Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 16, 1898, Image 3

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Fscs, Hands and Arms Covered With
Scrofulous Humors How a Cure
Was Effected.
"When five years old my little boy had
scrofula on his lace, hands and arms. It
was worst on his chin, although the sores
on his cheeks and hands were very bad.
It appeared in the form of red pimples
which would fester, break open and run
and then scab over. After disappearing
they would break out again. They caused
Intense itching and the little sufferer had
to be watched continually to keep him
from scratching the sores. We became
greatly alarmed at his condition. My
wife's mother had had scrofula and the
only medicine which had helpd her was
Hood's Saraaparilla. Wo decided to give
it to onr boy and we noted an improve
ment in his case very soon. After giving
him four bottles of Hood's Saraaparilla
the humor had all been driven out of his
blood and it has never since returned."
Wilijam Baetz, 416 South Williams St.,
South Bend, Indiana.
You can buy Hood'a Sarsaparilla of all
druggiBts. Be sure to get only Hood's.
I IUUU a r 1119 easy to operate. 29 ceuU.
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. ra. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Lpworth League Devotional meeting at 7 d. m
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m.
The Bpibit and the bride say. Come."
The pastor may be found at the piireonam ad
joining the charch, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may deeire to consult him on
religious, social, oivio, philosophic, educational,
ot any other subjects.
J. W. FLEHHER, Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class
jneetinn following morning service.
Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri
day. 7 p. m.
"Let us forsake uot the assembling of our
selves together."
Pastor's residence In parsonage, next door to
church. c. K. Howard,
Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. in.
and 7:00 p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. R. L. hkm.y,
The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 3 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs.
T. ,T. Matlock
Tbe Gazette is not heralding its oom
ing with a brass band bat its circulation
can be determined at tbe Heppaer post-
offloe. Advertisers will please note this,
Or., August 15, 18!I8.
Anderson, George D Palmer, Miss Elsie
Hogert, W G Simons, Mr Annie
Carrey, Mrs Ora Stewart, Willis
Perry, Mrs Jausua
When calling for these letters please say
advertised J. P. Williams. P. M.
We sail away to Manila bay, the Dons we do not
And we'll leave behind the glrli we love, cries
the Oregon volunteer.
With Dewey bold to lead us, and Old Glory in
the sky,
But ere we pass we'll dralu a glass, of S perry's
Llnwood rye.
Sold only at the Bolvadere Saloon, E. O.
Bperry, proprietor. U
Local Notes.
Wood wanted at tbe Gazette ollioe.
See M, Lichtenthal & Co. for shoes, a
Wbat is Hop Qold? Best beer on
artb. Hee ad. elsewhere.
llesideooe and lot for sale. Inquire at
premises adjoiniug W. R. Ellis'.
2-9 J. A. PlTTKKRON.
Liohtentbal k Co. for shoes. Exclusive
shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83 tf
Oaiooesse's fttnons old "Dublin
Stool," imported, at Cbrls Borohers'
Statements for tli Famous Simple
Aooooot File printed at tbe Gazette of
fice, tf.
Receipts, notes, drafts, due-bills, etc,
L rioted sad neatly bonod in books at
tbe Gazetts office. x
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and detVoti ot tbe eye, will be here
every three months. (UH-lyr
"Co'n jnioe" is all riubt but Low Til
lard baa a brand of 11-year-old goods
that Is bard to beat. 6o3-lf.
Taioless remedy for extracting; teeth.
If not as slated, do charges. Try Dr.
Vaogbao's new plan. (VH-tf.
If yon osd something for your system
call at tbs Tdobs Tbs Telephone sa
loon. Git; hotel builJing. tf
Jmf 8tert, of tbs firm of Brown k
Stewart, baa bis bands fall shelving new
goods sod wilting on customers.
Brst eooomraodatlon aod oonrUooi
treatment at tbalmprial Hotel, Seven tb
aod Wash. Sti., Portland, Oregon.
Waxtsd To rent or nprinUodeot
good raorb ilh good water. Mao aod
wife. loqairt at P. C. Tbnmrsoo's store.
Bring font bldea, pIU aod fnrs to
Bn. Mstbsws, at tbs Liberty Meat
Market. Hs psrs highest markt pries.
W. A. J"ban k Ho now haul
ing most tJI thir w h'1 loT' for
shipment, tiitUsJ of lo Utfu-t, as tby
did laal tear.
Job OiMtnsn ims la from Loot
Creek 8turiy ith a four boras team
ad loading with a mi started c his
relaro Moojay.
E.O. Siol.lsA C. rotlrs aflr
bntinoM. Tbs flneet -MI'S and bar.
m to b found in Hpttr r. rW iblr
ad In this to. tf.
Mop fbaleoogbt Taks trains. It
ay Wad to 0aoaBfl"0. A bnt
lis of 8bilh"i Cnro mst ')""" life.
H-.IJ h CVowf k U artes
IV. MFsl drov to fritto Mils lbs
leal of tbs mi to attend lb liHIs f l.ilJ
of Adr WrUM. he bad aers
sMsek offbolera Ufaalsa.
Catarrh cored. A clear head and
sweet breath secured with Shilob's
Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee.
Nasal injector tree. Sold by Conser A
Warren. z
Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa
tion it's tbe best and if after nsins it
you don't say so, return package and
get yonr money. Sold by Conser A
Warren. x
As Reoorder Richardson was leaving
town last week bis fine, big, yellow St
Bernard don picked up some poison and
died, in epite ot tbeir efforts, a short die.
tanoe from town.
John Mohler, who reoently sold bis
band of sheep at Mouument, passed
through Iowd Saturday eveoiog earou'e
to Astoria, where be has decided to open
up a livery business.
Tbe Gazette oarnes a fnll stock of
mourning note, correspondence style,
with envelopes to match. Those desiring
suoh stationery can have their wauls
supplied at this office. tf.
Tbe Fair promise tbeir customers a
startling "ad" in next Fndaj 's issue.
Tbeir delaed goods are now arriving
and the publio's wsots will be supplied
at tbeir popular prioes.
For Constipation take KBrl's Clover
Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures
beadaobes. Nervousness, Eruptions on
the face, and makes tbd bend as dear ae
a bell. Sold by CoDser & Warren, x
SgMr. Matt Holverson came to town to
day from lone, aooompanied by M. M.
Hunter, tbe new hotel man at that place.
Mr. Hunter ia very much pleased with
the business outlook of tbis oountry.
Shilob's Consumption Cure oures
where others fail. It is the leading
Cough Cure, sod no home should be
without it. Pleasant to take and goes
right to tbe spot. Sold by Conser A
Warren, x
The teuobers' annual institute will be
beld August 25:h, 2Gtb and 27th, el
Heppner. Tiie state superintendent of
schools will be present. Quite a large
attendance ie expeoted. Every one is
oordially invited to attend.
Saturday niabt Dr. MoSwords was
called to Batter oreek to attend tbe lit
tle one ot Mr. Bowman, wbo bad an at
taok of cholera infantum. Albert Os
man's little ohild is similarly effected.
The doctor reports botb improved.
Geo. F. Danzr, of Helena, Montana,
has been in the interior with T A.lihcn,
ot this place, lookiDg for Kbern. Tbev
returned yesterday, and Mr. Dm zet will
proceed to Montana, expecting to return
at onoe and oo isummate some extensive
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red-
light," ever on tbe alert for something
new, oan furnish yon tbe finest cock
tail io the land Manhotteo. Jersev.
Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in
tbe business. Drop in and take the
taste out of yonr mouth. tf
Cord ray, tbe pioneer theatre man ot
Portland in tbe line of "popular prices,"
baa refitted tbe Washington St. theatre,
formerly known sa tbe "New Park."
Cordray always baa something new, and
our people, when Delow, can spend a
pleasant evening at his plaoe. tf
At tbe Heppner Candy Faotory is tbe
place to get cool, refreshing summer
drinks, J as. Hart oao furnish yon milk
shakes, sodo, ice oreara soda, orange
wioe, peacb cider, etc Ioe oream booths
nioely fitted np. Come and try tbe
Dewey flavor a new thing and very fins.
601 tt
Plaoe yonr orders with Jas. Dart for
tbe Early I loss grape, tbs best oanmug
grape In tbs world. Hs will also taks
your orders for tbs Hnngarian prone
tbe beat selling prone where known, aod
absolutely tbe best selling In tbs Ht
Lonis and Chicago markets. Fins J.
ling fruit. fi t
In the cool of Saturday eveoiog i
decidedly comfortable coaob, with Dr.
Moiword, Mr. Wbltles of "Tbe Fair,"
aod Mr. Thompson of Thompson k
Bions as occupants, passed tbs Gaiet'.s
office eorouts for tbs brad of Willo
oreek. Leaving "doll cars" behind Ibey
wers off for tbs shady banols of soma
oool stream, w'lers troot, prairis obiok
ens, mosqaitos, etc., abound.
Tbs breakdown of J. W. Beckett's
master-gear wheel abaft, for ths repair
of which Cvonty Road Superintendent
E. C. Asbbaogb cams to towo leal week
aod was compelled to await relorns from
Portlsnd. enforoed lbs idleness of 'JO men
aod 43 horses from Hatorday at 9 a. m.
ootll at least Wednesday morning. Tbs
sipeoso will snvinot to cooslderabls
Tbs Marquam Ursml, oo Morrison
tlreet In tbs Marquam bnildlog, is under
iollent managoment and tbs pnMis
will b royally solertalned Ibis winter.
Sew com pan If s aod new faces 111 ap
pear from time to time at Ibis popolsr.
Orst class theatre of Portlsnd, aod wbsn
lo Portland oor denltens sboold not fall
lo laks In some of tbs Acs dramas that
will b prerold. f
A rprstliv of so eiUosivs soap
mnnfi'l)irnig e niwn uf V rtUt.,
. ars Informal by Mr. Uuoter, of I u,
rracbt I Ibat plar (Lis morning aed has
jda arrangement for loading a ear j
from an alkali dfp-sil abnot lbr mitrs '
! distant from lbs tows, to hs omJ is tblr j
composition of soap. As Ibis U lbs nt- !
I ! s.n.mFoil deposit of a Ik-li lo lb 1
I otttroDoiis, It Is lo sll pf.UUIiiy as Im j
I porual rn' of lb aalr.
C.f rtlimts tills.
II wm rtlt is PirtUa l, s.uiic
(i'l bf bis wifs snl liittf Jny, ttJ
bit tt ( il nl lbl l rlttl. M
III iisio. ol bis rMM Mil Mrt,
rNM hi irsittM i.f in cqr !-. '
UM.r s fl.i uf fl.f In
Uau-UUc s imI t'"m if. lis
Is )t Ifoot J flomllf Oft nt sunk
Uf. iWie4 Mr Ht frvnt Uis
Ibross hom sUf to IbM frisslft . !
Mr. !'b'i. Il brtsr, ib'nrn a lbs i
N bs ! Ufrtl Ibsl Mr. Mils will '
Ur uh.Jioif fs' IS J;s IHpfo'
A;i. :,! fUeut Jl .l tliJ
Mrs. Jack Mills Is ou the sick list.
Jas. Johnson of Butter creek is in town.
W. B. McAUster came up from Lexington
- Miss Wllla Minor came back from Ditch creek
Mrs. J. H. Leezer came in from Butter creek
this morning.
A. H. Allen, from Allen's station, came to
town on business today.
Thos. Davidson and brother, of Eight-Mile,
came in foi goods yesterday.
John M. Brown came over from Lone Rock on
business, and is registered at the Palace.
Mr E. B. Stanton, accompanied by his wife,
from Eight Mile, are In town on business.
J. N. Thompson, from the northern part of
this county, is looking about this vicinity.
E. W. Bartholomew goes to the Ditch creek
camp this evening for a few days' recreation
before getting down to business.
City Recorder Richardson came to town yes
terday in erder to attend the regular meeting
of the council last night and will return again
this evening.
Mr. H. C. Gay, In company with Judge Bar
tholomew, leave on Wednesday night's train to
attend the M. E. church, South, conference to
be held at La Grande.
J. W. Morrow is in from the mountains for a
few days. His family will remain for some time
yet. He reports the usual condition of content
ment and good health in camp.
Miss Margurite Oray of Douglas, who passed
a successful examination before County Super
intendent Shipley, after a pleasant visit with
friends, leaves ou tonight's train for home.
Mr. Brock, the past week has been making
a business round of the Long Creek section, and
within a few days will return to Ditch creek,
expecting to finish his allowance for recreation.
Just before going to press we learn that Miss
Edith Potter, familiarly known in Heppner, a
sister of Mr. Frank McFarland, was married at
Hood River recently, the particulars of which
we are unable to give our readers in this Issue.
Hev. G. H. Gibbs, presiding elder, accompa
nied by Rev. C. R. Howard, left on last night's
train, enroute to La Grande, where the M. E.
church, South, quarterly conference will be
held. They will stop over in Pendleton to
day, attending services held by Bishop Eu
gene R. Hendricks, who is also on his way to
the La Grande conference. Rev. Howard will
be absent one week.
Program for August
The fallowing is tbe program for
union services io the eveniug during tbe
month of August:
Augast 21st, M. E. oburoh, H. C.
Angost 28tb, Baptist ohurcb, R. L.
Tbe New Telrhhone.
Mr. T. J. MnoGongan, superintendent
of tbe new telephone system, came np
from Baker City, and is on hand for the
final adjustment and opening tomorrow
A number of those contracting with tbe
new company already nave their new
boxes in and others will be up bv to
morrow. Miss Hamilton will be tbeir
looal manager. Those desiring tbs
phone sboold make application at onoe.
Buoklea's Arnica Salve.
Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cats,
Braises, Sores, TJloers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cares Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfeot satisfaction or money refunded.
Prloe25 cents per box. For aale by
Slooum Drag Co., E. J. Blocam, manager
Gone to Walla Valla.
Tbe many friends of Mrs. Annie Gil
liam and ber little family regret ber de-
parlors from Heppner, where sbs has
mads her boms for a number of years
Having disposed of ber abeep and
ranobes, abe feels Ibat tbs educational
advantages of Walla Walla ars prefers
Lie to those ot Hepposr, and will, for tbe
benefit of ber daughter and two boys,
make Ibat oily her permanent borne.
Her residence in town sbe yet retain
wbiob will be lbs boms of Mr. Hswitt
wilb Conser k Wsrren.
Children's Clothing
Youths' Suits
Our Shoe lepiartixneinl:
J )
1 1JL
At tbe regular meeting held last night
with Reoorder Richardson, mayor pro
tern in tbe chair, Oounoilmen Rasmus,
Litohentbal, Sperry, Roberts and Si
mons wers present. Councilman . G.
Slooum being absent, tbe following
business was transacted:
Petition ot Low Tillard for lioense
was granted.
Bills as follows were ordered paid:
J. J. Roberts, witness feet S 1 so
Chas. Charlton, witness fees l so
John Hager, July salary 50 00
W. A. Richardson, July salary 16 65
Heppner Light & Water Co TO 00
Atty. Red field, salary 25 00
Marshal Hager was instructed to in
speot all bridges and streets and make
necessary repairs.
Ordinance for fast riding and driving
was framed and read for first time,
Tbe amount of July taxes collected,
amounting to $86.67, were received.
Tbe request for a hydrant in vioinity
of lower warebonse was considered.
The school distriot was tendered $1,-
000, amount of indebtedness of tbe oity
for land sight of pnbhc building, but re-
eoted on consideration of its preference
for the interest.
The regular discussion ot tbe that
portion of the roadway leading from
Congressman Ellis' property to the de
pot, which has not been regularly
opened by acquisition ot the city, came
up. It seems that a majority of tbe
owners are willing to mace donations
so thai tbe proper improvements will be
made by the oity, suoh as rebuilding
the bridges, laying sidewalks, eto., from
there to tbe depot.
" Honey-Uoon " Camp.
Reoorder Richardson says :
Art Minor, tbe mighty banter, killed
another good venison yesterday.
"Honey-Moon" camp is on Keonedy
oreek, if any one should ask you.
Chas. Matteson and wife, Dr. Swin
burne, Mr. Wbitiea, Diok Howard and
Mr. Thompson are tbe late arrivals.
Two big bear are loitering about tbe
camp and will be treed as soon as tbe
recorder reaches there with a brace of
Eli Eeeney's family have haokleberriee
enough, and will "break camp" about
Monday, when Mr. Richardson and fam
ily will return.
k Sweeping
On our lines of
Which are arriving daily.
- , .voti 'vvfiiit f 1 nonts ixlovo -
J Anolior. It Im fi Iclcl,
(Villi" 's 3 ''B1 kid with heavy extension soles. A loader
VUlll firms of tH0 citjCSi Exceedingly Swell.
Bow's This t
We offer ons hundred dollarssward
for any oase of catarrh that cannot be
onred by Hall's Catarrh Ours.
F. J. Chinkt & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Chenev for the last 15 years,' and be
lieve him perfeotly honorable in all buel
transactions and financially able to
carry oat any obligations made by tbeir
West & Traax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Welding, Einnan & Marvin, wholesale
druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
aoting direotly upon the blood and
muoons surfaces of tbe system. Testi
monials eent free. Price 76c. per bottle.
Sold by all druggists.
Ranoh, 820 acres, good laud, i miles of
Heppner, all fenced, plenty ot water,
bouse and barn, 140 acres ot summer -fallow,
all ready for fall crop. Easy
terms. Call at tbe Gazette office.
t 654-tt
1100 REWARD !
Will be paid for information leading
to the arrest and conviction of any per
son stealing cattle branded "WH" oon
neoted on the left side. Waddle on tbe
nose. Percy Hcqhbs.
For Infants and Children.
tie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Tills Ia Your Opportuiilly.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh nnd Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) snffioient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
66 Warren St., Kew York City.
Rev. JohnReid, Jr., of Great Falla, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
oan emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if med as directed."
Rev. Francis V. Poole, Pastor CentralPres.
Church, Helena, Mout.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh nnd contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents.
per cent
For the next
H 3
.We are making room for
& Stewart.
Otaac Ope3a.i30.gc
XOBBIKST Stylos Kvor
This coming season we will have the
largest stock of fall and winterwW
TBi?y Goods,
Ever yet seen in Heppner. We have
ordered immense lines in every de
partment in fact we are puzzled to
know where to find room for all.
few arrivals of
Direct from New York are being
opened up and among them we find
a beautiful line of
Silks, etc., for
Ladies Shirtwaists, etc.
There are just a few, but you ought
to see them. They are pronounced
by those who have seen them the
finest and daintiest things that ever
From now on, every day will see something new and
fresh put into stock.
oo o o o o o o
A little warm to talk about winter goods, but they
are here and we want you to see them.
New Departures
New Management
This ia tbe sixteenth year of tbe Gazette's existence. It stauds
in tbe front ranks of Oregon journalism.
Its seventeenth year promises to be tbe banner year for tbe
county. Our purpose is to visit every household in the county cu
rolling every member wbo is interested in tbe county's welfare.
luivo riicoivtid 11 coiisitrimieiit ol
flttliiir Mlftoo oull for our fnvorlt
In uicl-ltiriiocl mIioo find ti 1iiIm;
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats
and Caps, Hardware, Crockery,
Cloaks, Jackets, Etc., Etc.,
Minor & Co.
with all leading shoe