Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 26, 1898, Image 3

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    Oil, How Thankful
Pain Was Maddening and Hope
Had Been Abandoned Wonder
ful Results of Purifying the Blood.
" A very severe pain came in my left
knee, which grew worse and worse, and
finally a sore broke out above the knee.
It discharged a great deal and the pain
from my thigh down was maddening.
Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my
leg. I suffered in this way for years,
and gave up all hope of ever being cured.
My wife was reading of a case like mine
cured by Hood's Barsaparilla, and she
advised me to try it. I began taking it
and when I had used a few bottles I
found relief from my suffering. Oh,
how thankful I am for this relief I I am
stronger than I have ever been in my life.
I am in the best of health, have a good
appetite and am a new man altogether."
J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine.
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents.
Banday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. uih8B6 no. l ana i at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
rrayer meeting, inuraaay, i p. m.
'The Bpibit and the bride nay. Come."
The pastor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad.
joining the church, wnere he will be glad tc
meet any wro may unwre to consult him on
otanyotJier subjects.
J. W. i'LEBHElt, Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class
meeting following morulng service.
Sunday school, 8 p. m. Epworth league, Fri
day, 7 p. m.
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
selves together."
Pastor's residence In parsonage, next door to
church. C. K. Howard,
Bervlces each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a.m.
mid 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. R. L. Shelly,
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p, in., on the flrBt
Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs.
l . j. uauocit
The Gazette is not heralding its com
ing with a brass band but its circulation
can be determined at tbe Heppaer post
office. Advertisers wil! please note this
Local Notes.
See M. Liclitentbal & Co. for shoes, a
You will make do mistake in following
tbe crowd to Tbe Fair.
What is Hop Gold? Best beer on
artb. bee ad. elsewhere. 1
Joe Laoonna has sold his sheep in
terests to F. M. Tcmpleton.
Residence and lot (or sale. Inquire at
premises adjoining W. R. Ellis'.
2 9 J. A. P4TTERSON.
Liohtentbal & Co. (or shoes. Exclusive
shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83t(
Jess, that dress pattern I bongbt of
you last week is oat ol sight. M.
Ouionesee'i famons old "Dublin
Stoat," Imported, at Chris Borohers
Wm. Oosoer hauled an eight borse
load of wheat to town Wednesday even
"Tbe best advertised ia tbe most pat
ronised, tbe least onliciied and tbe most
Receipts, notes, drafts, doe-bills, eto ,
orioted and neatly bound io books at
tbe Gazette office. i
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and de(eoti of tbe eye, will be bere
very three months. G48-lyr
"Oo'n juice" ia all right but Low Til
lard baa a brand of 14-year-old goods
that is bard to beat. Cu3-t(
Faioless remedy tor extracting teetb.
Knot as stated, no charges. Try Dr.
Vangban'i new plao. 604-tf.
Tbe local preachers are regnlar elen!
ola of tbe teachers' institute, and seem
absorbed lo interest.
If yoo need something for your system
eall at tbe 'Phone Tbe Telephone ea
looo, City hotel building. tt
Best accommodation and courteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
aod Wash. Hts Portland, Oregoo
Mrs. Robert Wetkloe retains ber love
for the old profeeeloo, from tbe tact that
be ia io attendance at tbe institute
Th beet poller to preach to yoar ebil
AMR la bnnMlr. The beet poll Of to
leave tUm Is the Beekere' life Insurance
BHue tour bides, pelts end fun to
Care that cough with Shiloh'a Cure.
Tbe best oougb cure. Relieves eroup
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 doses for 25c t a. Sold by Con
ser & Warren. v
Ladies, take tbe best. If you are
troubled with constipation, sallow skin,
and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover
Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by
Ooneer & Warren. v
Sheriff Matlock touched Heppoer
Wednesday night after a circuitous ride
of the oouoty summoning jurors (or the
term of oourt which convenes tbe first
Monday in September.
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, purities
tbe blood. Clears the complexion. Easy
to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts.
Sold by ConBer & Warren. v
Buyers announoe quite a drop in tbs
wool market At this point. Six hundred
pressed bales were shipped from our
warehouses last week, to be followed by
two hundred more as soon ea cars can
be secured.
Lone Rock will add to its census tbe
(amities of A. W. Moore and J. E. Re
reob, who were registered at the Palaoe
tbe first of the week, awaiting transpor
tation to that point, having already ar
ranged for a permanent location there.
Miss Julia Hart wishes to inform the
public that she is now prepared to give
instructions in piano and organ , and re
spectfully solicits tbeir patronage.
Terms, 85 per term of 10 lessons, of 30
minutes each, Pianos tuned (or $3.50
Oonser & Warren have renewed their
"ha" this week. Head it, end as you
pass the store you wilt notioe tbe display
o( cameras. IoaiJe, you will note tbe
transformation and introduction of
new showcase filled with a supply of
ohoioe Havana cigars.
At tbe olose of tbe institute William
Saling will go to Snmpter to resume bie
school. Mr. Saling will be missed from
our midst, as bis oonneotion with Asses
sor Petty's office during tbe summer has
caused us to look upon him as a perma
nent fixtnre.
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of the "Red
light," ever on tbe alert (or something
new, can (urnish you the finest cock
tails in the land Manbatten, Jersey,
Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in
tbe business. Drop in and take the
taste out of your mouth. tf
Thos. Soboolcrift left on Wednesday
nigbt's train (or San Francisco, from
where be will embark (or Honolulu. Mr.
Sohooloraft has been for some time ac
quiring Information regarding the islands
and thiuks now is tus time for Amer
icans to looate favorably.
At tbe Heppner Candy Factory is tbe
olace to set oool. refreshing summer
drinks, J as. Hart can furnish yon milk
shakes, sodo, ice oream soda, orange
wine, peach cider, eto. Ioe oream booths
nicely fitted up. Come and try tbe
Dewey flavor a new thing and vory fine.
Place your orders with Jas. Hart (or
the Early Ruse grape, the best canning
grape io tbe world. Ha will also take
your orders (or the Hungarian prune,
tbe best selling prune where known, aod
absolutely the best selliug io tbe St.
Louis and Chicago markets. Fine jel
ling fruit. 5
Before going to prers Marshal Hager
it forms as that be was informed that
Rev. Beauobamp'a borse bad been lo
cated at tbe ranch of William Bros.,
one mile south of lone, where it bad
been sold by the audacious thief. He
( nnable to recite tbe particulars, or
the apprehension of tbe rogue.
Assessor A. O. Petty made as cell
yesterday morning, and report that bis
aeseeameot work ia about complete, and
will be in readme for bia anooeMor, J.
F. Willi, who take effloa tbe first of
January. He predict a prosperous year
lo general for tbe oiuoty, and in bis
round atnoog the barretter, Bod tbe
crops tally ap to expectation.
The Marqnam Grand, on Morriaoo
tree! in the Marqaam boildiog, ia under
excellent management and tbe pabhe
will be royally entertained Uii winter.
New eompaiiiec and pew faces will ap
pear from time to time at tbi popular,
first class tbeetr of Portland, and when
in Portland our deoixeo should not fail
to tak In orn of the (lot drama tbat
will be presented. tf
It I onr doty to imprest oar reader
with tb impirtanceof patrooittog bom
concern. Io other column ar awly
constructed advertteemeott of oar looal
inerrbant, who invite a eompertaoo of
tb eleaeee of good carried by tbem,
n! tbeir price, with tbe catalogue.
Rev. Father A. H. Servai arrived here
on yesterday morning' train from Port
land, intending to bold aervioea in the
Catholic oburoh Sunday morning at 11
o'olook , but last night be received
telegram ordering an immediate return
to Portland, which will prove a dis
appointment to bis congregation
Father Servaia has reoeived tbe appoint
ment for the ooming year for tbe mission,
whiob embraces Morrow, Grant and
Gilliam counties.
Horse Stolen.
From J. M. Beauobamp's barn at Lex-
ing, Wednesday night, a sorel mare, of
950 to 1,000 pounds, brand J on left hip,
white star in forehead, newly shod; also
Mr. McMillan's bridle and saddle, made
by Cornell & Gentry. Information lead-
:g to recovery of tbe property will be
euitxbly rewarded by Rev. Beauohamp,
Lexington, Ore.
Dreadfully Nervous.
Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and
(or relief took your Carl's Clover Root
Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength
ened my whole nervous Bys'etn. I was
troubled with constipation, kidney and
bowel trouble. Your Tea soon oleansed
my system so thoroughly tbat. I rapidly
regained health and strength. Mrs. S.
A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by
Conaer & Warren. v
Teachers' Institute Bessioa.
Tbe meeting of tbe teachers' annual
session at this place opened yesterday
morning with an attendanoe of twenty,
whiob fall abort several of tbe teaobera
employed in tbe oounty, owing to the
(act tbat many are away in tbe moun
tains enjoying recreation whom County
Superintendent Shipley was nnable to
reach with notification. Tbe assistance
of State Superintendent of Public In-strcotion-eleot
Prof. J. H. Acker man,
who arrived bere (rom Portland Wednes
day morning bad been secured by Prof.
Shipley, and will conduot the institute.
The first day's review consisted of tbe
subjects of arithmetic, spelling, reading,
geography, theory and practice. Today
a number of additional teaohers are ex
ported, and as a great deal of interest is
manifested tbe instructor are assured
of a very successful session.
Following is the list of teachers in at
tendance up to time of going to press:
W. L. Baling, Anna Balsiger, Izoeria
Sigsbee, Mrs. Kate Steevee, Miss Tillard,
Miss Glasecook, Mrs. Shipley, Mr. Pick
ard, Miss Eva Brians, Mrs, Oney, A. W.
Skinner, Mrs. Robt. Wetkius, J. A. Bal
siger, Ethel Walbridge, Miss Iona
White, Miss Nora Barnett, Miss Myrtle
Hornor, Wm. Howard, Jno. Hornor, 0.
G. Morey and Mrs. Eugene Freeland.
A Permanent Ageacy ia Heppaer.
Mr. C. A. MoCargar, state
tbe Banker' Life Aseooiatioi
Moinea, Iowa, while here
livering to Mrs. Fred Bartholomew
amount of ber busband'i
pointed the editor of tbe Gazette special
agent for this oounty. The (act tbat
most of oar local business men are
carrying polioies with this company at a
fractional oost of most old-line com
panies is asauranoe enough to those who
want iosuranoe to oall and satiety them
selves a regard the value of this hue J
of insurance. We have Bbundanoe of
printed matter for distribution clearly
setting forth tbe principles of this mu
tual association, which we will give oat
i Heppaer. I - j s-
If A rew LnsD Snaps
A few dozen Ladies' Straw and Cloth
Hats sold formerly at from $1 to
$2.50 each Sailors, Fedoras, etc.,
latest styles. Your pick for
on application. Call at tbe Gazette office & dozen or so Ladies' Shirt Waists, brok
en lots, but exceptional value if
you can get your size. Your pick
for - - -
and talk insuranoe with as.
Yours truly,
G. Mekrut,
Special Agent,
A Berlous Mishap.
On Tuesday Dr. MoSword was called
to Parker s Mill to attend Miss Belle
Foqua, who was thrown from a carriage
some time si ce while enroute to camp
meeting. He found her suffering from
a dislocation of tbe bip, whiob, owing to
oegleot, bad become set, necessitating a
very painful relocation. After reacting
he left the patient testing easy, and pre
dicts no serious oonsequenoea retarding
a speedy reoovery.
A Horsethief Operating.
Rev. J. M. Beauohamp was in town j
yesterday endeavoring to traoe a due to
the individual who appropriated hi
horse, advertised in another column,
Mr. Beauohamp thinks he has a possible
due, in shape of a man who was in Lex-
I ington yesterday, hailing from this di
rection. The same party doubtless raid
ed Mr. Penland's melon patch Wednes
day night, also taking from the barn a
saddle belonging to a Mr. McMillan,
who was at tbe time asleep in tbe barn.
The first One.
Wm. A. Fisher, the pioneer of Hay
staok valley, oame in with bis first load
of watermelons Wednesday, and tbe ver
diet of tbe Gazette offioe it tbat bia
melons, for eize and flavor, lay right
over tbe top of any ever raised in Call
tornia, and it any other man in this
county think he can show op a bigger
one, bring it to the Gazette offioe and
fill np a apaoe bis would just go into.
We'll back his melons with a year's sub
scription to tbe Gasette, and don't you
forget it 1 He sold the biggest ooe
tore he reaobed town, bat has more grow
ing every day, and will keep a oomin.
His grape oron is his pride , and be ha
tons of tbem. Mr. Fisher oame to this
country in Bdvanoe of the present man
agement, so it' unnecessary for a to
introdaoe him and bis trait, as you are
probably laying in wait for bim.
We keep that bargain counter in Shoes
filled out of stock. I here s about
100 pair of ladies shoes. Elegant
goods. None out of date some
very stylish. Your pick at
1 .00
What we want is Space.
Married to Portland.
JuJe Bartholomew, who has just re
turned (rom Portland, furusbes us with
the item of tbe mtrriage of our prom
inent furniture dealer, Mr. George W.
Wells, to Mias Jennie MoGregor, at the
parsonage of tbe Graoe Methodist church
at Portland, tbe first of this week . While
it was generally suspected that Mr. Wells
would join tbe ranks of benediota before
he returned to Heppner, be made no ac
knowledgement of his intention, and it
is possible to those outside toe list of in
timate acquaintances, the announcement
will prove a surprise. While we were
not personally acquainted with the bride,
we take into consideration the esteem
with whiob she is held by the oommooi
ty 'where she, as captain of the Salva
tion Army, commanded tbe respect due
to ooe of ber intelligence aod refinement,
endeavoring to fulfill the worthy mission
of bettering tbe oondUion of unfortunate
bumanitv. The Gf.zette take tbe re
sponsibility of tendering Mr. and Mrs.
Welle, In behalf of tbe oommunity, tbeir
best wishes and a cordial weloomehome,
Just Received
Our line of
We have heavy lines of fall and
winter goods here now ready to
be opened up when we get space.
Our shoe stock is full to the
ceiling an immense stock.
Nearly as large again as any other shoe stock in town.
Come in and see them
Minor & Co.
They are up to date in styles
and down to bedrock prices.
Call and examine for yourself.
First come is first served.
Aa Important Wedding.
A very quiet wedding took plao
Wednesday morning at 9 :30 o'olook, at
tbe residence of E. J. Slocum, tbe con
tracting parties being Mr. Beoj. Parker
and Mis Ad Jooe. Theoeremony we
performed by tbe Rev. J. W. Flesher, in
tbe pretenoe of Mr. and Mr. Jobn Pat
terson, Mr. and Mr. Sam Meadow. Mrs. I
A. M. Slooom, Mr, and Mr. E. J. Slo
cum, Misse Myrtle uorner and lnreaa
Flesber. The rooms were prettily dr
orated with flower, and tbs ceremony
we preceded with an appropriate wed
ding marob, by Mis Horner. A hus
band and wife, tb nappy couple were
escorted to ths dining room, where an
legaqt Innob bad been prepared lo
honor of tbe occasion, and, surroooded
by tb friends preeeot, they were brought
to tros realisation of tbs bap pi net ia
tore tor them. Later in tbe day Mr.
and Mr. Parker drov to tbeir falurt
bom at Farbor's mill Tb bride,!
most estimable lady, be endeared her
self to tb oommaoity as a teaober ia
eppner'i public school for seven year.
Unci B d's enterprise and worth to tbe
community is thoroughly reoogolied,
and e all nolt io wishing tbem all tbe
bappieea to whiob they arc etilld.
Other lines arriving daily at
Brown & Stewart's
E. .G Noble &
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Baddies, Whips, Spurs, and an ondlvsa
lof of everything In their line. E. O. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comptlne tho
uew firm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well as collect what Is dnu.
Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't
overlook this. Repair work a specialty.
Ben. Matbew. at lb Liberty Meal
Market. H pay highest market pries. rlroolr tod glaring "ad." of ooorxrni
foreign to n who take advantage of di-
Al lbs Christian ehorch. Ana-net Wo, Uoc ,0 Mtob tb onwary.
its t - I
moraiof boor lbs mem win do io vvVaoehaB Is again itboa.errlv
Peril of Cereleeentee. 1 ou ar umiea. . f iutm0t Wednaelei night
Road Hopervieor Miller ba repaired
tha rol at th beed ft IWiM erera.
which ha been turning team by f
Marshal Hm b te entreated
itb lb reepaelbllitf of a general
eteanieg np of lb street, for which w
are all thankful.
r n WnV.UA Co. are roetlef after
battnM. Tb Attest a.Mlee and bar
t h f.mnd ia UMnr. He tbeir
m.m .l la Ihu lean. tf.
Ralr rvtec will U b-H loth
M. E. fhnrrb, Mnnib. at II 'elw a. s,
Unaday, wh Rev. M. V. Howard,
of I'alooee City. ! apr Ht"1- j
IW tot deceive! A mab, bores ;
of rfoap r t to bo trt!. with. A !
det in lims of HhUoh s Ctr will set .
fen SB-: trrmLU. Hnl t by ft f A j
yapl reie-l. Hlnlwb's VlUlwt
iuw! it!? relieve -f '"''
I. n el l..l dl, I '
Wbit awat b met lbs reqalremeet
profuMionalty rf Monarneet, Ism Crk,
fan, on aad Prairie Cilie. Tb latter
place be pronounce beautiful little
city, end rgf te that tbe arroasdieg
taller I "t edjM-eot lo Heppaer. Tbe
d ct.r etaed reedy to eboqljar Crel
Hm bnrilo. oo tl.e first dar of oit
& W. Trn. til eiamtserol
the boreal of peetinea. w la town re-
eBtlr, nlev.tlBg tt ferret ot, If any
1Wdhty In tbe !tlr of peoetoi
vnqeher. The dpartmal eiplele
biu.flr of lb llUfal, Ui.la4ifTrla4
parfnoclnry pneiire sow etteal. aod
prnpnwi tnieatitiM ev irnloel proedige
i eeet the partlx wbo le. !!- In lb
lrrfilM freelteM throughout lb
Ceiled ftetee.
Mr, J. II. ! r' Ut twwa
' U Hint Y'f , II- Job I'M. I"
bl b ! en I . ? be !
I-aI i tie. at Viie bey.
r r rw- t -
We have jut Heccived
tho Finet Line of
A Preaiseal VMM.
BUI Superintendent of Hobool J. U
Ackerman Cam to oo Tadymro
ing's tge, and, as chief instructor dor
iorf lb Mion of tb Uarbare' loslilnte,
ill remain noli! Saturday ntil. Tb
bnamee men of onr Iowa eoJ otbv
wbo coulrlhuted to tbe beadeoro ma
Jorily given Prfreor Ackerman, at tbey
form bis eoqaeioteQce, ar decidedly
ouUpokea In appreciation of bit qoaliS
cation for lb pnitlo lo which tby
elected ttm. In edlilioeto biacbolerly
attioota, the proleMor'a farnlly of
getting lmrudiaUlf in toejeh with mae
kind rgrdl ot lbr railing or eta
Itufi In life, Inenree f.tr bim follolog
tb g xl fxtio of bat fw ma. Per
eooally. w b kooe Profeer Ack
erman for yeer. lo bie sapaeily a prin
cipal ot the Pitrtleal pnblie eeh'Kil,
which be we sbirflf lirTiotl lo
bneglog totbefrootraukeof el'ittiol
procreM, aad well leow the b Q
eetmatio in which be le hl la tbat
uejuoaity. Il laaiallral !! piae
with I ho nib ti sffleiale, wh0 lb
legieleler tuU la Janeery.
Fall and Winter
Here to Stay
All pMxIri tlirt't t from the factory
tho latvHt and newest out. . . .
Coats and Overcoats
Ifivor l)rontrht to tho Noi'thwcst
Ofill find ocniiilno tli on 1
Hold everywhere fit twleo our prlees
Itrii-A.-vell mndo
rim mi..
Ilaech, JJJ jr, $ mi lul. I nile ot
IUppa, all fW-l. pUotf of ,
bnna 1 barn, lit arrae of mmmt
fellow, all rlf I fall rfp
lne. ( all at tbe (Urttie oft.
iM KakiH
Pants Pants Pants
Cnssiinor', All- Wool, Corluroy, Jeans, Col Ion mid Duck
:;;!Thc "lack-Rabbit" Pants
Soratthinp; new Warmnteil nt to ri.
Tho 'bt I in' of pimtH in tin market.
Will i iid for tat'! l4iii
ktra cl ait tr
WS't'tiSM IhS:
ft tP ol l.wi ai. " i yfg 0 d.,gM u,. bar as s b i.-l for iaf
fcHney aod liver re.1y. M by i n.r B0 b, t , W lb rrt aeJ .!.
. eWMie e.ee leUel. w.ll horn !imMmIM
Our Guarantee: Money returned
- ; . - rfitlfraotory..
If ooUh fire not
rsM-r ii (")
3i I'M ZdVilLLyA 1 SBk It pniat M 4rt bl l-l B In !
pv.Ui-i:t-R tt.tt.-t, ih. f.- ..!
V,VUrf'tV 1 il ..I.eeUet " it tk , s v m f4
nsaT i.l . J IkaliMA Si llrfLii I