i OFFICIAL s'V PAPER Advertisers If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the GAZETTE. Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news From the Seat of yar. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19. 1898. NO. 676 TIE HEPPMER GAZETTE Published every Tuesday and Friday BY CORLIES M'EKRITT. Editor and Mauagrsi. SUBSCRIPTION On Year -Six Month Throe Months RATES $1.80 73 BO Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Poatoflice at Heppner, Oregon, aa second-class matter. THIS PAPKB iB kept on file at E. C. Pake's Advertising Agenoy, HI and 65 Merchants Exchange, Ban Franoiaoo, California, where oou taots for advertising oan be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, San Franoieco, le our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file at hia office. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leavos Heppner 9:30 p m. daily ezoept Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12KJr a. m. Leaves Heppner Junoiion 8:3u a. m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a m Spokane Express No, 1 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. in. and Uma'illa 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla til) a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .in. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland U:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 3:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at iteppuer Junotion 12:25 a. m. and st Portland 7:20 a.m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore. OITlClAi DIEECTOET. United Btates Officials. Pi esirtent , William McKinley Vine I'rosldont Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State W. K. Uay deoietaryof Treasury Lyman J. Gaise Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Hliits Kenretary of War Itussoll . Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long l oitinaster-Oeneral Charles Emery Smith Atloriiey-Uonoral John W. HriggB Seorotary f Agrioulture James Wilson State of Orogou. Oovernor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kincaid Treasurer Phil, Jletechan 8npt. I'uhlio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idlnman Senators jft.W.IWM (VinuTa.ainori 1 Tion. H . Tongue t.ongreesuien J w K Ellis Printer W. U. Leeds ( K. 8. Bean, Supreme Judges F. A. Moore, ( C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. ! ronit Judge Stephen .Lowell P.TM'KMitiua Attorney..,.. H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator... J, W. Morrow Representative. E. L, Freeland 'onnty Juilge , A. G. Bartholomew '' Commissioners J. 11. Howard J. W. Beckett. " I'lerk.... Yawter Cnwford ' Sheriff K. L. Matlock ' Treasurer M. LiehtO'ithHl ' Aesseeor J. F. Willis ' Surveyor Julius Keithly Snhocil Bup't Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner Dr. E. It. Uunlouk HKPPNEft TOWH OmOIHfl. Mtyor Thus. Morgan Ounrllinmi F.. J. Kloomn, M. I.iehtenthal, J . It. ttlmons, J. 4. MoDerts, J . vy . Basmus and K. G. Sperry. K worrier W. A. Hicliantwm J measurer L. W. Hriggs Marshal John Bager Precinct Offlocrv. Justice of the Peso W. E. ItichsfiUnn t 'unstable U. S. Gray United States Land Officer. TBI OALUM, O. J. F. Moore Kister Otis Patterson Heoeiver LA oaD, on. .. . E. W. BartlMt Register J.H. Bobbins Beceiver B3EOSWCT socxaexzsiB. BAWLINS l(MT, NO. 11. G.A.B. Meets at Heppner, Or., thsj third Saturday of rY. month. All veterans are Invited to loin. W. W. Smith. G W. Hea, Adlulaat, tf Commander. D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Office hours, 8 to 10 . m , aod 12 to 2 p. tn., at residence, W. A. Kirk'e prop erty, fast of M. B chnrcb, Booth, and 10 to I'i, a. m , to 'i lo 5 p. m , at office lo lb rear of Borg'e jewelry lore. C. E. Redfield, Attorney at Law, Office lo tbe First National Dank Building. Uippkik, : : Ork'w. tf Ellis & Phelps, TT0RNEYS AT LAW. All boalnMM srlrndxt U In a promt and aeililertory manner. Notaries I'ulille and UiliTlora. "Hoe In Hatter BltlQ. Msppaer. Or. same that on every wrapper. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD ' CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Euannis. Massachusetts was the originator of "CASTORIA, the has borne and does now bear - the fac-simile signature of OajTZucJ This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought - on the and has the signature of Ou&ffi&cja! wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind Ton Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF nn AMERICANS SWEEP ALL BEFORE THEM Combined Attack By Land and Sea- Aguinaldo's Followers Make Trouble For Government of Manila. Associated Press Dispatches. Honq Kong, Aug. 16. Advices from Manila state that Admiral Dewey gave General Augustin an hour in which to surrender, at the me or. the last demand made on Sunday. General Augustin refused ) comply. The bombardment, which beeau at 9:30 a. m. . war (inn. , ' ..iu.u vi everai new usvioes "jjronODo UlH" DBBBed tbrouirh this tinned .for two hours, and then the Americans stormed the trenches, tba have been devised for the oomforl dtj let evening bonnd 1 for 8ana Fe Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TMC OSNTAUK OOMPANT, TT MUHUV THKCT, NSW VOK CITV. rado volunteers stormed the outer trenohes and drove tha RnRninrrla deck ',om.the break of the pooP to the h9 WM "Ptnred, t int thfl .Mnnrl lino f AtanBaa Tka u a i tpPBBllant 'oreoa.tle, wbiob forme a roof ihal Foraker. He was shot thronch the tbe BDimalS and a footinu for the riuht irm anil ahfinllAM Hirt into the second line of defenses. Then the American trooDs sweDt on. t. Dto the t furthi hite flag and surrendered. The losses, Ameriean and Spanish, are j it ii o j i n . . r r ,ul ,UD ""' uu a looiing tor tne riant erm and ehouldor, tbe bullet lodff- drivmg all the Spaniards into the inner fortifications, where the Span- crew. Tbisdeokie.obitantlal, but when ing in hie right aide. Borne donbts are ish commander, seeins that further rosistunno waa naol fart V. removed will leave the ahin n " "-"'""1 "IOU lUD - 1" I -.-K---""" " UH ICCUTOiy. (IUUUSOD whitn nntr nnrl anrrnnriororl Tha Inaaaa Ama.'nn u :u Under it, on the main deok Droner. will hia nnrinar nu n -;.,.!.. j. Under it, on the main deok proper, will bis partner, waa so seriously wounded' not known yet The Spanish in the trenches probably numbered 3 000 . uT JT 60 h?d i ftook' tbe ,hat he died within B few hourB' Bnd the men. The Americans' attacking force numbered 10 000 d 'h- 1-'?:W,h,h,.Me rlA Trui body buried where th. .hooting oo- ... , , 7 , , , I builuuib win itana wun ineir oeaas ourea. A warrant is out from Socorro The CALIFORNIA Lodging House aw- BEDS 25 and 50 Centa. GEO. C. ROME, Prop. F0TUHK OP THE AKHY. of a G. B, HATT, Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, -Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Corner, 15 Canta 25 " Hi'ppner, OreRon. H, W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the t!nlon Depot of C. B. fl r U At U. U f L A t k1. IL' r. and the U. Ht. L 4 i!. lUUrc'ls. '' HATBH HU.UO IKH IA.Y Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Btt., D. E. OILMAN, 6cncralColIcctor ftil vnur nl4 hnks and luM In his iinU aM yt joiir mnfjr ottl nf ihrm Wsk a $utltj il bsfl euileriiuita. OIHcn iu J, N. Drown'e Ituildius. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. crnet ar council CHMtM Prudence Demands the Maintenance MTtt Foree. Philadelphia Bulletin. An interesting problem, wbicb mast ha A nn A a,l a r. n.A. . L. .. 1 Ml r vw mcuiucu dwju rit.r uo w n t euiie, Will Next door to Opera House, be the future ctretgth and standing of inn uoupu oiaiee army, wneo coo greet authorized tbe reinforcement of the regular army and tbe calling out of the v&!nteer, it piuvMed that thia Inoreasa I our military forces should be limited lo the duration of tbe contest. If the letter of Ibis legislation is to be striotly observed, the ratifioatioo of tbe pence treat by the senate mu"t be speedily followed by the dlubaudmeot ot tbe volunteers and the redaction of tbe regulars to their former establishment of 27,000 men. Yet it fa evident, even to tbe most violent opponents of a standing army, that thia force, which was barely tqnal to gMrrisou doty in the Ucited Btates in times of profound quiet, will be alto gether inadequate to perform tbe duties that will devolve nnoo it under the altered onnditlnna wbiob tbe nation will have to faoe. Recant developments sbow that it ia impossible for us to evaeuU Cuba the moment tbe (Spaniards leafs it. VVa shall hate to maintain a strouu loroe tbere tor some time to preserve order, protect the Spanish colonists from iosargent vengeanos and tuiks lb formation of a stable government prsa tioeble. In Poro Rioo. wbicb will be Amerioao territory without reserve or restriction, we shall need lo keep a eon eidorable garrison. Honolulu will re quire troops to man tba fortifications we aball erect. Even thongb we ooofln our conquest lo the Philippines to tb city and port of Maoila, It will be nee- sary to garrisoo the Conquered territory with a rrspeotahle lore. Uow many mo will be demand! for this work at polnta ooUide tbe A met! cae oonlinent it is lupoesibls to ssy 1'robabty 60 ()00 for the first year would be a moderate estimate. Whatever lbs force may be, congress will be cell! o oo to consider the mainUoaone of the army oe a new basis. Tbe popular pre judice auaiest a large standing army likely lo make itself Mtlathed.bat on the subject ia the houe and tbe senate: but the manifest eeoeeaitiee Ibe situation will eirnptl ns to keep oe fool ae array nameroes en'ah to ma oor auiborily lathe I.Ian Is where our fl lias tjreo rarrin by the tide of w Thia la not wiliUri.ra or "Imperialism but obvloue pruitenee. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET Ii the place to go to get your fine pork and lamb chops, steaks and roasts. 6d I FISH EVERY FRIDAY fine titssr riired hams and baron, Fure U'l lard, krltlo. rendered, old stjrle. Illghrst ran nrtre bald for at sirk. BEN J. MATHEWS. HEPPNEll-CANYON CITY Stage Line B. f. MILLER, Free ftiMtMi and mmI i I ... f .... . i... allr. sarnn lif mlulni district. Hurnsaitu i"S leave Heppner IHIIr. Sunday t el-'l si m a, m. Arrive el tanvwn l ui In ii hours Im 1'tnfns CUT il I p m arrlteal llc p- r i(i .9 n'rwii. niiiim una wllft iratMS. Ilirmm to kii.u i ails and bnts M mU'. rnis dnnM, PT al- d'- cneva' lf ad 111 r- f ni in ti In Ills line, al n-naUi f.jir II Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS Shaving ' Cents. ajtos ! ilwS Snalk of fneb'ft', Gibson 8c Berger, Al f has iwMe M Maad. HhrtVlHtr. - IA Ct. Hnlr Cuttltiir. - " jUtli 2-V. Kvirvtliin;;,itrirt lv Firtt L'lan. llardmsn Miiiuniu , , ....... Ilamlllfrtl Ltt,tf I t k r Valley J'.im a ., I ariTori i (lv SUf s eouMa I w Ilk trains al llrppnr Kntm - Hatf slSd np II Is line allh ! to ! Cfvl ( af lu U'P (-Hi llr 3" II V, 4 141 I Ji I f & Hi S hi l"i a iu - . ar First National Bank OK IIMTNI.U C. A. M. . Peesieeet T. A. Rmca. . Viee Preeieeeit OCO.W Coatts, CesMer . W. f a-twcfPl. Aee't CeaMes Trwtj GtTil Eil;tf f 2vleVL KXCHAXGK " " all Par's of s -if' t U oil 'ht ami Sold. Ikraash Rs4 ta Tke talla. Tbe K'am.tl Itpqhliee ssys: surveying party eomp'MH if K. Hery, sureeyir; Ky Tail' an I J. Foiietaie, viewer; J. f, , leaaist Che. lrev. marker; W, K. Um an I ('1st le Koeotaln, eha onn Mm lsy the Hh si r.,k m,! en. sir emnrity r sd fu m leieto ll.a t'rrw e onty line, ll.it Is vtnai.red a Ian. a .) et,rpia br all l,V tinlli. Mai Tlf Is sis a daily mail frre Prtna villa 1 1 H.U.r k Only the short . Imwmii ti,ia an I . Klairiatti maira lo ( B'l't t' ale fa d'i mnaieallon witb lbs faiiraj at llall.a. II I) er left I k 1 l-i I i tm Ii P fe rn. he BE FALL OF MANILA ts Bombardment and Surrender A Hopeless Struggle. A NOVEL EXPEDITION. Bound for the Philippines, Under Lieutenant Cameron. Lieutenant George H. Cameron, of the Fourth cavalry, Doited States army, and well known in Walla Walla, having been stationed at Fort Walla Walla for a long time, sailed on tbe ship Taooma Satur day from San Franoisoo for the Philip pine islands. Tbe voyage will be moat remarkable and tbe results of it will be watched with tbe keenest interest by army men and shippers of oattle and horses in general. Tbe ship will carry a oargo of 108 horses and 120 mules 7,000 miles across the broad Paoifio to Manila The 1 acoma ia a three-masted, skysail dipper ebip, 222 feet long, 41 feet beam and 1,738 tons burden. Lieutenant Oam eron ia the son of D. F. Oameron, of OLicago, and he will oommand the expo dition. Tbe lieutenant won bis educa tion at West Point by oomnetative ex animation at tbe time when Congressman whose real Brentano waa a representative in Wash- and "Kid" ington. He is 37 years old. and a thoroughly well trained soldier. other posts be bss held uAki.G POWDER Absolutely Pure How DANCE OF DEATH. 'Eld" Johnson, Broncho Bill's Fard, Wm Killed. Ban 1 .ftiicisco Chronicle. Albuquerque, (N. MA Aug. 6. The notorious train-robbers, "Broncho Bill," name is William Walters Johnson, aconsed of the' Grants hold-UD on tbe Santa Fe PuniHn. Among In which they secured about 850.000: ia that of in- the Santa Fe hnM struotor at West Point, a plaoe he filled netted them half as much as the flrtt lor biz years. venture, and the mnrdnr of n.nnf Under Lieutenant Cameran'a com- Sheriffs Vitrei. Bnatamnnia .n t mand will be 20 oavalrymen to look after dian trailer, a few days later, are cot iue Dorses, a orew or in sailors, under apt to make any more trouble for the Captain Charles Davis and First Officer present, as the rnmnra nf ihoi, h0in Robert Melville, will man the ship. shot acd csplnred in Arizona a few davs The expedition is attracting muoh at- ago Drove to have hn soli fm,no,i lentioo beoause of several new devioea "Broncho Bill" Dassed through thia ot tbe horses and mules. The main miu. w. mo uuiim buu muiee. j.ne main wnere oe win be turned over by George J-Dose witnin tne walls attempted no resiBtauoe. The First Colo- Deen covere1 0Ter w,th 8 "l8 A.Scarborougb and J.D.Milton.by whom o volunteers stormed the outer trenohes and drove the Soaniarda deck ',om he break of he PP to the be was captured, to United States Mr- mericans were better armed, better trained and in better condition The foreign fleets watched the bombardment with amita inrHf. The American warships engaged were the Olympia, Petrel, Raleigh, McCulloch, Boston, Montererv. Charleston ani Bftltimnm. Tha Spanish assert that the fire of the Americans, for the most part, fell - t. A J.1 I SW.e a . . . . snori, me oniy enecuve nre being from a small gunboat armed with quick-firing guns that was close inshore. It is asserted by the Span ish that the "Americans loBt heavily in the storming, owing to faulty construction or tneir entrenchments, which the Spanish could com mand from the heights and upon which they poured a galling fire." ---- 1 he WpaniBh trenches extended around Manila at a distanoe of rom two to four miles from the walled citv. forming a mrnl in miioa n circumference, and it was impossible, the Soauiaids nav. to hnM on ion? a line against the American attack. Admiral Dewey and General Merritt. it is renorted. had inano orders to spare all except armed defences of the city, aud consequently tue town is understood to have been but little damaged. Home etreet fights between the insurgents and the Spaniards occurred on the out- 11 i a . a . . ... BKins, nut oraer prevailed witlnn the walled section. The Americau version of the battle ia not vet obtainable donoral Aagustin, formerly captain-general of the PhiliDDines. will start fnr Madrid tomorrow by the Uerman mail steamer. Consul-General Wildman today received a reDort from Admiral Dewey saying it waa intended after the capture of Manila, to dispatch cruisers on August Hth to Hollo and Cebu to occept the surrender of those ports, and also to send cruisers to Port lloval. in Palawan in af w w capture Spanish gunboats hiding there. Another ship wae detailed to capture the Spanish steamers plying between La Baun, in Pana, were also to be captured. Consul Wildman credits tli romnrt n,l a.t. f " y -w should tbe vessels have left before the arrival at Manila of the British ship Australia, winch was chartered to carrv the news of t!i aincino . - oc tne protocol and tbe cessation ot hostilities to that place, it will aiso oe an impossibility to recall tbe vessels in three weeks. lieneral Augustin said today he did not know that tha Kaiaarn Augusta was to sail for Hong Kong. He was informed that a launch wm awaiting him, which he boarded, and was taken to the Kaiserio Augusta, which immediately started for this r ace. w a This statement Is considered so en ui vocation, as General Anrue. r tm evidently know his destination, and his escape waa pra-trranend eeterclay a deputation of Honcr Kont? Filunnoa. hoadml ! w 0 o - fl r j Agoncillo, high commissioner and ambaHHalor c.f tha Philinninna nm. ... - , r I - visional governmect. waited nnon Conanl-GeLeral Wildman ami mn. gratnlatcd him, on bi-half of Agoinallo, upon the splendid success of al .aWk,stas ... me American arms in tne rniiippiuea aud the happy termination of tba war in favor of America, aud renaeHtml Mr. Wildman to wir I'mai dent McKinley their congratulations and aneurance of their allegiance, aoi an expression ot wieir uopo ibist the rillpinat, Agoncillo, on be half ot the iilipinoe, eipresswl the doaire that Consul-General Wild man be appointed on the commission. New Yoiik, Aug. 17. A dispatch to the Hearld from Uong Kong says: It is rumored bora that the United Htat-a troops at Manila Lava bad trouble with the letml forces, Acwrding In on account, the in aurgente, upon wlmni various reatricliotis had Ihh-u plaeml by Merritt mutinied at not Mug permilUd to bave any share lu the surrender tha rity. It is repottod that they attacked tha Atnoricane in tb trenches. The officers of the (ierman wamhip Kaiaerio Augusta are and instructions to give nut no information about the bombardment, but ia freely stated that there wae great lna of life on Ixilli aidea. There are a great DomUr of steamer here preparing to have for Manila w.tb ro laiona. lowaraa tbe center of tbe vessel and count oharoino- 'Rrnniin Tiiii" .ith their hindquarters against rounded tim- the murders of Vinal. Bustamente and here, while their ohests will fit into an tbe Indian, and an effnrt oill ha mn.lu in dentation with side guards, making a I take bim to Rocorro fnr a. nriiminar complete smoom oage, wbiob is boped hearing. Detective Thaoker of tbe eneoiuauy proteot tbe animal from We ls-Faroo Fx the rolling and pitohing of the ship that United States Marshal Cipriano Baooa areio oe expeciea mneavy weatber. To o Hooorro. alaa annnmnanle ih. lurtber aid tbem.eaob will be lifted .olear prisoner to Santa Fe. 01 tbe deok by suroingles passed eroubd When "Broncho Rill" and mil ir.h. around their bodies and fastened to the I ion. the train-rnhhera. VAra Fonnrtail a at roof above, which will swing them clear attending a dance at Ueronimo a couple... woea tua amp usis. of weeks sgo, Deteotive Tbooker oon- mi. j.s . . ..I.--.. luesuroingies. oonirary to wnat would oluded thev wonM aiv arnn.i i, be supposed, are never used In rooeb I country north of Solomonvilla. and nrn. weather. At snob times tbe animals bably be at Hampton's ranob occasion- most shift for themselves, nod when it ally. So be sent Goorge Scarborough oeoomes oalmer tbev are swung ud iu J. V. Milton aud his son nn tn Il.imn- tbe suroingles to give them tbe needed ton's to see it they could gather tbem rnsi. lueanimais win noi De auoweu 10 in. Hcarborough, Milton and young lie aowo, except in tbe veterinary bos- Thaoker arrived at Hampton's ranoh on pital, in charge of Surgeon Alexander tbe afternoon of Friduv. J ulv 2!lth. anil Plommer, JTourlb cavalry, U. S. A., also stopped over night. In the morning wen known tn Walla Walla. youcg Tbaoker went nnl after the In tbe 'tween decks tbe rest ot the 228 horses. While be waa Dona three man equtnea will be boused in tbe sams were seen approaching the bouse. Two fashion. Between Ibe two rows are lot tbem stopped some hundred yarde Wide Passages. Wbiob w ill oermit hnat- awav to kill a anaka okiU tlx lure to DBSS to and fro while nleanlnu man. who nrnve.l In l.a eftrnnnhn H,ll" ' S 1! I.. .. . . . aim leauing meir cnarges. Abe troughs niroseir, rode op to tbe ranoh and got off Da. 0.7 irom wooaeo oroai-DteoAi ftbovai bli bona, l h fiml man h 11 . .1 as m . . i . . ... ne ouesi oars, ana are made of Iron, ueorge Hoarboroogh. lie said: oemg easily moved wben neoeesary. "I guess I don't want to atop hire." A system of eleotrio lighting and and started lo get oo bis horse. ventilation ia put la wbiob will help "Hold on," said Scarborough; I want greatly In tbe care of Ibe etook. Inoao- lo talk lo you." descent lamps are plaoed at Intervals all Bat "Broncho" did not feel like talk- through the ship, except la the lower log to eny one, and pulled bis six- bold, wbicb will carry rv KJ loos of ooal I sbooler and commenced shooting at and forage. Patent tana will send tbe Scarborough, but tbe shot wae wild and air to places Dot otherwise ventilated, I did not bit bun. lie jumped on his horse and batteries of portable lights are bung land started to leave end Scarborough wnere may may be carried at tbe end of commenced shooting. One of Hcarhor a SO-tool wire lo dark reoeases. ongh's shots bit hi in In the shoulder aud The question ot soonlvine freah water knocked bim off tha hnraa. U'li.n for tbe aouna'sls aa important one oo Johnson and Pitkios, Ibe thirJ of Ibe anb a voyage as this. Fourteen bund desperadoes, beard the snooting tbev rsd gallons are daily required. It waa jumped behind some rocks and corn- Brat intended to supply tbie by tanks in uieoced shooting promiscuously. the bold, wbiob would oeesaeitate pomp. All tbe cowboys, borse rustlers so l ing. Lieutenant Cameron, however. da officers Imnted aovar n l.l..l elded to pleee oa board two eondeneere, Hoerboroogh got behind an oak tree and saoo or , law gaiiooa capacity. The wstcbed bis chance, aod put a bullet tanks for Ibaee are tilaoad Llh. and thronuh Jrihnaon'a K'ulv. I'tlkitis m. pipee eoaducltbs water to where it is leaped. Mittoo all this lime waa suool- 1.1 i ... a m . . .. lit.... .. ....... Dsauiau. rour oanur ami iweoiy-nve ing, unt ii is tnongbt thai it was Hoar. thousand Onuada of nala. 13.'! 000 nnnmla barnnuh'a mi II, al a,. I Iw.lh m.n Tl. of bran, II') loos of bay, and W) loos ol rewards offared fur the two men killed siraw win ie laien anoani. Tbe strew aod raptured aggregate about 11. OKI. Is 'or making matireaaee to lay on the drke where tbe squlnee ere exercised, end for bedding in tbe hospital. it t mr T.ie fe y. A ki ' Bilssli ,s,ii aetHtS InMlss . ii.l . l.t, m a 14.1 If. T f . t..!., If . . . t'l e lt.Hl rt I V 1 s . m t'i ... 4 m'4 aitirtiej . it ' ' . l,jr,.l I t ifh-, 4 Oi.n. . i - t ' t a 'I ! it.al . r-, , . , . I , .'f '1! K,lM (Mi,a ,.. rt-i . i I K I ar a sura ti j a fa s liUl, 'a , , Ui J b- .1 at f.'m & V'.f W tti, N'tw VoI.k. Aug. K A etecial to the WorlJ from Maniln. under ' date of Aug. 1 ith, via of Hong Kong, aajs: Merritt Las prej.nred a proeUmaliou tu the oativea Licit roviles a echeuie of governinr-tit for Manila and surrounding territory aud other inland plaoed ill our poaweeeion, tht chief xiioU of which ar rioid nrotrrtioti to all in freotial religion, munioinal laws, trihnnala and local inalitutione for tiunialitnent to remain until farther notice, Haw s Tela t We oiler one husdrej dollerslrewer.l furanyraaa of catarrh that oanoot be Onranl br Mall's Catarrh Cure F. J. Cmsst At Co., Toledo, O. we, tne ooilreigo!. bave knowe r. J Cheoet for the last 15 veara. and ha- er neve rim parr.olly bonorablalo ell host iranaacliona and financially able to earry oat any obligations made by their firm. Waal k Trosi, Wholesale Druggiels, mieuo, w. Waldlng, Kianao A Marvin, drnsirUita. Toledo. (1. Hall's Catarrh Cure is laden InUr oallr. sol ing directly upon the blood and mneone surfiwae of the svalain. Teati- moalais snl free. Price 7.1c. nr Uitl rvni iij an urnggiei. Vulaaleer s I'eaally tor MeraVr. WAaaiaoTuH, Ang, IU. A Marinettn, Wle, dispatch Slated a few datsagotbat AI'I La Itiise, a private of the rWoiid Waxvinsin voluiileers, bad Urn eniirt- rosrlialed aod shot fr killing another tidier during a dranka "inairel at Pobce, llrigaller-lleiieral (liiinore ca- blee tliie wee an error, I. Duka being aeatenced to life iuiprlaoiuaent. liakU ike I. rare A alsrlllng InrLh ot of which Mr. Joho holeeale I Oliver of Philal-I, hia, waa the auhj :t. Is narrala-l by bim as fulluas: "1 was io e lu'l dreaxlful roadilmn. tif akin wae elOMiet yellow, rn aunken, n giis coated, pain e-.nlinii.lly in bark and si'lee. bo aiili(e-Kra.iiallr ninaiurf eakar ilaf Lr dav. Ibrea i.I.isk iui,a Harklea'S Araiee Malta. . . tt . u . . . ... . i fiits us sp, tM'ineioir, a ire'ij.j The lUet Halve In the world for Cote,L ,. " . .. , ,, ' . . ... Ilrale. Hr,n Claeri .. -all fffcaa, . , . , rrni H..ra Tli i"ta...t ll.l. I ' : '. ."7. . l-.HI laaiU a dart led In irovan.eftt. ti ... I- ,.-lil.U ..!. anit.I.e.esiU .ai,:llll,a i..U.M ...I ... !".. ... l4tle sa.l a 4sr.e. In proVan.eftl. I aairsa iiiuiuiiwumis i. .m . a m.-, j-v. n iwt lunn Kiiri ail, i.iiuiiiaiiia, vjorna, an all HI I LfOD- .a.. ... . . ..aii lit i . i . .1. . ' eeliiial Ibeir uae f r Ihrs weeks, and provost martial and anb-proviMit to b at pointe-1 with ower to arreet 1 ". positively rnre PH-e ur ae tnm t m . Mn ( kho h.. t.T, civil aa well aa miliUry rffieera; njn tra-U for neutral bationa, jmtilifl W guafantel to give mf jf. tiMh, -f.v, f ,,, ,. 1 1 rr.m.rtv to U ric.rooi.ly pMe(tl; l-o interferetire with tha iMKrfla to 1 f1 "fn,l" ' ""'T refoa 11. ,)rtm N ,B, , Ull , , - . . .. ' 1 trfeiw retii it, rui .sale bv n..u u ,.... i. i i i I, a ra ll.a f tuairii Niimil. M. friff fKrilliHMi tint i'i fi.isl a i a,,i I loci'u l'fi (i , Y. 1. b!"C'1ui, n,n4( I fuu't Ji i H ue, r I'J FT 11(1 "Mir i t in-j'" i.' F, . i a a w '-ll' V"i