O. R. & N NEW NAME ! AN interesting letter. Dept TIME SCHEDULES Arriv fob From Beppner. from 9:30 p.m. Salt lAke. Denver, 4:00a.m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. IOuis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Bt. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change. For Han Francisco Bail August', 7, 12, 17, 22. 27, 7:00 p.m. To Alaska - 5:00 p. m, August 8, 28. 8:00 p.m. Comtmbia Riveb 4:00p.m. Ex. Sunday Bteamers. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To ABtoria and Way Landings. :00 a. m. Willamette River 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Now berg, Salem and VV ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette and 3:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivers. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Fri. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette River 4:30p.m. Tues. Thurs. , Tues.. Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval. and Sat. lis & Way Land ings. Lv. Rlparia Snake River. Lv. Lewiston 1:45a m. 5:45a.m. Mon., Wed. Rlparia to Lewiston Sun , Tues. and Friday and Thur. Wra. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable The Central. aled har for sale. Charges reasonable. Call Bon him and have vour horses well r-ared (or. SPOKANE FALLS & NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Car Between Spokane, Roaaland and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Roseland, daily except Sunday: Arrive. ;40 P. M. 8:40 f . 91. Leave. BOO A. M Hpokane. 11:00 A. M RoHRland. 9:10 A.M Nelson 6:45 P. M. Close connections at Nelson with steamers (or Kaslo, and all Kootenai Lake points. Passengers (or Kettle River and Boundary reek connect at Marcos with stage daily. ONION PACIFIC THROUGH TICKETS TO THE East and Southeast via the R. R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE 8LKEPEB8. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Portland to Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. O. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Eastern Cities Change. Without Quick Time. Union Depots. HIE YOU GOING ERST? ! If bo, be Bare and see ttiat yont tioket reads via He Umm Line Personally Conducted Excursions. HaKKitKe Checked to Destination. Low Kates. Direct line to Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, nne to November, Writ undersigned fur rates, time tables and other information pertaining to Union Pacific B K J. H.LOTHHOP, or J. C. HAliT Agt., Gen. At.. 15 8d St., O. K. A N. Co., Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. ....THE.... OHI0AOO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY TIIIB IB TUB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTIT, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Ttiulr Mannincont Track, Peerless Voitlbulcd Dining and Hlnonlng Car Trains, and Motto; Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD ( ALWAYS ON TIME Weekly Excursions TO THE FAST. In through tourist cars witboat change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced ooudnolors and porters. hu nlvan this road a national reputation. All i'Ikwi'S ol UMmtiiKer rarrlt-d on the vmIIImiWkI trains wllhoiit extra cliarKe. Hlilp your IrelKlit and travel over this famous lino. All agents have tickets. W. n. MKAD, F. O. HAVAOR, Uon. Aifi'nt. Trav. K. V P. Agt. 2V Washington St.. Portland. Or. CIIICAGrO miiwaukBS & St. Paul B'y MfmiWa "r1 Kansas City, ChlrsKO, RuH'itln and .IKIUUaJ S, Huston without ('Intuitu via Malt Use, Missouri Pacillcancl Chicago and Alton Kys. Timeilni'S To Omaha, Cklcsgo, flutl'slo and IUIMMVS, Boston without rliRiign via Halt Lake and Chicago, Kork Island V I'ecillo Ky, U'lJno.i.r. JosiMih, Kansas City and HtllllfMlilJS, Ht. Inl without change via Halt Lake and Burlington koute. Tliiisvificii To Kansas City and Ht. louls with IIIUrMlilJS, nut change via twit Uk and Mis souri Pacina railway. This Railway Co. Operate its trains on the famous block system; Lights its trains by eleotrloll tbrouKb ool; Uses the ookbraUd eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Hons spawdily rqoippad pssanoirsr trains evwrv day ami sight between! Ht. l'anl nd T'lioagn, and Omaha and Chicago; the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operate sUern-bested vaatibnleJ trains, carrying; the latent private e nm part tu rot cars, library buffl smok ing rare, and palare drawing room lerpers. Parlor ears, free reclining chair ears. sod the very beat dining ebair ear smr. For lovret fairs to any point in the Toiled hlale or Canada, apply to ageiil or addrime U 3. KMT. ()enrl Agent, Portland, Or. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. for raft's and all all Information, Inquire ol O. K. A N. and R. V. eg nts. or addreas. K. C. Nl( IKiU H. K. IKrr.R. Uinrral Agont, Urn. I'eaa. Tat Ant y.l Washington Ht., Denver, Col. Portland, tlrrgon. J.C. II. bt, local AgL. Ili'ppnrr.Or. OREGON SHOUT LINERy in i L r J. W. CAMET, Trst. .'as. Agmt. o ViriCKr.HT AND NOTT DIKKCT LINK TO UTAH, COLORADO, .Vi II R A SKA, KASSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER wut all l'oinh EASI ami SOU TIL LOOK AT Till: TIMK. JTNW II VeMew St Perk Ue IIUitM V MMMt'All KIM TK fMM lnHIl M ti INK Kr tiis l inn r uk i tmr vru nT,ir fi (Tl1"! AL rk. 'NEW Y0KK. -IS days CHICAGO, : -ST. LOUIS. :5J " OMAHA. :i " SALT l.AKF, 1J " (vFilibitllSu Arm. n. J .f M.H l. r 1 .....' H HAM Hoti., .......u, l I A. M t" S U I. I hhL fl ),S ft.,., s, sil, r m. frwi'snt. 1wn M; I r..m, stii tttimi'im i-f 1 I Ml i.. m ! I Kiinwim, imU k.'.M li atxl .( Mwvntrt I'ttB i M ln Mi. a4 I hi i i-r'- r.iiUlj.M, fc.a l. ft I i. . -U n w all fit llfllt l.t CMM UI,M1 V SMtlMlitHI 4 Pn llMKI III!" . W. M4 I H a'! h I' ti'tft, I ar.M lUolmlng Chair Cars 1'phidcUred Tnurtat Hlerping Cars 1'ullaian l'elace Hlerplng Cars Vif full particulars regarding ralre, time o trains, etti., call on cr a-l Jrrse j. c. UAitr. Agrnt II. It. Jk N. Co., Ilrppncr, trgo O. O. Tiaar, W. K. Coman, Tra. Agt, Ua Agt. IJ Third M.. rtland. Ore. QUICK TXXWXX3 I Mini lniiiolMOo t.4 all la t al-r.wia. vtalka Ml. Ws Southern Pacillo Co fW pal klif )M a4w t 4 aaik, u- 4 tM rwiS wl. fall ( aiira it offal From the Only Morrow Coun ty Man Enlisted, From the Corvallis College. Fort Cavitk, Philippine Islands, July 8, 1838. Dkar Mamma and thk Rest: We have at last an opportunity to send some letters away from here; that is, there have been some arrangements made for our mail, although my address is the same as before. We are liable to leave Cavite at any time. This leaves me well, as usual. My ankle I sprained at Hono lulu had plenty of time to get well; although it was not hurt very bad, the rheumatism made it swell so I could not get my shoe on. My vaccination bothered me very much, and as a result a big scar will be left. Every one was vaccinated. On the way here we captured the Ladrone islands, too three officials and 200 soldiers; 150 of them were natives and thereat were Spaniards; they were brought as prisoners and turned over to the naval authorities here, as we have not captured Manila yet. We were 36 days aboard the ships. That is a little too long in such cramped quarters. All went well until we struck the China sea, and my, how she rolled. The decks of our vessel (Australia) were covered with wave after wave, time and again. We had no accident, however. Many were sick, but not seriously. The other vessels lost a man or two, and one went crazy on the Peking. Take it all in all, the trip was a very pleasant one. ' When the 17th of June came around (my birthday) we were 12 dayB out from Honolulu, longitude 153 deg. 25 min. 20 sec. East, latitude 14 deg. 10 min. North ; nothing in sight but water and all was pleasant. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon all four vessels came to a halt. Cap tain Glass, of the Charleston, came over to the Australia to form plans of an attack upon the island of Guam. I' had for dinner that day white bread, codBsh balls, a sweet potato, a trout and a veal cutlet. I would not have had this but for a friend who worked in the kitchen galley of the vessel, so I did not miss anything. Our meals were very slim, only two a day; nor did I get this all the time. We arrived here on the 30th of June. To see this place and what has been done is well worth the trip. There are warships here from almost everywhere, but I believe Uncle Sam has the best outfit yet. I would like to be able to tell something about them but cannot. The work done by Dewey is worth coming miles to see To see those sunken ships a person would feel as though the Maine was avenged, but it is not. They have become a common sight to us. The flagship, we are told, went down with her colors flying. After she sunk, only the flag was up. When the marines went to take it down, it was found to be nailed to the mast head. Not a sailor escaped alive from the Spanish fleet, and 18 vessels lie in this harbor as a monument to the gunners ef the American navy. We came ashore July 1st. Although I had ex pected to be with my company, I was detailed for special duty. Have been acting as provo sargeant in the brigade, quartermaster depart ment. These men are all regular United States omcers, and I And these fellows understand their business better than the volunteer officers. My duty was to move quartermaster stores, and I had from 12 to 35 natives under my charge. I cannot say a word of Spanish, but I made them understand what I wasted and they did it. I was relieved of that duty a day or two ago, but was put to something else again. I hope to be In active service soon, as thoy are fixing to cam paign some before long. We occupy the Span ish quarters for the soldiers. Those are very much better than I expected; they are made of brick and stone, with tile roof and Uoor, which make thorn a very cool place In this hot coun try. Tho moqultoes make it very disagreeable. It la a very common thing to hear the insur gents firing only a short distance away It Is said they tight next to the walls of Manila. Manila is In sight, only 10 miles from where we are. They do most of their fighting after night, When their artillery is fired off It it said it Is not very ell'ectlve. The insurgents are only for plunder. It is simply horrifying the way they have done, but all Is fair in war. The rules are very strict in regard to plundering in the 1' nlted States army. The way some are doing, some one will he shot, for that Is the penalty, I cou Id get lost of curios here If I had any way to keep them, hut I have not, even a few little things makes a load. You will see by this paper I am writing on It la from some old records found here whore I had been at work as paper Is not to tie had we use this. I cannot read Hpanlsh but am learning to talk some. It is a good thing we art all broke. We have been in the service two months, and they have not got done Issuing supplies yet. If we could get paid we might getsomerlothi-aiultedtothiscllmata. The government will Issue nothing but heavy woolen goods. I traded two good woolen on dershlrta for something more suitable. They art good for Oregon but not for here. Another thing you will remember those shoes you got me last fall, I wore them to Cavite and Just got a new pair yesterday. Ws wear our ducking suits (brown) as they are the best we have or ran get A blue flannel shirt la actually to hot It rains here rvery day. It Is said that It rains hers every day In the year. Ws ho It will stop long enough to take Manila. This elly la very ancient. Streets are Just wide enough for a cart and a four foot sidewalk on each side. The buildings are two stories high, tho unnrr stories extend over the street In ths outskirts the houses are made of Hutched grass, Ths only thing to sell la fruit -bannas. pine apple, man for and other Irult. It all grows wllil, and la gathered and sold by ths women. as war has been ths nmipatlnn of ths men for three year. Ths native are a brown rarsand reariubls the Chinamen a little. They ar small In statute, yet are rapahls of great sndursneo. I ent out on a pass ths other day (July f.th) and Balked 7 miles out In the eon nt rt. Ws mI through ths Insurgent line and ths people Irmtnt us fin snd gav ns something to eat They asked lis l" coins In st every pier. They aeem lo spprsetals preaenr very murh. snd Ihey gs St its as though they eonld hardly make us out. Our money Is worth for I of theirs, toil yott ran t inaks th native think so nor get them to It Ths officers ex rhange their money fur Mexican money oo ths guoUwta. I have had JuM lot of hard study In keep count of Changs In their money. They h(k s two copper that mak a rent and all are the same si'. Pol before my two year are up I will know how to mak II all. Then I only on Amrrlrti tor In Ihi fmr. its r sM reasonable for Iharfit Unr Ihej have lo b brought rlouf I ! . per aw k U Mlen money, prune so rent pr pound, mtslns so cent per pound, dried pu-hr S'rent. per pound, ranned trull Wesnt s ran this la all Spanish money. A lnll pier le i.ith 111 . This t s new ronnlry In me and ll ta fnlte.1 iuu hoi Is this .l- opportunl lire r Th montry I rtrh and will rats emUilng Is healthier bark lr.in the U a Iher ar blH euninialti I lb in rrtnf . w h I hw a".!. lo l.ll pl I will Ilk livery mo. h, M I think a great unr Industrie will he dvel..pl wbealh nxinliy is bllr knw. Sln roiH'Wrwt Ihl cuiiliy U tear e end II I th mm today Well r.sS hea'd a word IMS IhS lair sines In ol Mar. I tld Ilk Ui hear very much a lonf letter ar hard I file. es!r rllpflngssboMl lh wafer r; rt. mortally "' PJKI. ss s mr ll.O'g Kong said In I I"1 "ni j ,1 a tr ..a w. 1 he ar r. ol un hut 111 b S4 I" rea l ttill ,ilrtr I will nd Ihl tf MmS H.M'g. Dow em . n l-l H t I will 4 Ik am a all I well and no oW4 Sal s kit, ftvttnw Iran tell in. ! htt than I a nS ) fx.tl l l Sol are ,h M l lea ,. eal It ! j,H Inn W.lll h.t rlo r lh.ll. swsang IWi III (4 yo all well with MS ftertort at.I s H r"r M It. t - M I set A NATIONAL DISGRACE. Thirty-Six Honrs Witboat Food, Shelter or Medicine. Walla Walla Statesman. Sergeant Robert Grunner, son-in-law of Mrs. V. D. Lambert, now with company B, Second United State infantry regulars, writes from Santiago de Cuba a beautiful letter to a friend in this city, which is truly very interesting. We are permitted to make the following extracts: " If it was not for the Y. M. C. A. 1 would not be able to write at all. They furnish me kindly with paper, but no stamps. There are none, yet hope you will get this in due time. The first day's battle, night after landing, we were com pelled to throw away everything, haversack and all. I found my haversack again, but it was perfectly empty, save two photographB and shoemaker's knife. We landed June 2h at 50 a. m but hardly placed our foot on mother earth, when our regiment was ordered, in double quick, to hasten to the front and save the rough riders from annihilation. They were a little too fresh and aimed to take Santiago right there and then all by themselves, but they walked right into a trap. Had it not been for the Ninth cavalry and the Second infantry, all regulars, the rough riders today would sleep the Bleep of the brave, but foolish. I tell you, the regulars will do to bet on In case of emerg ency. We went on the new oi battle juiv isi, and never left it until the surrender. We guarded the left flank of a brigade, consisting of the Sixth, Thirteenth, Twenty-first and Twenty- fourth regular infantry, which made one of the most brilliant and daring chargeB the world ever saw. The charge at Balacleva, of the nome 600, alone could equal it. We were successful. Over 500 Spaniards were burled by our burying party alone. The loss on our side all told was 2,002 in killed, wounded and missing, for it was hard work. Yet I feel proud to think that my children, in years to come and when I have passed away, will be able to say: 'Our father was in the battle before Santiago and was a sergeant of the gallant Sec ond infantry regulars of Uncle Sam's most faith ful soldiers.' This country is not to my liking at all, and any one that wants my chance or share in It can have it for a plug of tobacco, When 1 wash my clothes, which is semi-month ly,! take off everything, wash them thoroughly hang them up and then sit in the water until they dry. This we repeat whenever our shirts begin to show life. The country, no ddubt, would make a splendid summer resort for Me phlsto and his angels. The people here are very Ignorant. Four hundred years of civilization and religious training under Spanish rule did them no earthly good, but they receive a new dal now and the poor, forsaken, ill-used Cubans may be nappy yet. "I think the manner in which our troops have been treated since landing here is something shameful. Just think of it! At the beginning of the fight J was for 36 hours without anything to eat, except half of a hardtack. I never suf fered such privations and hunger in Montana or Washington, in the wild and wooly West and among savages, too. Our much boasted of med ical department Is also a snare and a vile de lusion. Such funering, much of which might have been avoided, if the proper men were placed at the right place. Some of those polit leal frauds will have much to answer for on the day of judgment. I could write a book as big as Webster's unabridged upon the criminal mis management which opened many graves and caused thousands to mourn, yet what's the use The poor soldier finds very little consolation, far less recompense, from those political mid wives, who are foisted upon the army and navy in time of need, men incompetent, shiftless, anil yet hungry for olllce aud emoluments. Just oicture the sad scene in your own mind. Here we are for the last 3(1 hours, fighting like de mons, hungry like wolves, raining like h 1 with wounded and dying men all around Jus, without shelter, medicine or succor of any kind Why, it's cheaper here to die and be out of mis ery than to live and die on Uncle Ham's Install ment plan; yet we are not without hope, for Godwin reward us In the sweet 'by aud by'. If be ever rewards at all." Good ! People who buy Schil' line's Best drink more tea a i .i . i- year trun oiner people. TULAliE LAKE THAT WAS. No Water Where the Lake Ought to Be- Nothing bat Smell. Tulare lake has pagaed away evap orated by tbe bright sunshine and float ed off in fleecy olonds with silver linings and there is not enough moisture to float a tadpole, where only a few years ago great eohoola of fish sported iu sparkling water. Persons wbo have visited the site of the lake within the past few days eny that it hna entirely dissDDeared. The drouth this season and tbe diversion of the waters empty- ine into the lake have brought about tbe result. Thousands of dead fish are piled up in tbe deeper holes aud the stenoh from them is overpowering and can be noticed miles away. Settlers near tbe lake have moved on this account. Much sickness is feared because of the miasma and tbe stenoh from the deoaying fish. Tulare lake has receded farther and farther each year since the settlement of tbe country around it some twenty years ago. Tbe diversions of the Kings, Kerr, Tnle and other rivers, for irrigation of tbe thirsty lands of the plains, look the water from the lake. Only a few years ago tbe lake was from twenty to thirty miles across and about fifty miles long A email steamboat was ran on it at ono time by fisherman who always found tbe waters well stocked with the finny tribe. Fresno (Oali.) Republican. A Beautiful Present ,. A , fnrthe, intiuc. ELASTIC STAPCH (FU1 Iron Brmdl starch sold. These presents are in the form ot Beautiful Pasfe! Pictures They are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows: Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. SEARCH I lEQUIMINOCOOKINff" MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS STIFF MID NICE 5f AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HA LI n r HiiniNfiFn broC9 Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. These rare pictures, four in number, bv the renowned pastel artist, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now ottered tor me nrsi time 10 me puuut. The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the ong inala. and Are nronounced bv comnetent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing them in beauty, richness 01 coior anu arusuc uicm. One ot these pictures will be given away nritli arH narlracrf. nf nf unnr trrncpT. It is the best laundrv starch on the market, and is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a beautiful picture. ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. .ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE 3 of color and artistic merit. 4 Elastic Starch i Pay of Oregon School Teachers. The pay of school teachers in Oregon is far below tbe average for tbe United States. Our monthly average according to a circular reoently issued by the state eohool department, is $42.95 for males is $47.37 and for females, 840 24 Massachusetts pays the highest 8136.03 for males, and South Carolina the lowest, 823 44. Tbe District of Columbia pays the highest 869, to females, and North Carolina the lowest, 821 40. Aver ages on the Pacific coast are: California, males, 880.19; females, SG6 42; Idaho, males, 858.52; females, 846.31; Washing ton. males. $44.56: females, 838.14. The saving point about tbe low wage-eoale of Oregon is thai tbe monthly average for Multnomah oounty is far above tbat ot tbe TJoited States. It is $65 for males aud $45 for females. A natural result ot this liberal scale is that Mnlt- nomah oounty has tbe best schools in tbe northwest. Exchange. That 14-Year Old Stuff, "Kohn's Best," On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon IT 1(4 KAKU, UUUIJB New Stand, City Hotel Building, JLOW TILLARD, Prop, 75 Cents 75 Cents 75 Cents THE CORDER CAMERA Ths Sura La Grlpps Cur. Tbere is no use suffering from this dreadful malady if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are com pletely used up. Electric Bitters are Ihe only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. Tby sol direotly on voor liver, stomach and kidneys, tone up tbe whole system and make you feel like a new being. 1 hty are guaranteed lo onre or prios reranaed. rorsaieatc J. Hlooom's drug store, only SO oeots per bottle. Both Kw4 aid Comfort. Ths business man compelled lo travel at this seasoo of ths year, as well ss tbe tourist traveltog for pleasure, demands oomfort aa well as rapid transit. Tbe Rio Orande Western and its connections tarnish both. From tbe Faoiflo North west, passengers are landed Id Chicago in three days and a balf, and in New York in leas than Bv day. Fort her- more, the oassenaer is given bis cbotc ot tbrs rootes through Colorado, and four east thereof. Tickets ar sold via Hlooi City, Omabs; Kansas Cili, Ht Looi or Chicago. From th lime tbe paaseoger leave Halt Lak City until b rear-he Denver Iber is on sverchsng- psnorama of tba beaulis of nature, what her th llorkios ar crossed via th Tenor, Usgormao of Marshall passe Those wbo deair it, ar gtvsn. without itra cost, a day's stopover to Halt Lk City, affording ao opportunity f seio th twautir ot lb Mi'fniuii eapktal, aed also eoaiirinf a dsrligbt rid Ibroogb Colorado, insily termed, beoaos ot Ms soeoery,HTb Bwitorland of Aroerioa Via th Ilia Uraod Western rate ar always lb lowest and areotnmo.Utiotis th beet. Through tourist sad chair ear. wall a standard rullmac, upon all train a. For descriptive phamplets of lb tarn his tnonoUln arsnstry, rat, reserva tions and other Information, a-Mrees, J. U. Msriti.n,(tn. Aert. U11 lirsnite Wealrre hallway, MX Third HI., IVrtlaoJ, Or. tnrythm.tr Sets tw. rWr( 'an t I'sU-siitf. lh most wa drjl m.d..l Ulster of W . ! a t i4 retr-elntif ta t Ue. a-1 f rouy I .-ll'iy e kt.litl. ner na w.wr., rt- aiism lh ent.re vum, diil mU. f,,r helaoiie, trt. lt.Hl rt.Utia i-1 bt tmiwi-s. !'( aM iry a ! t'.l' Wtdsvi M. rK'a. HwWasxl g arnlee4 Ui rum ty U tlnugwt. The Battleship Oregon. Has made more kinda of a record for tbe U. B. navy in its 18,000 mile trip than was ever dreamed of. Judging from the demand tor it, the little 80 Dagb. vest pockel size, army and navy book J nut puhiisnea ry me iNortnern Faoiflo ia making a great record too. Therranests for it reach the N. F. pas- sender department at bt. Paul in large numbers from every part ot the United States. This is a tribute to wids adver tising as well as to tbe enterprise ot the oomnany and the value ot tbe book. Mr. Unas. H. Fee, the general passenger agent at Ht. Paul, Minn., will send tbe book upon reoeipt ot ten cents. 61 CHEAP DURABLE COMPLETE The most perfect camera ever 0 lie rod to tho public. A child can 0)erate It. Can be carried in the pocket. Makes pictures 2X2. Camera, dry plates and complete outfit for making 6 pictures by mall, 75 cents postpaid. Full directions sent with each instrument. THE CORDER CO.. 30 Park Palao, Nw York City. HEPPNER TRANSFER CO.'S Billed express Is cnmlti. Docs deliver work on short order, 10 cents and tip wards. This wskoii Is tin. 4. aud leave your order with It, or at "Central" tele phone olllce. We Move Anything! TW0 SPLENDID TBBIHS DAILY TO THE EAST GREAT ROCK ISLAND VIA I IftllTO UU1D State Normal school Weston. Oregon. Th moat successful year's work of the Hut Normal Prhool st Weston, Orrgon. closacl last June with tbt graduation of IwonU students. Rocky Mountain Limited Lm PKNVKK, . ai a. m. coiiU. Hi'HI.NtiH . . a. m. arrives 1.1 N.'n.N . . ll lAp. m. " OMAHA . . I ll t. in. DKH MIllNFH . . ft .!& a. m. - HAYK.M'Olir . . 111 m. " CU1CAUO . 1:1 p. in. Noit Da Thmaih 8lwrwrs and Chair Cant Colorado lo I'hiraurn. ttxlo Vmttlmls UinratfhooU The tine Lrmin In th Wsat. I Colorado Flyer Lmtm dknvkk roin HI'Hl.Noa Arrive TOI'KK A " KANAtt CITY J:4S p. ID. i-V p. m. 1 ) a. m. :15 a. m. HT. I OI18. (Wab. K S IS p. m. Arrives HT JOHHI'H . m Mi s. m. LINCOLN iF.iBnn) S IJ a. m. " OMAUA (Kitioo) . g a. m. Through Bleeper Colorado firings to Bt. Louis via Wahaah K. These are New Trains in addition to our former service. For particulars sod folders giving time of thee train writ FALL TERM Opens September 5, 1008, W. M . fl StTH V!?.'Kl?..torKKA. JNO. SEBASTIAN. U. F. A.. lUKAub. Wiseoaisia Ciavaai Lint A, your Druggist GENERAL TASSENGKR DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Not. 5, 1HU7. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Linoa in paasicg tLrougb CblCAgo may rcquiro aotuo AHsist Ance in tbe way of having their barnl bacenci takpo form or to train anl carriage or burt, or in many other way, u they will fin-1 all that ia tlcaiml in tliis rr sjoct in the aerrica of the Usbrr at the UranJ Central rancr PATARRU Station, who bate rowntly lvn Vllllllllllll Full rourM of sliulv, Hctentllln ami Prole simiat, ViM-al ami Instrumental musle. HrellMiil loralloll, go4 SurMr '! pleaaanl urmumliiigs. n-H la fsmlllr from 11 o to 11 'i Kimn l"t lime ho ,1rite lii lnr, Ibrm setve tan b hal al reaannabl rlr. Hr1lng hall lor Jmmg lavttew In rontierllon with th st hmil utt'ler Ihe rewlul 'ipr Ulnn of a matron, hoar-1, fml sn, Hglil al 1 J lu $1 :o r Wfrk. CaiaUigiie sn4 Information furnished npna fiilri1iin. T.v 9 MC M! You f?n II1L.I1 00 C I 11 mv efe-ea. i 1 f 1 sfl'iu e can cured Use from anr ef th I I -..it I t i hi i i i i uuiiorrorxi who uruwu sun ami mi TRIAL SIZE. I f,,',,.5w'-l trauja prpjmrru u assist )a- . r..-va'Uj Isi'Dcora. snd it ia hotxsl that our 1 s ii a . a a arail inrinai'lvra for MrrH. ar L ' 111 i (r 4 I f?.Kr t,t n,-r . r J v-vv . iA f provision .."COLD'HHEAD t -i lli.a ar.4 I' t I ' ' . ,ri -' r j . l ! H Wi i ; '1 1 1' . s ' e S'eM. re 1 , m . alron will rally of this feMitiontl thi'ir comfort J AH. C. 1'ONP, Ufn'l l'r. Act Ami ib .cit td "wu.f .1 mr:,Hmvmi ar 'n num.. v4'k Kfm., M Kv1r IwUlll, Hi., H SasiliiM. m .ll vtnmi ir rmnlorrhir a, rrMlil.rrl. liNH.rrliw., alt, reWHv ft I t IhsiIhi, , l.f m C...M ,'.,. 4 r.wlrte.wi sr.i ruunfn er, th l'-i. has tn ....i,-..! latwwa ti,.i il.'Ui cmlr sa ul i-oo... r" -I but ,nannt , .... 1 h I f a.' M( ' In f' .U, M .Vn. .igl,U n4 I ' SimJ fcTlttT i t rimesnt ia im.' lllaraa-! f Hen. a t sifcilile ihKr.rt.ffh'1, rMti,-i.4 ItuA tn IIIKI N . rt er1H re- Se. lf . ff -. r- ffliri.li . a i m,e r.,t1 ai- Jtrl Os f 1 heaan4 lletlar. S r',7l ",L ?r ll Ky ''' ' i v-i l (. l. 1 par r MarrUae f 4 f a ( A m. Mmm n a -a r Orrnt Muaruni f Analoriiy i i L-tl Mtwoai.4 ,i k.t laca a-'. t ,4 W . ma-Jf-.i'r fit f I 4T4 til. I I. tkf.tt. (.laam. 1051 r.M)M fa f a 1.- I- f "Ike fail ll. vm.i m IMT ll 1ml- v-l f 1 l, E "Tlic IHalor line" Tlr IVlrv Litfii Nuinu-i ft) STrAMxns ..... V'l(f CUT" H0 "HCUUIuh sil iNaial bt esftaaa HvjImi. aN,aM.S eaiaaias H U Mt Ullll i.tio,rMMi '. r. t. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinawarc & Uueenswarc At uilliam bisbee s nRLliSGTOfi-FOSSIL STAGE LINE j H. I. El I) A J A. II. (HllLVir. ( rnMlaia. .'nt, II. Us villi set TLe ll sa1 lake a trip ,"aa li.a rt rnoM Arlington to ' ail.aai (,tai KimiM tl ai,s irt,4wfl 1 ss a. I . " t lal.aa. Olt I ll a- a. 1 ' I w I I MM In 1 twt MMWs sea sm"! is t i ..JII lfl I at Ng I , Arlttj(rj -nr'.ia, arlal al elor. i 1ua a! intti tf fi- AaJt.rM l ka.a b l eil M I lla al ll. 4ra -I ('!(); )ia ul sj7 rl,ol . C otf. W '. AM.WTAT. t t I ,1 j p a ail al J r ra A. 1), ('11 A UI. I ON', leiiw-l ial Nw(i At !.. ) 4 fcs a.aasMat.4- t $1 a ta. SaM tat. aall k-a a-tai a la, aMllr'"" ai tgo wnrnr youcanofj what you want,1 a, fMiga. c II H41l.l ,,V iat r r r ri '.', ''H Ul a.t,., t I .l-M at vat f Mi J tare, . ' I- . 1.1, , ill at a a f- - w- I Jl, Hfl" Si