Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 19, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette. LjjJEST TELEGHflPfl-
' Friday, August 19, 1898.
The real interest of the nation
is not to change its policy but to
continue it continue the policy
that haa made it great If it is
recognized as keeping the froiit
place among the greatest nations
Brief War News, Tele
graphic News Notes,
Etc., Etc.
How Spain Take Defeat.
London, Aug. 16. Tbe Madrid corre
spondent of the Times Bays: The dom
inant tone of tbe press oommeot is phil
osophical resignation. Tbe educated
from now on it will not be due to classes are not muling any attempt to
its armv or its navy; it will be due find scapegoats or to console themselves
t thn indiiRtrial nolicv under wi,h vituperation of the victorious ene
u- u iu v,,- xoe coiomes, insiesa 01 ennooiog.
s( lUO rj Uipui; JO UvU IUD UU Uli It J a VUIUUI
veiopea ana us military anu navai bos, in discovering tbe new world, was
success made possible. It is con- not Spain's benefactor, but her evil
tinuance. then, of this policy Beniue. Therefore our leading paper
which will make the republic
great. It will be greater still if it
can turn from this military digres
sion and resume its previous in
dustrial policy. , Its previous in-
opposes the suggestion that his remains
should be brought home from Havana.
to esteem;
his recent
The End Approaching.
Bomb, Aug. 16. Tbe pope's extreme
weakness has prodnoed great commotion,
l : . l :
...... . . ejkUiteujBU, nuu luiritfuns uujuug iue
austnai poucy nas given us our mem. . g , .
. i t ' i 1 I
wealtuana prosperity; u nas giv- ported tbat France, Germany and Aus-
en the laborers of this country tria, as being ohiefly concerned in the
something to fight for, something soccession of the papacy, have ordered
as Carl Schurz said in ,bmr Imwm not to leave Kome.
ihe pope s pnysioian tmoKS mere is no
rluncrerif the nnnaia fthle to nnll thrnnoh
. I rr-
paper correcting tne misconcep- tne hot weatber. His holiness on Fri
tions of the Germans regarding day insisted on getting up, but soon bad
AmerioB, all Germans who have " be oarned to bed again in a state of
maAa tVioir hnma in thia nonntrv VPim eolispee.
vw "v- .-w w ' J
n 1 . fi ll
Will ngnt BS reaaiiy ror ineir new Germany Welcomes Peace.
fatherland as they ever would for Berlin, Ang. 16. The leading papers
their old fatherland. Nothing has here welcome peace between tbe United
made this possible, I say, but the aMeB Bnd 8PBiD- 8nd exPreBS ,he hoPe
. . j t-ti.u tbat the latter oountry will endeavor to
industrial policy under which the B . .... n . ... n .
material prosperity of the people the loB8 of Der C0Onie8 as an open wound,
has undergon a progress not Wit- only to be healed by reveuge. TbeVos
nessed in any other country." sieobe Zeitung says: "Spain is preoipi
Gunton's Magazine for August.
tated into a chasm of political oblivion,
whither long years of priestly domloi
tlon would have hastened her." Tbe
papers think the United States will deal
Many people are daily inquiring M he Kovernmeot thinks best with tbe
x nilippines, uui idbi tun ueuiuiuu re
garding those islands are of the deepest
import to Europe.
if there is to be a special session
of the legislature called this fall,
and quite a number of these sup
pose that if there is a special ses
sion it will be composed of the
members of the last legislature,
While it cannot be definitely stated
Mnnler and Hnlclde.
Ha Fkanoiboo, Ang. 16. P. B. Cor-
bett, the father of James J. Corbelt, the
pugilist, this morning shot and killed bis
wife and then turned the weapon on him-
whether there is to be a special self with fatal effeot. It is believed the
session of the legislature or not, it mo'derer was demented. He has been
i- ,loflntQl lnnn fW if .nnli o m Mtreme Pdor health for some time.
1 ,. , .. Death was instantaneous in both oases.
pession is caiieu it will ne tne The .hootiu 000urred Bt tbe old resi
members of the legislature who dance of the Oorbett family on Hayes
were elected last June who will be street. Shortly before 5 o'clock this
in httendimco, and not the old morning, King, a son-in-law of Oorbett,
legislators. Section 4 of article h was l.ving in the house, heard two
IV of the constitution provide , to the ro0m. be was horrified to
that: "Senators shall be elected find Mrs. Corbett lying iu bed oovered
for the term of four years and with blood, while bis father-in law lay
representatives for the terra of two 01 tue fluor with blood nrill bia
years, from the day next after tbe ",0Utbi;.I ,0or',e,t1 WM, '! aiht Bt:
.... , , , . tire, while ber husband was fully dressed,
general election. As .the legia- r)eath mnit he beeD instantaneous,
lator 8 elected in June do not meet There was a wound in Mrs. Oorlwtt's
iu regular session until the follow- tempi and Corbett bad killed bimself
ing January, this has probably led pli'(r b wtmle of the revolver in
some to suppose that the old mem- f . Fr"m PPwi.oe of the
bora held ollioe till the new onoa
met Orogonian.
judiciously expended means
percentngo in trade.
bodies it is believed Oorbett arose early
in tbe morning, dreseed himself and shot
bis aged wife while she slept.
James J. Corbett, now in New York
Now tbat tho subject of good WM l,l,,ou "hooked to hear of tbe death
ro.idHlmaln.nn tknn nn IlAnnnnr or Preol. lie will stop training,
, . it . ' . . Tbe light with Mi-Ooy at liuffalo Sept
10th may be postponed
oi ner rival towns, a lew uonars
Anerlra at I'arl Fipixltlin
niw rioiil, Aug. it. tub Time to
day says: Colonel illnm, who has been
In f'arla fur anm lima liwiWiniy mil f.tr
rf rn irm i - n i. i I - ...... B ..... ....
mt ou.iAwmon who nocneu to American interests at tbe Paris eiDosi
the Kloudia may possibly send out Itioo of m, returned yesterday (Moo-
10,000,000 in gold this season, an ) " La Normandie Colonel Blum
nveraL'O of t'200 nor man. Their ,oon eoDf,r w,,h 'erdioaod Teok,
iu i i ths United States oomm ssioner-general,
averngo expenditure haa been . . , . . , ...
41 uu i i, .1 i i and ths two men will take charge of tb
Jl.uiw eacu. nut they have also bil.it. Coloual Bin
Had A g(xxl deal o experiotioe lor his trip: "The exhibit of tbe Cnilsd
their money, Tbe same amount Klales will be the largeet of any country
of monev and Pnorirv tlAvnhul in ,0 ""J ,0 ,D "oor Pii, with the n.
' I .. t V A it 1 I A
. ..... nuu uK Uliun iu WO .j , llll i-uli .. , , . ......
V .. il 1 II I i I I " " "
uriuwwi, wouia nave creaioa ,oJ tni, lim, 2,j5i(KK) iqutre ft ,r
more permaneut wealth, and been ready ansared. Through the appropria
Ktteudod with leu hardships. thin of jWW.tsM) by congress beautiful
Ktatcainan buiMiog will Ini areoled
Chas. TeRt U helping out at the Palace.
Mlm Alia Leech la now clerking at "The
Mrs. J. R. Simons, wife of our councilman, la
quite ill.
Mr. A. Wella and family have returned from
the mountain!.
Joe Meyer, Portland'! leading clgarman, li in
Beppner today.
J. W. Morrow return! to the mountain! the
first of the week.
Z. 8. Eldrldxe, the bank examiner, wai in
Heppner yesterday.
Sheriff Matlock will run the lilted juronto
earth the first of the week.
County Clerk Crawford is again with his fam.
ily at the Ditch creek camp.
Mr. Albert Wright returned yesterday from a
trip te the Willamette valley.
Nat Hale and wife drove up from lone on
business the first of the week.
Guy Boyer is back from Teal springs. He says
he had more fun than anybody.
Judge Bartholomew is in attendance at the
La Grande conference this week.
Ed Turk made a quick sale of his wool yester
day, realizing a trifle over 13 cents.
Attorney Phelps, of the firm of EllisA Phelps,
went to The Dalles on business last night.
C W. Craddick, with his family, came in from
Eight Mile Wednesday, staying over night.
Oeo. French left town today with a packtraln
and crew of herders for his mountain camps.
Mrs. Ben Mathews and children returned
from a five-weeks' stay at Teal springs Wendes
day. Mrs. Newcomb is recovering rapidly from the
effects of her fall down the stairway of the Pal
ace hotel.
Richard Krick has returned to Heppner from
Ritter, Grant county, and will remain with us
Miss Ada Jonci and Miss Altha Leach are
making preparations for visiting Portland with
in a day or two.
Miss Bertha Cate will leave the first of the
week for Farmington, to attend the wedding of
an intimate friend, thence to Spokane for a visit
of some length.
Andrew Wright's little child of Eight Mile,
necessitated another trip by Dr. McFaul this
week. It is getting along nicely.
J. Clay Nccce came in from Grant, Sherman
county, Friday evening representing Carson &
Murray's I. X. L. orchard at Grant.
Thos. J, Humphrey's family arrived from
Hlllsboro yesterday morning and are now en.
titled to enrollment as Heppuerltes.
Jos. Woolery, the lone merchant, passed
through town, on his return home from the
mountains, with his family yesterday.
The family of Frank Rodgers returned from
their three-months' interior visit. On tbetr way
home they spent some time at Teal springs.
Mr. Brock made a Hying trip to camp, return
lng last evening, and says that the county clerk
will return wich his family the first of the week
Wm. Rush and wife left the first of this week I
by private conveyance for a trip through the
Willamette valley thence to the coast in search
of health.
Mr. W. H. Arbuckle, brother-in-law of B. F.
Miller, our enterprising stagellne man, is visit
ing the town, looking up a business location.
Mr. Arbuckle has been a resident of The Dalles
tor some time,
Mastor Oscar Borg left on Monday night's
train for Portland from where he will take the
boat for Astoria for a visit with his sister. He is
In high glee anticipating witnessing the annual
regatta about to be held there.
Mat Richardson, the Monument sheepman, is
in town, and in an Interview sayi he will finish
hauling hi! wool next week. Mr. Richardson
made some practical suggestions about road
work between here and the town of Monument.
The girls at the populai mountain resort say
that Art Minor Is "Just awful" and that bo keeps
them In a "Perk" of trouble. Mr. Mae Clark,
well, he's different; agreeable, accommodating,
handy and would not think of carrying off
other people'! clothes, tying strings to the
quilts and subjecting others to chagrin, vexa
tion or trouble.
The many friends of Mn. Otis Patterson
welcome tier return to Heppner for a few days'
visit. While she has become reconciled to The
Dalles as her future home, sbe retains her
affection for Heppner and her many friend!
who will ever extend to her the cordial hospi
tality to which they consider her entitled after
all these years of close relationship.
Stimulate the stomach, a
rouse the liver, cure bilious- WJ I I sf
ness, headache, dizziness, III S
sour stomach, conatipatinn,
tc. JTlce 25 cents. Sold by all dru-intl.
The oolj Pills to take with Hood's 8rapar1lla.
Board of Equalization, of Morrow County.
Oregon, will meet at the court house in Hepp
ner, Monday, September 12th, 1898. and continue
in session one week. AH persons wishing to
make changes in their assessment must appear
aua snow cause. A. u rtni,)8,
Heppner, August 12, 181)8. 71-78
State News.
TlIC deadlock between the woo
To Us Maatr4 Oat.
ir ..... i . tt i
I, , . I nuniraius, nut. il. no ottirr wm
.uyeri and oollora eeru to have h,, 00,ofMr.
lHeu broken at Tbe Dallct) aud vto about to.oou of tbe vi.luoterr army
wool Is commenciuil to move at a I ("ft . lb troops to be mustered out
lively rate. Until this time the "'N ,nol,J 'l volunteer eavalry
patii'ooo of this) county haa (men
ori'ly treed owing to the iuahility
of the luiyi'M an, aollcre to come
to term. To l nure notue wool
han Wen oM, Imt not much aa
fkhouM he. Ilowt'vpr, Mr. Ilyiul
reports itiit h Mliipinotut for this
wo. k aihI . trust tint the ware.
LoiiMi will ! mitivl in uliort
Nw llw.l tho fUl month of
Auj-u-t l.ria r ('r.l.sl the uVt.tr nr.
timi liy firn of numerous) tna
tl r ti Ji'Htt tli Niirtliwt'Nt, it is i:n.
K)it itil Hint tli citinm of 1 1
r l constantly on the alert,
hliotil.l a fir alart in the rilit lo.
cality at a time when our frcpieut
Iii-li wimU prevail our meaner fire
apparatus wouM i rove of little
avail. Ct.Mkl fortune alone has
t avitl us tlm f ! of altnoat every
town of our aio and ee in nisi.
hucp, aii.l the rtception it Jue to
the tiiNnce an J toforcetnrct (f
iuh regulation 'f tlu limit
rsJer "M ply an I fir opparvtus m
ill Do'. Iiaiiip. r our tjlit.ti'or fre
fnn in esse -,f n roti'lagrBt;. ;,
anil volunteer arlilUry In ths UoitfHl
Htates at ths (pruetit tint, ao4 a tgt
nnmbsr of infautry reglmeot.
A Had Aoakralsg.
Ttis Casino F.Kpanol, or Hpanisb rlub,
Id Hatitiatfo il Cul, ruuoti freinentri
by lha Spanish fill. -era, baa fur Kims
lima bi'SnleJ a urainaphntir, aa s source
of joy a nil ilelitflil to ths cloli metn tiers
b(ora tli ra)tuUtion. Htrang-ely
etir.uh. Ihroaithonl Ih long rug Ills of
His aiee, tlto fnvoril im of IoiikIo
bieh tliry er tit ttm baldl of Uviog
resale,! f.iiir or fl tuu- sa fTriiing
as "Tli hUr hngi lUnnet," alncli
grvatly ilea.. thrlr uiiisiOhI s.nU, at
hoiigli hey wet., rntirely Igmiratit of it
Sflgio of Its ilgtiiHoauee. Asfatn WuiiM
dtH'ieo.oo Hie nioriiing of July ITib, ulieo
ths Atnoriealt aa liolrte,! over ths
g overnor's U), III reglliietjlal baiul
of ths Miitb cavalry layil, with Hi ut
most goslo, this self xarua air, !) full
meanina' tba broks noon lbs aseoitl.
Hpautah oil. i-fs with Dnuixial fnrr, and
Ail littU iliwomniur .i tbetr alrea.ly
rilltt til feelings
llraair U IU4 llrei.
( l.l.nxl Ilium a tlratl 1.1 II. Nil
la ill v wilh.nit it ( a, arrl. I n,v t hr
ti. .1. an ..iir I mk n, kr. il li.an, l
stirr ! up the lary lm r an tint n ail im
lul l limn the llr. IW(,n today t
I., li .i .:.a. I-..:.. !,,(. I,. .', U .aL,
I . 1 1.. 1 1 St' k ! I t'l.-ita f .tni., ..n tk.l.g-
j. r .,t ir q inns. Ail .11
1 1 Hi .! ti . fc. .1 i
Ths Jary List
Ths names of ths following jnrori ware
drawn Weilnesilay for tba fall tsrm of
oourt, commencing Monday, September
...Mt. Vernnn
.. Inne
...Klght Mils
.. lone
.. lone
Nam. OiTiipallou
Rlmrr B.-amsn .. Farmer . .
J r. Miller
Jm.- Hams "
A II.Hmllh " .
Krank Anderson.. "
Pan Poller "
James Haker "
M A. Olden "
J.C. Kellhly ' .,
oenrge W. I'tt .... "
W. J. Kmery "
J. W. White "
Matt Hushes H
H K. Akera "
(teorge I'earaon . . . "
i, II Jenklas ... "
K.J. Keller ...
J W. Marlalt
M. C. Ku.iua .. .. farmer
Peter Brenner ....
heiihen Allen ....
Julius Kellhly ...
Yi lllaam rnrguson
K. A. barrens
J. H. Niliiainaker
. Hepinier
.lry Vnrk
.Pin City
C. M, Npenrr ... "
W. o. Minor Merchant
Thomas Oilfiller) Farmer.
John Hushes .... -Albert
A. IIHa M ..
M. kralaer lieiilry prec't
. .. . Ilepliiier
... )r Fork
... . Heppner
... leilnilon
... Dry fork
... .loita
I ena
... Ml. Vernnn
. ...Lellnglou
Tbs lullowliig alatas of lanJs for tbs
year n.liog Jnos 8), l.iS, prrparsj by
E. W. lUrtlett, regliter, ami H. 0
H t ackbanimer, reoir, of lha Lt
Orao.ls lan.l offtM has bn kindly fur
olshed tbs Oaf tts for publication :
llaker eotinty Total aoma of lanj
smfaes l.KVJ.OM aora, saryJ 7Jfl,
211, ansnrvsysd 42.417, appropriated
rtl'.XH) Huty pr cent la timbr.l, B
pr real ari l. 21 psr ceot grailog aod 10
r rol farming.
(Irani county Total arsa of land snr
faes I :Wi,tKi0 a.'r Sitrvsyanl 1.0U71.
nnsurvyl M.'l, appropriated '.r.'iM,
fifty ir eeut inulr. mooolalDS, 33
per eut graging, r tr eal farming.
Miro e.ntily Total area of lanj
lurfacs Mt.mkt acre, snrveysd 2"J '.v.1),
un.onrie.l Wi,J.appr.iprtad 'iiH.7.
Taetity f)v pe timbrel luiiun-
lama, 4 ) ir ceot graimg, 20 pr peul
ari.l, 1.1 pr rsot farrnlog.
I'matiUa eonnly Total area of laoj
stiff e .WlS 0 aorM,sarvyd H4j,3lO,
nsnrvyJ 4."fni. fMtJ 15l.:kV, art.
proprtaUd PM.7C5. Thirty pr rttil
timlwrskd tttottBlaiaa, ) pt oat
art.1. 11 r cent grafing. 10 psr cat
t'oi.. eiiinl lolal arsa of laa.l am-
faos 2.(CS.i , survyad K:4.iiie,
ntistirvyd 4Hl.KU.appropratHl ovj.tvjl.
hevMit fits pr sent limb rd moun
tains, il p ot graliag, 10 tt tsbt
'rm"' . 1 1 .
io fortalf Total ar of laod
snrlass l""ieg sirfV.l T'KV Vl,
surye.l 7.'4tV arprnpMtM .TJ4 Ml
Niity 0 tr nmits.i i.jonaiaio.
Sheriff Durbin of Marlon county, has received
a protograph of W. J. Bryan, in recognition of
being the only democrat elected in the county
The picture was sent by Mrs. Bryan.
Stealing wool Is a favorite pastime with Pen
dleton thieves. They steal one or two sacks at
a time from the warehousas, and sell it wherever
they can. Two of these thieves were caught
the other day but escaped before being lodged
In jail.
While bathing in the serf, Aug. 13, A. J. Stev
ens, of the First National Bank of Portland, got
too far out and was carried out by the current.
His body has not been recovered. He was well
known in Portland, unmarried, and about 29
years old.
The 11-year-old son of G. W. Gentry, of Baker
City, August loth was approached at his father's
milk ranch by another boy of the same age
with a shotgun. Theboysaid: 'I'll shoot you."
With that he fired, shooting out both eyes of
the Gentry boy. Gentry will probably die.
Some boyi who were driving cows in the
neighborhood went to Baker City for a doctor,
Uui Bmythe arrived from Arlington on
Wednesday' stage. He was on his way to Crook
county to buy sheep, and was very lorry to
learn that Z. T. Keyes had sold his sheep to
another party. , Gub started for Crook Thurs
day morning. Last month his father, A
Smythe, bought 85,000 head of sheep in Grant
county, which he shipped east last week from
Baker City. Fossil Journal.
Mri. Ida M. McLauglin, wife of F. B. Mc
Laughlin, of the 8heridan Sun, was drowned on
the beach between Wood! and Ocean Park
Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin were
returning by boat from Ocean Park to Woods
between 10 and 11. Mrs. McLaughlin stepped
forward to take the oars. Her foot slipped and
she plunged headlong into the water. The
darkness made it impossible for Mr. McLaugh
lin to locate her.
Professor H. T. French has tendered hii resign
nation to the board of regents of the state agri
cultural college as professor of agriculture, to
accept a similar position at the university of
Idaho, at a salary of 11,800 a year. Theprofes.
sor has been connected with the Oregon college
for nine years, and his resignation has been ac
cepted with regret. He will leave for his new
field of labor about 8opt. 1st. Chronicle.
In the person of the present collector of cut-
toms, Hon. I. L. Patterson, the Oregon district
has a collector, in fact as well aa in name.
Heretofore, for many years, it has been custom
ary for the collector to assume a dignified air
and leave the entire management of attain of
the office to his deputies. But not so with Col
lector Patterson. When he took charge he be
gan active work and will give the duties of the
ofllce his careful, personal supervision. He be'
gan at once to make a study of the revenue laws
as applied to his office and it will not be sur
prising if he make one of Uncle Sam's moit
competent, energetic collector!. Salem Sent!
The Condon Globe says: A special meeting of
the city council was held on Tuesday evening
of last week for the purpose of receiving the re'
port of the water works committee. The com
mlttee submitted a letter lately received from
II. Orchard, who Is at present putting In
water system at Keudrick, Idaho. Mr. Orchard
made numerous inquiries in regard to what is
wanted here with a view to putting in a private
system, and the council, after- discussing the
proposition, decided to send for Mr. Orchard to
come here at once and give them the benefit of
hii experience in the business, before going any
further into tbe proposition.
The town ol Fossil, In Gilliam county, li to
have water works. A spring In the hills, SOU
feet abovs the tawn aud three miles away, ii to
be tapped with a pipe line and the water
carried to a reservoir, 1 he route Is easy, most
of the ditch to lay the pipe can be made with
plows. The spring flows IS5.000 gallons of water
every M hours, which Is ample to meet Fossil's
present needs. The quality of the water li ex
cellent. The town has nearly enough mom y
in Hi treasury to build the water works. The
town has never been allowed to get In debt with
the result that it has never sapped Its strength
paying I uteri t. Ths works will cost from
15,000 to ifi.OOO.
Frank Adams, a rancher near Tule lake, and
his 9-year-old son Willie, were shot and serious
ly wounded August 12th, by A. B. Trilwood,
who had been employed on the ranch by
Adami. Adams discharged Trilwood, and over
the settlement of their accounts tbs dispute
arose. Trilwood drew his revolver and fired
two shots at Adams, ons taking street in his
breast. Trilwood Bred four mora shots, one of
which struck ths son, Indicting a wound In hii
breast from which h will die. Mrs. Adams ran
out of tbe hoiiM to ascertain ths cause of ths
troiihls, and Trilwood Brad three shots at her.
but missed ch time. Adams, though seriously
wounded, rushed st Trilwood and threw him
to ths ground and tied blm with a rope. Ths
sheriff was summoned and took charge of ths
T. Allen Mcguary, s young globs trotter, who
Is racing around ths world for a wife and $5,000,
reached Th Dulles on the steamer Oalle City.
tie started from Springfield. Mo., July I, lair,
and according to th stipulations of tils con
tract must reach Springfield November neat,
alter having mute a circuit of the glob, travel
ing only by water and on nonrhark, accom
patiled by two dogs. H he reaches his desllna
lion by that dale, he la to receive $., and th
html of Mia IWtnbre th daughter of a
wealthy Arkansas planter. In marriage. Mc
quarry It a printer, and hi horn It Nenatio,
Mo. lit hat thill tar fulfilled th terms ol hit
contract and bl.li fair to win theprli lor which
h ti working, lit claims to tiav witnessed
th Manila Unit on May 1st. and will lertur
on ths batll this Ttiltif .-Ttm Mountaineer
V undersigned, administratrix of the estate
of E. S. Baling, deceased, has filed her final re
port ana will make final settlement ot her ac
counts with said estate as such administratrix.
at the next term of the County Court of Morrow
county, to be holden at the court house at
Heppner. in said county, on the 6th day of
oepiemDer, A. i. at '2 o'clock p. m.
il-it) AKli.MlSlA BALJXNU.
IV undersigned administrator of the estate of
J.G.Young, deceased, has filed his final ac
count and will make a settlement of the Bame
as such administrator, at the next teim of the
County Court of Morrow county, State of Ore
gon, on Tuesday, the 6th day ol September, 1898,
u. U.USI,
at 11 o'clock a. in
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at LaGrandk, Obkoon,
Auorust 10. 1898.
IV following-named settler has filed notice
of her intention to make final proof in support
of her claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clork of Morrow County, Or
egon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Sept IV, 1898, viz:
MICHAEL B. GALLOWAY, of Heppner, Or.,
Hd No 5430, for the SU NE)4 and E'A SEW See
17 Twp 2 8 R 27 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence up and cultivation of
Bam iauQ, viz: j. f. urown, joe Kector, m. j
uevln, and A. J. Stamp, all of Heppner, Or.
74-85 Register.
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
Land Office at The Dali.es, Oregon,
Autruat 2. 189.
IX following-named settler has filed notice
ot his intention to make final Drnof in
support of his claim, and that said proof will
oe maue oeiore v. urawiora. county uierit, at
Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, September 17,
louo, viz:
FRANKLIN WILLIS, of Lexington,
Homestead application No. 4005 for the 8EU
Sec 9. To 28. R 25 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove I
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Joseph Eakelson. James A.
Brown. Albert A. Willis and W. B. MeAlister.
an ui iAiugion, uregon.
11-83 Register.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner, Oregon-
aW.... -4
Land Office at The Dalles. Obkoon.
July 21, 1898.
li following-named, settler has filed notice I
of his Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
Deinre v. urawiora, county i;ierg, at Heppner,
uregon, on Tuesday, septemner o, iS'js, viz:
JAMES W. HILTON, of Hardman,
Homestead Application No 48S3 for the N!4
8W'4 Sec 22 and K'A BE Sec 21, Tp & 8, R 26
He names the following witnesses to prove I
nis continuous resilience upon ano cultivation
oi sain iana, viz: iteuoen Alien, A. n. Alien,
Emery Hperry and John Howell, all of Hard-
man, Oregon.
08-80 Register.
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
As manager he will run it in first class shape
in every department. Rates reasonable
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at The Dalles, Orf.oon,
followliig-nameil settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppuer,
uregou, on i uesoay, sepiemuer , viz:
Homestead Application No 4419 for the EU
NW and E4 SW Sec 29, Tp 5 8, R 26 KWM.
He names the following wltnes.es to Drove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation
ol said land, viz: J. W. Hilton. Dan Rice.
Emery Hperry and John Howell, all of Hard.
ninn, Oregon. ,
t-W) AS. F. MOORE.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Perhaps you have made
up your mind to take
Land Office at The Dalles, Okkiion,
July 11. Mm.
11 followlnir-iiamed settler linn filed nntlce nt
her Intention to make final prool in support ol
her claim, and that said proof will lie made lie-
lure A. Mallury, IUH Commissioner, at Hepp-
uer, vregou, 011 1 ucrniay, aukust t, in'jn, vu:
formerly Martha C. Hoskius. of Heiipner.
Homestead Application No. wj for the HU
NWV and N'i rtWV Wee 1. TpH. R 11. E W M.
Hhf names the following 'vltnemea to prove
iierroiiiiuiioiis resilience upon anil cultivation
of said land, vlx: Benjamin Parker, frank
Ward, Robert Knlghten and Emry Hperry, all
01 MMniuiau, urcgtin.
6.1-70 JAS. F. MOORE,
They have anything In this line that you may desire and you can dopend on It you get a
good article wheu they guarantee It.
Old Strd, Main Str.st' R-.i,i. . R.i.,t
Laud Orrirs at Ths Dalle, Orkook.
JlllT 'il. IK.
ful wlns-i.ainisl settler haa filed nolle ol
his Intention to make final proof In support oil
his claim, and that aald proof will he made be- I
loreV, ('lawford. County Clerk, at Hi-iioner. I
urvguii, dp raiiiruay, nrpicmtier , iffue, via:
EMILY GAUNT, of Beppner,
Merchant Tailoring!
Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp
ner. His work is always flrst class and satisfac
tion guaranteed.
Homestead Application Nn k',i for the f.u Ali .1 ....
hw n and w ek'j an, Tp 4 H, k 2 k w m. Acomplcte stock of pure and fresh dm rrs nl-
II name the lullowliig wlliiee in prove ... I 1 -1 e i1 . -"UlUL,s Ul-
hls continuous residence upon and cultivation "S in BlOCK. VSrCIUl attention paid to filling
of said land, vis: C. W. roller. Albert M.tl.
on. Jnhn liauiit and Harrison Hals, all of
iieppuer, urrgon.
HW Krglster.
1 ol Oregon lor Morrow county,
James Damherty, tMalntlrT,
i. B. "perry, Sarah C. Hperry,
f. (', Thni!ipe.in. the Oreiron
Kali me. I and Navigation t o.,
a corporation, and
"lurry. lrli.ii.Uiil..
To J. B Hrrry and Sarah C. pcrry, defendant
aoove nanter
In the name ot the Stat of Oreton. Ton. and
earh of you ar herrhy miulred toapiwarand
answtrthe eomplalut Sled acalaal you to the
above entiilnl suit by the Aral ar "I the nest
term of the alive etilltl. emir nllualnsthe
eiplratlon ol the time pnwrtta In theontvr
lor piii.h. atlon ol tbls suintuons. which Brsl
1ST am !
Mondsy, ths 6th day f 6stsmar,
and inn and ) of yon will take notice
tti.t If ymi tall In n ai.prar and answer tor
anl Itirmd pialniliT will apply In lh rourt
fnf Ihr rll.-l .l,'mli.r. III hi rimilalllt. I.wtl
ot J.i.lnnriil .1 you In the um ot IIV.i
bwtiirr wiiii iiiivml lhamin from Ihe Mb
lav of IV-lola-r, at Ihe rata "I In per rant f
anniini . tor in. iitnnrr aum 01 1 1 i hi a
of prescriptions.
If you have not yet realized that the
"pood old times" are with us, your
Mood is out of order. Get rid of that
"tired feeling" and awake to the fact
that the
Wool Growers'
Is the place to store your wool this season. Why? Re-
this summer.
Then look for
this plciurc gn
the wrapper, s
man uith a pfg
fish on his ba A.
Do not lei anyone talk to
you of aomcthinf "just
s good."
Uhen you want cod
liver oil and the hypo
rhosphiici you ani the
very best. Vou will find
them in only one f face.
av"i a.iiiuiiun.
There is no other emul
sion like It; none other
docs the sime work; and
no other his tfcc ? xa
record of cures
Ail Pei iv If-
H"Mt tt-ml.tlaiii 4 V.
ib.rna a 1
Ira .n.l Ihe e.i. ..,.1 ai.l.uraam.iiia ol this v """ " PirU'UV Wart'IlOUHO tlUSinCHS ami lint l?nn. in
..errir.i .,,.1 .(,i...rr.ihr,m,io,.i.inin dentin uu) i ti Woo l oursi'Ivcs. wc encouraire conitiftitinn
...ir aoil Ilia um nay of to .1 1 .... , ' ,l".""rl v '111 IU 11 IIOII
ar.ii Ihe pa.mani nl a rari.m ,.., I,,, anOIlp?il lIlC tU ( T8 atUl SeCUTO VOU tll( IllellCht UriVrt
1..1. i.ij -t.M, uiimiii .,iM. in(li,i " ' ,,,v in ii jruu.
iuh. In with n.l. eralal lha ra'eof iu r' r.. ' ,r Wool aj ss and lain at rt. MTaMe when w,l la anM a... 1. .
tf annitmai.d a hi. h aald Inof taa.a roixataH nr ' """" W an.. Solid III tour Order
lilil.i plalnllfT lor ihal puriMa II
Ira. rlial rral pr..riT Mloaiai In
lha follow tna
a the r.i til .
ol M'Hri., aialrol utrf.in, Uk. II l.ila and
1. a... I J lrl ..w ,.( lha raa 4 Bl tola 1 and
In I . k t. In Haa laoti'a a l llllon lo lha to n M
Hrppnrr, H..rroa r.ini. ntraon and
f'tflhrl lr, rra Mrrttia and f..ra.-,al nf too aald
I S "M an.1 aa'alif. r.t, i.lt anH ffom
a'l ao.l . I r ia III . II I , of Inlrtral Innflnaal.l
I fl .f..)ri, and e.ary r Ihaio-t Ihia
I'laanin U arf.a.1 m- n .. t f f.ii il. i..n
I tl.tr.,f .t or.lrf (, ,v ,,ral.0 ar.hn A
I I. .a. I I'l laa " lha a.a anlll r.! riMiil m.l
and .l.tr-l al I hamtr al ln.,.l,.n. ( wall, la
foiinlj. I'frt .n. inly ;ih, i
hii rnrtr
All.ttS M l .alnllf?
Ts Asierlaia Isttilsls tt
r TV tl vpBS IU Bell seaaina
r,-l' 'f la' tha. at-rJ
r a. ai m aval wa ,
IIM V taek.
pay Ihe Mr hr.l ra.h pflr. ,hrp i, sd hi.ira
a ar tf"..u l,,r I it t ,.1- ... 1 . ....
dl,- .k. .... ' W - aiiaaai l.atl lo4
(i .J i; I
I a
(ttaa4y ewit .
rse' ("SB.lv fall afla U Sl'-at Won
dr. I I i ..m al i anurrcl I.-" aV. p
S I I f . 'r.:, net., itri laa . t fou.j
- I n.. 'It. tf. 1, 'i a. Itttf a. . l.-arii,
. a . 11. a - a' iji. I ...la,
Pj.. .. a f..f l.a'.ll .l t..rt!ia. im
pA I S' J 1 !,'. I' ' I j &' 1 lr? a U
71 lp" 4 1 -'ll ii. V .:. r..4SIJ
'.. , Ji. i b) 1 1 ft 1.
Toka lp, u.e only rrli.i.ia erirad
ft Fs HYiNii, iu tnaocr.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
Jnil now the entire iifrttf
h'nnus thin Perfect iirwluit
.Is the Star Univcry Veer....,
On draunht a
a" popular saloon