Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 23, 1898, Image 3

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A Grateful Moi'ner Writes this Letter
Tells all about Her Troubles when
Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores.
" At the age of two months, my baby
began to have sores break out on his right
cheek. We used all the external ap
plications that we could think or hear of,
to no avail. The sores spread all over one
Bide of his face. We consulted a physi
cian and tried his medicine, and In a week
the sore was gone. But to my surprise in
two weeks more another scrofulous look
ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It
grew worse and worse, and when he was
three months old, I began giving him
Hood's Sarsaparilla, I also took Hood's
Barsaparilla, and before the first bottle
was finished, the sores were well and have
never returned. He is now four years old,
bat he has never had any sign of those
scrofulous sores since he was cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
and smooth, fair skin to this great med
icine." Mrs. 8. S. weoten, Farming
ton, Delaware. Get only Hood s.
1-14 'o n!ll are Prompt, efficient and
ii"uu 9 rillS easy m effect. 26 cents,
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Bundny school
W a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
fcpwortn League Devotional meeting at 7 d. m.
"The Spirit and the bride say. Come."
The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad.
Joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may desire to oonsult him on
relimous. social, oivio, philosophic educational,
or any other subjects.
J. W. FLE8HEK, Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. xn., class
meeting following morning Bervice.
Sunday school, 8 p. m. Epworth league, Fri
day, 7 p. m.
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
selves together."
PaBtor's residence in parsonage, next door to
churcJi. c. K. Howard,
Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Haturday evening
at the church. R. L. Shelly.
The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 3 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock
Or., AugUBt 22, 1898.
Bancroft, Arthur C Levet, Ben P
Clark, Mrs Maggie M (2) Musgrave. J D
Campbell, Ed Mitchell, John F
Hickey, Fred Renfrean, Miss Mumic
Hodson, Arthur Stewart, Win
Humphreys, J M Hhrock, Dave
Hurt, J M . Shank, M
Ide, Arthur R Thompson, J B
Kenny, John Webb, Mrs Melvina
When calling for these lcttors please say
advertised J. P. Williams. P. M.
The Uszette is not heralding its com
ing with a brass band but its circulation
can be determined at the Heppoer post
oflloe. Advertisers will please note this.
Local Notes.
Bee M. Lichtenthal k Co. for shoes, a
What is Hop Gold? Best beer on
1 earth, bee ail. elsewhere.
Reeideooe sod lot for sale. Inquire at
premises adjoining W. R. Ellis'.
2-9 J. A. Pitts R80N.
Liohtentbal k Co. for shoes. Exclusive
shoe store. Handles the best. 83tf
Guinoesee's famons old "Dublin
Stout," imported, at Chris Borchers'
The Fair continues to receive new
goods, and will advertise a few leaders
io Friday's issue
Rogers k Roberts have none to Hinton
oreek for the purpose of ereotiog
oottage for D. Coi.
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrao
tion and defects of the eye, will be bere
very three months. 64H-lyr
"Oo'o juice" is all right but Low Til
lard has a brand of 14-year-old goods
that is bard to beat. 6o3-lf,
Painless remedy (or extracting teeth.
It Dot as staled, no obarges. Try Dr.
Vaaghao't new plan. 604-tf,
It yon need something for your system
call at the Tbooe The Telephone sa
looo, Oily hotel building. tf
Albert rJlooam bas well sloog in cod
stroction a neat little college oo tba
corner of Church and Gals streets.
Best accommodation and oourteoas
treatment at tb Imperial Hotel. Seventh
and Wash. Bts., Portland. Oregoo.
Tba matter wheel of Coats k Neleoo
header was famished with fifteen Dew
spoke by 8am Meadows last week.
Brine lonr bides, belts sod furs
Deo. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat
Market. De pays bigbest market rrloe.
8am Teed, formerly a typo ot the (5a
ttte fores, is dow on the WeUer, Idaho,
Iteoord, a new paper publitbsd at that
v.. a. NohlsA Co. are rostWe after
baeineee. The floesl saddles and bar
naaa la ha found lo Hepl'Def. He their
Df ad io this iMaa. tf.
Brown k Btewert'e ImI mmU busings
wee an anauranee that their store is b-
lof fast rogoltd ae a nrl st
fartwry placs to deal
htoo tbaleoagbl Take mint.
may lead to ooDioanti.o. A 'k bot
tie of Hhilob's Onre may sate your life.
8IJ by Gr k Werr o. I
We are osier bUtiou to tf. Mao.
lock and wlfs for a bioolifil supply of
boeklelcrrles, the first bsfe eejoyad
siur a boy lo "Turk HfsU."
Karl's Clover IU"t Tea, f t lV&li.e
tioo It's tb be and if afir titf it
d'l say ao, reiorn parKa-e ei
mofioy. Ha,l by (.eef
Warra. 1
('alerrb eerl. A ,"' ,0''
et breath e llb Kbtl.'b's
C-tarrb K-m!y; "! I oo a -t,eret,t-e.
NeJ loj1of ffe. M.I If Cot)f A
fet yir
The Willamette valley and along the
Columbia has experienced a heavy
downfall ot rain within the past few
days. How thankful we would be for a
similar benefit.
Particular attention is oalled to Minor
& Co's. new "ad" today. Cost prioe outs
no figure with the lines tbey offer. They
must have room for the new goods
already received.
The result ot the "bar hunt", which
was on the Ditob oreek program for the
first of the week resulted in another
epeoies of game falliog to the uncaring
aim ot Percy Garrigues.
The Heppner Transfer company hav
ing their cold storage depot in the
basement ot the Pal bob hotel properly
arranged, are now established as whole
salers of the Hop Gold beer.
For Constipation take Earl's Clover
Tea, the great Blood Pnrifier, oures
beadaohes, Nervousness, Eruptions on
the face, and makes the bead as clear as
a bell. Sold by Onnser& Warren, x
An ohjeotional character was escorted
to the city limits last night by a combi
nation of determined citizens and warned
not to return. He lost no time in plac
ing a Bate distance between himself and
Sbilob's Consumption Cure oures
where others fail. It is the leading
Cough Cure, and no home should be
without it. Pleasant to take and goes
right to the spot. Sold by Couser &
Warren. x
The teachers annual institute to be
held htre the 25th, 26;h and 27th will
begin at 8:45 o'clook a. m. Thursday at
the school bouse. Professor Sbippley
assures us that an interesting meeting
will be held.
Bob Hynd made a sale of 21000
pounds of wool to F. Johnson this fore
noon. Mr. Frank Lee also made an
extensive purchase this a. m , the par
ticulars ot which we oould not learn be
fore going to press.
The Gazette is in reoeipt of a valuable
general land offioa document, showing
manner of proceedings to obtain title to
public lands under tLe homestead,
desert land and otber laws, for which
Congressman Ellis bas our thanks.
The Roseburg Review says: TbeHepp
ner Gazette has issued in pamphlet form
a neatly illustrated history of Morrov
oounty. It contains much valuable in
formation pertaining to that portion of
Eastern Oregon tiibutary to the thriving
i town of Heppner.
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of the "Red-
light," ever on the alert for something
new, can furnish you the finest cock
tails ic the land Manbatten, Jersey,
Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in
the business. Drop in and take the
taste out of your mouth. tf
At the Heppner Candy Factory is the
place to get oool, refreshing summer
drinks, Jae Hart can furnish you milk
hakes, sodo, ice oreara soda, orange
wine, peach cider, etc, Ioe cream booths
ioely fitted up. Come and try the
Dewey flavor a new thing aud verv fine.
6C1 tf
Place ynnr orders with J as. Hart tor
the Early Rose grape, the best canning
grape in the world. He will also take
your orders for the Hungarian prune,
the best selling prnne where known, and
benlutely the best selling in the Bt.
Louis and Chicago markets. Fine Jel
ling fruit. 5 9
O. W.Tngraham, of lone, is the in
ventnr of a hreeiog machine which is
being Silnpted by mechanic and pro.
tensions! men. Both Richardson's
cyclery and Dr. Vaughn have one in
operation. He is also Introducing a new
ight called "Carburetter," which rivals
tbe electric arcligbt.
Mr. James Besstno and family who
came In this section from Engene about
two weeka since in seareb of a location,
bave decided to make an Investment
and will dnubtlees prove a valuable
acquisition to onr community as they
are the class of intelligent egricaltural
people who add very materially to onr
More fortunes have been made bf
liberal and judicious advertising than io
any other way. It is the liberal, pro
gressive, nu lo-date business man who la
always striving to please bis customers
bo advertise. Oos is eertrin of eoor
teona treatment wbeo entering a store
into which be bae been Invited.
Don't nas Dflnlap Percolator by
Mr. L. B. Wetla sM tbe Gazette oe
We bava tried it and ran aeaure the pnb
lie Ibal It is actually modest lo ite esti
mation of ite value. Coffee iesueing from
it without the "oeeesiary" eggs, and at
a saving of from on-tMr4 lo one-half
the quantity ntl heretofore, U simply
delicious. Weadviae oar friend to try
Tbe Marqnsm (irsol, on Mnrrteoa
atreet in tbe Marquam boildiog, is under
excellent management and the poMie
will le royally entertained this wlnUr
New rompsnli-s and few fscea will ap
pear from time to time at this popwlar,
first cl theatre of Portland, and wl.ee
io Portland our denUena shoal,) t full
to take in some of the fine dramas that
will be preweld. If
The rate of elmteeino lo the Orege)
Industrial Kiptxllion are g tg to t
k, w it l.to the reach of all. Oeaidrritig
th teat atnnont of etMleertietit and io
atruetion aff ld, the pri" t y !,
beins" ooly 'ii ett f r iole eliuiioq
ani II'" fr "ii'0 ti-kte fmd for 6
e-lmtot"t: liS" fr repo likt
('xl for 13 almiMion: rUi lrn aa Ur
1.' years of a leen
It la f 'irat I I Wilhm tt fM r.
all o alt'. I lb Ore. laltotr.al Cf . I
i position et l'"ftlo I Ir mii hrp eti.tf '11 '
itt Urtolf '.'J, for lh traaapirtel.oa I
Ic ltipOie "III male very liUfal rJ-irt. j
I tio oo fe(alaf fa'e, an I IU will
ite put aesy doea. Tb e-.toie
, filly rmiO'l b fart Ikat tf.e i(-l
u le for lh befll at lb lir ..'b. '
Mrs. Von Cadow returned bere Friday
from Arlington where abe suooeededin
renting tbe old-time hotel at that plaoe
which bas been closed for some time.
Mrs. Von Cadow will at onoe have it
renovated and put in shape tor bnsiuees
Without doubt Arlington is a good point
for business and Mrs. Von Oadow'a
ability as a hotel manager assures her
success. Her family will follow ber
within a short time. This community
regrets the departure of tbe entire family
as by their industrious habits and self
respect tbey promise to become a olaas
of oitizens of wbicb every community is
in need.
Portland Telegram: Among the last
batch of letters reoeived from Manila
was one from Lieutenant E. P. Crowne,
ai'j itaot, Heonnd regiment, Oregon vol
unteer, to a friend here. In this oom
njuiiication Lieutenant Crowne speaks
ot having been one of a party of offioers
who visited a German man-of-war in
the harbor ot Manila. He says tbey
were royally entertained by tbe offioers
of tbe warship. "Imagioe our great Bur-
prise," added the American offioer, "at
being offered some liquid refreshments
that came all the way from borne, id the
shape of some ot Portland's famous
'Hop Gold' Beer"
Hoantaineers Returned.
Those reported as having returned
from Ditch oreek oamp are as follows:
Mrs. H. Bartholomew aDd family, Mrs.
Dr. McSwords and daughter Mary, Mrs.
C. A. Rbea, County Clerk Crawford and
family, W. E. Brook and family, Dave
MoAtee' and family, Dr. Hunlook and
family, Miss Julia Hart, Miss Lena
Rbea, Mies Lizzie Matlock and Mies
Fay Bartholomew.
Dr. Swinburne mentions the following
as a part of bis list ot patients oonvalas
oent: Jas. Roberts' little obild, J. N.
Durham, employed by Brown Brook;
J. M. Hayes, who is gaining rapidly;
Wm. Estes' little obild, Mrs. Bruoe
Haynes, Mrs. O. E. Jones' little baby of
Eight Mile; Mrs. J. P. Brown ot Sand
Hollow, and Holland Tbompaon, brother
ot Alex and Press, who was brought to
town, and is in quite a serious condition.
The La Grand Conference.
We have been nnab'e to get a detailed
acocuot ot tbe interesting proceedings
ot the (La Grande M. E. oburob, South,
conference, but learn that the next an
nual oonferenoe will fall to tbe lot of
Heppner, a very important recognition
of our towD. Bev. O. R. Howard, we
regret to annonnce, bas been transferred
to Genessee, Idaho. Tbe reverend gen
tleman, by bis faithful devotion lo his
church, and kind and ooorteons treat
ment, bas endeared himself to the com
munity In general and his removal will
be reluctantly granted by this commun
ity. He will be succeeded by the Rev.
F. F. St. Claire, ot tbe North Georgia
Following is tbe list ot appointments
made by Bishop E. R. Reodrix:
Spokane Distriot G. H. Gibbs, pre
siding elder; Heppner station, F. F. St.
Claire; Umatilla cirouit, A. L. Thorough
man ; Walla Walla station, Cbas. T. Mo
Pbearsoo; Dayton station, J. G. Chris"
tian; Palouse olrcnit, R. O. Miobael;
Covello oirouit, W. B. Gray; GeDessee
station, O. R. Howard; NezPeroe oirouit,
8. W. Davies; Leland circuit, W. 0.
Miller; Spokane station, M. V. Howard;
Wilbur station, D. E. Vernon ; Troy oir
ouit, J. W. Oomptoo; Elwall oirouit, S.
E. Craw; Oakesdale, J. G. Carrie k.
Pendleton Distriot J. C. Thomas, pre
siding elder; La Grande station, Rev.
Shiron; Summerville circuit, A. Y. Skee;
Eagle Valley, E. G. Miobael ; Boise oir
ouit, C. C. Eagle; Baker City, Rev. Can
field; Malbeur oirouit, to be supplied;
Burns oircuit, to be supplied; Pendleton
station, S. P. Wigginsr Weston station,
F. 0. Adkins
For Infants and Children.
ha Kind You Have Always Bought
of fita&ffi&c&M,
Just Received
V. K. Brock Now a Blieepman.
V. E. Brock, who bas been identified
with the business of Heppner, as drug
gist, and late of E. W. Rhea k Co, made
a new departure this week. ' He has pur
oh a! ed the band of 1 200 ewes ot Murray
k Hiokey, now ranging on Camas
prairie. His entire attention will be
given them, and will uhortly repair to
bis Colombia river winter reservation,
overlooking tbe same preparatory to
winter tbe sheep there. Mr. Brook's
application to business insures for him
snocess in any undertaking.
A Change la the Firm.
E. W. Rbea k Co., have sold a one
halt interest in their extensive meroan-
le business to Mr. Otis Welch, who
with bis mother bave extensive sbeep
and land interests io this county. Mr.
Weloh become at oooe an active part
ner in tbe business, and while bis pur
its have been priooipally in oonneotioo
with live stook be will adjust bimselt to
bis new departure in short order. We
weloome Mr. Welob as an addition to
onr fast growing business community
and feel that be is fortunate in pooling
issues with a firm established as firmly
sslbst ot E. W. Rhea k Co.
Heath of Mrs Caraner-
A sad death took plaoe Friday morn
ing, August 6tb, wbeo Mrs. Robert Cars
ner, aged about 20 years, suddenly pass
ed from this life at her home io Wegoert
She bad been married to Mr. Carsoer
ooly about three months. She was
taken ill daring Thursday night, but
was op and aroood in tbe moroiog when
abe waa attacked with taiotiog spell
aod soon expired. Usr parrots, Mr. and
Mrs. Jae. Robinson, reside al Caoyo
City. Tbe bereaved buaband is a mem
ber of tbe firm of Caraner & Usydeo
merchants at VVaguer, and a son of War-
reo Carsoer, the well known Qraot
ooooly slockmao.-Bluo Moootaio Eagle
Tn Slllllwws Year.
Mirn t-nile buy, try. and buy ain. it
mi-nn thrv're mtulinl. 1 he liw-l'lr of tli
I'lnfd Malra are now buying t'a-rrta
Cainly t'ttlharlir at the rale f two million
mrn a nr arid it Will lie thrre milium lx-
fore NVw t ear a. It mrana mrrit prtiVM
Hint (' arrlk are the mt oVImlitfiil UiWfl
rttriilnior for rvrrvUxltr the yrar round. All
Hiuttgiita Ilk'. 2.V. a boa. rut gualanterd,
aa tiklaaattoe.
The reaeoe fur lbs great popularity of
II nod's Hareaparllle Ilea lo the fart Ibal
Ibis medicine positively enres. It Is
Aniertoa'e greatest medicine, and Ibe
Amertrao people bave an abiding eoa
fidooee io Its merita. Tby buy and lak
II for simple a well a eerioo ailmeble,
Oolifl It tit Ibal It vtll do Ibi m good.
Bears the
A Peculiar Mishap to a Horse.
Quite a peculiar and distressing acci
dent happened to a well-bred grey mare
belonging to Bruoe Eelley while being
shod yesterday afternoon. Owing to ber
disposition to kick it was found neces
sary to throw her, and wbile down and
again being urged lo get np , some one
exclaimed "ber leg is broken!" which on
being taken hold of doubled in either
direction. She was immediately released
and regaining ber three legs, a discus
sion arose as to the best method of dis
posing ot her, tbe leg swinging in a
limp condition, when upoo moving she
placed it upon tbe floor bearing ber
weight, and moving off with soaioely a
limp to the ntter astonishment of tbe
onlookers. A disonssicn derived a con
clusion that tbe ankle joint bad been
dislocated and upon putting it down it
fortunately slipped back into plaoe.
A Permanent Agency In Heppner.
Mr. C. A. MoOargar, state agent for
the Banker's Life Association ot Des
Moines, Iowa, while bere recently de
livering to Mrs. Fred Bartholomew tbe
amount of ber husband's policy, ap
pointed tbe editor of tbe Gazette special
agent for this oounty. The fact that
most of our looal business men are
carrying polioies with this oompany at a
fractional oost of most old-line com
panies is assuranoe enough to those who
want insuranoe to oall and satisfy them
selves as regards tbe value of this hue
ot insuranoe. We bave abundanoe ot
printed matter for distribution clearly
setting forth tbe principles of this mu
tual association, whiob we will give out
en application. Call at the Gazette office
and talk insuranoe with us.
Yours truly,
0. Mkrritt,
Special Agent,
Receipts, notes, drafts, due-bills, etc,
printed and neatly bound in books ot
tbe Gazette office. x
Our lino of
A Few Crisp Snaps
few dozen Ladies' Straw and Cloth
Hats sold formerly at from $1 to
$2.50 each Sailors, Fedoras, etc.,
latest styles. Your pick for
A dozen or so Ladies' Shirt Waists, brok
en lots, but exceptional value if
you can get your size. Your pick
We keep that bargain counter in Shoes
tilled out of stock. There s about
100 pair of ladies shoes. Elegant
goods. None out of date some
very stylish. Your pick at
1 .00
What we want is Space.
We have heavy lines of fall and
winter goods here now ready to
be opened up when we get space.
Our shoe stock is full to the
ceiling an immense stock.
Nearly as large again as any other shoe stock in town.
Come in and see them
Minor & Co.
They are up to date in styles
and down to bedrock prices.
Call and examine for yourself.
First come is first served.
Other lines arriving daily at
Brown & Stewart's
E. .G Noble &
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Are In this Held at the old stand wtth Harness, Baddies, Whit, Bpura, sad an endleia 1
lot of everything In their line. K. O. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprint th
new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well as collect what is one.
13. O. NOBIvE Xs CO.
Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't
overlook this. Hepair work a specialty.
Stools: Men
We havu just Ueeeivetl
tho Fiiit'ht Line of
Fall and Winter
Here to Stay
All good direct from tho factory
the latest ami newewt out. . . .
Ilools IMI
Malle-I l'-r Xk.
Lnetll, !.
rire all
l y C I.
liver ilia
M'kh! k Ca
rtlH MI.K.
I'.aaeh, 3 JO srr, rxvl I !. nlle of
(lappa', all tat' I. ltity of water,
twnaa an1 bvn. It I are i.f ttamr
fall , all re ly I' UU r'"p. I.y
t.rin. Call at lte t)att t fli.
f. tf
urn liteaMd
Will ! r I f"' ififarntatfte ka liiif
to Hi afft a a 4 e"iivrt(..fi f . f
n (line fVW Mfi11 "tt II" en
bMiUJunlLe Itfttil V.Mt oa li.e
bo, rw t llrmwt.
(t tv3
Mlieop-Hlclii ciiicl TCiill3raIliijcl
Coats and Overcoats
Iflvcr hrotmht, to (ho Northwu
Cfill find oxniiiliio tliom
jSold overywhuro fit twloo our iirleof
full rand complete lino
Jvtrii-xvoll iiificlo.
TUt I )' ii ,-.ftlt.
On r--rli t i f Mi r'-'. rfc tf ',
tn -I j. ,1 f t I I. . I I V I "
II 'r.m 'i n mTri.it lo iW l"n
lrl tlir - " t riM.lj.
I LI I Mil HI 1
U, .M.ii r t , ?. V'k I y
t J A.n ;. I. it t I ir. l rM. .L
fark ti rt 4 I . m I" . I
mt imtf l ', ' It Me rl
tli mi'h tf t,rt4 -
r. t. W -,.im I fc-t I itrl !.
Pants Pants Pants Pants
CusHimorr, A.ll-AVooI, Corduroy, Jouiih, Cotton and l")uok
The "Jack-Rabbit" Pants
SniiclliinK nuw WHrrttnt"! u t lip.
IIh ImhI line of I'untH in tli- inarkt t.
!. eat It t l.a(l t ". M-i-t. I
.fT"l'. a I !"'( a'i-ai . r,-, rr i. tl
!. altxil it, ! (rtv , ... 4 i, ...! ..
Monoy rottirnod If ioocIm nro not
Milt lf MOtory. wmmmmmmmmmmmm
lr;l i f i "1 M as i J'V't U g J rv
y"-W er"