Jl f! 3 f i h i 4; f OFFICIAL slWv Advertisers PAPER I If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news From the Seat of war. L GAZETTE. 1 BSaWaWawawawawaWaWasssss.a. v4 SIXTEENTH YEAR THE HEPPHER GAZETTE Published every Tuesday and Friday BY CORLIES MEKRITT, Editor ua.d AffsLixag-ar. SUBSCRIPTION On Year . Six Months . " . Throe Months RATES $1 .SO 73 SO Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the PostofHce at Heppner, Oregon as second-class matter. ' pHIfi I PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Daks's - Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants fcxohangs, San Fraucisoo. California, where oou raota for advertising can be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEW8PAPEB ADVERTX8- ins Affent. '21 Mnrnhnnta1 ltVnl.an... . Dnil.l ins;, San Franoisoo, is our authorized agent" Ihis paper is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except Hnnday arriving at Heppner Junction 1205 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junotioa 8:30 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a m Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 P. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m, and Uma' ilia 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. 8. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:00a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 8:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnction 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves TJmatiUa 11:10 p. m. and id i v eppaer Junotion 12:25 a. m. and at For further information inquire of J. C, Hart, Agent O. B & N., Heppner, Ore. ITXCX-AXi DIRBCTOET. United State Officials. President. .... . William McKinley Vice President (JarretA. Hobart Secretary of State W. B. Day Secretary of Treasnry Lyman J. Gage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Seoretary of War Kussell . Alger Secretary of Navy. . John D. Long Portmaster-General Charles Kmery Smith Attorney-General John W. Griggs Secretary f Agriculture James Wileon State of Oregon. Governor..... w. P. Lord Seoretary of State H. K. Kincald Treasurer. phil. Metschan Bnpt. I'ublio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General c. M. ldleman Senators j W. MoBride Congressmen i S"5- 3;,Tona . ( W, B. Ellis Printer w. H. Leeds ( R. 8. Bean. Supreme Judges 1 F. A. Moore, ( U. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. !irenit Judge Stephen .Lowell Pi'owwuting Attorney H, . Bean Morrow County Officials, Joint Senator... . J. W.Morrow iiepreaentatlve. onnty Judge Commissioners,, J. W. Beckett. " Clerk ' Sheriff ' Treasurer ' Assessor ' Surveyor.- School rjup't... '" Coroner IS. L. Krneland ..A. G. Bartholomew J.R. Howard Vawter Crawford K. L. Matlock .......11. Lichtenthal J. F. Willis Julius Keithly Jay W. Shipley lit. n. rtuniook Mayor Thos. Morgan BKPPMBB TOWH OmOIM. liounrumen K. J. hlocnin. n. lichtenthal, J. B. Simons, J. J. Roberta, J. W. Has mas and K. U. Sperry. Kworder W. A. Rirhardmm Treasurer L. W. Briggs Uaralial. John Hagnr Precinct Office re. Jnstioe of the Peao W. K. Kichardeon l unstable. G. b. Gray Called States bud Officers. TBI DALLES, 01. 1. Monra... . BogistM' Otis Patterson , , Bsoeiver , . Register LA OBiHDI, OB. E. W. Bartlett... I.H. Bobbins... .UeoeiTer aoitxT ocxvrzacs. KAWUN8 POST, NO. IL O. A. B. Meet at Heppner, Or., the third Saturday of m it ui.'iitii. au immi. mrm uiviwu vn Jfiin. W. W.Hmith. G W.Uiw. Adjutant, tf Commander, D. J. McFaul, M. D. UEPPSER, OREGON. OfflOi houri. 8 to 10 m . and 12 In 3 p. m., at resldeooe. W. A. Kirk'a Drr.r rty, east ot M. K- chorcb. Sootb. and 10 w u, m. m , io ? to o p. m., i omo to lb rear o( Borg'i Jewelry (tor. C. E. Redfield, Attorney at Law, OfQo lo tba Firal National Back fimldiog. IIirrjiiB, : : Oaiatn. f Ellis & Phelps, YTTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to In prompt and Haiti tor; luatiiter. KiiUrles I'ultitc sih! tollw tors. Oftk In Hatter BmIIIho, Heppner, Of. . D. E. GILMAN, GcncralColIcctor fut rmirol1 bnnksand nte In his hands and M your mny out n( tiita Mk Mllijr f bard roiiartlona. Office io J. N. Brown's RuilJiog. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Uecorder. O'riet ? couxcil CHawatoo aus an4 bars ral eatate. rvnia Km. rl taoa. ..i..n..i an. m J., at hi ta h lltw, a) n.ni.i. Ssor 11 Mathews &c Gentry, BARBERS .Shaving vtv 15 Cents, e t kk.-a I to ,' a,.i th nf Y -, , SL U I Wl IJ UIIWM.MM, MMm. Vegetable Prcparationfor As similating theToodaodReguIa ling theStamachs andBowels of HKWaeS s-ii.leii, I PromotesT)ifcstion,Chcerful- ness and Kest.Gontalns neither Smim,Morphine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. drape VCXdllrSAMLZLEmjLm PumpJcu. SemJ 4bc.Senm dnin Setd Jimermint jMCartana$tim4 frorm Seed - (JarifiedSagtr . hindynm flanr. Aperfecf Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish oess and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WEAPFEB, -KB Gibson & Berger, ' At Chas Jones' Old Stand. fehavmg, - . 15 ots, Hair Cuttintr. - 25 " Baths 2oc. Everything Strict ly Jt irst Class. G. B, HATT, Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, - 15 cnts Hair Cutting, 25 " ' , Shop, Matlock Corner, Heppner, Oregon. H, W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of 0. B. A Q.. C. M. Ht. P., C. A A., P. ft. W. A C.. and the 0. 8t. L. 4 P. Kailroada. HATBH U.oo IICH 13 AY Cor. W. Madison aud Clluton Bu., CXXXO.A.3-0. ZX.Xfa The Old Shop ! LIBERTY MARKET Is the place to go to get your fine pork and lamb chops, steaks sod roasts. FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fine sugar-riired hsms and baron. Pursj Irst Mrd. ti'ltlr iii,Iit1. old style. Highest cun prlca pal.t lor at stuck- BEN J. MATHEWS. mx an' Stage Line B. r. MILLER, Prop -taav-i ,,B" ',",r,", """" ! Heppner lall. NumUr !.- " Arrlva at t sntui. l it. u i hour Iv t'anyon ( Itr at I n m .r.i.. 11 Bet 10 it hours, ruaiie. ting ilk trains. II arras a to " llsrd'nsn .... wntii.nient II '' 4 I .'. a s u Hatnilton long rr t " alloy .... .'A . 1 Pi "tin iMir any.tn t'Mr etacw rot.neil with trains at llrppt,r. Kitta - Mx Ins tiiwir4 nu II. 1. 11,.. .111. ., """ " -has an4 .! In.s I sm .fr.. .' lw . H lf (lt p'ltlilr. First National Bank OK II KITS Ell ''2M, rVeeioeM T. A. RHta. Via rVesHeet GCO. W. CONCN. - Coahiee . W. 6-lNCCR. . Aaa t Coehiee TuuU ifi'srrJ UUt fu-itf, KXCHANGK On ail t-n th w.rri Bought and Sold. l'ii!l- 8in4 ,:, pmu t ret.e Tra HEPPNER, MORROW For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. W0E1 THC CINT.IH MSHHV, NCWVOKK OITV. The American War of Making War. flu . ... xne war is practical at an end. It baa been one of tbe shortest ware on reoorrl 1 fPL . ... xub president sent nia nltimatum to Spain on April 20th. Tbe American ambassador to Spain reoeived bis pass ports on tbe following day. Thia makes little over Ihree months. In that time the Americana have destroyed two fleets. ana, in laot, totally annihilated tbe sea power of tbeir enemy.. ... They - hare oapwrea lwo-reat porta. They have defeated tbe Spanish troops io the field. ana nave taken a province and thou anas of prisoners. Above, all, they have improviebed. the array ' with whioh they aia tbia part of tbe work. Not bad for tbe interval between rent day and rent day! Tbe manner of thia improvwation is a striking vindiostlon, in aorae ways, ot ine Amenoan system. Most of tbe troops who awarmed up tbe slopes at Santiago and captured intrenched Dosi- tiooe held by seasoned troops and swept cy artillery were mere untrained butoa ers, bakers, and candlestiok makers at the beginning of the war. When they went into camp at Tampa thev were tbe rawest of raw bands. Maoy of tbeir offloers were probably very little butter Their commissariat was a practical joke.' Transport, medioalservioe, all bad to be oreated. Tbe chief part of their equip, menl was their spirit a free men. their general intelligence, tbeir lifelong babit ot tornlng tbeir bands aod tbeir brains to anything, and to master it at no. commonly ahort nntloe. Io one word, tbe bad Dotbiog at tbeir back bat tbe system, and tbeir whole military orgao Ixelioo is based 00 tbe belief that, with thia, tbey bava Ibe wherewithal tor tbe rnitgedest boortbal time and spite oao uriDg against tbeir country in time of denser. Londoo Daily Cbroniole. A Narrow Cacape. Thankful words writin Mr. a.i. E. Hart, of (lrolo, M, L - W aa taken with a bad wild whirb e-ttld on my lungs, oon gb set in and Dually trrml oatrd io eonetiiiiption. Fooe doctors gave ma op saying oould live but a abort time. 1 gave myself ap to my Havior, determined if I ooald ot stsi lib my frieoiJa 00 earth. I wonl.l my absent ones almve, Mv hnshen.l ailtiaed lo get 1, King's New blwvivery lor consumption, cuigba and ivilile. 1 gave k trial took la all eight bottle II haa cored me. and I bonk (In,! I am saved and now a and baaltby wrj nn.n Trial Im.HUs free at RJ.HIo. euro's drnir store. Itrvular i u fm II.UJ guaranteed or price refoiided. I'nlira aa Hasiase Orbrera. Tbe Prndlelon I'ulira f nod a fogr- borse lesin slamlmg In harne, bitcbed to a wao io a dark ! on Water sirrtt The team tia l bo dneo lite day b-f,,r an I ! wiib'.tjt fed no lr the lree all blgM Thm drlfer aae Tbftnas l!aia, and tbe bs U!,,pg-d U i, 1 1. Il)r, a wheal fsfmrf II, e feefvattoo S pri'b of Caret. !ae o bat beea eeot bi Inwa wdb aloalof beat and la Ibe evening he I bong ht a la.ge jaariitly of gnere and loaded them 00 ibe wsgn. Hut later be got drqek. 1 he rrrerie reaalted all atgbt on tbe wagon untouched Tbe I..01 wae f and a-el I,. .a, a ,y Frar I lera, i4 J II Mf': ad be aa arrested -IVdt f) Tl'l-tine. 4 Pnrm Ttlaf fa tea). A trBat.ti(i nab .a )m antw l,atli S.iu.i.i( In, ...i.) . .''. Ir Vu. n, lm, r. i . I a UiwrMln '.tt ef I a aie . aul tM r.aj.wti.. m. spif c sa I. r'T t'aw I tH r I f'f Ik-, l.a wur,. u i' l t,w I rr st.nm'.si ,t al ii it,sj i, ,!. t.rm I J a-' I ir its r -rnKewl W. rw "T t'.-i'T r( 4i,.i I '. t I a a sire . . . i , a w W 1- . , a. t...f -1 v.-iMt ft, b.-,--b.w AW COUNTY OREGON, i ' ' ' MILITARYl OCCDPATION OF 111 A Spaniard Repudiates American Rule and Assumes Charge. YELLOW FEVER IS OUR WORST ENEMY The Equipment of the Quartermaster's Department the Cause of Disease and Death Among Our Troops Possible Trouble at Porto Rico-At Associated Press Dispatches. New Yobk, Ang. 22.-A dispatch to the World from Manila says; The natives control the water buddIv of Manila ttTtrJ rnfn an t-a ni the water run except for a few ttlou lul" lUBy arp incapable ot self-government The fourth American expedition, which Inft Sn Vra 15th, in command of General Otis, arrived today. All are well. The monitor Monadnock arrived Atiffnsf, Ifiib n a , 11, i. D v " uo nay uvci she stopped at the Ladrone island of Guam, which toad been seized by the first expedition. She foucd that a Spaniard had repudiated Amer lean rule, and set up a government on his own account. fWe.in Whiting, of the Monadnock, promptly UDPet this nw m.rnmQn made the usurper a prisoner and Brigadier-General McArthur Oversbine, of the Twenty-third Colonel Smith, of tbe California volunteers. Brigadier-General Greene will be appointed fiscal administrator and Colnnnl whitti ar vrt 1 rt a w-v of customs. The total number of deaths in 100. Private C Duno, of the Astor battery, and Captain Bjonested liursen, of tbe Minnesota volunteers, have died of wounds since the battle. The other wounded oflWra London, Aug. 22.4-The Maniia graph, 10 a dispatch dated 8unday Ueneral Merntt has proclaimed a eovernment of militarw nn. tion. The news of the armiHtinA , me Americans may restore tbe augurate a fresh period of tyranny, me Americans found $300 in the Spanish treasury. - -Foreign opinion is loud in rraise of the action of the. Amerinsn commander in excluding armed rebels from tb city. It is believed hU firmness saved Manila from pillage. A week ago there appealed to be a possibility of collision with the rebels, but there is no danger now. EvervtLiiic is nuiet. New Yobk, Aug. 22,-Lieutenant-Colonel Nioholaa Senn. who went to Cuba bs chief of the operating staff of the army, haa just re. turned from Porto Ilico aod la in tie city. Speaking of his experi ence be said: " In Cuba our army met as its most dreaded of all aoute infectious diseases yellow fever. Tbe uuoan invasion -as characterized tion and inadequate prepaiation on phriment, !r wbich the medical branch of (he aimy was in Ijo wav r. sponsible. In leas than two weeks uw iover mnue us appearance. M In lets than two weeks fiom that time nearly COO fever cmhpb mcttof them j ellowfeTer, impaired the fighting force and seriously taxed the resources of the medical department." Has Fbascis(X), Ang. 21 The dia, Australia and City of Hydoey, and tbe City of Peking is about due to arrive from Manila. The forces to be sent to Honolulu, as a half, way station to Manila iu case they aLoeld be needed by Ueneral Mer. ritt in tbe riilij pint e, are t mbraci tl l y to brigades. The first bri- gade, onder (Itbml Miller, coueiets of the Keventh and Kighth Cali- lornia voiumeer rrgimeute, tbe lbird lattalinn of the Twenty.tbird United Htates infantry, the Kirat battalion of California heavv artillerv troop A of thn Nevada cavalry, and Niw YofcK, Aug. -2 A dieiaub to the Herald fiom San Juan says: Order prevail-, although seme stir up ricial ai d religious differencts stuobg tie ignorant population. ine sooner tue ct n BiIk u arnves the better fur tbe futur. The streets ste tilled with fortiture-ladi d tarts returniuc from lu ubarbe. At the palace and other picking the archives Is going on. opeoexl yeaterday with all parts of It is still irnpoeaible for large ships to enter tbe harU.r and there ave been to imporlatu fcme scarcity of t4 supplies riiats. he mines in (be bail it bate been ralaed o as to allow ships to enter. Hi FRAKriHiV, Aug. 21. lirigsitirr-dr cerat Kino Is incbsreeof tbe trws t.o tbe Arim ta, which If I I . a ft a aianna via iit i.oiuiu, wiib Msjor.(irceial MeiHem l as iLstiuctir i s to erect a boerilal at Hon. olulo to foot, with ita site, Xt,Ut. P.aMacLa ftr at leaat l,tHUr. ulti. Ibe riral ew loik regimei,!, ci.aielibg of I'm toe n. Sbd 300 trj-a f tbe hf t(l regiment cf rota here aa tbe Crat garriaym cu creeerxl by the eu!iatrr,ei,l ,f a I attalion of 40 men from tbe Hawaiian tnilitis. General Mrrnaa Laa aotboritv tn eirnrl tl'mrm r... h.. erection if tbs barrack. Onirafs i I 7, , . ' " " 't '. w rtl-'Tf, ir l jlr'u! i Mrh'f MrrfJ, TUESDAY. AUGUST" i i Honolulu. hours each day. They have demon- brought him here. aDDointed na nrnvr,at m..i ni 1 reculars. and for riar,i roi the camoairn ia 9A nr1 n mnnAA mu uviu TVCil. corresDondflnt rf ba n0;i tu says: nrrtvoil nn iim iimu il : t 1 n , ...vvu wo iuiu, it is iemeu inai Philipnines to Soain and thn- extortion and rebellion. most formidable enemv one of th by bant? action, a lack of oroania. the part of the quartermaster's d. after our army landed in Cuba yel- traiisiorts now here are thn ri-an. a detachment of the hoepital corpa. rvil-dirtoscd ixrMns are trvinr b. to settle matters snd diepel doubt government buildings tbe work of TelegrapLio communication was Ibe ialand. sailed joat leftre noon totlat for .... Alsjor-Urteral Merrism and staff and alxmt are U . ,. eriK;t.-. at llooo- volonter engieeers have been srjt tbe lalamL This force will be Id. - - 9 " - W avrf-"- ssaj Ur nuirUrs at UiiLf.lulrj ar. , l.a T VW 1898. KEFUBED TO 8H00T HI8 MEN. Colonel ot the Sixth Massachusetts Teiig or His Resignation.. Associstod Press. Bostos, Ang. 17. The recent troubles In the Sixth Massachusetts infantry, which led to tbe resignation of Colonel Woodward and several other offloers, wara tn,1 t . i ... . ,viu iu ouuin i i m iq a letter re ceived from the Journals correspondent fr jm Fonoe, under date of August 3rd. In an interview Colonel Woodward says in regard to the matters leading op to the resignations: "Tbe specific ohargea made by General Garretsoo,oommander of our brigade, were as to the straggling ou tbe maroli between Gaanioa apd here. When the maroh began the men were very tired ana i did not have tbe heart to be se vere with thoe who were exhausted. "General Henry said that the volun teers suffered from too much good feel ing of this kind ; that I had been among the men in my regiment too lonir and that disoipline suffered srreatlv. Ha said they shot men in the regulars when tney tell out. I replied. emDbalicallv. perhaps that was hie oustom, but it was noimine. I said I had no desire to court martial the stragglers. The gen eral said I must. I said I would resign first, Bnd he said that my resignation would be accepted. Lieutenant Colonel Claflin eaid the same. Major Taylor said so, too. We were ordered before tne Doard and we resigned." AM ONU THE MINES. Two Ueutlemea Who, Have Beea la the Mono tains of the John Day, EttHt OrflRonian. L.T. Cumberbatoh and George Hoase, iue gentlemen wbo came in Wednesday -touiub irom ne mountains south of Pendleton, were seen at Ibe Golden Rule notei. lhey have been over considers, ble territory and return browned and hardened by tbe exposure and fare of camp life. Regarding MoDuffiy springs, a sum mer resort of maoy interior people, and situated on one of the forka of tbe John usy river, this side of Long Creek, thev said that tbey oonsldered the waters of wonderful ourative properties, and were me springs nearer lbs railway liueetbey would be of great value and oonstituta a fortune for tbe owoer. They also said that tbe mineral inter sets of lbs John Day country and much tributary territory would be of practical valna arara : 1 . . .. irnnsporiaiioo not so rar away, but that, under the ooDuiiione, tne quarts properties possess ss a rule but Utile value. I.oer ground, of course, can be worked successfully melimes wbera .t. ja oeeleas, be oaose Ibara la not tbe necessity of trans posing beavy machinery suoh long dis tances, aud repairs are mors quiokly made when neoessity arises to send to distant points tor material. United Btates Marshal Zoetb Hooser, however, believes in the mineral wealth of tbe sooth country , and is now out in tba mountains near Bneaoville. bavins gooe from Feodleton to look op the properties of Ibe Gold Bug Mining oom poy, s Peodleton corporation owning tbe Bkyaoreper mine. From Ibis mine local men appear to eipeot great tbiogs, aod the ore appears lo bear out all their aeeertiona. Marshal Elooaer is expected to return from tba mines lo a few days, when tba members of tbs company will make Soma decision regarding future movements. It is thought a mill will be put io under the so per vision of Charles J. Carlson. Tba ooaopany eipacls to posh development work. WII'INCl OIT Or SPAIN'S HAW. Madrid I'aaera I'rlal Lists Meowla. We Have Destroys Thlity-rive Vessel.. Here Is s complete wt of tbe warships which, aooording lo tbe Madrid trea. fyeln bas lost eioee tba beginning of toe pr ear nl war: Cht'lHEKM. Tons . . . 7.0JSI .. T.IMI ...l,m I ti fa n (a Maria Tomee Vlwera almlrsnU Oijitando CrlstoUl Colfio Heine t'rlstlua , ." ' ''aslllla Helua Msrradrw linn Antonio da I'lloa Im Jusn da Austria Isla da Cube '.Z., fala da l.axm ''; Juan .. '' ToKi-ittHi iumt nrtrrativiM. ., tAVI ...S.w .. I.OSl ...I. I" .. I. I'M , iw . I.W. ,,. mi Tons, ... Ml . . Wi funif ,. eiiu.n OIWIMUTX Tons. . 'n . & . h m . m . mt . v. . . ) . 1.1 . I in . a Si, ! II K!"eM liallrta 'ie. Ut tU(iir dl Intern ertiandosl ( aUiliro Mrarm . , . ., ''tit taela al!ao 'entliwla,.., lr" ". tharadn aiHl.nl bi(ada tt)n .... 'uacllsa fsifpiia ' 'sulundrlna , , Saianua fMamrl 'lnaritaiwiMu . .. aa water! I)a)n4leul . , " j.. Is all thirty five warships, with a total wee-e of 41,165. ra.a.a lr flow sis Witb tMnrria .!! I ". . ! ( a !,,.. f .i.r Jill'! fd. '- f.lx'kjffs.f, NO. 677 POWDER Absolutely Pure THE GREAT NORTHERN. A Strong Company to Operate Thia Famous Gold Property. Canyon City News. Frank Harris and A. H. Beaeley, whose arrival in the city the News noted last week, are associated with Isaaa Guker and others in tbe newly organized ureal Northern Mining Co., Beasley be iog the assayer and mineralogist and Mr. Harris the general manager. This company has been incorporated under the laws of tbe etate of Utah. Ita ospital stook is 1,000,000 shares of the par value of one cent. Of thia etook 200,000 has been listed as "treasury stook" and will be disposed ot at not leas than 25 oents a share, for tbe pur pose of oreating a fund for developing the property, purobasing mills and maohinery aod paying other expenses whioh would have to be met should the "pay aeam" fall below expectations in monthly output. At this time, however, Mr. Guker informs tbe News that tbe pay aeam is yielding each day by tba mortar and pan process sufficient free gold to pay expenses. Of the capital stock of the Great Northern company Mr. Guker retains 600,000 shares, or a controliug interest. Strange to relate none of the members are trying to dispose of their stock, and only tba treasury stook bas been set Aside for sale it its necessity should ooo ur. Assays made by Mr. Beasley from ore taken at a distaooe of every four inches across the three toot gold seam lead 23 feet below the aurtaoe ran from a little above $4 for tbe loweet to $7,387 for the highest, per ton. The ledge has also been sampled at half a dozen different points, and all tba aaaays have been ouite satisfactory. The first shipment of bullion by tbe new company will be made tbia week. A carload ot milling ore will be shipped to Halt Lake within tbe next month. Ore already on tbe dump will average ,173.80 per ton. Supplies of .rao. i.u- imnmA ,aj tools are now at Bumpter and will be biougui over aa apeedily aa possible. Practloal , experienced, bard-rook minera will bs brought in and worked on eight hour shifts. For the present tunnels will bs driven, ahafta auok and orossouta run on the ore bodies, the ore will be sloped and blocked out so that tbe oompaoy can determine just how much wealth tbers Is in sight. Tbey may at the same lime purchase adjuinlog propertiea and pot them through a course ot develop ment, or tbey may couflae their oper ations alone to Ibe limits ot tba Ureal Northern. But while tbe eontein plated development is going on tbe rich pay seam will not bo overlooked, and trust ed employes will ountiouo to make dally oleanops therefrom. Warai ( rep of the North wsi. Boms ntbusiaatio observer predicts that tbs wheat orop of tbe Northwest tbia season will be large aooogh to give Ibe railroads a good traffic for two years In hauling it to market. This la per haps a little extravagant, but It is cer tain that tba crop la going to La beavy io all tba hard-wheat belt and elnoout n Oregon aod Washington, where there is never a failure. The high prices of last spring, produced by the famous Leiter wheal deal, eoooiirag-d farmers to seed more ground that osnal, ao Ibal the total acreage l probably about 10 per oeot greater than It was in H t7. With a good yield, thia meaoe an enor mous I orrease io the total surplus which will coma lo railroad for the haul lo the lake porta arid lo tbe mills of Mi tine- spoils, lulalh end Huperiur. The niort. gage IndeblrUiiree will be a good deal reduced by Ibe money the fanner will gel from Ibe crop, and the merchants In lbs tow a will enjoy a brisk trade. A wheat Country always buoms ia years wbaa the yield is large sod Ibe price good. Nurtbwtst Magasioe. Haw s Tale t We offer ou hundred dollars reward for any reae ofealarrb that cannot t eore-l by Hall Catarrh Cure. V. J. ClIB-S Co., Tolndn, O. We, the undersigned, have known r. a.eeev lor the lest 19 years, and ba llets him perfenlly boaorahlela all lo. Ireoeeotion aod neaanially able !i carry out any ol.tigetton made br their Oriu. West k True., Whileaals lriiOfiU, Toledo, O. Welding. Kianan A Mania, wholesale dmtgleW, Toledo, (). Hell (Catarrh ( 'orelsltken IfUraatlr. eetmg dtieetly u,M,n the ,.m.l and Oio eons tnriuiif lt.asr.lein. Tests. R'.CSials SeQl fl. I'H,S ,V, nf M M l r ! lfils,