The Gazette. Tuesday, August 16, 1898. 0LDT1MEB KISSED IN THE HILLS. THE DALLES FIRE SOLDIERS WANT RANCHES. A private in the second Oiegon legimeDt, writing from Manila to a friend, gives his opinion, accord ing to the Times-Mountaineer, that "the climate of the Philippine archipelago is the finest in the world, Oregon not accepted. The islands are the most productive on earth, will support a population of 40,000,000 people, and if the crown lands of the archipelago become the publio domain of the United States, it is the expressed purpose of the writer, Mr. Jones, and most of his comrades to secure ranches." This is one of the strongest arguments that can be produced for the retention of the islands and the benefits that would accrue to the United States from the ac quisition of the Philippines. American emigration would carry our laws, customs and civilization through the islands, extend our commercial relations and Ameri can influence in the Asiatic waters. Keep the Philippines and let this great republio work out its "mani fest destiny," in extending com merce, civilization and freer gov ernments among ignorant and op pressed peoples. H. Sperry. of Batter Creek, While Catting Shakes la Lout. Pendleton Tribune. U. Sperry, an oldtimer, 60 years of age, left bia raooh oo Butter creek last Tuesday to go ioto the monotaioa a few miles distant to oat shakes. He took food enough with bim for one dey only and was seen the same day several miles on bia way, at Mountain Home, bnt notbirg has been beard of him eiDce, He was well acquainted with the coun try and it is not considered probable be beoime lost. He was a man of good disposition witb no enemies, aod suspioion of foul play has yet uo ground. What has becomeof bim no one can imueine. He left no word on leaving about how long be would be gone, bat it was supposed but tor a day. James Collins, of Monntain Home, and Mr. Loveridge and Mr. Jones, of Butter oreek, began searching for bitn Thurs day, bat at last repoits no traoe had been found of the missing man. Later H. Sperry, who disappeared from near Pilot Bock last Tuesday, was found at 1 o'olock Friday afternoon, ly ins nnoonsoions at the edge of a wood three miles from Mountain Home. He apparently suffered a stroke of paralysis soon after starting on bis journey, and laid there on the ground three days witb out a thing to eat or drink. His right side is completely paralyzed. Dr. O. J Smith, who was called, says it is very doubtful if Perry will reoover. The department of state has been officially notified that an in ternational congress, for the pur pose of discussing tariff legislation and the regulation of labor, will be held at Antwerp, Belgium, from SeDt. 12th to 17th inclusive. Pub lic economists, socialists, manu facturers, merchants, employers and workmen are invited to take part. The points from which these questions are viewed by Americans and Europeans are so wide apart that few Americans are likely to attend this congress, except from curiosity. Americans have a tariff system now that is bringing them great prosperity, and countries that are prosperous have little difficulty in the regulation of labor. Tbe freight rate on wool from San FranciHeo to New York is now 40 cents instead of CO heretofore, MOUROW COUNTY'S ROADS. Three Business Blocks Swept Out of Existence. Total Loss Estimated at $f 15,000 Ferdi nand Mathews, of the Crystal Ice Company, Fatally Burned Others Slightly Injured. Hood' Cure all liver ills, bilious- sapsav f lies, headache, sour stom- 13 I I ach. Indigestion, cons ti pa- III S lion. They act eaallT, with- 1 out pain or gripe. Sold by ail rirufwiita. 29 cents. The only Pill to take with Hoods 8arnaparllla. Cat on a Barbed Wire. Joseph Oresswell, a young man about 19 Tears of age, son of Press Cresswell, of Well's springs, who has been at work for Press Thompson, was brought to town in a hack Sunday morning and taken to tbe office of Dr. McFanl for treatment of two very severe outs on his right leg, neoessitatiDg three stitches in one and six in the other. It seems that be was tiding a gentle horse Saturday night, on bis return from hnekleberry log, when tbe animal swerved from the road, bringing bis leg in contaot witb a barbed wire fenoe, and before he could rein bim out bad out his leg both above and below tbe knee in a frightful man ner. Tbe horse was also severely out. Dismounting, bia oompanion, W. O. Crowder, at onoe bound the wounds above and below, thus stopping the flow of blood, and upon reaching home witb the young man, it was deemed neoessary to start for a physicinn at once. A mat tress was placed in Ibe haok and tbe journey betiun, but at the end of a ten- mile ride tbe young man bad become so weakened from loss of blood and pain that be could travel no further. They stopped ut a farm bouse uutil next morn ing, when they ooutined on their way to Just after the eastbound train had dcpart8 from the depot laat night James White, who was returning to hia place of business, saw a blaze on Second street,between Federal and Laughlin. He immediately shot his pistol three timei, bich was answered by some one down the treet. At that time a freight train waa pulling out and the engineer, noticing the fire, began blowing the engine whistle, and just as the clock was striking 12 the alarm was sounded from the engine house. Inside of eight minutes tbe Columbia Hose company was at the scene of the fire, followed closely by the Jackson En gine company, No. 1. The Are was located In The Dalles Crystal Ice company's plant, which was in course of con. structlou and nearly completed. It was but a short time before the streets were thronged with people, and they immediately began get ting out the farming Implements, wagons and other things that were easy of access in the large building occupied by W. A. Johnston dtco., which was at the time on fire. During this time tbe fire engine had located at the cistern at the intersection of Third and Laughlin streets. The cittern was pumped dry and the engine had to be moved to the cistern at the itersectiou of Third and Washington streets, which caused some delay, and during this time the store of Louie Comini and the warehouse of Mays & Crowes, on Second street, ignited, Willing hands got out most of the rolling stock and other goods which could be handled easily. Then, when it was known that Thos. Ward's house, on the corner of Third and Laughlin streets, the long shed used by Ward & Robertson for storing buggies, Fred Bayley's residence and the warehouse of J. H. Cross were ablaze, it was a foregone conclusion that the immense warehouse of Mays & Crowe, on the the corner of Third and Federal streets, was doomed. It was hardly announced unlil this structure, which had been completed but a few months, was one mass of flames. People resid ing in the upper story of the building had got. ten most of their things out, for the chances ol saving the building in the early part of the con flagration seemed small, so no chances were taken. Going west, the fire spent itself on this building. Crossing Second Btreet, the fire re duced to smouldering ruins the building occu pied by A Sandrock as a wagen shop, Gunning & Hockman's blacksmith shop, Hoyle & Laser's carpenter shop, Mrs. Gilmore's restaurant. Lynch Bros.' barber shop, Wilder's photograph gallery and the old Times-Mountaineer build- building, which had recently been moved to property adjoining the Fitzgerald ruins On the south side of Becond street, going east from the origin of the fire, the second-hand store run in connection with the Great Northern Furni ture store, and Pease & Mays' agricultural ware house were consumed. By strenuous efforts Murchie Bros.' livery stable was saved, as was also the millinery store owned by Mrs. feirano. Here the Are spent Itself, and by the exertions of the firemen was gotten undej control. Pease & Mays' general merchandise store had a very close call, but the canvas awnings were pulled down, while blan kets were placed over the windows and exposed parts and kept thoroughly saturated with water. The new Vogt block also had a close call, but the roof was covered with men with buckets of water, and the windows on the side of the building were covered with wet blankets. Ev ery one was on the alert to see that the fire did not enter this building, for had It done so, it Is very likely we would have had a repetition of NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THB Board of Equalization, of Morrow County, Oregon, will meet at the court house in Hvpp-1 ner, Monday. September 12th, 1898. and continue In session one week. All persona wishing to make changes In their assessments must appear and show cause. A. v. it litis. Assessor. Heppner, August 12, 1898. 74-78 State -News. Ashland business men subscribed to.UUO in the new war bonds. Cattle thieves are operating in the lower Burnt river section. Prof. O. E. Jones, the well known musician of Vale, died last Wednesday. Mack McCulloch, an old-time Pendleton citi zen died In Portland, August 12th. A large quantity of wool was sold at The Dalles last Wednesday for 14 cents. Albany's Catholic church which has been re modeled, will be dedicated by Archbishop Gross, next Wednesday. Bishop O'Dea, of Washington, will be present. Geo. Ely who was shot by his partner In Pendleton, July 22d, as repotted in this paper is now up and on the streets. One of the most re markable recoveries on record. W. C. Brown and wife of Dallas, celebrated their golden wedding last week. They enter tained about 125 of their pioneer friends at their residence, who had an enjoyable time, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. VJOTfCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE iy undersigned, administratrix of the estate of E. 8. Baling, deceased, has hied her nnal re Dort and will make final settlement of her ac counts with said estate as such administratrix, at the next term of the County Court of Morrow county, to be holden at the court house at Heppner, in said county, on the 6th day of September, A. I). 1898, at 2 o clock p. m. 71-78 ARTEMISIA BALING. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned administrator of the estate of J.G.Young, deceased, has filed his final ac count and will make a settlement of the same as such administrator, at the next term of the County Court of Morrow county, State of Ore gon, on i uesaay, tne dtn aay oi septemDer. low, 1. U. UAI, at 11 o'clock a. in 71-78 Administrator. Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGbandb, Oreoon, AUKUBt 10. 1898. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE li following-named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in support Vi Vi Vi viz Vl Vi Vi Vi Vi to ! m to to to The Leader Of Course! The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to huy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. to vi vl vi .uW, aw iu iiijuiwn of her intention to make final proof in support iii . 11 Oregon and Washington certainly have reason of he, -claim &m A gOOd, Clean StOCk, bOUght at TCaSOfiable figures, JJf to be proud of their big fighting ships, the Ore- egon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Sept 17, 1898, viz: flX . . x.., ..,, f? gon and Olympia, while California can afford MICHAEL B. GALLOWAY, of Heppner, Or., Mi iS3 JOY fOfeVer. IJiatSWnai i to congatulate, as she had a hand in tho build ing of them R. O. Eddy, brother of Railroad Commissioner J. B. Eddy, of Roseburg, arrived from England yesterday and is registered at the Esmond. His brother has never seen him, and was here to meet bim. Portland Telegram, Andy Burns was overcome by heat, and died by the roadside in Sand Hollow, Malheur county last week. His faithful dog watched the dead body of bis master for seven days without food, and with no water nearer than four miles. Hd No 5430, for the S', NEJ and E 8E Sec 17 Twp 2 8 R 27 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence up and cultivation of said land, viz: J. f. Brown, Joe Hector, M. J Devin, and A. J. Stamp, all of Heppner, Or. Hi. YV. U AKTI.KTT, 74-85 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Offick at The Dalles, Oreoon. August 2, 189. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice Every indication points to an uniiBual amount support of his claim, and that said proof will of sickness In this vicinity during the fall be made before V. Crawford. County Clerk, at months, savs The Dalles TimeB-Mountaineer. ""PP""- "regon, on eaiuraay, oepiemour xi, I I MUM VI Tim 1,..1rs..rv.Hn..r.,1 t.n ostavsiUt nf wains ' ' ' . ... ..e w....uuCU m,. FRANKLIN WILLIS, of Lexington, .iUu.,u. o. wio ... IImto.H om.llnoHnn Nr. aUIA fnr th BRL! breed disease. sec 9. To a 8. R 25 E W M. Ovfirano new.naner men have signified their . He names the following witnesses to prove i i " ha nmit niinm rosiflpnno imnn ann mi in vr inn l intention of being present at the meeting of the of said land, viz: Joseph Eskelson, James A. Oregon and Washington State Press Association, Brown, Albert A. wtius and w. u. McAUster, you'll find at R. HOWARD'S Heppner, Oregon- vi vi vi vi vi to to be held In Spokane, August Zrth, 26th and 27th. About one-third of this number will go from Oregon. Jeff Harney was sent to Eugene August 11th and locked In the county jail on a charge of murdering Bennett Barney at Florence Satur day. He waived examination and was bound over to the grand jury without bonds. The people of Florence bold him Justified in his act, as Barney and another Indian had endeavored to get away with hsm. all of Lexington, Oregon. 71-83 J. P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Oreoon. T..l .11 ItilW H U1T tit. XO.. I VfOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice I of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before v. crawtora, county uierx, at ueppner, Oregon, on 'l uesaay, septemDer t, 1M98, viz: JAMES W. HILTON, of Hardman, Homestead ADDlication No 4853 for the NV4 SVV4 Sec 22 and li BE Seo il, Tp 6 8, R 2u K W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Reuben Allen, A. H. Allen, Emery Sperry and John Howell, all of Hard man, Oregon. j AO. r. juuiiKr,, 68-80 Register. Notice of intention. town. After dresmng and Btittliins tbe wnutule, Dr. MoFaul bad the young man the fire of Sept. 2, iwit taken tn the home of Alex Thomrjeon. The firemen deserve great credit, for they and, witb proper attention, be predicts The Ni'nlrct of Which is Turning Business I in a abort lime. Away From Heppner. Id ftuawer to tbe Inquiry o( tbs (la Eette reporter yesterday aa to wbat tbe outlook for business iu Heppner waa for tbe fall and winter months one of tbe solid buainoet men replied: "Tbere is every indication that this year aboold be an exceptionally pros perous one, witb tbe oonoty, Ibe crops are Que aod in abundance, while tbe wool ((rowers are oountinu on good rnand turn for tbnir olipa. Old debt will be squared, aud innoh Deeded im provementt will ba made throughout tbe ooonty." Tbia gentleman tbeo took np the dis- ensHion of tbs boneflt to be derived by Heppner. At Ibis poiut be leoams some thai Molted, and oould those to whom hs charged tbs responsibility of neglect of tbs condition of onr county roads leadiug into Ueppuer overheard bis re mark the would surely bare been prompted to sotiou. "beginning right bers on our business tborongbfars the street is strswo witb boulders Isrgs enough to wreok tbs trail wagon of a wool learn, and as you pro Oeed in lbs direction of tbs John lUy country tbs neglect ol tbs rokdi ars dis heartening to tboss who srs eompsllsd to haul this season's output. Tbs tns jority of tbs road supervisors bsvs oom iiletelf ignored their responsibilities, On tbs grads just beyond tbs high bridge on lilies ersek, owing to slids wool leaca rsosotlr went off lbs grade rsHinirlnii twslvs horses to rigbl tbs same, leaving tbs road so badly cut n Ibat all loadeJ teams srs now eompsllsd to g i around by llardman, sn additional diataneaot not less than Iwelvs miles Walter Keener, ths Husaovills merchant remarked, in disgust, II. at Ibis would be lb last load hs would aoderlaks to hsu from Heppner; that hs would be dm polled to go In I'endletoa for bis supplies If lli- mads remaiusd iuipaMahle While Arlington has been rebuildlu h r" I. lowering tbs grades, oleaniog It nl rueks, eta., between liters and ths Line It Tk aeriioo sud is now reaping Ili honrfll of lbs trad of IIiom hauling Ibnr wmd lo Ibal direction, wbo bats hr. t.'f . hauls I to this poiut sating a dislanc of taeoty wiles. Andy Neil is reports I to havs already bsulej 3i,00U p,.un Is of wool to thai poiut. Is tbs canyon near Oeorgs Terry's sWp Camp, no tbs Mimly line, tbs rued is j full of loose rck thai II Is almost ttnie"talil for wool teams. Tbs sUgrJrivrs Utweeo l.sis and Cei.) on City sy thai a portioa of this rd is si Alls 1 th rrk Ibal riding In plaees la almost out of tbs qussllos. He sUo tepotts so uofluUUsd b'l.lgs oS li nk sreek, lbs lumbar f mliah has bn tbsrs fur tuouths, but oo tffjil is mit Ulng II losrectloti. If Ibeae conditions ars to remain onbasded, ileppuer will l taking tba eaooad plars lo tmsinaes rse gmliuo in Ibis omnli, ad II bbKjve lltoee lo whom tbeee rs St)IIillHeS S'S lirosio Id ai bbw . . .i .i . .1 t .... I IJ SB I regsis tn rr'is llrfaff . Si Hi lit ' f 1 KMf Thn cillxuiisi In Lrnnursil hlrwHl with ft. wlllliiii yonng Cresswell will be aronnd all right nall(1 ,nil ,,y tneir eertions goods to the worked bravely and under many ditticultlea. WEEKLY CROP Hl'l.l.KTlN. Tbe following is tbe bulletin for the week ending August 15th for Eastern Oregon The past se ven days were the warmest on reoord esst of tbe Cascades. Tbs maximum temperature on Wednesday, the 10th, ranged from 112 degrees to 11H degree; that night it foil to from 75 de gree to 82 degree. Tbe mean tempera tore for the week averaged M degreee; this is 1 degrees higher than tbe phe nomenally hot week ending August 23, 1H07. At Heppner, tho highest temper- II,. .k 1 1ll ,lori,u stoii A Cn.i covered the mean maximum temperature at Heppner from July 24th to Angusl 14th was it) degree, lbs minimum oo us urer. AI many places east of Ibe Cascades, lbs maximum temperature on every day of lbs past seven waa above amount of many thonsands of dollars went saved. The following are the losses as near as can be estimated up to the present time: Mays & Crnws, between I55.IXW and fW.OOU; lllHiirKliee, t:K,0m. I jiiiIh ( annul. ij.oou: no insurance. W. A. Johnson iV Co , $ii,(Rl; inmuanre, K!,OUO. The Dalles Crystal Ice Co., sa.uuu insurance tl t.iO. Great Northern riirtilture CO., loss noi esti mated: covered by Insurance. I'cKie V Mays' warehouse, loss not estimated; covered by Insurance. A mmuiirl. Hiss mil esiimaren: no insurance, (iumitiiK k lliH lmnn, SV,li; no Insurance. Mrs iilhnnrs s restaurant, t ') no liisuraucc. Lviieh Hnia.. loss not estimated. Wilder's photograph gallery, 11,000; no lusur ,nce. W. II. van Bibber, old Tlmes-Moiiiitalneer bulliUiig, loss not estimated : no insurance. Thus, vtarti, iiiiuneiioui rimkis. rovereo oy Fred Bayley, household goods, covered by In su ranee. J. H. Cross, warehouse, 7ii; no Insurance. ward A Kolilusaa, tiullilliif occupliMi i,jr Joim nj insurance. I inie Returned From Sunipter. H. W. Bartholomew returned from Sampler yesterday by train, leaving H E. Bartholomew to make the drive with team. Mr. Bartholomew informs us that be found bis sheep in exoellent oon dition, aod that apparently everybody in that section was anxioua to get lQto tbe .i i, ;... t on.. nrina Th.u I Land Office at The Dalles. Oreoon, UOCl UUDIUCDB O OUJ I4UD. July21 l8'-8 dollars ner hear! for vounff ewea IS beififf XTOTK'E 18 HErtEBV GIVEN THAT THF , -m i.i iv following-nained settler has tiled notice of onerea on every nana, cyonsiaeraoie his Intention to make final proof in support of tMna in devnlnninff tbronihoot that his claim, and that said proof will be made reeling IS aeveiopiog inrougooui tuut ,M,foro v. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, seolloo Ol IDS CCUUty, irom tne lUOt inai uregon, on luesuay, iwpieiuoer o, ih:i viz: eheenmen from adiacent ooantiea drive ALBERT HENRY ALLEN, of Hardman. ... . . . . . ., Homestead Application No 41111 for the E' in there for rauge who oootribute uoth nwv and eh bwu Kec 29. tp 5 8, k x e w m. inn in lha nniiiitv for tnvna If nnsaible H names the following witneses to prove log io tne county lor taxes, n poseioie W contilulo, rHI!laellce ,,pm, ad cultivation thev Ih1 that the nrnrata of taxes should of said land, vis: i. W. Hilton. Dan Klce, I L U A I..Kn 11 ....... .11 ..I uc uifiuou ueiwveu iuo uunuiiro, ug o- , man. Oreaiu. potts an atteuipt at sbeep poisoulog, where a mixtujte of salt and strTobolne THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J . Ca BORCHERS As manager he will run it in first class shape in every department. Rates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. r THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. BOEOHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. was found distributed in lbs line ol an 1 bjeotiouable band which was discover ed in tbe niax, ot time. Mr. Fsrnsworth as well as Mr. Wells and others have their sheep io that seotion. Us report) 0. S. Vauduyn witb Duckworth brothers and well Batit-fied, also New t Jones in tbe livery busfne, aud doiug tbe prin cipal business of the lowu. Mountaineer. Hlg l'rlrs a Rrokrs Heart Not long slnoa a Danville, III., jury or dered Ihs mats detendaul in a breach ot promise case to par the competent sum of Sr.i.Xl'l ffi to tbe slUic led fair one 95 degree; th temperature during lbs x,,oll((h t , , prMty high estimate of Olgbl fell to - degrees aun lower, afTeoti era! s another sail averaging (M degrees,. o that sleep and mU whoh f , dollars snd ceot ret were possible lor mao sud bean. .lllP,, M bUh.tet in general eonaidsra Urops.-All the rail-sown wneet. oat ( -iaalienoe reMbe as lofty to al an J Dariey bad auvaneej Deyona a ige ,,... .r.,. i, ,ba ..;.- 0f the eeo. where the hot weather oould lnJn' Ue M to tbe sITlcaoy of Hoslelter'sHlom them; their harvesting and threshing I seo Hiiier ss remedy (or conslipstioo eontitine. ine warm weamer csnsau TUm , ,, .ff,i,- barvesling to be suspended for a few neT,r toooropaoi,d by tbs hours on tbe 101b; but owing to the dry. -.,,. . mL., l iha noaratloa of ness oi ins air, ins neai waa not as ap- mm cxhtltie jt i. t0 Ineomparabl prroiabls la animal lifs aa may be sop- wmiMJ- fl(f ta preventative ot malarial poaej. lbs hoi weatner esusej spring- BOj m.inty oornplaints, end own grain to ripen loo rapidly; mis pro- prorooUr ,lf ,pDl,iiu end sleep. dined souls anrivsiea grain, ana ins beads did Dot Oil aa wall aa they other wlas would bare doue The harvest is progrrssiog ruo.i saiiafaeioriiy. in The two unblie warehooses are being grain l. as rule, or first rlas (jualiiy POl.,Ml 0 a,M warehonss form, an and lbs yield is materially Urger thao is i0 u ,b, ibip, lf g fol loNkS KNrcill'HI'K. osnal. Hlreama ars unusually low for this season ol lb year, a ells are Iteotimlug dry, and io some seelions the water supply Is becoming a serious quealioD. Fruit Is ripening rspl lly. i i'l'S, pears and peanhrs will lie large crop. Wster and other melons ars ripe sud ars I wing shlpi-ed is large quantities. The fruit crop, ut all tatietiv, will b nu- nsnally large lbs wsrnt, dry weather not Iwlng at all injurious. lUnga f.Hd is drying np. iok I yrt n'lite plentiful, an 1 stuck Is fledged bnsineas tierg. Nat Hals Is also a IT-led witb lb building eontageon, and I so egtll aling for th erarti n of a hint ling suit able for his lUveraifJed buslnas require men Is. Ed. Moor has eoofilene enough la Inns's fulnre lo ereot gtxxl subalsnlial bnelneas building for Ihs purpose ot Drat els fuftiiiur busisM He will bav the buildiog completely storked a soon as finished. I f e' two room lwo.tory, :tix Jil foot nOOTS AND SHOESri: D THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF AI. LICHTBNTHAIv Ss AS. F. MOORE, (U'Klstur. lalveralty of Urrgoa. The University of Oregon graduated last Jutie the largest clsss in its history. Tbe olaes numbered thirty. The fall term will begin 8eptemher 19tb. Hlu- dents who have completed tbe tenth grade branebea can enter tbs sub-fresh NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Orriri at Thk Dallkh, Oskoon, JlllV II. IK.IH. XTOTIt'E IS HERKBV OIVES THAT THE lv followiuK-iiamiHl settler has filed notice ol tier Intention to make Nnal proof tn support of hiT claim, ami that salil imMif will bo nialn lie- lore A. Mallory, I'.H Coiumlaslonvr, at llepji- ut-r, uri'Koii, on I uiHKiay, aukusi ii, if., vu: M AH I HA KMKY. fimiierlv Martha ('. Honklns. of Heppner Monn-ati-ail Apiillratlon No. for the B1, N ami N'i 1, Tpf. . H . E M . Hhe nami-s the fulloa lna! wltni'i'S to prow h'r rontlniious tvUi'iire iiponsixl rultl atlon ol.salil lain), vl: Rvnjamln I'arki-r, Krank nl, KolH-rt KnU-hti-ii ami Emrv Hicrrr,all oi Miirninaii, un K"H. (M.7K JAS. r. muorr, Kvalstvr. NOTICE OF INTENTION. CO. Thoy have anything in this line that you mar desire and you can depend on It you get a irooa anicie wnen mey guarantee iu SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street1 Repairing a Speoialty iV. ABEAHAMSICK, IVlerchant Tailoring! Mr. Ahrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp ner. Kis work is always first class and satisfac tion guaranteed. CALL AND SEE ME. ON MAY STKKKT- MM kt-Ktater. Land Orrn a at Tmb Dallsk. Oksoom. July ai, IK". VOTirr. 1 HKKEBY f.lVEN THAT THE 11 fiillii'lii-r.ainml hlll.r hna fllfnl nntlre til manolass. Nu examinations era reanired his Intention to nmks final inx.t In , , . , . i , I his claim, and that said prool lll ! miule be-1 for graduates 01 aOOrsdltsd schools. (or v. CtawfnM, (omify l lerk, at llrppner. Ksseonabls squltsleots ars scoepted for '011- " iiirday. ptmiK-r a. vis; . , ,, it. .ii EMILY UAl'XT, ol Heppucr, most of tbs required entrsnce studies. Hmpt,..,, Arrll,..n N v,2 ,r th. K,4 llatalouuea will be sent free lo all amili- hw and w, k w W. Tp 4 M, KKWM. , , . , , I He names the lullnwlns witiiiwe lo provsl CaolS. lersons desiring information hlsFonllniioiit residence utmn and culllvat.c.ii may address th. preeident. Hecret.ry J. M rtW!,',',, ,2 M J.aiton, or lit. Max A. riumb, all or luppner, ungon. ii cngeoe, uregon. The courses offered are those ot a good university. Tbere ars departments ol modern and eonieot laogaage, physio, chemistry, biology, geology, Eoglisb, el eulion, sdvsDceJ engineering, aatrono my, logio, philoeopby, pyobology,maib emetics and physical sdneatino. Music and drawing are also taught. Tbs tu ition 1 free, All slndeBls psy an inci dental fee of 10 yearly. Hoard, lodg ing, heat and light io tbe dormitory cent i W per week. 7-73 generally la pilrne e tidtiMO. Tbs sobitnl house is now, a far a eiirir I sneond fhip of a'.fi.lfa la iisellially conr-ro-d, coinplele.1, and with II gaibeted. Ier, I mnu up a giant la onprin Fanu woik if all kind is inai li fartiirr a ill, most other building near It. Hit edTatiseJ thau la usual at this season of tbs year. men are busily engaged la finishing it, and will hs it In raedteees for tbs Vpteenber term. Matt HolveiSuH te now making fyre arlios lor aa rllssalos frntsgs if I thirty fetl nk ading bark silly fw ot Lis boUi. Tbia addition will eoabls Ibe ee managsmaal, Mr. Ussisr sad wife, tl. -a tiloud nis a iUn o. N lifAutv ailhoul It. 1 rl. audi tatl.o lie (Use your I luurf and k" it tUsn, l stirrnt up Ih ujr liter and iliitmi su im I in. 1 1. Ikmii the IkI. Ifcui Ui.Ur la l,Ai,,h ikimotea. iMrtia. Lilol. h.a. blarkhrsd idlest HiIio.hi r-ni lr ( tih I H ovirmo.tU the nt nra nf boeina i.mttrf, Usulv ..r Ira .. Alldtu.. I. . . . I lK, Ull. Th it., ut.i, t.U svn.i.1,-,,1. ia-,IV,. I , ' , . , au,ia luer nil irvm turn orvitinsj r lar la.U Wok t M.arela. . X t I J a. i', lie er -a. ."I I ji" tl ii i' t' ari. f re. a- js- s-inoiry, tend'! them a sHi of tbtr ppriaiaby Bil'cf eee.ty sli ehairs fl ''fit ev f'H'fST VseAaaeafepaaabka 1 OW arc the chil- drenthissummer? Are they Jolnj well? Do they Ctt ill the benefit thev should from their food? Are ihcir checks and lips of food color? And are they hearty and robust In f every u ay? It not, then five them Scott's Emulsion of cod trptr tit with hypo phosphite. It never falls to build up delicate boys and cirls. It civet them more flesh and better blood. It Is ust so uith the baby also. A little Scott's limuliioa, three or four times a day, will make the thin baby rlump and prosperous. It furnishes the 'young; body with lust the material necessary for growing bones tad nerves. Ail TV '. tn. a l 4 l-Mfli,..M fj-wHV i SUMMONS. fit THK riRrllT t'Ol'RT Of Till eTA1K I ol nrrton li.r plormw cmiity. James Uausherly, flalulllt, vs. ). B. fperrr, Sarah C. Sperrv. Y, . I liomn, in. .'rrartiii Kailroad and .Savlntlon I a.. a rorNirtin, and irrr. Ih-lrtidsiiL. To J. H Hrr and Santh C. Sperry, defendant etiove nameii; o lh name of Ihe aula oi Orron. yen. and C0NSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al ways in stock. Careful attention paid to tilling of prescriptions. OOL GROWERS W Nell ol oiu.'l hereby required lo l'ral and j aueaer ine rompiaiiii mi airataei you iu ine alaive etul'lrd suit " Bl aar "I tlie beat If you have not yet realized that the "good old times" are with us, your blood is out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" and awake to the fact that the Wool Growers' j Warehouse T la the place to store your wool this reason. Why? Be cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not beint? in I aiet mr ihe rnteronre oi ifetutn mnn l.ttftlt I I ,eeimiid and d.n.wi h rmiiopi.miirT tiie tiohi iittvtng wool ourselves, wt oncournce coinnetition or Ihe Wh daV ol 'tat. IH Id I .1 1 1 t i i . v oi rfin, rmmiOTrv uiuuiiLi tnq ouver9 ami secure you me mcnest rnce n una patahi Auuel I r "III sr IHaseet sack 4laPal real pebble a hm am.l is add. fvnd In your etdr UlnllH l"f Ihel p.i II, e tollfn ,llps Irnn ot Hi si vnlllle.1 ruur .olt. In tlie I eiplrailon ol Hi time prerill4i lu th order I lr p'iMie.lion ul (hi summuns, abk b Im I day alll Pa Msne'ey, the 8th day at September, t. and von and mm b ol ya a III uk nntlre hat If Tu tail la en appear and anr aanl Ihrtrnd plalnMIt alii applf lo th rniirl hf Ihe rellrl ,lrtnnild la Slaenainlalnl. l-vall rol pi-lflnrnl ar.lnal tntl tn Ih B'lm of IITim xcrihrr alih lutrreel there., n fennt Ih I .111 il.l ol Oriober, l Ih rale of ii per rnl pr annum lor Ih further sum ol 91 ( ailotn. s ,. and Ih eoata and ilt.hiiPaement ol Ihls nil aieo lor ihe fofwltainr ol iraiUls mnri re on aerttre ih pal in.M n.-iaolj R irrv lot I i"w p IMh. latat alia ltilm.1 Ihe rai iA IO hr rent pel annum ad ahNbaald Snnrla e.nef ed I l"f lhat purpaMe Hi lolloati I pmter1i altna'ri throtittlr nl Mn , Hal. nl lltrfnn, I ll I.H land unto dr . and '1 Ind nil id Ih ei ul lota 1 and a. In I, lie s , In He HMii'e addition In the loan id Hrti'i.r. at'ireoa riii. nmeon. and I nil..! lM n tai,Ht n. loq.eaid J a a-f an i. aiwtfv, Art ani In.ia I " ad all rtahl. till Of Intrreel In of lo eal I i I1 hirll and et tr1 lhera.4 This li'immnni I rrod nwn vn hf p'i.Hrti.n i inerp..,. I.? iier of mo o',ie a loe I lu.tee .A th hT rt.ttlld e.til, tn n l .talr.1 at t hafnhrea l I'.n l .. U.n , ( mall I roontv. I tfrf -n jt,i, Tth. i" ri ij riiyt 1 TS Attflf nei lot pialSMf ar attlln eanl i al on.. S par Ih klrheal a.h pflf M ahrvu toll and Lid. w .r. nta lor LMtle'a DIB and la Ual Teaacce Dip, th only rvlUhi arepar I on the b.atbel. 1 lair Irelehl lo Wamelerl ahen exiueelrd lidn a l,r oatier ol iiml ha.e s lull eupptr ul iMe. Rati? an. I heat in nteam Kolle. fuller f. Iram.tet. t-tfw. , j mm ra n in, ii, ar ..rem'.!., ei f naiamea yott a aiiar ileal. R. F. IIYND. Manaoer. - THE ART OF BREWING. 5'lrva'J Tk tatsritsa Istlitads ! faraaeleiy Opens lu aal eaiea at att wa njtf-j ee t al Una, san-a ivv I ! A ,lt Ca. rt v. ii . Was Perfected by Ihe Production of.... ten a If ) Sak Caararna f'sn l ftrt-. Ihe Ssoat w aVef tl d a..rrv i-l Ut era. faa S-t an t recall, M tie tavaia, a t (vtiliy (n lr ;y on H W.a. HrT snd lai avals, ikt"i if ih ' ra .!. dl'i'l rolda, ra.. .otaa. !', I'l'l l r' ipaV Ke 1 a 'a I y an I try a " f I !. .'' . ! a.- !. P i e i I ; "v. ) t, .SU S- sli .,t1r HOP OOTvlTJ ,-lmt titif the entire n-mUl Knnwi this ivrect firwliwt As the Star lire we ry leer... 4 ... I On draught at I all popular saloons STAR IIRKWERY CO.,