4 Hi FROM FOOT TO KNEE Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony From a Terrible Sore Her Story of the Case, and Her Cure. "For many years I was afflicted with a milk leg, and a few years ago it broke out In a sore and spread from my foot to my knee. I suffered great agony. It would burn and itch all the time and discharge c great deal. My health was good with the exception of this sore. I tried a great many kinds of salve, but some would Irritate the sore so that I could hardly stand the pain. I could not go near the fire without suffering intensely. Some one sent me papers containing testimonials of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I told my husband I would like to try this med icine. He got me a bottle and I found it helped me. I kept on taking it until my limb was completely healed. I cannot praise Hoods Sarsaparilla enough for the great benefit it has been to me. It cleanses the blood of all impurities and leaves it rich and pure." Mas. Anna E. EAKEN, Whittlesey, Ohio. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. favorite family Price 25c. UwwD. r:(K, are the liuuu o riiis cathartic. METH. EPI8C. CBCBOH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at T p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. 'The Spirit and the bride say. Come." The pastor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad joining the ohnroh, where he will be glad to meet any w-o may desire to consult niin on religious, social, oivio, philosophic, eduoational, or any other subjects. J. W. FLE8HER, Minister. M. E CHURCH, SOOTH. SERVICES 8unday, preaching 11 a." m., 7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, 8 p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to church. C. It. Howabi), Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services each Bunday at 11:00 o'clock a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. R. j shelly, Pastor. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of MrB. T. J. Matlock ADVERTISED LETTERS. AT HEPPNEB LETTERS ADVERTISED Or., AugUBt 29, 1898. Alhlma, Miss A Anderson, w A Bush, G W Hagan, J H Michael, Mr Hirslnger, MnS 2 Hmith, Joe Aldrich F R Boyer, W A Greene, C M Jackson, Harry Kay, Dale Splllane, Pat Turner, rrea Thompson, Richard When calling (or these letters please say advertised. J. P. Williams, P. M. The Gazette is not heralding its com ing with a brass band bat its circulation can be determined at tbe Heppner post offioe. Advertisers will please note this. Catarrh oared. A dear bead and sweet breath secured with 8bi lob's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector tree. Sold by Conger A Warren. x Bnyer Murphy, for Merchant & Co., of Portland, will ship within a few days a large band ot cattle from this point, wbiob be has gathered np in this vicinity. Mr Col nor, ot lone was in Hepp ner on business Friday and Sat urday, from whom we gained consider able information relative to that section of the county. Tbe Baker City ooanoil lias passed an ordinance providing for a paid fire de partment. The department will consist of five bose companies, a book and lad der company and 60 men. Tbe Fair renews tbeir space this week with the kind of an "ad" that sells goods, and has been responsible for a busi ness away beyond their expectation. Go over their price list again. For Constipation take Earl's Clover Tea, tbe great Blood Purifier, cures beadaobes. Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe face, and makes tha head as dear as a bell. Sold by Conser A Warren, x Sbilob'a Consumption Cure cures where others fail. It is the leading Cough Core, and no borne should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the epot. Sold by Couser A Warren. x Tbe welcomed thunder-shower, longed (or by Heppuentes, overtook us yester day refreshing all nature. Today oor vengeaDoe seems satisfied, as for a spell tbe fiendish pranks of the miserable cyclones of dust are at an end. Rev. Howard will be with us until after next Sunday. He has oouelnded to dispose of his household furniture btfore leaving, which he is offering very reasonable. Those desiring to purchase be urges to oome forward at once, The Hloonui Drug Co. makes a epeoial announcement to the school children in a display "ad" in another column. Head it, children, beoause they have what you must take to school with you when it be gins, or you will sorely be cent borne. Miss Julia Hart wishes to inform tbe public that she is now prepared to give instructions in piano and organ, and re spectfully solicits tbeir patronage. Terms, $5 per term of 10 lessons, of 30 minutes each, Pianoa tuned for $3.50. Dr. John V. Rasmus, of the "Red- light," ever on tbe alert for something Dew, can furnish you tbe finest cock tails in the land Manbatten, Jersey, Vermonthor Gin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop in and take tbe taste out of year mouth. tf State Haperintendect of Patilo In- Personal. 1 County Commissioner Beckett was in town yesterday. George Holmes, of Gooseberry, looked in on Heppnerites yesterdry. B. C. Ashbaugh, road supervisor, from Eight Mile was on our streets yesterday. Jake Wattenberger and wife went to Portland last night for a two weeks' viBit. Joseph and James Turner of Monument, were registered at the Palace yesterday. w. H. Johnson, the prominent sheep and stockman, came In from John Day Sunday. Joe Eskelaon dropped In on his friends yes terday. He says Social Ridge is all right this year. Frank Stewart has taken JesB' placs with Brown & Stewart during the absence of his brother. Press UresBwell, "Jolly Press." is moving his family from Ella back to Heppner, their future home, this Week. Chas. and W. E. Royse were In from Hardman yesterday. Both are rustling young stockmen and are successful. Mr. Chas. Johnson, our member of the board of eqalization, was in town yesterday. We had a pleasant interview with him. Heppner Blackman, who has been v isiting his parents In Seattle for the past month, re turned to Heppner la-it Sunday. Mrs. Ed R. Bishop, son and daughter return ed Saturday evening from the sea coast, con cluding a most enjoyable sojourn. H. Tash of Hardman, came to town last Frl day evening to meet his son who has been visit- lng Willamette valley and the coast for several weeks. The families of J. W. Morrow, W. P, Button and W. W. Sinead, came in from Ditch Creek yesterday, leaving the popular camp entirely at the mercy of the prowling deniz ens of the forest. A. Rood, who has been at Hardman, return ed yesterday, expecting to remain. Mr. Rood thinks the grain crop will move quicker than the wool, which promises good times for farm ers about Hardman this fall. Mrs. M. A. Fuqua will teach the primary de partment of the Lexington school this year. Miss Iona White will take charge of the Booner schools; Miss Sarah E. Plckard, the Lena school; Mrs. Robert Watklns, the Baker school; Miss Lulu Tash, the McBee school; and Miss Ethel Walbrldge, the Bob Dexter school. Flag Raising. Recently tbe public school proourred new flag, and not until yesterday oould tbey gain the services of a pro fessional climber to fasten it to tbe end of tbe pole. Mr. John Ralph, tbe gentle manly superintendent of the telephone system, volunteered bis servioes, and last evening in tbe presenoe ot a uumber of spectators be adorned his "spars" and went to tbe dizzy height with tbe agility of a pine-tree squirrel. Making tbe at tachment he descended to tbe ground, a hero in tbe eyes of tbe small boys, who have kept up a lively speculation re garding tbe possible fate ot the daring individual who would attempt tbe feat. As an appreciation of bis servioes Pro fessor Howard presented him in behalf of tbe eohool, a handsomely bound volume of the "Toilers ot tbe Sea," by Viotor Hugo. FOR HALE. Raooh, 320 sores, good land, 4 miles of Heppner, all fenced, plenty of water, bouse and barn, 140 acres of summer fallow, all ready for fall crop. Easy termB. Call at tbe Gazette offioe. 654-tf Mlaor A Co s. "Ad." Now, that tbe products of the county are in hand, and the season ot trading begins, Minor A Co. have proven them selves, as always, equal to tbe emer gencies ot tbe times, and have put in a etook of goods, necessary to meet the requirements of Morrow and adjaoent ooanty farmers and stockmen. Tbe firm is well known tbe country over, for tbeir enterprise and square dealing. In their store you will find goods of all kinds staoked to the ceiling. Tbeir list com prises every line to be found in tbe bugs department stores ot oommeroial oities. Experience in Ibis field has afforded tbe en a thorough knowledge of its requirements, and as in tbe past tbeir customers will find everything tbe) want at prioes consistent with first class goods. Just Received Two millions a Tear. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the 1'nitod States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, 25c. 50c a box, cure guaranteed. Announcement To the School Children A full and complete line nt r- SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. Just received by the Slocum Drug Co. Everything needed for the commencement term Notice. For the benefit ot students wbo have been attending summer schools, also those wbo have speoial studies to make up from last year's work before being promoted, a speoial examination will be beld beginning Friday, at 1 p. m., and on Saturday, Sept. 2d and 3d. W. G. Howabd. Local Notes. Don't overlook our advertisements. Bee M. Lichtentbal & Co. for shoes, a Dr. McFaul reports a 10 pound boy for Church Announcements. Tbe churches will join in a union prayer meeting at the M. . oburoh South, on Thursday evening. On Sunday tbe Christian churoh and tbe M, E. oho rob, South, will unite tbeir servioes. Preaobing in the morning at tbe M.E.ohurch, by R. L. Shelley; in strnotion Aokerman, upon finishing his tbe evening at the Christian oburcb by work here with the institute, took Sat- O. R. Howard. Speoial musio will be Fed Krog and wife. What is Hop Gold? Best beer on earth, Mee ad. elsewhere. 1 Residence and lot for sale. Inquire at premises adjoiulog W. R. Ellis'. 2-9 J. A. PiTTmiauN. Liohtenlbal k Co. for shops, Exolnsive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf Gninneese't famous old "Dublin Stoat," imported, at Cbrls Borcbers' tf John Bioos commenced so action gainst Thompson k Bions on Saturday for back wages. Receipt, notes, drafts, doe-bills, etc, printed and neatly bound Id books at tbe Gazette office. i Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defects of tbe eye, will be ber very tbre months. C4H-ljr "Oo'n juice" U all right but Low Til lard baa a brand ot 14-year-old goods that Is bard to beat. 6u3 If. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. If not as stated, no charges. Try Dr. Vaagbao's Dew plao. 604-if. If you need something for yoor aysUm all at tbe Tbone Tb Telephone looo, City hotel building. tf Jtea Stewart, of lbs firm of Brown k flew ait, left Friday for few dajt' '' wtib bis parents at Hlllaboro, Beet eooora modal ion anj eonrtooos treatment at tbs Imperial lloM.Bev.nlb tod Wash. Hts., Portland, Oregon. Tb bt policy to preach to yoor chll dren Is bnty. Tbe bat policy lo leave tb.ra Is lh Baektrs' life insurance. Bring yoor bides, pIU aoj fore to Boo. Mathews, t tbe Liberty Meal Mark!. He pays bl.be I market pries. Mir-If. Ia preparation for tb twld.'e wit. tloo the pleasant tmme of Mr. Oorge Wells is being handsomely papered and faroUbrd. Mrs Jam Toror earn la from Lmig Crark e.Lrdey, and I. MeHaorJ will! perform anrgk-al epratiB oa of ber ryes tomorrow, F.. O. Nobis A Co. rotlra after basin. The finest Ml" i bar. ee to he f.nd in Heft"' ew ad to tbte tesa. tf. CoQaty Hnpeflfctefldetil ribltl reports j lbs La. here ntanimf o la Ibeif rifres- j Ins of (B'wt IrierHtinf and r.filMe , eeeinsj r( the latitat. Mp lbetoJfb! Tsl w'tilrg. II may le4 to cBtict'tt''t. A T boW lis ol rtbilob't Cir ! Mveyqtir life. Bold by Ger A Ware, t .. i . it.- -t.i beard. An 2Slb. Mie Kste Wets ! elct I to it ? a1e If tbe re. I Ignello ft Mrs. IU.J J .. Karl's CUvr K I T. f twii,,. t,oe M S lb trt i4 if f i yo Wl mj tn, ! st fnnt 'y. br I Wifr... urday night's train for Portland. Yes terday morning be went to Oregon City for the purpose of conducting an insti- toe for Clackamas county at that point. At tbe Heppner Candy Faotory is tbe place to get cool, refreshing summer drinks, Jas. Hart can tarnish you milk shakes, todo, ice oream soda, orange wine, peach cider, etc Ioe oream booths nicely fitted up. Come and try tbe Dewey flavor a new thing and very fine, 60l-tt Tbe following government role tor measuring bay may prove of value to farmers: SuMreot width of stsok from measurement over top of staok, divide this reealt by 2, multiply the answer by idtb of tbs stsck, divide tbis by 422, blob will give tbs number of tons io tbe stack. Flacs yoor orders witb Jas. Hart for tbs Early Boss grape, tbs best canning grspe lo Ibe world. He will also taks yoor orders for tbs Hungarian prooe, tbs best selling proos wbere koowo, sod absolutely the bet selling lo tbs St. Louii snd Chicago markets. Fin Jel ling fruit 61 prepared. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam & Bisbee s And by the way they have anything you can call for in the line of Hardware, Htoves and Tinware. 60 WHERE YOU CAIN GET WHAT YOU WANT 75 Cents CHEAI 75 Cents THE CORDER CAMERA DURABLE 75 Cents Our line of FALL DRESS GOODS They are up to date in styles and down to bedrock prices. Call and examine for yourself. First come is first served. Other lines arriving daily at Brown & Stewarts That 14-Year Old Stuff, 'Kohn's Best, .... On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon IT ItS HAHB GOODS New Stand, Oity Hotel Building, r,OW TIIIvARD, Prop. .A.. ABRAHAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp ner. His work is always first class and satisfac-' tion guaranteed. CALLi AND SEE ME. ON MAY STREET- COMPLETE Mammoth Back Drsl. Tbe resell Jonroal eaye: One of tbe biggest buck sales ever made on tbe Pa oiQo ooaet took place at Hay oreek last week, wben ebeepmaa from Montana pnrobaaed practically all tbe bucks tbat tbe Baldwin Sbeep a d Lund company bad left (or ale tbii year about 71)0 bead. Tbe bocka will be ebiDDed to Montana from Tbe Dallet. Tbe price ii private, but it could not be muob, it any, under $7,000 a tidy eum to oome from another state to one firm forbacka. Tbii company baa aold altogether about 2,600 bucka tbit ytai. Mr. Frazer, tbe gen- mao who made tbe big purchase, aocom panied by J.W. Blake, of Condon, pawed tbrongb Foasil Monday on bii way back to tbe railroad. The most perfect camera ever offered to the public. A child can operate It Can be carried in the pocket. Makes picture! 2X2. Camera, dry plates and complete outfit for making 6 picture! by mall, 75 cents postpaid. Full directions lent with each instrument. THE CORDER CO... 30 Park Palaoe, New York City. A NEW FIRM E. .G Noble & Successors to Noble & Co., Are In this field at the old stand with Barnesi, Baddies, Whips, Spurs, and an endless lof of everything in their line. K. O. Noble and Mrs. Qeo. Noble coinprUe the new Arm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well as collect what is dne. O. NOBLE CO. Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. Aaala With 0s. Sunday morning Otia Patterson eo- compaoied by bla brother Alva oame in from Tbe Dalles, wbiob point Alva reaobed last week from Washington, D. Prof. Barton, from Umatilla county, IA, where n went over year ago. passed through bar ysalerday on bla re I While there hit time baa been devoted turn from Hard nan, wber b went to clerioal work and a course In law (ew data aiooe, tipecting to tak charge U La been to aitaeled that be fre- of the Hardman aobool, but owing to bit qntntly met tbe prominent official of beiog onabl to too ore a boos for bit I ' d-partmtnl, and bit interesting family be ve nn tbe tcbool. and thna deaoriptioo of individuals and tbeir eur- Iraving vacancy at that pi act for rounding Is a deolded treat. While Otia male t acher. I compelled to return to the reepoosi- Charl. Thornton. brtL.r of Ja.n.s bilitiM of Un1 onlt' "0'nl. A' , ,,. Thnmn-nn ftf lh. Or.r. -,!. A.m. In wl" raigouiniDg ii THE FAIR Child's Xobby, Up-to-Date, 3-Pieco SUITS from SI. 88 up. No thine; equal to our full Dress Suits at j)rices surprising to Merchant Tailors. Ileppa.r lh Utter part of tbe wk from tklab, bre be bat bo laid op tbt past rooolb from the tffeot of an eeel cidrnUl gunshot wound id tbe thigh. tie ha1 mlreouloas srap, a the bol 11 waaif very UrgecIibr aad Ibe least variation in it course would have cot a arUry Tbt Marxism Orand, on Knrtimm ttrawl la tb Uarqnam baildlng, ta under icIUnt tnanftiMBl aad tb poMie will ! royally eotrrlsinad Ibis winUr. op lb business matters pertaining to lb Oesstt. While bt appreolaUi tbe opportunity of study in Washioglon, be bat by do meant surrendered bit borne eontiJeratioo of .ppnsi. Art Mlanr'a UusL Josl at (tit break of day Huodey morn ing Art and EJ. Minor were ttalklag the baunta of a band ot elk in tb Willow ariMg basin. Dividing territory, Ed. took one rout, Art tbe other. Thirty Jlew eompaal aad tw fa will ap- loot from tbat time tb crack of Arts (war ffom time to tlm at tbi popalar. Wtocbetur announced tb delb of Bf.t H lhtre of Pwtland. and whew pro4 to b tbe largest and On at lo i'orllanJ our dU.oa should ool fall to taks In eo of tb fire drama that ill b t riii. tf Dr. Uaalofk, Att .rey llp,"Tb Fair" Mr. Wi.ius sb! adactt aiUMtM tporlmea tit bull elk that bat ever fal 10 to lb merksmeetolp of aa Eastern Oreg'io Lont.r. In quick eorcMioo fo. lowed fusilade frum the same guo aad Art bed a two tar oll ao of the moa- i ator It lag along.i.U. U ha Ed reanbad Shoes w.r Ibe pno Is mn endltl.o ,rf t,.,,,, Af, a as la a pari,sm rt fl.lrkb A rM-ilai.it lb "biie"aod "itttw" fio'.d Hital oolomo at mi. Df.'t N-k fir, lb lay and mrffbaM qn bat liitls am- ,6ltlno, Wl.ll. tb tfM jt "j'il" lit. li.ie n k- Tb 4 lo. slt tbat Ibal enf Ug git was lMtd4 llb a gal Uf "f t;p. iastl g t tbe Jast Ibe tl' KKCAkMt of Joy Urging oot.r.aqlts i wild de light. Ed t fliagt tn t Imagined at tb naly bnnnt Ibal f.ll to bis bit sa that of rsjtling l m out f the bratb. Tbe rr!s ram. to to yMt.rd.y, end by Iba wba dsvourid lbm, I, rladiag Ibe (UIU f'ir, w.rc pro boa &im1 a ay ahead of h"r meal. Tb aUis. bi le aad b'mfs lntot are I lb beads of l"i rtlaml lata.rmlal aad ill r.tqra to lb baa J if Elks Ibal roan lb etrwts tf lli ptr. Now, we are at home? Why, I should smile. The great "Queen D" Drown Shoe Co. Favorite at tl.'JO. Tbe Exposition Fine Drens 8 hoe at tbe low figuro of 1 .49. Lamp Wicks, 2o per yard. Spriog Clothe Tina, 4o per dozen. Oat Meal Boap, 4o per cake. Glycerine Hoap, 4o per cake. rt'aah Ikiilera, Na 8, 71c; No. U, 8'Jc. Oalf anizod Tuba, mall, Clc; modiom, 74c; large, 84c. 14-quart Milk Uucketa, 41c. Wofxl Frame Wringera, 18c. Iron Frame Wringera, 14c. Work Glovea, 2'2o op. Coffee I'ota, 8c and np. Tin, Granite and Galvanized Oackela, 14c and np. Milk Tana, iMjuart, fc; 8-Unit, 8c Ojrtcte, from -'c up, Hat Tin; Celebi'atecl KINGS UU11Y and TllK KJJSTG J3 AKOI iOIl HAT at 99c. It i 1t VI ii l. (ai l ff itfurajaiK-t) l.a lu.g iTtb. ft and sv-aTkli" '4 - ! t'l ba. t.i " II t,wU I lb i4, W -.!! i tb I 1 IIniim t a-il CASTOR I A For I-f-ctt A&d Coildrta. !fci thi In Kan Alwajs Bcctt W5 arcs AVo rid -.Beaters in Shirts Call unci examine our Percale Froiich Zepher Shirts, at. '1 8, -10, 50c find up. t V'ic v i Hrt tb Vr.'.wt of Money rottiriiol If ioocIm tiro not NHtlNfietoiy s a. wifc-,l jWefcrtXAlJ IMp-p wttawswW CsawtlXr wFaWtXswr1 JsLVsV sw f r f t tt r