 7 00
Condon (89 miles) . . 8 00 Round trip 6 00
Clem (28 miles) ... 2 00 Round trln R 50
Olex (19 miles) 1 50 Round trip 8 50
Stage leaves Arlington every morning
(Sunday excepted) at 6 o'olock; is due
at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fos
sil at 7 p. m.
Comfortable covered coaobes and care
ful, experienced drivers.
I A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers, I. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to QIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
starch sold. These presents are in the form of
I Beautiful Paste! Pictures!
They are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows:
Lilacs and
arouiRFtiinrnnkiNc?' C
f. HIIBINfirR BPflffO
Lilacs and
These rare pictures, four in number, b
iy the renowned pastel artist,
from the verv choicest subiects
R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subiects
iu ilia aiuum aiiu aic uuw uiicicu 1UI UlC lll&l lime lO Hie pUullC.
The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig
inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing
mem iu ucauiy, ncuiiess ui Luiur aiiu arusuc meni,
jne ot these pictures
will be given away
with each package of
purchased of vour grocer. It is the best laundrv starch on the marlcpf. anH
is sold for io cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a
beautiful picture. c
soituiur auu arusuc meni. m
Elastic Starch I
Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897.
PATRONS of tbe Wisconsin
Central Lines in passing through
Chicago may require some assist
ance in the way of having their
hand baggage taken form or to
train and carriage or bus, or in
many other ways, and they will
find all that is desired in this re
spect in the service of the Ushers
at the Grand Central Passenger
Station, who have recently been
uniformed with brown suit and red
cap. They will be in waiting at
all trains prepared to assist pas
sengers, and it is hoped that our
patrons will fully avail themselves
of this additional provision for
their comfort.
Gen'l Pausr. Agt
men:," 1
If yon suffer from any of the I
ills of men, come to the oldest
Specialist on the Pacific Coast, I
,1081 MarkotSt Est'd 1852.
' Yonnc men and middle i
BJFAd 111 On whn
firora the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- I
cesses in malurer years. Nervous iind Physical
ieDiiii.Y,sinpo(eiiey,i.ot niniiiiooii t
in all its complications; Miiei-matoi'I-lKra,
Irtatrrhi'a, Joini i ho?, Oleel, ,
I'reeuruer of vriiiatinar. eic. bv a 1
i combination of remedies, of great curative pow
er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment '
mat it will not only attord immediate relief but .
permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to 1
perform miracles, but is wetUknown to be a fair ,
and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent '
in nis specially If laeaftfM OI JIBm, ,
Myttbllle thoroughly truriVnted f rum the
ayHtetn without mine- aierrurv.
KVI.HV MAM annlvlnir (n na Will u
I wive our nonur opinion fi niscompinitii.
n e win uuarcniir a rusiu ve uuKism
tvrry cane vie undertake, or forjeit One
ThoiiMfind Isollara. 1
t.onu t.ittnn FRK.F. anrl ttnrtlv twivat.
iriffrtt personally or by letter. Send for book.
"The IMiiloMophy of Marriages 1
ueis t THtuauitj dook lormen.;
Great Museum of Anatomy i
the finest And largest Museum of its kind in th
world, Come and learn how wonderfully yott i
are maae; now to evoia sickness and di.ere.
we are comtmi.-iMy add! tiff new specimen.
Ajtuuum far.ts; can or write.
1 0S 1 Mfli ket 8tret. San Francisco, C-il.
NEW GOODS AT NEW PRICES-Immense Lines Already Arrived.
Over $14,000 worth of Dry Goods aloge opeoed up ir) the last two weels.
Boots and Shoes.
A Stock odo-LkK as ltu-go ngftin ns uny other io towu. Tbe
very lot Footwear that money can buy. From tho daintiest
latlica baud turned to hoary llnocarian nailed berdera
Shoes. Our juices are the very lowent throughout
When you want to be shod come and see us.
AVu line I tluit. our customers don't
AVimt Inferior Goods at
any low price.
Our Lowest Prices arc on
Standard Brands of Goods Goods of Known Quality
Goods that can be Guaranteed.
IVe never sacrifice Quality for the sake of Low Prices.
We carry no Inferior Charles Broadway Rouse or shoddy goods
to trick you with.
Tho Ono and Only Houso in Heppner buying
Yvy Goods, Clotliliiir Unclorwenr,
etc., etc., direct from tho mills, in cafe lots, for Net Spot Cash.
lilks, 2(a) pieces, very latest styles and designs
Velvets, an immense Ktock in every imaginable shado
Mack goods-Henriettas, Hrilliantincs. etc., in profusion
Wool l)iess (tooils, new novelties
Knglish Cadimeres, 'JtK, '2c and &V per yard. Hero's
something new
Single Suit Fatterns, alniut It) of them no two alike
An endhm variety of mixed Novelties at IhK ier yard
100 Udts of Kornoe Australian and Kohtan Fb ece-Lined
Good for Wrappers, at 10c and liljc
1000 Suits of Clothing to select from All Wool Suits with
guarantee from $0.50 up. If you have had trouble getting
fitted come to ns. We bare suits for short fat men and
long slim people. Ail shapes are alike to as. The latest
fad is to be art ayed in a suit of our own Oregon wool, from
Eastern Oregon sheep, manufactured in Oregon mills and
made np by Oregon tailors. We take your measure and
guarantee a perfect fit
AVo llnd that our customers want
the J3est Goods at reason
able prices.
blt of Culieo standard brand everv con
ceivable color and dcignHi, 18 nix I 'JO yards for $1.00
J.'iO Imlt of apron nnd dre (iinghams xtandard
brand, II, IT and IS yards br ... $1.00
loO pieces Outing Flannel elegant go.d. in
prettiet pattern1, M, 10 and lt' yards for $1.U
JOO lolts Muidins, bleached, 10, 12 and vards $1.00
unbleached, 12, 1 1, 15, 18 and 'JO vard for f l.m
Therefore wc have for the coming fall nnd winter
purchase the largest stock of goods ever yet
seen in I lcppner, of the very finest quality that
could lc had, the best assortment that wc
could select, the latest and most lashionable
styles prevailing in the Hast, and at the lowest
Kssil)le spot cash prices.
f straight caes Wool and Merino Underwear IkmHiI
direct from the mills
Wool Fleeced, v)c Kt garment
Kino Wool, 7oc
Select Wool.fl.OO "
lHadic IuMkhI Wool, Jl.'J.'i k. r garment
Ovcrxhirti a f'.ne lot of woobn and tlerrn lined Overnhirtd
at clo-o prices
1'joo pair UUnket ranging in pri. e frm gQc to $0 00
I-Ioppxiejr, Ore