O. R. & N. Dspakt TIME SCHEDULES Armv job From Heppner. rao 9-30 p.m. Salt Lake. Denver, 4:60a.m. Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, tit. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, 8polcane, Minneapolii, St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p.m. Ockan Stramships 4:00 p.m. From Portlaud. All sailing dates subject to change. For San Frsncisfto Sail August 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 2!l. -X, 30. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska - 5:00 p.m. v August 8, 28. 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivsb 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Htkamkbs. hx.Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. ni. To Astoria and Way Landings. fi:00 a. m. Willamette Eivbb 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday ntL Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and Way Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette and JP, Tubs., Thur, Yamhill KiVkks. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Frl. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings 6:00 a. m. Willamette Rivkb 4:30 p. m. Tues. Ttiurs. , Tues.. Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat. lis fc Way Land ings. Lv. Riparla Snake River, Lv. Lewiston I 46 a m fi'V 11 m' Mon., Wed. Riparla to Lewiston Hun , Tues. and Friday Thur- NEW NAME I Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable The Central. aled hay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call Bon him and have vour horses well fared for. ,A VAGABOND BONO. SPOKANE FALLS 4 POTHEEN NELSON 4 FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Boil Koute Without Change of Oars Between Spokane, Rosslaod and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Rosslaod, daily except Sunday: Leave. Arrive. 8:00 A. M Hpokane 6;40 P. M. 1HJ0 A. M Hosaland 8:40 P. M. 9:10 A.M. NelBon 5.45 r. M. Close connections at Nelson with steamers for Easlo, and all Kootenai Lake points. Passengers for Kettle Kiver and Boundary reek connect at Marcus with suttee daily. Passe no era booked for all Foreign Countrioa. J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Or. IE YOU GOING EAST? If bo, be nre and see that your tioket reads via it nwWMw Line ....THE.... 0HI0AOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY Trim ii TtiB Great Short L'iqc BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Tlielr Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled DlnliiK and HltM-pliiK Car Trains, ami Mot UK "ALWAYS ON TIME has Klvan this road a national reputation. All i' I Knurl of pmiKcr carried on the vestlliuleil .,l... I.lwiiil i.xlr. i-htran. Hlllll VOI1T Irelltllt ami travel over this lamoua lino. All eKeiits have tickets. w ii Mn T. C. fUVAGK. ' lien. A Kent Trar. K. A P. Agt. JIM Wasliiiis'tmi Ht Portland, Or. MEET) THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE Ea?t and Southeast HON PACIFIC II II. It'i ho! for a song as wild as free Ai the swash of the waves in the open sea; It's hoi for a song aa unconflned As a hawk that sails in the summer wind: A song from a vagabond's heart and brain. Refreshing and sweet as the roving rain That chants to the thirsty earth. Yoho! A song of rollicking mirth, Yo ho! And a song to the grass and grain! It's ho! for the vagabond's life, say I, A vagabond live and a vagabond die; It's ho! to roam in the solitudes And chum with the birds In the.vagrom woods, To sleep with the flowers, and wash In dew, To dream of a love that Is never new A love that never grows stale, Yo ho! Like a cask of rum or ale, Yo ho! A love that is ever true. It's bo! for a stretch of the dusty road, Or here a meadow, or there a lode; It's ho! to hear in the early morn The yellow allegro of tasseled corn; To sail in fancy the golden main Where breezes billow the seas of grain, And the swallows that skim the tips, Yo ho! Are richly cargoed ships, Yo ho! Outward bound for the ports of Spain. It's hoi for the smell of the sap that swims When the maples sweat like an athlete's limbs It's bo! for the joys that crowd the spring, The brawl of brooks, the birds that sing; To wander at will the summer through, Indifferent to blame, careless of due In winter the kiss that slips, Yo ho! From a nut-brown maid's Hps, Yo ho! And the love that lies In her eyes of blue, , . Jolin Northern Hlllard, in. Chap Book. THE TUROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE 8LKKPEB8. PULLMAN TOUUIST BLEKl'EUS. FKKK KECLININU CHAIK CARS. Portland to Eaxtern Citieit Change. Without Otiick Til I n ion D ime. Dm iota. I'Hinonally Condnoted Excursions. Hhkrhka Checked to UoHiination. liiiw Kates. Direct line to Trans-MiesisHlnni and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraxka, June to November, Writs nndersiuned for rates, timetables and other information pertaining to Union Pacific B. It. J. H. MJTHHOP, or J. U. HAilT Agt.k Gen. Ant.. 1H5 Hd Ht O. it. A N. Co., Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. HAI1NEY COUNTY , STOCK,, JCONIHTlOSt W. D. Arnett, an Eastern, Oregon , Horse Kaiser, ells of Prices Thsre. W. D. Arnett, of 60 miles south of Burns, Har ney county, is in Pendleton. Mr. Arnett is horseman and rancher of that section, and Is here investigating the horse market. He has about 200 on the range of Harney county. He says there are large herds of cattle in that dis trict, and that the business is in a thriving con ditlon. The markets are Ban Franoisco and Omaha. In speaking of prices of cattle there he gav hlB estimates as follows; Cows and calves, $27 dry cows, 20 'to $22; two-year-old steers, 25 two-year-old heifers, $20; yearling steers, $18 yearling heifers, $15. Ewes and lambs are worth $2 a head, and yearling ewes, $1.50. Times Mountaineer. Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD -HCKNIC LINE OF TOE WORLD OIIIOAQO Weekly Excursions TOTIIE EAST, In through tourist can witbont change, MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS Iu charye of experienced conductors and porters. WASHED FROM ROCKS. NATIVE SONS OF OKEtiOS. Call to Webfoot Chidrea for Orsaaizatioa at Once. Morning Oregonian. The following circular letter from the oliicers of the grand cabin. Native Sons of Oregon, has been sent to every county in the state: To the Native 8ons of Oregon: The grand cabin of Native Sons of Oregon, which was or ganized on the 8th of July last, has completed Its constitution for the government of the grand and subordinate cabins, and has now on hand charters, institution and installment ceremo nies, netitions for charters and all blanks requisite for the use of subordinate cabins Secret work appropriate for the order has also been adopted, and everything is now ready for the institution of subordinate cabins through out the state. That the time is now ripe for the organization of this society no one can question, as Oregon pioneer history must be preserved and the glo rious memories of the fast passing pioneer must be preserved. This task devolves upon the Na tive Sons ot Oregon ; hence the step in the or ganization of the Native Sous, that Is certain to become one of the strongest fraternities in the state. The society has no religious or political creeds, but is a fraternity bound by Indissoluble bonds of friendship, protection and charity that will bring the sons and daughters and plo neers of Oregon together in one common family to work and labor for the institutions, prosper ity and common weal of Oregon. A great amount of labor has already been performed in creating the grand cabin, and much expense has been incurred in printing the constitution, institution and installation ceremonies and sub ordinate blanks, and also In procuring sub ordinate cabin paraphernalia, badges, appro priate ImttonB, etc., and It is hoped that every native son, daughter and pioneer will take hold of this matter in an earnest manner, as It is the desire on the part of the grand cabin to have as many subordinate cabins as possible organized throughout tho state, so that as large a delega tion as possible can be in attendance at the first annual meeting of the grand cabin, which will be held in Portland June 15, 1899, as important business will then have to be transacted that will materially all'ect the future plans of the organization. Any information regarding the institution oi subordinate cabins, material required, .methods to be pursued, will be cheerfully given by call ing hi person ar writing to the undersigned. John C. Lsasurb, Grand President. Or Eugene D. White, Grand Secretary, Native Sons of Oregon, room 20, Commercial block' Portland, Oregon. Which do you like best grocer bills or doctor-bills? Use the wholesome baking powder Sch ti ling s Best w i A Beautiful Present T nrder to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand). the manufacturers, I decided to GIVE A T inirouuce tuna i iv . ,, i,ave the manufacturers. ,C.H WTOS of IVK AWAY a Deauiuui uicscui w.n.- r , starch sold. These presents are in tne iorm oi Both Speed and Comfort. The business men compelled to travel at this season ot the year, as well as the tourist traveling for pleasure, demands oomfort as well as rapid transit. The Rio Grande Western and its connections famish both. From the Pacific North west, psssenaers are landed in Chicago in three days and a half, and in New York in less than five day. Farther more, the passenger is given his choice of three routes through Colorado, and four east thereof. Tickets are sold via Sioax City, Omaha; Kansas City, St. Louie or Chicago. From the time the passenger leaves Salt Lake City until be reaches Denver tbere is one evercbang panorama of the beauties of nature, whether the Rockies are oroesed via the Tennessee, Hagerman or Marshall passes. Those who desire it, are given, without extra oost, a day's stopover in Salt Lake City, Bffording an opportunity of seeing the beauties ot the Mormon capital, and also ensuring a daylight ride tbrongb Colorado, justly termed, beosuse of its soenery, "The Switzerland of Amerioa". Via the Rio Grande Western rates are always the lowest and accommodations the best. Through tourist and cbair oars, as well as standard Pullmans, upon all trains. For descriptive phamplets of the fam ous mountain scenery, rates, reserva tions and other information, address, J. D. Mansfield, Gen. Agent. Rio Grande Western Railway, 142 Third St., Portland, Or. Two Million a Tear. . When people buy, try, and buy again, it meiina they're satiniied. The people of the Cnitod States are now buying CascarcU Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Casrarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, 25c. 50c a box, cure guaranteed. Beautiful Paste! fiotures They are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows: Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. SEARCH r iroumrs no cooking ' MAKES COLLARS AMD CUFFS STIFF I0 Hltt ONI SOUND Of THIS STMICH WILI. SO U wr but 1 .CrTllBINGER BR0SW ikRfOltUWOW.mwnwiNjwmj mm vKBm w.mm 9 H ttWH air ur Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. These rare pictures, four in number, by the renownea paste l arusi, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects V:- ...'J: A HnroA frr thf first time to the public. "Tbe ptetu all. the colors used in the orig. inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing 9 .1 . .1 f rAn onrl nrticfir mprit. 9 mem in Dcauiy, ntiiurao uw. "" One ot these pictures will be given away . i t . , 1 . c wiin eacii uaoiiagc ui - rr . . j purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starcn on i inr m rpnts a narkaee. Ask vour crocer for this starch and get a ft 0 jvy-vv v w " - f o w ' '' sT' beautiful picture. i i eonncRC ifrrD Fl ASTM STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUaSTITUTb $ Hbta HllVVhllW SfcM w fm 3 of color and artistic merit. Elastic Starch 1 O. F. Wr'ght and Hon Drowned Hear Wald port Honday, O. Wright of Harrlsburg, and his son Ralph, 12 years old, were washed otT the rocks near Yachsts Sunday, August 7th and drowned. Mr. and Mrs. Wright and their son and daughter and Miss Valentine arrived by team Saturday evening for a short stay by the sea. Sunday all went fishing. The youug girls soon tired of the sport and went to camp, Mrs. Wright fol lowed shortly aftr, leaving Mr. Wright and Ralph at the fishing grounds. Night coming on and Mr. Wright and the boy not returning to camp, a search was organized. Though It was continued until midnight, no trace ! the miss ing persons could be found. It' Is believed that the boy fell Into the water, and that the father went to the rescue, and both were drowned Mr. wrlxht was a native of Indiana, and was 41 years old. He was at one time corouor of Linn county. He was a member of the k. O. U. W. ills brother Walter lives at Hpokane. Mrs. Wright Is prostrated at the double aflltctlon. HOT W'EATUEH AND BIG CHOPS. A. D. Charlton's Observations in Eastern Oregon and Washington. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident of whioh Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "1 was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue ooated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. lDree pnyeicians bad ariven me tip. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and now I am well man. I know they saved That 14-Year Old Stuff, "Kohn's Best," On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon IT I RARB GOODH New Stand, City Hotel Building, LOW TIITvARD, Prop. CATARRH UiuJiii'o To Kansas City, Cbli'ago, Buffalo and Hciston without cliHiiae via Halt Use, Missouri l'aulllcaiid CIiIcsko and Alton Kys. Tmik.,I,.i'o To Omaha, Oilman, Buffalo and Nsarly 111', Mid HimIoii wllhoiiti'liaiiKn via HaltUtke and Chicago, K.H-k Island A I'acttlo Uy. LA (IHANI)R LAND OKKICK. Hwaukes & St. Paul R'y This Hallway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blonk system; Light its trains by eleotrlolly through out; Uaea the celebrated electrio berth read ing lamp; Rons spwedily equipped paaaeuger trains vrr day and pight between Ht. l'aul and ("uoagn, and Omaha and Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Alao otwrati aleam-beaUj veatibuled trains, carrying tba iateat private eomparlinent ear, library buffet amok Inn cara. and palat e draw lug room liH(Mrs. l'arlor eara. free rwluilng cbair cars, and fh vi-rv beat dioing chair oar nrvica. For loweat rates to any ixiint io the fniled Hlali- or Canada, apply to (ui or a LIn-m C. J. EDDY. ... ni ur. it ..I k 4. n,jii.t, tiii-ii Trav. rasa. Agent. l'ortlead, Or. CUOO.IMM) Acres Cnsiiniprlatfd la ths District. K. P. Hhow, of the I'nitcd States land office at La Grande, has completed a tabulated statement of the status of lands In the La (jrande land district for the year ending June 30. The table shows that the area of unappropriated and nn reserved land In t'nlou county Is as follows Murreyed, S'4.UM acres; unsurreyed, 4M1.H.U total. l.Mm acres; appropriated. li.0fil ; toUl A (JaV SIOD-OVer arranOCd St a. resKeofUnd surface In I nton county. 2.0i8. mm, oi wnicn per renv is umuerru aim inuuu ll' l l . 'I'.i Ht Jim. nh. IfmiHM IMtv and It f Ullf SllilJ H, Ht. Umls II limit change via Halt lke and Hurllngton Kouio. Tl I To Kansas Cltv and St. I-ouls with- limrMlil) nulrliange via bait Lake and Mis souri raclllc railway. my life and roooea ine grave ot Boomer : . : II XT . - .. - I. ! ,1 f.,il In Ihom , n, ,. , 4 .! . VlCtlUI- 11 UUO DUUIIIU IOI1 IU J .ucui. A. -' uarivuij, itBoiBinu K..o.. nni fin .,., ,,. hott a at E. J. S o- senger agent, or ine noriDern raciuu re- enm drug store. turned yesterday morning from Eastern Oregon and Washington, where he spent tew days attending to business in con nection with his office. In returning, be reaobed Walla Walla )ust in time to catob the hot wave of Wednesday , and found the weather, to say tbe least, a bit too warm for him. "The oldest inhabitant ot Walls Wslla," said Mr. Charlton, yesterday, "failed to oall to mind the equal of Wednesday. Tbe beat was like that of a roaring furnaos, sod tbe people found it a good plan to keep out of tbs sun. In tbe grain fields tte crews bad to stop work." Asked about tbe wheat yield of tbe eastern seotions, Mr. Charlton said: The orop will bs a great deal larger than was expected. Tbe calculations of tbs farmers have, la many cases, proved 75 Cents la y&?M Ask your Druggist for a generous IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. Elj'sCreanBslia cciniiiin no cw'no. mercury teir any otlu;r I liijuriou cni. It Is quickly Absorbed. (lives UuUelatonra, It miens imo' demises , tll NllMll l'aSB((es. AllM.ra fnfli.tiininli.in Kuala and l'r'iU- t th Mninlirsne. Hf-sHirM til Senses of Taste and MnHI. Knll Blz oc. i 'lnul . .1 hi .-ai. lir l,T ninll. LLY BItoT:iEilH.sj Wanva Htrert, New York HEPPNER TRANSFER CO.'S Belled express Is comlntf. Koes deliver wiir on short order, 10 cents and up wards. This wagon Is No. 4. and leave your order with it, or at "Central" tele phone office. COLD 'N HEAL 75 Cents 75 Cents THE CORDER CAMERA CHEAP DURABLE COMPLETE The most perfect camera ever offered to the public. A child can operate It. Can bo carried In the pocket. Makes pictures 2X2. Camera, dry plates and complete outfit for making 6 pictures by mall, 7& cents postpaid. Full directions sent with each Instrument. THE COLlJDEIi CO., 30 Park Palaca, New York City. m SPLENDID TBHIRS DAILY TO THE EAST Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all Information, Inquire of (). K. A M. and H. I'. audits, or addrias. K. f. NK IInl., . K. HOOI'KR. (leiletsl Asenl, Hen. I'asa. Ikk AKl- JM Waahluiitnti M , IH-nver, Col I'lirilaud, (reini. J. a ilaar, la al AgL. Heppner. Or. OREGON SHOUT My. talnnus, W per rent (raslnir, and 5 per cent farming. There are no arid lands In Unlnu enmity. In the district, which la composed oi Baker. Grant. Morrow, t'matllla, Union and Wallowa counties, there Is an area of 8,H,74 1 acres unappmprlaled and unreserved lands, of i , i . . . ,. ..i i . . ...4 , mat . WHICH M-rt-P l iiiiiTji;., atiM. . . , . . , . - .. an ,..,v..i. Th. lands rMerve.1 el all tha help they waot. As It is, tbay e.itinntsof i.M,aio acnt. and tha appropriate.1 1 have a fireat many men, and they tbiok lan.ls amount to 2,s wki acres. The total area ii... . ill bavs their Orop lo before iOl of land surface In the district amnunta tfl S,a.. Bm (t. H,ltl(l K. An i too low. In tbe Walla Walla and tbs Umatilla valleys, some who estimated We Move Anything! their yields al about 50 bushels to the acre, have raised as high as 65 bushels, and tbey are now negotiating for more aaoks. Tbe saoka on band were pur chased io accordaone with first calcu lations, aod the supply is not nearly larae enough. When the weather settles somewhat, the farmers will be able to VIA GREAT ll Ml m IT State Normal SGhooi Weston, Oregon. The most successful year's work oi tha Bute Normal School at Weston, Oreson. closed last June with the graduation of Iwen's students. oii acres. All the reserved lands are in i ma til la con nly.-- La (irande Chronicle. yt ll ltrHT AMI XiifT MkWT LINK TO UTAH, COLORADO, XE- t.KANT fOl'MTV INHTITl'Tt traly "le Trarkers Preaeal al lbs ta ( reek Wtla. The annual tvavhurs' Inatlluie lor tirant roiintr cIimcI at I-on Crefl, Anus( nan. Oivr i-iniiilv luslriiclori were preaeiit I'nv fior Williams, counljr school snrlnlendenl nrMtdr.1. I'rnfMwtr llerbrrt KlttrMse. of U Uranda. lormrrly ol the Portland uulversiiji was roiidutUir. I'rofraaor M.N. Roliham. one ol Kaatern Orrson's most ardrnl workers for tha of tbe oost of running- a big farm io these times may be gained from single in stance whlob was brought to my notice. On farmer, who is having large yield tbresbed, pays oat daily for wages, food, supplies, etc., tbe sum of Hd0. That same farmer eipeots in bare a big bank account this year. Us probably will not 1 diaappoittfil, for his crop is an enormous one." Rocky Mountain Limited Una DENVER, . " m " (DIAL rrniaUB , . s-a.sa. Arrives I. IN "I.N . . l p. m. " IISAHt . I " a, m. )KM MdlNKH . . :J5a.m. " liAVKM'Ollf . . 4a a in. ciiiCAuu . a n v- Nait Dar Thrnnah Miner rs and Chair Cara Colorado to Chicacn- WiiU Vxlibul thMliahnoU Thi hn tnsln la tbs Yimi. Colorado Flyer Leaves DKNVER " ( OIa). hl'IUNOH Arrives Tt'l'KKA " KANSAS cm 21 p. m. 2 4A p. m. 7-JO a. m. 1J a. b. Ar. T. LOt 18. (Wab. B'j) 6.15 p. m. Arrives HT JOHKPH . 10 m a. m. I.IV'OI-.N (TsHan) 8 42 a, n. " OMAHA tK.iBoL) . SiOa-m. TlnouKh Hliiri Colorado Hprinas fo Ht Louis via Wabwh H. FALL TERM Opens September 5, 1598, These are New Trains in addition to our former service. W nutieulara and f older civina lima of lhM Iralii write JNO O SCiAf TIAN, U. r. A., UIKACiO. Wkal Dr. A. K. Halter lUys Boffelrt, N. Y. (ten Is: t mm my II R A SKA, KANSAS, MIS- U t.l.i.ail.m. mad. tha address l w.l knowl.dge, gained lo obeenring SOURI RIVER uml all Vomit KAS1 ami SOUTH EAST. o Vellew Stan Park Lin tltroMV M ! CAN ROI Tf. Mim IliHIl M TH 1M T 1UR unit MhfrT lll! TO THK KiW.luMt A 1 1 s A . fAMK. LOOK AT Till: T1MK. NEW YORK, Ii days CHICAGO, :?J ' ST. LOUIS. ' OMAHA. 3 SALT LAKE, U ' JT.Kt 14 I coin. Mr siiim-U responom llenrtls line Srhaene oltsrol S papr on "Orthosrepliy." Miss Alma Loce piwnii a paper n Telimansiup. n sih.jti. -rri-Biarf Nwidiiis." was ably prrwnted by Mrs. J r.Slaughler. I'Meaaof J r. Slaustilr onrnn an eellnt pap' on "' t'iSI to I drll fMtn otrnlatlon ot sindtra. rrd Oilman rad a paper on "Arlthmellc." fulluwad by W. A. Wliiu. who s an a.ldrM on the aluil framniar. Mr, Noiiham n' din ! "MnUl ArUhml'. lr K N. m. Sell, tal ol Pll u hoapllal. Kw Wri.made lh rloalnsad drwa.hlasulij'! twins "fli)sl.4iigr."- Tirm r.VU.IUHNKN NAY I Oar Cat airy a 11 A M Pflriflhir.4ISU Artl M;l l-r 1 .-.!.. Nu. I 1U-. A't-li-' tllt 1 i.-t. -fe.t. Ml. ii. ll ,ll, Ai-x.mi U, M l H A. M. I ! I. I I I- , .... p ai, hi. an I .l t - . i IhI and .imIIi I W, .i I .H i. 1 l..imi .!! S -. I- i ,.n, tt iiifipia n. I tui.f ....ial main I t in. I'At I" ..li.l I II t. M. It'll Kimi.ll, IXnaha. h i Mr 4 viltai MiMuurt filf li-s l'Alloi twKi. Mliwaak aal CM i a I' tl l-'i ! ". n n i"f.i. x rr Iterlining Cbair Carl rpln.llri Tunriat Hleeplug Cars rnllman 1'alaes Hleeplnf Cars P. full partienlara regarillog rates, lime of trains, eto , rail en or a-1 Jra j. c. luur, Agent t. 11 N. Ci., Heppner, Ofi O. tl. TiNNr, W. K. IVsu, Trav. l'aaa. Agt. Osn'I Agt. IU TblrJ ft., PoMlanJ, Or. QUXOU TXivxn I th riatet la halaml rlldara. Ik smM An Anirtnan rlli'n thinks lh Amilcan suldlrr I lh l-t, lir lh trn thai b is an Ainrili-an, tnl lhr liahiM hi prolrlon had suallS-! tbrta tttkmiw t llirsul rrr land, and wlm hh as .i, ilui. IMHr o.r lhrairy a any A"rWn Id twa Is rrr-1ilc Hci"l'il'". f" In staiHV r'f nn thlS. an 11 r rnr" rati a ! III iif'ls". an t what Ihff . In r..nlt hr la. k "I S"l l and pip 1st- ami l'.r.ih lh lt,t.H-l'r il thiriipm.ni and iiHllorwt, Is lnl we Hi lls la lb ! II, n I a bnr. A orm ynjliah trpr lbs rffcot of yoor Hbilob'a Car la caa of ailtanrsj eonsompHoo, I am prepared to say It is Itie niMit remark ahl remedy tbal baa ever been brought la my atten tion. It bas certainly ad man fniin ouosnmptioD. Sold by looser Warrrn s Full rnnra of aludy, S. Irnllnp and I'lolcs slmial, Vtaal and Inalriiniaiiial tnuslc. Hvalthfnl Iwallou, S'Kul Surlvty and p!oiit siirroiindlnss. Huard Id fatnlll Inm U ' to il.'s) Rmitiis for lhi who dratre lo board Ibctn- ! ran b bad al eraannalds ralra. svisceaaia Ciarasi Lias GENERAL FASSKNOKIl DEPARTMKNT. n mn7 with th si bnnl ondr lb rarful supcnrlstnn of a matron. Natrd, l'il and lights al 12 ' lo ft V) prf wrk, Calalisn and lilirn!alln luruithxl npa applUallun. T E. .G Noble & Co., 1 Successors to Noble t Co., ( C Ar la Ibis Srld al lh old Hand with Harmaa. Sa l uda, Wht. Spar. . S an n.1lrl C ? lot nl rTihtiig Ih.ir tin R. U. l.l and Mra. U-. ei P the r if al wb will t all bill el lb old Sna a wll aa fol!. abal I e J n. o. xoiu v cc. i ) Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't S ovotool . m fX MILWAl'KEK. OT. U, PATItONS of the Wwcodhid CDtral Line io pasaiDR through iardln ball IhT ymin ladl la eonnactlon I (JlucagO may retjoire Km NHSlsU tDce in tbe way of having their htnd bsggagA takco farm or to train oJ crrice r btin, or In many other wnya, Nml they will Cn.l all that it tli'sinnl in this re iipect in the scmce ot th Ushers kt the Grand CVbtral raaenuer Ktation, who bare recently Wen uniformed with brown suit nd red cap. They will b in waiting at all trains prepared to assist paa aengera, and it U bopenl that onr patront will fully atail tbemailve IfCMIYcu canf I L 1 be cured f If m snffrr fi- m nv of th li d mra, om 19 lh oi-:4 bpcili oa Ui I'vibc Ci.ni 1061 MarMkk t.K IC32. f Venws: iwrai sal snldd! fr&a tl n.ris ui t i.f .1 ifn..Ht't ar ax m i 9 f- ii IM-I.IIII. Insaws M.I SkIiihi J n .'in., .um: w'rnalarrnu-a rtMi.mrrhi.1. mw, SiMMwrrtMrA. 4iri, m I I rlsaila. Hut . Ili b r....i-J l-ia Imtrnml T M tha H ii 0.4 oal aa "1 irain.IUirrii ipviMWnt cv. l..l fd.lMI fr ma mi. .. Uii U .l ,.v .i i. JihI m-i. I irw a and hnt01 r--i ,a l.. .t. , .r- IMaa Of ln MIII thr,n . !'' i but A 'um lo ImI (rum In J ' -I- hn'l a.r.iri. r I list sm t uiamini A 0i' ui' f -". fi . .-fin,-,!!.!. 7 kfvb'i ' pun i. i.;.pa f th.as4 Illar. a ...,..... rMtK at ttH fl'' f CIUHliji r.kr tUn'MMX i... f - t h. fhilMwphy r MarrUs.'' f ltT tits. Jasnlt rf this suMitional troTiion for' ! their comfort j JA&C. rONI), ! Ofn'l I'a-er. AbJ iflrrat Muafiiiii r Aiuitotiiy IU !'. l-r-M M.iii4ii, ,! t,i ", - 1. I m bM I, W , . . , , , .. U b.r i ...! .,, ,, , V 4-'.- . . (inni.iit(r, i.iw., " " I'M i-i fr.s-r r-4 l ..ii.rl lad I -.'I.-, ' f I '.111 l"ll la H iw '(' ii II tni.tb l d'i' "..' I nl-.n il...l, .iii.n4 I l llk ft ;mI' I ill . Ii. krl. .-I .!! t - -lil llil rflMal iH, I1.ll ) 9i (i ri tSiin lriinolwoo tad aU 4a'a la ( a) '-. la lb ML Southern Pacific Co 4t fm ! 'satlk. rs4 Psrtf lstii baSl4 lss Ml A Um 94 9 ri4i m') 9m mv I sit akisa. ilk a rMbspla !.. alia . ip a T T'PT TT T T TMP1M ? SSSS A BLAU1IHJL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinawarc & Quccnswarc At Gilliam & Bisbees Aa4 if IV f ' t i.titiai " il M ll l t(ln, i."i a- I f i'. r,o witniu: on cm r.r.T what yoii want, iMiiS h lit. tbe aiVa trH f, wita bis lra. dlns Sllrt'.P.Sl"S lil K...W i.lp M l.al aaaa. al o tn wa b wak IU S 'v' iraPS'k ' Sim piMs lrtw lb fak o4 bis mlN a lb b l,.hlbo..ll iifp a kl hnr4 l h. ii II l l ..il 8'" be ll b MMWtik H.bt ! ! lb awl 1' M ba i a!U-r k tr is i wnb it. lit a " f a m kaia la s ra ls "" kkbard MMI" ! la arrianvf a "Tlic Regulator Line" IV PtH Tkr-'ui i l 4f 4 Nn In k Ci tJTSAVaBZta) 'otLiit utr" 40 'treuttto" ARL11HGT01H-FOSSIL" STAGELINE fl. i n t , A. H U..1LVIF. " (' ''' (), ibg lloftay. May Ti, lt. fkaisr rf l! h'tfa'aiof Lin wi; ) l'ai ale.X). ra a l Tb !!! !,, a Vki gn trt tVrlIeot, i" r ft a T lkall aal las a trip l" tl (nlaaabss; yo will jiy it, an ! sat ff.caiuwiT, ranc rpOM aaungton to r -.ii in. h:iMi (,. kmiM irta tl ' -'-J kmiM ins t. m,mi.i1'i tm k-itd ltp SSr i i m I uii ...i ;ii kia1 inai v I ( i I i ,a4 tr p tit w I' AMits'.rfi ,tf anrrr l iir.U ii-tid at b b'rl.wl; Is da I r.md" al J p, ss, arri t Yc- til M Jf M tir-lii.; (UT.I t-ia'.rS a i A a.'. MMijNMisstawk f !' m 4 mtf A. !.. IMIAI1LT(V. t.t I " S !. M ., (v yui rreH4 itat rfi wi l ilk I . M 1 I tSST ( l1sSB i - a. ti-lAUa. . C MAkkktAaf i . iui . i a iww llii'baii t-l - rrjr pw las! f r a varf. mm