Poor aid Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble -Had no Appetite-Now Better In Every Way-A Delicate Child. " Some time since I took a sadden cold and could not get rid of it. Being subject to catarrh and bronchial trou ble I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not feel like work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla. In a short time the cough disap peared, I slept well, had a good appetite and I was better in every way. Last spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more like work. My little nephew was a deli cate child and had a humor which trou bled him so he could not rest at night. He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar saparilla and now he has a good appetite and is able to sleep." Miss Abbib J. Fbeeman, South Duxbury, Mass. J "Sarsa- 55 parilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. AH druggists. 1. Hood' Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, aid digestion. 260. METH. EPISC. CHURCH. SERVICES. Holiday 11 a. m. anil 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. uiaesea no. l and i at ia:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 1 p. m. Prayer meeting. Thursday. 7 d. m. 'The Spirit and the bride say. Come." The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any wo may desire to consnlt him on religions, social, civic, philosophic educational, or any other subjects. J. W. FLE8HER. Minister. M. CHURCH, SOUTH. BKEVICBS. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, S p. in. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to church. C. K. Howard, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening ai me cnurcn. . a. Li. shelly, Pastor The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 3 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. 1. J. MttUOCK The (Jazette ia not heralding its oom ing with B brass band but its circulation oad be determined at the Heppner post office. Advertisers wil! please note this. Local Notes. Wood wanted at the Gazette office. Don't overlook our advertisements. Bee M. Lichtentbal & Co. for shoes, a The city oouDcil meets Monday nigh'. What is Hop Gold 7 Best beer on eartb. bee ad. elsewhere. Residence sod lot for sale. Inquire at premises adjoining W. 11. Ellis'. 2-9 J. A. PiTTEBBON. Liobtentbal & Co. tot shoes. Exclusive iboe store. Handles tbebest. 83tf Tbe Gazette's subscription prioe of $1.50 is listing subscribers every day. Gninnesse's famous old "Dublin Btoal," Imported, at Obrls Borohers' tf F. 0. Thompson & Co. are out for bus loess with en Interesting "ad" to another column. Receipts, notes, drafts, due-bills, etc, Drinted and neatly bound in books at tbe Gazette office. x Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrao Hon and defeats ot tbe eye, will be here every three months. 648-lyr "Oo'n juice" is all right but Low Til- lard has a brand ot 14-year-old goods that is bard to beat. 603 -If. Painless remedy tor extracting teeth. It not as stated, do charges. Try Dr, Vaagbao's Dew plan. 604-tf. If you need something tor your system oall at the 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tf Joseph Vsr, tbe Butter Creek sheep man. baa been seriously ill with so abscess at lbs root ot lbs toogus. Quite a number ot the popular young men of tbe city are making preparation to leave for school for tbe winter. Best accommodation and courteous treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. Bring your bides, pelts and furs to Ben. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat Market. He pays highest market prioe. Care that cough with Shiloh's Care. Tbe best oougb oare. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses tor 25c t a. Sold by Con ser & Warren. v Ladies, take the best. If you are troubled with constipation, sallow skin, and a tired feeling, take Earl's Clover Tea, it ia pleasant to take. Sold by Oonser & Warren. v A pleasant social is on tbe programme for tonight at tbeoperabouse,tobegiven by the elite of the town. Dancing and card playing will be tbe delightfull fea tures of the evening. The Gazette carries a full stock of mourning note, correspondence style, with envelopes to match. Those desiring snob, stationery can have their wants supplied at this office. tf. Earl's Clover Root Tea ia a pleasan t laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, parities tbe blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts. Sold by Conser 4 Warren. v Tbe cession ot tbe county circuit court opens Tuesday morning instead of Monday, Labor Day, at tbe oourt house. Tbe lawyers inform us thai a busy session is in store for them. Assessor Pettys is energetically pur suing up the delinquents, and looks for ward to a season ot rest after the first of tbe year. Heonntemplutes atrip to Eight Mile and vicinity next week. The many frieDds of Charles Mitchell will be grieved to learn that he is lying at the point ot death with typhoid fever, at Harrington, Wash., and his mother and brother Osoar have been summoned to bis bedsids. Miss Julia Hurt wishes to inform the public that she is now prepared to give instructions in piano and organ, and re spectfully solicits their patronage. Terms. $5 per term of 10 lessons, of 30 minutes each. Pianos tuned for $3.50. In Recorder Riobardson's oourt this week the case ot J. D. Brown vs. Lew Smith, a trial for tbe recovery of a horse and damages, the oourt deoided from tbe evidenoe introduced that as tbe horse was a stray neither whs entitled to own erBbip. Minor & Go's. mammoutb"ad"wHs loo big to pass nnontioed by. It was simply in proportion to the immense stock of goods they carry. Look at it again and you will find tbey have one thousand elegant suits of clolhiug to select from, as one item. Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red- ight," ever on tbe alert for something new, can furnish you the nnesi cock tails in the land Manhatten, Jersey, Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop in and take tbe taste out of your mouth. tf At tbe Heppner Candy Faotory is the place to get oool, refreshing summer drinks, J as. Hart can furnish you milk shakes, sodo, ice cream soda, orange wine, peach cider, etc Ice cream booths nioely fitted up. Come and try tbe Dewey flavor a new thing and very fine 601-tl Place yoor orders with J as. Heritor the Early Rose grape, the best oanning grape in tbe world. He will also take your orders for tbe Hungarian prune, tbe best selling prune where known, and absolutely the best selling in tbe St. Louis and Chicago markets. Fine lei ling fruit. 5-9 A. A. Wren brought to tbe Gazette offlos samples ot sugar beets, tbe produol of seed seut him last year bv Congress man Ellis, whiob for size sod quality are equal to those raised in the beet growing belts. Mr, Wren has leased bis feed yard above town and will go back lo bis farm, where be can enjoy life Tbe Marqnam Grand, on Morrison street in tbe Marqnam bnilding, is nnder exoellenl management and tbe publio will be royally entertained this winter. New companies and new faoes will ap pear from time to time at Ibis popular, first-class tbestrs of Portland, and wbsn in Portland our denizens should oot fall to take In some ot the fine dramas that will be presented. tf Personal. D. . Gilman is building a business office. Chas. Beman, sheepman, 1b in from Rhea creek. Roscoe Shaw and family, of Long Creek, are In town. Miss Mamie Dunn and her mother, of Port land, are visiting in Heppner. Editor Sbutt and wife are blessed with a nlue pound girl, born September lBt. George Rader came in from Long Creek yes terday in search of a wool market. Lee Matlock, son of the deputy sheriff, Is visit ing with his parents for a few days. Principal Howard is looking forward to a most successful year with the schools. Albert Rea and wife have moved to the Will Morrow ranch on Rhea creek, where they will remain this winter. Robert Wills, who has been rusticating dur ing the summer months out of town, is again ustalled in Heppner. Frank H. Johnson, wool buyer for Silberman BroB., of Chicago, is again with us. He will doubtless do business. Sidney Green and wife came In from Long Creek yesterday, and will lay in a greater part of their winter supplies. M. D. Metzler, a dentist just from Kansas City, Mo., arrived in Heppner yesterday morning ex' pecting to locate permanently . Mrs. J. H. McHaley and family have returned to Heppner from Monument and will remain during the winter for the benefits of school, Jess Stewart has returned for business from his visit to the valley, and will be found at his post of business. Ladies are requested to call, Joseph Williams, of lone, came to Heppner yesterday suffering Intensely from a bone felon, which Dr. McSwordB found necessary to lance. Mrs. Dr. McFaul and little daughter returned from Hager's ranch on Willow creek yesterday, where they have spent a very pleasant summer outing. The Portland Telegram: Mrs. George Conser of Heppner, Or., registered at the Perkins hotel this morning, en route for her home from visit to the coast, Mr. Geo. Wells and bride arrived on this morning's train and are now cosily settled In their comfortable home on Chase street Their many friends await an opportunity of tender ing congratulations. Newt. Livingston, sheriff of Grant county, with his wife and .daughter, passed through Heppner yesterday on his way to Portland. The sheriff's many friends at this place enjoyed his day's lay over very much. The Oregonian announces the return of Rep resentatives Thomas H. Tongue and W. R. Ellis, accompanied by their families, who are at the Perkins hotel having just returned from a 'rip to Alaska It Is generally supposed that Mr. Ellis will reach Heppner in a few days. Arthur Hudson, who has been Identified w ith the Butter creek schools for the past five years as principal Is spending a few days tu Heppner visiting friends previous to opening up the fall term. Professor Hudson has proven himself a very etflcient teacher, and is popular with not only his pupils but the entire county. A Jolly Party. Wednesday evening by moonlight was the event of the jolliest little parly known to oar juvenile society set The editor of the Gazette had settled down in his sanctum for bis evening's review when be was startled by a masical ohorus from a distanoe, and rushing oat upon the street tbe electric lighls reveal ed a large hay-racked wagon, drawn by two powerful horses, filled in pyramid shape with the happiest little stack of humanity imaginable. Driving about tbe streets, the sleepy old town was brought to lite by this sweet band ot minstrels, and those old familiar airs, such as "There'll be a Hot Time io the Old Town Tonight", "Rig, Jigg, Jigg and Away We Go", "In Ihe Evening by the Moonllflht". etc. caused tbe minds ot many ot tbe old couples aroused to go baok to "their childhood's happy days After a tew hour's delight Ihe little ones were distributed among their respective homes thankful for tbe pleasant cele bration ot the tenth anniversary of Nel son Bartholomew, and at about the time they retired, had tbey been listen ing, tbey might have heard a rival chorus singing down from the summit of the moonlit bills to the tune ot "Yip, Yip, Tip" so familiar to oat little boys and girls ot tbe "wild west" trom the throats of members of tbe "coyote choir", who were doubtless oongregated togeth er listening to the little voioes mingled earlier in the evening in the canyon below. Postmaster Vaaghan Installed. Dr. B. F. Vangban, oar genial dentist, who was recently appointed postmaster ot Heppner, assumed tbe duties of that office yesterday mornioK . J. P. Williams, tbe retiiing official, has made a very offi oiect postmaster in every respect, end goes oat with tbe good will ot all the patrons. Miss Eva Brians has been elected as deputy postmaster. Tbe Ga zette has bo hesitancy in voaobing tor Dr. Vangban's administration of tbe Heppner office. LEAVING HEPPNER. Wool Buyers Going Home Mr. Parrish . Opinion as to the Fatnre. East Oregonian. Roswell G. Parrish wbo has been at Heppner daring the present season as buyer tor the wool house ot H. O. Judd & Root, Hartford, Conn., is in Pendle ton en route to Hartford. Mr. Parrish will resume bis duties at the home office in Hartford, where he holds a position ot importance and trust with Ihe firm. He was asked as to why he was leaving Heppner, end said: "Tbe present stagnation in tbe wool market seems likely to oontinue for an indefinite period. No one wbo desires to protect bis reputation tor accuracy and reliability will venture to say when the market will open up so as to cause wool to move out to any extent. Bat I am of the opinion that for six weeks lo come there may be tbe same quiet tone that has prevailed during the present season and now is the one characteristic of tbe trade. I understand that other buyers will leave Heppner for tbe present, and some have already gone home. The stagna tion is traoeable to tbe entire lack ot de mand for tbe wools of this seotion in Eastern markets, and no demand show ins. no purchases can be made at tbe present figures ot tbe growers." Henry Soales, the well known sheep breeder and wool grower, is in town and was asked it he had sold his wool. Mr, Seal es replied: "I hold mv wool and have not sold a Dound. Tbe best offer has been lOli oents per pound, but I have refused, thinking it worth 12. When 12 is offered, tbe wool will go. I think it worth that amount, and, being able to bold, propose to do so, until the prioe is offered that I regard as fair end just." Just Received Our line of FALL DRESS GOODS They are up to date in stylos and down to bedrock prices. Call and examine for yourself. First come is first served. Other lines arriving daily at Brown & Stewart's FOR BALE. That 14-Year Old Stuff, 'Kohn's Best," On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon Chnrch Announcements. On Sunday tbe Christian cburob and the M,E. ohuroh, South, will unite their eervioes. Preaobing in tbe morning at the M.E. ohurcb, by R. L. Shelley; in the evening at the Christian ohurcb by O. R. Howard. Special mnsio will be prepared. Ranch, 320 acres, good laud, 4 miles of Heppner, all fenced, plenty of water, hnnsa and barn. 140 acres of summer- fallow, all ready for fall crop. Easy rarmn. Call nt the Gazette offloe. 654-tt Two Millions a Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it monna they're sntrnfied. The People of the United States are now buying Caecaret Candy Cathartic at the rate ot two million rtoxes a year nnn n win ue uuec uinnuu be fore New Year's. It means merit proved. hnt Cnannrotu nrp the most delightful bowel i-pirn atnr for pvervhociv the year round. All druggists 10c, 23c. 50c a box, cure guaranteed. Deafness Connot be Cored By local application aa they cannot reach the dlaeaaed portion of the ear. There ia only one way to cure deatneaa, and that ia by constitu tional remedies. Deafness ia caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucoua lining of the eustachian tube. When thla tube la Inflamed you have a rumbling aound or imperfect hear ing hearing, and when It la entirely cloaed, deafness la the result, and unless the Inflamma tion can be taken out and thla tube reatored to lta normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine caaea out of ten are caused by catarrh, which la nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucoua aurfacea. We will give one hundred dollars for any case ot deafneaa (cauaed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for clrcu lara; free. F. J. ChineY & Co., Toledo, O. F8old by druggtsta, 75c. Cluonle Diarrhoea Cored. This is to certify that I have bad 619-tf. It it reported tbat Green Malbews waa quite an extensive purchaser of beep In tbe vioiolty ot Bonis within tbe pasl tew dtjs. The big bridge over Ilbe creek Is now nnder eonstrncUnn, besides numerous other smaller bridges where needed along tbs oonntr roads. V.. CI. Kobte k Co. are mailers after basinet. Tbs Cneal saddles and liar tiMa in he found In Iletipnar. He their sw ad In this leans. tf. Tom Matlock bas flnUhed banting bis wool crop, wbioh he bas laid carefully way In Ihe werehooae. awaiting an up ward tendency ot the market. The minute yon adorn on of times) styltab mackinlneb, i1loartd in The .lrMH ton will teaks Inst as swell an nppeersoe, ladle and g'oU. John Bicos has instilnfed attachment proceedings against Thompson A Ilinns l l.k aalarv. Thornton baa been placed lo charge by lbs sheriff. Pe not deeeived! A cough, boaracees or eronp are not to b trilled with. A doM In time of Hhiloh't Cur will sat tad mocb trouble. Hold by Varna. Dyspepsia wed. Hbilob's VilellM Immediately relieve ' ''mr. lag op ot lol rtietreee. and I lb kidney and lir remedy. 7 r A Wrr. Aa Elk Is tbs Middle of tbs Knad. West Marl alt, while on his wav to Cow oarop yesterday, reports Ibal a bogs elk j a roped from tbe broth into tbe road in front of bis team necessitating bis reluiog np his bore In order lo avoid a oollision. Tbe monarch ot tbe forest was notioesbly "rattled" owing to lb fact tbat a pack of boonda wer in clou pur suit. Mr. Msrlalt itched all over for some kind of a son, or a Isriet, tbat hs might bring biu to town. PAT BEST OX J. r. K- ft. LAMS. Conser A f laforakatlos froat Ua Offlre Keeelver Otis I'alUrx,. In reply lo an inpiry of the (leaotte, owing to a mieanderatendinff of settlers regarding tbs length ot lims granted by roogra for payment of porobeae prioe, lb land office reeelver at The Dalle, onder dais of Aog. 31. writes as fol low: "Editor lleppoer Osteite, Ueppner, Ore. Oenle: lo answer to yoor req fleet of recent data la regard lo lbs condition of lb restored Northern I'seifk railroad land, will say that lb eilenaion of time In which psrroenl ran be msle lo Ihe porcbaMof the sam ends with IbU tear. Uo or after Jan. 1, no sock . . a . W . i.. parous eae i moia, imnimiF, "Otis rrra, Ree-iver." lor Twenty sere of land, osr a food eboiil. Will trad- for Iwr, farming eotfii,rle. Tot further laformlto ed dr, V. Wiwi-ajofct, TV-If Hod Uier, Or. Improvement of Roads. Tuesday evening, by request of a few prominent citizens, Marshal Healy went tbe rounds of tbe business men request ing tbeir presence al City Recorder Rich- ardson'i offloe, where a disenssion of tbe road problem woold take plaoa, and at 8 o'clock about twenty ot tbe interested ones were present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Morgso, when a general discussion look place between several members. Those oonspiouoas on tbe floor were Messrs. Conser, Morrow, Noble, Hynd, Minor and Tillard, and after bringing the meeting to a realiza iion that Immediate aolinn should bo taken for the improvment ot tbe rosds be fore wbeat-bsnllng got nnder way. It was decided that the preseooe of County Jndge Bartholomew was neoessary be fore decisive aolion oonld be taken and tbe meeting adjourned nnlil lb oeit evening, in order that he should be pre- sot. Promptly al lbs appointed boor Judge Bartholomew was there, as well a majority ot those of b prsvions meeting, and it was decided tbsl about all Ibal could be dons attb present lims waa to remove tbe loose rock, Oiling bad rnts, etc, on aomo of the principally traveled road. And It waa formally agreed tbat lbs eity counoil be sotioiled for lb sum of tlUO, lb ooooly coort for a like som, when Robt Uyod and Art Minor volunteered to can teas tbs busi ness msn (or another SUM, whiob would make a total fund of tKJO to be eipeoded Jodiclooaly. This movement I most important to oot only lbs bualriMia men of our lowo but to lb snrrouodieg coonty, and it Is lo be hoped thai outbing will retard lb good work. Tbe immediate session of both lb city euunoil and count? oourt is very forlonale, and It Is lb prsdiollo i of lh County judge and other prim mover I hat tbs work will be ooder way In short order. obronio diarrhoea ever sicoe tbe war. I got so weak I oould hardly walk or do anything. One bottle ot Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy oared me sound and well. J. R. Gidbb, Finoastle, Ya. I had obronio diarrhoea for twelve years. Three bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy oared me. a. L. Miiaver, Finoastle, Va. Both Mr. Uibbs and Mr. Hhaver are promiuent larmers and resiqe near Finoastle, Va. They procured tbe remedy from Mr. W, E. Caeper, a drug eist of tbat Dlaoe. wbo is well aoanalnt ed with them and will voncb for Ibe truth of their statements. For aals by Conser & Warren. To Our Patrons and the Public in General P. C. Tliompson I Co. Dealers in Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Will keep this spaoe filled with a list of tbeir lines, which are tbe best in qual ity and most reasonable in prices. IT lea HAKE OOODSS New Stand, City Hotel Building, ICTW TI1V1VARD. Prop. A. ABRAHAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring! Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp ner. His work is always first class and satisfac tion guaranteed. OALL AND SEE ME. ON MAY STREET- i Announcement To the School Children A full and complete line ofaoor" SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. Just received by the Slocum Drug Co. Everything needed for the commencement term "THE FAIR For PUIS. Hnd yonr address lo II . E Durklet A Co., Chicago, and C f' sampl ti ol I. King's Nw Ut fill. A trial ill eotivioe oq cf their merii. The pill ar ay in actios and ar prtiro larly (freil la lh enr .f meailpa tlon and sick bsdrhe. Rialarla and liver trnqbl tl,y tats rto (roved invaluable. They are giafanUd in r perfectly f re frrtn evert Ulrtertm nbalance abd lo b" purely vegetable. Tbey d) not ekea by tl,ir eiin, bit by giving lone M ibiavg and bowel grtlv tnvigoral Ibe ejtiem. lUvolar em '2'9 per bt. Cold by H Somas Iwng On V.. i. hlneom, manager. ill 5 Y t 'fixst; Arrived AX Li ORADISS, SlZIiS. AND .PRICKS Y tzoocl, liofivy-wolixlit, f.ill-loiiirtli AIiiolcliitoHli It li oupo, for men, Only - - - OTHERS AT PROPORTIONAL PRICES. - ire4relly ervea fietv ! wss dreadfully nrvoas. and 1100 HI A MM i lf relief to. k ir t'erl's deter lUxtt jTe. II s.ileud mi nerves eedstrai-' Will U pail for informal.) leadn i my ItMe nervous sit'em. I street end elrl en r.f any tr- lrm.nu.i-.it. -paiio.. s.-ie-y j IVIiiiioy rottirnocl it HntlwJffietorye , , tfooclM nro not klh Reeled "WIT 99 n.f Mra o lb' v ,'i:r T a 'r .iy pe1 Ml He le't s d Wad He oa I! r..r fetHre .. ... . ... tl c r H lisl, si'4r., Ota rVI i ee!M 'l