Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 16, 1898, Image 1

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. j .
If you have bargains to
offer, announce it through
The Gazette will contain
the latest telegraphic news
From the Seat of war.
the columns of the
NO. 675
.. ar -
Fulshed every Tuesday and Friday
. Editor aus-d. JkaD.a.grar.
On Year - -Six
Three Month
SI. 50
Advertising Rates Made Known on
, Application.
Entered at the Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
THIS PAPKR is kept on file at E. C. Dake'e
AdvertisinR Agency, 4 and 65 Mnrohants
Kxohangs, San Franoisoo, California, where oou
mots for advertising can be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchants' Eichang i Build
ing, San Franoisoo, Is our authorised, agent.
This paper is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner :SU p.
Bnnday arriving at Heppner Ju
m. daily except
Junction lzan a, ru,
Leaves Mepctier Junotioa 8:30 a, m, and ar-
nna, at. FTflnnnnr HrfHt A m
Spokane Express No, 4 leaves Portland Bt 20
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and Uma'illa 8:50 p. m.
Portland Kxoress No. 8. from BDokane, arrives
at Umatilla tJDO a, m. and Heppner Junction 70
.m. and arrives at Portland Li:S0 a. m.
Funk Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 D. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:80 a. m.
., Fast Mail No. 1 leave! Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at tleppner Junction 12:25 a, m, and at
Portland 7 :2C a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
. Agent O. B 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
" AVegetablePreparationror As
similating theToodandRegula
ting th Stomachs andBoweb of ;
ness andRest.Contalns neither
Opium.Morptune nor MineraL
Not Narcotic.
Jonphn Sm
JiryJulU Sfc -jinilt
JippfrTHtnt m
fnrmSted -
flmfied Suaur .
r , .
"Vine President ....
(jeoretary of State
Secretary of Treasury....,
Secretary of Interior
Seoretary of War
Secretary of Navy
roitwaster-General. ......
Seoretary f Agriculture.
United States Officials.
William McKinley
. . . . Garret A. Hobart
W. B. Hay
Lymun J. Gage I
...Cornelius N. Bliss
UuBsell Alger
A ncrfecf Remedy forConstipa-
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
uess and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
John U. bong
.Charles Kinery Smith
John W. Griggs
James Wilson
Lu.w-. ,'',, j
For Infants and Children.
I Tha l.nr. Vnu Uaua
Bears the
isignature i a
- Mm m m m m. m
You Have
Always Bought.
I I'lillWill.
... .. . . i
Terras of the First Agreement
Between the United States
and Spain.
The Army Leaves -Cuba; This ;.Week--The
Philippine Question Most Serious
Cost of the War Squadron to Be
Held in Readiness Should
Hostilities Be Resumed
Seven Volunteers Die While Ed Koate to tbe
Nkw Yobk, Aug. 11. The World' ad
vioes from Manila of Anguet 4, referring
to the arrival of the third expedition
from San Franoisoo, say :
Never did an expedition enoonnter
more dangers or endure more perils. On
tbe voyage six men and one officer died
and 50 more were taken siok. Typhoid
and meningitis played havoo on the
transports. Two firemen went iosane
and leaped overboard. Bat a Are on
oue of the ships was tbe worst peril of
Tbe dead at sea were: Ralph Powers,
signal corps, of Los Angeles, died' July
Ernest Bowfcr, Wyoming battalion,
died July 20th
Frederiok Buokland, Thirteenth Min
nesota, of St. Paul;
Lieutenant Skerr, of the engineers,
West Virginia, died July 21et.
8tephen Reddy, , Twenty-third in
fan try, of Dallas, Texas, died July 14th.
W. D. Kelly, fireman, San Franoisoo,
died July 19th. ' i
Jobn , Stokeville, fireman, San .Fran
oieoo, died July Htb
Tbe fleet of. transports and the convoy,
the monitor Monterey, were three days
out from Hawaii when fire was detected
on the Morgan City. One of the ore w
reported that there was a blaze in the
ooal bunkers. At midnight, when all
tbe troops were asleep, Captain Dillon
assembled the crew and told them tbe
news. Every man was" pledged to
Silently the men con pled on the hose
and steam pipes. Then tbey began
battling with tbe flames in the hold
Night and day the beroio orew fought
j Absolutely Pure
State of Oregon.
liovemor ...W. P;"rd
Secretary of State . H. B. Kinoald
Treasurer Phil. Metflchan
.G.M. Irwin
..C. M. Idlcman
( G. W. McBride
Hnnt. I'llhlio lnstrnction.
' Attorney General
Congress uj en
511. o. nean,
F. A. MiKre,
v ( C. E, Wolverton
Sixth Judicial DUtrU't
1 1 mnit. Jnd Stephen .Lowell
P.oMimt.inii Attorney H. J. bean
Morrow County Officials,
J, W.Morrow
. ...E. L. Kreeland
I. U. Bartholomew
J.li. Howard
IThos. H. Tongue
- I nrlnlnn H..co
Id Three
Joint Senator -
an nty Judge
'' OmimiMioners.,
J. W. Beckett.
" Olerk
' Treasurer
" Aemaeor
' Hurveyor...
School Sup t...
'' Coroner
Vawter Crawford
,..K. L. Matlock
..41. Uchtenthfl
v is ni:il !
... J . W. TV 1 1 J
...Jullji KaitU;
Jay W. hlnpley
Dr. E. K. Uunlok
BEDS 25 and 50 Cents.
GEO. C. ROME, Prop.
Next door to Opera House.
Tonsorfal Artist.
imiti Tnwit nrnfliM.
Hlocam, in.
, K. J.
Hair- Cutting,
Shop,' Matlock Corner,
I,ihtnthfil. J. K. HimonB J. J. HoberU, J . W.
-'".ir. " "'" " '...W.A. nichardnon
s " l. w. Hriggs
M.:i John Hoger
Prceinet Offloer.
Jn.tic of tha Peace W. K. Uichardeon
P.,n..).la D.
United States band Officers.
tu. nif.l.M- on.
y m. Beistr
OtU Patterson
v nuiui Bnrlstr
i. H. Kubbios
15 Cents
25 "
Heppner, Oregon.
.Ueoaiver I
Q. A. B.
Wtttt at Heppner, Or., th third Batarday of
rh month. Alt veteran are inrltea to vnu.
H, W. Fall,
Ot the Old Reliable
Gault House,
ilf block west of the Pnlon Depot of C. B
Q., C. M. & Ht. P., C. A A., P. Kt. W. A C,
and the C. M. L. 4 P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Malton and Clinton 8U.,
won in three straigLt beats; time, 2 :07J,
2MU, 2.051;. Bumps was sreood,
Frank Bogat-b third.
Un the same day, upon tus earns
W. W. Smith.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Oflloe hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to
J n m at residence. W. A. Kirk's prop.
rty, east of M. E ohorch, South, and 10
tn VI. a. m . to i IO O D. m.. ai ouiuv iu
tbs rear of Borg's jewelry store.
C. E. Redfield,
Attorney at Law,
The Old Shop !
! tbe place to go to get
yonr fioe pork and lamb
chops, steaks and roasts.
Offloa la tb First tliool
Hippwis, : : Obkuoh
Pin iturar-etired hams and baron.
Pure list lard, kpttle reiMlerrd. old
style. Hlabeat casd rlr palii (or
at stork.
r 1 1 o. ni l
All business attended to In ( prompt and Cf orv- I ! r r
Kil.lwtory aiauimr. KoUrlea Public and I OlakTC 11115
Ijillartore. I -
Otflcs la Hitter Balldlitf . Meppaer. Or
General Collector bS
B. f.
put voir old books and rwi in nil
baadi md r,ir ""BT " "J
it.m aki a ipK lalty of bard
Office io J. N. Urowo'i noUtliDg.
rhipMt and rnoel direH mnu to John l
valley aaynn tty niltiitig dlstrwt. Hums in..
other inlrtur polnia.
Slam leava llennner tiallv. Sundif
ptnl.al S SI a. tn. Arrlri at ( inyoii CI
Iv Canyon Ity at I e m , arrlvi it Hi
Bet In M boitri, ootinarllti Ilk triltn.
Hirraia To
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
ernet t
council CMAwacaa
rlis and !. fal . Int bw. t
tmim dm rotitatirin aiwt 111 r oi ie
f way In bM lli.al fpaanitabU W
Mathews &. Gentry,
t t
Morii.ment ... . .
liii t-rk
Cm V alloy
Julia Imt
i son ( Ity
Associated Press Dispatches.
Madrid, Aug. 13. The text of the protoool signed between Spain
laud the United States is as follows:
''His excellency, M. Cambon, embassador extraordinary and min
ister plenipotentiary of the French repnblio at .Washington, and Mr
j William R. Day, secretary of state of the United States, having re
ceived respectively to that effect plenary powerB from the Spanish the fire, but tbe bunkers were still bum-
government and tbe government of the United States,, have established tag "hen the Morgan City arrived here.
and sierned the articles which define the terms on which the two eov- Th,'n ,or tne flr,t tlme the trnth WM
anmaA nJ tr. IU nniuiiAni. .r.nmo learned by the men of their danger. The
. ' ' ' - ' I flamaa vara ATlinaiiiahAil afloe rha nhtn
a l. iL. t;..i!. a. i f - u i . I - r
ana or. waicu me ouject is me eoiauusuuieui, ut. ptsituu uy me couniries, j,een , porj , ew hours.
nameiy: un board tbe Morgan Uity were ooa
"Article I Spain will renounoe all claim to all sovereignty over men of the Idaho volunteers and a de
n all har riorila mm- thA ialanrl nt finha. . , taobmenl of Nebraska oluntsers.
"Article II Spam will cede to the United States the island of
Porto Rico and tbe other islands , which are at present under the
sovereignty of Spain in the Antilles, as well as an island in the La- cipuin Aiirt s. Barker ordered to com-
maad the Battleship.
A Wasbinxton diepatoh, under reoeot
date , says i Captain S. Barker bas been
detached from tbe command of the
oruiser Newark and ordered to take
charge ot tbe battleship Oregon, flllfog
tbe vaoancy mad by tbe invaliding of
the Columbus Pace
Straight Heati.
East Oregonlan.
A telegram received on Saturday even
ing by T. W. Ayers, from Frank Frazier,
at Columbus. O.. conveyed the informs'
tion tbat Cbebalis bad that day won tbe drone archipelago, to be chosen by the United States
:05 pacing raoe in tbree straight heats, "Article III The United States will accopy and retain the city and
going one in 204.'. Of oourse that was bay 0j Manila pending the conclusion! a treaty of peace, 'wtnoh ehall
u,)U8.uorOU KOUU .uu w detemme thft oontrol aud orm o government of the Philippines.
The press telegrams state tbat Cbs- and tbe other islands now under Spanish sovengnty in tbe Antilles,
I , ni usptaia uiart. rue vaoancr on ine
was won bv him In three straiuht heats. i j r. .t. t .i i u wewan Das noi Deen uuea as yei. uap
' . - ' i wiLijiu irju unv. nibci tuo pikuiuk jl iud uiutuvuii duu tucno WIUIUIB I . t a . i
although Bump, and Pearl Onward ' . . T, " r... ,in' , Jttlt. mt- .KiJ ",n . m' WM 0" 01 nV.n,"
l..lh ml,! fn tnnr. mnn.. 1,11,. nnnla "WUCH .uwi mw. .1 -..n... UaaDliC. D.b 11 min memUerS Ot IllS OaVkl UOHfd Stld ID tOt
r-' i , , ... ... . j' ii . .
beeeonnd btat, 2$il4, is the tautest I protocol, wnn me oojeci 01 . coming 10 an agreement reRaruing me capacity rendered valuable servtoea tn
eat paced in a raoe this seaaon. Tbe Carrying out of tbe details Of the BCoresaid evacuation Ot Uuba and preparing lbs navy lor lueeioelleul wort
umtnarv is as follows: other arlianant Rnaniah iHlanda. and PRnh nt Ilia twn rrvarnmant aliall acoomplialisd Dy II 10 tlis present war,
p.u o ii-, u. i9iK PLoboli. I ... . i pl . . .1 . I Us OoDimaoileJ tbs Uregoo while sue
, . , r , i iiiioaimn snnnini wunin iu uavi aiiBr inn muimiurH or lihh nrotonni 1 ........
" rr. 7 - . 7 ',. . V ; was attacbed to thal'aoinc station.
other commissioners, wco snau meet at oan j aan ue rorio ivico tun- . tf0Od a.., ot OOB0Brn u ut t tha
in 30 days after th signature of this protoool, to agree upon tbe de- navy department at tha breakdown of
tails of the evacuation of Porto Hioo and other islands now under Oaptaio Clark, of the Oregon. Not tbe
track, fallv D000 Dennis war in attend- Un.n;.t, .nvaroio-nlw in Iha Antilloa sligbtast tnrtjrmatioo bas reaohe4 Hers
....... . I l..f tUm ..In.. ..f Ka ..i.l.in'. lllnAAS all
ance. atiraoksa d ins anDonocemni I m.i:.i. v a...;n ..i iu rT..;i,..i qi.i.. .,i. ii :i i..i" "
..... o... ..' ...i aiu,-o,.u.uU,u0yU.iUi. ,u. l'l",ul w 11 1 that la known ia that Hnmm'til ira Wat
iubi niar loioier wumu atifuiut igi. - i. . -i . rri I "
..... ih. t..v nt 911 lor peace nve commiaaionera at wiw uijh, lor euuer oounvry. iue .ou.bts imrLediat superior, ordered a
" -'-' 1 , . , , n.:. rt..t t. ..ii. i i. ii .... . . ,.. ..
lait year by Joe Patoben in his raos commissioners suau meek iu i aria ucvuiier isi, ai tue iavek to proceed rosdical Doara to siamios uim wun ins
with Pointer. The track was not as fast to necotiatious and tb conclusion or. ft treaty or peace. Ibis treaty iu u eooa-mom ana or
I l... n' ...ti Idsrad bom. It does not follow from
. aUFUl UH IBUUOU .u wu.u.uji.j uo wunuiun.iuil iowdvi. rnvu ..... . i I n .
ditions and teams wra workina it ba- ...... . Ibis that tbe oaptaln S collapse is per
weeubealsall d.y. It was hardly ti H . . 7. T .... , , . . . maoent and bis splendid physique and
i tittiid v inna mis nntnuin i at rrit rt iiinn inn airrnAii 11 1 x 1 1 n i . . ... . a
n..i,l ih.i i,.ini.r wnol.l i,.r .v..nl ' i'.-w ol uanaiiy vigorous ueaitD an.ir.igeu
the track record, but wben be equaled ties shall be eusppndud, and to tbat fffect in tbe two countries orders I .rati baltaf tbat be will regit a bis health
bis reoord of 1!)'4 made last srasoa ai snail be giveu uy eunor goveromnnt to me commainiers ot us una I '
Olrun Falls, the crowd went wild . with anJ oa urces as speedily M possible.
"Done iu do plicate at Washington, read io French and in English
by tbe undersigned, who affix at the foot ot tbe documeut their ig
natures and seals August 12, lH'.lH.
entbuiiaam. He weot the Drat quarter
to seoond ia '3, tbird io Wi1 sod
tba fourth and last quarter io 3oi A
mighty cheer went tip from the crowd,
tor tha ont icstaut lb time, WX4,
was anoounoed.
AI Portland. Me., last Saturday st
Hfgliy Park Ibe guiding Nice, son of lb
tlJ'.Oitt Arinn, made a r.curd uf 'i.o'.n,,
Captain Albert H. Darker, wbosuocesd
Oaptaio Clark ia omnaiod o( tba baitla-
ahlp Oregon, bas ao eioelleot reord of
nearly Iw.uty years' sea servica to bis
oredll,aa well as sores bard fighting I
tha Civil War. IWo Io MaManhoMtU,
ha entered tha naval analrroy Io I H"H(
but was orders I into active service eo
tba frigate Hisieippl wbea tha war
Washington, Aug. 14. Dy Wednesday or Thursday of Ibis wed,
it is expected by war department officials that all of General 8bafler'i
Command will bate left Hantiagu for the United States. Id ft dispatch broke oot, and touk part in tba capture
I . . . a . a m . .a. .a a I A SlI . . t B.L. SBka . It A
inakiBtf iha faai-it 4i.arod uf lbs It, tn tba war cleoartment toniifht. (ieneral hhalter aava tbat tbe ear t aw wriaaos anno. u4u. mn
year and tba flr.t , tbs Arlons lo g.l Unarture bt tbe troops dow depends entirely urxin the transports, l 'fT,"l'pp,.w"iri
-. . ... . . II 1 .t ..... fVWlA I 'J"M""'I-I -
wboa a Ilea of dap-sa sottodiegs was
into iha 2 ID claaa.
uts r.a
' SO II fi
Ml I i
i t 1
I l1 .
! I'4 1 u
rbich are daily expected to arrive. All but about f000 men of lien.
....I WI..II..1. unriis Ii.va .lr..J a. ilil fi.P II. la Arifintrs
What Taai.r Hald w . . . . . J'
f t. tt' 11 .k .a A aM
VUDIi ."UM TTttll, WU. UV Tl'i UlfWV I it ft I1 I I il
laU.hs. .n...tlsUin.? JUS irsttnii-ui iwis.r, ,u iuw .nnu, ,...0.- wu.cb .ugv...u.
I ... . as a .a f at til st .a
Little Tommy (promptly). A doctor, mission lU oe calltnl Ufxm 10 anal wun is 111a l iniippinea. in-iore lb
like pa. comraiMioo asaetnblea, it is bojl Mia adairs of tuba and l'orto Ilion
Cools J..ho (qnialoally) to l..d ; and in h rinB( ta a, n nrocess of adiaatmetit as to leave little for tht
... a a . 11 . I " ' '
wiiioii ao you ii.tma 10 o., aa aiiopam . ,,.,1.. ,..,. thai
-. . ..- II. V I f JUJU1I.-I"U W .
ui m w'iii""!'.w 1
Little Tommy I dna'l know wbal
them aafil big words , Duels JUhosI WasbixoTOM, Aug. Id. AUbougti the war laating only 111 days,
hot that don't make nod ITrne, Vim. j jj (. .-timat'-d ibat it has coat th govHrDment ! far ll.VtJOO.fa'K), of
SUiw ron nwt alth train! al Id-ffiwr.
Hoi. -Ha.lni Mnrkl up Ihls Una wlik A.w
rvi.n1 fHarh and rd ii-am. I am pr.j-ar.Hl
ui nit. sraliaasiBrikw m in. (n.iic.
First National Bank
abop las awi Sinitli M timtt.mn.
Gibson Si Bergcr,
Al I'll a! Jowl O11I iad
HhitviniT. - ir
Hnlr Ctittinte.
j)athi'--'c. Kve-mhingStnct-Jy
Putt Chcv,
C.A. Rmia.
T. A. RMia.
. W. .aCNCCR,
Via PnilSifit
An t Caihlir
laparlila ! Itii tl family n.alioioi be
ever saw lo tl lii.
... ... 1 . ii
rus acroM ma ftiuniis ami inina
oeeeoa. ao I from Nw Zialand to lbs
ilrattt if UkiIIio. Cspleio I)irkr
has ptllilnhal tin l i of tin Of UKa, lo
It lug aa loUrailiog are tail of Ibe
s-r.at iirtbiikt at Knkita. lis was
ioe"romand of Ifiiflagililp PbilaLlphli,
andir ltir Atulfil Oinrar II, at tbi lo
lraatloa4 aaval rivlaa lo tlimptoo
lU.ali lo 1H4. Io March, IJ7. bias
tintl aoramaad of Iha Ong n. U Is
a vary popular man.
O irmg lbs o paiilng mi o( Iba p'
ot war Cipiiio Darkaf ifl ai ail lo
Uvwctirr (wig aa 1 m a mambr bt tlii
ililary war uoard. but 00 May Sit) wa.
aaaiga.l lo Ins eKBraiai or ma roxi
I aio'l g"io lo t eiibar of 'm. I'm fjywfm bas lmoo actually paid out of the trnasury. Appi
iyfiSiSi-'a pri.tiotia ma,!, by coo grew 00 ftrcount of the war aggregate al-
'-ana my t.a iayi ii, at it b u a oneior. f'u'j) (ijn.UJ"). and over the lime to J anuary I, iw
b.'s'bllgad to oo np Ibat Ho.ri har-t ' '
WasHIoTo!. Ana. M Willi tiAc t.rticlaiin.l, all of the ni rgiia d If ttioe4 Newark.
.. , . ...,,, buhwMlokaviarn.HBpiaiidl'niamo-
of lb military and tiaval pstablisbm'tiU Unlay rre dirrtM Iubi , u,. .,ur d.odd on
ia. n.ui.p uf... . rliannel. Tba in. iu rbstiifA from war Ut ! was inarjifiNil li.a Ktaai.bal.
Has mad mira kinds of a raonrj for , ..... . Ti . ..1 ..: 1..1 ..:..t 1 . it .
thai' H i.af lo ill IHJKU alia ,,, at ILA ar aui navy u-j.arun-u- u- h,,, U,MU , ,
..... ' ' , a ..1 J.t.f.. lm,o,diatA a.alio of b-tilitiM truuglil all military and naval' HemaraaHa rleaa-a
Irom ibe dftoat f. ll. Iha litis N) tnovemt tjts to a halt, and H tow ratoaios Obly f brio, affairs back
pa, v.il in k.l i, aimy aol a Macf baaia.
bH.k Jt p'ihlial.e.1 by li s NorHnrs ...i.t. ....., 11,- anlbririlUa w.ra artinir nn Iha tl.rv.rv ll.at Iba was .' I f a Bwiatb b l fimily
raaifla - ...all... a .'et Mc4 l . I , ' . . . ..,,,. f.r.i a..,, b.w.r,!. an ! Ib.l i -W--. .ft. . kit
11.. r- aii.ti I' ll fifii lb N. P. - y ---- , ,' ' ' ."t- "
..a... M.r.artm.nl al M. I'a.il la lar.aU.,.1 nnlil a final ah 1 U.ltni tiOCA WM POCurail OtiUliI lUPt IMS an rtltirt IHI all
JXS: rMt.ro to ft pcac, U.U. This m rticuUrly tru, as lo lb. B.v,
iisiag aa w.il a w nai.fowar.f M.i'dnjiartmifit I o tb branch, 11 aa ayaptA-i mat pimaoat.l ara
t i . I Q I 1 aalii Ht. Paal, Mino, iii mbI iM'ri!UtribuUiis! thara l.wuairoiia (mi ft iaou naais atxi latiroiriiT
UOUlll and POm. b.,k op a rr, t of itbcmUitLeiroUfban.rUlbA.inval at.lUorit.AA artA oo tl.a prioel.
C;r'lni iaf1i.a a I pals'l ) t f iMiiir, If la tbat ti lrrli sftnistj fflijbt col q ft rpf13pti'it5 fit
n "-a . in I . . . . i . , i . . . . u j 1 1 w . . .ii i ' I
IW1 1 aaU'liWat fMaf-l II if l f. I N r.ra AA) lt a7 W '' ' I
The rormer Is Weak, the Latter Stiff and
' Advancing.
The Oregonian remarks there is not
muoh life in the Portland wheat market
yet, and from indications the crop will
not move aa soon as it did last year
That paper offers ' several reasons for
this, the principal one being the faot that
the farmers were hot so bard up as they
were last year, and consequently do not
feel the necessity for turning the crop
into cash immediately. Then tbe foreigu
markets are in snob shape tbat it is
almost impossible to get a bid on a new
crop cargo', while last year foreign buy
ers were taking; up everything in sight,
and paying premiums lo have ships die
patobed quickly from this coast. With
but little wheat offering, and no sale for
oargoes on the other side, it is a difficult
atter to seoore an aoonrBte quotation
f export values. Rome lots of old wbeat
aye obanged bands this week aa high
as 61 cents for Walla Walla for milling
purposes, but experts are unable to fig
ure out more than 57 cents for theoereal,
and unless they have a special place for
the occasional lots offjriog refuse to
do business.
California buyere are in the Seld, and
are pioking np oonelderable drain to bo
sent south for Ibe mills. Tbey are paying
wide range ot prices, but Gl oents tor
bluestem is about the best figure re
ported, and a snail lot ot valley was
bought reoently at GO oents.
Freights, which were snob important
factors In the price ot wbeat last season.
are holding very firm, aod it is not im
probable that tbey will go to 40s as soon
as there is muoh of a movement. Tba
entire fleet of ships, chartered and un-
cbartered.'now beaded for this coast, will
not handle to exceed one-sixth ' ot tha
crop If it should prove as large aa it was ,
I ait year, and even this list is some of it
far away as next January. Mean
while tonnage that was expected to
point this way is being taken np for
nitrate at tba highest rates tbat bava
prevailed for years. The Germao ship
Parnassus, now at Port Los Angela',
wbiob refused a Portland charter at con
siderable better than 3U, w,is chartered
this weok to prooeed to the weet coast of
Houth America to load nitrate al 30 1, and
tba British bark Holt Hill, 2,209 tons,
now at Hao Uifgo, baa been taken for
same busioeas at 30s ; and on top ot this
news cornea a foreign oable slatiug that
otlrate freights ars advanoing.
Tha Briliib bark La llill.a 2,700 too
vassal, now at Nagasaki, one ut Iba
bandimt ports from which Portland cao
draw eemi diitant binnags, is fix ad for
Calootts bmiueia.kftiir offering for grain
from Portland or Pogfl sound. Nothing
but a booming freight market would
bava prevented these three vrasls, es
pecially tbs two io California, from com
ing north for wbeat, and this condition
ot tha foreign market bodtts no good for
Iha wheat-growers. Last yar, whro
wheat aoarid op to tbe dollar mark, Iha
tha extra 10 cants per hnihel which tba
shipowner damaodinl and received for
tnigbt, as soon as Iba wbeil nioviment
aa fairly under way, did not cot ao
mnob ot o figure, bul Ibis siaaoo, with
tba low pries of wbeat anl poor pros
pacts of better prio-, any advance io
fnigbts is bound to bi fill seriously.
Ki porter, who bavi gnoid w ilium
from Iha pail, ars not ioohn.d lo ba
eiugbt with a lot of iblpi oa tbilr baoda
and no whaat lo fill Ibnra with, aod fur
that reaioo are riduung to load op with
soy mora tonnage oottl they learn bow
Iba erop i going to move. Tbs compar
atively small aminnt tako for early
loading will not snfflia lo bao lliv.f'
moeb of lb orop, an I after thaw ship
ar load! mora will have lo ba otiral
al tba ImmI ratal pmaihli, aod ntilaas
Ibari is a 11 up eo Ihi demand fr ships
in lb OrUol and for Iha oilrala rl
tb rat will b ao elm lo Iha btgb-
al.r mark nt list ia.o Ibat lby will
ba very oe profit aidi fr Abut groarrs.
Mrs. Mwl.a.1 Cart an. niiaC.ll, III.,
ma I Iba tiliaal that aha ciokM
I. ablib a.UI.4 OA kX longai M
1mU i C"atr Eii!t lvkm
n lit partaot Iht 'M'A
thai o mHiriA a-wii, rar
KM, a drajtfilat I X, mng
Sim iMsrwivarf for t''rti(.iMa;
vuglil a bMt. I in bar dallfbt fixed
Kal( t.i8Hd IroAl li. &t 4 a
Al.. .IiwiimI IK Aa aal afiav IlkHig
tt hmtlA, fona-l bir4f avmad iM aiH,
anw 4m b.r aw IxMwitt ail t a.
wall aa aha avf f 'rial itnlili
af iMi (w D rnruf al R. t, HI-
lata AIamI Aaylhla.
"I wm a itilT.i.r from la ligation aod
c.mt I ail scarcely aaytblng alth-ol
SorTavlBg graal diilrMM. I wa alar
Iroul.l.d Wilb b.Kibr. I Ugao tak
ing Ibxtd's Maraaar.lii sal ll baa
1 h.lp-1 to U'folly. I f eat
a! nr.! anything I wtab, witbool di
IrMi." Mil. Anna Hloby, Hyhao,
Waabiasl ia. .
II.mhI'1 I'llli are Ib.livuril fami.y -
tliMl.e. I wt lotiki.eaay oprra.
Bwiw tMS ( Va.
A laaaoMrti ia a I mniaaal lm.ua
M-11.1.. t.lU.rw,i. a h.all. tir
fl lll. .M .11 iunMiit
in . aM-4 t-n'" ai-l .ui-fi0
.. Ca" " 1 -tLarH.-. t
..,l., . rrf iuiniil n4 tiim Ha4
V.-Mu arm l,y ail lrif i f.iraairAA rura
r i , i v "' -I I - ' "
a I t i' -l-I i y i l
tr, l rtlr a y-ft u ai: