Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 30, 1898, Image 4

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    O. R. & N.
Dkpaet TIME 80HEDCLE8 Arrivi
fob From Heppner. raoM
9:30 p. in. Salt Lake Denver, 4:50 a.m.
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, Ht.
Louis, Chicago,
Portland, Walla
Walla, Spokane,
Minneapolis, Kt.
Paul, Duluth, Mil
waukee, and the
8.00 p.m. Ocean Stkamships 4:00 p.m.
From Portland.
All sailing dates
subject to change.!
For Hun Francisco I
Bail Hept. 1, 6, 11,;
10, 21. 26.
7:00 p.m. To Alaska - 5:00 p.m.
September 17
8:00 p.m. Columbia River 4:00 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Bteamkbs. Ex. Sunday
10:00 p. ra. To Astoria and Way
6:00 a.m. Willamkttk River 4:30 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New
berg, Salem and
May Landings.
7:00 a.m. Wiixambtte and 3:30 p.m.
Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivers. Mon., Wed.
and Sat. and Frl.
Oregon City, Day
ton & Way Land
ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette River 4:30p.m.
Tucs. Thurs. Tues.. Thur.
and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat.
lis & Way Land
ings. Snake River.
Lv, Rlparla ;Lv. Lewiston
daily except Rlparla to Lewiston dally except
Saturduy Friday
Passengers booked for all Foreign
J. 0. II ART, ArpdI, Hflppner.
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
Ik falator
Hie Dalles, Portlaod & Astoria Navigation Co.
CommPDciuK Monday, May 2nd, the
steamers of the Kpjrnlator Line will
Ifinve Portland Hi 0:30 a, m. BDd Tbe
Dal lei At H;30 a.m.
When yon go to Portland, stop off at
TtiR Dallei and take a trip down the
Uolnmbis; you will enjoy it, and save
Gunoral Auent.
Wm. Gordon has re-named
his stand the old Jones
livery stable
Tlio Central.
aled hay for Rale. Charges reasonable. Call
Bou him and have vour horses well fired for.
Thi American Institute of
Opens its next session
For further particulars apply
Fowler A Weill Co.,
77 V.. 2lt St., New York.
spokaxe falls & northers
nelson 4 fort siieppard
red mountain railways
The Only All-Rail Route Without
Change of Oars Between Spokane,
Rossland and Nelson. Also between
Nelson and Rossland, daily except
Sunday :
Leave. Arrive.
8 A. M '....Hpoknne B;40 P. M.
1HKI A. M Rossland H:40 f. M.
9:10 A.M Nelson 6:45 P. M.
CloBe connections at Nelson with steamers for
Easlo, and all Kootenai Lake points.
Passengers for Kettle River and Boundary
reek connect at Marous with stae daily-
Denver & Rio Grande
Weekly Excursions
In through tourist cars without change.
In charge of experienced couduotors and
fmifkra To Kansas City, Chiffit?o, Buffalo and
lUUIHIttp, Boston without change via Salt Lake,
Missouri I'aeillc and Chicago and Alton Uys.
TllMil'iva To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and
IUWuiIV!', Boston withmitehanire via HaltLake
and Chicago, Koek Island & Paeilic Ky.
To St. Joseph, Raima City and
Ht. Louis without chauue via Halt
Lake and Burlington Route.
TliiLclnim To Kansas City and Ht. I mis with-
muiMiajs, out change via Halt Lake and Mis
souri tactile railway.
A day stop-over arranged at
Salt Lake and Denver.
A ride through the
Famous Colorado Scenery.
From the Long Creek Eagle.
Mrs. LeBallister will soon return from
Heppoer with a floe line of fall and
winter millinery of all kinds, and cor
dially invites tbe poblio to call.
D. C. Coboe and family arrived in
Long Creek Sunday from a trip to tbe
MoDoffee hot springs, departing tbe
same day for their borne at Monument.
Mrs. T. D. Williams was called to
Oanyon City Friday to the bedside of
her sister, Mrs. R. A- Clark, who was
serionsly injured in a runaway acoident.
Diok Gentry, of Fox, returned last
Saturday from a trip to Heppner. He
informs the Eagle that the roads are
very rocky and in many seotions in very
bad condition for freighting.
John Day was sgftin visited by burg
lars, who started in on a wholesale soale,
but were put to flight by Lin Woods,
who took a shot at them, after tbey had
visited unsuccessfully several places.
E. E. Turk, of Cottonwood, wse in
Long Ureek Wednesday. Speaking of
the shooting of his sheep near Fox val
ley recently be said that bad be been
Baked to remove bis sheep, be would
have done so, but having consent of tbe
oearest resident, he tbougbt there would
be no danger.
Wm. Laos and family and "Fat"
Turner, of Pendleton, passed through
tbe valley last week en route homeward
from an outing trip in Harney oounty.
Mr. Turner has the reputation of being
tbe best marksman in Pendleton. He
proved bis ability while io tbe valley
by bagging sixteen birds at seventeen
Levi Thompson, while herding sheep
in the vicinity of Stisanville, ran onto a
black bear and two Cuba. He began
shooting with a revolver with the result
that th bear closed in and would have
fiuinhed Thompson bad not Jim Bibel,
the camp tender, cume to bis assietunoe
with a well directed shot, ending tbe
Tom Rhea, of Heppner, and a sheep
buyer from Montana, stayed in Fossil
over Sunday nijrht on their way back to
Heppner. Tbey bad been out two weeks-,
on a sheepbnying expedition in Grant,
Orook and Gilliam oounties, but failed
to get any, notwithstanding tbey offered
the enormous prioe of 81.80 per pair for
ewes and lambs.
don t
A Schilling & Company San Francisco
For rates and all all Information, Inquire
of U. K. St N. and 8. P. agents, or address,
General Agent, Hen. Pass. & 1 kt. Agt.
'AM Washington Ht., Denver, Col.
Portland, Oregon.
J. ('.. IIakt, Local A ill.. Heppner, Or.
The Battleship Oregon.
Has made more kinds of a reoord for
the U. S. navy in its 18,000 mile trip
than was ever dreamed of. Jndging
from tbe demind for it, tbe little 80
pagb, vest pocket size, army and navy
book juat published by the Northern
PhmUo in making a great record too.
The n quests for itreaoh the N. P. pas
netiger department t ht. Punl in lurge
on mi he re from every part of the Ouitixl
States. Thin Ih a tribute to wide adver
tiNing as well as t the euterprtae of the
ODmpauy mmI the value of the book.
Mr. Chan. S. fee, the general passer ger
audit at Kt. Paul, Minn., will send the
book upon receipt of ten oeote, 5t
Oregonlans to Oraoganlze for Hntnal Pro
tection and Charity.
In the city of Portland, during the months of
June and July of this year a society was organ
ized, known as The Native Sons of Oregon, the
Object! of which are, expressed in its articles of
incorporation and constitution, to bring the
native born adults of our fair state Into a closer
union; to promote acquaintance with each
other; to inculcate the principles of friendship,
personal association and mutual co-operation
among members of. the order; to encourage
intercommunication, interchange of thought
and ideas and as frequent fraternal visitation
as the means of travel and the claims and de
mands of business cares and obligations will
admit. To develop the mental and physical
faculties of its members and to aid and assist
each other in every possible manner at any and
at all times. In other words to create between
native born Oregoniaus a bond of sympathy, of
friendship and fraternity similar in point of
comparison to that between members of an
affectionate family, which is the strongest tic
known to humanity. It is designed to create
between its members a bond of brotherhood
stronger than that of any other society, volun
tary or corporate, secret or public, civic, re
ligious or military. Among its many laudable
and noble purposes are numbered as promi
nently as, if not more so perhaps than any
other, "those of the gathering together and
preservation of facts and details of Oregon's
early history, the experiences and biographies
of its noble and heroic pioneers and the per
petuation of those devoted men and women,
who, braving the dangers of mountain fast
nesses and sterile plana endured the hardships
and personal privations incident to Journeys
whose trials, deprivations and horrors have
never been halt told or understood, to lay the
foundationi of our hearthstones strong and
deep in the land of our birth, our beloved Ore
gon." This socity as at present organized
stands for much of good and personal benefit to
the native born population of our state and
through It to our people generally and the
I varied Interests they represent. It stands tor a
' personal acquaintance and association never
accomplished so far by any other method, and
w hich is so necessary to bring about a feeling
of earnest sympath , a sentiment of co-operation
amongst Oregonlans, a mutual determi
nation to stand by, help and defend each other
against the evils and misfortunes of society
whether they affi-ct the Interests of Irs members
or of our country or firesides; a desire to estab
lish and perpetuate among all native born men
and women the principles of friendship, pro
tection and charity. What applies to the male
element of Oregon's population in relation to
the rights, privileges and benefits of the order
of Native Sons, will apply with equal force to
the women of Oregon except that The Native
Daughters of Oregon will be an auxiliary
branch of the order similar in the relation It
may sustain to the Grand Cabin to that sustain
ed by the Daughters of Rebecca to the Odd
Fellows and the order of the Eastern Star to
the Masonic fraternity, hence the native born
women of and over the age of 21 years will be
called upon at the proper time to organize "The
Native Daughters of Oregon" for the same ob
jects and purposes and upon the same lines
substantially adopted by The Native Sons.
It is likewise the purpose of the order to
acquire eligibly Bituated property in the city of
Portland and to erect a home thereon suitable
to the requirements of the general membership
throughout the state; such a home as will
afford the most ample facilities for the enter
tainment, social Intercourse and general con
venience of members of the order native born
men and women of Oregon as will be a credit
to the Btate and its powerful organization, The
Native Sons and The Native Daughters of Oro
gon. To the speedy consummation of this pur.
pose will the officers bend their energies ably
suplemented by the efforts of members where-
sover dispersed throughout the state.
It is the purpose of this association to have
the parent tree in the city of Portland because
of the superior facilities to be had In a city ol
the size and in the present position of Portland.
It Is intended to proceed Immediately and
with all possible expedition to organize branch
cabins in every town and village In the state
with a view to having a large representation of
cabins present at the annual session of the
grand cabin to be held in Portland June 13, 1899
The institution and Installation of cabins have
already begun in Portland and charters, consti
tutions, blanks and all necessary paraphernalia
are now ready for distribution, Including secret
work, emblems, buttons, regalia, etc The Or
der of Native Sons, for so it is hy reason of its
secret work, is made secret with appropriate
sml)olim for the purpose of giving a cohesive
ness th.it can be found in no other feature of or
ganized work.
Its secret symbolism is historical in character
anil elt'ect, being based upon the hitorv of the
state and Its early settlement by our pioneers
This is as It should he, as ihls subject is one of
great fertility of reource and prorille in event
ful occurrences Thus is raised an enduring
monument to the memory of Oregon pioneers,
and one among the Hrst to testify to the rever
ence, admiration and grateful remembrance in
whleh they are held by the native sous. All
hail to the Native 8ons of Oregon.
Both Speed and Comfort.
The business man compelled to travel
at this season of tbe year, as well as tbe
tourist traveling for pleasure, demands
oomfort as well as rapid transit. Tbe
Rio Grande Western and its connections
furnish both. From the Paoifio North
west, passengers are landed in Chicago
in three days and a half, and in New
Tork in less than five day. Further
more, tbe passenger is given his choice
of three routes through Colorado, and
four east thereof. Tickets are sold via
Sionx City, Omaha; Kansas City, St.
Louis or Chicago. From the time the
passenger leaves Salt Lake City until he
reaches Denver there is one everohang
panorama of tbe beauties of nature,
whether tbe Rockies are crossed via the
Tennessee, Hagerman or Marshall passes.
Those who desire it, are given, without
extra oost, a day's stopover iu Salt Lake
City, affording an opportunity of seeing
the beauties of the Mormon capital, and
also ensuring a daylight ride through
Colorado, justly termed, beoause of its
soenery, "The Switzerland of Amerioa".
Via tbe Rio Grande Western rates are
always tbe lowest and acoommoJations
tbe best. Through tourist and ohair oars,
as well as standard Pullmans, upon all
For descriptive pbamplets of tbe fam
ius mountain scenery, rates, reserva
tions and other information, address,
J. D. Mansfield, Gen. Agent,
Rio Uraude Western Railway,
112 Third St., Portland, Or.
Fro Pills.
Send your address to H . E. Bucklen
& Co., Chioago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial 1
will convince you of their merits. These
pills Bre easy in aotioo and are particu
larly effective in the cure of constipa
tion and sick beadaobe. For malaria
and liver troubles they have been proved
invaluable. Tbey are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious
substanoe and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action, bnt '
by giving tone to stomach and bowels
greatly invigorate tbe system. Regnlar
size 25a per box, Bold by Slocum Drug
Co., E. J. Slooum, manager.
MEN ! be ci
What Dr. A. E. Salter Sayi.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From xKf
personal knowledge, gained in observing
the effect of your Sbiloh's Cure io oases
of advanced consumption, I am prepared
to say it is tbe most remarkable remedy
that has ever been brought to my atten
tion. It has certainly saved manv from
consumption. Sold by Conger & Warren.
If yon suffer from any of the
ills of men, come to the oldest
Specialist on the Pacific Coast, I
1051 Market SL Est'd 1882. 1
Younar men and middle (
aired men who are suffering
from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- j
cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical
jeuiiiiy,iinpoincy .j.oni jtijm.iiooi t
in all its complications: Nnermatorrhma.
HroMuf orrlitru, Uoiaoi-rha-a, fcllret, .
i'rrU-iiT of I rlunliiiR-, eie. By a '
combination of remedies, of great curative pow .
er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment '
that it will not only afford immediate relief but ,
permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to '
perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair ,
and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent
in his specialty Diseased of fllfn. ,
krpiiiiia thoroui!hlvern1lcntod from the '
system wit hout using irirrrury.
KVKBV MAN applying to OS Will re- '
OOive our honext opinion of hin complaint.
hewiUUuarantera POSITIVE CUUEin I
tr'ry cane we undertake, or forfeit One
Consultation FREE and strictly private.
i c.i. ,fciii.in y ui uy idler. OCUU IOT DWK.
"The riiiloMophy of Slarilnjce," 1
irec. t,A valuable dooic lor men.
Great Museum of Anatomy (
the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the
world. Come and learn how wonderfully you I
are made; tww to avoid sickness and disease.
We ere continual!? adding new specimens.
t;djvi.iyif(Ai;i uaiiorwme.
tCSI Market Street. Ban Francisco, Cat
NEW GOODS AT NEW PRICES-Immense Lines Already Arrived.
Over $14,000 worth of Dry Goods alor)e opened up ii) the last two wees.
Boots and Shoes.
A Htock ouo-balf m largo hgaiu ut any other iu town. The
very licat l'mitwoar llmt inoucj' can luy. From tho ilaiutiobt
iitilicrt hand turned to heavy Hungarian tinilml LrrJora
Mioph. Our in icon aro tho very lowertt throughout
When you want to be shod come and sec us.
find that our customers don't
want "Inferior Goods at
any low price.
Our Lowest Prices are on
Standard Brands of Goods Goods of Known Quality
Goods that can be Guaranteed.
We never sacrifice Quality for the sake of Low Prices-
We carry no Inferior Charles Broadway Rouse or shoddy goods
to trick you with.
Tin' Ono ami Only llouso in Hoppiicr buying
lr" Goods, Olotlilntr, lLJiiclorweii
etc., vW tliriTt from tlio mill, in case lots, for NVt Spot Cah.
Silks, -t0 pir(Ys, very latent style ami ilesigin
Velvets, an immense htoek in every imaginable hliatle
lUack goiMls-Henriettan, ltrilliautit.es. etc., in profusion
Wool lres (mhhIs, new novelties
English Cashmere. '.IK., -e and Ituc per yard. Here's
something new
Single Suit l'attern. alout 1(H) of them no two alike
An endleM variety of mixed Novelties at 2tc ht yard
100 lolts of Kornoc Australian and Kohtan Fleece-Lined
Good for Wrapper, at 10c and l'2c
100 Suits of Clothing to aeloct from All Wool Suits with
guarantee from $0.50 up. If you have bad trouble getting
fit tod come to us. We bare suits for short fat men and
long slim people. All shapes are alike to as. The latftst
fad is to be arrayed in a suit of our own Oregon wool, from
Eastern Oregon sheep, manufactured in Oregon mills and
made op by Oregon tailors. We take your measure and
guarantee a perfect fit
AVo find that our customers want
tho I3est Goods at. reason
able J) rices.
J.'iO bolts uf Calico tand.ird brands -vrry coti-
c. ival.l- color mid dcitgn-M. IS nud '.' yards for $l.u
J.Vi bolt-of ;iron iiitd dns (linbams standard
brands, II, mid IS yards for - - - ;.(0
pims Outing Flaniii d -b-gant goods in
pn Uii t patt- ins, S, 10 and M yard for - jl.m
'jm boh Mucins, bbatli.d. 10, 1 j and lt'aard ;1.k
unbleached, IV!, II, IS and 10 vanU for Jl.Mi
Therefore wc have for the coming fall nnd winter
purchase the largest stock of goods ever yet
seen in 1 Ieppner, of the very finest quality that
could he had, the best assortment that wc
could j elect, the latest and most iashionable
styles prevailing iu the Hast, and at the lowest
possible spot cash prices. 1
straight caeii Wool and Merino Underwear buu"ht
direct from the mills e
Wool Fleeced, COc per garment
Fine Wool. 7.V
Sleet Wool.fl.00 "
F.laitic ItihUnl Wool, $1.'J." per garment
Overshirts a fine lot of woolen and ik-ece lined Ovcrnhirts
at close price ' .
I Joo pair UlankcL ranging iu price frum G(K to SQ 00
IIex3pii.ex', Ore,