Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 23, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, August 23, 1898.
An exchange says Lieutenant
Hobson, at Long Branch, had
kissed several little children, when
Mies Arnold, of St. Louis, one of
the bells of the place, said she al
modt wished she was a child again
and the gallant Lieutenant kissed
her in the presence of a large
crowd present to greet him. That
smack has been heard across the
continent, as a tribute to bravery.
Representative S. G. Uawson,
of Gilliam county, paid Heppner a
visit last Saturday. His visit here
was for the purpose of keeping in
touch with our county, the inter
ests of which are identical with
those of Gilliam. He was closeted
for some time with our worthy rep
resentative, Eugene Freeland, and
we predict a joint co-operation for
the best interests of Eastern Ore
gon. Frank Fiiazier's black pacer
Chehalis is making a wonderful
record on the eastern track. Sat
urday he boat in three straight
heats the best horses in the grand
circuit at Columbus, 0., making
the mile in 2:01 J. When the an
nouncoment was made that the
Oregon bourse would enter the
giand circuit in the fast class the
horsemen were inclined to make
sport of it, and some said it was
only a joke and that he might pace
on a cowboy track, but he could
not do anything on a track where
horses traveled. Since his recent
performance at Columbus be is the
talk of the turf. Even the Chi
cago Inter-Ocean, which ridiouled
the idea of Chehalis going upon
the grand circuit track devoted a
column to praising Chehalis a few
days Bgo as the wonderful horse
from Oregon. Oregon is getting
fully her share of advertising in
the east by the production of this
coast, from battleships down to
race horses. Eugene Guard.
Brief War News, Tele
graphic News Notes,
Etc., Etc.
Chickamaoca, Aug. 17. Tbe review
at Camp Thomas Ibis morning was one
of tbe most striking pageants in years
and one which will long ba remembered
by those witnessing it. Over 40,000
troops in most gorgeous array marched
in perfect order. Nearly 50,000 persons
were entbnsiastio witnesses. At 8:30
the signal gnn was fired and
tbe long column moved past tbe tower
on Soodgrass bill, where General Breok
laridge and guests were seated in tbe
review stand. Tbe cavalry came first,
artillery next and infantry last. Al
though tbe column only passed tbe re
viewing stand once the review oocupied
nearly five boars.
Pout Townshnd, Wash., Aug. 17.
The steamer Rival arrived today, 11
days from St. Miohaels, with 100 paeserj
gers from Uawson City. There were a
few miners aboard who bad considerable
gold dust, estimated at about 8100,000,
N. P. Sylvia, a pioneer of the Yukon,
says that when winter sets in there will
be a general exodus of people from Daw
son, as the country oannot support tbe
people. Wages have dropped from 81.50
to 70 oents an hour. Even at that price
only b few can obtain work. There is
much eiokness at Daws n and tbe hos
itals are full. Dysentery, tbe chief com
plaint, is not confined to Dawson, but
prevails along all tbe creeks.
W. J. Emery came to town fcxlay on business
Mr. :!cClark, of Minor & Co., is again at bis
Rev. C. K. Howard returned from conference
this morning.
Mrs. Martha C. Emry makes final proof of her
homestead today.
William Hughes and wife have returned from
a trip to Long Creek.
Uncle Ben Parker, of Parker's Mill, is in town
purchasing household effects.
J. W. Waite, a Montana sheepman Is again in
Heppner. In the past Mr. Waite has been quite
a heavy buyer.
Judge Bartholomew took last night's train
for Salem, where he will attend to matters re
lating to school land.
J. I. Corsen and "Dr." Chas. Ingram, two of
lone's prominent and useful citizens, made our
town a visit yesterday on business.
J. W. Spencer and wife, who have been
travelling the interior counties, combing busi
ness with pleasure returned home Saturday.
Mr. A. G. Robinson, of Kentucky, general
bbould be in every family na.
medicine chest and every LJ I I
traveller's grip. They are 111 5
Invaluable when the stomach
is out of order; cure headache, biliousness and
all liver troubles. Mild and effli-.ent, cents.
State News.
Three hundred Chinamen, with their big
dragon, marched with the Astoria regatta pa
rade Saturday night.
Isaac Ouker, of Canyon City, returned on the I
10th inst from Salt Lake, where he disnosed of
the famous Great Northern mine to a company vvlth he heroes who "leep on the hillside
of Salt Lake capitalists, who have organized a I
stock company of 1 ,000,000 shares.
He went to the war in the morning -
The roll of the drums could be heard.
But he paused at the gate with his mother
For a kiss and a comforting word.
He was full of the dreams and ambitions
That youth is so ready to weave,
And proud of the clank of his saber
And the chevrons of gold on bis sleeve.
He came from the war in the evening
The meadows were sprinkled with snow.
I The drums and the bugles were silent
And the steps of the soldiers were slow.
He was wrapped In the flag of his country
When they laid him away in the mold
With the glittering stars of a captain
Replacing the chevrons of gold.
The Leader
Of Course!
He lies with a Hag at his head.
But, blind with the years of her weeping
III. mnlli.r rut mnttma In- Un. ........
Tll .V.. . ... ...1.1 J """"" uou.
.uo, uuw nfc me lauuKge imuji., niu ueijuiuj a
curiosity during the coming races in Septcm
ber. He is billed to race each day and will have
no rider or driver. Independence Kntcrprise.
The steamer Miami, Aug. 18th, discharged on
the Laurline dock
May feel but a moment of pain,
But the women who wait in the homesteads
Must dwell with the ghosts of the slain.
Minna Irving in the Criterion.
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
Ban Fbancihco, Aug. 17. The trans
port steamer Australia arrived from Ma
nila today. Tbe Australia brought baok
tbe following soldiers who were dis
charged for sickness: G. P. Brown,
company O, Second Oregon volunteers,
Portland, heart trouble; Sergeant 0. A.
Bort, oompany K, Hooond Oregon volun
teers, Salem, deafness; William Wann,
oompany B, Seoond Oregon volunteers,
consumption; William Dye, oompany K,
Second Oregon, epilepsy; P. W. Shelby.
oompany B, Seoond Oregon, Eugene,
partial blindness.
No otbor country ever did, and
it is not likely that any other
country ever will, iu tbe Bhort
space of three months and a half
fight such a remaiktblo war as the
United Htntos has fought to a sue
coBttful close. It was one line of
BuccoHBs,without even a single sot
back from Dewey's victory in
Manila bay to tho acceptance of
the forma of peace, by the French
ambassador, authorized to act for
Spain. Without .l,.i--.-s o the
Hiigntest decree from the honors a
grateful country are paying tho
heroes who participated in tho
fighting, it is well to call attention
to tho fact that there la a man in
Washington to whoso iron will and
sleepless energy more credit is duo
for the glorioua results and cutting
of tho war thau to any other single
individual. That man in William
McKiuley, who has shown liimsel
worthy to bo the chief executive o
the greatest and strongest nation
that the world ban ever seen, by
gaining the admiration, lovo ant
confidence of our own peoplo and
the roe-poet of tbe outire civili.oi!
world. He Las raised the Unittv
Statea to a higher portion than it
has ever occupied in the cyea o
the world, and yet he ia today as
iincmti'iitatimi a he waa wheu
nerving iu the Iiouhp, and Laa no
pride other than that which every
tutu Laa who coiiHcientioiiHly per
forma duty, l'very American ran
jKiiut with piiile to I'rcvideut Mc
Kiuley mid aay to lend favortnl
iintimiK: 'I'll in ia theaurt of a man
that a fren country product at
Ilrppair M ml Mte,
Allaretl ri'iirUr ol.lalns from Kbt
V, II) Si.l. errrelar ami manager nf Hi
M if ri (Vtinty I. at.. I k Trust i'tn.ny,
romlnelitig a Vihi gmaers' reln.ti
I llrl in r, Inn anl l nglaa, lh f,,.
I lt g r.Utlv. l.i nur ihi lliia aeaann.
Tlixr I Irrti SH.l.t al tn iint kin 'ill
I :i sail, agef' g'i' g 47."IM Miiiti.
Tii i-tiifi I. ri ge ffom IiMii
Cet ! .f -tii J. As i i.ly Inn smalt Ms
llr Ml l!...f l.'cii l". I mil. I l-lm-
Hi ri,- ii... at atmt 12 , i-ei. Is.
1 l,o all I, lt' lil l.r... atll
",, IMI h iii ,l. ami alfiit l.tasi.uii
. ' ui.. In at ai.iti.l iu His riete el-j-itiiiuil
Mill'"' aaiin- ao a.ltam la
IMt. V ill Late III la'ge.t teieij la
i,u t,-nt, ,is tear
W Wl Mi en. r
I' ! 11 1, N, V. Uri.l.- 1 1 Ha to;
(riaoeal kimale-lge, fainJ In elMttiiif
lb f. rl nf J.itif hl.ll. ill Cm la rM
of vltati4 t4,smitii, I am tr(i4
l-1 aay it ia Ilia nxnl ffflari this tWrj
II, t Iim ai b.ii t f.xigiit la tat ia
i"ii. It I at t'rUm'f aatJ lUsaf fn-tn
jk. sr f i -n, k' l! ! (', . tttm.
From tlic Uni Crock Englo,
The Monomeulal hotel baa again
obauged bands, and will hereafter be
oonducted by Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hloao
of this oily.
The cbattle mortgage sale of sheep,
whioh was to have oome off last week,
did not take plaoe as advertised. Miiok
Bros, paid off tbe indebtedness to Mr
Qughes in full and retained tbe sheep. '
Chas. Stewart's barn, in thia valley,
was struck by lightning last week and
burned to tbe ground. Two sets of
team harness and considerable bay are
reported to have beon destroyed with
the baro.
County Kobool Supt. It. D. Williams
and wife and child punned through town
Sunday (in their return to Trxirie City
from Long Creek. Mr. Williams is well
pleased with the iiiatitnte and reports
fair ttendauce of teachers.
Mii m a returned l"t wek from
Olilongo, to whioh pints be miperln
tended tbe shipment of a tram load of
sheep for A. Hmyttie, Mr. Mark states
that his sheep arrived In Chicago with
no material loaa, while Irainload pre-
oeeding him only few butira aiiHtained
loaa Im reck of over fxX) bead, lie
stated, however, that the loaa waa made
good by the railroad oompany at Chi-
oago prioxa.
As the detaila regardln the aale of
mines recently made by Hlnan A Haskell
at Hiiaanvilie become known tbe deal
provra lo be very Important one, for
on Iheaneoeaa o( the pnrohaaera deponda
tbe suoi'raa o the ramp, lo a great rt
lent Mesara. DrWitl and MiClane, of
Hiiaanf ille, aod IWuniaou A Meyera, of
San Franoiaoo, by tbe terma of I be aale,
eotne into poaaeMlon of all the plaot-r
ground, ton quart claims, water right
an J building.
for transnnrtatinn to Pnrt.
manager of the famous "Black Dip", was in lan(, . Iaree ... of Port Orford d .
m-lipuur iu uio oiujreoi. 01 uis iibui oav- in the manufacture of matches. The wood has
urday- such a puneent odor that the men handlinir it Wool Not Inquired for by the Bayers-
i - " - i
Mrs. Otis Patterson returned to The Dalles on can only work two hours at a time without be- - Amonnt in Stock Here Now.
last evening's train, after several days visit, ing overcome. Astorian. I East Oregonian
sne seemea to enjoy Deing wun ner Old asso- Last week, near Creswell. while movine the There aenma in ho nn innnim rnnnh
norse power o: a threshing machine. Charles, fnp ,nni , lha Tho
TVunlr Tnktiom untmnaAnilnn flllKiiKmon rba 1ILvaaa.All An nl V X Tnnlr.nn I K
Commission merchants of Chieairo. arrived here in th head bi the torieue. receivi'nir a fearful erB 8re bldiu8. and the prices demand
Sunday morning, expecting to open up the blow. He never fully recovered consciousness, d afe above what the buyers think they
wool market. dying the next forenoon. This was the first se- are iUStified in Daviiiff. The situation an
W. T. Hatton, who has been employed as a rlou" harvesting accident in Lane county this explained il part by a gentleman, from
blacksmith by Simons & Son, will leave M "7 the standpoint of a financier, though
iiwiiu iay in a tun udn ia awcpii a jjubiliuii at I " vioi bwm;b iiiat ou ini uic onivo oi vv uui i , . . . . ..
his trade there. at Baker City have aggreeated about 75.000 Dl"",-U" 0 " ",nu
Mr. ami M. John Ami.ro.fi n,.d throng pounds, all of which has been consigned to coth the banks here have more
Heppner, enroute to Portland, this week. We 6lern ouyers. ine marKei price realized was money mail IQey gnow wtiat to do With,
understand that Mr. Ambrose's father will ac- " 10 1'!'ce"w pouna, wnicn is a lair tigure, Bnd are willing to have their patrons
company them, for medical treatment. " " bold wheat or wool for a month or wn.
. ,,, . t,, . . . aeiueo nonunion 01 tnings generally limes- .
Recorder W. A. Richardson and family have Mo.,nffnr 8 mD V eavinsr at the hank their warn-
ruiurueu irom -noiiey-mooii camp, ana me I u- it
i,w i in line for h,,.in. w. HiPt . Toaay tw carioadsof hogs were unloaded at house reoeipts as security."
cessation of hostilities, which caused us more J v-u. smca v.iaiwereau xDe expiananon reveals now strong
or less concern last week. "'I' "om ecnuy'Pr. CB'. na w(re enroute now are oreditg am0D(f wheat . d i
Mr. J. D. Brown and wife, with Harry Warren 0n -... nf ,nB Rrv nf w nn thU pna. men,
and his wife, returned from their week's stay nllmW , th(lm , ha Tbe wool market has taken on an
" D,Uh yft"dH' 'ee,," "ne "hipped out here from Kansas and Nebraska especially quiet tone, and it was thought
as silk". They were Inclined to stay another ,,, .,. ,. . r . . .
week, but business was in need of their atten. W some WHO are in touch with snob
tl.)U, compelling a return. Mrs. Holbrook met with an accident August things that there would probably be
t.-i.. x .. ..j r....i o . i"i wuicn uenrivea ner oi one oi ner ieei. ene . .
w Lllrfl,,.' ,u ,,, 0.0 I some saies now mat tne stall has a
and festive butcher boys, spent Sunday in the 1 "r-: la.r ln. -h,nh ,,Qnll i,
niPiuumt mnnr. nd .tvin it i. nn..ihi th.t K "ero u,0 u? 8l nur IO' oeiween tne me case eimer oi wool or wneai. urow
ttioir visit was upon solicitation of certain fair I ' auu iv was uui un. ine un.onui.ate ers seldom Bell on 8 Strong and rising
damsels. It is safo to say the boys had a good ,VT" . , 8 ' " " u K"r market
me. I w T c.;v, .u : .l.i
J. W. York, of Jackson county, informs us '" U,U1DU w ul luo uM"o
OUB PACIFIC KMPlltK. that he had H relatives by the name of York In 'here would be a reaction within 30
the battle of Santiago. All of them came out days, and be looked for sales to lake
United Mates, as a Kesnlt of the War, Steps Bl1 Bht except A. 8. York, of Redding. Cal., pB0S wjtnin that time.
. . ... v . tj i was m.. ..en, must 01 it.ts uuys are mr. m . xf l. .i. m . n
Into tbe Front Bank. Mr. Furnish gave the East Oregonian
From the Northwest Magazine. Kentucky, it cannot h said that the Ynrkaam some figures bearing on local handling
People are just beginning to realize not loyal to their country's flag. Grants Pass of wool. He had received at bis ware-
that tbe United StBtes has entered upon courier. n0uge tbia eeason 1,100,000 pounds of
a new career of expansion and ambition The outside of the Byers mill at Pendleton, wool, that was hauled in by team, and
W -W- LT II fx k I A IT. BT 9 r
'!! I . n. MUWAI1U o
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner, Oregon-
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
As manager he will run it in first class shape
in every department. Rates reasonable
which is so predefined as an oatgrowth ',h the ewptton of a few deutis ,1s finished. m m b t fc u Q fa t
, ,. , . , . The roof is made of wood overlaid with four ' '
of our national obaracter.our geographio- alternate layers of tar paper and asphalt, cov- to oome 75,000 pounds by team and 50,-
Bl position, ana our past nistorv tnal no ered with two inches of fine gravel. The in- 000 by rail.
intluenoe from within or without can terlorot the mill is being filled rapidly with During the season, there has been
stoptt. By virture of our naval victories machinery. On the first :flooi 'many of the parts B0ld from his warehouse 125.000 pounds,
, ii i . i . .u i . are In place and the setting of the water w ice a , . w kv.hu.,
we have suddenly stepped into the front ,lmoit C01npleU;a. The machinery will be aod 175.0 P00" has been shipped
rana oi me great woriu-powers, ana are roHay (or operation in about a month. east from tbe wool stored in bis house.
universally feared and respeoted. Ibe jerry Swarts while handling wood at a point John Lyoette, of the Pendleton sooar-
outcome of the Spanish war will be that on Mcacham creek, between (iibbon and Wll- ing mills, was also seen, and said that
no a reat movement will be concerted b D,lr' " 0 clm ",,,Jr WM ,lun on ln limra i. nn. thoi. ..,.hnnU in Pu.
.l I.-. . , . ,. of the hand by a rattlesnake. At once ho was ... . . . .
tbe European power, without consult- d(-ed wltll wXh.ky and othcrwi trcate.1. off- dleton a total of about 2,000,000 pounds,
ing tbe United States. There will be no setting the poison before It could overpower end that 1,000,000 pounds bad been
tnnre soheme for oarviog up (Jhina or for his system. Today he la fully recovered and sooured so far this season. Wool has
partitioning Africa, unless Uncle Ham is Slavery few 111 effects of his experience. The b,en BLjppe(1 in trom The DttUes and
I Bit mt a Wll lrlllaul anil IK a 1 1 1 . m a l.nl.l .. I " ' 1
taken luto the deal. , many other noints for soourinir. Mr.
We have already annexed the ... . . ,. I Lyoette thinks sales here ere about
Llnwaiian Islandu, aud we bae laid our Itl tle Philippines, writes home that while 150,000 for the season .
t r ii ui hnriil niton IIia T'hillnninita mi th i lh HtisttilHrila iU t t tlm ttumtlo nf tho I 1 1
other aide of the raoillo. We bave oo-1 ''lm,e islands for hrcathiiiK. they did not for- Tbe Gazette carries a full stock of SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES
1...1 t ...i . j m, wtta collect a death tax. Hero are some items mourninff note. OorreaDondenoa atvl. I ........ . . .
rrr. v" "mw.. . sP.c...ty
" " for each biillalo.TS n nta; births, S; deaths, annh ..B,i(inB,v nun
.... 1 I I. ik.t IH.r AlllirMMInf .ml. liUM .11. ......! ....II l. tl M T. . I. .... I ' V 1 11 I
r ..., ....... ii-K"r,iM.. .,1 .u- m.
at'ruia sue rai'.IUO Boa Bliioo Its Shores, iiuuhm m wn iniiT urrrnurriiiK in e
where the natlots that ho. copy the '' Amerl. ans. He had been nlveii
. . ...... ' minutes to make up bis mind.
ground are effete or onoiviliied, aud . .
, ... . "ha terrilile news waa recelveil Tuesday that
where the Americao people have ho the Utile son ol Mr. and Mr.. W.c.HaUs burned
eyiilmit miaaina to spread their Oom- In their house near Blalock. Mrs. Bates had
raeroe, IliHir InvenUnua, and their ener- " sanien. some nisianre rom the J.o, Vouim. d cel, hm tiled l.is llnal ac
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
They bave anything in this line that yon may desire and you can depend on it you set a
good article when they guarantee it.
ll uuileraigneil adintniatratur of the estate of
irina Kur tUm nan m, ....... mi. . i.. house, after veKeUbles, leaving their 15 mnlitln count and will make a settlement of the same
gliS. ror the new movements on tbe oM n ,.,.,.,, a. s...;h .ilnili.l.trKtor. at the next te.m olth,
I'aoiflc our preaeot atatea faOltig Upon ... lh8 hmum WM OI, ... Th . ""tity o.irt of Morrow c..unty, Mateol Ore-
... "nai me notist) was OH nr. 1 lie nre was also , n Tuesday, the lith day of beteintN-r. iH'ja,
mm iirenn muni rve Al Dftii. ftml tMtt by Mr. Kittot mi Jo FthrvnWhr, who oclwH a. m.
tKtsft mitW KeiuB.ltii , .lw.Hi.... .1 ( htfVMtltlff Jtts PMrhexl Ih Ar flr.t I 1'9
111 BJl I IU IU UTIUHNf VI ' " " -
their eommeree ami ttmir mannf .nlnr.. . " U, Mv rhn'1- Bates eoiild
... . . ....... ... . aearreljr realralned Irnra rushing Into tha
Their trade with Asia. Africa, and Houth b,IllIlt bmllllll)( , ,,,, hr own ,.. Th
Amerioeia destined to a very great to- cans of the ftr Is unknown, as there had Iwn
ereaae. lierrtt.fure oor commaoitiee ia no ,n the hoitaa alure morning. The ar
Washington, Oregon and California have nU " f"tn,f4 h efrl,,l
Ixwn too remote from tbe reat of tbe
t. t:. 11 AT.
A complete stock of pure and fresh drujrs al-
""j" "wv,, vau-iui uiiuiuion paiu to niiing
01 prescriptions.
Land Osnc t at Ths Kali . Orihon,
Allliuat 1.
fiilliiwlng.iiati.eil settler has filed linllce
nf his Intention lo maka final timof In
Tha I'liltnt Males civil aervire rommlwinn I sunport of his rlalni. and that aald nrmif will
. ..h .H . .u in t ..1. ... 1 i n.aiifl iN'iara 1. ( mwinrii. 1 oi.i.iv 1 lera. al
eouotry to feel fully tbe great current. " ' "ZZZXZ '-" - "a,uf,iay, e,,tembe, .
u"iui on prugraaa. inev are on soma dale tle. n (. tolr 1st and tin I h. FKANKI.IM WIU.IH. of UilngUm,
separated Irom tbe densely aettlad " P" wiw nestra to oaesamlnM should Hmnestead aillratlun Ku. 4 for Ilia HEU
.1 .i.rti.. t aw-ly U) J. Frank Dis. secretary ol the b.nl -e H, Tli. K . fc W M.
nun nu ui inn UD.rn. niaiea ni nvfir 1 - 1 .... . .
pin., u. aiinni in a pnenioo 01 arop 01 ina tiaminatinn. appiiratiiitis on nmn,iin . mini ana n
..rm lot must t nierf In rotnniel li.rm III.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
Valaahle r rrsa
Wayne llowaiil ia the furtimate m
if nf b SMitti borne, which eonlj
be bave plare.l i n rilill.it at the famous
New York bora show last eeaenn, wnulil
not only have n.lle.l the ailmiralmo
ami wim.lrr i.f the awrll rquloe fanners,
but liiulillea wmilil have tir.mghl a
prke starlluig the bnraa fralernily. l'
on the foiiii.lalino of annw while are ilia
Iritmle.l nvr the entire surface if I ha
eayuao as c.unrlele and nnif irm a aeri
of xilka.lola aa e-uil.1 Im ili.lrilmte.l by
the cleet Kiei'liai h-al Pteaaiirrnietta.
On araite M.u.Uy tins "w..i.,.r of
wno.lrfa' cnngregaiM.1 an aggrrgatiiia
1'ial In a lUat claae rlrrti .araJ.
I'uaniui'iiia waa the ileclaratinn that it
waa the in. I y living 1 1. lure of tta kin.l,
an. I if lUronna waa aim bis menagerie
woqI.I bave it any eat.
- - - ....
lug I fir fur a Klek.a Hrait
Nit .nig since lnvilU,lll, jury or
ere. It. mala ,r(ei..Uiil in a lireach f
pfufniM f t. .y Ilia mil fet, t,1TO
if ,4..XU.TJ to tha n't.. UI f.ir line
ll.iiiish 11 a felly . tti . lunula f
liligblrJ afT.eli.irt, tl.er Is an .1 her rti
mal whieh, if nut In .tillart ai. I rei.la
ei. tly a tugti. y In g-ntal n.. l.i.
Hn if ri 'lleae reaei.es as l.-ftf aa al
lilu I, fill la the nditi'i nf Ihe !.
,. aa t., lb efW, ol II lell'a Ht..j. -"""' - II
. ,. . , ra rslaaj thai tnt NISil f
-b IMIefs a a r.....1 ....r.li.ai.m li,. , ,b, ,t fU B, Um, ,
I he a. Una i.f ll.i genii i t f .lie ' ai'l lata I srt j..
laialii I tr as.-Ni sihaI I y u,
gnili.ga.i tnaiaa.1 In II nt-r bImhi ,4
ooiniiarativ ianlaiiou. Tra. this tao
latmnhM Imn-o broken by Ibe building ,h '-7 " - !;'''" "'"'
, riming business nn "eplemlier 1st: olherolse
of oiimeron tiaoarxiiilineolal rallrna,, ii.Piiraniaraniiimianiln.l. .m after
hot. evruliv rail, tbe j iorney Irom New ui ai'Hi'ati.n.a .w.iu anu ui b nutmed
Yrk or Ihwtoo In l'liitlaOil or Han ll'aldtof mlutl.m.
" ' "rimiroa 101 lleaaly la IIIm4 llrrp.
be undertaken by any bnt eoaflrm.! (1an M I m.an a lrn km. .
tiaveler or h mmli , i.li.hlnmp. I my withuul it. a areta. t ami) t'a'h ir-
1 . ... ... I "' rlean lour I.IixhI ami ke i It ilciiii. I
Jle.alti..q. 1Um acsni.,l.,q f eolonlee .it,g the .v hvrr ami dtitiiK ail mi
In auil arontnl the I'aeiflo I going to re- ,,"l"-a ltm II. UmIv. IWm loil.iy 1.1
...ii.. a . k .. . ..I . Iwlll.h I'lltiJ '-. Uuls i-l.il. 1.1.1. klxl.la.
rfe urn. b greater t-t-uUtme 0 oar .,,4 .A,r ,; kll,
own 1 acillo al.ip.. Itiao hi rllaU, bb.I - lwwul ; l..r I. n irnia. Ail ding
Hie ira.le wilh eiicti enlnliiee ta going to '. Mt,.ij. t...n gunrahli-nl, I'V, :..',...
ernpluy a greal matiy -oa in agn.
cullnre, luanufaclnrlng ae. hi.ping.
We are inil ammig IIumm IobuI aonla
aim fear that amis lerril.l vil ia going
In h a l' pen .i our Ki,nlar lilwrlie b.
I'atisanf It. rarr)ltg of our Hag leym,.
lie ee. S ,sv fall r.orlleno la
Ihe ability ol tin repnhlie in guvern
alaely in if all lh UnJ 11 may ru
.ur in war or anan t n. Jea.r of
heir Inhalnlanl, aa we ba J.ia with
Hawaii. Ileanle. Ul.rv thai la
air.t.ling new otilleta f..f , 0frr.
Imii. lanl enefg p ao l lh t irtl of a I
venture of nnr j.mrg mn, shall an
pre. .. many year the tlrll of die
! Ie which ta ta alarmingly ap
parent In evti I hum, hniiging wilb II
many f..im of iUltiie agitaln an. I
llireal against o'i-ierly. la th tn
ni.-l a' filial our reelle y.mlli, ht
find mi fi-l I al fc -ma In whi, h Ihey a
g'i. ly i, an,l ii.n In t.pr 1ill,
i i t... w f..fee. , rt .,f., (. A'a.k,
liulwi:) e H f .f HsmlalPh I
! ( or in di.tat.1 Itiiiifiee, or ir-h-a
go It ellilin law and order In
tt, nnatahl fuieii Anefit'a repqlilie
ol t'eMfal an I Mmlh n.ii. Il .l
71 At
oit the entire irnrhl
a"S: Knows this perfect product
t. p. in-. 's l'ic t(lr brewery beer
at lalhatlK-a. It an Item, par al t '
B kUas ! ia.it
11 lU-att Halt iw the w,i. fn ( uiN
-eu.ely fla.l reef malarial, I'"'"" 1
ebati and kidney . mjl,ial. aa I a T,Uf' , 'H! MbbO.
prr.r.tr nf at ltile and al.!.. ! 4 "M",n- . M Fflr
tX)ME persons sav (
11 is natural ror
ihcm to lose flesh
durinc Bummer.
Hut losing flesh l losing
ground. Can you afford
toarrroach mother in
ter in this weakened con
Coughs and colds, eat
throats and lungi, come f J
eulckest to t!;oc uho arc
thin in flesh, to thmc cav
ily chilled, ta thoc who J
have poor circulation and
feeble digestion.
l,o Orrn g at Tub Dtn. nairuow.
j.ti. -ii
lulli.a In famed aelller III Sllil Until e ol I
his Intention In inak fltml pro..! In support nil
nix laun, ami that aahl proof a III lie niade I.
lore V, I'.aafor.l. t'onntv t'lerk. at Henntier. I
inrsiiM, on eauiniay, eepicmie-r 1, una, )1S.
tTMIt.V IIAl'MT.of Heppner,
ll.imr.tea. I Aptlli-a'.on No M lor the T .4 1
t ami n . ar eer J., 1 p a. K & K W M.
i- name the l.ii'ovlng ailneaap In pro I
nia ronnii'ioiia reai.ienea npo.1 ami rllltt. atlon
ol mi. I land, tl . . Fuller. Allrt Multe-
ami, John Oannl ami Harrtaon Hal, all of I
Hi I'piier, I'rriA.
JA. r. M'HiKI!
' Hilllater.
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washlneian St., Portlaee Or
I oli'-ri.n l..r Wjt'rr.iar r...inty.
J a nva Ihnit ueily, I'lalnllil,
I. H p"rv. earah t' arry,
(' lhnm(.n, Ihe 1 irrflf.it
IUIIr"a.t ai d Na.lf .'ion 1
a (.rf..aMo,. at.
Merchant Tailoring!
Mr. Al.raliiimsick in tin- pioneer tailor of Ilcpt,
iut. Hiswork U always iirt clan.s an.l natinfac- '
turn guaranteed.
V 1 liter la itrnrnv ntv t.i.
1..J 11 -.,,4 aarahr. rrj. 4. femUnla a ,. It.,... 1 ,.i ott. lfr. (.,, ,
u nan.e. . ii.i I nterlal ine eo,,rt ho... In hI, ,,'
In lh. .,... "' "'" " 'rerrm. VM. ... ..... Kon l... a,,.,,,,,,,, ,;lh'
ea. I. .M ...na.e h,r.l. .e.,i. i a r an I In a..in an A, n,,.,,,,, -1.1.1,,. ...
.........i.e..,,,,..,,,, m ,.,.,,,. ..rh.,,,,0u..ira-eJnV.n
1..,. ,u 1. ., u l? ihe r,.t aar ol the n..t n. .!. ,... A T . ?
U-lm ll.e a'-. enlllll r..i.r ni. rt Ihe V..I..HH,
e pi.au... ol ihe Id.. .n,ii9 n lh.or.1er It'l i nef, August U, I. "'a
, (.., ... ,!.,. aiion ol-It,. snii..n..na. tthlB ti rat
.la? alii l
Emulsion ll
ot W lew oil t.'A Ayjv
f.firi ijoc- usl ,2
IT1U Jt CiHid in eun.ttK rst I J
in vinur. Ii tiukt lks!i
in Aui:uatat;Hi April.
You ccnamly rccd a j
trone ncncsln Julva in
aiauuBi). nnii )vur i(ii
Inmil an.l Innra annul. 1 r
IV.Tt.'P Sf- a t .........
ManBar. IHe BIN ala. S..l.k.-. """v " r "'"".i u..lr.,U.
-t v'i-tii r t HrnrBV i.nrx that th
1 ' i..l...li, a.mlnl..firl nf l,r ealai
l" a . an.l ea. h ol a ':i l.k i..l.
1,. 1 It lail lo apt, an. I a' .f I
ll.neJ ( atiiT ti l ai t if lo In
l .f I'.. t .( .l....a--l I la hi.o.mp aliil lo II
V... ... lg.,.. ..1 ar.-... In ...
ol Y a nail' ' .1 .l 1... n ... 1 ... .
l" 111 niase pnal aelli.iit nf h.r ae
I .., .v....- ,h. ..1 ,., p.. ,. , n.fm , ,;;,.!, m M Z nil
.... IU. I...- .4 , e....i .. muef. . 0. . ,,.t..a-l n'
u'l an I I. ...... I I l 1 .mllg 71 'a llllyi.l. .,11,,,
. a 1 It. nn .'. .1 i.,t..) ... , '" l ll'l
" Oe f. ... ... a .'a a f..
e r I B .' I... I .'. ... I... Au. .1
j I ih I" a n il.l-. a. lh l.i. 44 e i . .,,1
i ' a. I hthaa.. m..t , ..... , .
' 1 . I... 11. l .,,,. 1... f.Mu.ati..
Notkt cf Intent.'oi.
I t a U. r 11 a 11 I .i.a. .1 t i,
A'lt'i.t I
a -I l. ..I .a. ,m ... j ,., . .., M, B 'tZ nf.ZIl '''
M,rfe... .,,. ,nv.m ,M !h....w, h. ,.
I I ........ I-" l...iet au I l,.e ..... t... mI m .1 1.. J I 0 V"
J B a,..., ..4 a.... I a,.,.. ... .,.A 1 I " !.. I. tf
Labb orri. i at Thi Pau s. Oat.,o.
July 21. -ai
voyirr. ih HrityRY i.ivrV inVt Tint
.. his 1, ie,,un ,,,,, ., (
or. g.m, OB 1 ,tvm,
MK W. MILTO. ,,f llanlman.
II o..r.., App!l.-aion So t.Y f, .
I w'm" a ",J K' " K
o. aai.l lan.l t, H.nln All... A II Ail.n
a, K M
a mtt
.As. F. M'.iRF.
Keg later.
Notkt of Inttntioi,
r, in.,, r ai Tn lsur. Oai.,,.
..1. .. V , r.at.. ,,,, , ., a.
AlhFIlT ItrNRY ALI.k(.einar4
f eft
ilr r.ta ar t.. ! aale t. 5 I ' r,rT ''? . fg-) f i -". v I iir M..-,..,., ,., ""? '- iB M. ( all 4 hard'