O. R. & N. Depabt TIMK SCHEDULES Abbiys fob From Heppner. from 9:30 p.m. Salt Tjke, Denver, 4:50 a.m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Rpokane, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p.m. Ocsan Btkam8JUP8 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All tailing dates subject to change. For Han Francisco Sail August 2, 6,10, 14, 18, 23. 26, 30. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska-- 5:00 p.m. August 8, 28. R:00 p. m. Columbia River 4:00 p.m. K. Sunday Htiamkrh. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. ni. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a. m. Willamette River 4:30p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and Vi ay Landings. 7:00a.m. Willamstts AND 3:30p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill KiVkkh. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Frl. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette Rivkb 4:30p.m. Tues. Thurs. , Tues., Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval. and Sat. lis & Way Land ings. I,v, Rlparla Snake Rivbb. Lv.Lcwistou l:4fia m. 5:45a.m. Mon., Wed. Rlparla to Lew lston Sun , Tues. and Friday and Thur. Paesengera booked for all Foreign Countries. J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Stop no lurking sr ;rx H Lj9 IUJ rir irv est " University of Oregoa. The University of Oregon graduated leal Jane the largest class ia iti history. The class numbered thirty. The fall term will begin September 19th. Stu dents who bare oompleted the teDth grade branches can enter the sub-freshman class. No examinations are required for graduates of aooredited schools. Reasonable equivalents are acoepted for most of the required entrance studies. Catalogues will be sent free to all appli cants. Persons desiring information may address the president, Seoretary J J. Walton, or Mr. Max A. Plumb, all of i Eugene, Oregon. The oourses offered are those of a good university. There are departments of modern and ancient languages, physios, ohemistry, biology, geology, English, el out ion, advanoed engineering, astrono my, logio, philosophy, psychology, math- ematios and physical eduoation. Mueio and drawing are also taught. The tu ition is tree. All students pay an inci dental fee of $10 yearly. Board, lodg ing, beat and light in the dormitory cost $2 60 per week. 7-75 CaXctftaJ fevet? M III II i,Sl 7T-. JEiSiEr''','. WW. - EW8 CREAM BAT.M Is a P'"t,T''nT- Apply into the nostrils. P. is quickly absorbed. 5) cents at Droits or by mail : samples 10c. by rnsll. I X BHOT1I KKS. 66 Wurren Su. New York Cltf. State Normal School Weston, Oregon. The most successful year's work of the State Normal 8chool at Westou, Oregon, closed last June with the graduation of twents students. UNION PACIFIC THROUGH TICKETS TO THE East an! Southeast VIA THE ii i THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE 8LKKPEK8. PULLMAN TOURIST HLEEPEHH. FREE RKCL1N1N0I CHA1B CARS. Portland to Eastern Cities Change. Without ARE YOU GIG ERST? If so, be sure and see that your tioket reads via Be MWm Line ....TflK.... OHIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TQS Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULDTII, Sr. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their MaKnMcent Track, Peerless Vostlbulod Dining and Hlm'iilnir Car Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME has tflvnn this road a national reputation. All nl muniiiirers carried on Hi Tout I billed trains without eitra rliarne. Hhlp your frelnht ami travl over this famous Una. All aifeuts have iliki'U. W. H. MEAD, . F. C. 8AVAOS, Oen. A nut Trav. f. P. Agt, l WashliiKtoa Ht., Portland, Or. Quick Time. I tiion Depots. 1'urmjnally Con darted EzeurHions. HaKRHKe Cheeked to Destination. Low liates. Direct line to Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, Juno to November, Write undersigned fur rates, time tables and other information pertaining to Union 1'acifio 11. li. J. H. LOTHHOP. or J. C. HART Ant. ' Oen. Art.. 185 8U St., O. U. A N. Co , Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD -SCENIC LINE OF THE WOULD HTOCKKA18EHS SMILE. Surprising Btatlsticg of Stock Handled in Portland. Htookraisers are smiling this seasoo, and there is very great provocation for snob smiling, for prices obtained for live stook have iooreased all aloDg the line, The figures' shown in connection with Portland as a stookhandling center are rather surprising. 1 The Portland stock yards have1 received" during the past six morths 600 head of horses,8,500 bogs, 40.000 slrtep and ,000 cattle. ' During 1897 the yards received 12,480 head of oattle, 66,285 sheep, 8,700 horses, and 15,005 hogs. The pens and yards are models of neatness, and, considering the large Dumber of animals bandied, offen sive odors are very scarce. The seoret of it all is that there is plenty of Ball Ran water at hand, backed op with a strong pressure to slnioe out the whole works, and lime, oarbolio aoid and other disin fectants are freely need. All market an imals now brought to Portland are bring' ing the prodaoer a oent a pnnnd more than they would a year ago, This means on a oarload of hogs, for instance, an extra 8180 olean cash to the man who raised them, and the same advance in FOREST FIRES. Oregon to Be Protected Against the Pall of Smoke. The department of the interior at Washington last summer published a ootioe calling the attention of the pnblio to the faot that immense areas Of public forests are annaaily destroyed by fire, originating, ia' many ioBtanoes, through the carelessness of prospeotors, campers, banters, sheep-herders and others; while in many instanoes the fires are started with malicious intent. Warning was given that the origin of all forest fires would beoaretully investi gated, and, where the fire is ascertained to have originated through, carelessness or design, the persons implicated will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The publio generally was requested to aid the officers of the government in their effort ta check the evils referred to and in the punishment of all such of- fendeis. The sot of congress, approved Febru ary 24, 1897, provides that any person ho will willfully or maliciously eel fire to timber or underbrush on the publio domain, or oarelessly leaves fire to burn unattended near any timber or inflama- THE TIN BOLD1EK. proportion for' sheep and battle. " Tbiis ble material, shall be deemed guilty of a In the days of peace, of a peace now fled, On the hardened pave of a city street, Ringing clear, came the measured tread And the rythmotic swing of the marching feet, Swinging along in their brave array, While the cynic smiled his smile of gall "They're babies out for a holiday, They're only tin soldiers, that Is all." From the lakes to the Oulf the war drum beats, While the bugle sounds for the call to death, And men surge thick In the city's streets. While their cheeks burn hot with the war god's breath, For the blood mounts high in the fevered veins, At the call to arms for a righteous blow ; Though the field shows red where the war god reigns, Yet the same tin soldier Is the first to go. In the sullen roar of the cannonade, 'Hid bursting bombs and the shriek of shell, As gallant a charge as was ever made Through the name-lit pit of a flaring hell; Mowed as the forest before the fire, The bulldog merged In bis master, man, On witli a courage that cannot tire The alleged tin soldier ia in the van. The ghostly beams of the moon shine down On a ghastly heap of the mangled slain, And it lights a face that is strong and brown, And a shattered form that held toul and brain; And the all that is left of that splendid whole, Touched by the moon in the midnight sky, Tells at the morning's muster roll That the brave tin soldiers knew how to die! SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Oars Between Hpokane, Rossland and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Rossland, daily except Sunday : Leave. Arrive. 810 A. M Hpokane 8;4fl P. M II -m A. M Rowland 8:40 P. M 9:10 A.M Nelson 6:45 P. M. Close connections at Nelson with steamers for Kaslo, and all Kootenai Liake points. Passengers for Kettle Kiver and Boundary reek connect at Harons with etwee daily. FALL TERM Opens September 5, lo9o, Full course of study, Scientific and Profes sional, VochI and Instrumental music. Healthful location, good society and pleasant surroundings. Board in families from f 2 50 to 13.50 Rooms for those who desire to board them selves cau be had at reasonable rates. Boarding hall for young ladles in connection with the school under the careful supervision of a matron, board, fuel and lights at $2 50 to $H.50 per week. Catalogues and information furnished upon application. 73-89 prosperity smiles on the stookraiser, and be also fmiles.-Oregoniaa, Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST i In through tourist cart without change, MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouduotors and porters. CHICAGO FitlwauKes & SI. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates Its trains on the famont blook system; Lights its trains by eleotriolly through out; Vim th celebrated eleotrio berth read tng lamp; Hons speedily equipped passenger trains everv dav and Diirht between Ht. l'aal and CJUioagD, aud Omaha and Chicago the Chicano. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also oMrnlea lara-h9td vastibaled reins, carrying lh latest private eowparlmeot ear, library buffet amok Ina cars, and palace drawing room let port. Tartar eara, free reclining chair oars. and iha vary bst dluiog chair oar arrvue. For In! rates to any polol in the United HUlff or Cau ad a. apply to agent or adJrees U. J. EDDr, J. W. CAHET, General Agoot. Trav. I'm. Agent. I'ortlaod, Or, THE SPOKANE I'HUIT FAIR. Moniays, To Kansas City, Chicago, Huftitlo and Boston without rliHiiKu via Malt Lake, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Kys. .,..,.,.., To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and IHMliiys, u,,Moii without change via Halt Lake anil Chicago, Hot k Island & 1'acillc Ky. U'.,1iio.,Iio To Ht- Josi'ph, Kansas City and II rilUf.Mll) S, Ht. 1,11, without change via Bait Lake aud Burlington Koule. Thim'TiiM To Kansas City and M. I-ouls with lllUrMUJS, outrhange via halt Use and Mis souri I'aclllo railway. The fifth annual Spokane Fruit Fair will open Tuesday, October 4th, and olose Hitturday, October 15th. The pnb lio spirited oitiznns of Spokane have con tributed and guaranteed nearly $15,000 to insure the finanoial suooessot the un dertaking. The premium list, at all times liberal, has been greatly added to this year. The capital prize oantest tor "Finest and most artistically arranged ooonty ordistriot exhibit of fruit, grains, grasses, roots and vegetables", will this year draw the following magnificent prizes: First, the J 100 Dodson cup (at present held by Whitman county) and $200 in oaeh; aeoond, cash, $200; third, atruoted oaah, $100; fourth, cash, $75; fifth, cash, $50: sixth, caeb, $25. In addition there to there will this year be given outright, tn this competition, three silver trophies (also donated by Mr. George II. Donson, A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rattt and all all Information, Inquire ol O. H. A N. and H. P. agents, or ad dross, K. C. NK'IIOL, 8. K. IIOOI'EK, Orneral Audit, Men. I'aaa. 1 kt. Agt. I'll Washington Ht., Ienver, Col rorllainl. riK"ii. J. :. iUar, I -oral Aft, Ili-ppncr.Or, OREGON SHORT LINEHj IMJ misdemeanor, and, ' upon ooovictioo thereof, shall not be fined more than $5,000 or be imprisoned not more than two' years, or both. Any person who builds a oampflre, or other fire, in or near any forest, timber, or other inflaoa- able material on the poblio domain, and fails before breaking camp or leaving aid fire to totally extinguish the same, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or be imprisoned not more than one year, or both. The fines collected shall be paid into the pnblio school f and of the county in whioh the lands where the offense was committed are situated. Oapt. B. B. Ormsby, of Salem, was ap pointed forest supervisor for this slate, and Mr. Dufur, enperintendbnt tor the northern district. They, with their gang of forest raogers, bave been in- by Dinger nermann, com missioner of the general land office, to make every effjrt to oheck the fires or punish the offeoders. The commissioner, mindful of the faot that the water supply of Portland would An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than J. Slocnm, who spares no pains to secure toe best oi everything in bis line lor bis many customers. He now baa the valuable agency tor Dr. King's New Digoovery for Consumption, Doughs rna Uolus Ibis is the wonderful remedy that is prod not ng such a furor all over the country bv its many startling on res. It absolutely ooree Asthma, Eronenms, Hoarseness and all sffeotioos of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular size for 50 cents and $1.00. (iuaranteed to oure or price refunded. That U-Year Old Stuff, "Kohn's Best," On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon e e XT IS RARE GOODS New Stand, City Hotel Building, IvOW TILLARD, Prop. 75 Cents 75 Cents 75 Cents THE CORDER CAMERA CHEAP DURABLE COMPLETE The most perfect camera ever offered to the public. A child can operate It. Can be carried lu the pocket. Makes pictures 2X2. Camera, dry plates and complete outfit for making 6 pictures by mail, 7& cents postpaid. Full directions sent with each Instrument. jeweler, Spokane) of almost equal value oe Breatly damaged if shsep were herd- to the oapital prize cup, wnico win oe , j on tae watershed of Ball Rao lake awarded as follows: Onefor the oouoty Lnj rj,er( nM iostrnoled them to keep or district making the best exhibit of (UMD on 0f t nortions of the Bull horticultural prodiiots; onetotheoonoty tan regerft Dd that portion of tbe re or district making the best exhibit of I aarve north of the Barlow road and west agricultural prodoots; and one to the 0f the east fork of Qood river, county or district whioh shall most Betweeo (he Barlow road and the east artistically arrange its exhibits. This fork tu, boundary lies extends from TaiiTin? ftUl nv urn yriCUKKT AND MOHT flRKCT US TO UTAH, COLORADO, XE RRASK'A, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER ami all W EAS1 ami SOUTH- LOOK AT TIIK TIMK. year's fruit fair will be on a larger aod grander scale tbao any ot ite predeces sors, and tbe musical and other attrac tions will be an agreeable surprise to its patrons. From an attraction standpoint the leading fealureof this year's fair will no doubt be tbe moviog piotures, on mammoth soale, of all the latest war scenes by sea and Isnd, which bave been secured in the East at gr at cost. Maoy ot tbe now faiuoos battle erenee at tbe I'bilipplnee, Ooba and IVrto Woo will be reproduced with thrilling effot at eaob eveniog performance of the fair. A nominal admission fee ot 13 eente will again admit tbe visitor to all the features of lbs fair. Tbe various transportation eompsniee eeuterlpg at Hpokane have put Into effect a 2 ent pr mile pe-sen- ger rate, effective U tlmee tlrougbont the fair. tbe point where tbe roal orcsses Ram tnit creek northeasterly about six miles to tbe east of tbe east fork ot Hood river. Oapt.Ormsby bae reoently bad this line marked by blans on tbe trees, two or three rods apart Qe will be very care ful to prevent any roaming sheep-herder with bis flock from tresspassing within rbe limits daeoribed. WAGON rHEIOHT THAI. It U X s nan iff. TIIKOrtill ('AIM. TO Mr. VKVl, MlSKAlOL!H pn.tvru MM tt lU'TtK UKLESA Tu k Ms sil to all tx-ii.ts la theUeited hi airs and Ca.na.le. gl'ICK TIME TO. C'nii'aiMi WssNiaoM HsLnHtiae Maw Toaa llvrrau All other points IB the Kaal and Hotttbeaet Omaha Kansas CiTT Ht. Juasrn Hf. Utie UuetoM Tetoe Ipot enetectloiie t Hi. Tanl, llliiapoll, Kaa.Mt'itf, Ooiaha. Ml. lnie and otbt ptotal Mat pMiate Dae usee checked tbrmg'j to dseliostioo ol IttksU. Tbmniatkktsto Japte aoJ ("blue, vis Tsmhi ael nanbere larioe fMeem ebip tmpay line. fn fall laf'tmatioB. tiros arJa,ap, lrU, eld., fall a or wnte VV. P. UAf, e P resatn e, kj S V Kr km Uf.l . Ag. 'NEW YORK, CHICAGO, :,J - ST. LOUIS, " OMAHA. .1 " .SALT LAKli, IS " free lUellninf t'bair Care I'pboUUred T mrist Hleeplof Cars rallmao Talaoe Hlsplng Cart For toll paitlcnlan regsnllng ralf. time of trains, ete., call on or eJJroee 3. C. HAIIT, Agent O. IL A N. l., Heppner, Ore go a O. O. Taaar, W. K. Vuk, Trav. l a. Agt. Ose'l Agl. Hi Third Ht., TortlanJ, Ore. QDXOXC TXIVIM I TO Htavtx lrcmdlitoo As4 aU aniaM ta ( all. vie U Mt. SUssa rum of mm Southern Main la tka vl ar. IT IKMI; lrs. MlOO. Floes tbe beginning of the war there have been purchased for army pnrposee by the g.)vereiiieul 15,(illlmiilsaod 4,lH) horso. Tbe tolal Bomber ot these an mala bow in na by lbs troops io tbe flclJ and IB the several army eampe i out far from 17.000 ttin and 7.ftt horae With the further rqupmsnt of volun teers andor the eoeotut ell urcbte eortlnue li be made, and it te quite probabl that within few werk tbie loor-footed army eill number t.tfl. Thos will roel In rnnod oomlirs l.1.is, Osl, Assistant Qiartercnaater 1 bailee MilUr, who le le ehsrge of tbie de partment, bae soois la esveral sett.ee of the country looking fr young boreee aod mnlee that are fit f r army dniy. Tbe aileiupU la eorosr tbe mule enar- krt bave alt bwa Intff.claal. Ileelere aroond Ht. luit bave tried tl eetral limes, bat ae eooe ae this was dote we bave sad l pnirbaae In tbat aterket and traBsferred our opere'looe le elber tills. Tbe reult bae be tbat mole tool I eveetBally be Wngbl la that mar kit for le Ibae lb orlgieal pikee. Faclflo Co n itstf rtoVri all ra y4 i,vtt4 Swl K-IS) I la. I A .as. l'atlxM AHarkxl hiH Inslo. ae.nlie snfrtuS fm W - SrS, M,M M i ht. t is tt VlftfcklfAsl lea anillaee Veer. ihrt'r Miurnl ! rcl1 'V t n r. fiatra ar fnw I I s.s-t ( an l Ci,,tic it K ral f I ' m""Hi l..tr , -s ! II lll l IliM Xllllx-W .,r N nt s. It nwtil -fnL lli ( . r h xt g'.lfrt! I.,l i4d r ' 't ' ) t'wip.i Ay . f' 'Jsf, lej rrv t A Trarllua Kagtee Will Haal rrvlckt Tmrn Ti Dallra. Kvetilnf Trlctram. A inaltit-lokleg train erw large crowds ot obeervere along Front street yw.trr.lay evening about 7 :). It consisted of large Ik) ton traction engine bilcbed locomotive etyle to a teoder aod train of heavy freight wagooa, tbe wbole prooessioa moviog down Front towards the depot al tbe rete of four mi lee an hour. Tbe ro I fit le brief placed on board ot Hat rare todsv at tbe terminal groonde and ill be sblpprd to F. ftl. Cbriatneo at Tbe Dalle, from which polol II M to take the dusty FasUre Oregon wagoa road to Hilver Lake, Lake eoanly, aearty Kl wile to Ibe ennlh. Ur. Cbrismaa ia a promlneet met chant of Hilver Lake, eed has ho. I red of ton ol general nisrobao.Iise bsnlrd by freight wagooe from the railway every yar, but tbps wag'' tofor brredraaB by br. U bee dari-lsd to invest erae IJ.i'O ta Ine f I primenl t baollfg by eleem, ap bill and dnB, ever etift amp and ats.atng and Wlsjfsa Tbe lHre eed hie Ibrtv irg Wieo, far ey la tbe asldsl ot beaebgraae prelrise, "brre ibe aeyotae eever bttore brarl Ibe ecreecb ef Ibe team eeglne. Tte llree el Ibe if a Una eeglae are JO lBb aid end Ibe d.staooe Uleeea tbeeeler ediree f Ibe dfie abeete le Bine feel. Mr. Cbrlamaa bee atorraat ntra al tk wi.Ublsg tbe gra.). Sit ing ehnrkbolee end streegibeaiet bruise aloeg tbe eatire nmie enaib t Tbe IHIiee, eed ta A"" I Ible be b-easU vr)b4y aloeg the r-J, ee al bl Fassera (f"0 bbwa apt te a. c.Pil-f able rspelneg el Ibit I sue of Ik var. ft eiette bt rtie etf aste repab'e ulesrrrite ea l"e vb.ae4 ib-. arb ti e Wetter ImII aitk ! aed (r . e H tit rn, i'l C r t?t WHBKE TO (SPEND V'OtK VACATION. The present reduoed rates oonld not bave prevailed at a more opportune time. The summer vaoation time Is here, and all who oso afford it are planning to lake advantage ot the differ ences between the warring railroads. Tbe attention ot those who contemplate a trip East, whether it be to tbe moun tain resorts of Colorado, tbe Omaha ei- position, or points beyond, is oalled to tbe advaotagne offered by tbe Rio Qraode Weelarn Railway. Ite line and those ot Hi Colorado looooeotloos run tbrongh tbe heart of tbe Rookies, taking the traveler away from Ibe alkali and sae broab of its Northern competitors, aod oat ot tbe beat ot tbe oonntry through which ite competitors on tbe south run. For tbe comfort ot those, wboee parse will not permit tuera to eoj y all tbe privilege of e first class ticket, tbe Rio Grande Wetlern bae ioangnarated a eertee of toonst exanreioo. Tbe car used ar owned and operated by tbe Pullman I'alaoe Car company. They are tn charge of special oondnetora and porters, whuee sole do tie are lo look after the comfort ot their peeeeogers. Tbe cere are attached to fast exprees traina, and belJ over in Salt Lake City twelve boure, giving the peeogeri a day In the Momoo capital. This lay over also insoree a daylight nd tbrongb tbe Rookie. Ooe ot Ibeee eieortlon cars run tbrongb to Boston ; ooe to THE COHDEK CO., 30 Park Paleee, New York City. TW0 SPLENDID TBBIHS DULY TO THE EAST mm nnmr inr iin i.Aiimn VIA mm I VMM mm Rocky Mountain Limited Lmtm DKNVKR, a. m. COM). HI'MNUS . . J.a.s. Arrirsal.lN OI.N . . llriSp. m. " OMAHA . Ia.m. DKH MOINFH . m. " DAVKNI'OBf . . H a m. M CU1CAOO . t li . in. No it Day Tt.praM4 Hlasnara anil Thur Car Colonulo ta hinum. Will totibul UiruaihunU Th hnM tri la Um Wt. Colorado Flyer LearM PK.NVKK . . 2 IS p. m. " ( OI.O. HI'UlNOU . 2 p. m. ArriveaTOI'KKA . 7:e-m. KANSAS CITY . :!- sa. Ar. ST. tOl'lB, (Wsb. li'y) 6:15 p. m. Arrive HT JOHKPH . 10:40 a.m. ' LINCOLN (KiHnn) 6:13 a. an. M OMAHA (Kjttou) . a.m. Through Hlrtrt Culnrailu Htrina to Ht Looia vU Waliash U. These are New Trains in addition to our former service. r partioalar and f ol.Urs firinf tim of IHm tralua write W.acea' Ctevaak Lint GENERAL TASSENQEU DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Not. 5, 1897. PATRONS ot tbe WiBtjonein Cbleago, via Oinaba;ooe lo Cbloago, Central Line io pMaiog through via Kaoia City aod Ibe fourth lo 81. Chicago mJ require tome fteeiet Uole. Each g.e over a different w Lrjce io the waj of bafing their tbolceofroolee. Tbe tieaieiona lve I baMid baRgaRe taken form or o rortlaad Moeday. Toeeday, Wedneedey trato and carriage or baa, or in and Thursday of eaob week. many other waja, IDtl they will For loformalloe as lo ratre, aod far fio J all that ia UPeireu io tbie re- deerriptive pamphlete, edlreee J. V. gDOCt in the aprrice of the Ushers Maosflrl.l. geeeral ol, Rio (lranJe Weetera Railaay, Hi Third street, Tort lnd, Orrgna. at the Urand Ceotral raaaeoger Ktatioo, who hate reeently beeo uniformed with brown init anJ red rreraiiy rvs. cap. They will be in waiting at ()lt:-I a dreadfully eervon. end all tratoa prepared to assist paa r relief lia-k your Csrla Dover Root grocera. and it ia botad that our Tea. II ,eleW4 ny aervee aad sireegib- ptroni wijj f ai- tTtiJ bf maelvea teed say wble nron eysVm. I aa . ... ..... . troobM w.ib ev..np.iKa. ktdoey aed ot thli a-lditional protleion for jAa a pond, Oeo'i Paeer. Agl bowel tmqble. Inqr Ta eo-.e eleaeaed their Comfort. my siro en tbnroably that I rapidly rvgamed health ee.l eirentia. Mre. h. 4 . Ilarlf.d, Cea. rWild by Cotieer A Warfsa. v IlUrNrK rKANSFEK C0."S Uilr4 H)"" W) wmilnt fWM 4!lf . h.Hl of., I rem ant arU Iht Is S" , SM ,o.,i ,tb 14, at al "Vatr4 ' toi- trn ft. We Move Anything! NEW NAME I il "The IWalor Line" T Da!H Tirl I Urii Kniplx-i Ct MEN! be cured If ym suffsr fma sjv of th i!U U axa, com lo oMrl hpaciali oa i- Ptciiis UNi I oe. jodan a co., toeiMHti Esittnz. I'enag snrn snH aslddle , I Bar) sirs ho r.iUrir i lha iTcts oi f.'wiMlul tiMiicfti4 or c i in Wlnw Wan. Net, nil I'ta-nal Sbllll,laisla, Imi ISaaMnoal i (llM.c.nnl'-r.iinM: anrrMRIarrb.pl. rrwimri!, ,iHrrhB, (. Irf , . tKasrwi of I rlaMlsi.aM. Us a I Cut naiw J riM.iMs,o( ri rivumptnT- . r, lh Ulac sn tmnral lua trwlrntt) 1 i that m a.ll a-4 oolT 5 -ni imwIwi ntM twit MWMnlrM IhilMK'ri.i.nldato fmi'Wm ur rt, U la w.l.-k . InlaiUr , 9 I as I ks Wen. mm! wr Chraician Snd ?wcr.l ha ,rialT-atiMaa r raill Ihrtmna-ti'v rra'at4 Irwia tle j'in .tthwl witt Wrrraigaa mat sae a,-, i,.., lomsnriro1 esn (H.r a atai imum ol h. mid M l. aM?iMr(ri)Ani:ii.if i rrrr tut amrfrrioU, r Jorril Umm " . n't tr wrms m r, 1 A I . I.L. I ,aal f -1 be raiisMt.iiy ar Jiama,-..-1 1 lna (A ralaalj auk mm.) VIT II SI. JSRMtt nrtftt Miiaruni of Aiintotnr ( ,1.1 haaal fl Unr-at Manauf a t.vl la r KaUU imt al ! fc muo.,1.. a a m 1 in a..-l kaM l4 C j .a a r- a4 ;.- a f ICI MvMlIra erraa:,A.r- MDint cm" mo 'ntcviATo' Wm. 0nlunlui ri-nntw hi tami the ol .Ionre Ywvry ulU Tlio CcMitrnl. :-l t fc- nrxv farwiW rM! alas bsb M f r. red, lb. Uae will eed Tee tag allsy. Way ft Ibe Reeeietof Ute r1la4 alt ), I satllaa al IA) a. at Wssi fa g W rnfl'.ao.l, p off at Tl Ille 1 11 a trip rtowe the Oleratn; yoa will eejr-y rt, sol save Tf.CV 111 4W1T. rtRLINGTON-FOSSlL STA6JELINE If. UtVM A I A. O. OU1LV1E J rropnelore MAC mOM ABLINQTON TO fnaall (. ssl, ". uu ... Kooi.4 trip. Stan rm iJ uia) i en . , a.it. tria . .t. iw tuii.i . ia, .. ., tunitinp s tn ria (. Milan ion , awiMttin Is (Hat lssi ,aa ... ua4tna lie f'asf , Arhnet. t,r Batwaiug (iee.lay ?rrl) al e'rlorl; le Aee at tW Ioa al J p. a. aod ariivve at r sll at 7 p. es. r.t.f t.U e".v.I r'erT1rer OVavjrat eWnti 'ft nWiTBtil ntrwr. I. a r mpi rvwa, vtv