Those Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread In Spite ot Treatment but Now They are Healed A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great Sufferer with varicose veins on one of my limbs. My foot and limb became dread fully swollen.- When I stood up I could feel the blood rushing down the veins of this limb. One day I accidentally hit my foot against some object and a sore broke out which continued to spread and was exceedingly painful. I concluded I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me so much suffering, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and in a Bhort time my limb was completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, has done for me." Mrs. A. E. Gilson, Hartland, Vermont. Sarsa- O parilla Istlifc best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood food's Pilla cure all liver ills. 25 cents. METH. EPISC. CHUKUH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 'i at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 d. m. rnyv meeting, luunsuay, i p. m. 'The Spirit and the bride say. Come." The pastor may be found at the pareonafw ad joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any wo may desire to conBult hiin on religious, social, oivio, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. r'LESHER, Minister. M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, S p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "lt us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to church. C. K. Howard, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even lug at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. R, L. Shelly. Pastor. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock The Gazette is not heralding its com ing with a brass band bat its circulation can be determined at tbe Heppner post ofSoe. Advertisers will please note this. Local Notes. Wood wanted at tbe Gazette office. See M. Liclitentbal Sc Co. for shoes, a How do yon like tbe ring of tbe new 'phone? The court house oonoecls with tbe new 'phoDe today. Tbe new "belle" is allright we mean tbe Bell telephone. If too want the Oazatte, we will re spond to five short turns. What is Hop Gold? Beet beer on arth. bee ad, elsewhere. 1 Resideooe and lot (or sale. loqnire at premises adjoining W. R. Ellis'. 2-9 . -J. A. PtTTKRSON. Liobtentbal & Go. for shoes. Exclusive hoe store. Handles tbe best. 83lf Tbe Gazette's subscription prioe ot $1.50 is listing subscribers every day. Guinneeee's famous old "Dublin Stool," imported, at Chris Borobers' tf The Heppner-Canyon City stage is carrying a large amount ot freight at present. Dr. J. W, Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and detects ot tbe eye, will be here very three months. 648-lyr "Oo'o juioe" it all right bat Low Til lard baa a brand ot 14-year-old Bonds that is bard to best. 603 If. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. If not ai stated, no charges. Try Dr. Vaosban'a new plan. 604-tf. It yoo need something for your system eall at lb 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. It Best accommodation and ooorteoot treatment al tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Stt., Portland, Oregon. Bring yonr bides, pelta and fori to Beo. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat Market. He pays highest market prioe, 619-tt. E. G. Noble A Co. are rustlers after business. Tbe finest saddles and bar nees to be fonnd in Heppner. Bee their new ad in thia Issue, tf. Brown k Stewart anoonooe tbe arrival ot tbeir fall stook in soother eolnmo Tbe bargains offered last week develop ed ao noeipected "roo" keeping Mr, Stewart "ooooter hopping" at lifely gait. Be oot deceived I A coogh, hoereoMs or croop are not to ho trilled with. does to time of Hhiloh's Cure will save too moch trouble. Hold by Cooar k V arreo. Car that conga with Hhiloh's Core Tbe beet eoogb ear. Relietea eroap BromDtlv. Ooe million bottle sold lea year. 40 doaes for 2Vi. Hot J by Coo sr k Warren. DysDtMla cored. Hbllob's Vital iter Immediately relletee aoiir etotnarb, fira ins? an of fool ii trees, and is the greet kidney and liver remedy. Hold by Cn aer k Warreu. LadiM. take the beet. It too are Iranblad llh robstioatloo. allow sklo. ad a tired filing. take Karl's rioter T, II ia pleaaant t take. Hold by Cooeer k Werreo. v Tbe Oattle eerrtee a foil stork of mourn In f tote, oorreepoodene style, wilh eBV.t- " match. Tboe desiring sueb stationery bars their wants supplied al Ibis nfflo. If. Karl's riovr IVmt Tee is a pteaeenl 1st atlve. Holaiwi tb Uweia, pnhn lbs blood. Clears lha eompUitoa. F.aey to casks ei.t pleeeatit to Isle. 23 els. Hold by CWaef Werreo. p mam V V fe T ...! The Fair is out with a renewal ot their "ad." Do not overlook it, as listed are tbe goods you cannot be without much longer. Tbey are direct from tbe faotory, and tbe very latest. On July 29:h, at Oakeedale, Wash., the wife of Loren Gentry gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.' Tbeir many Heppner friends tender their congratulations to the prood father and mother. , John Hayes, of Line Book, his two boys and other members ot tbe family are afTeoted with septic fever. Ooe of the young men has been here uoder tbe oare ot Dr. Swinburne, who now has him about well. Ditcb creek campers have added two bear soalps to their list of trophies. Reoorder Riohardson feels keenly the' disoppoiotment of not being on the ground with the pack ot hounds, men tioned in our last issue. Mr. MBoGongan,ot the new telephone system, assures the oity of Heppner that they will find in Miss Hamilton, who is installed as tbe new management, ooe who is recognized by the company as the most proficient in their eervioe. Mike Roberts is now the proprietor of the Belvedere, having purchased tbe iu terests of E. G. Sperry and Eli Keeney. Mike is popular, and it goes without saying that tbe place will not only retain its old customers but will gain Mike's friends. Leet Greenwood's 12-year-old daugh ter, living near Monument, was brought to town yesterday and bad botb tonsils and nvula removed by Dr. MoSwords. Tbe operation was successful in every way, which will aff rd the young lady great relief. Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red light," ever on tbe alert for something new, oan tarnish yoa tbe finest cock tails in the land Manhattan, Jersey, Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop in and take the taste out ot your mouth. tf Tbe road following Little Wall creek, this side ot tbe Monument bill, and in the vioinlty of tbe Gilliam ranch where a bridge is broken down, besides the un safe oondition of the Rhea creek bridge are tbe cause of a great deal ot coo. plaint by those who travel them. At tbe Heppner Candy Faotory is tbe place to get oool, refreshing summer drinks, J as. Hart can furnish yon milk snaKes, eodo, ice cream soda, orange wine, peaub cider, etc Ice oream booths nioely fitted up. Como and try tbe Dewey flavor a new thiog and very fine. 661-tt Place yonr orders with J as. Hart tor the Early Rose grape, the best oanmng grape in tbe world. He will also take your orders for the Hungarian prone, tbe best selling prune where known, and absolutely tbe best selling in tbe St. Louis and Chicago markets. Fine Jel ling fruit. 5-9 Dr. Vaughn's step-daughter, Miss Eva Brians, the past week has been familiar iziog herself with tbe details ot tbe post office, under tbe kind consideration of Mr. Williams, wbioh is an assurance tbat the offloe will be kept op to tbe well regulated system in vogue for the past four years. Tbe little two-year-old daughter of Albert Oemao, living on Willow creek, above town, died last night at 10 o'clock. Tbe obild was reooveriog from an attaok of oholera infantum, wben putrid aore mouth and throat developed oloiing the air passages, osasing snffooation, from which she died. Mr. Abrabatniick, tbe enterprising tailor, ia fortunate in seouriog aa an assistant Mr. J. H. Bode from Portland, who recently cams from Lynobborg, Va. Mr. Bode is a master ot bis trade, and bas been connected with some ot tbe largest tailoring establishment! ot New York City and Berlin, Germaoy. Tbe office of the Ueppoer-Caoyoo Cltv stage line baa beeo obaoged from tbe Hlooum Drag company's store owing to a lack ot room, to tbe store ot Browo k Stewart. Mr. Jvesa Stewart has the appointment as local agent at Ibis point Mr. Miller ia fortunate lo securing bis services and place of business as bead quarters. Mrs. Voo Cadow, learning tbat there was an opportunity In Arllngtoo ot oaring the hotel, went there Ibis week Should aba feel justified Ia accepting lbs propoailloo Arlington will be very for laoate ia getting on capable of running hotel beyond tbe oritioism beeped opon tbe average hotel tbroagboot lbs smaller towns of tbe country. Tbe Salvation Army lasses, Laeuleo ant Watenpeogb and Captaia Peterson, departed on Wednesdsy night's train, tbe former to oontioae her work al Tbe Dalle, while tbe latter reports at head quarters in Portland. Until tbeir soo ceeeors reach here, about tbe first of nut week, tbe regular evening parade 111 b limited to Brother VaoWtnkl and bia big dram. Tbe fir I load ot this eon's wbeat was delivered at lbs Wool Grower's warehouse yesterday by O. O. Helling brock. From Ibis oo Mr. liyod eipecta rash of grata ttns. He inform a that tbe '! batra have orderixl all Ihrlr wo .1 bU, ot (liippod piira lory I't lbtr departure ff"m M flM, at aiin nr lhtn Dv r"0 oraowl 10 by tbe flint tby rp"tit. QlIU a tQlMtatiMet qrerlpli'0 wtS rtd f"f Mrs. Manning tblt k. Dr. Hwmbura rprte hr eoadiiioi vry favorable, eontidtriog the ttMioa of the frertur. It will r'il' sroot tat on Mrs. Manning's patwno to await lt, ! rjr lim nlnrtt wrk a enmpM ffivrf . The dmor r bw erlit no lbl arnr and that hr thyaval condition la very tqeb lo bf Isvor. Jm. Iltft srol two Uft al Inirti ( rk !! w a. ar t oa bM rifa bme lrbt Mrs. l'fJ Bwib-tHnw buo. i HMrtporl t'l ei j fWe l.m aad 1 tbe Bhri of tbe c enpr loth to lav lha h. woodUols. Iliwf al nigbifaii thr fi I tl n-Mi'r tj i'ih a tonHnf H- ri in o4f lo k0 wtrnt l't nif inirtsr alorof had I tf i;i,U b.Uf t'H n1 U J "Jf f it-4 All sorts of trouble was brewing on Main street this morning. A knowdown ocourred, followed by a lug of war con test, in keeping tbe warring faction apart. Spectators were numerous. One of tbe belligerents was deoidedly"on his ear", being held upside down by tbe pantBlega, with bis heels fanning tbe air at a furious rate. Friends of tbe factions put sn end to tbe "rounds of pleasure' by moral suasion. Mr. Ed. Turk, of Hamilton, came to town with bis wool clip consisting ot 44 saoks, which was placed in storage at the Wool Grower's warehouse Wednes day. Upon loqairy as lo the oondition ot roads, be simply referred us to bis teamsters, with the remark that they oci did deeoribe tbem in terms justifiable. The G zjtte appreciates tbeir declara tion that another year will oatoh tbem going in the direction of Pendleton. A Permanent Ageiey la Heppaer. Mr. 0. A. MoCargar, state agent for the Banker's Lite Association of Dea Moines, Iowa, while here reoently de livering to Mrs. Fred Bartholomew tbe amount of her husband's oolicr. bd- pointed the editor ot the Gazstts special agent for this county. The fact tbat most ot our looal business men are carrying polioiea with this oompany at a fractional oost ot most old-line com panies is assurance enough to those who ant insurance to oall and satisfy them selves as regard tbe value ot Ibis hue of insaranoe. We have abundance ot printed matter for distribution clearly setting forth tbe principles of this mu tual association, wbiob we will give out on application. Call at tbe Gazette office and talk insuranoe with as. Yours truly, 0. Mbbritt, Speoial Agent. NEWSMEN AT SPOKANE. They Propose to Entertain Their Unestt Next Week. East Oregoulan. Newspaper men are receiving cordial invitations to attend tbe meeting at Spokane on August 25th, 26th, 27th, of tbe press associations of Oregon and Washington, and at whioh will be pres ent those from Idaho, Montana and Britieb Columbia. The looal oommittee of arrangements sends out tbe program that will be followed by tbe pressmen of Spokane, tbe features of whioh are: Thursday, August 25. This day will be devoted maiuly to the business mat ters of the associations. Sessions will be beld from 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. in the evening a public reception will be given. Friday, August 26. This day will be devoted lo recreation. An excursion to Lake Coeur d'AIene has been arranged, leaving Spokane at 8 a. in. and return ing at 6:30 p. m. Tbe Northern Paoifio railway will plaoe its steamer, "Georgia Oakes," at tbe disposal ot the excursion ists for tbe entire day. A collation in picnio style will be served at midday upon some spot on the lake. Speeobes and toasts with plenty of music will be worked in as tbe time and occasion war raut. Ia the evening a publio meeting will be beld in tbe Spokane auditorium, at wbicb tbe bright intellects ot the men who are met togeluer upon this oooasion will be oalled upon to ebine. Saturday, August 27. Ine morning will be devoted to any unfinished busi. UB6S and at 12 noon the meeting will for iiiully close unless otherwise ordered at tbat time. General. In addition to tbe above programme in outline, a number of features tor tbe entertainment of visitors have been planned, such as a trolley ride, a fire department exhibition, mosioale for the ladies, a Bohemian party al tbe park, etc, eto. Bat tbe do tails have nol yet beeo worked out and tbeir assignment will have to wait time and circumstanoe. Tbe oommittee ot arrangements has also plaoned for free rooms for guests bat this feature may have to be abandoned if carrying it oat io oariog for a large crowd will saorifloe other and more important pleasures. At all events redaoed rates will bs seouied aod visitors are speoially requested to report at headquarters for aaslgomeo immediately after arrival in tbe oity. Just Received FALL DRESS GOODS Uavidsoa-Fotter. County Clerk Kelsay has been some what discooragsd of late aa regards lha soaroity ot lioensea which be has been oalled upon to issae. Being ot a genial nature and a married man, be ia always desirous ot assisting others into that blissful state. Consequently yesterday afternoon, when an applioant came into the offloe, tbe smile on tbe countenance ot the young man was not more bland than was that of tbe aforesaid oounty olerk The license was issued to Benja mins L. Davidson and Edith T. Potter, of Hood River. Mr. Davidson made his boms In this oity daring tbe winter months, sod is well known io obarch cir cles, being a theological student in tbe Methodist oburoh. Miss Potter is a pop alar young lady io Hood River, and bas many friends here. Dalles Ohroniole Our line of NEW GOODS COMING This coming season we will have the largest stock of fall and wintervvvVI 1Di?y Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Crockery, Cloaks, Jackets, Etc., Etc., Ever yet seen in Heppner. We have ordered immense lines in every de partment in fact we are puzzled to know where to find room for all. A. few arrivals of They are up to date in styles and down to bedrock prices. Call and examine for yourself. First come is first served. Other lines arriving daily at Brown & Stewart s New Departures J&y the New Management To MORROW COUNTY READERS THE SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE ITor DRESS GOODS, D0MESTI6S, ETC., Direct from New York ore being opened up and among them we find a beautiful line of Silks, etc,, for Ladies' Shirtwaists, etc. There are just a few, but you ought to see them. They are pronounced by those who have seen them the finest and daintiest things that ever happened. From now on, every day will see something new and fresh put into stock. o o o o o o This ia tbe sixteenth year of the Gazette's existence. It stands in tbe front ranks of Oregon journalism. Its seventeenth year promises to be tbe banner year for tbe county. Our purpose is to visit every household in the oounty en rolling every member who is interested in the county's welfare. A little warm to talk about winter goods, but they are here and we want you to see them. Minor & Co. Hargiary at Joba Day. Report reached oi yesterday Ibat Mo- Call urn k Bayley'i store, at John Day, bad been burglarized and oonaiderabla Jewelry, clothing and oattlery taken. Tbe life bad been drilled io aeveral plaoee, bat ibe barglara had not suc ceeded in getting its contents. All towns and or eroeds are being guarded aod the thieves, it is tbonghl, will not make tbeir escape. Tra Mlllloaa a Year. 1' ... .1- V..... .- mnA l.ii. It mrsns tlu'y're utislini. The HHlt of the I'tntc-d SUtra are now tiuvinl C'rrt I midy lathartie at the rat ol two million Imiim a year and it will lie thrv million lie- lore Ttrw inn. It means merit proved, that CanrareU are the mont delizMful IkiwpI rwilator for evrrvlK! the rear round. All druKK'"te 10c, 25c. Sue a bo, cure guaranteed. CaU Also. Aaytkla. 'I was a sufferer from indigestion aod coold eat acaroely aoythiog witbool soffering great distress. I was also troubled with beedeobee. I begao tak Ing Hood's Baraanarilla aod It baa helped ma wonderfully. I oao now eat almost anything I wmb, witbont duv treM." Mrs. Anna Mlaby. Bylveo, WMbiogtoo. Ilood't rills are Ibsfavorita family re- Ibartlo. Kasy to lake, easy to operaU. itfe. rUH MALE. Ilaocb, 3J0 ecrM, good land, 4 miles of tloppoer, all fnr., plenty of water, botiM aod barn. It1) aero of summer fallow, all reedy fr fall rmp. Kasy terms. Call at IM uateite oruo. 100 MKWARIM Will be paid for icf-irmalloa leading to tbe erreat and enovtrtioa rf any per oo steeling (alll branded "WH" ton necled on Ibe left side. Waddle na if, noes. ru T II roil a. 4) no 5 CASTOR I A For Infant! and Cnildxta. Kind Yoa Han Always Eiujb Bean the ii THE FAIR 99 r pw- y OLHOLCl stools: Men We have just Received the Finest Lino of Fall and Winter LIS A.TETE RDUOK CORD UllO Y-O A.3ST ViVSS Wo BUY FOR Wo SJSLL FOR CASH Here to StoLjr All coods direct from the factory the latCHt and newent out. . . . Hlieep-Uclii find Rtil)torXtiiocl Coats and Overcoats Fvor brought to the Northwest Cdll find oxfimliio tlicMii. Hold everywhere fit twloo our prlocM wSlaiirfcs A full ISxtrii-well nifiile . SlxLrtwS TV4 I 'flag lt In t" Ur t Mm t' grat t.ri r u iu;.h h n,i srioHua ai f f ilh a ! I '41 in lll a iiaa -' l-tr"l a rii i ri lr.1 f -f Id r i.l li I It -f ! ! i ; -t fl l ! f I. ! : I t . 'l V.'.r. iU,'i . flit I . I f ' r I'l'l -f "fl V ! ?. t a a ! . a I I t if l"4 f tr, I". t I jr I'a!. a to eV tea fxl Unf a i4i.Uri l.a II .lu nK . rit.-"are I Ua w, it fii Aa , ( Ufr' id. Vj'l r' U ! Vft'-5,Ut nr f r' if 'ti ail e.i.t;, ,o r a uf-'' !' ' mi ill $' I r a, le . l S f f I r " I Pants Pants Pants Pants CitHsimorn. A-ll-Wool. Corduroy, JcmiH, Cotton and Duck IKf lrllllt" I'inlC Sinuthing new Wsrrantl not to rip. I1L J(lLI"IaUUlL 1 CUllO The Mline of j.antfi in the market Money retttrtied If kuuiIn fire not fTfitlr f HTtTrrj" a